The World of the Married (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

Didn't you miss me?
We haven't seen each other in a while.
Show me a smile.
Please leave if you have
nothing more to say.
I'm busy. I need to go back inside.
Should we get married?
If you're doing this
out of responsibility, it's not necessary.
It took me a while to prepare this.
You know me.
I can't live without you.
Let's get married,
I swear I'll make you and our baby happy.
I'm not doing this out of responsibility
because you're pregnant.
I'm doing this because I love you.
Whatever it may be,
I want to do it with you by my side.
Will you marry me?
What in the world were you thinking?
Why did you want Tae-oh
to know that she's pregnant?
He deserves to know.
He's the baby's father.
He should do what he needs to do
to take responsibility.
What if he decides to take responsibility?
Are you thinking of getting a divorce?
Is that what you want?
I'm just worried.
Don't worry.
I'll decide whether or not
to have the baby.
I'll leave it up to you.
The fact that I'm pregnant
isn't important at all.
I don't intend on using that as an excuse
to cling onto you.
So don't get your hopes up.
What is it that you want to confirm
by doing that?
I want to see Tae-oh choose for himself.
Not because we're married
or because we have Jun-yeong.
I just want him to choose me.
All I want to know
is whether or not you truly love me.
Otherwise, there's no point
in staying married.
Don't you agree?
I guess you're right
If Tae-oh is in his right mind,
there's no way he'd choose her.
I'm sure he'll end things with her.
You know me.
I can't live without you.
I don't want to hide anymore.
From now on, I'm going to call you
whenever I want.
I'll call you even more.
And if I miss you,
I'm going to go see you.
Yes, of course.
You'd better not hang up on me first.
If you do, it'll really be over.
It won't happen again.
I promise, okay?
You can trust me.
Prove it.
Her inflammation has gotten worse
along with her blood pressure.
I heard you're using fentanyl.
We're already giving her the maximum dose.
We can't give her more.
That might cause her to have
a cardiac arrest
or lose consciousness.
Is there any other way?
You already know
that we've tried everything we can
in terms of medicine.
I'm sorry I made you come here
when you're busy.
Do you want me to call Tae-oh?
No, don't bother.
It's not like he can do anything.
There's no point in worrying him.
I'll leave once I see you fall asleep.
When it comes to men,
you need to be generous and kind.
Then eventually, they'll come around.
You and Jun-yeong
mean the world to Tae-oh. You know that.
even when I'm gone,
please take good care of Tae-oh.
I think you should leave now, Dr. Ji.
She needs to get some rest.
Hey, you're home.
It's almost done, so go wash your hands.
Tell Jun-yeong to come downstairs.
Gosh, I totally forgot.
If your shirt gets greasy,
it'll be hard to clean.
Thank you. I'll be more careful.
You left really urgently this morning.
Did you settle everything?
How long do you plan to keep it a secret?
It's time you tell Seon-u the truth
and end what you're doing right now.
Everything will be over
the moment Seon-u finds out.
How can I tell her
when I know she'll want a divorce?
And she'll probably
not let me see Jun-yeong.
I can't imagine my life without Seon-u.
Then end it with Yeo Da-kyung
as soon as possible.
Gosh, forget it.
You won't get it even if I tell you.
What's so complicated?
When I'm with Da-kyung,
I feel alive.
She inspires me and my creativity
reaches a whole new level.
I care for her. She's precious.
I love her.
-What about Seon-u?
-I love her, too.
What kind of nonsense is that?
A person's heart can't just beat
for one person.
Just because you're married
doesn't mean you're done with love.
The love I feel for Seon-u is different
from the love I feel for Da-kyung.
What drives me crazy
is the fact that I love them both.
What kind of bullshit is that?
How can you love two people at once?
Don't you think you're too brazen?
You don't get it, do you?
I bet you think it's impossible.
You'll never know
until you actually experience it.
But my feelings are sincere
for both women.
So what?
Are you going to keep living like this?
Everything's okay now.
I felt bad by how I left this morning.
I thought about it,
and I figured it was natural
for you to act that way.
I was indifferent, wasn't I?
I'll be better from now on.
I'll make sure not to worry you.
Is there really nothing for me
to be worried about?
I'll not let the same thing happen again.
So you don't need to worry at all.
Yes, you have the upper hand.
The fact that your husband doesn't know
that you know about his affair
is very advantageous to us.
It'll be easier for us to prepare
for the suit.
Have you gathered some evidence
to prove that he's cheating on you?
No, not yet.
If you find direct evidence to prove
that they had sexual intercourse,
it'll definitely help you win the suit.
For example,
it could be underwear, a condom,
or a photo of them in bed.
But don't go to a private agency
to do the search for you.
Evidence that gets obtained illegally
isn't valid in court.
And you could get sued for violating
the Communications Network Utilization
and Information Protection Act.
-And don't use spy cameras
or tracking devices.
You might get end up
getting criminal punishment.
what do I need to do?
It's okay to follow your husband
when you're out in the open.
And take a lot of photos.
The best thing is to take photos of them
entering a hotel.
If you miss your chance to take a photo,
you could ask for a court order
to request the hotel
to preserve the CCTV footage
as evidence.
Are you telling me
to tail them myself?
If that's too hard,
try going through
his cell phone or laptop.
Some people tend to send
erotic photos to each other,
and some people even take videos
of themselves having sex.
Let me think about it.
Are you sure you want to get a divorce?
Once you witness your husband
fooling around with another woman,
there's no going back.
So you should think about it
very carefully.
You could just forgive him
and think of it as a one-time mistake,
or you could
just decide to get a divorce.
How was it
when your parents got a divorce?
It was so loud.
They yelled at each other
and even threw stuff.
My dad even broke a door.
What about now? Are you okay?
Why do you keep talking to me?
I keep getting it wrong because of you.
What do you think?
-What do you mean?
-How do I look?
Well, you seem fine.
I am.
If they stopped fighting,
it means they're not
getting a divorce, right?
Why do you ask?
Maybe they just don't fight
when you're around.
Isn't it uncomfortable to live at a motel?
It's not too bad.
I'm used to it now.
What about your boyfriend?
Has he stopped bothering you?
I haven't heard from him.
I'm glad to hear that.
Thanks to you,
I was finally able to end things with him.
But what about you?
I'm doing my best
to think of what to do.
Are you going to waste your time
and not do anything about it?
I told you.
Deciding to get a divorce isn't easy.
People don't change that easily.
You told me that.
If you need me, please let me know.
You can go ahead
and use me all you want.
That won't happen.
Of course, it'd be great
if you don't need to use me.
But just in case.
You never know when you might need me.
Are you sure you want to get a divorce?
-Just two books?
Here you go.
I guess
you decided to have the baby.
He promised to tell his wife
and get a divorce in two months.
I just don't know how much
you can trust him
when he's already having an affair
behind his family's back.
This isn't just a fling.
We've been in love for two years
and his love for me has not changed.
If you're so sure about him,
then why wait for two months?
Because I trust him.
If I didn't have that much faith in him,
I wouldn't have come this far.
Is Tae-oh still seeing that woman?
I don't know. Why are you asking?
I think
Seon-u knows.
Are you sure?
It's impossible for a guy
to cheat on his wife
without her finding out
about it eventually.
Our intuitions can be pretty scary.
How scary.
So you should also be careful.
Gosh, I'm always careful.
Take your mind off it.
So what if Tae-oh gets caught?
It's none of our business.
Come on!
-Hit a single, Chi Seok-hoon!
-Hit a single, Chi Seok-hoon!
-Hit a single, Chi Seok-hoon!
-Hit a single, Chi Seok-hoon!
-Hit a single, Chi Seok-hoon!
-Hit a single, Chi Seok-hoon!
He promised to tell his wife
and get a divorce in two months.
When it comes to men,
you need to be generous and kind.
Then eventually, they'll come around.
This isn't just a fling.
We've been in love for two years
and his love for me has not changed.
-That's it! Go! Keep going!
You and Jun-yeong
mean the world to Tae-oh. You know that.
We're good.
Have you made up your mind?
Then start by checking your husband's
financial status.
Long time no see.
I haven't seen you in a while
since it was always your husband who came.
I heard you're busy with work.
From now on, I'll visit myself
regardless of how busy I am.
I feel bad about leaving everything
to my husband.
Your husband can't find out
until you check everything.
You must act normal
like there's nothing wrong.
As you can see,
there's not much to check
since most of your accounts are
being managed by your husband's company.
But you do have some overdue interest.
I'm talking about the interest
on your mortgage loan.
It's been overdue for four months.
I thought that's why you came.
My husband took out a mortgage loan?
It's been about three years.
Your husband brought
a certificate of seal impression and a POA
and took care of everything himself
saying you're too busy.
The law has changed,
so it's no longer possible.
But back then, he just needed a POA.
He told me you agreed to everything,
so I just followed the procedure…
No wonder he seemed to have
a lot on his mind lately.
I finally get why.
I guess he felt too bad to tell me.
Oh, right.
By any chance,
is there anything else I need to know?
I need to know
in order to prevent further problems.
Please tell me.
He also took out
a variable life insurance loan
under your son's name.
Are you also not aware of that?
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What are you doing?
No, it's nothing.
I was just looking for something.
No-eul hated that she had to say goodbye
to her friends.
What are you talking about?
She had to transfer to our school
because her parents got a divorce.
I wouldn't like it either.
If you and Dad get a divorce, I mean.
I wouldn't want to transfer schools
or move somewhere else.
I'm just saying.
I'm working late today.
I need to work on a script.
Don't wait up for me.
Once you witness your husband
fooling around with another woman,
there's no going back.
What are you doing here at this hour?
Is there something wrong?
You don't usually work this late.
So I was wondering if everything's okay.
Are you okay?
Did you eat dinner?
Should I get you guys some coffee?
We just drank coffee.
But seriously,
are you really okay?
I'm sorry for disturbing you.
What brings you here?
What should I do?
You also knew
about Tae-oh's affair, didn't you?
Seon-u, you see--
You asked me to take care of him
even when you knew everything?
How could you do that
to me?
I told him not to tell you
and that he should quietly
end it with her.
And he promised that he would.
What more could I do?
It's too late to turn things back.
She's pregnant.
He promised me
that he'll protect his family
no matter what.
He promised he'd never do anything
that would cost him his son
like his father did.
You just need to stay strong.
It's just a one-time mistake.
It'll all pass by
once you forgive and embrace him.
"A one-time mistake"?
You resented your husband all your life.
How could you tell me to forgive him?
You're also a mother.
Do you think you'd be any different
if Jun-yeong ends up doing the same thing?
All you can do is just forgive him
for the sake of your child's future.
Not only did he take out a mortgage loan,
but he even took out an insurance loan
under Jun-yeong's name.
How do you expect me to forgive him
just for the sake of my son's future?
I thought I should forgive him
so he could stay as a father.
But you made me change my mind.
What if Jun-yeong turns out to be
just like him?
Seon-u, please--
I'm going to get a divorce.
He won't get to take anything with him.
I'll make sure he'll never
be able to come back here again.
And he'll never get to see Jun-yeong.
Just keep that in mind.
My son had a hard time living with
a woman like you
who always needed everything
to be perfect.
There's a reason why he cheated.
He wouldn't have had an affair
if you gave him some room to breathe.
Are you
saying it's my fault?
Is that what you're saying, Mother?
My son had to live all his life
without a father.
That hurt him so much.
And you're now going to take his son
away from him?
I won't let you do that.
You can get a divorce once I die.
If you want to get a divorce,
you should do it over my dead body.
Don't die, Mother.
You need to stay alive
and see Tae-oh lose it all.
You can watch everything from here.
You look exhausted.
Is there something wrong?
You have high cholesterol levels.
You might even have a fatty liver.
It's not bad enough to take drugs.
But it's never good to ignore it.
So you need to start eating healthier.
And work out from time to time.
Is playing golf not enough?
No, you need to do something
that makes you sweat
at least two to three times a week.
This is embarrassing.
It sounds like
I have an unattractive body.
You're not too bad for someone in his 40s.
That's good to hear.
By the way, why do you always
get your checkup somewhere else?
Our facility is pretty good.
I need to muster up my courage
to get a checkup done here.
I think it'll feel weird
to run into you in a patient's gown
without even wearing any underwear.
Is it because of Tae-oh?
-What about him?
-I'm just asking.
He seems to be having trouble
getting people to invest in his movie.
So I thought that might be
what you're worried about.
Is his company
struggling financially?
It's hard to answer your question
if you ask me with a straight face.
Tae-oh may get on my nerves,
but he's still my client.
Just like how doctors owe a duty of
confidentiality to their patients,
accountants aren't allowed to disclose
information about their clients.
I'll call you once I get
your blood test results.
Call me whenever you need
a drinking buddy.
I can always listen and give you advice.
Why didn't you answer my calls?
I was seeing a patient. What's up?
Tae-oh called.
He's on his way to see his mother.
He wants you to come as soon as you can.
The funeral will be held
at Family Love Hospital's funeral hall.
As for the vehicle…
We seriously don't need to go.
My gosh, will you please stop?
-Okay, okay.
-My goodness. Hey.
My gosh.
-What are you doing here?
Are you going somewhere?
I told her we don't need to go,
but your mother won't listen.
You received an official notice
from the alumni association.
We can't just ignore it like that.
Dr. Ji's mother-in-law passed away.
We'll be right back.
You should sleep over, honey.
Let's have chicken and beer together.
-My gosh, you're unbelievable.
-Let's go.
We'll see you later.
Okay, bye.
Let's go.
-There's space for you in room three.
-You can sit there.
Let's go.
Wasn't his mother pretty healthy
at the nursing home?
-I know, right?
-She died so suddenly.
I feel bad for saying this
when she's dead,
but this will lessen the burden
for Seon-u.
You're right.
She became ill
when Jun-yeong only started walking.
Ever since then, Seon-u had to pay
for her surgery, hospital bills,
caregiver, and nursing home.
Hey, come on.
When did Tae-oh ever do anything decent
to make money?
Seon-u paid for the house
Seon-u really is amazing.
Yes, of course.
Even so,
you shouldn't bad-mouth him today.
His mother won't be able to rest in peace.
Je-hyuk's all grown up.
Thank you in advance.
We'll soon have a lot more people here.
You shouldn't be drunk.
I know you're sad,
but you should still be courteous.
Don't let Jun-yeong see you like this.
He'll learn that from you.
Wear this.
Fix your necktie.
And tuck your shirt in.
Dr. Ji.
I'm sorry for your loss.
It must be hard for you.
I'm sure she went to a better place.
Yes, of course.
We think so, too. Thank you.
Thank you for coming.
Come this way.
Let me take you to your seats.
-This way.
-Hello, sir.
-Hello, sir.
-Sir, you're here.
-You can sit over there.
-Sit down.
You can sit down.
Your mother was so beautiful.
Are you okay?
Is it okay
if I go outside to get some air?
-Can you be here by yourself?
Dad's here.
You can go.
Are you okay?
You offer unique perspectives
since you know the culture.
-Thank you, sir.
-I personally think it's a great idea.
-Yes, I agree.
-Well, I'm glad to hear that.
It'd be great if you could help me out.
I'll think about it positively.
Drink up.
-Sir, do you remember--
-Look at him.
Let me talk to him for a bit.
Remember the ski resort project
I told you about?
I was thinking if we could tear that down
and build an apartment complex.
I also talked about it
with Director Lee here.
Have you talked about it with Tae-oh?
Are things still the same?
My gosh, what a jerk.
How about I just
get a divorce?
Do you really think
you can live as a divorcee?
What's the big deal?
Everyone gets divorced these days.
Yes, getting a divorce
is very common these days.
But why is it still hard for women
to be open about being a divorcee?
You have no idea how upsetting it is
to live as a divorced woman.
Even if Tae-oh was the one
who made a mistake,
and you did nothing wrong,
people will still badmouth you
behind your back.
They'll try to find the problem in you
and watch out to see
if you come home with a new guy.
Even you were suspicious
of Tae-oh's secretary
because she was a divorcee.
It was the same for my mom.
She had a tough time raising me
as a divorcee
because people were
always busy badmouthing her.
But on the other hand,
my dad got remarried
and lived very happily
with his young wife.
Do you really believe
in karma and justice?
They're all lies.
In the end, women are the only ones
who suffer from getting a divorce.
you really should
think about it carefully, okay?
I'll see you.
Please wait a little bit.
Did he tell you where he's going?
I think he went to greet someone.
-I see.
-I'm sure he'll be here soon.
-We'll wait a bit more.
It's only right that we should see him
before we eat.
-Excuse me.
-Do you have a pen?
Here's a pen.
My goodness.
Mr. Son, do you know where my dad is?
Have you seen him?
What? Where is he?
I don't know.
He's not here?
Honey, you should go look for him.
Jun-yeong, you wait here with her.
I'm sure he'll be back soon.
Seon-u, people are waiting for you guys.
Where are you?
Here you go, sir.
Stay strong. Come by my office one day.
Thank you, sir.
Where's the son?
I don't see the son.
-I haven't seen him.
-Me neither.
I wonder where he is.
My gosh, where in the world is he?
Where did he go?
This is his mother's funeral.
No way. He wouldn't do that
on a day like today.
What am I doing?
Let's get married,
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My gosh, where is he?
Damn it.
Go upstairs and get some rest.
Thank you.
Who are you?
I moved in next door.
I came to say hello.
Oh, thank you.
Bye then.
Hey, wait.
How long have you been pregnant?
It's my third month.
I see.
By any chance, are you also pregnant?
Would you like to come in?
Let's have tea together.
Did you really make up your mind
to get a divorce?
Then you need to make sure
your husband never finds out
until we have everything we need.
It must've been tough for you.
I was able to get through it
thanks to you.
I bet my mom is also very grateful.
I love you.
You know that, right?
I know.
I heard your daughter is seeing someone.
I saw what you saw.
At the parking lot.
Is something bothering you?
It looks like something came up at work.
Don't wait up for me.
Hasn't it ever crossed your mind
that Seon-u might already know everything?
My hands were tied yesterday evening.
-Calm down for a second--
-I had an abortion.
We don't need to see each other anymore.
There are two types of men in this world.
Men who cheat
and men who get caught cheating.
Men aren't the only one with instincts.
Subtitle translation by Ja-won Lee
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