The Worst of Evil (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

What's this?
Are you free this weekend?
Let's go watch a movie.
Oh, I have something for you.
What is it?
What's this?
I got it because it was pretty.
It is pretty.
Euijeong and Gicheul.
Look here.
No, we're good.
Come on. Let's take one.
One, two, three.
Could you take one more?
So we can each have one.
Wow, Gicheul.
You're not even trying to hide it.
One, two
Wait. Hold on.
Let me do it for you.
- There.
- Thanks.
One, two, three.
One more?
Scoot closer.
Get ready.
One, two, three.
I haven't seen Junmo lately.
He's been very busy.
Why? Do you miss him?
Of course, I do.
He's the only son-in-law I have.
I'll tell him to drop by.
Tell him to make an appearance on TV shows
like other detectives do.
I want to brag about my son-in-law
like the other ladies here.
Mom, do you remember the kid
named Jung Gicheul from my church choir?
Of course, I do.
I heard he's a gangster now.
You knew that too?
If you live in the same area
for 20 years,
you hear all kinds of things.
I can't believe he ended up like that.
Stop taking photos!
There are children here.
This is too cruel.
My goodness!
Those reporters!
Is Gicheul a senior?
No, a junior.
"Kwon Seungho."
"Yu Euijeong."
Husband's photo?
I said we met
because of my father's arrest,
and they didn't ask any further.
But I can't be sure
if they believe me or not.
By the way,
were you and Jung Gicheul really close?
Just for a while in high school.
I've never met him since.
- Why?
- It's nothing.
I'll call you later.
Don't worry.
I'm sorry we didn't tell you
about Detective Park.
It was for security reasons.
Dohyung, I'm really disappointed.
How could you, of all people,
put Junmo into such a dangerous operation?
I just don't understand.
I'm sorry, Euijeong.
I'm really sorry,
but this is something only Junmo can do.
Jung Gicheul found out
Junmo and I know each other,
and he also knows I'm a cop.
Are you really going to
keep Junmo in there?
For the time being, we should wait
for Jung Gicheul's next move.
I'll keep an eye on him,
- so don't worry too much.
- Dohyung.
You know Junmo way better than I do.
Once he starts something, he never quits.
Inspector Yu.
You want Detective Park
to close the case quickly
and come back home, right?
Then, to do that,
we'd like your active support.
Sir, please.
I'd very much appreciate it.
Did you really have to make me come
to the office at the crack of the dawn?
Here. Share these with your officers.
They're American donuts.
Take it.
Thanks for the donuts.
Sure. Hope you enjoy.
Good morning, sir.
Kwon Seungho's father, Kwon Jangseok,
was convicted four times
for violating the Narcotics Control Act.
As for the schools he attended,
I'll go to Wonju and check.
Yu Euijeong's father is
the former commissioner of SMPA,
Yu Dukhoon, and he retired last year.
Her mother is getting cancer treatments
at Yeongdong Severance Hospital.
She's in the Security Division
and her husband is a detective
at Eumseong Police Station.
Here's a photo of him.
Kwon Seungho.
When you met Euijeong,
did she talk about her husband?
"Eumseong Police Station,
Criminal Affairs Division.
Senior Police Officer Park Junmo."
Have you seen him before?
Look closely.
Have you seen him?
No, I haven't.
Who's more handsome? Me or him?
You, Boss.
Let's go wash up.
Yes, Boss.
Is Euijeong originally from Wonju?
As far as I know, she moved to Wonju
because of her father's work.
Then, she moved back to Seoul
in middle school.
Didn't you know the police intranet
saves your search history
while you're logged in?
I knew.
Then, how could you be so reckless
and sell info to a private eye?
I'm sorry, sir.
I know your kids aren't married yet.
- Do you want to make the headlines?
- No, sir.
Starting from today,
you're going to do as I say.
If you do everything
I tell you to do, I'll let it slide.
But if you mess up even just a little,
you'll go straight to jail.
Yes, sir.
You can go now.
And always answer when I call.
And he calls himself a chief.
If you hadn't prepared in advance,
we would've been in trouble.
Seeing how he duped
the Busan thugs at the rock club
and ran background checks
right after meeting Inspector Yu,
Jung Gicheul seems to be smarter
and more meticulous than I thought.
Let's find out who's smarter.
Let's crank it all the way up.
Yeah, so how?
By the way, where do you go
during the day instead of sleeping?
I just ride the subway
and sleep in the seats.
It helps me fall asleep more.
Hey, don't be like that.
You're making me feel bad.
It's not like that.
Everyone has their own preferences.
That actually sounds quite cool.
Why did you start working here?
Because I wanted to live a cool life.
The world's going to end in 1999 anyway.
Nostadamus said that.
Was that his name?
I'll live for four fucking cool years
and then, I'll watch the world end.
What's wrong?
Am I being too Gen X?
Why are people in that car
all wearing masks?
They're suspicious as hell.
- Right?
- What are they doing?
Why masks?
That bastard.
Go get Jung Gicheul!
-Jung Gicheul, you bastard!
- Come out!
-Where's Jung Gicheul?
Come out, you bastard!
Come on out, Jung Gicheul!
The lights are off.
Who are those bastards?
Boss is inside.
Boss, we're being attacked.
Take him with you.
Come with me, Boss.
- Boss!
- He's over there!
Get Jung Gicheul!
I'm Jung Gicheul!
Come here, you fucker!
Come here!
I think they all ran.
Are you okay, Boss?
Are you okay?
Those motherfuckers.
- Give me a cigarette.
- Yes, sir.
- Give me one too.
- Here, sir.
Does it hurt?
No, I'm fine.
It's just a scratch.
What do we do
with that fucker Song Donghyuk?
If we do nothing,
he'll think we're cowards.
Maybe we should go to Busan
and wipe them all out.
I'll take care of it.
Make sure to keep the wound dry.
- We'll remove the stitches in a week.
- Doctor.
Good job.
I just did what I had to do.
Starting tomorrow,
we'll have Chief Seo on standby
next to your room.
I'm sorry about this, Boss.
I'm Jung Gicheul!
I want Seungho next to me.
Boss, Seungho just joined us.
Don't you think
all our boys would notice that?
Also, we can't keep a guy
who hangs out with cops close to you.
Well, where were you or the other members
when all of this was happening?
Tell me.
Just do as I say.
Yes, Boss.
- Yongdae, at ease.
- Yes.
Get him a cell phone.
- Yes, sir.
- Hey.
Get him a new suit too.
Yes, sir.
Seriously, he looks like he's homeless.
Get yourself one too.
Yes, sir! Thank you!
Hey, Dohyung. Our plan worked.
Yes. From now on,
I'll be his personal bodyguard.
By the way,
I think it would be better
to not tell other members
that Jung Gicheul had a gun.
All right. Thanks for your hard work.
Then this big guy suddenly
- Hello, sir.
- Hello, sir.
You did a great job.
Sit down.
It was a smooth start.
And you stopped next to their car
at the perfect time.
By the way, that guy had some skills.
He acted like he'd hit us,
but then, he'd hit the wall or floor.
He only brushed my thigh. It was amazing.
What kind of work did he do?
He's just a thug. A snitch.
Enjoy your food.
- Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
All right.
Hey, man. Not there. Here.
- You see that room over there?
- Yes.
The top bunk above the sofa
is yours. Okay?
Yes, sir.
Follow me.
We lock the office with a code.
One, two, zero, six.
Yeah, it's my birthday.
What? You have a problem with that?
No, sir. I'll memorize it.
I was just wondering
What about the other codes here
God, you have so many fucking questions.
- Hey, look.
- Yes, sir.
This is the only one
you need to know, okay?
Yes, sir.
Hey, it's Seungho. How's everything?
Yes, I'm doing fine.
And I got a cell phone.
Even if they look into
the call history on this phone,
they'll let it slide
for calls with "Euijeong."
So call this number from now on.
You said
your father used to beat you.
Yes, Boss.
Was he a meth addict?
Yes, Boss.
It must've been hard for your mother.
She left us when I was seven.
People like us have similar stories.
How was it seeing her
after all that time?
What do you mean by
Is Euijeong still easy-going and cool?
She should've married a rich guy
and lived comfortably.
Why did she marry
a lame countryside detective?
Come with me.
I'm going out for a second.
You can have dinner without me.
Where are you going?
It might be still dangerous.
We're not done
with those Busan bastards yet.
Wouldn't it be risky to split up?
I'll see you later.
We ordered some food.
Why don't we have a chat over dinner?
- Take care, Boss.
- Take care, Boss.
May I ask where we're going?
Yeongdong Severance.
Let's go.
Apparently, Euijeong's mother is very ill.
Let's go say hi.
I'll stay here, Boss.
You lived next door to them.
You should say hi.
She probably wouldn't remember me anyway.
Also, she's ill.
If I join you,
she'll only be more uncomfortable.
Go ahead. I'll wait here.
Your painting skills are extraordinary.
I'll make sure to frame this painting
and hang it somewhere visible.
By the way,
with Jung Gicheul in Seoul
What kind of business is he doing?
As far as I know,
he's invested in their bars.
Well, after we get rid of Jung Gicheul,
I'm planning to take over Gangnam myself.
But it shouldn't cause
any harm to my brother.
Jung Gicheul is
treating Boss Kanemoto
like a father figure.
I suggest you reconsider your plan.
We're righteous outlaws.
But that mutt from nowhere Jung Gicheul
has no respect for order and loyalty,
and he's running around chasing money.
Could there be another way?
First of all, I've made up my mind.
if I make up my mind, I go with it.
Please tell my brother
exactly what I said.
Will do.
Once you make up your mind,
you have to act on it
to not have any regrets.
Sometimes, you let dogs in,
and you let them out.
Goodness, this is cashmere.
You didn't have to buy
such an expensive gift.
Even if you go out for a short walk,
you should always stay warm.
But still
Wow, that is beautiful.
Not only is your son-in-law
tall and handsome
but he also has a heart of gold.
Is your mother doing well?
Yes, she is.
I'm sure what happened to my mother
caused quite a stir at church.
Of course not.
Your mother was
so dedicated to our church.
Couldn't you find other things to do?
So you think I'm a gangster too?
There are always such rumors
about people in the nightlife business.
What I do is, well
It's like an association.
When young people are
in the nightlife industry,
a lot of people come and pick fights
or look down on them.
I thought we should help each other out.
That's why I started my company.
So you don't do any bad things?
Of course not. Don't worry.
Excuse me.
Yes, Father.
There's no choice.
Please, proceed with your plan.
All right.
Kanemoto, what are you doing?
Gicheul is making money for me,
and you want to kill him, you bastard?
You bastards.
You fucking bastards.
Stay away, you fucks!
Hey, you. Drop the gun.
He's Japanese,
so he doesn't understand Korean.
It's too dangerous.
Shoot him.
Song Donghyuk.
Father took care of him.
I said I'd take care of it. Remember?
That petty old fuck.
Serves you fucking right.
Good morning, sir.
- Hey, newbie. Come here.
- Yes, sir.
I see you got your beauty sleep.
Look, your skin's glowing.
So shiny.
Come in, asshole.
- You pack everything?
- Yes.
I put everything in.
- Hey, take these.
- Yes, sir.
Pick that shit up.
Today's a good day, assholes.
- It's a company dinner, okay?
-Yes, sir.
- Understood?
-Yes, sir!
We'll do our best, Boss.
Enjoy your dinner.
- Thank you, Boss!
- Thank you, Boss!
Excuse me, sir. Here.
Enjoy your food.
Can I ask something?
How often does Boss go fishing?
About a couple times a month.
I see.
What do I do while Boss is gone?
What? You want to go out or something?
Stay at your goddamn post.
I'm off to have a drink.
Call me if something's up.
What an asshole.
How are the waves?
They're calm today.
When Boss goes on fishing trips,
when does he usually come back?
Sometimes, he stays one night.
Sometimes, it's two nights.
He's not coming tonight.
It's late. Aren't you going to bed?
What's it to you?
Go sweep that inner area.
Let's go out and drink.
- Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.
Come on out.
This fucker's already drunk.
Want to come too?
No, it's okay.
- Keep the place safe.
- Yes, sir.
Take care, sir.
Euijeong's birthday.
That son of a bitch.
So nothing special was found
in Jung Gicheul's room?
That's right.
Isn't it strange though?
These bastards always go fishing
a couple times a month,
but there is no fishing gear in the room.
So he might not be actually going fishing.
I'll see if I can make him
invite me to the fishing trips.
Korean mob boss, Song Donghyuk.
He may be involved in the meth trade
according to our Korean sources.
He entered Japan via Narita Airport
on the 15th, and now he's missing.
His ID was found on Miura Coast
in Kanagawa Prefecture.
We suspect he was killed nearby,
and his body was dumped into the sea.
Starting today,
we'll focus our surveillance
to Yoshioka-gumi gangsters
in Tokyo, Chiba, and Kanagawa.
- Yes, sir!
- Yes, sir!
Gangnam Crystal.
This really has 99% purity?
Please spread the word.
This is fun.
- Throttle up?
- Throttle up.
Please don't kill me!
Please don't kill me!
Whose stuff were you selling
until recently?
Who could it be?
This man.
But what are you selling now?
Gangnam Crystal?
Who's your boss?
I need to meet him.
Come here. Raise your head.
Keep your head up and mouth shut.
Keep it shut!
Wait. Just one second.
Shut it!
One last hit.
This huge flashlight's useless.
Instead of goofing around all day,
just change the battery.
You didn't buy this, right?
Maybe those Busan bastards dropped it
when they attacked us the other day.
Are you saying they were cops?
Why would cops do that?
I don't know.
So the cops pretended to be thugs
and destroyed our office?
But why?
Excuse me.
Hey, what's up?
Okay. Wait there.
Yes, Manager Cho?
Do you think he came alone?
It seems like it.
Wake up Baby.
- Damn it.
- Where is
- Get out of the car.
- Get the fuck out.
Come on. Move your ass.
You've got a nice watch.
You came alone, right?
Yes, sir.
Hey. Your arms.
Let's see
Hold on.
Let me just
We can't talk here,
so let's go somewhere private.
I'm sorry.
We can't leave a dead body
at an elementary school.
It'll scare the kids.
You're right, sir.
Escort him.
What a fucking sweet watch.
Man, I'm so fucking jealous!
God damn it.
Here. Try on the watch.
How is it?
What the hell?
What is it doing?
Manager Cho.
Hey! What the hell are you doing?
What? What the fuck?
Hey, Baby. Go check it out.
My neck fucking hurts.
Damn it!
Hey, lady!
Get out of the car!
My neck hurts like hell!
What the fuck?
Hey! I can't fucking see!
You fucking
Kwon Seungho.
Follow me.
Come on.
Who said you could wear
fancy underwear like this, you prick?
You fucking piece of shit.
Come on.
Answer me.
Who's that?
Hey, there.
He's such an asshole.
He tried to kill Boss
and ruin our business.
What should we do with him?
We should kill him.
Right? You think so too?
You son of a bitch.
It wasn't you?
Then, why would we do this?
You think this shit's for no reason?
- No?
- Stop shaking, you bitch.
You fucker.
Raise your head.
Fucking bastard.
Hold him up.
Come on.
Put your arms up.
Hold him tight.
One, two, three.
You think that's going to kill him?
You do it then.
Do you like him or something?
So you do it, motherfucker.
Pick him up.
I'm going to hit him here.
Right here.
Fucking bitch.
Stop tensing, bitch.
This bitch deserves a spanking
for the nice underwear.
Come here.
Spanking time, bitch.
One more time.
- Three.
- Enough. Stop.
Enough with the play. Wrap it up.
Yes, Boss.
You finish it.
So I can trust you.
Shoot him.
I said shoot.
Damn it.
Fucking hell.
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