The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

Brutal! The Darkness of Llinger!

This forest is also known as
the Darkness of Llinger.
It's famous for teeming with monsters.
You're not coming home until
you kill a Grand Grizzly.
What?! W-wait a minute!
N-no! Please stop! Don't pick me up!
Don't throw me, either!
This is bad! This is bad! This is bad!
I'm gonna die!
Cause of death: Thrown by
the Rescue Squad Captain!
This isn't funny!
I'm not going to die here!
I'm alive!
Thank goodness!
But now that I've entered the forest,
I guess I've gotta do what
Rose says if I want to go home.
A-all right! Kill a Grand Grizzly it is!
I mean, it's only a two-meter tall bear.
That's nothing for someone
who survived hell
No way!
(The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic)
The walls that tower over you
are just so tall and thick.
They're not there to overwhelm you.
They're there for you to overcome.
That's what I believe.
For thousands of nights
and tens of thousands of mornings,
I can keep trying
without losing my way.
As long as I can arrive
at the final chapter,
it's okay even if
I'm scarred.
Stand! Up! Again!
Over and over!
Don't! Look! Back!
Only towards the future.
Only towards the future.
(#3 Ruthless! The Darkness of Llinger!)
It's coming after me!
It's far bigger than I thought!
It's teeth and claws are hella huge!
I know I can outrun it!
No bear's gonna catch me!
It's right behind me!
Hold on! Think this through.
I've managed to make it
through that hellish training.
This guy's nothing compared to Rose!
Come at me, bear!
If it's a one-on-one fight
That's cheating!
No one told me there'd
be Blue Grizzlies, too!
This sound!
That was horrible.
Some rations, a canteen, and a knife.
You could have at least given me
something to start a fire with.
you demon.
Nah, she's more of an ogre.
Kill a Grand Grizzly?
No way that's gonna happen.
Oh, well I'll figure out
what to do tomorrow.
That's the end of Day One.
Okay, let's do this.
First thing's first.
Gotta know my opponent.
Let's figure out where it lives.
Claw marks?!
Are those the Grand Grizzly's?
Could it be nearby?
A rabbit?
No, a rabbit-like monster?
Are you hurt?
It understands me?
Nah, can't be.
Let me take a look at that.
I healed it for you.
Don't get hurt again, okay?
Don't follow me!
I'm trying to find a scary monster!
It's dangerous to be with me!
I said no!
or do you happen to know
where the Grand Grizzly is?
You're kidding!
It wasn't kidding!
That must be its den.
Right, now to observe it
without being spotted.
They look like a family.
The book said that Grand
Grizzlies live in groups.
I guess this counts?
I don't think it's a good idea
to drink untreated water
but I've got no choice.
I thought you left.
You're back again?
You're a strange one, aren't you?
We're just looking today, okay?
No significant changes.
The Blue Grizzlies are
starting to look kinda cute.
This black rabbit is also really cute
I'm having more fun than I thought
My stomach hurts!
I knew I shouldn't have
drunk the river water!
Healing magic doesn't
make it better
It's the same as being
poisoned, after all.
Still, there's got to be a way to cure it.
It's you! Back again?
All the same, I'm glad to see you!
So, the water here's fine?
It certainly looks cleaner
than the river water.
It's good! Thank you
Hey, what is it?
Does it sense a monster approaching?
But this guy didn't bat an
eye at the Grand Grizzly.
What is that?
There wasn't anything in
the book about that!
But even I can tell
That thing's bad news.
There's nothing but
bloodlust coming from it.
I must never go near it no matter what!
It's been four days since I saw
that giant snake monster.
My uneasiness wouldn't let up,
and I just kept observing the Grizzlies.
These guys are the same as always.
Looking at them calms me down.
But if I don't kill that Grand
Grizzly, I can't go home.
I have to do it.
W-what is it?
You're telling me not to go?
But I have to
Oh, very well.
I'll stay here till the rain stops.
All right!
Here I come, Grand Grizzly!
I'll make mincemeat out of you!
There's no use stopping me.
I'm going to kill it and
get out of this forest.
Here goes nothing!
W-what happened?
This is bad.
Rose is gonna kill me
if she finds out that
something beat me to it.
Those bite marks.
It must have have been that big snake.
But it didn't kill them for food.
It killed them for fun.
It killed them just for the sake of it.
I hate losing.
That's why I didn't want
to admit defeat to Rose.
That's why I hate having
my prey stolen from me
and having my resolve be for nothing.
But above all
I hate what I'm seeing
right in front of me.
I will avenge you.
Just you wait.
Training in the forest?
You betcha. He's been gone for ten days.
Ten whole days? Isn't that a little long?
It's what Big Sis Rose decided right?
S-she ain't around at the moment.
We don't know nothin'.
Kazuki-kun, you get all fired up
when it's about Usato-kun.
I mean aren't you worried, Senpai?
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried
But it's Rose-san
we're talking about.
He'll be fine.
I wonder
Besides, I believe in Usato-kun.
He'll come back in one piece.
Hey! I believe in him, too.
Could you lead me to where the snake is?
Just show me where it is.
You don't have to stay.
I told you to wait!
That thing really is
dangerous! I'm scared!
there's nothing scarier than Rose!
It's confused! Time to strike!
That was close!
But now I have you!
Have an eyeful of this, you stupid snake!
That's all you've got?
Didn't feel a thing!
I need to aim for its blind spot.
To its right!
It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!
It purposely lured me into its blind spot!
And I fell for it!
I have a knife in my hand!
On top of its big size?
That's just not fair!
But I now know how to cure it.
I figured it out from when
I got that stomachache.
If I'm being eaten away from the inside,
all I've gotta do is to heal
myself from the inside!
What are you
Got it!
Did you think that was
enough to get rid of me?
What are you,
This is the end!
Go to hell!
I did it!
I managed to avenge you.
I'd love to heal your wounds,
but I used up most of
magic to cure the poison.
I can't even move
You're kidding
Stop it! Run!
Is this it?
Kazuki? Inukami-senpai? Rose?
That's right! This is all Rose's fault!
Damn it, Rose! You beast!
You brute! You ogre!
Come on
you damn dirty snake.
All you had to do was die.
How are you here?
It's all thanks to this guy.
This is my pet, Kukuru.
I sent it to watch over you.
But it was hurt when we first met!
Still haven't figured it out?
I had it put on an act to gain your trust.
No way!
I've been waiting at
the edge of the forest
just in case anything happened.
I wasn't going to interfere, but I
never expected this thing to appear.
You recognize it?
It's a monster modified
by the Demon Lord's Army.
During the last invasion,
Siglis failed to finish it off.
This is where it must have run off to.
Still, to think it managed
to kill a Grand Grizzly.
Even our kingdom's elite forces won't be
able to beat a Grand Grizzly unscathed.
You knew that and still
pit me against one?!
You heartless demon!
I never expected you to win.
I just wanted you to gain experience
fighting a stronger opponent.
But then
But then?
Things started to get interesting.
I wanted to see what would
happen, so I let you continue.
I almost died, you know?!
He's taken a liking to you, I see.
H-he has?
Now that I think about it,
he has lost his parents
He's all alone.
I knew you were a man after my own heart.
Hey, Blue Grizzly!
You're coming with us!
Carry that walking corpse.
You're letting me ride you?
You sure?
Now, then. Let's go home.
Please, no. She scares me.
That reminds me what
did you call me just now?
A beast? A brute? An ogre?
You're not getting any sleep tonight!
Y-yes ma'am!
I'll say this. As for the
training, you passed
with flying colors.
You have earned the right.
The right?
The right to stand by my side
on the battlefield.
You still lack training
but you have it all.
A body that can withstand pain,
the physical prowess, and
an indomitable spirit.
All the things the
other two healers lack.
Be proud.
We might still make it in time.
In time for what?
The Demon Lord's Army
will make its move soon.
Third Army Commander Amila Vergrett.
How is the Llinger Kingdom
invasion coming along?
It is all going according to plan.
All our units are preparing for battle.
We will soon be able to advance.
The beginning was sudden and silent.
Then, everything before
me began to change.
Even the stones lying at my feet
seem to shine a little brighter.
That's because you're reflected in them.
Like a young leaf that's just sprouted,
you're brimming with a translucent light.
Let the wind blow you onward.
If I'm with you, I can go anywhere.
Even if you're not special,
you can be anything.
Let me believe in the strength
that's awakened in your heart.
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