Thicker Than Water (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

The Grapevine

- [car door closes]
- [car engine starts]
[Fara] The real problems started
when Samuel came to see me in the estate.
[upbeat music]
This place is like a village.
We all know each other,
and we all know each other's business.
- Know the girl off the telly?
- Yeah.
Yo, bruv, she was talking to the guy
from the Feds.
- For real?
- [Fara] News spreads fast.
- She was talking to the Feds.
- [Fara] Very fast.
- Give me a chip.
- Hey, get off 'em, man.
[upbeat rap music]
[indistinct chatter]
Without harissa?
Last time, you added harissa.
Hey, the bird off the telly.
With that Fed.
- [man] Mm.
- Salam alaykum.
Nah, you get me? They were just like that
outside her sister's place.
- [Ketchup] Are you sure of that?
- Yeah, sure.
- [Ketchup] All right. Good job.
- No worries.
[Mayo] Come on, let's go.
[Fara] And within a few hours,
Oumar had found out.
[Ketchup] The Fed.
It's serious.
He keeps driving round the ends.
He thinks he's a cowboy.
You know, when he's like that,
it's 'cause he's got something.
[Oumar inhales deeply]
He would never let me go,
that piece of shit.
He's putting pressure on the sisters.
[Ketchup] Mm.
Shut him down.
[Oumar] It's time to share the video.
[tense music]
[Yasmina] 1.5 million?
Before the end of Ramadan.
Oh, shit.
If we had the rest of our lives,
we couldn't pay that back.
You knew there were drugs in the car
and you let Selim leave.
When were you planning on telling us?
Hold on, you're talking like I knew
our brother was dealing.
Like you, I was giving him protection.
Protection? And Fara,
- who's going to protect us?
- Shh! The girls are asleep, come on!
I don't owe anyone.
I've nothing to do with that.
I struggle to pay the rent!
We should never have burned that car!
- Hold up now. We can't just turn
- What's up?
- [all] Nothing.
- You're weird.
You burn cars
and it brings you together, is that it?
- What? It's Ramadan.
- [Lina] Mm, yeah, it's Ramadan.
- [Fara] It brings us together.
- Mm.
Don't forget to pray, Lina.
- [door slams]
- [blows air]
[Souhila sighs]
Okay, it was my idea.
[Fara] But Oumar doesn't care.
He wants his money back,
and if we don't, we're dead.
- Karim and your sons.
- Hey.
You got Selim and the whole family
in this shit,
- you find a solution!
- [Souhila] Shh! Keep it down.
They won't get my sons!
- We won't come back!
- Run away, just like always!
Stop shouting!
[door opens]
- [Souhila sighs]
- [door closes]
[smacks lips]
We have to talk.
He's from around here too.
Seriously, Souhila?
- What?
- Don't you get we have no choice?
[Souhila] 'Cause you have 1.5 million?
I'll do anything to find a solution.
Well, only God can help us with this.
- [metal clanks]
- [Souhila gasps]
- What's that?
- It's Selim's.
Are you serious?
- Mom, Imène, and Lina are here.
- [smacks lips]
- No.
- It's for your protection.
While we wait for God to help us.
[Souhila sighs]
[breathes nervously]
[Fara] When Souhila has a problem,
she turns to her other family.
- The community.
- [indistinct chatter]
- Good evening.
- You too.
- Alaykum salam.
- Goodbye. See you soon.
- Salam.
- Alaykum salam, Souhila.
It's about my brother.
They'll listen to you,
especially during Ramadan.
Try to tell them.
Tell them that we had nothing
to do with this.
But you know, Souhila,
for some people, whatever their religion,
before their mother, before their wife,
before their sister,
even before God,
money rules.
There's nothing you can do?
A prayer can always be answered.
I'll be there to help at sadaqaq.
[imam] May God help them.
- Why do you always take my stuff?
- What stuff?
You can't speak English properly,
you moron.
You're adopted.
- Whatever. Go on, close it.
- It does close.
- Zip it up! Go on, close it.
- It does close. I said, it does zip up!
- Zip it up!
- Will you shut it?
You're a 2XL, I'm an M.
What don't you get?
What don't I get?
- You wanna get punched?
- [Yasmina] What the Let him go!
- Let him go! Let go of your brother!
- I'm gonna slap you in front of Mom!
- Let go! Hey, hey!
- I'll get you!
- [Rayan] Shut it, fatty.
- Shut it, will you?
- [Rayan] You shut up!
- Stop now!
- It's all your fault, bruv.
- Stop! No more abuse!
- He started it.
- [Yasmina] You too!
Get your things and go to school,
you're gonna be late!
- And here, put on your beanie!
- I don't want my beanie.
Put on your hat!
I'll look like a huge smiley at school.
- Yeah, well, just wear it, go on!
- Your face is so ugly.
- Be quiet.
- [Riad] Shut it.
[Fara] Yasmina was never good
at facing her problems.
When my dad left, she replaced him
with the first guy who came along.
She met him at school.
Married at 25, knocked up at 26,
they moved into her in-laws' council flat.
They hate her as she's not
from the same city in Algeria.
Rejected, she sacrificed everything
for her sons.
But she should have gone easy
on the sausages.
With the 1.5 million that we owed,
at last, she had a good reason
to run away.
[jazz music]
This machine, Malie, it changed my life.
The instructions are all here.
It's simple, step by step.
It says here, "Add the onions,"
put them in.
"Add the chicken," put it in.
It says, "Add the carrots," put them in.
"Add garlic," put it in.
Put it, put it, put it, put it, put it.
It is properly cool.
Your husband will like it so much,
he'll want to put it in.
[all chuckle]
Yasmina, give me that machine, yeah.
[reporter over radio]
The police officer involved
in a hit-and-run is in a stable condition.
The police is still actively
trying to find the fugitive.
- [car horn honks]
- Oh, damn it, zebi!
Enough with the Arabic swearing.
- What? I picked up a few words of Arabic.
- No, no, no. You don't speak Arabic.
All you know are swear words.
- Well, teach me something, then.
- Go on. What do you want to know, then?
Okay. I'd like to know
how to say "I love you."
[Fara speaks in Arabic]
[speaks in Arabic]
[in English] You can also add
[speaks in Arabic]
[speaks in Arabic]
- [in English] Isn't that an insult?
- Yes, but put the two together
Nebghik Rabbek.
[speaks in Arabic]
[both speak in Arabic]
[in English] How do you say
"I'd like to invite you out"?
[Fara speaks in Arabic]
[in English] Well, then,
Nahardak, Fara Bentayeb.
What's this?
[Alban] It's champagne, petit fours,
and people. There you go.
And all the industry heads
I'd like to introduce you to.
- And the boss of TF1.
- You're getting ahead of yourself?
And I'd like us to stop hiding.
You want to be official?
- Yeah.
- I've only been a presenter for a week.
- So what? We've been together for a year.
- All right, no problem.
Except that, in my family,
an introduction means marriage.
- Oh, yeah?
- It's what we do.
All right, so how do you say
"Show me what you've got"?
[speaks in Arabic]
[in English] Hey, marhaban bikum,
my Bentayebs!
- You're planning to hit them or what?
- I'm ready for you. All of you.
Nebghik Rabbek!
No, not like that, Alban.
[in slow, sexy tone]
Nebghik Rabbek.
[speaks in Arabic in slow, sexy tone]
[Alban in English]
You need to get a dress.
What do you like? What makes you happy?
Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent?
They'd never lend it to me.
- Huh? Why is that?
- I'm not famous.
- What do you mean, "not famous"?
- Well, I'm not famous.
You're kind of famous.
Maybe one day
you'll be as famous as that bombshell.
What bombshell?
[upbeat music]
Okay, wait, wait.
[upbeat music]
[Alban] Is it for your mom?
Must be proud of you, huh?
Me too.
So I have something in common with her.
Pow, pow, pow!
[upbeat music continues]
- [people applauding]
- [man] Cheers!
[man] Alban already spoke about you.
Honestly, I didn't believe him.
But with you,
I feel you're still going to surprise us.
- I told you, right? She's special.
- Yeah.
- Special?
- Good. You're starting to understand, hmm?
Keep it up, and they'll soon forget
where you came from.
I think you still don't get
where I came from, hmm?
Suck in your stomach.
We can't see your dick.
- [Fara] He really breaks my balls.
- Yes, Fara Bentayeb. Come see.
- [Fara] Lucky you're here.
- [Alban] What are you doing?
If you don't want to drink, don't drink.
Okay? Forget what people think.
Have a quiet Ramadan, hmm?
Back in a sec.
- [woman] Okay.
- [Ketchup] Yeah? That's cool.
- All good, sis?
- [Fara] What the hell are you doing here?
- Hmm?
- What's up? Toast.
- Well, yeah.
- [glasses clink]
- Can we talk?
- Sure, come on.
[Mayo] Hold on. Hold on.
We can talk here, right?
- [Ketchup] Yeah, here's good.
- No. We're going outside.
- Hey, Corinne.
- [Corinne] Yeah, yeah?
I'll never watch the weather
in the same way.
- [Ketchup] Hey, call me.
- [woman] Till the next time.
What am I looking at here?
Hey, just wait.
[man 1 on video] Hold on, hold on. Wait.
I think the cops are getting out.
Look, look. Zoom in, zoom in, zoom in!
Hey, come look. Come look, come look.
They raided the woman opposite.
Look, look!
[Fara] They filmed the police
raiding a childminder
who had several kilos of cocaine.
[man on video] Crazy. There, there!
It's crazy down there!
[Fara] Samuel can clearly be seen
taking a bag and dropping it by the bins.
- [man 2 on video] Go on.
- [man 1 on video] Let's go!
How many kilos are there?
- How many kilos are there? Look there!
- [laughter]
- Look! Look there!
- Do you know him?
You don't know he's a Fed?
[Mayo] Stop playing games.
We know he's working you.
- And?
- [Mayo] What we want is to bring him down.
It's in your interests, right?
- So, you're going to do us a little favor.
- [man in video] No way!
What about him? Do you know him?
[man on video] Crazy, wallah, crazy.
- Walid Belkacem.
- Come on!
[Mayo] A fucking snake.
[man on video] Oh, the motherfucker.
[Fara] Walid, my first love.
As I said, this place is a village.
[Mayo] That's a pretty good scoop
for your shitty network.
Crazy, huh?
The Feds, the drugs, the ends.
You're going to show this
on the news today.
Are you kidding?
You think I own the network?
That's not how it works.
I have to check sources, research it.
[Fara] I told Oumar I'd pay him back.
You're here to add a fine, or what?
Call it what you like,
we don't give a fuck.
- You think I work for a collective?
- [groans]
It doesn't work like that.
Especially when the police are involved.
- Your video smells of trouble.
- Don't you get it?
You got no choice.
[tense music]
[Ali] Hey, Yasmina-love!
- What's going on around here?
- [Yasmina] You okay, Ali?
- [Ali] I'm good, you?
- Yeah.
- What's going on?
- What?
[Ali] A local charity shop? A flea market?
A car boot sale?
[Yasmina] Yeah, okay.
No, serious. You in trouble.
What's going on?
In trouble?
Uh, a girl who sells her Magimix,
something's up.
Yeah, a girl who wants to be
well away from here.
- Go on, 800.
- 800?
- My Magimix.
- I don't want
- your Magimix. What are you on about?
- I'll sell it for 800.
- That machine is insane.
- [chuckles]
- You'll never need a recipe again.
- That's nonsense.
- It tells you exactly what to do.
- I've got something better for you.
It's easy. A small step for Yasmina,
a big step for your pocket.
Oh, come on. I'm not interested.
- No, listen, no.
- It's that drivers' license scam
- you're running.
- No, not at all. I'm done with all that.
- Our business is halal.
- Halal?
Well, of course it is.
It's all above board.
[Ali] It's a pyramid scheme.
You pay an entry fee,
you bring other people in.
I take a 30 percent cut.
The more people you bring in,
the more you make.
The newcomers make us all rich.
- And how much do I put in?
- 1,000 euro.
- 1,000 euro?
- That's the price, hmm?
Look, I'm opening up my own restaurant.
- Oh, yeah?
- Ali and the 40 Burgers.
- Oh, yeah? That's great.
- That's beautiful, right?
- If I can't find anyone?
- Why'd you doubt yourself?
You've got the gift of the gab.
You can sell anything to anyone.
- For real.
- I'll think about it.
I'll think it through.
[Ali] What time is it?
I'll be off. See you.
- See you.
- Yeah.
[car engine starts]
[phone ringing]
- Hello?
- [Fara over phone] It's Fara.
Fara? My Fara?
I thought you'd quit messing around.
Messing around? What do you mean?
[Fara] I've just been shown
a video of you with the Feds.
A video?
[Fara] The kind of video
where you leave a bag.
A friendly swap. Know what I mean?
Why would you say that on a regular phone?
[Fara] Are you kidding?
Your video is out there.
They came to where I work.
Told me to show it on the news.
You hear me?
You gonna do it?
- [Walid over phone] Hello?
- [sighs]
No, I won't, but you're in deep shit.
And so am I.
[Fara] They want to take down
the Fed you work with.
[dramatic music]
Who gave it to you?
[Walid] Fara, who?
[hip-hop music]
[line ringing]
[phone chiming]
Hello, yeah?
- [Samuel over phone] Hello?
- We need to meet. Right away.
[Samuel] What's wrong?
I told you not to call me.
- [trainer] Again!
- [Oumar grunts]
[Walid] I'm going down because of you.
Get me out of this.
[Samuel] Okay. In two hours.
The usual place.
[Lina] Hey, this guy in Insta's too weird.
He keeps liking all of my photos,
but I don't know him.
What's with the username, "BazBazBondy"?
He has ten followers on Insta
and no posts.
It's your mom. She's spying.
No, she's not like that.
And don't be mean.
Write to him.
- [Lina chuckles]
- [phone chimes]
I bet he's a dog.
- [both laughing]
- [Nour] No, hold on, hold on.
Forget the "Hey, how are you?"
Tell him to send a photo right now.
Or you'll block him.
- Told you, he's a dog.
- [Nour] Mm, he's ugly.
"Are you ugly?"
[all laughing]
- Hold on, you actually sent it?
- What?
- Liar.
- [Nour] Come on, drop it, bruv.
He's gonna say
he's some lame celebrity liar.
- [Noémie] Imagine if it's Johnny Hallyday.
- [Nour scoffs]
The poor guy's dead.
- You're dumb, wallah.
- [Noémie] Imagine if it's him.
- For real?
- If it's him, send a naked one
- for a million.
- Two million. Three million.
- Three million. That's it. Three.
- Are you for real? You bunch of hoes.
[Nour] We're bad "hoeses".
Come on, let's chat.
[Oumar grunting]
[Philippe] Well, hello, everyone.
Scuffles continue in the Paris suburbs.
This time,
a police unit has been targeted.
Let's find out more
from Eglantine Galtier, live.
Yes, Philippe. I'm still here
reporting live from Colombes,
where the situation remains,
uh, relatively tense.
This afternoon,
a group of youth attacked a police unit
- out on a call.
- [man] Hey, hey, hey.
- As you can see
- What are you doing?
[men clamoring]
Uh, is Eglantine on her own there?
- [men clamoring]
- Yeah?
- Let me do my job, please.
- [clamoring continues]
Philippe, go to the next story.
Thank you, Eglantine.
- Floods in the south of France
- Philippe?
- Can we allow the young men to speak?
- Fara, I hope you know what you're doing.
[Fara] Eglantine, let them talk.
- Yes, uh, I'm here.
- [men clamoring]
- Come on now.
- Listen, one of you can speak. Who is it?
- Yo, yo. Let me speak.
- You speak into the mic. On-air, yes.
Our friend was beaten up by the police.
That's what happened.
[man] They came and they beat him up.
He's in hospital now. That's it.
- Tell them. Tell them that.
- [Eglantine] Yes, that's right.
One of the youths was seriously injured
by officers in the police force.
- Hey, go on, tell them.
- The young man was hit.
- Yeah, exactly. Thank you.
- [men cheering]
[Eglantine clears throat]
[men clapping on video]
Eglantine, can you tell the young men
that 24 News
doesn't just cover the problem.
24 News covers the facts.
[Philippe] Four districts remain
in a state of emergency.
The death toll now stands at two.
Enjoying yourself? Feeling at home?
If you want, we can build
a Moroccan lounge with shisha. Seriously.
[Oumar grunting]
[Mayo] She doesn't get it.
[Karim] Come on, guys.
Get down, let's eat!
- [Yasmina] Hey.
- Come on!
I left the money for the housing tax
and the ski trip on the table.
- [Yasmina] Yeah, thanks.
- Hey, I'm not playing with you again.
We're Barça, wallah,
we're playing like a bunch of amateurs.
Hey, you know, I bumped into my colleague
this morning. Anne-Sophie.
[Karim] Is your mother playing attack?
She told me about a business
to make some money.
- It sounds pretty good.
- Come on, guys. Get back in defense!
Do you talk about money problems at work?
No. No, whatever.
She's recruiting. That's all.
She explained it to me.
It's like a pyramid
- Come on!
- Are you listening, Karim?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You pay to buy in, you find a person,
- What the hell are you playing at?
- you get 30 percent.
- And the more people you get
- Come on.
the more money you make.
- A pyramid scheme.
- That's right, you know about it?
Mom. Did you get brownies?
- Yeah, look in the bag, in the kitchen.
- Okay, Mom.
Hey, Karim.
My colleague drives a Mercedes-AMG.
And you know what a Mercedes-AMG is?
Mom, they're not brownies,
they're muffins.
- [Yasmina] It doesn't matter.
- [Rayan] Nothing ever matters to you.
No one here fasts for Ramadan.
I might just go on a hungry strike again.
[Karim] And yet,
she still works at City Hall.
If she was making that kind of money,
you think she'd still be getting up
at 7:00 in the morning?
To see your mugs?
Seriously, you really have to be dumb
to believe that.
I saw it with my own eye.
Even if that business did happen to work,
Yasmina, do you know
the first thing about selling?
[pensive music]
Hey, there it is!
[Karim] Hey, son, come see!
Your dad isn't finished yet.
He's top of the league table!
[chuckles joyfully]
[upbeat music]
How can you prove it?
Oh. Okay.
[whispering in Arabic]
[whispering continues]
[in English] Starving yourself to death
is not going to help Selim.
[inhales deeply]
I'm so afraid for Selim.
I don't even know where he's gone.
[breathes sharply]
Let's pray that he's okay, Mom.
God knows our hearts and Selim's.
He won't abandon us.
Inshallah, my love. Inshallah.
We'll pray twice as hard.
I'll stay with you tonight.
And I'll leave Imène with the neighbors.
- No, you can go, my darling.
- Yeah.
I can stay with her if you like.
Oh, really?
But not so you can go out.
Yes, all right, I got it.
- Okay.
- I'll stay with Grandma.
It's fine. It's fine.
[Souhila] That's kind.
- How about a little shisha tonight?
- [both laugh]
I have contacts.
[commentator] In any case,
what's certain is that after half an hour,
this is the match we expected.
We have two really tight teams
- with very little between them
- Since when do you watch football?
big difference, not often used.
The proof, we haven't quite seen the spark
that everyone was expecting yet,
the one that justifies
[Louiza] Why are you so into it?
All eyes are on him for tonight's match.
It's Brayann Kiaté
You're killing me, Ma.
Let me explain. Look here.
housing team has done an excellent job
at shutting him down
- See that boy?
- Oh, he's handsome.
- He's really good-looking.
- Oh, yes.
Okay, so we've been talking on Insta.
On the Internet,
social media and that, yeah?
And tonight, he's on.
And he has to prove it to me.
And And how?
He'll make a sign.
What sign?
[Alban] So, do you have many cousins
like the one who came today?
Why do you ask?
Well, you never talk about your family.
I'm just interested, Fara.
- What did he want?
- Nothing.
What do you mean?
He shows up at your work and that's it?
Same old.
A little bit of trouble, no big deal.
It happens.
Goal! Goal! Goal, goal, goal!
Please say he'll make the sign.
- Say he'll make the sign. Please do it.
- [commentator] And he's done it again!
- Brayann Kiaté
- I'm scared.
- [Lina] Oh! Did you see, he made the sign?
- Yeah.
[Lina] He made the sign, did you see?
- Did you see? He made the sign! Mwah!
- Yes.
Thanks to you.
- Thanks to you. Oh, my. That's crazy.
- [Louiza chuckles]
- That's so crazy.
- Well, yes.
[both giggling]
- Tell me.
- Yeah?
- Your mom, does she know?
- Oh.
Don't talk about her.
Mom's always on my back.
But she's afraid.
Do you see where we live?
It isn't easy for a single mother,
my darling.
Look at me here.
I would give everything for my children.
But Selim
I can't do it.
Yes, Grandma.
[somber music]
[Ketchup] Let me explain.
I come out of the restaurant
[Mayo] Restaurant? Wait. You take
your booty calls to the restaurant?
[Ketchup] Listen, you need to give
to receive, bruv.
So, anyway, as I was saying,
I come out the restaurant, it's raining.
A godsend for me.
I take the girl,
I get her under the umbrella.
I rest my hand on her little coccyx
like that, huh?
And here's the most crazy shit, bruv.
My girl. She's there.
Can you imagine?
What a crazy emotional roller coaster.
Up, down, I don't know to handle it all.
I don't know whether
Oh, hey, hey, hey.
The little Bentayeb, she's cute, right?
Why are you talking
about the little Bentayeb, bruv?
She's a minor. Focus.
I'm telling you about my love life.
- Yeah, bruv.
- Are you crazy?
What love life you got?
Tell me you love that girl, bruv.
I have a love life, my friend.
You've never had a love life.
- Do you love her?
- Hey, listen up.
I love her, she loves me.
We're so in love.
You see that Rolex?
The DD?
The DD. She gave it to me.
- Oh!
- You've got it!
- You got it, man.
- I love her as well.
Yeah, see? We love each other.
You understand now, or what?
I told you! Hell yeah.
- [Lina] But Noémie, did you see?
- [Noémie] Hey, I was stunned, yeah.
- I was watching. He made the sign.
- He made the sign.
That's crazy.
[all laughing]
[Lina] It's nuts.
He's been talking to me on Snap,
on Insta. Come on, even on telly.
Aren't you just afraid he wants
to shag you? He's a footballer.
No way. He invited me to a charity gala.
A girl you want to shag,
you invite her to a gala?
- You ask her to hook up.
- Yeah, that don't sound like a booty call.
Nour, where did your last guy take you?
Go on.
Don't ask me that kind of stuff, babe.
You know he asked me
to go to the flea market with him.
[all laughing]
Poor thing.
- He's so beautiful.
- I can see
you're getting all excited, babe.
But don't forget, your mom's
never going to let you go to a gala.
But you know what?
Even if it means getting locked up,
I don't care.
[Noémie over phone]
So what are you gonna wear to the gala?
[Nour] Sure, she's going to a gala
with a footballer.
- [ominous music intensifies]
- Do you even own a dress? I'm shocked
that you would think of going.
[fire crackling]
[breathing heavily]
[Lina shouts]
Grandma! Grandma! Help!
Grandma! Grandma!
[tense music]
- I reckon we can leave.
- Wow! That's cool, blud. Come on.
[Alban] No, seriously, we could organize
a meal with your sisters, your brother.
- [phone ringing]
- What do you think?
Two seconds.
[ringing continues]
[machine beeping]
[Lina sniffles]
[Louiza] Are you crying, my love?
[somber music]
- Mom.
- It's okay. Yes?
Sure you didn't leave anything
on the stove?
- [Louiza] No.
- It was me who made dinner for her.
Are you sure it wasn't you that left
There was nothing on the stove.
I was there.
[Louiza coughing]
[Souhila] It's going to be okay, Mom.
- Walid?
- [Fara] Yeah.
Oumar asked me to show the video,
and I refused.
But why is that?
But if I did that,
Walid would be in the morgue.
I feel sick.
Hold on. Are you saying
he burned down Mom's house
'cause you didn't show the video?
- There was no other way.
- They were almost burned alive.
No, no, no. We're going to the police.
Mom and Lina almost died.
This has gone too far.
You don't get it, do you?
Even if he's in prison, he won't drop it.
When they're inside,
they're more powerful.
Then show the video. Better him than you.
[suspenseful music]
[car approaching]
[somber music]
[dogs barking in distance]
I didn't think
I'd ever move back here, my darling.
I know, Mom. I understand.
We'll get out of here soon. I promise.
- Inshallah.
- But for now, it's my home.
[Souhila] And now it's your home too.
- [Louiza] Yes.
- [Souhila] But you'll see.
It'll be lovely, the four of us
will take care of you, okay?
Let's go and help the poor tonight.
It'll do us good.
If you saw how many homeless people
there are, it gets worse and worse.
[somber music continues]
They're going to show the video
on the news.
You have three hours to disappear.
- Please, Fara.
- I did what I could.
- [doorknob clicks]
- [door opens]
[footsteps approaching]
- Hey, Ma.
- Hello.
- Hello. Welcome, Fara.
- [Fara] How are you?
- How's Ramadan going?
- [Soraya] Everything's fine.
- [speaks in Arabic]
- [in English] How are you, son?
I saw you on 24 News.
You look so good. So great.
[Fara] Thank you.
I told everyone
that you used to be my son's fiancée.
That was 15 years ago.
Maktub comes round.
- [Fara] Inshallah.
- [Soraya] Listen.
I don't like that Philippe
who works with you.
- Me neither.
- Wallah. God forgive me
for saying this during Ramadan,
but he looks like Voldemort.
You know Voldemort?
My grandchildren teach me all sorts.
- I know Jul.
- [Fara] You know Jul?
- Yes, I know Jul.
- Come on, Mom, get some rest.
Inside. Come on.
- Will you come tonight?
- [Fara] Inshallah.
- [Soraya] Invite her, will you?
- [Walid] Okay, all right.
All right.
What do I do with her?
I can't leave her. She's alone and sick.
You've no choice.
Where am I supposed to go,
and with what money?
What do you want me to do?
Leave my mother?
[Walid] Please.
You want me dead?
You have to go.
Fara, please.
[door opens]
[door slams]
[indistinct chatter]
- Here.
- No way!
Madame's in business.
- Efficient. Class.
- Look, it's everything that we have.
You've made the right decision.
I swear, you won't regret it.
But now it's up to you.
You need to bring people in.
- Okay.
- Your brothers, your sisters,
your cousins, your friends,
your neighbors, your
Even your exes. Even your enemies.
You're a trawler. Cast a wide net. Oh.
Money, money, money.
- Hello.
- [man] My ID card.
Of course.
Four, three, two
[Fara] Well, hello, Philippe.
Hello, everyone.
Today's lead story:
What happens to the drugs
seized by Anti-Narcotics Police Force?
Payment in kind to police informants
has been prohibited since 2014.
But these practices continue
within the police force,
which the following footage will reveal.
A video exclusive to 24 News.
[reporter] The Anti-Narcotics Police
seized a record amount of drugs
from a building in the suburbs of Paris.
This impoundment,
filmed by a local resident,
shows that the practice
[Philippe] Wonderful story.
Now every police officer in France
is against us. Just great.
[reporter] As these images show,
the Chief of Operations
deposits a bag full of drugs
A few minutes later,
the informant comes to pick them up,
as though nothing were going on.
Obviously, these practices
are illegal and reprehensible.
[unsettling music]
[Souhila] Go ahead, come in. Welcome.
- Welcome.
- [indistinct chatter]
- Good evening. Welcome.
- [man] Thank you.
Good evening. Good evening.
- Good evening.
- [woman] One more.
- Thank you.
- Salam alaykum.
- [man] Just some soup, please. Thank you.
- Enjoy your meal.
- Salam alaykum.
- Good evening.
- You're welcome.
- Good evening.
- There's been a shooting!
- [woman 1] What?
- [man 1] What happened?
- Someone's dead!
[woman 2] What's happened?
- [man 2] Come on.
- [man 3] What's going on? Oh, my God.
[crowd clamoring]
[man] Get back. Get back.
Get back. Get back.
[indistinct chatter]
[man 1] This just happened. Just now.
Open your eyes, my son.
Please. Open your eyes. My son.
[sobbing continues]
[man 2] Excuse me. Excuse me.
[Louiza] Let me through.
[indistinct chatter]
- [Louiza] Soraya.
- [Soraya] Please. Don't be dead.
Don't Don't be dead. Please, don't.
Don't die. Walid!
[Louiza] Soraya, Soraya
Oh, Soraya!
Your daughter did this.
Your daughter did this.
[Soraya sobbing]
[Soraya] Walid
[people murmuring]
[Fara] Walid
[emotional music]
[Soraya speaking in Arabic]
[Soraya continues speaking in Arabic]
[closing theme music]
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