Thin Ice (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

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A Swedish ship, a Swedish crew
and a Swedish diplomat.
Those people's lives are at stake
and you're rejecting help.
Please, leave.
- Nakinngi wasn't on the ship.
This isn't really negotiation.
It needs to be changed if you want Russia to sign.
Are you on the ship?
- You don't need to know.
Find the ship's VDR.
Both internet and telephone lines are down.
Under these circumstances
we can't sign a treaty!
This oil reserve might be worth
billions of euros.
Big enough to kill for.
Liv, what happened?
All contacts with Tasiilaq have been interrupted.
Someone blew up the communication tower.
I'm on the ship right now.
- Someone must check out the data I'm sending you.
Were there any victims?
- No. They started an investigation.
This is part of something bigger.
- What you mean?
That's what we must find out.
Wait, something's wrong Casper?
Are you there?
- Casper! Hello?
Did you see anything suspicious before the explosion?
- Nothing.
Ok. Thanks.
All units!
Katarina here!
I need help at Nakinngi's house.
I found him.
You acted without any permission!
You broke Danish law, I can't help you!
Danish police wants you to leave!
- Not until I find Viktor.
But it's not your job you must listen
- No, you must listen to me.
I've never seen such sophisticated ways
to collect information.
What you mean?
- Someone hacked the ship's computer.
They also hacked into my computer
and deleted everything!
How did you get it anyway?
- You ought to be wondering what was in it!
Ville Berger said it might be
the largest oil field in the whole world.
Someone else found it and
they want rid of any competition.
This cannot happen not here!
I've seen Berger Oil destroy entire communities
because of oil extraction rights.
I'm reminded of it every day,
because of my kids.
Elsa, it's already happening.
- The Russians want to change the treaty.
"No drilling of undiscovered reserves".
It could mean they found something.
To exploit it,
they will need Greenland's approval.
If Denmark signs, Greenland will follow.
It must be the Russians who
attacked the ship and caught Viktor.
We need proves!
- Who else could have been?
We need to be absolutely sure.
It's a dangerous game.
If a foreign power attacks a Swedish ship
it's almost like a declaration of war.
Bad news. Some of the member states
seem to be willing to withdraw from the treaty.
Which ones?
- Iceland, Norway and Canada.
They want to take more time.
- Why?
They've probably joined Bojan's fear tactic.
There is two more!
You three, come with me!
Ok, boss.
Get her up.
You got anything for me?
- No.
Ok, keep me informed.
I had to shoot the dogs,
they were eating him.
We have nothing!
No prints, no tire marks!
Could it be an accident?
He was drunk.
Maybe he just fell, it happens.
You think our main witness
just fell and died?
I don't know.
Why didn't you tell me about her?
- I'm sorry.
He didn't do anything!
Who is her?
- It's my wife.
What's this about?
He can't stand me having fun!
He took away Nakinngi
and now he's dead!
How are you?
Have some water.
My name's Viktor.
- I'm Kimmernaq.
We're all hostages here.
Does anyone know you're here?
- Maybe we were three.
They went after the others.
How many?
Three four.
Then there's just two left!
It's our chance!
No, if we succeed IF we do
we have hundreds of miles
of open ice around us!
She's from here!
She can lead us!
You think Enok is responsible
for Nakinngi's death?
Nakinngi and I we were
We were home then Enok came
He got mad he was furious
And Nakinngi
Nakinngi now is dead, don't you see?!
Nakinngi is dead!
Enk got mad and took him away!
It wasn't Nakinngi's fault!
Did you have problems with Nakinngi?
- He was a friend.
You had a good reason to be mad at him.
- He got my wife drunk.
Some outlander paid him
to stay off the ship!
That's what you say.
- I'm a police officer! I'm reliable!
Your wife says you were furious
when you took Nakinngi away.
Of course Ina hadn't touched a drop
in 6 months.
It's a long time for her.
I can't trust her anymore.
That's enough it's private
- We have a murder!
If Nakinngi got her to drink again
I wasn't mad at him
it's her I cannot forgive.
You'll stay here tonight.
- You can't do this!
He had a motive and
he's the last one who saw him alive.
Tasiilaq is still Europe,
the law must be applied.
Enok is a good man,
you can't put him at the stake!
- You're going too far!
What's that?
Is it Danish?
I asked him to look after
my daughter tonight.
I have to pee!
I need to pee!
Alright, come on.
Also, he needs
his leg needs medical attention.
Here, do your stuff!
Come on, I'm freezing!
Open the door!
Let her go!
Let her go!
You ain't getting away!
I'll kill her!
You have a moment?
- Not now.
This can't wait.
We were going through the agenda.
- Ok.
I heard some countries are backing out.
- I can understand that.
But we go on, don't we?
- It just got a bit out of hand.
First the ship, then the explosion
we should really postpone this.
Someone found a gigantic oil reserve
just out of Greenland.
Where did you get this?
Through our own investigations.
This could be reason for the attack.
How big is it exactly?
If my calculations are correct,
it is the larges oil reserve ever discovered.
I can't find the keys!
They're not here either.
We're fucking freezing!
Take this.
You know the way out of here, don't you?
The keys could be anywhere in the snow!
Then we must go.
We go that way
Without snowmobiles and equipment
we'll freeze to death!
They'll come back eventually!
This is Greenland!
We got more chances with them than nature!
The bears, the freeze
believe me, we're better off here!
We must hope my friends
have found help.
They went that way!
That's really huge!
I can't decide on my own
about such kind of resources.
That's no resource that's a disaster.
Reserves way smaller than that
have caused civil wars.
Backing out is a big risk.
- This changes everything
We had no idea..
we can't just say Greenland can't exploit it.
We can't? Denmark controls
Greenland's foreign policy.
Relations haven't always been idyllic
and I don't wanna add fuel to the fire.
So we must make sure
Greenland will respect the treaty.
What if the don't want to?
That would mean they know
more than they say.
I'm sure you know the terms of the treaty.
Of course, it affects Greenland's future.
I'll go straight to the point.
I'd like Greenland to back the treaty
both publicly and officially.
Why now?
- It's the country more affected by climate change.
Your signature will add importance to the treaty.
It will be a clear statement about climate.
The Council was clear about
excluding Greenland from the negotiations.
I wanna rectify that mistake.
I'll do all I can
to get Greenland a seat in the Arctic Council.
That's very generous
but you what it would mean for Greenland
to have oil a better future.
On short term but in end
it would be a disaster for everybody, including you.
Can I show you something?
Let's go outside.
Can I use your bathroom?
I don't feel too well.
I'll catch up with you!
- She's pregnant.
You have a pregnant bodyguard?
- Pregnancy is not an illness.
Where are we going?
- The kids.
Everyone in eastern Greenland
is a public employee.
Everyone else gets a subsidy
'cause there's nothing else to do.
Today is month's end,
that's when the subsidies come in.
People have small celebrations.
And all those kids can stay out of home.
Social distress is our biggest concern.
We've been working hard to solve that problem.
If we had oil,
it would be a base for our economy.
Their parents would have a job
and they could build themselves a future.
Oil cannot be the only solution.
What else?
If we can't use the resources we have,
we'll forever be beggars.
Unless we find another way.
Look at this.
She knows about that oil.
Look she gave someone drilling rights.
- "Beluga Limited"?
They have a meeting tomorrow.
- Who's behind Beluga Limited?
That's what I'll find out.
A message for Liam Skjöld.
- Yes, that's me. Thank you.
The people from Beluga will meet
the President at 4 to sign the deal.
I think we should be there as well.
You shouldn't even be in Greenland anymore.
I can't face Greenland's highest authority
with stolen evidence.
We already have our hands full
searching the ship's crew.
This is strictly connected with the ship!
You must do something!
I wish I could!
If I don't follow the rules, I'll be removed!
You got a decent plan
on how to do this?
Liv good job.
Now go home before you feel sick again.
Don't tell Aaja where I am.
Do you have "The Brothers Lionheart" movie?
- Read it to her before sleep.
We're at chapter 7.
This just isn't fair.
- It's what it is, Mati.
We follow the rules here.
It's beautiful.
- Yes, "krasivyy".
"Beautiful" in Russian.
- "Krasivyy".
"Vakkert" in Swedish.
- "Vakkert" ok.
Very "vakkert"!
- Yes, very vakkert.
"In joy and in sorrow".
You remember that?
I knew you had alcohol problems
when we met.
What I couldn't imagine was
that your problem
was going to get me incarcerated.
- I'm Nanu!
We're north of Ittoqqortoormiit!
We're chased by armed men!
They got Kimmernaq!
Hang on to me!
Hey, you better not sleep.
- I know
Good morning!
You can go.
- Don't you question me?
You've been seen in another place
when Nakinngi was killed.
I was lucky then
otherwise you'd have kept me locked.
Enok, I'm sorry
Don't worry.
Is Aaja awake?
- She's home with us.
Another complication we're facing is
we seem to be losing consensus.
If some of the present nations
withdraw from the treaty
I fear that might impact
the position of the rest of us.
Then communication with our respective cabinets
would be harder,
which complicates matters even further.
- More seriously,
there was an attack and
we still don't know who's responsible.
Are we safe here?
- I honestly don't know.
There was an explosion
and I wanna know if the police are doing anything.
Next to our goddamn hotel!
- And we have polar bears walking into town!
And as I understand
there was a murder yesterday.
Perhaps it would be wise to postpone.
- Please listen.
Information is being kept from you.
Information that affects this Council.
A gigantic oil well
has been discovered here in Greenland.
It seems to contain around
90 billion barrels of oil,
which makes it the largest
oil well left on the planet.
And this oil will cause around
36 gigatons of co2 emissions.
Do you know what that means?
Mankind can emit 720 gigatons
of carbon dioxide
until the earth becomes uninhabitable.
Which gives us less that 20 years
to stop oil emissions.
This oil well will cut
that response time severely.
We are at war with global warming!
And this oil well is its
weapon of mass destruction.
How do you know all this?
The police believes this oil
is the motive of all the attacks.
Which means, if we leave,
we are essentially giving in to terror.
What happened?
- Just a moment.
There's rumors about oil
please comment the rumors about oil
Quiet, quiet listen up!
We were supposed to have a signing ceremony here
but unfortunately that has been postponed.
In the light of that, the Council has decided
to prolong the meeting to discuss urgent matters.
What does that mean for the group?
- Håkan.
That means we're staying here for longer?
Me and the Ministers are
but you can decide for yourself.
Thank you.
- Thank you, no more questions at this point.
What about the rumors of the oil?
You knew about the oil, didn't you?
I'm willing to sign the treaty now
and avoid the crisis.
We finally have something valuable in our country
and you take it from us?
It's not about that.
We have to act responsibly
and not look at short-term profits.
You always know what's best for us, don't you?
I have my government's endorsement
to sign the treaty.
This oil changes nothing!
- If you sign, I'll start working for Greenland's independence.
It's not something you can decide for yourself.
I can make some noise with the media.
With this oil in play,
I think we can make it.
You'll be remembered as
the Minister who lost Greenland.
Wait now we won't be taking decisions
without consulting you.
But we can't allow Greenland independence
to destroy the environment.
You saw those kids
I won't be the one who takes their future from them.
No but we have to work
to find the best solution for everybody.
And what would that be?
This oil well affects all of us,
not only Greenland.
We're stuck in a system.
This can't be reduced to Westphalian law.
What are you talking about?
- This is our Achilles' heel!
Every nation only thinks for itself!
We must get out of this mindset!
The Council must act!
Greenland must be compensated
for not exploiting the oil well.
What's that about?
I suggest we grant Greenland
the full membership to the Council.
Now, wait
- You're letting us in?
When the Council was created,
Sweden voted against Greenland being included.
I'm sorry about that.
- Joining the Council will not benefit us.
We want significant investments
in exchange for all that oil.
Then we'll go for that.
If we get it,
will you sign the treaty then?
We went to sleep late,
we watched 3 movies.
I didn't know one could watch
3 movies in one night.
Did you read the book?
- When you watch 3 movies, you don't have time to read.
Why did you work so late last night?
I had to rectify a mistake
before I could come home.
Go to your room now.
- Why?
Do as I say.
Forgive me
I'm going out with Aaja today.
When we're back,
you must be gone.
Come on!
Step up and towards me!
Ok, I'm listening.
- We found absolutely nothing.
Nothing at the tower,
nothing on the crime scene.
How can it be?
I thought you needed help.
- I actually do.
Sorry about yesterday.
- Never mind. I just wanna work.
You also brought a little helper.
I have to check some things about the ship.
Why did you take dad's job?
I didn't, I'm his boss
although I never work in Tasiilaq.
When I grow up, I'll become Tasiilaq's
Chief of Police and no one will be above me.
What do we do?
- Search for evidence to catch the bad guys.
Shall we check those cellphones?
They may contain pictures.
Whose phones are these?
- They belong to the ship's crew.
I'm sorry about the delay.
- Don't worry.
We just sat down ourselves.
How did it work?
I thought you were supposed
to block the Swedish treaty in the Council.
We're still working on that.
Today I met with the Swedish oil tycoon.
She's interested in the drilling rights as well.
Even the politicians want to
reimburse Greenland for the drilling.
No, no, please no!
Let go!
- Shut up!
Put down your gun, Miss Hermanson.
What are we looking for?
Someone who wasn't supposed to be there.
Maybe he's in a picture.
- How do we know what he looks like?
If we see someone who's not on the board,
that's him.
Wait, go back!
That's him!
- What makes you so sure?
The man has red hair.
No one on the board has red hair.
You are good.
Now we just need to see his face.
I want her arrested for illegal tapping,
violence against officers
and surely espionage.
We have confiscated espionage equipment.
She was here following my orders.
Given the recent developments
here in Tasiilaq
I had one from my team guard the Premier,
in case of an attack.
She was spying on me.
I have diplomatic immunity.
- No, she was guarding the Premier on my request.
I think that should clear things up here.
Good day.
We must do something!
It's him!
What you want me to do?
Arrest a Russian diplomat?
I don't know.
We need some solid evidence.
- "We"?
I need competent people for this.
Greenland police can't even protect a house
from a pregnant Swedish woman.
What did you find out?
Beluga is Russia itself.
You think Russia attacked the ship?
This is the last phone.
That's the Swedish woman.
You can see they're in love.
That's true.
Did you and mom take photos like these?
Yes, a long time ago.
There he is!
That's him!
- Yes.
We found him.
Hey you hear that?
No! Wait!
- It's them!
Don't shoot! They have my friends!
- I can get them!
Don't do it!
No, no, no!
On the floor!
What are you doing?
- Stand up!
Put your weapons down!
I'll kill him!
Don't shoot!
Stay down!
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