Thirty Nine (2022) s01e03 Episode Script

Something I Had Never Thought Of

This Europe tour package is available
-for only 45 minutes.
-Hey. Let's go on that.
-Come on. That's Europe.
I'm sick of going to Southeast Asia.
I've never been to Europe.
-How about Taiwan?
I heard it's wonderful there.
I have to take an extended leave
for Europe, but I can't do that.
Okay. Let's go to Taiwan.
Let's eat dim sum and play golf.
-Sounds great.
-Hey, we don't golf.
Then learn. I'll give you my clubs.
I'm replacing my old ones
-with new ones.
-What are you talking about?
Gosh, forget it then.
We seriously don't get along.
-We don't.
-Tell me about it.
You're so self-centered.
Come on. Let's go to Europe.
-Let's go.
-You're just
as self-centered as she is.
Hold on. Let's watch this.
We provide over 50 items for the funeral.
Funeral services
on home shopping channels?
That's impressive.
Why are you interested?
Thinking about your mom?
I mean, I'm an only child.
Everyone around me has
already found a funeral service.
What's there to worry about
when she has three daughters?
One, two, three. Three daughters. Okay?
By the way,
what if we keep living like this,
grow old, and die?
Our parents won't be around,
and our siblings might not be able
to do it for us.
Then who'll hold our funerals?
Excuse me, but I will get married.
-Leave me out of this.
but get married first.
You little…
-What? What's this for?
-What is it?
-What? Loser pays for jokbal? Okay.
-The loser pays, rock, paper, scissors!
-Paper, scissors!
-Damn it.
-Damn it.
-Rock, paper, scissors!
-Rock, paper, scissors!
-Damn it! I'm so stupid!
I want bossam. Order half of each.
-Hey, do you have soju?
-What are you doing?
-What? We played.
-What's wrong?
It was about who'd live the longest.
What? What did she say?
Hey, Chan-young.
Hold our funerals before you die.
Sometimes, I really want to know
what's in her head.
What's in that head of yours?
What did you just do?
I'm so grateful.
I wasn't planning to live that long.
-But she just granted me longevity, right?
-Lucky you.
-I'm so thankful.
-You're welcome.
-I can't thank you enough.
I should give you a gift. Here.
Here you go.
Come on!
Did you drive here?
-Give me the keys.
You're all over the place right now.
You've been wearing that all day.
I won't ask any questions,
so let me just drive you.
The keys.
You can't drive in this state.
I'm going to kill you.
I will kill you…
if you can't save Chan-young.
Please pull up here.
I can drive now.
Tell me where you're going.
Consider me your driver.
If you don't, I'll follow you in a taxi.
I'm going to see my friend.
Give me the address.
Call a chauffeur service when you go home.
-Thank you.
You can go.
That's my husband, right?
Why are you here?
When will you stop seeing him?
I'm sure you know what I mean.
What he and I have…
is not what you think.
I hope so.
Ms. Jeong.
Seeing you around him
bothers me now.
Can you not run this place
without coaching his actors?
Is that why you're always around?
It's not like that.
That's even stranger.
If that's not the case,
why can't you leave his side?
Did he promise you something?
I'm afraid I don't understand.
For example,
did he promise a share of his assets?
There's nothing like that.
-Jin-seok is--
-Don't address him like that.
It makes me very uncomfortable.
Mr. Kim…
has never been unfaithful to you.
So you can rest assured
-and go back home.
-That wasn't my question.
You. Who exactly are you?
Why are you doing this?
You said it wasn't about the money.
I see you growing old next to him.
How are you two…
suffocating me and being so barefaced?
-Please stop.
-Why are you dodging my question?
I'm asking how you feel toward my husband.
Do you think I was
in the dark all this time?
You're pathetic.
This isn't something
you need to get upset over.
If you're lonely…
shouldn't you find
someone who isn't married?
Why are you being so pathetic?
-What? Pathetic?
If she's lonely?
What are you doing?
Mi-jo, watch your choice of words.
You're the one who ran your mouth first.
-This is none of your concern.
Neither is it yours.
How dare you?
What gives you the right
to talk to her like that?
You should leave. Okay?
Apologize. Apologize to her.
Mi-jo, stop it!
She's old enough to know better.
Life is short.
She should be a decent human being
for the remainder of her life.
You better shut that mouth of yours.
Are you going to continue
being his mistress?
Won't you be embarrassed when you die?
You'll pay for this.
I've been assaulted. Please come here.
Can you track my phone?
That was barely anything.
-Mi-jo, what's wrong with you?
-Are you crazy?
-Let go of me!
-Stop it!
You're crazy!
You were slapped first.
So you called us,
and she grabbed your hair.
Is that correct?
There was a misunderstanding.
She took it the wrong way.
May I leave now?
Did you assault her?
It was because she deserved it.
Hey. Can you please?
My attorney will send you
my medical report.
I won't settle.
What, you brat?
Where did she go?
To the hospital.
She's getting a medical report.
Don't worry. I'll take care of it.
What's going on with you today?
Get lost.
Dr. Kim?
Hello. How are you?
I think I know
the answer to that question.
Why are you here?
It's a long story.
Mi-jo wasn't doing well,
so he had followed her.
She just went all out, didn't she?
Please don't misunderstand.
She's not normally like this.
Of course not. I know that very well.
You should go.
Go talk with your wife.
She's seeing red right now.
What about you?
Come on.
Let's focus on what's more urgent.
Okay. I'll call you later.
Pick up, okay?
Are you a good drinker?
I can drink.
The medical report?
That was quick.
Chan-young must've told you.
Drop the charges.
I'm going to
your friend's hospital tomorrow.
I need a good medical report
to teach Mi-jo a lesson.
What did you do to her?
Why did she slap you?
Are you saying I deserved it?
Are you?
Answer my question.
Keep this up,
and I won't drop the charges.
Do you think I'm putting up
with you out of ignorance?
What do you mean?
Are you afraid of what I might know?
Don't joke with me.
I wish I was.
This is a warning. Drop it.
Did something happen at the clinic?
But then again,
she wouldn't be like that
even if something did.
I don't know what's going on,
but I'm worried about Mi-jo.
Even her sister didn't know.
I'll ask her calmly.
Could you let me know too?
Are you guys already in a relationship?
No, not really. Not yet.
Can't you act like a homme fatale?
Your name is Kim Seon-u, right?
Can you sweep her off her feet
by being a homme fatale
and make her stay here?
Overseas golfing is absurd.
I'd love to do my best.
My name is Chan-young. Jeong Chan-young.
Jeong Chan-young. I see.
-It's nice to meet you.
Hey, Chan-young.
Hold our funerals before you die.
I'm so grateful.
She just granted me longevity, right?
You lost at rock, paper, scissors.
What an idiot.
You're all done.
Dr. Cha, please come to room two.
Come here.
What's wrong, my baby sister?
Mi-hyeon, I'm acting
a bit strange today, aren't I?
What's going on?
I'm just having a tough time.
How about dinner together?
I have to go somewhere.
I hear you like spicy food.
Their spicy tteokbokki is really hot.
That's why I got the moderate one.
Are you good with spicy food?
You could say I'm average.
Here. Have some.
Let's eat.
Stop eating. You look ridiculous.
If I can comfort you
by sacrificing my stomach,
then I'll gladly…
Gosh. I think I'm the one
who needs comfort. This is spicy.
I must've startled you yesterday.
You did.
What's wrong?
I thought, "What could make
someone our age that sad?"
"Jin-seok must've done
something wrong big time."
I'm the one to blame.
I heard you say something
about saving Chan-young.
I'll stop asking.
I want to buy my sister a gift,
but I don't know what to get.
How old is she again?
What did you like at that age?
My friends.
I'm more unsure now.
Where are you?
I'm on my way to Yangpyeong. What's up?
Why suddenly?
My mom called.
Once she gives me an earful,
she won't nag me for a few months.
I see. When are you coming back?
Tomorrow. Why?
No reason.
I had no one to eat dinner with.
Call me when you get back.
Thank you.
-Okay. Thank you.
-Thank you.
Thank you. Goodbye.
You're going to be 40 soon.
What are you going to do?
I'm doing well enough.
I see. Do you call being old
and single "doing well"?
You're going to make her
lose her appetite.
Care for a drink?
-That'd be great.
-Gosh. You guys are impossible.
I promise to do everything
except for getting married.
When you two grow old,
I'll do everything to take care of you.
I'll be in a retirement home.
I'm going to live with Chan-young
and let her drive me around.
Here you go.
Gosh, this smells amazing.
Cheers, Dad.
-All right.
What? Mi-jo.
Did you have dinner?
Yes. What about you?
I was so busy today.
You should still have some.
It's really good.
What's the occasion?
I just missed you.
I'm serious.
You and Chan-young fought, right?
Did she say something?
No. Your face says it all.
I fought…
with Jin-seok's wife.
I grabbed her by the hair.
You did?
Not Chan-young, but you?
Yes. I was furious.
Why would you…
You're not the type to…
She was running her mouth.
Where? With whom?
Did you, Chan-young, and that woman meet?
I went to Chan-young's studio,
and she was there.
I overheard them talking.
And that lunatic was spewing nonsense.
And Chan-young,
that idiot, just took it all.
She's only tough in front of us.
What an idiot.
You have a foul mouth today.
What did she say
for you to grab her by the hair?
I slapped her too.
It left a mark on her face.
You're crazy. Mi-jo, you're insane.
And she did nothing?
She called the cops and I was questioned.
When in the world did this happen?
Yesterday. Last night.
No way.
Will you get arrested?
Jin-seok must've dissuaded her.
Everything was settled.
Oh, my gosh.
What did she say to make you so enraged?
"Life is short."
"You're so pathetic."
She kept running her mouth.
Maybe it looked pathetic in her eyes.
But still, she crossed the line a little.
But was that harsh enough
for you to do those things to her?
"Life is short."
How dare she say that?
That's why you were infuriated?
Not because of the "pathetic" part?
Doesn't the latter anger you more?
She doesn't know what the future holds.
You must be hungry. Have mine too.
Let's take a rest here.
My legs are giving out.
Look at you.
How will you golf in that state?
One minute.
Hey, Mom.
I didn't forget.
I'll go with you tomorrow.
I'm free in the morning.
Don't worry about it.
Okay. Let's talk more at home.
What is it?
Her medical checkup is tomorrow,
and she wants to go alone.
I see. She's getting her checkup tomorrow.
You know what?
I get very nervous
whenever I go to the hospital with her
in case the cancer came back.
The surgery was a success.
And these days, you can cure all types of…
Is something going on?
Why do I feel so drowsy all of a sudden?
Let's go.
I'll feel hurt
if you're hiding something from me.
It's not like that.
When is her checkup?
In the morning. It won't take long.
Excuse me. I'd like this one.
One minute, please.
-This one.
What? Hey, So-won.
Did you have a drink?
Yes, I did.
I'm having a get-together
with my coworkers.
I was going to stop by. I didn't know.
What? What for?
I bought a watch for you.
What? Really?
I know you have poor taste.
Are you sure it's pretty?
You underestimate me too much.
I have an aesthetic sense too.
I'll be the judge.
I'll see if it's pretty or not.
Seon-u, I need to go back inside.
I'll call you again tomorrow.
Okay. I'll take a cab.
Jane, hurry back inside.
They're looking for you.
-Here you go.
-Thank you.
My pleasure.
I get anxious when you call me
at this hour. Are you drunk again?
Not even. The night's still young.
Take care of your liver.
Why did you call me?
I just called to say hi.
By the way,
it's about your sister, So-won.
-What about her?
-How is she?
What's she up to?
She teaches at a piano academy
and goes to orchestra auditions.
Really? Let me know
if our pretty So-won gets a boyfriend.
I'll take care of him.
What's it to you? Why would you do that?
She's my first love, you bastard.
Well, I won't allow it.
Excuse me.
I'd like another bottle, please.
I'll get it.
Will you be okay?
Me? Why do you ask?
Can I not have expensive drinks?
That's not what I meant.
You look quite drunk.
What's wrong?
Right. It's closing time, isn't it?
Well, that too.
But this is really strong.
Come on.
You need to take responsibility
and take care of me.
I mean, the owner
of the dried pollack restaurant.
I mean, that restaurant…
I was able to drink
and cry there in peace
without my mom knowing, you know?
But you opened this restaurant here.
There's a Chinatown in Incheon.
Why did you make one here as well?
What kind of China…
Chan-young and Mi-jo…
We went to Chinatown in Incheon
and had tangsuyuk.
We're that close,
but she just won't talk.
I must look…
so weak in her eyes.
I mean…
Her eyes tell me
that something is going on.
But she just won't tell me what it is.
Are you at Mi-jo's clinic?
No. But I'm nearby.
I'm sorry,
but can you check if she's there?
I don't think she's there.
You haven't left yet?
No, well…
Do you want to drink something sweet?
It's okay.
Maybe something cold and sweet.
Let's go.
Why did you come back to the clinic?
You must have no friends.
Just call me Seon-u.
I was eating nearby
because I got hungry
after buying a gift for my sister.
Then Jin-seok called and asked
if you were still at the clinic.
I could see the clinic
from the restaurant,
and your office was still lit.
I knew it.
I knew you'd get upset
if I told him the truth.
I said you weren't there.
I'm dying to know.
I can't find a solution.
And I don't know
where to go to find comfort.
Neither my home nor my clinic
feels like home.
When I share my troubles
with someone unrelated…
In this situation,
it'd be someone like me.
It helps lift a burden off my chest.
What do you do when you're frustrated?
Do you have sneakers at the clinic?
Check, please.
Throw away the receipt.
Excuse me. Wait…
Excuse me.
Hey. Hello?
What's going on? Why are you here?
This isn't right.
That's mine.
I know.
It's your card,
but you can't pay with this.
This is so funny.
That's a food waste disposal card.
Not a credit card.
Are you crazy?
"Are you crazy?"
How dare you.
Are you a thief?
Were you going to steal food waste?
I'm going to report you to the police.
You idiot.
What was that?
Let's run.
Come on.
Don't you feel relieved?
I'm sweating barefoot
and it's uncomfortable.
It's so hard to be a homme fatale.
Chan-young told me
to impress you by being a homme fatale
so that you wouldn't go to the States.
You met her?
I have something to confess.
I already told you about my feelings.
This is something else.
Answer my question.
When you were
at the police station yesterday,
I was there too.
I really showed you everything.
You disappeared out of nowhere
then reappeared with your gown on.
Then you grabbed Jin-seok by the collar.
You looked really anxious.
I couldn't leave you in that state.
Wasn't it strange?
It was sad to see.
We only met recently,
but I could tell that
you weren't being yourself.
I was worried about you.
Chan-young is…
You met my friends, right?
Chan-young and Joo-hee.
Calling them family
isn't enough to describe them.
Since I don't know
how it feels to really have a family.
Anyway, those two…
are extremely precious
to me.
I could tell.
Chan-young is sick.
She's very sick.
She has stage four pancreatic cancer.
Goodness. That's enough.
Why would you sleep here and not at home?
Tomorrow morning will be hectic.
Sleeping here is more convenient.
Come here and lie down. Come on.
I came after a while, and this is…
Gosh, my back hurts.
What? Should I bring some cushions?
You should treat me better
not our terrible daughter
who's still single.
-Dad, let's sleep in another room.
Let's hit the sack.
She's right. Let's just hit the sack.
Why is your face so dry?
-Goodness. You can't hide your age.
We should've married her off
in her thirties.
Look at her now. She'll be 40 soon.
Mom, people ask me if I'm in my twenties.
-Don't be absurd.
Do you really believe that?
-Why would you…
-Why did you slap me?
She's so violent.
Dad, you should get a divorce.
Come on. It's too late for that.
Dad, Seoul is teeming
with beautiful single ladies.
Should I hook you up?
Come on.
This restaurant is under her name,
and so are our house and the land.
It'll be my loss.
-You should demand alimony.
Are you guys going to sleep in the car?
Right. Goodness.
-Let's go to bed.
People get married in their forties too.
Why are you working
if you're not going
to spend money on your appearance?
Whatever. I don't care.
I'm going to live with you forever.
-We'll grow old together.
-Hey! Do you want to get slapped again?
-Darn it.
-Go to bed already.
-Go to bed.
Good night, everyone.
-The lights.
-The lights.
I need to go outside
to turn the lights off.
I was the first to find out.
I had to tell her about it.
Normally, I'm pretty good with words.
But I had no idea what to say to her.
This is bad.
I don't have the guts
to look her in the eye.
And I'm venting at all the wrong people.
Chan-young and Jin-seok…
must have a special relationship.
Why do you say that?
What did he say to you?
That she's his mistress? Is that it?
I put two and two together.
Chan-young and Jin-seok.
Jin-seok's wife
and Chan-young's best friend.
Their relationship isn't
what you think it is.
Those two
have had a long…
What's the point?
He already has a family of his own.
Knowing this makes me even more worried
about both you and Chan-young.
Does Jin-seok know about Chan-young?
I'm avoiding him in case he asks.
She should be the first to know.
How will you tell her?
I don't know.
This must be so hard for you.
This is really bad.
I wish this could all end
with just me being in pain.
I mean that.
Let's go.
All the running has tired me out.
Oh, right. The peonies are beautiful.
I know this sounds childish,
but you shouldn't forget
why I got them for you.
Your confession?
I can do it again.
What sad timing.
Don't do that.
I don't think it's the right time.
My head hurts.
You're unbelievable.
I'm just really tired, Mom.
Other homes stock up on cold medicine,
but we stock up on hangover drinks.
I'm never drinking like that again.
I need to come to my senses.
As if you will.
Why do you drink so much?
I'm impressed that you always come home.
Where did you drink so much?
Last night?
I was at…
-Oh, no.
Hurry up and eat.
We're going to be late for my checkup.
I said I'd go alone.
I'm done eating.
Darn it.
I must be crazy.
How late did I drink?
I didn't even pay.
Wait. I remember giving him my card.
I think I asked him
to throw away the receipt.
Was it you?
Hurry up.
-I need to go now.
-Don't skip your meals.
Make sure you eat on time.
Of course. Look at all
the food Mom packed for me.
Don't just shove them in the fridge
-and forget to eat them.
-Okay. Fine.
-Go now.
-They're getting on. Go.
-I should go.
-Go home.
-Get on first.
Okay. Bye.
Dad. Go.
What is that?
Call me when you arrive in Seoul.
Hey, what's up?
What are you doing this evening?
You must really have no one
to eat dinner with.
Oh, right. Did she settle it with you?
I'll tell you when we meet.
I won't bring you food
if you go to prison.
I see. Everything's good.
They're within the normal range.
Continue taking your medication
and eating on time.
What about light exercise?
Yoga. I do yoga.
I also hike every now and then.
You're doing well.
We'll meet again in three months.
Thank you, ma'am.
Don't worry.
I can do it.
I can quit.
The person you are trying
to reach is unavailable…
-Thank you.
Here you go.
Right. You told me
to throw away the receipt.
Right. I'm sorry…
-about yesterday.
-Are you?
Exactly what are you sorry about?
I'm sorry for making you stay late
and paying today.
Thanks to you,
I closed the restaurant at 2 a.m.
Do you see these dark circles?
I'm still so exhausted.
I understand that the provider
of your comfort food is no longer here.
But it was no way to treat
the new owner and chef.
We're all working hard to make ends meet.
Right. I agree.
I'm only letting it go
since you live near here.
It seems you're older than me.
Well, since you remind me
of my eldest sister…
How old is she?
She's 42.
I'm not that old.
I see.
In that case, I apologize.
How about some jjajangmyeon?
It's lunchtime.
How about a bowl?
The customer service here
isn't that great.
I like jjamppong.
I see.
Jjamppong is nice too. Jjamppong…
Let's see if your business thrives.
Your eldest sister?
Did he have to say that?
He treats his customers terribly.
She's that nuisance from yesterday, right?
Why does it feel like I lost?
I don't think you should have said
"eldest sister."
How old did she look?
At most, 37 years old?
I made a mistake.
Why did I say 42?
Did you have to avoid me?
Did you think you could hide
after what you did?
I'm busy too.
You can't barge in here like this.
It's lunchtime.
Let's talk over some food.
Next time.
You brought sandwiches.
Is there one for me?
No, there are only two.
I'm hurt. You knew I'd be here.
You can have mine. I'm not hungry.
You can have both of them.
Wait. Jin-seok.
I don't know what it's about,
but I've been close enough to watch her.
I don't think it's the right time.
Let's give her some time.
Okay. Did she say anything?
Not really.
You startled me.
I'm not that ugly, am I?
Jin-seok left.
Do you see that snack bar?
They have good food.
Let's have lunch.
I'm not hungry.
Look at you.
When my mother was ill,
my sister and I did our best
to take care of her.
You need to eat well
if you want to nurse someone.
It's a long battle, you know?
If I eat…
I think I'll have indigestion.
Are you going to meet Chan-young today?
Should I drive you?
It's okay.
You're a doctor, not a driver.
You better not end up
at the police station again.
I have no energy to fight.
What are those for?
I buy flowers often lately, right?
It's awkward for me too.
Should we go inside?
You can go first.
Hurry up, or you'll get freckles out here.
This is colorful.
I'm doing my best.
Those who get bad grades
in school highlight everything.
You should know what's important
and not highlight everything.
This reminds me of my English textbooks.
Were you that bad?
Not as bad as you right now.
Hey. I came too early, didn't I?
Since your friend is here,
can we call it a day?
No. You're not done yet.
Can you wait a bit?
No, I'll wait at the café across--
No. Sit here for a minute.
If she can't do it in front of you,
she'll never be able to act well.
-Don't you agree?
"You gave me your heart,
and there's only one of it."
"It has your warmth."
"I only have one heart,
so I can give you no warmth."
"You can be cold and halfhearted."
You're the one who's acting halfheartedly.
You should analyze
your character before auditioning.
Let's see.
Look. Hyeon-u is talking coldly
throughout the entire scene.
-You did well.
But exaggerate a bit more.
-So let's say…
Okay. Face me.
Do you want something to drink?
I have beer in the fridge.
I'll pass.
I won't.
You shouldn't drink either.
Who are you to tell me
not to drink when I bought it?
We should cut down on alcohol.
Do you have herbal tea?
I should've bought some.
Don't your students bring anything?
There are many types
of healthy teas these days.
I'll send you some next time.
Better yet, I'll go buy some now.
It's nearby.
What are you doing?
Or do you have any tea bags?
Where's the office pantry?
Where can I boil the water?
Maybe a pot…
Does the water purifier…
have hot water?
I'm saying we should be elegant
and have some tea.
You've been acting strange
since yesterday.
Actually, it's been two days.
Let me apologize
for what I did. I'm sorry.
You're putting me first
in this situation as well?
Not everything I said was a confession.
She can change now.
Let's have her in black this time.
Why aren't you answering me?
Have you gone deaf? Seon-gyeom.
What? When did you come here?
You were so bold back there.
Are you scared now?
You're right.
I really am a lunatic.
Why have you been…
acting strange these past few days?
I wasn't.
I was being myself.
Why did you do something
that was unlike you?
You know I'm hot-tempered.
But you were really short-tempered.
She could've said those things
since she was upset,
so why did you slap her?
Wasn't that the first time
you ever slapped someone?
They say people change
if they're dying.
Are you…
Chan-young, please.
have I…
messed up?
I'm listening.
didn't you tell me
that you got a CT scan?
I guess it's bad.
Let's go to the hospital tomorrow.
What do I have?
You need a checkup first.
Fuck that.
Hey. You're a doctor yourself.
I'm sure there's a reason why you're
this anxious and caused that mess.
What is it?
Am I fucked?
You and your foul mouth.
That's not going to happen.
That's not going to happen to us.
We're still in our thirties.
We still have so much left to enjoy.
We were only…
We were only thirty-nine.
When we encountered
this painful life-and-death situation,
we had barely bloomed.
We were only just nearing…
the end of our thirties.
Subtitle translation by: Soo-ji Kim
I want to live a normal life
while I'm still alive.
Why do you keep implying
you're going to die?
That's what I want, so drop it.
Life is hard.
-Let's go.
Where to?
You need to be strong
if you want to take care of someone.
There's something I need to do here.
I'm going to take care of my friend.
Be the happiest terminally ill person…
the world has ever seen.
Ripped and synced by
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