This Town (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

All along, I've been wrong.
How could I have been so thick?
Words. Need. Music.
Bardy, this girl is Jeannie.
She looks like that
but she writes music.
You used to sing those rebel
songs at parties with your dad.
And I remembered you had
a good voice.
If you stayed sober for even
a month,
Dad could ask permission for you
to move back onto the estate.
I still love her.
Deuce, I know you've been to the
same corner of hell where I am
and I just wanted to
ask your advice.
Jeannie, come and dance.
Sorry, she's busy.
When you collect the insurance money
and reopen your nightclub
When it reopens, it won't be a
nightclub, it will be a music venue.
Fiona, last night I wrote a poem
that could also be a song.
It's about you.
All we need now is our lead singer.
He's trying to bring me in.
I need you to go
and make a phone call, son.
In half an hour, a bomb will go off
inside Coventry rail station.
Coventry branch of the IRA
has been activated.
I'm not asking you to
spy on your own family.
I'm ordering you.
I'm thinking of leaving for London.
Sorry, you can't do that.
You've got to sing my song.
I've got to do something to stop
myself thinking
nothing is worth doing.
Worst-case scenario.
And this is a pretty heavy
worst case.
Our lead singer didn't show up today
because he's been arrested
for being in the IRA.
MUSIC ON RADIO: Are Friends Electric
by Tubeway Army
Do you mind if I smoke?
You know the Gate pub?
Do you?
Yeah, I do.
My dad's the treasurer.
And I am social secretary.
Oh, fuck.
Someone on the estate saw you with
a sign walking toward the motorway.
They said you looked like
you needed a lift.
Yeah, to London. What's in London?
Beloved to all true patriots.
I am going to London.
It's not a topic of conversation
nor is it a matter of speculation.
I agree.
Your destination is not
a matter for speculation.
You've taken part in an operation
as part of an active service unit.
You have obligations to other
members of that unit.
You want to jump? Jump.
Dead, you're harmless.
Alive in London, you are
a potential threat to security.
You've nowhere to hide.
Your dad says he needs a hand.
He has some diesel to process.
I told him, I need him.
He's from Coventry.
He probably got the days mixed up.
Other people were not put on this
planet purely to be of use to you!
Went to the lock-up.
Bardon didn't show up.
Might have been a mix-up.
More probably a fuck-up.
Why you not in college?
I found out today, Dad,
that apparently,
other people were not put on this
planet purely to be of use to me.
I also found out today how important
other people can be to other people.
Especially if they can sing
and you can't.
I'm going to have to think of a way
of explaining it to her.
Sorry I'm late.
Dante, you said
you had something to give me.
Something important.
Well, I don't.
I don't have anything for you.
I took a day off college
to come here.
So did I.
I took a bus full of mad people
to get here.
The number 24.
I actually like it.
So, what was it you were
going to give me?
I don't want to think about it.
About what?
Look, I have a lock-up garage.
I was going to make
this thing for you
but events outside my control
got in the way.
And you're not going to tell me
what it is?
Have you ever considered
the possibility that none of us
are real and we're all just
No. I was going to make
this thing for you
that explores that possibility.
It expresses the idea that
none of us are real
and that loving someone is actually
just making somebody up.
I had to invent my mum
because I never knew her, so
I made her perfect to make it
easy to love her.
Do you see what I mean?
I know you don't.
But try it.
It might stop the words.
Dante, are you also a virgin?
I don't know.
How can you not know?
Well, I'd have to take
into consideration previous lives.
You believe in previous lives?
I have recently become convinced
that once, in a previous life,
I was a singer of songs somewhere.
And bit by bit I am remembering
the words of the songs I once sang.
And when you remember the words,
do you sing the songs?
Because I can't sing.
That's a shame.
That's a real shame.
Because even though you are very,
very strange
you're also very, very beautiful.
And if you ever showed up at one
of the gigs I go to in Erdington,
and if you got up on stage
wearing this hat
and if you could sing
man Man what?
I'd dance naked to any song
you sang.
I say no! Fucking no!
I will not be forced to dance to
anybody else's fucking tune!
I swear to God, I'll blow this
entire enterprise to fuck.
And take us both with it?
I will not be part of your plans
to murder people.
Your particular role in this
enterprise isn't to harm anyone.
Your job is to save lives.
10p a time.
You make the calls to warn
the Crown Forces
Fucking "Crown Forces"!
so they can clear innocent people
out of the way and our devices
simply destroy the infrastructure
of the system that oppresses us.
I promised Nana
and I will keep that promise.
Where did she sleep?!
Your mother. After the funeral.
Where did she fucking sleep?
What are you talking about?
I'm talking about some of the boys
stayed over in the Wood
after the funeral
and they said they saw your mother.
Saw her what?
She went to Dante's house.
Dante's dad let her in.
She had no shoes, Dad.
No shoes? If she went to
Dante's house it's probably
because she had no shoes
and nowhere else to go.
You care where she sleeps?
Yes, I fucking care!
I still get
these scenarios in my head.
Another man touches her.
Then he's lying dead, you know?
You can't let anybody go, can you?
The same person who saw
her go there,
said he saw her leave
in the morning.
She was wearing a pair of old
football boots.
Yeah. She probably borrowed them.
Because like I said, Dad,
she had no shoes.
I can picture her in
football boots
None of it is any of your business.
Take that look of love
out of your eye,
you threw her off Hillside estate.
That was a decision of High Command.
Your love lives in two rooms
on the fucking hard shoulder.
I saved her fucking life!
They were going to put bullets in
her knees for talking business to
people outside the organisation,
while she was intoxicated.
These friends of yours.
These bosses,
these fucking "freedom fighters".
You'll be needing this.
Before the week is out.
There's going to be another
wee bang.
Wires are buzzing.
Coventry is alive with
overheard conversation.
Rumours of war.
Have you made your decision,
Yes, sir, I have made my decision.
I've decided I do not want to
go back to Birmingham
and spy on my own family.
OK, relax.
I want to be totally open
and transparent with you here.
If you decide not to return
to Birmingham
and accept an attachment to the
Special Branch anti-terrorism unit,
these photos are going to be
used in evidence.
Now, we can be pretty sure
that it was this man
Boy. Terrorist,
who phoned in the bomb warning
20 minutes before the Coventry
train station explosion.
So we can therefore assume that it
was him also who planted the bomb.
That's not how it works.
Yeah, I'm going to explain to you
right now how this works.
Bardon Quinn's going to be picked up
about midday today,
he's going to be taken into custody
charged with terrorism offences.
He's going to be interrogated
by the Branch, MI5
and the West Midlands
Serious Crime Squad.
If he survives that encounter,
he's going to be charged with
the Coventry bombing
and he will be convicted.
We will then see to it that he is
sent to Long Lartin maximum security
prison, where he'll be joined
by other senior IRA prisoners.
Once inside the prison,
a rumour's going to emerge
that he co-operated
with Crown Forces.
And he'll be serving a 30-year
sentence, so
I'm really going to doubt
he'll make it that long.
That is not all, Sergeant.
On the strength of these photographs
and other evidence which
I myself will manufacture,
you'll be charged with conspiring
with an enemy of the Crown.
You'll be charged with passing
classified information regarding
military procedure in Belfast to
operatives of the IRA in Coventry.
And you will be convicted
You fuckers, you set me up.
You'll be convicted
and sentenced in a civilian court.
You gave me permission to attend my
grandmother's funeral to set a trap.
Yeah, yeah. And snap
Alternatively go home.
Go for drinks with members
of your family.
You get drunk, they get drunk -
you don't get too drunk,
you report back to us,
we gather intelligence,
and together we rinse Coventry
of the bad smell of rebellion.
Oh, and you get a medal.
So let me ask my urgent question
again, Sergeant.
Have you made your decision?
I asked some kids and they said
"Dante's on his bridge".
They think this is your bridge.
It is.
Nobody else ever uses it.
You know why?
Cos there is nothing on that side,
and there's precisely fuck all
on the other side.
A bridge from nowhere to nowhere.
Which means it is
of no use to anyone
except somebody who likes bridges.
And on the whole of the estate,
that's only me.
And me. Where's your hat?
I don't wear my hat here.
Like you don't wear your hat
to church.
Were you singing the words?
You should sing.
Cos Bardon might be gone for good.
I can't sing.
I came here
so nobody could hear me try.
I'm just glad my hat
wasn't a witness.
Everybody can sing.
In their own way.
It's like swimming.
Not everyone can swim.
But everybody floats.
I probably don't.
You do.
It's not possible to be somebody
who doesn't float.
So instead of trying to sing,
just float.
It's only me who can hear,
and what does my opinion matter?
a house
in New Orleans
That's you talking.
What's the tune?
There is a house
In New Orleans ♪
More tune
They call ♪
and less of you just being you.
They call the Rising Sun
And it's been the ruin
of many a poor boy ♪
Come on, Dante!
And me, Oh, God, I'm one ♪
You got it.
And the only thing
a gambler needs ♪
Is a suitcase and
Good! OK now, fuck it. Belt it out.
Fight the traffic. Sing!
And the only thing
a gambler needs ♪
SHOUTS: Fuck the tune, just shout!
LOUDLY: # a suitcase
and a trunk!
And the only time ♪
It's Wembley fucking Stadium!
He's satisfied,
is when he's all drunk!
So Mother, tell your children! ♪
Oh, fuck!
Never do what I have done ♪
Or spend your lives in sin
and misery ♪
In the House of the Rising Sun. ♪
My boyfriend.
Dante, they will have knives.
Is that the person I beat up?
With his brother and his friend.
Then that's good.
If that's the person I beat up,
I want to apologise to him.
Dante, now is not the time to be
fucking weird.
This is between me and him.
I am going to apologise.
I have a question for you.
What the fuck are you doing
with my girlfriend?
Just been rehearsing.
I'm speaking to this cunt.
I asked this cunt a question.
Well, does the cunt speak?
I don't know who you are,
but I'm glad you've come here.
Glad I came here, are ya?
SHOUTS: Fucking glad I came here,
I'm glad you came
because I want to say I'm sorry.
You fucking what?
The last time we met,
something happened inside me.
Something I don't like.
I became a person I'm not.
I'm a poet.
I don't mean harm to anyone.
Is he taking the piss?
No, he's really not.
This is how he is.
He's harmless.
All right,
he lives in his own world.
We've had this idea
about making music.
Jeannie! Jeannie! You come back!
Stop it! No! Get off him!
Fucking stand him up!
Stand him up! Come on!
My arms are by my side,
I will not fight.
Fucking fight back!
He told you he doesn't want to
fight, all right? Leave him alone.
Get your animal brother off him!
Please, just leave him alone!
You would be doing my work for me.
What the fuck did he say?
I've apologised,
I want to leave now.
I'll cut his fucking face off.
If you leave him alone
Fucking move, out
If you leave him alone,
I will never see him again!
I swear to God. I swear to Jesus.
Leave him alone
Move out the fucking way.
And I will never
go near him again.
Tyro, I swear.
Stop! Fucking wait!
Just fucking wait a minute.
You know what I'm like
about swearing to God.
If I swear to God, I mean it.
I swear by Almighty God,
if you leave him alone,
I will forget the music and I will
never, ever go near him again.
So help me God.
Karl, get off him.
You ever go near her again,
I'll fucking kill you, OK? OK?
Just leave him.
He's nothing.
I just felt sorry for him.
Come on. Let's go.
Let's go, let's go.
There is a house in New Orleans
They call the Rising Sun
And it's been the ruin of many
a poor boy
And me, oh, God, I'm one ♪
MUSIC: House of the Rising Sun
by The Animals
OK, driver, take me down to hell.
Who is it?
It's Estella.
Bardon's mum.
Holy shit, what happened to you?
Come in.
You been fighting?
I've been not fighting.
Let me look.
Nothing broke.
You swallow any teeth?
I used to be a nurse.
That's how I met Bardon's dad.
Helped sew his thumb back on
after a fight.
You seeing double? No.
What are you doing here?
Come and sit down in the light.
Let me see if you need stitches.
You're not getting involved
in drugs? No.
So who you been fighting?
It's called reaping what you sow.
That which you do unto others
will be done unto you.
Is that from the Bible?
Comes out of me like sweat.
I listen to my dad preaching.
His preaching is why I'm here.
Your dad says God can help me.
Though I think I'll be a tall order,
even for God.
He says he knows people
who can cure me.
Then my dad's your man.
Yep, he's my man.
Ouch. Shh.
He hasn't touched a drink in
four years, and do you know what?
He looks really sad
most of the time.
Oh, that's fantastic motivation,
thank you, Dante.
He'll have you praying
and confessing.
I'll do whatever it takes.
My, you are a handsome boy,
even after a beating.
Today, she said I was beautiful.
Who did?
Then someone comes along
and beats the beauty out of me,
as if summoned.
This is some life we live
in these rough places, isn't it?
Yeah, it's some life we live.
I don't want my dad to find out
what happened.
What will you do, wear a mask?
I've decided to go away
for a bit.
Go away where?
Dad's at the soup kitchen
until three.
I'll be gone when he gets back.
You can wait here for him.
Where are you going?
You can help yourself to anything.
Dad doesn't allow booze,
so there's no temptation.
Dante, I'll have to tell him
where you've gone.
Tell him
tell him
I'm going to the place
where it all started.
MUSIC: A Message To You Rudy
by The Specials
Will bloom once again, said she. ♪
Holy fuck.
What are you doing here?
Finding you.
Why you wearing sunglasses?
What happened?
I had a very thorough
and eventful singing lesson.
What happened to you?
Something came up.
More important than singing my song?
Yeah, more important than that.
So you've decided to start smoking.
Think it will help my voice
when I sing.
Or float, as Jeannie calls it.
Except Jeannie is gone
because she swore to Jesus that
she would never speak to me again,
and I got the feeling Jesus
is important to her.
And soon Jesus will be important
to your mum, if my dad has his way.
What are you talking about?
Your mum is at my house.
She came to see my dad.
What the fuck are you doing here?
Hello, Uncle Eamonn.
I was wondering if I could
stay at your house for a few days.
That probably isn't a very good idea
right now, Dante.
We've got quite a lot going on.
Or maybe I could
stay at your mum's place, Bardon.
I know she's not there tonight.
What? Bardon's mum is at
Dante is having a hard time at home.
Show him your eyes, Dante.
He needs a place to stay,
let me sort him out, OK?
Keep him out of the way.
What did he say about your mother?
He's not quite right at the moment.
He's not making sense.
We were just now this far
from my dad going home,
picking up a gun,
driving up the fucking M6 motorway
and shooting your dad
through the head.
Why would he do that?
It's called "love", Dante.
Let me explain
It's like you
with a girl from Sutton Coldfield.
She likes my hat.
It's fucking ridiculous.
Writing a song for her
is ridiculous.
Some middle-class girl
who'll drop the cassette in the bin
and go on to become a surveyor
or an estate agent,
who wouldn't look twice at trash
like us when she reaches 21.
But you do it because of love.
Love makes you do mad things.
Where are we?
We are now in a place where no door
is locked, because no-one has
anything to steal, and anyway, the
locks themselves have been stolen.
So the madness of love is what
has my dad in its grip.
He's still in love with my mum
and he can't stand the idea of any
other man going anywhere near her.
This is your mum's flat?
This is my mum's flat.
Prepare yourself. She's been drunk
ever since she moved in,
so it might not be pleasant.
Clean, at least.
And tidy.
No booze.
She's trying this time.
She must really believe
your dad can help her.
Dante? What's wrong?
This place.
This place is fucking heaven.
You should write a song about it.
Already have.
Just this second.
And you'll sing it yourself?
We'll sing it together.
That's why I came here.
To explain it to you.
They call it harmony.
You'll do the tune
and I'll sort of talk and growl.
That's not what harmony is.
And I need to think of a way
of getting Jeannie back.
All I need is something
stronger than Jesus.
EAMONN: Estella, my darling.
Are you there?
I know you hate me
and you blame me for your exile,
but when I saw you at the funeral
and I heard you sing
Dad, you poor stupid fucker.
I don't have the words
to express my emotion myself,
I'll sing the song
we danced to at our wedding.
They say I'm poor,
they say I'm young
I tell them
all to hold their tongue
If they can part
the sand from the sea
Then they can part my true love
from me. ♪
Goodnight, my darling.
A poet called Philip Larkin
wrote a poem.
"They fuck you up,
your mum and dad."
That's it.
That's the whole poem.
OK, Dante, let's try it.
The song my stupid dad just sang.
You start.
One I love, two she loves
Three she's true to me
BOTH IN UNISON: # They say I'm poor,
they say I'm young
I tell them
all to hold their tongue
HARMONISING: # If they can part
the sand from the sea
Then they can part my true love
from me
One I love, two she loves
Three she's true to me. ♪
Not yet stronger than Jesus,
but not bad.
Hey, Virgil.
All right, Wire.
How's your brother?
They fixed him up? My brother?
I thought maybe that's why
you came back.
What you talking about, Wire?
On the estate, they're calling it
the massacre under Dante's bridge.
It was one against one, in here,
on this dance floor,
and my brother won.
Then it was three against one
on a bridge and my brother lost.
Now it's me against three.
But I've been asked by management
to take it outside.
Let's fucking 'ave it!
MUSIC: Clampdown
by The Clash
One, two, three, four!
Taking off his turban,
they said, is this man a Jew?
Working for the clampdown
Picking up a poster,
saying, we earn more than you
Working for the clampdown
We will teach our twisted speech
To the young believers
We will train our blue-eyed men
To be young believers
The judge said five to ten,
but I'd say double that again
I'm not working for the clampdown
No man born with a living soul
Can be working for the clampdown
Kick over the wall cos
government's to fall
How can you refuse it?
Let fury have the hour ♪
You. You leave my brother alone.
It's OK, I already
made a promise to Jesus.
Welcome home, Virgil.
You grow up and you calm down
You're working for the clampdown
You start wearing the
blue and brown
You're working for
the clampdown. ♪
You OK, Dad?
You didn't just leave the other day?
What you doing back here?
What you doing sleeping on the sofa?
We have a guest.
Your Auntie Estella.
The 12 steps no work for her,
so she's trying God.
Is it working?
She sing beautiful
but she giggles a lot.
Come on, man,
you know better than that.
Not in this house.
Talk to me now.
What is going on?
You see when
you sorted out my life, Dad,
and I promised you
I'd never lie to you again.
You can't lie to me,
I will always know.
So don't ask me why I'm back here.
Cos the truth is dangerous.
Truth could get you killed.
But it's going to be OK, though,
Dad, cos I'm a soldier.
And I have a plan.
Listen, I'm tired.
I'm going to get some sleep.
Hold on.
See, this one's legal, I promise.
I've got it on
a Ministry of Defence license
Not in this house.
I understand, but I'm so tired,
Dad Gregory.
Me and Belinda take it in turns.
When it's me, nothing works.
Shh, shh.
Listen, I need use of the Zulu
safe storage facility.
Don't ask, don't tell.
And, Wire, put word around the Wood
that my brother Dante is now
officially a Zulu
and is under Zulu protection.
Maybe that'll stop the stupid
bastard getting himself killed.
Morning, Nan.
MUSIC: Love Of The Common People
by Nicky Thomas
Living on free food tickets
Water in your milk
from a hole in the roof
Where the rain come through
What can you do? Uh-huh
Tears from your little sister
Crying because she doesn't have
a dress without a patch
For the party tonight
But she knows she'll get by
cos she's
Living with the love
of the common people
Smile from the heart
of the family man
Daddy's gonna buy her
a dream to cling to
Mama's gonna love her just
as much as she can ♪
Morning, Nan.
And she can ♪
On the road to next time's better.
Driving away from
nothing fucking matters.
Foxes and taxis
and drunks in tatters,
sent to bed by bird song chatter.
EAMONN: Bardon, get up.
There's been a delivery.
Broken glass,
guns, dope and concrete.
Mix in bass and drum and then sing.
Like the M6 was Orange Street.
Sorry, God.
This blackened shell
in which you now stand
will soon become a cathedral.
The broken stage and scorched
dance floor will become altar,
font and pews, dedicated to the
worship of live music.
Through that hanging door,
the whole of Birmingham will come.
And from beyond, from all over
the fucking country,
and from America, and we will,
we will be ready to greet them.
Now, they will come for the music
but they will also become customers
for other merchandise
associated with live music venues.
Now, I'm told by my friend that
you are people who can be trusted,
people he has known for many years,
people known on the streets where
you live as Zulus.
So, on his word, I'm going
to invite you all today
to join me in my holy enterprise.
And as high priest
I will now initiate you with
this holy sacrament.
Leave it!
"Hey, that mad bastard Robbie Carmen
"blew £50 worth of cocaine
in my face.
"Yeah, and then he stared into my
eyes, as if looking for something."
I am looking for something.
A willingness to accept my madness
and obey my rules.
And here are those rules.
Any customer
entering my establishment
will be searched
for illegal substances.
Thank you, Mr Carmen.
All substances you confiscate will
be collected and stored for re-sale.
The customers will then be offered
our own merchandise,
at very uncompetitive prices,
which they will accept
for want of alternatives.
There will be
no alternative sources.
Because any customer found dealing
their own merchandise on my premises
will have both their arms broken.
Now, it is my intention to use this
place to sell hashish, cocaine
and heroin to both young and old
on an industrial scale,
so that the music on the stage
will become secondary
to the powder in the cloakroom.
Now, then.
Now the high priest
passes judgment.
Anyone who works for me
needs to have the same attitude
and outlook as this space man.
He does not laugh,
he does not cry,
he expresses no opinions,
offers no objections,
he simply stands in the place
where I put him.
He does not speak to the police,
he does not confess to a friend
or tell his mother where all
the money is coming from.
Because money, there will be.
Lots and lots of money.
You may now wipe your faces.
The one who took two blows of coke
would cause us trouble.
The woman third from the left
has an addiction in her eyes.
And the last in line,
who laughed at me, smells of whisky.
Get rid of them three.
And then there will be seven.
And maybe there'll be one more
to add to the seven.
Guess who's back in town?
Bardy? No, it's me.
What are you doing here?
Bardon phoned Dad
and told him where you were,
in case he was worried.
Why aren't you in Belfast?
Because I need you to
do something for me. What?
I need you to fucking grow up.
Not possible. Or desirable.
Listen, if someone fights you,
you fight back.
Does Dad know?
I never tell Dad anything
but he always finds out anyway.
I need to speak to Bardon.
Phone him up.
No, I need you to phone him.
For the next few weeks or months
the question why is forbidden.
Just phone Bardon and tell him
you want to meet him
and talk about something.
Talk about what? I don't know.
What do you normally
talk to him about? Music.
So phone him and tell him
you want to talk about music.
Listen, I thought she was a drinker.
Is there no fucking booze
in this house?
Brother, it's 8:30 in the morning.
Yeah, well, for me, it's still
last night. Just phone Bardon
and tell him you want to meet him
at Coventry Cathedral. What?
Tell him you want to meet him there
right now. Why Coventry Cathedral?
Cos no-one from Coventry goes there
and I don't want us being seen.
No more whys, just phone him.
The acoustics in this place
are amazing.
My brother came back from Belfast.
He wants to talk to you.
Go and talk to him.
Apparently, I'm not allowed to hear
what he has to say.
Close enough. Sit down.
You don't need to speak,
just listen.
You're in a lot of trouble, Bardy.
They have your name
for the train station
and I've been sent back to nail you
and your dad
and the whole Coventry cell.
Look, they'll have
my handler in place soon,
so I can only say this once,
so please just shut up and listen.
You're going to have to trust me.
I need to give 'em a big fish
so they let you and your dad
off the hook. It's how they work.
They send you after your family
so you deliver commanders instead.
You're going to have to be hard,
You're going to have to become
a man fast.
Real fast.
I need you to get me information
about when and where.
I can't do this.
I have college. I have exams.
Bardy, if you're picked up
for the train station,
you're looking at 30 years.
I just put a fucking coin in a slot.
Yeah, and now you're on the hook.
To get you off the hook,
I need the commanders.
I need to know who's giving
the orders.
In Birmingham, some of the gangs do
have contact with the 'Ra
so I do have ways in. But I will
also need information from you.
If you get information they can use,
then maybe we can make a deal.
I am in the middle of my final
fucking exams.
I am not made for this kind of work.
Come on, Bardy,
no-one was made for it.
You make yourself.
I'll get you out of this and get
your dad off with five to ten,
but I need the commanders.
It will get worse before
it gets better.
But it will get better,
because I'll make sure of it.
Why don't we ask the priest if it's
OK for us to record my song here?
It's unbelievable.
A recording studio made by God.
OK, God.
I'll rehearse it on my own.
The song I want to record
is called Birdsong.
And it goes like this.
Well, they tell me
of a pie up in the sky
Waiting for me when I die
But between the day you're born
and when you die
They never even seem
to hear your cry
But as sure as the sun will shine
I'm gonna get my share now,
what's mine
And then the harder they come
The harder they fall, one and all
Ooh, the harder they come
The harder they fall,
one and all. ♪
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