Three-Body (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

It is a countdown.
No way.
No way.
In you go.
Dad, I'm home.
Change your shoes. Quickly.
Go drink some water.
You'll do your homework soon.
Do drink the water.
You're home.
Li Yao.
Take some pictures for me.
I thought you didn't want me
to use your camera.
Put those aside. Here.
Take some pictures for me.
How do I use this?
I can't press the button.
Do this. Press here.
- Yeah.
- Like this?
Do it again after every shot.
Press this.
I'll take a picture of you.
Keep taking pictures. Anything.
Doudou, Mom will take a picture of you.
Not our daughter.
Not our daughter.
Take pictures of other stuff in our house.
I'm used to digital cameras, I rarely
Rarely use a film camera.
I'll leave you alone.
Just take more pictures.
Let me know once you're finished.
The whole film?
At the end of time ♪
Spring comes and she leaves ♪
Why stop again ♪
At the end of time ♪
Spring comes and she leaves ♪
I can't tell the lie ♪
Fireworks in the air ♪
At the night when nobody repented ♪
Fell slowly ♪
At the end of time ♪
Waves roar a song ♪
Who gave everything they had ♪
At the end of the beginning ♪
You asked me what was freedom ♪
Who lost what they owned ♪
=Episode 3=
Wang Miao, I'm finished.
I'm finished.
What's the matter with you?
Your hand is so cold.
What's the matter with you?
Are you feeling ill?
I'm fine.
Let me know if you feel ill.
We'll go to the hospital.
Not that.
Not that. Whatever it is.
Not me, please.
I don't want to see that.
I don't want to see that.
Just nothing.
Wang Miao, open the door.
What do you think of the pictures?
Pretty good.
It means I'm gifted.
Tell me, what's the matter with you?
You didn't look right back then.
And look at the sweat on your face.
The air-conditioner isn't on.
And the door was closed.
It was just the hot air.
I'll be fine after I let in
some fresh air. I'm alright.
You can't stay
in the darkroom for too long.
Wang Miao,
what's the matter with the pictures?
I see numbers on them.
Don't touch that.
What's wrong with you?
You look pretty uptight.
What, I can't touch it?
I'm studying
how the number got on the pictures.
It was printed on the picture, wasn't it?
No, the number was on it
when it was developed.
Well, it was on the film then.
Those are real-time numbers.
It's the camera's function.
A basic function of all modern cameras.
What is the image-forming principle?
What makes it photosensitive?
The photosensitive source
of the greatest possibility
is an external gamma-ray
of strong penetration power.
But it is technologically impossible.
Where is the source of the ray?
How can it be so precise?
It's right on the film.
All right, then. You take your time.
I'm going to make dinner.
I'll let you know when it's ready.
Don't you close the door again.
Professor Wu.
Hi, Wang.
I'd like to ask you a question
about gamma-ray source.
Not only does it
identify backgrounds with precision
but it also does real-time projection.
Are you kidding me?
So you mean
it's impossible.
Unless it's paranormal power,
or else it's scientifically impossible.
I see.
Thank you.
What's up?
Do you have a camera? Can I use it?
Not a digital one, a film camera.
Wait a minute.
As far as I know, you're a photographer.
You wanna ask me for a camera?
What's with your fancy camera?
I only have a digital camera.
That will do, too. Can I use it, please?
Wait a minute, then.
Mr. Wang, you don't look well.
Look at your face.
I took some random pictures.
Just delete them.
Easy. Don't overstrain yourself.
Li Yao,
help me.
Come on. Take more pictures.
Let me put it down.
Take more pictures for me.
What's the matter with you?
Take more pictures with this one.
What is wrong with you
Just do it!
Come on.
Shoot anything.
One more.
It's enough.
One more.
One more, over there.
One more.
- Hey, wait
- Come on.
What's up, Daddy?
Take some pictures for Daddy, please.
Shoot the flowers.
Shoot the door.
Here, the television.
Take a picture of the TV.
There, take one.
The statue, take a picture of that.
- OK.
- Enough.
Give me a minute.
I'll grab my camera.
Let's do it together.
Wait, Wang Miao.
Wang Miao.
I know that you're stressed lately.
But you can talk to me.
I'm just playing a game with her.
It's fine.
Come on, Doudou.
Take a picture of the bear.
- You
- One, two, three.
Here, Doudou, let's swap cameras.
We'll take another picture of the bear.
One, two, three.
Do this.
Press the button.
Take more pictures. Still that.
It's me.
I'm the target.
(Wang Miao)
Hello, Shen.
Go over everything that Yang Dong
did before she killed herself.
If she did anything abnormal,
you let me know.
What did you see?
What did you see?
Why did you just stop the car?
What are you doing?
Open the door!
Open the door!
What did you see?
Why did you stop the car
all of a sudden?
Open the door!
Roll down the window!
Roll it down! Roll down the window!
What's your problem?
What did you see? Why you stopped?
You banged on your head?
Come on, get off.
Get off the car.
I'm asking you. What did you see?
Answer me! What did you see?
Why did you stop the car suddenly?
Answer me!
Answer me! What did you see?
What did you see?
Why you stopped the car?
I'm asking you! Answer me!
Answer me! Look at me!
Nothing. I saw nothing.
You saw nothing?
Why did you stop the car suddenly?
A car's headlight
flashed me.
What's wrong with me stopping the car?
Where are you going?
I'll drive you there.
Are you following me?
I'm protecting you.
No, thanks.
I'm a researcher.
I have no money or power.
No one wants anything from me.
If your sanity is still with you,
just stop following me.
Is there something wrong with your head?
Stop following me.
What's the matter with you?
What the heck?
What are you doing
in the middle of the road?
Hey, you!
Are you out of your mind?
Get away, weirdo!
What are you doing?
(You mustn't disobey our Lord's will)
Where did you go?
Where were you?
I wanted to get the camera fixed,
but the car broke down.
I will get it fixed some other day.
What on earth is wrong with you?
My eyes aren't feeling right.
Then why did you drive a car?
I'm seeing things.
Let me see.
Look left.
Look right.
You look okay.
But I'm really seeing things.
an old classmate of mine,
Zhou Nan,
is an eye doctor at Tongren Hospital.
Go see him tomorrow.
He'll do an examination on you.
You'll get up and be there early.
So he can see you before work hours.
If I tell you that I'm seeing things
when my eyes are closed,
is it possible that it's not about eyes?
I'm a doctor.
We'll look into all possibilities.
First, ophthalmology. Then neurology.
We'll have a conclusion eventually.
Hope so.
I hope so.
Time for bed.
Where will we be
49 days later?
Still here, no?
The medical term is
foreign body sensation.
It's not that.
I'm seeing a clear image.
If it's not supposed to be in your eyes,
it is a foreign body.
Muscae volitantes.
It is a common eye disease
that can happen to people our age.
Vitreous opacity.
It's a difficult one.
But it's no big deal.
I'll prescribe you
some eyewash and Vitamin D.
Maybe it'll be gone.
But I'm not sure.
You mentioned muscae volitantes.
What will the patients see?
It varies from
person to person.
Some see small black dots.
Some see tadpole-shaped objects.
What if I say I see a string of numbers?
I'm not joking.
Seriously, a string of numbers
is in the middle of my field of vision.
You are exhausted.
Li Yao talked to me about you
at our last classmate reunion party.
She said that you were too stressed.
We're not young anymore.
We need to take things easy.
You can't afford to hurt your body.
So you mean
it's a mental disease?
I would advise others
to try the department of psychiatry,
but that's unnecessary for you.
You've just been tired.
Take some days off.
Enjoy a vacation
with Li Yao
and your daughter.
By the way, what's her name?
Doudou, right?
Have fun together.
Trust me.
You'll be fine soon.
It's a countdown like this.
Right in front of my eyes.
The countdown keeps going
second by second.
Is it a mental disease, too?
You want to know how mental stress
can affect your eyes?
Last month,
I saw a girl
about 15 years old.
She just couldn't see anything
for no reason in the classroom.
She went totally blind.
She had a full examination,
but her eyes were
completely okay physically.
And then,
she received a one-month therapy
from the experts
in psychiatry department.
All of a sudden,
she just got her eyesight back.
No other organic disease whatsoever.
It's called muscae volitantes, you know.
Eye floaters,
you know.
I'm serious, Zhou Nan.
But the medical records
can back me up as well.
Li Yao is a doctor, too.
You can ask her.
(National Center
for Nanoscience and Technology)
Zhou Nan told me
that muscae volitantes is a tricky one.
But it won't cause much trouble in life.
So don't worry about it.
I don't have muscae volitantes.
He told me
that what you described
simply doesn't exist.
That's exactly
why I'm scared.
Why would you be scared
of something that doesn't exist?
But it's right in front of my eyes.
It's right there.
Do you mean
you are seeing a ghost,
Professor Wang?
Li Yao.
What if I tell you
that beyond us humans,
there's a more advanced civilization?
We'll call it the Farmer.
In the eyes of the Farmer,
all humans
are a bunch of turkeys on the farm.
I'm a turkey scientist.
And you are a turkey doctor.
What do you think of that?
So the advanced civilization
enjoys putting a countdown
in your eyes, huh?
Is the end of the countdown
the Thanksgiving Day
of the advanced civilization?
It's a very constructive viewpoint.
But why is it in my eyes,
not yours?
Who are you calling at late night?
A feeder on the farm.
Hello, Dr. Shen.
I'm Wang Miao.
I would like to have a chat
with you in person.
(One message from Shen Yufei)
(No. 9 Shayang Road, Houyu Town.
From Shen Yufei)
The model is RX8620.
The Superconductivity Research Center
has one, too.
It costs millions.
I'm here to see Shen Yufei.
She's dealing with something
in the study upstairs.
That one. You'll see her there.
I talked to experts from various fields.
They all said it was impossible.
But right now,
it's right in front of my eyes.
The countdown is on.
Like this one.
Professor Wang,
how's the nanoscience project going
under your leadership?
The nanoscience project?
Is that relevant?
They are completely
two different fields of knowledge.
Stop your research.
What did you say?
It is a key national project.
The research team
has spent over a decade on it.
You ask me to terminate it.
There has to be a reason.
Just try it.
Tell me what you know.
This is all
that I can tell you.
I can't.
It's not happening.
Try it.
It is serious.
Do you know
that we are the one and only
research team that
does nano experiments in that area?
I know that we've hit
a bottleneck at the moment.
I know we can't put it into
mass production.
If we can't solve the problem,
someone else will.
But I won't give up.
I certainly hope
that the problem can be solved
under my leadership.
try to stop it.
I will not accept that
I'm a turkey scientist.
Most of the scholars
who committed suicide
had some connection
with the Frontiers of Science.
The Frontiers of Science
is more than a basic-theory
academic exchange organization
as you self-declared.
Your connection with real life
is way more complicated than I imagined.
It's a matter of time ♪
Should we say goodbye ♪
Or should we keep it all ♪
This is a beautiful lie ♪
You can make it true if you want to ♪
With the cost of all ♪
Fireworks ♪
You waste it all just to watch me burn ♪
And on and on and on ♪
We can fight it back ♪
Starting with our lives ♪
Or should we keep it all ♪
Still a lie ♪
You can make it true if you want to ♪
With the cost of all ♪
You have such an impression
because what the Frontiers of Science
is doing
is more fundamental than you imagine.
Fireworks ♪
You waste it all just to watch me burn ♪
And on and on and on ♪
Fireworks ♪
You walk away to watch me burn ♪
And on and on and on ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
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