Threesome (2021) s01e03 Episode Script

Kentucky Lemonade

-What are you doing?
-Nothing. I just went for a run.
-Nice. Are you going to study now?
-Very nice.
-Hello, Siri.
-How are you?
It's such a shame
you couldn't come home, too.
I know.
I've got an exam in two weeks.
I understand.
-I miss you so much.
-I miss you too.
-Look after yourself. Kiss, kiss.
-Kiss, kiss.
How are things at home?
Lovely. Makes you realize
what you're missing.
-You know.
-Have you been crying?
-No, um
I've just been for a run.
Where's the party going to be?
At Skinnarholmen. You know,
where Adam had his graduation.
-It's gonna be sick.
-Is something up?
No. Stop it. It's nothing.
You sure?
-Well, I'll speak to you soon.
-Yeah. Say hi to everyone for me.
-I will.
-I love you.
Love you too. Kiss.
You've reached David.
I can't take your call right now.
Leave a message.
-I can't see you.
-I'm right at the back. Keep going.
-Wait. I can see you.
Right in front of your eyes.
-You look so good.
-Thank you.
Sit down, sit down.
-Where's Josephine?
-She went to the loo.
-Try this, try this.
-What is it?
Kentucky lemonade.
-It's good, right?
-How are things? You OK?
How are you? You look a bit down.
-I'm gonna fail this fucking exam.
-No, you're not.
-Yes, I am.
-You'll be fine.
You've just got to take
a break some times.
Just unwind. It's crucial.
No, for real. I'm never more focused
than the day after
a proper fucking booze-up.
How does that even work?
I don't understand.
Guilt. Guilt is the shit.
I so thrive off of it.
I wish I did.
The best thing you can do now
in terms of studying,
is make sure you feel
really fucking guilty tomorrow.
Like, get massively drunk. Do coke.
I've got fucking coke in my bag.
We can really take this
to the next level.
Embarrass yourself,
have David drag you home
David's in Sweden
at some fucking birthday thing.
God, that's perfect.
You can really fuck yourself up then.
He's probably doing the same thing
as we speak.
-Oh, hi.
were you taking a shit in there?
You were fucking ages.
-One for you.
-Thank you.
-Oh, my God. This stuff is so good.
-Yes. Is this for me?
Better be. It is now.
-Shut the fuck up.
-I know, it's a classic move.
Come on.
We need to get you one of these.
Oh, yeah. Fuck it.
-It's nice, right?
-Yeah, yeah.
It so good.
-How are you?
-Oh, fuck. You started without us.
-You can't fucking do that.
How are you?
Bacon, bacon.
Yep. Yep. OK.
Bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon.
Beautiful. Well done.
It's fine. OK, OK.
So, I think you'd like to thank me,
my fingers, the Academy
for taking your puking
into consideration
and awarding you one
of the most prestigious awards ever
for best throw-up of all time.
We should do this again. Next week?
-Same time, same place.
-Yes? Same time, same trusty toilet?
Oh, OK. Alright. OK.
You've reached David. I can't take
your call right now. Leave a message.
-Why don't you answer my calls?
I called a hundred fucking times,
Has something happened?
But I worry when you don't answer.
Shit, I'm sorry. I only just saw
your missed calls.
I didn't hear my phone.
You haven't looked at your phone
in over five hours?
-Well, yeah, but it was on silent.
-Oh, right. Yeah, right, David.
But What? What's the problem?
I dunno.
Imagine if I'd got run over or raped
and I can't get hold of you
for over five hours.
Yeah, but I'm calling you now.
What's the problem?
What's the matter, Siri?
I wish it had never happened.
It's just messed up. I'm trying
my best not to think about it
but I can't stop thinking about it
and I I hate it.
I fucking hate that we did it.
It feels like
we've destroyed something.
It feels like we've screwed it all up
and I
All I can see is you with her.
I just want to
I don't know.
I don't know what to do, David.
What do you mean, "hm?"
No, I'm listening, that's all.
-Do you go around thinking about her?
-Be honest with me, David.
-No. Obviously not.
It's not fucking obvious.
I watched you fuck her.
How should I know?
It's fucking messed up.
Siri, I can't do this right now.
Why not?
Because I'm at Ludvig's
25th birthday party
-and there are people here.
We'll talk about it when I get home.
I'm not doing this over the phone.
So, you don't really care, then?
Sure I do.
You don't care that I'm standing
in the middle of the road
crying and feeling like shit?
-You don't give a shit.
-Yeah, but
You don't. Cos you wanna talk
about it when you get home.
What do you want?
What do want me to do?
I'm at Ludvig's 25th birthday party.
There's nothing I can do right now.
What can I do?
Yeah, there is. You can do something.
What? What? Do you want me
to get a flight back now?
I can't be doing with this right now.
I can't be doing with this shit
right now.
I'm going back to the party.
I'm hanging up.
Your priorities are fucked up, David.
Fucked up.
Yeah. Well, fine, then.
Are you sleeping?
OK. I'm boarding now.
Why didn't you answer my texts?
I passed out when I got home.
I didn't see your messages.
OK. See you later, then.
-Did you buy snus and candy?
-See you later.
There's not much we can do about it.
We can't, like, undo it.
But I get
that it's more difficult for you.
-Do you still like my body?
I love your body.
It was just as if
she really turned you on.
But it wasn't her I mean
It was the situation.
When I saw how you
got turned on by her.
It just turned me on.
I don't want to think about it
I don't. I can't take it.
Let's forget about it.
Let's just forget about it.
We've done it now.
Now we know how it feels.
Let's never do it again.
You're mine.
And you're mine.
-Do you know what I want?
I just want to get away somewhere.
Like, a hotel. Just indulge, like.
Just you and me.
Can we do that
on our seventh anniversary?
Yeah. Of course we can.
Well, hello, there!
Give it to me. Give it to me, David.
-Did you have fun without me?
-Stop messing about!
-Stop it, David. Stop it now.
Yes. Stop it. It's not funny.
-Why? I want it too.
-I want it too.
-Stop it.
Oh, man.
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