Thunder in My Heart (2021) s01e03 Episode Script


-You okay?
Can you please not do that when
you're touching my hair?
-It's outside your pants. Never mind.
-I know, but still.
But at the same time.
It doesn't matter.
It feels like thrush. Okay?
Of course you have thrush. You always
get that after taking antibiotics.
It's actually really good.
-Hey, you can use yogurt down there.
I don't know how it works,
but it works.
You'd better not be kidding.
Use a pantyliner,
put it in your underwear.
-Promise that you're not kidding.
-I promise.
-Pantyliner, so it's not too messy.
Put it on your pussy. Done.
It'll be better tomorrow.
It worked.
Of course it worked.
I told you it would.
In the end,
it's not the years in your life
In the end, it's not the years in
your life that count.
It's the life
I think it's important, Hanna.
It's part of her healing.
Hi, sweethearts. Is it hot?
Are you not sweaty?
-Did you get my text about the cream?
Will you butter some bread?
Damn it!
Has something happened?
Liv is calling all the time.
She's nagging me to get a man.
Apparently she's feeling sorry
for you as you don't have dad.
-Oh, please
-Yes, please!
That's the whole point of
insemination. You don't want a man.
What is it that she's not getting?
I'm so damn fed up!
Antonia, have you told Sigge
that your dad
smoked weed
throughout the whole pregnancy.
He was high, all the time.
And he was cheating.
There was some new girl.
Oh, that's so sweet.
What a lovely sandwich!
Yeah, he was cheating
with some new girl every week.
Well, Sigge already knows this, Mum.
She's so lovely. She's my baby.
And with Liv, you've met Liv
She always says she wants
what's best for me.
Hey, you're really tense.
I don't have the energy
to give you a massage.
She always says she wants what's best
for me, but that's not true.
No! She's a cunt.
I didn't think you were allowed to
use that word in a negative way?
No, you can't.
Well, let's say that she's a dick.
She's like a bell end.
She is! She's staining everything
beautiful with smeg.
I'm going to sleep. Don't wake me up.
Hugs and kisses.
My god
Could I talk to you briefly
in the office?
What? Me?
The competition
from the chains is tough.
-I don't have a choice.
-Why are you sacking me?
Sack someone new.
I've worked here the longest.
Ellen can barely roller-skate.
She falls all the time. I never fall.
-But you're late quite often.
-And you leave early.
-I've left early twice in a year.
Three times in a year.
Then there was a woman who called me.
She was quite upset.
She said you'd smashed up chocolate
balls in front of her.
That bitch!
You can't give away free meals
to friends.
-I haven't done that!
-If you do, you have to note it down.
So I can deduct it from your wages.
I've noted it down. Sometimes. How
would you know about when I haven't?
Maybe I meant to write it down later.
-I might write it all in one go.
-Write it all in one go.
I think you're a really nice girl.
-I think I'm a really nice woman.
Thank you.
How are you?
I hope you're having a good day.
Did you get my email?
How are you doing with the flat?
You pulled my hair.
No. No, you're misremembering.
My hand just got stuck in your hair.
Have you seen Inside Out?
Quite good for a children's film.
Do you remember when the car got
a flat tyre and it was dark outside?
We had to stop, and you sang that
song over and over again.
Love, me love me
Say that you love me
I love you.
I love you.
It's better to be hated for what you
are, than loved for what you are not.
It's like grabbing hot coals
to throw them at somebody else.
You get burnt.
The world breaks everyone, and
afterwards I'm much stronger.
resembles the circle
White people
The circle doesn't have an end.
Listen to this song.
It's very beautiful.
Sorry if you thought
the song was depressing.
I just got a bit emotional.
Love, Dad.
Call me when you get a chance.
Would be great to just talk a bit.
-Hi, Sigrid!
-Hi, Dad.
-Hi! How are you?
You sound a bit sad.
No, well, I
I got
My manager just told me off.
I hadn't even done anything.
My God He sounds utterly stupid.
Yes, he is.
You should grab a cream pastry
next time you see him.
Take the pastry lid off
and push the pastry into his mouth.
That way you don't have to
listen to him.
Then you put the top of the pastry
on his head.
Then he can grab
his roller-skates and go home.
The rolling pastry Gunnar.
-Yeah. Yes, maybe.
Sigge, don't let them push you down.
You're unique. I mean it.
You've got something nobody else has.
You should know this.
-I've been with you from the start.
Already the first time I changed your
nappy, I knew it was unbelievable.
This is something else.
This is too much.
Hey, I have to get a move on.
-But call me whenever again.
-Whenever! I will pick up. Bye.
-Nice that you're here.
I thought you'd be here in an hour.
Yeah, I got fired. That's why.
-I don't want to talk about it.
-Can't we get really drunk now?
Thank you. Cheers, cheers.
Sigge will get a better job!
Sigge will get a better job!
-Sigge will be a billionaire!
-I'm not going to bother with this.
-Come on.
-I got sacked, I'm broke.
I have thrush
and I want to go home and cry.
-Come with us in and cry.
Sigge, 34% of the people in this line
will end the night in tears.
No, they won't! Fake stats.
-It's to make me feel less alone.
But people will cry, you get that.
-So, you're not alone.
-Maybe, but I want cry at home.
-No, you should cry with me.
I have a girlfriend.
That's great.
When we had sex,
her leg was this bent.
Like this. Look at how I'm standing.
This times ten.
That's how high her leg was.
I was just wondering
how she was able to do that.
Yes! Answer!
Hi, Janne!
What? What did you?
Hold on a second.
I think she wants to meet up!
I love you! I love you so much!
You're so sweet!
I love you. You're the best here!
I love you. You're in me.
You're everything.
-You're everything to everyone.
Have fun!
Don't fall in love with him.
Don't fall in love with him.
He'll leave you.
-He'll give you chlamydia!
-Who is this?
I have no idea. Definitely not.
Use a condom
if you're going to fuck him.
I just think you seem like a
Hey! What are you doing?
Hey, are you okay?
-Hey, what is it? Are you okay?
Should we call some of your friends?
-What did you say?
-Should we call your friends?
I'm sorry. I thought you were
somebody else, someone I know.
I get that. Are you okay?
Do you need help?
-I'm going to go to my friends now.
-Do that.
I'm going to dance and be happy.
Do you remember when we got a flat
tyre on the car?
I love you.
Hi! I've got a question.
I'm looking for my friend
who is about this tall.
She's got red hair and a gap between
her front teeth. Have you seen her?
Maybe you've talked to her.
She talks a lot.
You must have talked to her.
Sam, she's not here. Come.
Hello? Wake up.
-Hey? Hello?
-Fuck, you scared me!
-Are you okay?
-Yes, I was just resting a bit.
Yes, I saw. You shouldn't sleep here.
Do you want me to call your friends?
Where's the girl?
She left when you said
I had chlamydia.
-My God!
-It's okay.
Should we find her? I'll explain
that we don't know each other.
-No, it's okay. I'm all good.
-I'll explain.
-I'm sorry.
-Are you okay?
-You looked like somebody.
-Somebody who had chlamydia.
I don't have chlamydia now.
Just so you know.
Me neither.
-What's your name? I'm Rasmus.
-Oh, handshake. I'm
There you are! We've been
looking for you everywhere.
-Hi! My friends.
-I've ruined Rasmus' evening.
No, I've had fun.
Look! Doesn't he look like Edwin
from behind?
-No, he doesn't.
-They're lying.
-Sigge, we're going home now.
Aren't you coming with us?
-No, I don't need to go.
-Yes, come on.
-I'll help you up.
-No, I'm not going home.
Sigge, you have to. You are so drunk.
-Stop it, you're so angry.
-No, I'm not.
Okay, I'm apparently going home now.
I get that it wasn't fun for you to
meet me, but I'm happy I met you.
-Sigge, you're awesome.
-You're nice.
-You are so drunk.
-No, I'm not.
You're really, really nice!
I hope you understand
how nice you are!
Do you know how beautiful you are?
Do you remember Kurt?
From confirmation.
Yes. The guy with the shirts.
He's the one who said conscience
is like triangle in your chest.
Every time you do something stupid,
the triangle rotates
and the points of it get blunted.
Every time you do something stupid,
it rotates.
the triangle becomes a circle.
And you can't feel if you're doing
right or wrong anymore.
-A triangle?
-The triangle of conscience.
Did it look like
like this? Or was it coloured in
in the middle?
You can't fill Don't show
Put it down.
-Oh, my God!
-Are you not out dancing?
-Yes, we're on our way.
Amanda got so damn drunk.
She has to eat,
otherwise nobody will let us in.
-What are you doing here?
I was going to eat.
I felt lonely, and I got hungry.
I came to look at people.
-You shouldn't sit there alone.
I'm sorry. I'm feeling so stupid now!
I've forgotten your
-Antonia, that's right. Sorry.
-Our brothers are classmates.
We met at some school end of year
thing, so we started talking.
-Don't you want to come with us?
-It looks a bit rowdy.
No, never mind about that.
I'll come with you.
I'll join you for a bit.
-Take care.
-You too!
Hey, do you want to go
to mine or yours afterwards?
What did you say?
You're laughing. I can
-No, you can't walk on your own.
-You're laughing so much at me.
Help. Help.
-I didn't cry today.
-It's so hot! Are you feeling hot?
-Where is Rebecka?
-We dropped her off on the way.
-I didn't notice!
-Because you were asleep.
-I am.
You have to help out.
Lift your legs up. What's going on?
Pull from Ouch!
There. Okay.
-Do you want your sweatpants?
-Yes, I want them. And a t-shirt.
-I want everything.
-A t-shirt. Here's a t-shirt.
Thank you very much.
And this.
What? Are you uncomfortable when I'm
getting changed in front of you?
No, I just don't want you to think
that I'm staring at your breasts.
-Here you are.
-I don't want it.
-Okay, I'll put it here.
-I'll have it later, if I want to.
-Come here.
-Come here.
-Come here.
I have to go.
-Hi. What's up?
-Hi. What's up with you?
You called me.
No, you called me.
Okay. Sure.
-I have to go.
-Can't you come here?
Fucking idiot.
-Hi, darling.
-Hi, Mum.
-Did I wake you up?
-Did something happen?
-I got sacked today.
Oh, no.
Because of
that fucking chocolate ball bitch.
What are you saying?
Nothing. I need some of my savings.
I'll be paid until now, but
It won't be that much.
-Can you transfer some?
-Okay, I'll do it now.
Hold on.
What is it?
There's no money.
What do you mean "gone"?
40,000 kronor were transferred to
your dad's account a few weeks ago.
He's so fucking egoistic.
Has he taken my money?
-How have you not noticed?
-I've not checked this account.
You two were going to guard my money
so I didn't waste it.
Then he takes them!
And you don't even notice.
Don't shout at me.
Call your dad and shout at him.
Okay, he's going to like
You have to help me.
Please, you have to hep me.
-But I don't have that money, Sigrid.
-You must have something.
You must have something
you can give me.
Yes, I have a mortgage
and a child to look after.
What? I'm your child too.
Hello! You've reached Stefan.
Leave a message after the beep.
Hello! You've reached Stefan.
Leave a message after the beep.
Hi! Could you transfer my money
when you hear this? Thanks.
Hello? Hey.
What's the matter with you? Wake up!
I called you ten times.
What's the matter with you? What?
It's the middle of the night.
Sam, please.
Hello! You've reached Stefan.
Leave a message after the beep.
Hi! I thought that the bank might
have made a mistake.
Maybe they made a mistake.
Call me or text me, so I know.
He texted me.
I was with Sigge.
He wrote: "I love you."
So I thought that he was going to
do something.
So I ran here and called you
at the same time.
You never answered.
Hello! You've reached Stefan.
Leave a message after the
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