Thunderbirds (1965) s01e03 Episode Script

The Perils of Penelope

'Thunderbirds are go! ' We are flying at 3,000 feet, folks.
Way down beneath the clouds is the ground.
We will show you a fantastic sight! (Commentator) That, folks, is the newly completed Thompson Tower.
We'll go past the sea of windows! Thompson Tower is more than just a gigantic store.
It is a self-contained city.
Every commercial item in the world can be obtained on the 350 floors.
A person could live a whole year without moving from a room in one of the 12 hotels in the tower.
It is a stupendous feat of engineering skill.
Beneath the great structure is a honeycomb of corridors and parking space for 10,000 automobiles.
A monorail links parking area and store.
(Tin Tin) Oxyhydnite power rising to 27,000.
Pressure, 456.
The steel should yield a-a-at any moment now.
This new gas should help our work tremendously.
L-I know, sir.
But i-it's still experimental.
We don't know how it will a-affect the operators.
'Boys, any trouble, and you get out.
' It's working! The flame is penetrating.
three times faster than a laser! Yeah, i-it's better than I expected.
Seems you've done it again, Brains.
It's too early to say, but the signs a-are favourable.
(Jeff) 'Great, boys.
Cut a large panel, then stop.
' OK, Father.
Virgil's blood pressure is up.
- 'Are you 0K, Virgil? ' - Sure, Father.
- Why the rise, Brains? - Could be due to his concentration.
They almost seem to be enjoying the work.
- Nearly there, Scott.
- Yeah, a few more minutes.
(Jeff) 'Virgil, what's wrong? Are you 0K? ' Virgil! Answer me.
Are you 0K? Scott, can you hear me? (Jeff) 'Answer me, Scott! ' (Quiet breathing) Their breathing is normal, but something is wrong.
Turn off the gas and let's get them out of there.
- Tin Tin, prepare the sick room.
- Yes, Mr Tracy.
You have? Well, were the masks faulty? No, l-I checked them and they're per-perfectly sound.
Scott and Virgil are physically 0K, but tests show that the gas entered through their pores.
Any after-effects? There is no sign of any.
Look, Virgil is coming round.
Hi, Virgil, how are you feeling? Just great! Hey, what am I doing in the sickroom? - Don't you remember the gas? - 0f course.
I remember feeling dizzy.
I guess I must have passed out.
(Tin Tin) Scott's coming round, too.
Gee, that was sure a good sleep.
Hello, son.
How do you feel now? - What's this bedside manner stuff? - You passed out in the test chamber.
- Remember? - 0h, yeah.
That's right.
- What happens now, Brains? - I'll work on the oxyhydnite.
And us? Can't we get up? OK, boys, but take it easy.
Go out.
It's a lovely day.
(Car horn beeps) Hush, dear.
She's probably just a learner.
She's a danger to everyone! (Siren) Say, it's the Highway Patrol.
I guess she had that coming.
People like that cause accidents.
They are a menace.
Wow! Is THAT it, Dad? That's it, Tommy.
Isn't she a giant? There's the auto-park entrance.
It's a long way from the store.
Sure, four miles.
Space for Here we go.
- 0K, let's go see this store.
- How do we get there? Follow the sign to the monorail.
The nerve of that patrol car stopping me like that! Forget it, dear.
Concentrate on what you're doing.
There's the entrance.
Slow down.
That's the barrier.
Use the brake, honey.
We're too fast! BRAKE! You're going to kill us! Get out of here! The car's on fire! Quick, the emergency exit! - What's that rumbling, Joe? - I don't know, Blanche.
I'm trying to find this monorail.
- The sign said this way.
- And north, south, east and west! It's like a rabbit warren down here.
- I told you to buy a guidebook.
- All right! Let's hurry.
We'll be here all day.
Fire in areas one and two.
Check all sprinklers and alarms.
Systems negative.
Operate emergency systems.
It's no good.
They don't respond.
Alert all fire appliances.
We must contain the fire to the sub-basement, so seal it off.
I want all those corridors shut down.
(0perator) Corridor A-12, clear.
A-12, sealed.
(Sirens wail) Corridor C-14, clear.
(0perator) C-14, sealed.
Where are those fire tenders? Everything from a 40-mile radius is coming.
- They will be here in seven minutes.
- Good.
Direct them to section 12.
People in the tower won't see them there.
It is vital we don't scare anyone.
Gee, Mum and Dad sure take their time.
Dad, I'm gonna hide.
- Bet you won't find me.
- Yes, we will.
Oh, no, you won't.
Corridor D-49, clear.
D-49, sealed.
- (Tommy) You'll never find me.
- Yes, we will.
OK, this is the police! We're coming in.
'Don't move.
We've got you covered.
The place is surrounded.
' - 0K, Lieutenant, keep him covered.
- Move.
You're under arrest.
OK, I'll come quietly.
Corridor D-50, clear.
Corridor D-50, sealed.
Let's find our way out of this maze.
- We can't go that way.
It's blocked.
- I told you to buy a guidebook! That end's closed, too! Joe, we're shut in! What's going on? All corridors checked and sealed.
- We can contain the fire there.
- She'll burn herself out.
Have the fire tenders ready, just in case.
The main vent seal has failed to operate.
- That's the building alarm! - We MUST seal that vent shaft! Alert tenders and close that cover! More appliances are coming.
Get them to sector 12 - ready to move in at a moment's notice.
- Is the air vent seal in position? - No, we can't shift it.
Try, man! It's jammed! And flames are going right up the building! OK, move the tenders in.
But the people in the tower will panic if they see them.
They'll see nothing if those flames are not put out now! Hey! 0pen this door! - Let us out! - Joe, look! The place is on fire! They've shut us in! 0pen this door! Section seven, evacuated.
And section ten.
(Radio) 'Fire Chief here.
Pumps working, but we can't hold the fire! ' - Section 19, evacuated.
- It's going up like matchwood! - Why don't they let us out? - (Joe) Help! We're in the basement! Mum, where's the smoke coming from? Don't worry, Tommy.
We'll be out soon.
You'll see.
Can you hear me? Please, someone let us out! Sections 103 and 113, evacuated.
Check the cameras.
Let's see if the fire has spread.
Corridor D-50, clear.
Wait! How did THEY get in there? Those corridors were empty! Maybe, but there are people there now.
We must get them out! How? It's impossible! No one can get near the sub-basement entrances.
- Which corridor were they in? - D-50, but we can't reach it! - What are we going to do? - I don't know.
I just don't know.
It's stifling.
- Are we gonna die, Mum? - 0f course not.
Are we, Joe? No, no, someone will come and rescue us.
How are you? Mighty strange stuff, that gas.
Funny thing is, I feel better than normal.
I hope Brains irons out the snags.
It could be useful.
Not if it keeps knocking you out.
Say, Tin Tin seems to be having fun.
Reckon you're in the best place.
Boy, is it hot today! - How's the water? - Just great, Alan.
Come in, it's so C00L! Sorry, I'm relieving John in the space station.
His month's duty is up.
That's nice.
He must get lonely up there.
(Chatter on different radio frequencies) Less than two hours to go! I can't wait to dive into that pool.
Sure gets lonely up here.
It's so quiet.
Still, not much longer now.
(Radio) 'Calling International Rescue.
' I spoke too soon! 'Calling International Rescue.
'This is Thompson Tower.
Do you read me? ' Receiving you, strength five.
Go ahead.
The tower is on fire.
The fire fighters can't control it.
My buddy said you were the people to contact.
You're our 0NLY hope.
What's even worse is that there are three people trapped below ground.
OK, we'll get help to you.
Thank goodness I remembered them! They'd better be quick.
The flames have reached the roof.
(Bleeps) Go ahead, John.
'The Thompson Tower is on fire with three people trapped below ground.
' (Bleeps) - Someone's in trouble.
- Let's get the brief.
Come on.
I'll be right there.
Section 709, evacuated.
Wonder how they're doing down there.
It's the last place I'd want to be.
They can't know we're down here! Breathe through this, Tommy.
It'll help.
He's scared out of his wits.
Where ARE they? They can't leave us to die! Get going, Scott.
We won't know details until you investigate.
On my way.
We called International Rescue 'This is International Rescue calling Thompson Tower.
'Give me all the information you have.
' Thompson Tower here.
This is the situation.
Thunderbird 1 will be there soon.
Launch Thunderbird 2 with the Mole.
Section 971, evacuated.
The entire building should be clear in five minutes.
That will only just be enough time.
The tower can't last much longer.
How will the corridor roof stand up to the burning rubble? The walls are getting hotter every minute! And the smoke! I can hardly see.
I can't hold out much longer, Joe.
Who, Blanche? Who? No one can get us out of this now! The whole Thompson Tower must be ablaze! Thunderbird 1 here.
I'm near the danger zone.
(Jeff) 'FAB, Scott.
Virgil is nine minutes behind you.
' Tower Control from Thunderbird 1.
I'm coming in to land.
'Standing by.
But how are you going to effect this rescue? ' 'Leave that to us.
' Thunderbird 2 from Thunderbird 1.
I'm over the tower.
It's not good.
'Can you cut down on arrival time? ' It depends on wind variation.
I'll try.
I'm going down now.
- Entire building evacuated.
- Look! She's breaking up! Get those fire tenders clear! Tower Control to Fire Chief.
Abandon area! Repeat - clear the area! - All fire tenders clear.
- Just in time.
These people are trapped in D-50.
We'll have to go down here, half a mile away.
The tower's coming down! It's FINISHED! What's happening? Sounds like the whole world's caving in! It's got much hotter, Joe! What will we do?! Keep calm, honey.
Hold on.
'Thunderbird 1 control from Thunderbird 2.
' - Be with you in five minutes.
- 'FAB, Virgil.
' The tower's down.
Makes our job tough.
Virgil, it looks like we'll have to cut through a heap of steel doors.
Brains' gas would have been ideal.
The way I figure it, that new gas is our only hope.
But that stuff is not safe.
True, it only knocked us out on test, 'but prolonged exposure could kill.
' Three people will die if we don't chance it.
Now, what do you say? Well, the equipment's aboard.
OK, Scott.
If lives depend on it, then we MUST risk it! Good man.
I'll tell Father and Brains what we're doing.
(Bleeps) 'Father, using Brains' gas is our only hope.
' - Are you sure? - 'Yes.
'Those people will die if we don't.
' - Well, Brains? - I don't like it.
The gas masks are useless.
They'll be c-completely unprotected.
'0ur alternative is to come home.
'There is no sense in us sitting here waiting for them to die! ' You're right, Scott.
Use the new equipment.
A-a-and keep in continual r-radio contact.
Perhaps small doses of the gas won't hurt.
There's no time for an on-off attempt.
It's all or nothing.
OK, be careful, both of you.
OK, Scott, what's the action? We'll have to drill down to the corridor system in the Mole.
But first, we'll have to clear the western section of burning rubble.
That's where we start drilling? Right.
There's a lot of soft rock, so get the Firefly out of the pod and start.
I'll join you soon.
'0K, Scott, will do.
' And go carefully.
That rubble is white hot.
This whole place will collapse soon.
Gee, this heat! Joe Joe, what's happening to us? Tell me we're not gonna die, Joe.
Tell me! Easy, honey, the boy will hear.
We've got to be brave.
Try to breathe gently.
Make use of every bit of air.
T0MMY! (Virgil) 'Approaching fire area.
' FAB.
I'm going over to prepare the Mole.
There's a car ready for you.
- Gosh, the heat is fantastic! - (Scott) 'Can the Firefly stand it? ' We'll soon find out.
Here goes.
- What the heck's that? - It's like nothing I've ever seen! Look at how it's clearing that rubble! And the heat must be unbearable! How's it going, Virgil? Not so well.
It is difficult to dislodge.
I'll have to use the cannon.
OK, but as fast as you can.
- Ready yet, Virgil? - Nearly through.
I'm coming to join you.
These International Rescue boys sure have some great equipment! Right, Virgil, proceed to drilling position.
Take her down here, Virgil.
We can enter the corridor system from the side.
Here we go.
What's the plan, Scott? We know the people are in D-50.
The nearest we can get in is C-17.
The electronic systems have failed.
We have to cut through the doors.
We'll be working in the dark! No, the emergency power plant for the lights is in the control tower.
OK, let's get the gear! This is the first door.
Let's get busy with that cutting gear.
Keep your fingers crossed.
These doors aren't as thick as the test door.
But there are more to go through.
I guess this is the finish.
(Scott) 'Increase the cutters' pressure.
We must work faster.
' - How do you feel? - Fine.
But that means nothing.
We thought we were 0K last time.
That's number one.
Come on! - No effects yet, Virgil.
- No.
But it sure is hot down here.
Burning! Let us out of here! You can't leave us to die! Help! This is it.
The fire has reached us.
We're finished.
Blanche Tommy Someone's cutting through the door! Someone's F0UND us! We're saved! This is the last one, Scott.
We made it! Yeah, but don't ask me how.
Maybe Brains will supply the answer.
He's been listening the whole time.
Stand back, Virgil! Come on, Virgil.
Here they are! My wife and kid are unconscious.
- 0K, let's get them out.
- Fast! The roof is going! Look! The ground is giving way! The corridors have caved in.
Those International Rescue guys tried, but it was impossible.
They died helping others.
They're the bravest men I've met.
Wait! Look over there! Hello? Can you hear me? Are you 0K? 'All present and correct.
We made it just in time.
' What guys! No one knows where they come from, but thank heavens they come! Y-yeah, there's no doubt about it.
- You were saved by the heat.
- The heat? How? L-it must be a characteristic of the gas.
The gas normally enters by the pores.
But when the temperature is high enough, the gas evaporates.
So it doesn't get a chance to enter the body.
The solution is simple.
A-all we do, is use electrically-heated gas cylinders.
Great! It can become standard gear in all the Thunderbirds.
Say, Tin Tin's quiet.
What are you reading? "Joe, Blanche and Tommy Carter were at the fire enquiry "and they all looked fit and well.
"The fire started when a car crashed in the parking area.
"We thank International Rescue for their help.
"Without them, the Carters would have perished.
" That's good.
Kinda makes the job worthwhile.
One thing, Tin Tin.
Was the driver of that car male or female? I was afraid you'd ask me that.
You've guessed.
She was female.
That maniac! Those people are a menace! You're so right, dear.
You're S0 right!
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