ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

The Legend of Boggy Ben

[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped
face and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
[alarm sounds]
It's time, it's time!
It's finally time!
Hey, everyone,
guess what time it is.
It's time to fix that window
you just jumped through?
[laughs] Way off, Tygra.
Time to work on my biceps?
Nice try, Cheetara.
Time to beat this
weird old video game?
Not quite, Wilykit.
Uh, time to beat
this weird old video game?
Uh, still wrong, Wilykat.
Those weren't even words,
Time to finish building this
addition to the ThunderTank?
[both] Huh?
Oh, come on, Panthro,
it's cookie o'clock!
[all] Ooh!
Cookie o'clock! ♪
[all cheering]
That's right. And this ain't
no ordinary cookie o'clock
'cause I found the last jar
of Thunder Snaps!
Oh, man, those are the best.
Round like a circle
short like a cat ♪
A touch of spicy sparkle
and a thundery snap ♪
[man] Thunder Snaps!
Not sold on this planet.
Let me just get
this lid off here.
This thing won't give.
- Hey, uh, Lion-o?
- [exaggerated grunting]
- Lion-O!
- Huh?
Need a hand with that?
[laughs] Come on, Tygra.
Heroes don't ask for help.
What are you
talking about, Lion-O?
There's a call-for-help function
built right into
the Sword of Omens.
Oh, yeah. Its magical powers
are only surpassed
by the blunt dullness
of its plastic blade!
Just need
a little more leverage.
[straining] I'll have this off
in just a second Oh!
Oh, who am I kidding?
I can't open this jar
on my own
and cookie o'clock is ruined!
No cookies.
Only darkness remains.
Come on, Lion-O. Just let
us help you with the jar.
Ah, give it a rest, Tygra.
I know what Lion-O needs.
- You do?
- Sure do.
You need to open
that jar yourself
and be the heroic leader
you were born to be.
Yeah, I guess that would
also solve the problem.
Sounds pretty good
to me, Cheetara.
But, uh,
how am I gonna do it?
Have you ever heard of the elixir
of jar-opening super strength?
[gasps] Where that?
[Cheetara] In the soppy
swamps of Boggy Ben,
the most fearsome swamp beast
there ever, ever was.
Boggy Ben! I thought he
was just an old legend!
Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh.
But, you know, Lion-O,
some legends are for real.
If I go defeat Boggy Ben,
then I can get that jar juice,
get buff
and open the cookie jar!
I can still save
cookie o'clock!
Come on, Cheetara.
Let's go get that jar juice.
Hey, and if you get in
over your head,
don't forget to call us
for help!
[Lion-O laughs]
Nice one, Tygra.
Lion-O, the mighty hero ♪
Doesn't need nobody's help ♪
'Cause everybody knows
real heroes ♪
Do it all by themselves ♪
I can break his branch myself ♪
I can flip this rock myself ♪
I wrote this song myself ♪
I don't need nobody's help ♪
[mimicking electric
guitar solo]
Oh, hey, Lion-O! Lion-O!
- [shrieks]
- [splash]
Hey, uh, we're here.
Hmm? Hmm.
[gasps] Stranger danger.
I will eat your flesh.
- Yucko.
- [spider screams]
- [exclaims]
- [croaks]
[Lion-O] Aw,
it's just a cute little
You're gonna croak out here.
[screams] This swamp
is spooky!
- What're we waitin' for?
- [Cheetara] Right behind you, Lion-O.
[Lion-O in sing-song]
We're gonna get the jar juice!
[video game music]
- [WilyKit] Yes! Whoa, whoa, whoa!
- [WilyKat] Nice one.
[automated voice speaking]
Aw, come on, Snarf. These old
games keep glitching out.
Hey, no, Snarf, come on!
Let him go, Wilykat. That
game was, in fact, the toots.
Yeah, but it was also keeping
my mind off cookie o'clock.
Lion-O better hurry up
and open that jar.
[Panthro giggling] Man,
this is gonna be awesome.
Oh, hey, Panthro.
What you building?
- It's a secret.
- [both] Oh, come on, you gotta tell us.
- Please.
- Please.
Okay, I'll tell ya,
if you help me finish it.
[both groan]
Suit yourselves.
I guess you'll never find out
what this super sweet
secret weapon is.
"Secret weapon"?
Kit, you know Panthro's
secret weapons are legendary.
I know, Kat, I know!
- But, but
- But I don't wanna do work.
[both groaning]
[man speaking]
[both] We'll do it!
[Cheetara] Come on, Lion-O.
What's the hold-up?
[Lion-O groans] I'm trying not
to fall in the swamp again.
[Cheetara] Nah,
I think you're chicken.
Ha! Yeah, right.
This place ain't so bad. Just
a little mucky And dark.
Sure are a lot of, uh, skull-themed
things around. [chuckles nervously]
What's that all
about, anyw
Whoa! Hey,
is that Boggy Ben's lair?
You gotta stay sharp out here in
the swamps, Lion-O. [exclaims]
I'm coming, Cheetara!
Well, I'm back in the muck!
Yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck.
Oh, wait up!
Really, really brave
and I'm not afraid Of anything ♪
- Where is she?
- [Cheetara] Yo, Lion-O.
Hey, what are you doing
in that cage?
I don't know, man.
Just keep your eyes peeled.
That thing could be anywhere.
Hmm. Whoa! Do you think
it was Boggy Ben?
Did you see
the jar juice anywhere?
- Did you, huh?
- Look behind you!
Oh, boy, the jar juice!
- Oh, I misunderstood.
- [roars]
It's Boggy Ben!
Call the ThunderCats, Lion-O!
- Just raise the sword over your head
- [yells]
- [laughs] Hey, Tygra.
- How did you know it was me?
Well, looks like you forgot to take
the tag off your weird costume.
And, uh, speaking of which,
why exactly are you showing up
in a monster costume
right when me and Cheetara
are looking for a monster?
Oh, what's the point?
Sorry, Lion-O,
there is no monster.
Me and Tygra were just trying
to teach you a lesson
with this spooky,
fun adventure.
So, you weren't really
trapped in a cage?
- Correct.
- Hmm. And there's no Boggy Ben.
You guys were just trying to
scare me into calling for help?
- Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh.
- Yep, um, that's That's it.
Aw, that's so sweet!
Ah, shucks, it's no big deal.
But there's still
one thing I don't get.
If Boggy Ben is just a legend,
then who the toots
is this guy?
I guess some legends
are for real.
[both] So this is Boggy Ben?
Then that means
the jar juice
- No, I definitely made that part up.
- Toots.
[Lion-O] Hey, should we move?
Oh, this guy's strong.
All right, Boggy Ben.
Here I come!
- Move it, Lion-O!
- [exclaims]
Hey, you guys,
get out of there!
Man, don't worry about it.
We got it all under control.
Go, Tygra!
All right, let's see
how you like my bola!
- Nice one!
- [laughs] Uh-oh.
[grunting in pain]
Lion-O, just call for help!
What're you talking about?
Now he's just got one hand.
[laughs] En garde!
He's pretty good
with one hand.
Whoa, really good!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Cheetara, get him!
This is a terrible idea!
[both] Lion-O, call for help!
What is with you guys? Now he
doesn't have [grunts] Any hands!
Well, that's not
what I planned.
But at least we'll be eaten
knowing we're brave ThunderCats,
and didn't ask for help
like chickens.
There's a difference between
stubbornness and bravery, Lion-O.
And what makes
ThunderCats so strong
is that we've always got each
other's backs, no matter what.
Oh, I get it, now.
Asking for help is a
ThunderCat's greatest strength!
Why didn't anybody say so?
So, uh, just
hold the sword up and say,
"Thunder, thunder, thunder,"
and, uh, "ThunderCats ho!"
Here's the last piece
of that secret weapon.
Now, will you tell us what it is?
[chuckles] Okay.
All you gotta do
is press the button on
this controller here Oh!
[both] What?
Ooh, how long
has that been there?
I guess we will have to
test this thing later.
[both groan]
- In the field.
- [both] All right!
- We're comin', Lion-O!
- [all exclaim]
All right, Boggy Ben,
let's see how you handle
all the ThunderCats.
Hey, where'd he go?
[laughing maniacally]
Back for more of my bola, eh?
No, not more
of the paddleball.
Why don't you
give me a shot?
[Boggy Ben groans]
Hey, pass that thing
over here.
You got it.
Follow me, big dummy.
- Here you go, Snarf.
- [Snarf] Meow!
[WilyKit] Pick on someone
your own size.
[WilyKat] So, like, not us.
Looks like it's time for the
finishing blow. [grunting]
Once I get up there
Oh, man, we did it!
Yeah, Lion-O. See how much more heroic
you can be when you ask for help?
You bet.
Teamwork is the best!
Now, how about you let us
open those Thunder Snaps?
Oh, yeah, looks like
it's finally time for
[man singing]
[all cheering]
Uh, maybe we can
put 'em back together?
[sinister voice]
Cookie o'clock.
It's gonna be okay, buddy.
We'll make it
through this together.
No, Cheetara, all is lost.
Unless I managed to finish that
secret weapon you suggested.
[both] It was Lion-O's idea?
[laughs] Yeah, just in case
I totally flubbed it.
[both] The secret weapon
is a Thunder Snap launcher?
[all exclaim]
[man singing]
[all cheering]
I love learning lessons.
Lion-O, the mighty hero ♪
Just learned a lesson it seems ♪
Turns out
when there's trouble ♪
All the people
can save the day ♪
They can kick
some butts for him ♪
They can do
his chores for him ♪
They can do
everything for him ♪
He don't gotta finish
what he began ♪
No, Lion-O,
that wasn't the point.
Ah, give it a rest, Tygra.
We got our cookies, didn't we?
Ha. Yeah,
I guess you're right.
All's well that Whoa!
Lion-O, look out!
Well, I'm back in the muck!
[all laughing]
[closing theme music]
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