Tierra de lobos (2010) s01e03 Episode Script

Hasta la última gota

I found father shot and
buried like a dog.
He was there, Cesar!.
I haven't shot you right now
out of respect for your father.
I, Fernando Bravo,
have decided to end my life.
I don't think so.
Why would he commit suicide?
Marry me.
What makes you think I'd
marry someone like you.
Don't spoil it.
I know you helped us,
but we still don't know your name.
I'm Elena.
Are you okay?
- Help us out of here.
Find a rope.
Tie it to the horse and
throw me the other end.
Your daughter.
What are you doing,
fucking bastard?
Father, no!
Fucking bastard!
If you kill them, you won't sleep
peacefully for the rest of your days.
They can't stay here Lidia.
You know that better than anyone.
Halt for the Civil Guard.
What's the matter, Luis?
I can't let you pass, sir.
We're hunting,
I don't think it's incumbent.
Please, Mr. Lobo.
Chief, it's best you
get out of my way.
No, Mr. Lobo!
Before hunting anything
you should see this.
And what the hell is this?
One, two, one, two
What are you doing, Frenchy?
- My exercises.
We must cultivate the mind,
and also the spirit.
How are you?
- Sleepy.
You'll see how
this wakes you up.
Ow, you bastard!
No, you rest.
Jean Marie and I will fix the well
and you'll help us with the pump.
Frenchy's fixing the well?
You think I can't?
This body is pure energy!
How many times are you
gonna dig up that well?
As many as it takes.
We should leave,
we're wasting our time.
- To Caceres.
There, we can unite freely.
Plus, we already know, father wasn't killed.
Jean Marie, we're leaving.
Lets go, I have to take advantage
now that my muscles are warmed up.
What are you doing?
I'm going.
- Where?
To the brothel. It's the only
place to have fun in this town.
Hey chilli pepper
If you're not up for
working at the well
you're not up for
being at the brothel.
How little you know me.
It's unbelievable.
See you, Frenchy.
"We urge the proper authorities
to help them in their commitment"
"as much as possible."
- What's this nonsense?
It's the Interior.
Switzerland wants Spain to
cooperate with the Bravos.
You don't say.
Now the Swiss control Spain?
If those outsiders have trouble,
we'll have to do a lot of explaining.
I don't get it.
How could they worry about them,
with the mess they have with Carlists.
The end result is that
the land is worth money.
So then?
We let those bastards stay?
What should we do?
Obey Madrid.
Let them draw their water.
In Tierra de Lobos
we don't like drawing attention.
Where did you go, so early?
Get out of here.
Does it hurt much?
Yes, yes, it does.
What do you want,
for your father to see us again?
My father's an animal,
he had no right.
Why do you let him
treat you like that?
"Tell him he has to
shoe two horses."
If they find us here
they'll kill me.
But they won't find us.
Listen, get out now,
or I'll devour you.
Cesar, Cesar, Cesar.
No no, no, no, Cesar, Cesar.
Let me.
- No, Cesar, I can do it, I can do it.
(Bell chimes)
Come on now, liven up!
Today we must close with a good profit.
Come here.
Where's that smile?
Mouths closed, and legs wide open.
Am I okay like this?
You look wonderful, child, come here.
Now hurry, go open.
Lola, Lola!
Get to work. I don't want that to be
the first thing the customers see.
Give me some wine.
Right away.
And tell that girl,
I invite her to a drink.
That filly has an owner.
She's Lobo's.
Fucking Lobo.
Anything in this
town that isn't his?
Rosario, some wine for handsome.
- Coming!
Here you go.
I thought you were a deer.
How's your sister?
You're hunting on
my father's land.
Seems everything I want,
is your father's.
Well beware
you may get hunted.
A Bravo can't be hunted
Take the knife, and get me
down from here, please.
What if I don't help,
and leave you there all night?
You'll stay here, with me.
Let go of me,
and I'll let you down.
Careful, this is too high
Thank you.
I have to go.
Almudena, hurry!
"Here's my son".
I had a hard time
convincing him.
I'm glad you came.
A little late, but I came.
Father's with the Mayor
and a handsome guy.
I think he's from Madrid.
- No less, he dresses like a marquis.
By the way, what's
wrong with your hair?
The ribbon came off
while galloping.
Here they come!
I may have to stay
here for awhile.
Here are my daughters.
Remember Felix, Don Jose's son?
He's the new town doctor.
- They can't remember
When I left to school they were girls.
Now they're beautiful women.
(Lobo laughs)
This is Nieves.
And that's Almudena, the eldest.
We'll, have to celebrate this reunion,
now that we're going to be family.
Almudena, Felix is your fiance.
Daughter, can you tell me
what I put here?
I can't understand
my own handwriting.
You need glasses, father.
Do you know what they cost?
We can't afford it.
Don't be a miser. We have the most
prosperous business in Tierra de Lobos.
You know everything
belongs to Mr. Lobo.
It's unjust, father.
Then quit.
Good afternoon.
Things are going to change.
What do you want?
Weren't you planning
on telling me?
I just told you.
Besides, there's no date
set for the wedding.
But, father, I barely know him.
That's why he's coming tomorrow,
so you can get to know each other better.
You can't do this!
You didn't even ask me!
Father, empathize. It's so sudden
- Isabel, stay out of it.
Felix is a doctor, he's young,
good looking, and he's not sick.
I'm not marrying you
to an old man.
Can't we at least
wait a few years?
That's right father.
Surely, we could wait a few years.
Don't be anxious,
preparing a wedding takes time.
My responsibility is to
find you a good husband.
You're marrying
the mayor's son.
It's something I should've
done a long time ago.
Plus, that's what your
mother would've wanted.
I expect to find husbands for
all of you, within a year.
As I said, blouses, skirts, whatever's torn.
You give it to me and I'll sew it.
Okay, but hurry.
- Well, it's barely coming out.
It's been like that all morning.
This never happened before.
Ever since I can remember,
there's always been a strong flow.
It must be the lack of rain.
No, this isn't from drought.
Oh, no, no!
Another one?
Just what I needed!
- I need the water.
What do you want water for?
- For whatever I please.
It couldn't be for
washing yourself.
Ask your husband.
Listen floozy.
Have some respect, my husband's dead.
- Calm down.
Just his luck for not
having to stand you.
- Respect!
Are you crazy?
- Look what you've done!
And you, get back there!
(Wolf howling)
We have to work faster,
Jean Marie.
Don't pressure me, Cesar.
I'm not a machine.
It's about time.
You're dinner got cold.
Forget about dinner.
I have a great idea.
Enlighten me.
You, me, a safemoney
Just like old times.
- Here we go again, "Hale!"
You know what?
We used to live the life.
They're looking for us, Roman.
We're not safe here.
They cave our well, shoot at us
What's the biggest
town from here?
We'll go, look for a bank
Bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla!
And then what?
Then we leave.
Salamanca, Seville, Caceres.
- And Lobo stays with our land, right?
Is Lobo what's bothering you?
We'll rob Lobo.
There has to be a fortune in that house.
- Leave it, Roman. I'm going to bed.
Cesar, do you hear yourself?
Is this how you intend to spend the
the rest of your daysas a farmer?
Does he? Can't you see he does.
We have a well and water. We have a deal.
We're not made that way.
Innocent people died, Roman.
And now we have a chance
to make things right.
Hi, sweetie.
- Hello.
Hey little worm.
- How are you?
I'm fine.
Is it true you're getting married?
With the mayor's son.
Remember him?
Yeah, he was ugly,
but now he's very handsome.
Is he handsome?
I don't know,
I haven't notice.
Yes he is, don't listen to her.
And he's a doctor.
My goodness, aren't you glad?
I just have to get
used to the idea.
Well, we'll have to make you a dress,
to help you get used to the idea.
And we could buy everything in Madrid:
fabrics, perfume
If it was my wedding,
I'd wear a wig.
And prepare for the party!
There will be a
party, won't there?
Yes, there will.
Don't come closer.
How nice.
Finally some good news.
After Almudena,
he's getting the rest of us married.
And me?
Who would I marry?
Well, let's see!
Maybe the spring dried up,
so we'll have to find water elsewhere.
How's it dried up?
Well your saloon's always full.
- Hey, I don't even have water to cook.
Ever since the strangers got here,
we've been in the dumps.
We should be blaming
the lack of rain.
What a coincidence, that as soon as
they dig for water, we lose ours.
I've never seen that
fountain empty.
What's going on here?
- Waterwhat will we do without water?
As you see,
the drought is harsh this year.
What drought?
This never happened before.
Yes, now you cry.
But, this is punishment for your sins.
- Sins, yes, yes, the sins
Shut up.
Tell me I didn't warn you.
- Quiet, father!
The Bravo's well is to blame.
It's leaving us dry.
I've organized a mass for tomorrow.
If we each contribute
Relax father, you won't
lack any holy water.
Why don't we oust them,
and shut down the well?
It's not that easy,
the land is theirs.
If we want water,
we'll get it where needed.
We want our own.
We shouldn't have to
beg for water.
Have Mr. Lobo get rid of them.
- Yeah, he has what it takes.
Is that what you want?
For justice to be served?
To get rid of those men
stealing our water?
No one is getting rid
of those strangers.
Orders from Madrid.
It's their land, and they can
draw all the water they want.
I can't do anything.
My hands are tied.
Good morning.
- Hello.
How's your wound?
Good, much better.
What brings you here?
They say you're stealing the water.
- Miguel!
Um, look
The village well is drying up.
And rumor has it,
that it's because of your well.
Look taste our water.
No one can drink it.
That's disgusting!
The Swiss really pay for this?
A lot!
- See?
I told you, they haven't
stolen anything.
Did you kill that deer?
I grabbed it and, "snap",
I broke it's neck.
And my brother
he only cooks it.
Why don't you stay for lunch?
Yeah, mom, please!
Please, mama!
- No, no, no, I can't.
Because I have to work.
So, we should go.
Let's go, Miguel.
Come anytime.
It's better if I'm not
seen around here.
Good day.
I have an appointment
with Miss Almudena.
She's here, Come in.
I better put them in water.
How you've changed!
It seemed you weren't growing
and now look, doctor and all.
Prepare the carriage.
On three.
One, two
- Two
Come on, Roman!
No, no, no, no!
What are you doing!
This can't be here.
- Well explain yourself!
We've pushed it three
times, and it's heavy!
I feel like throwing him in the well.
How did you get here alive?
I just need a little time
and some tranquility.
You can see I'm alone
and unarmed.
What do you want?
I want to speak to the
two of you in private.
When you say "the two", are you
referring to them two, or both of us?
Because since you weren't
specific who you meant
I might think that
" D'accord, d'accord", huh?
And those earrings?
- A gift.
From who?
Are you dumb?
Who else?
From Mr. Lobo.
And the dress too.
- Lets see.
How soft!
It goes with my eyes, right?
It's beautiful.
Yes, but I want a
few alterations.
A little more cleavage
And a furrow here.
And where are you going
with such a fine dress?
To buy the shoes,
that are missing.
Oh, the calamity.
Money is for spending.
Money goes quick, Cristina.
Especially, if you don't use your head.
Go on, take that.
You're jealous.
- You're wrong!
We've all been
someone's favorite.
Including Lola.
- True.
But what's up one day,
is down the next.
And then you can't
(They all laugh)
I was told to come here.
It was me.
I want you to fix this dress.
Yes, of course.
Sure, I'd love to.
It looks like very good fabric.
May I?
Andhow much
do you want to spend?
How much are you asking.
Can I have a seat?
I want to talk
about your father.
You see this scar?
It was during the war, in Morocco.
I spent two days in a battlefield,
surrounded by corpses.
By nightfall of the second day,
Fernando Bravo appeared.
Your father.
Disobeying orders, when I was given
up for dead, he went looking for me.
Had it not been for him,
I wouldn't be here.
Your father was my best friend.
But things changed.
I don't know what got into him.
Why are you telling us this?
Because I'm indebted to you
for bringing back my daughter.
And for my friendship
with your father.
Because of that, I want to
make you another offer.
We're not interested.
What kind of offer?
A very generous offer.
How much are
we talking about?
A lot of money, much more
than what this land is worth.
Enough, Roman.
You'd better go.
Very well.
As you wish.
Don't ever contradict me
in front of a stranger.
You make us look weak,
don't you realize?
What don't I realize?
That you're pussy whipped?
That's what makes us weak.
- Come, come, let's be reasonable.
Hit me, hit me.
Guys, please, come on.
No, no, Roman!
Guys, please!
Shake hands!
Listen Roman, shake hands.
Jean Marie.
Are you okay?
II don't know.
Everything's blurry.
Give him a little water.
You get out of my sight.
Do me a favor,
and get out of his sight.
- Over here
" Oui".
Aaah, uh, no!
And how is it that you've left
Madrid to come to Tierra de Lobos?
My father has sacrificed
to give me an education.
And so, I owe him.
Besides, you're here now.
He's a bit effeminate.
You mean, refined.
Anyone who doesn't move right
seems effeminate to you.
No need to talk crazy.
You're bored.
We can go back.
No, it's just that I'm
not feeling very well.
When my father told me about
the wedding, I got angry with him.
Marrying a stranger
But when I saw you
I never imagined
I'd be this lucky.
Leave it loose there.
Make it easy to remove.
You know what I mean?.
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon.
Like the way my
dress looks, Lobo?
I'm glad a job came out of it.
Give your father my regards.
Thank you.
I will.
Want something?
I'm thinking of
lowering the cleavage.
What will you have?
Nothing, thanks.
- Well!
Seems like no rain.
- Well no, not a drop.
I'm not complaining, the
wine is selling like crazy.
In some businesses
there is no drought.
C'mon what are you drinking?
- Not now.
With God.
Careful idiot,
you pinched me?
Good morning.
Good morning.
Give me two bottles of wine.
One of cognac.
Oh, do you have milk?
I prefer goat, the ferments
We only have wine.
The nerve of you, coming here.
Don't serve him.
Forget the milk.
We'll manage with the wine.
We're not serving you.
It's best that you leave.
You and the other two
are leaving us without water.
That's absurd.
We have fossil water.
And look.
He's taken water from the fountain.
- Drink from your well.
On top of that, he sneers.
- No, no, no
I'm telling you that our water
isn't for drinking. It's medicinal.
- "Oui"
I'm breaking your neck!
If you touch Frenchy,
you'll have to deal with me.
He means what he says.
It's okay.
We were just talking.
I was explaining that the
water from our well,
isn't the same as the
one in your fountain.
"Excusez moi".
They are two different aquifers
with a substantial remanence.
Cut the gibberish.
He's lying.
Go taste the water
at La Quebrada.
My treat.
If our water doesn't return,
pray that it rains.
What are you doing
here wasting time?
I thought you'd be in town late.
Well you thought wrong.
Go help round up the cows.
By the way
You should let the mayor's son
look at that wound.
It's okay.
It's not okay.
At least have it cleaned,
when you're done.
Have I behave badly with you?
I've never complained, sir.
I didn't mean to hurt you.
I wouldn't have done it
had you not forced me.
I found you as a newborn,
abandoned in the middle of a road.
I've raised you like my own son.
Forget Nieves.
She's not for you.
Don't I look worthy, sir?
Don't ever go near her.
I don't want you to look at her.
I don't want you to think about her
a single second of your life.
Or you'll force me to kill you.
What did I tell you?
Enter, buy and leave. No trouble.
I had it under control.
If you hadn't come in, no mercy.
It would've been a good one.
- Sure.
Since I exercise,
I'm strongermore agile.
Oh yes, it's obvious.
Do you think we can mount
the pump by ourselves?
Cesar, please.
Thank you.
It's ruined.
We can go to Madrid
before we get married.
There, you can buy
all the hats you want.
Many good shops there.
A "Sun and Shade".
We don't serve Bravos, here.
Another "Sun and Shade".
Looks like you're all healed up.
Haven't you had
enough, bold one?
This body has no limits.
Can I show you?
You know I can't.
I'm busy.
That's right, with Mr. Lobo.
That old man can't
even get hard.
It's decided.
No more drinking.
If you come with me,
I'll pay double.
With all the girls around here?
If you want, I'm free.
Who can say no to this?
Where's Anibal?
Anibal dined early.
So how did it go
with the mayor's son?
Very well.
We went to the village.
Then Felix told us
- I'm asking your sister.
He's a very friendly guyfather.
I'm letting him look at Rosa.
A second opinion doesn't hurt.
Aren't you eating?
I'm not hungry.
Can I get up?
- No.
Wait until we're done.
Do you have any sons?
Speak up, I can't
hear you, Isabel.
If Almudena gets married this year,
Nieves could be next.
It would be nice if
one of us stayed here.
What for?
Someone has to take care
of all thisand you.
Thank you, child, but we can
take care of ourselves.
I have Anibal.
Father, all I ask is that you don't
marry me to anyone from the village.
That's not for you
to decide, Nieves.
Father, Nieves knows
what she wants.
But I like this.
The farm, the horses
I'm not made for marriage.
Whoever doesn't want to marry,
is off to the convent.
Manuel, is my horse ready?
- Yes, sir.
Where are you going?
That's none of your business.
Yes it is.
I'm going to get some air.
I can't sleep without a walk.
don't take me for a fool.
I know you're going
to see those strangers.
Move aside.
My father just left.
It'll just be a moment, no one will know.
Anibal, I need to talk to him.
I need to tell him
- You know you can't go near them.
Out of the way.
Move, Anibal, Anibal
What's going on here?
Where are you going at this hour?
Have you lost your mind?
You better go back
to your room.
That woman who was here earlier
- What woman?
Elena, Damian's daughter.
Ah, the seamstress.
What do you know about her?
- What everyone else does.
She lost her husband,
has a son
And boyfriends,
does she have one?
What do you care?
I care about, whatever I please.
You answer.
Not that I know of.
Is she decent?
What are you saying?
I don't want to see
her at the brothel again.
If you need your dress fixed,
get it done at the grocery store.
But why can't I
- Is that clear?
(Knock on door)
Who is it?
Mr. Lobo, It's me.
It's very important.
Come in.
The youngest Bravo is here.
Sleeping it off.
Be right there.
(Cigar sizzling)
What the fuck are you doing here?
- Easy, easy, stallion.
You'll wake the girl.
Looking for this?
Don't touch her.
- What do you take me for?
For a dangerous bastard.
I only need to look at you to know
that you're smarter than your brother.
Cesar's stubborn.
- You're not here to talk about my brother.
Okay, okay, okay.
Forget your brother.
Let's talk about you.
You're young, Roman.
Think about your life.
You know how women are in Cuba?
Hot as coal and as
grateful as a sheepdog.
And they'd kill for a
Spaniard like you.
A hustler can get
rich there, overnight.
Opportunities you wouldn't miss.
Sounds good.
Sell me your share.
If I were you, I'd leave
here without looking back.
Open a business, spend it all.
Get to know the world.
But there's no
future here, Roman.
No future.
This is a goodwill advance.
It's double, if you sign.
- Hello.
Cesar, I have to talk to you.
- I don't feel like talking.
Don't you ever want to hear
what I have to say?
What the fuck is wrong with him?
- Almudena's getting married.
He's like that over a woman?
It's love, "mon cherie".
It's love!
Whatever, but he used to
be a tough guy and an outlaw!
And now
I used to admire him.
Don't you know how to knock?
I want you to leave.
You don't.
Enough already!
You can't come here
and do whatever you want with me.
I'm not your toy.
Very well.
Think about what you're doing.
Find someone out of town
to take you far away.
(Rooster crows)
Why aren't you in your room?
I couldn't sleep.
I'll take you to bed.
- What?
All my sisters are
getting married.
But I'm not going to
get married, right?
Why do you say that?
Because I'm going to die.
One never knows
what will happen to them.
I won't let anything
happen to you, princess.
- What?
I'm suffocating here
in the house.
It's been awhile since I got some air
or seen the horses.
The valley is so beautiful.
It's lovely, princess.
I've come to the conclusion that
there are two separate springs.
You have the wrong
Bravo, Jean Marie.
Cesar, we can show
them that there are two springs.
Oh, you've assembled it!
I couldn't sleep.
- You've assembled the entire pump.
I assembled the parts
and cleaned them.
But it's missing some pipes.
- Don't worry about the pipes.
She's so pretty!
"Mon Dieu!".
Go find out why there's
no water in town.
I have to do a few calculations.
And find out if what I'm saying
- Jean Marie!
Do it.
What are you doing here?
- I had to see you.
I don't have much time.
- Yeah.
Then go.
You have to organize your wedding.
That guyFelix.
I feel nothing for him.
I haven't even seen him since childhood.
You don't have to give
me any explanations.
You and I have no commitments.
It's my father who arranged the wedding.
What can I do?
I have to obey him.
- Why are you telling me this?
I don't know.
I don't know what
I'm doing here.
Almudena, wait
I'm sorry.
And all this is
Mr. Lobo's, Anibal?
Be careful not to go alone.
There are traps.
I won't call you.
I'm not that old.
As you wish.
Then there are no owners.
The grocery store,
the brothel, the saloon
Everything is his.
- Everything.
Everything but that.
What is it?
A plot of land
La Quebrada.
Who's is it?
- What's wrong?
Nothing. We better turn
around, it's getting late.
Come on, it's on me.
Hit me.
- You're not out of trumps?
Um, pardon me.
I just wanted to show you
the changes I made to the dress.
Will you try it on now, or later?
Leave it that way.
Don't continue.
But it's almost finished.
I've been sewing all night
- Leave it there.
I'm taking it to the capital
to have it finished.
What's wrong?
Don't you like it?
I'll make all the
changes you want
I don't want it.
Get a clue!
Then pay me.
I'm not giving up a cent.
Look, I need the money
- Well, you know what you can do.
Who do you think you are?
I'm not like you!
- Noyou're a prick-tease.
(Everyone laughs)
Let go of me!
Let go!
What are you doing?
Let go of me!
Hit her hard!
Kill that bitch!
Cristina, stop!
I'm not letting go!
I'll kill you!
- Let go!
Cristina, enough!
Let me go!
Be still!
- Let go of me, you brute!
Okay, but retract the nails.
- Who told you to butt in?
Don't ever put your
hands on me.
I promise.
I'll get you!
You hear me?
Okay, okay, okay.
- That's it, that's it.
To each their own.
Cesareo, play something cheerful.
Party on.
Where were you?
Relax Tata.
Is my father back?
No, child.
He'll end up finding out
about everything.
I don't know what
you're talking about.
You know very well,
What the fuck are
you playing at?
You can't handle Lobo,
so you're going for his daughter?
What are you talking about?
- I saw you kissing Almudena.
That has nothing
to do with Lobo.
Nor with you.
I'm not going to
let you hurt Almudena.
You got it?
Don't go near her again.
If you ever touch me again,
I'll kill you.
Looks like I missed the party.
Don't worry.
This one's leaving already.
By the way
What did your brother say
about your deal with Lobo?
What is he talking about?
Oh, of course
you haven't told him.
I was going to tell you now.
- When?
When you let me speak.
Lately, there's no way.
You've betrayed me.
Don't be confused.
You don't count on me for anything.
Well, that's why.
I never want to see you again.
Get out!
Get out of this house
and don't come back!
After all the renovations
I made, she won't pay me.
Well, calm down.
You did the right thing,
by coming to us.
I just want her to pay me.
- Of course.
And she will.
That's what we're here for.
Who is she?
Her name is Cristina.
The brunette from the brothel.
It's best we forget
all about this.
I'm not letting it go.
You better settle it
among yourselves.
But you're the authority.
There's no more water.
(Hawk screeching)
We want our water back, now!
- What can we do?
Close the Bravo's well!
- That's impossible.
We have orders from Madrid.
Where's Lobo?
If nobody does anything,
we will!
To do what?
- To block their well.
What if they resist?
- We'll throw them in!
Throw them in the well!
How much longer?
- Do they want us to leave town?
I say we block their well!
What are we now, murderers?
- Child, please.
Gentlemen, this meeting is over.
Lets go.
My son!
My son!
What's wrong?
- My son couldn't take it.
He drank water from the pigpen.
Chief, go get my son!
Do something, by God.
Do something!
Father, come with us.
This is just what we needed.
Lets all go to La Quebrada.
Get them!
Get them!
I told you you're
not welcome here.
The whole village
is coming here.
What do they want?
To kill you.
We haven't done anything.
- You've stolen their water.
You're lying.
- You need to close that well.
Or do you want to face
the town's people?
I have no choice.
There's always an alternative.
Sell me La Quebrada.
I can calm those people.
You've thought of everything,
Your brother already
sold me his share.
Start again, elsewhere.
Buy some land up north,
and exploit it to the very last drop.
You don't have much time left.
Thanks for the offer, but I'm not interested.
My brother is right.
This land is ours, and we're here to stay.
Even if we're underneath it.
Very well.
What happens from here on,
will be your own fault.
Come on!
Get out!
- We're closing that well!
Shut up!
- You have no right to be here!
A child almost died because of you.
I said, get out of our way!
We're staying here.
Our well has nothing to do
with your fountain!
Step aside!
One more step and I'll shoot.
(Dripping water)
Hold on, Roman.
Hold on.
I wasn't leaving you alone.
I love you, brother.
- Me too.
Let's burn the house down.
With them inside!
Let us go!
(Bell chimes)
What's going on?
There's water!
There's water!
The water is back!
The water has returned.
How's that possible,
we haven't closed their well.
Well it's flowing
Stronger than ever.
You haven't worn the earrings.
I didn't think you noticed.
You haven't even looked at me.
Have you sold them?
I can't wear them.
Who did that to you?
Tell me, I'll kill him.
Elena, from the grocery store.
I told her what you said:
not to come back here.
And she got furious.
She jumped on me, that bitch.
One thing's for sure
I'm not paying her.
That girl deserves a lesson.
I'm telling you, that rock
wasn't put there by accident.
Believe me.
In this town,
nothing happens by accident.
There's a reason for everything.
- Yeah
What I don't understand,
is how you could move such a big rock.
Give me a lever
and I'll move the world.
Here we go with the nonsense.
Father's letter.
If he wasn't killed,
I don't care.
I'm glad you stayed, brother.
I'm not staying.
I'm leaving.
It's not your fault.
You've taken good care of me but,
it's time I fly without big brother.
What are you saying?
I'm sorry.
This isn't for me.
Especially not for you.
But you'll figure it out.
You don't understand.
I understand perfectly.
Why do you think you're
with Lobo's daughter?
Because you like danger.
You've always liked it.
You're with that girl because you
know that if you get caught
they'll kill you both.
Uh, yes, this is it.
Go with God.
Good morning.
- Good morning.
Your money.
Count it.
It's all there.
I trust you.
Listen, the dress isn't finished
- No need.
Let it stay like that.
For the inconvenience.
Just a moment, please.
Can I know what's going on?
- Even I don't know, father.
And that money?
I was thinking of buying
you some glasses
Money isn't spent on nonsense.
Tell me.
I have to talk to you.
Me too.
- I've decided not to get married.
I'll talk to my father,
he'll have to accept it.
You don't know who I am.
I'm not right for you.
- You don't know me.
If you knew me
you wouldn't like me.
Obey your father, and
marry the man he chose for you.
I'm not that man,
and never will be.
Your father is my enemy, Almudena.
And that's not going to change.
They said you were out walking.
I wanted to surprise you.
Never aim a gun at a man
if you're not ready to kill him.
I'll give you the time of your life,
and you'll buy me a ticket to America.
There's something perverse in me,
something lewd.
What's this about?
- 25 Kilos of gunpowder.
The people of this town
aren't ready for progress.
I have to help Mr. Lobo.
To announce the engagement of my daughter Almudena with Don Felix Saavedra.
The train would be this town's salvation.
Everybody out!
Come on, out!
- Cesar.
We have visitors.
It's something too serious
to ask of a stranger.
But if we were family
Why did you agree?
I didn't know they'd
tear down the well.
Today you'll go to the convent.
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