Titletown High (2021) s01e03 Episode Script


[Propst] Get ready
for the hardest-ass practice
you've ever been involved in,
to try to make your ass quit practicing.
Go! [blows whistle]
[rock music playing]
Hurry up! You ain't finished.
I'm gonna run the hell out of you now.
Colquitt County was my first taste
of real south Georgia football.
The way we went out there and played,
it was an embarrassment to him,
'cause he don't coach us like that.
[Sutton] Hurry! Low pad, low pad!
Keep them knees up! Keep them knees up!
Strike! Heave! Take a step down!
Feel them blocking!
And maintain the block!
Get your butt up!
That's why you play like you do!
Stunk! Absolutely stunk!
You better count them out!
Get your feet moving!
Get your butt out of here!
[players] One!
No! No! No!
Get your head out of your butt
and get lined up!
How the hell you get your ass whupped
and you over there celebrating? No sense.
[Propst] Lazy! Lazy! Lazy!
[country music playing]
[Nelson] Got to make a sale.
Who can I call on?
Oh, I know one.
Nub Nelson is one of the most fascinating
people that I've ever been around.
He had a terrible accident
when he was a young boy,
and that robbed him
of his dream of playing for the Wildcats.
That's probably why he puts
so much energy into the Touchdown Club,
and why he has so much passion
about the football program.
If you're interested in that,
I'd love to sell it to you.
It's a thousand.
[man 1] Some might even tell you
too much passion.
Call Josh Shaw.
[line ringing]
[Josh] This is Josh.
I'm not able to answer the phone
[line ringing]
[Bill] Hello, you've reached
the voicemail for Bill. [beep]
[Nelson] Call Trent Coggins.
[man 2] So Touchdown Club is
a group of people
who donate money to the program
with the sole purpose
of, um, raising money for our athletes.
If you're willing to still help it some,
I do need some help,
and I would appreciate you
calling me back.
[line ringing]
[man 3] Hey, what you doing?
Um, I just saw your text.
Sanderlin was asking me
how he could get a video up there
or a commercial.
If he wants to do a 30-second commercial,
we usually get 1,500.
From the beginning, I did think
it was gonna be really interesting
to see how Rush Propst matched up
with people who have a lot of tradition,
who expect things
to be done a certain way,
and Nub Nelson is one of those people.
[Nelson chuckles]
We might have a sale right here.
[Beckham] You got two
really strong forces clashing together.
[birds chirping]
[country music playing]
[commentator] So after a quick beatdown
of the Bainbridge Bearcats,
which was basically
a practice game for Valdosta
[crowd cheering]
all eyes turn across town
to the Lowndes Vikings,
and you have to wonder
if we'll have Jake Garcia back
for this important rivalry game.
[Propst] They didn't
They didn't review the facts right.
"The GHSA finds
that Valdosta High's Jake Garcia
participated based on information
the school received
from the student's parents.
Therefore, Jake Garcia is ruled ineligible
'cause he was allowed to participate
in a football game
on September 4th
without making a bona fide move."
They're not being specific
as to why it's not a bona fide move.
"The mother and father separated
to meet Georgia residency rules,
but planned on reuniting
for the football after football season."
So they feel that we gave them
false information to begin with.
But I They didn't know anything
about any separation.
Is there any chance that this appeal
could be settled before the Lowndes game?
I don't know that.
I mean, depends on how fast
they set the appeal hearing.
The ESPN interview
is what all this is about.
You gonna do
any more interviews with ESPN?
[girl] Hey, girl!
Hey, bestie.
[sighs] I'm so upset right now.
Like, you don't even know.
When I was at school,
this girl just texts me out of nowhere,
and she's like, "Do you talk to Amari?"
And she's like,
"Well, I've been talking to him too."
I'm just like, "Proof?"
And she sent me a screenshot.
He says, "Babe."
Like, what?
Did you tell him about it?
- You didn't say anything to him?
- Mm-mmm. Not yet.
[Jenna] Oh.
[Morgan] I've been declining his calls.
You haven't been
Has he been trying to text you?
And I heard
he went to football practice mad
'cause I wasn't talking to him,
but that's his fault.
He finna know I'm at this fair though
'cause I'm gonna post it on Snapchat
and he's gonna be
the first one to watch it.
[mellow music playing]
I wanna hold the dolphin!
Hey, can I have my dolphin?
Hey, gimme the ball.
Where y'all running to? Hey!
[indistinct chatter]
[bell dings]
- Follow through. Let's hear that bell.
- All right.
[bell dings]
I'll take a basketball.
[Morgan] I knew Peak
since, like, playground days.
Like, "run around
and when the streetlights come on,
your momma tell you
to come in the house" type days.
I don't know, we just
That's my dawg! We just
Mmm. [chuckles]
- Bro.
- What?
This girl texted me about Amari, bro.
I don't know!
Where's she from?
- Atlanta.
- You got you got a message?
Let me see.
She talking about "babe"?
That's him!
Oh, that's him calling her "babe."
Man, what you gonna say? Like
What you told him?
I didn't say nothing. I
What you gonna tell him
when you talk to him?
You need to tell him!
That's your boyfriend.
I ain't a cheat. He cheated.
Still, you need to tell him.
Put him on game.
That's, like, my brother.
But I'm your friend.
You've known me longer than him.
Text him and be, like, "AMARI,"
with all bold letters,
and then tell him what's going on.
I don't think I wanna tell him
what's going on.
'Cause you know how I be.
I'm gonna snap for real.
Snap! He cheated. Snap!
[Nichols] All right.
Coach Propst and the Wildcat team,
they're in limbo this week,
waiting to find out
if quarterback Jake Garcia
is gonna be eligible or not.
They need him on the football field
between crosstown rivals
Lowndes High School.
It is a game that you do not want to miss.
[Grayson] You were crying
about how dumb you were.
Yeah, because I went up there
to go look at my [scoffs]
- my what's it called?
- Class rank?
My class rank, yeah.
- And I didn't like it.
- Why is there a class rank?
It just shows you, like,
the smartest in your class.
- What was yours?
- I don't wanna talk about it.
- What was your rank?
- I don't wanna talk about it.
- Just say it!
- No! My rank was bad.
What was it?
My rank was was 20. My rank was 20.
Out of 658.
- Are you serious?
- Kaili's was 14.
You're mad that you got wait
Gretchen is four. Cohen is six.
You're mad that you got number 20
out of 658 people?
- I'm probably ranked
- I could do better.
I'm probably ranked 300 or something.
You're smart.
You don't apply yourself at school.
Do everything I do
and I'll see if you wanna try hard.
- Do everything you do?
- Football practice.
Do all that and be tired all the time.
See if you can do that.
Why are you telling people
that I kissed you first?
And now people are mad at me.
Like it's my fault.
- You did kiss me first.
- I did not.
- You did.
- You're lying!
- You grabbed me and kissed me.
- Like I would do that. You are a liar.
- You did that.
- You're lying!
How are you lying to me
when I was there?
You're the one that told them.
No, I did not! Why would I do that?
I don't know.
If I wanted to tell them,
if I wanted Lenley mad at you,
I could tell her a lot of things,
but I don't care.
- Oh, what could you tell?
- I
I could tell her how you try to kiss me
and I don't kiss you back.
- Not true!
- Very true!
Not true!
I'm tired of people being mad at me
when I didn't do anything. It's annoying.
Why are you trying
to put this on me when it's not me?
Because it is on you!
It's not, though.
If I wanted to kiss you, I would kiss you.
I would not wanna kiss you
when you're with another girl.
Why would I do that?
Seems like you were trying to get with me.
I never was.
- 'Cause you never got over me.
- You never got over me!
I moved on. I'm happy with Lenley.
You got caught and blamed it on me
'cause you can't
take the blame for anything.
Fine. I'm sorry. I shouldn't
have said that, when obviously
It's fine.
It just makes me look like a bad person.
I'm sorry for doing what I did. Okay?
I'm gonna stop going to your house.
Okay, then stop!
- Okay, I will.
- Okay.
Then maybe
I should stop taking you to school.
No, 'cause I'm not riding the bus.
Well I think it'd be smarter that way.
Can you please take me to school tomorrow?
[mellow music playing]
- [Grayson] This is some lame-ass
- [Amari] Morgan.
Please don't make this weird.
Don't talk to me.
Amari, do you want me
to snap on camera? Stop talking to me.
I just said hey.
Don't talk to me. Don't say nothing.
- Tell us.
- Tell what?
Why she acting like that?
You know why, clearly.
Morgan found out I was texting this girl.
I was just communicating
with a close friend of mine.
I've been knowing her
since my freshman year.
Get Get from my Peak
Dang, bruh. What I did to you?
Don't take your anger out and smack me.
Smack him.
What? Why he don't supposed to cheat.
- Whoa!
- Goddamn!
I'm being so for real.
I'm not even stuntin' and shit.
You finna make me cuss you out for real.
[Amari] We talked about this.
I don't give a damn what we talked about.
You were cheating, bro.
It wasn't even really cheating.
I was just being friendly.
See, I don't consider it cheating.
I consider it communication.
You can communicate,
you just can't act on your communication.
Let me tell you a secret
about our breakups.
Our breakups only last for 25 minutes.
Like, she'll break up with me,
and then 25 minutes later she'll be like,
"I'm sorry. I miss you. I just miss you."
To be honest, we don't really break up.
Like, we just stop texting each other,
'cause I don't hesitate, I block him.
[teacher] Answer as many as you can
in the five minutes I'm giving you.
Y'all have a little,
childish relationship.
Grayson, you can't even talk!
You come to class everyday
crying because of that boy. Mm-mmm.
And you still with him? Oh Lord.
So when are you gonna unblock him
and take him back?
I bet it's gonna be by the end of class.
I took him back. [laughs]
[upbeat music playing]
[Mitchell] This is the week
of the Winnersville Classic.
Today, we open up ticket sales
to the general public.
They camp out, man.
People stay in the parking lot all night
just to get a ticket for Winnersville.
I don't think I could do that.
[man] A lot of people care more about
the game between these two teams,
sometimes more
than the State Championship.
Big, big, big. Just like
Almost like an NFL game.
See that right here, baby.
Who wins that one
gets bragging rights for the whole year.
[reporter] It's been a historic rivalry
dominated by Valdosta in the record books.
But Lowndes has turned the tide
over the last 16 years,
winning 12
of those Winnersville Classic matchups.
It's a game that truly speaks for itself.
[Amari] And these people
take this game really serious.
I've never been asked so many times,
was I ready for a football game.
"I'm good.
It's a regular football game."
People are like,
"This is not a regular football game."
And I was like, "Whoa."
Step it up! Let's go! [blows whistle]
Walk around feeling sorry
for your darn self!
[man] How many days left till the game?
I dunno. I'm looking at how many days left
until he becomes eligible.
[Propst] But so there's no
Nothing official yet.
Now, I think it's coming.
Lake, Lake, Lake! Motown! Motown!
[Jake] I've done everything
in my power to be able to play.
I feel like I have
the whole state of Georgia backing me,
and I'm I'm gonna play.
I know it's slippery,
but try getting laces for today.
Just try it. Try it.
[Propst] Hey! That's a red jersey, son.
Red jersey!
Hey! Then keep your [bleep] eyes downfield
and quit looking at the goddamn rush.
[Amari] Yes, sir.
And you gotta block that [bleep] out.
[groans in frustration]
You ever been fishing before?
I've only been fishing once,
but I'm just saying
It's like, if you're gonna throw it far,
you're not gonna go
You know what I mean? You're gonna be
You're gonna snap it up top like that
and let it stay out.
[Propst] Get out of the white.
Let's start over.
Hurry up!
[Propst] God almighty!
[Sutton and Propst] Get off field.
You cannot complete a pass!
I said, "Tajh, Tajh, Tajh!"
You didn't say my name.
Oh God, I did.
You gotta say "Tajh."
Bruh, my hand was wet.
[Propst] Can't handle [bleep]!
Like, anything can happen with this.
Jake can be ineligible
for the rest of the season
and not play another snap for us,
or he can come back,
but still, Amari,
you just gotta step up your game.
Bro, my hand was wet
when I threw the screen.
I'm not talking about that.
I'm talking about overall, bro.
I know. I got you.
I'm telling you, bro.
This game means a lot.
I know it do.
[man in hat] Leadership!
I don't give dawg if you in ninth grade,
don't give a damn
if you're tenth grade. Leadership!
[Sutton] Look like crap.
You had no leadership.
I didn't hear you lead the group.
Grow up
or you're not gonna lead this team.
I'm fixed to coach your reps
and scoot him up.
If he can learn what to do,
he can push you out of your job.
Right now, he don't know what he's doing,
to be honest.
So as soon as he figures it all out,
'cause I think he's got
more competitor in him than you
Since he got hurt, you've done this.
Prior to that,
I thought you were up-and-coming.
This is real talk with you as I can be.
You understand that?
Now, you can respond to your coaching
or you can cow down from it
and be a baby about it.
Ain't got nothing to do
with me loving you,
nothing to do with me trying to be
a positive role model for you.
It's got to do
with you doing your job.
- Is that clear?
- [Amari] Yes, sir.
Oh You tell me where I'm wrong.
How many times did you lead
the offense today?
Exactly. What makes you our quarterback?
Can you answer that question?
Flip roles. How would you feel
if zero times out of a 100 I was a leader?
How would you feel about that?
- Not good.
- What would you say to me?
You're not a leader.
Exactly. You're not doing a good job.
I need you to do better.
That's what I'm telling you.
You understand that?
Yes, sir.
It takes me a while
to, you know, communicate,
and that that's my biggest flaw
as a quarterback and as a person.
Like, I'm outgoing,
but it takes me a while to start talking.
I gotta work on that
in order for us to take that next step.
[Jake] They say anything?
If you were ineligible, they'd have
shoved it down our throat already.
They've got control right now.
By holding it up.
I guess we'll see.
[Jake] Great.
[slow music playing]
[Amari] They supposed to tell me
if you're eligible.
I'm waiting to see right now
if I'm going to jail.
If I'm gonna stay in jail,
or if I'm getting out.
Free me, bro.
It's a couple days before the game
and I feel good about it now.
I just look forward to getting the W
in the Winnersville Classic.
[Propst] Well, gentlemen
I've been hammered by everybody.
We just felt like this time,
we resubmitted,
thinking, "Okay, we got
the legal documentation that we need."
Well, what they did
They ruled you ineligible again.
Based on I don't know what. So
It looks like, what my attorney told me
Jake can leave now,
go to another school, and be eligible.
It definitely hurt.
I feel attached to this community now.
I really feel like
I let the team down in a way.
Here's what they're not gonna understand.
Everything is documented.
There's cameras been rolling here
since before you got here.
They're gonna look so foolish in January.
It's gonna tarnish their reputation,
I promise you,
'cause they're hurting a kid.
What kind of message
are we sending to America,
to punish a child
for moving 3,000 miles to play football,
'cause their state shuts down?
What What message is that?
This is as wrong
as anything I've been involved with.
In 40 years of football,
I've never seen anything like this.
[Jake] I feel bad for my dad,
and I feel bad for my parents.
They don't deserve
to have their business out there
and looked down upon.
[emotional music playing]
I've apologized to you before
and I know that you know that's
I mean, it's just I mean it's
Yeah, we said stuff we said on
with ESPN,
but beyond that, this is
This is not our fault.
- Yeah.
- You know it really isn't.
- I don't think Do you?
- No, I don't blame you guys at all.
I thought he was gonna say,
"Yeah, you guys are
Jake's good to play this week."
Oh my God, I wanna play.
It is what it is. But
At least we're still roommates.
- Okay. Love you.
- Love you too.
- [upbeat music playing]
- [indistinct chatter]
[boy] What makes it ugly?
What make what ugly?
The ugly shrimp.
[all laughing]
The angry shrimp?
- Oh.
- [all laughing]
You can't read.
[Grayson] Can you not read?
[Morgan laughing]
Y'all, this boy just told me to text him.
- [Lenley] Who is that?
- [Grayson] It's one of our linemen.
- [Lenley] Wait, but who?
- Peak.
[Lenley] Morgan, what's going on?
[Morgan] Let me tell y'all the story.
I got some screenshots
and I was very upset.
That's when Peak told me
to send him the screenshots.
So I sent it to him,
and when I was at cheer,
he was texting me.
Okay, look. This is Peak, right.
Grayson, you hold it. You read.
"Nah, but Nah, you ain't bugging shit.
That's why you need a big" No cap!
I'm reading this text from Peak,
and it said
I need a big guy like him, like
What you say?
Doesn't it seem like
your friend's trying to get with me?
You should call him.
You should call him.
You should call him right now.
Call him right now.
Peak, you hear me? You play way too much.
You need to stop there.
[Grayson shushing]
Who is it?
What's going on, like, for real, for real?
Here, here, here!
Do your deep voice.
Like, "Who the [bleep] are you?"
Who the [bleep] is this?
I think he was messing around,
but if she was about it,
he was gonna be about it.
Stop calling this phone!
- Don't come over. That's all I'm saying.
- [Grayson laughs]
I shouldn't be surprised.
It's Peak. You never know.
Um I kinda don't know how to tell Amari
his friend's trying to hit on me.
- Or get with me.
- You should tell him though.
I'm just about to tell him now.
Don't tell nobody now.
We're trying to win some game.
When I realized Morgan
was just gonna text Amari
and tell her big man hit her up,
I just thought it was best
for the future of our team
that she didn't tell him.
Don't tell Amari.
What do you mean?
Don't tell Amari that Peak hit you up.
Why wouldn't I, though? That's
Why wouldn't you?
You gonna tell
Okay, no. You gonna tell Amari.
Amari tell you
he's texting all those girls? No.
- No, but I found out.
- No. Okay, you found out.
You tell him, it can make things weird.
It can make them get in a fight.
It can make him give up a play.
A big play just because he's
They're fighting.
You gotta think about the team!
[rock music playing]
[commentator 1] Tonight's the night.
The Valdosta Wildcats and Lowndes Vikings.
They're gonna face off
in what is sure to be a fierce battle
for citywide bragging rights.
[commentator 2] Good evening.
Welcome to Bazemore-Hyder Stadium.
The 58th Winnersville Classic.
Vikings and Cats getting it on.
Bragging rights, forget the trophy,
this is more serious than that.
[commentator 1] It's gonna be a dogfight
to determine
which team goes home with the W.
I want you to fight your ass off tonight.
And I'm telling you,
they don't respect you. They just don't.
I've watched their ass warm up
for 11 years, guys.
And I'm telling you,
I sit down on that 40-yard line,
and I watched them
look over their shoulder to you,
snarl at you, look at you, laugh at you.
All that kind of [bleep] now!
They don't respect you!
You know how you get respect?
You hit somebody in the damn mouth.
That's what you do.
Take that goddang head gear
and put it in his teeth.
That's what you're supposed to do.
Hit 'em in the teeth!
This is our stadium. This is our team.
This could be
the turning point of our season.
I better see you fight your ass off.
Everybody understand?
- Louder! Everybody understand?
- [all] Yes, sir!
[commentator 1]
Valdosta trying to get back on top
after falling on
some tough times in recent years.
Brought in quarterback Jake Garcia,
one of the top quarterbacks
in the country.
He played a game, we won that game,
but then he was ruled ineligible.
Valdosta comes in having lost
to Lowndes the last three years.
Looking to get back on top
against the Lowndes Vikings.
We'll go purple so we can double.
Or brown. Y'all look at the sideline.
Jacurri Brown drops back.
Play action. He's got a man
in the end zone. Throws the ball deep.
It's caught in the end zone
for a Lowndes touchdown.
Hey, we good. Let's go.
That shit gonna happen.
But we good. We gotta wake up
and answer to it every time. Let's go.
We good!
We have got to get
our feet to ground right here,
and we gotta get moving.
Jones takes the snap, drops back.
Grayson's coming up the middle.
And Jones goes down
in the backfield for a loss.
You hear me?
Throw the ball! Throw the ball!
Amari Jones takes the shotgun snap,
got pressure again.
Rolls out, right. Just has to
throw the ball away to avoid another sack.
If you see them walk down,
stop and check us
because we didn't see it.
We didn't see the walk down linebacker.
Jacurri Brown, play action, drops back
again, looks to throw over the middle.
He floats the ball over the middle.
Got a receiver in the end zone again
for another Viking touchdown.
[indistinct chatter]
Outfield! Outfield!
With the loss
of Jake Garcia after game one,
it's obvious that Amari is struggling
to find his way at the QB position.
Amari needs to get his head in the game.
Hit everything, okay.
[Amari] I gotta eat that one.
[Propst] Let's go! Let's go!
Gonna see who the dogs is right here, bro.
Everybody wanna do
all that talking, but it's over here.
What you think?
How'd it look?
I think if you put enough air on it
Just like the post.
Remember I talked to you about air?
That bit of air
is gonna make a difference.
If you put enough air on it,
that's a touchdown.
We just gotta give Sherman the ball.
I swear he'll break with it.
The other ones are Tajh and Aalah.
Tajh is making people miss.
[crowd cheering]
All he need to do is throw the ball.
He trying to run it.
He need to throw it.
Soon as he start throwing it, we in there.
- We No!
- In there.
Let's go score right here!
Let's freaking score right here!
[commentator 1] Snap, Amari calls
his own number. Big hole up the middle.
Amari Jones is on the loose!
Great job, O-line blowing a hole open.
Finally getting something going
at the Baze.
First down. First down.
Amari Jones takes the snap,
bounces off his blockers,
and he's in the end zone,
and that's a Wildcat touchdown!
Jacarrius Peak
proving a point down inside.
- Heavy lifting wins every time.
- Let's go right now!
Back with the ball!
Let's go!
- Put it on my shoulder!
- Let's go! Come on, baby!
They're about to come back
through that [bleep],
'cause we ain't guarded
the tight end all night.
Bohler takes the shotgun snap,
looking to pass down the sideline.
Ball's intercepted inside
- [crowd roaring]
- Ball, ball, ball!
Cat ball! Cat ball!
[Sherman] Let's go to work!
Let's go to work!
Let's go to work, men!
[crowd chanting]
- Amari Jones takes the shotgun snap.
- Throw it. Throw it!
Throws the ball deep in the end zone!
Catch by Aalah Brown!
And that's another Wildcat touchdown!
Brown climbing an imaginary gym rope,
going up and pulling that ball down!
- Come on!
- Let's go!
- Let's go whip their ass!
- Let's go.
Third and four here for Jacurri Brown.
Fakes the hand-off,
runs up the middle, breaks a tackle.
- He's got open field.
- Let's go whip their ass!
And he's gonna score again
for the Lowndes Vikings.
Showing why he's one of the top-rated
dual-threat quarterbacks in the country.
What a weapon he is!
[crowd cheering, chanting]
[Sutton] We're in two-minute mode now.
And we have fought our [bleep] off,
you hear me?
We ain't changing nothing.
We ain't backing down. We ain't giving in.
[Amari] Motown, Motown!
Amari Jones takes the shotgun snap,
drops straight back, stands in there,
and throws a strike to Nevin Spivey
in the end zone.
And that's another Wildcat touchdown.
- Way to go, boy!
- Attababy! Attababy!
[man] Fight to the end! Let's go!
We gotta have a dozen!
We got two time-outs now.
I think we ought to kick it deep.
[crowd chanting]
Boy, this Cat defense
has gotta get a stop right here.
[commentator 2] A minute nine to go.
[Propst] Hey, let's go! Get a stop!
Get a stop! Right here now!
[Jake] We need a stop!
We gotta get a stop! We gotta get a stop!
[commentator 1]
Jacurri takes the shotgun snap,
calls his own number again,
off the left side
Breaking tackle, he's in the clear.
He's gonna score another touchdown.
[crowd clamoring]
[man speaks indistinctly]
Time winds down here
on the 58th Winnersville Classic.
Jacurri Brown has led
the Lowndes Vikings into Valdosta
and come away
with a 33-21 Winnersville Classic win,
here this Friday night.
[clamoring fades away]
Hit a knee.
Now look. Listen to me.
Hey, don't fall apart.
We battled our ass off, now.
If you don't think we battled our ass off,
then you're stupid.
You're stupid.
So, you just battled a really good team,
down to the damn wire now.
This was a big game, but there
There's bigger games down the road.
Because we're gonna
make a run at a state title.
That's what we're gonna do.
If you don't think
you're an honest 6A State Champion,
you're not real smart, guys.
I'm telling you.
The only way you're not
is 'cause you don't let it be.
It's a play here, it's a play there.
It's a play here, it's a play there.
That's the way these games are.
But I loved the way we battled tonight.
I did. I loved the way we fought.
I loved the way we battled.
Colquitt County to here?
If we'd played Colquitt tonight,
we'd beat them 4 touchdowns.
At least!
You better trust me.
I got eight rings to prove it.
And I think there's a ninth one
coming up my way,
and one for you, coming your way,
if you'll just follow along with me
and trust me. Now, we can go forward.
All right.
I'm proud of you guys. I really am.
[Randy] I haven't talked to you,
but have you heard that, um
We're at the end of it. The appeals.
Even with the additional paperwork
and stuff, there's just
- It's just not gonna happen.
- Like a hundred percent?
If we keep going,
all it's gonna do is just
is just waste your time, our time,
and the school's time,
and I don't wanna do that.
It's not done for football for you.
- If you want
- You think we did everything we could do?
Coming all the way
from Los Angeles to Valdosta
to play high school football
has definitely been a struggle,
'cause I can't play.
I guess I didn't realize
how serious the situation was
until I had to sit out for a couple games,
and then I haven't played
a full season of football yet,
so it's definitely a heartbreaker.
We can stay here
and finish school here
and not play
but still be part of the team.
Go back to California
then you'll have some time off
before you need to report to college.
And the other thing is
find another school.
Because I
After talking to some people,
now that we've got
court-signed documents and stuff
Um, it's you and I are the only ones
have to move to make it a bona fide move.
2,348 miles
doesn't make it a bona fide move,
but 200 miles to Grayson, maybe,
will make it a bona fide move.
We go someplace like that, it's 7A.
So there's no conflict with, um
It is definitely hard to, like, leave.
Just 'cause I feel like
the team is, like, my family now.
And just being able
to work in the classroom,
like, with fam, with Coach Sutton
and Amari and, um
I think it would still be good for me.
- Um
- I feel like my teammates here
and my coaches here,
and just the community,
they would feel like
I turned my back on 'em.
That you abandoned them? No.
No. Not at all. We fought and we fought.
They know that we fought.
You're trying to do this
because you're a senior in high school.
You wanna play ball.
Think about it tonight. Sleep on it. Um
- I'll think about it.
- Fair?
I'll think about it.
Give me a hug.
Love you.
[Jake] After everything we've been through
and all the obstacles
we had to overcome this year,
I don't know what the right thing is,
what the right decision is,
what the next step to take is,
but I know I wanna play football.
[soft music playing]
It's a little dream ♪
But it's the little things
That are big in a small town ♪
My kind of living
Ain't made for the city ♪
No, it don't slow down one bit ♪
And all we got is some mom-and-pops ♪
Smoking ribs in a tin-roofed pit ♪
Yeah, I got a few good friends ♪
Yeah, I got a beautiful wife ♪
Yeah, I got a picket fence ♪
Yeah, it's a beautiful life ♪
Where a little bit of money
Goes a long, long way ♪
And a little bit of seed
Makes a whole lot of grain ♪
A little piece of heaven's
Where I'm trying to stay ♪
'Cause yeah, at the end of the day ♪
It's a tire swing by a river stream ♪
That's running down behind my house ♪
Yeah, it's a little dream ♪
But it's the little things
That are big in a small town ♪
Hell yeah ♪
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