Tokyo Swindlers (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

This feels really claustrophobic.
Watch your heads, everyone.
So, tell me,
have you found an alternative for Oimachi?
Well, we are trying our best.
The loss from this
isn't that big of a deal as a whole.
You have failed.
That matters the most here.
I personally don't care,
but factionalism runs high
in this company.
Because you're on my side,
they'll take it as my failure.
We need to ask the chairman to step down.
I think it's about time.
It's best for the company.
Find alternative land.
No matter what.
Yes, sir.
It still looks pretty far.
Should we call a taxi?
-Isn't this underpass being torn down?
They're building
a new Yamanote Line station, right?
Uh, it's, um
Uh, answer him.
Oh, well, um
Yes, eventually but it will be a while
because of the distance to the station.
-The roof-light killer.
You know, the lights on the roof of taxis?
A ton of them have been crushed
because of this low underpass.
So it earned a nickname,
"the roof-light killer underpass".
-Oh. I didn't know that.
It should be torn down.
They should smash the hell out of it
because everything old
is completely worthless.
Land swindlers
are members of real estate fraud groups
who pose as property owners
trying to sell their land.
These fraud groups steal large sums of
money using deceit and forged documents.
Land fraud groups contain
a leader, negotiator, informer,
legal advisor, document forger,
and imposter recruiter.
Each group member must possess precise
and highly-advanced criminal techniques.
-What are we looking at here?
-3,200 square meters.
A commercial zone
with a 6:1 floor ratio area.
About 12 million per tsubo,
so the purchase price
will be around ten billion.
-That's good.
-This is whose area?
It's mine.
Did you know about this plot of land?
Then why the hell
didn't you suggest it sooner?
Because this land is so advantageous,
developers have been approaching it
for a long time.
Many have tried,
but the owner will not sell.
Do you know where the owner lives?
Uh, she lives in the temple.
There. The priest.
You said "she"?
You mean the owner is a nun?
Right. I'm not sure exactly why,
but she won't sell for any reason.
She avoids interactions with neighbors
and doesn't leave her residence.
We might fail,
but we need to at least try.
-Ninomiya, talk to her neighbors.
Yashiki, contact
the parking lot management company.
Haraguchi, and Yamauchi,
gather all relevant documents.
Kawai Natsumi
brings multiple male hosts
into a hotel room every Thursday
and seems to enjoy group sex.
What the hell is this?
Our little nun is kinda kinky.
I bet you she started
going to host clubs to blow off steam
after her husband cheated on her.
It wasn't enough for her,
so she moved on to that.
It turns out both the husband
and wife were sex maniacs.
My question is,
how did you even film this?
I planted a camera
on the room service cart.
Hey, nice.
I want a copy of this video.
Aside from this kinky time once a week,
she keeps herself
shut inside the temple, right?
There's not much we can do
as long as she stays in there.
What do you think?
Is there something to take advantage of?
There might be.
Something caught my attention.
The guy on the couch.
What's with that guy?
Why's he not joining in?
His name's Kaede. He's a top host
at the club she frequents.
He used to be number two, but Kawai's
interest in him made him number one.
-A big spender patron.
-And so why isn't he getting her off?
The man's gotta raise his value
by playing hard to get with Kawai.
He's appeasing her in the meantime
by giving her the underlings.
What a douchebag.
I see.
So if we make good use of him,
we might be able
to get Kawai away from the temple.
Right. I just haven't come up
with a specific idea yet.
They're all here.
You're watching a porno
when you're supposed to be working?
Calm down. We're watching
the little nun's secret sex tape.
-I'll explain later. Please continue.
-There are six imposter candidates today.
I chose them based on their similarity
in age and physique to Natsumi Kawai.
All of them have some debt.
Take me to them.
What I'm looking for in the imposters
isn't just a simple resemblance.
You know better than anyone else.
Thoughts? Just so you know,
I had them memorize Kawai's profile.
What do you think, Takumi-san?
None of them.
Please release them all.
Come on. I brought in 20 or 30.
I went through everyone I had.
Did you hear what I said?
You can tell them all to leave.
Do you understand? Asking them to
shave their head is making it impossible!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yes.
Come on, Reiko-chan. Calm down.
You know the wrong imposter
could be the death of this operation.
-But I can't do this anymore!
-Yeah, I know.
Why are you being
so cautious this time?
It's a ten billion yen job.
We can't treat it like our previous jobs.
Do you have anything to report
on your end, Takeshita-san?
Yeah, I do.
Make my share three billion yen
for this job.
Why are you asking for that?
The way things are handled
doesn't make sense, man.
All you do is draw up a plan
and make us do all the work.
Yes. Because that's my job in this group.
But I am the one
bringing all the intel, huh!
I'm only asking you
for three billion. Shit!
We're making ten billion.
You're a total asshole!
-Hey! What's going on?
If you don't pay me,
I'm gonna pull out of this job.
And that's not all.
I'm gonna make sure
you are done in this business.
-You hear me?
-Stop, Take-chan!
It's Louis Vuitton.
Louis Vuitton!
He's out of his mind.
He's too deep in the meth.
What the hell was that about?
Please continue recruiting
and bringing candidates for our imposter.
What is most vital this time
is not an exact resemblance,
but having the elegance
and grace of a nun,
as well as a moral quality
to convince the buyer.
I get it, but that's so hard to find!
Please continue recruiting.
You don't need to be in a rush.
-I understand.
-Goto-san. Any news on your end?
I've been spreading
a lot of information through brokers
about the owner wanting to sell.
No bites so far.
Probably because the bait is huge.
That being said, I did manage to catch
a pretty interesting story last week.
What about?
Back during my land shark days,
there was this old guy, Hayashi,
I worked with.
He said the head
of the real estate development division
at Sekiyo House came to see him.
The biggest land you can think of
would be the most ideal.
You're looking for an alternative
for the property in Oimachi?
-Yes, I am.
-I've heard about it.
The deal fell through, right?
Apparently, their multibillion-yen
development project suddenly fell through
and they're looking for alternative land.
Sekiyo is a major player company.
But I thought
they just built residential homes.
Yeah, back in the day.
But now it's not just houses.
They're building condos,
offices, and urban development.
Oh, I see.
But I'm not sure if it'll work.
The bigger the company,
the more strict the internal checks.
There's a lot of departmental red tape.
It could take a year.
It's very intriguing.
A bigger target makes for much easier aim.
Oh, man. A hunting metaphor?
-There's no way a major company
-It's the same thing.
A large trap
filled with a large amount of bait
will bring us the biggest and best prey.
Sekiyo House.
I consider that a fitting target.
"Inoue" is most likely
a fake name used by Tsujimoto Takumi.
It turns out that Tsujimoto Masami
is Takumi's father.
He previously owned
a real estate company in Yokohama.
At that time, Takumi worked with him
as a sales representative.
But then, his company
fell into financial trouble.
That put Masami into despair
and he tried to set himself on fire.
His wife, Takumi's wife,
and Takumi's five-year-old son
all died in the incident.
Masami himself was severely burned,
but he survived.
Takumi survived as well
since he wasn't home at that time.
It's horrible.
Yes. The company was in financial trouble
because he fell victim
to real estate fraud
and ended up losing hundreds of millions.
What's up, Nagai-kun?
Hey, Takumi-kun.
Hold up a sec,
I'm in the middle of a crisis.
-Damn, what the Oh no.
Hey, kitty, kitty.
-Thanks again for the other day.
-What did I do?
The hotel key card.
Ah. All good.
-Here's your pay for that.
-Thanks, dude.
Not like I had expenses
I needed reimbursed.
Kitty, kitty.
Oh. You got me Jojoen.
Thanks for always bringing food.
I can't even get Uber Eats
to deliver out here.
Yeah, I bet. I also brought some milk
for these little ones.
-Nice. Thanks.
So? Why'd you stop by?
Surprisingly, I am going to be a host.
Oh, dude. You serious?
Is this some kinda joke?
No, wait, wait, wait, bullshit, dude.
You're probably going undercover.
You saw right through it.
-I've, uh I've come to ask you a favor.
Do you know about prosthetic makeup?
Can you do that?
I mean, there's a limit
to everything, you know.
-I'm assuming you mean my age?
-Yeah, but not just that.
I sound harsh.
It's, uh, this thing. Burn, right?
-Out of all the jobs, why pick this one?
-I admire Kaede-san.
Yes, uh, because of the way I look,
my life has not been very exciting.
But then I read this magazine
about Kaede-san.
It made me realize
there's this shiny world out there.
And if I'm destined
for a dull and boring life,
I want to experience the world Kaede-san
was a part of at least once in my life.
I mean, I understand how you feel, but
-Hi, Kaede-san!
-Morning, Kaede-san!
-Hi, Kaede-san.
-Morning, Kaede-san.
-Hello, Kaede-san.
-Got a new guy?
Oh, whoa!
What's with your face?
He was just telling me that his admiration
for you inspired him to apply here.
Um, please give me a chance.
I'll do anything.
-Why not?
Look at him.
I bet he would do anything we say.
He looks like his life is pretty much
over. I bet he'll work really hard.
Are you being serious, Kaede?
It's fine. Just keep him
away from customers.
He can be in the kitchen or bathrooms.
Just think of hiring this guy
as saving his life.
All right, all right. Thank Kaede.
Yes! Thank you so much.
-Tsujisawa Kenro?
-I'll call you Kelo, yeah?
Those are keloids. Your scars.
Ah. Yes.
-Work hard.
-I will.
Thank you so much!
I'm not sure
what brings you detectives here.
We came to visit you
to ask you about the incident.
I don't have anything new
to say about it, all right?
Not that one.
We're not here
to ask about the crime you committed.
We'd like to hear about that swindler
who scammed you, and caused this.
-Do you know where he is?
-We're still in progress of finding him.
-How did you meet that man?
Was there someone who introduced you?
My son introduced us.
It was my son. I met him through Takumi.
Back then, I had a small
real estate company in Yokohama.
And my son, Takumi, was our sales rep.
Nishitani I'm sure that name is fake.
Nishitani worked
in the real estate brokerage business.
It's your lucky day!
There is this great piece of land
I would very much like to show you.
This incredible property just came in.
You're the first to see it.
I see.
This lot? Really?
This is listed for sale?
That's right. Station view,
3,200 square meters, and commercial zoned.
This kind of property rarely goes on sale.
-Hey, Dad.
It was close to the station.
The location was perfect.
Although, I did wonder why they chose
to sell such a fantastic property
to such a small company like us.
-I'm the one thanking you.
-Thank you very much.
But what made you choose us
out of everyone?
We're a small company.
Oh, well, because
Ah, we didn't make that clear.
So many companies
have been inquiring for years.
The location is great,
but he distrusts large corporations.
He didn't want to sell
and he turned them all down.
Unfortunately, he became very ill.
Right around that time,
your son and I met,
and I thought to myself,
"Now this is someone I can trust."
I felt comfortable
introducing you to Hagiwara-san.
Oh, that's great.
Also, there was a part of me
that was proud and overjoyed
my son had recognized
and brought us this opportunity.
But then it turned out to be a fraud.
Nishitani's company
didn't even exist. Hmm.
The old man
he introduced us to as the landowner
was an imposter.
How could you not notice
that something was off?
Our company is finished!
This is your fault!
It is all your fault!
Find him!
Even if it means your own death!
And then, the amount of debt
drove me to the edge and I
I did something I can never atone for.
I should've been dead. I'm the one
who should have died in that fire.
After the incident,
have you seen your son?
You sent this.
I'm afraid this letter you wrote
to your son never reached him.
We came here because we have been
looking for your son, Takumi-san.
-What's that about?
-I can't say. Not yet.
I don't know where he is.
Oh. Didn't know you smoked.
-Do you think it's revenge?
Tsujimoto Takumi.
He became a land swindler
so he could have his revenge
on someone who swindled him.
You watch too much TV.
But if that's not it,
I'm drawing a blank.
Well, then, we'll have
to ask Takumi himself.
Here's a coke.
Don't forget to get more ice, too.
Oh, right. I'm sorry.
Hattori-sama coming in!
-Welcome back, we missed you!
-Hey, why are you looking so cute today?
-Am I?
-You look super cute.
I know it's the club's birthday.
I didn't forget.
That old bitch is back.
Excuse me, who is she?
Kaede-san's big spender.
But he has another old bitch
who's an even bigger spender.
-Another one?
-Hey, man.
-You admire Kaede-san, right?
Uh, yes.
Well, then sooner or later,
you might get a chance to
-Never mind.
It's never gonna happen.
Not with that face.
We just got an order from Hattori-sama
for Dom Pérignon Rosé!
Thank you very much!
-Let's go!
-Let's go!
-Let's go!
-Let's go!
Believe it or not, we've got an
order for a bottle of Dom Pérignon Rosé!
Dom Pérignon!
-We deserve it!
-We deserve it!
365 days a year, Pérignon!
-Don't waste a drop, drink it up!
-Drink it up!
-Bottoms up!
-Bottoms up!
-Bottoms up!
-Bottoms up!
-Thank you very, very much!
-Thank you very, very much!
-Good work.
-Good night.
-See you, guys!
-Good night, Kaede-sama.
Don't forget about
next Thursday, all right?
-Yeah, it's Kawai-san, right?
Yeah. I'll be there.
You can go, too, right?
I'll tell the old bitch
she has to raise your pay.
-All right!
I think it's better
if we make a commission instead.
Like make 100,000 every time she comes.
-I bet you're gonna use sex toys.
-Seriously! I really can't get a hard-on!
-All right, see you later.
-Bye, Kaede-san.
-Oh. Hey, Kelo.
-Uh, yes?
-Do you have a license?
Why don't you drive?
It's better than calling a driver.
All right.
You're pretty good.
-First time in a badass car?
-Uh, yes.
I used to be a driver,
so I have experience driving others.
-Oh, yeah.
Damn it!
That old bitch is pissing me off.
What's going on?
No bullshit?
I'll stop by, then. Yeah.
-Turn left at the second light.
-Uh, yeah, okay.
I'm gonna be about two hours.
Go grab a bite.
-That's really nice. I appreciate it.
-Parking's in back.
-Thank you.
Come on, move it!
Stop walking so slow.
He's waiting.
Get inside!
Speed it up!
Coming in!
Hi, excuse me. Get in here!
You like? We even have a fresh one today.
Damn, seriously?
Thank you, have a good time.
So take it off.
I just sent them in. Yeah.
What? Really?
Right. Be right there. Okay.
If you see a child alone or in trouble,
please call emergency services.
You might help prevent them
from being involved in a crime.
Be sure to report any suspicious activity.
Remember, if you see something,
say something.
What the hell?
Hi, Orochi-san.
I found out what it is.
Angel Agency.
That was really fast.
Man, that's 'cause it's my profession.
Yeah, so they pretend to be
some kind of staffing agency.
But they recruit
for the red-light district.
Not only legal adults,
but underage runaways.
-They're pimping them all out.
-They're runaways?
Oh yeah. Runaways.
The kinda girl that wastes so much time
by doing really stupid shit.
Teens that have no money, but can't
work in the red-light district either.
These assholes pimp them out
to clients who like them young.
I got you.
Oh, sorry, I have to go.
Hello, welcome back.
-Head for Sangubashi.
-By the way.
-Uh, yes?
How'd you get that burn?
What? Oh, my my burn?
No, the other guy.
You're right.
I got it in a house fire.
What? How?
I left my cigarette burning.
What the hell?
So your karma bit you in the ass?
Yes, yeah.
How are you even alive
with a face like that?
-Yeah, it is.
Please! Save them!
Dad! Dad!
-Welcome, sir. Let me show you to a table.
-No, I'm good.
Turn this way!
I've got an interesting property.
You're not one to chit-chat, huh?
It's too large.
I don't know what to do with it.
-You gotta give me more to go on.
-It's 3,200 in Takanawa.
Oh. I heard about that. I know it.
I even tried to get a hold of it
during the bubble.
No luck. The owner's
refusing to sell that land, isn't she?
Actually, she's been having
a change of heart.
There might be room for negotiation.
It all depends on the buyer though.
You want to take this to Sekiyo?
-What's your opinion?
Generally speaking, any developer will
jump at it, since it's a prime location.
But the thing is, that land is massive.
Any developer will require over a year to
complete internal checking and approvals.
The owner wants to sell it
as soon as possible.
She also prefers a major company
she can trust.
Having said that,
Sekiyo might push things along if you
can make it into the president's agenda.
Oh yeah?
Sekiyo employees are divided
into the chairman faction
and the president faction.
The chairman, Wadajima, led Sekiyo to
become the top developer it is right now,
which makes him sort of like an emperor.
The president, Abekawa, was pretty much
weened since he was young by Wadajima.
Nepotism did Abekawa good.
He was lucky, but not stupid.
The chairman is overseas half of the year,
so Abekawa has been taking advantage,
uniting his faction in the past few years.
I'll bet he's plotting
to kick Wadajima out to take his position.
But if it's a development project
worth ten billion yen,
don't they need the chairman's approval?
Nope. Abekawa is given free range
regarding big projects within Japan.
And this guy from Sekiyo came begging you.
He's with the president.
Abekawa promoted him to become the Head of
the Development Division where he is now.
Aoyagi gets nudged, causing him
to pressure the president a little bit.
The internal approval process
might go much, much faster.
That would be great.
To be blunt, Sekiyo is one
of the top developers in the market today.
You'll have to think ahead.
They're going to be on high alert
and probably pretty suspicious
if some small-time broker
appears out of nowhere.
-What are you saying?
-That was three months ago, right?
That Ebisu thing?
Unlike those Mike Homes amateurs,
don't think for a second this big time
company is going to be that easy to con.
You guys pulled that job, am I right?
I don't know what you are saying.
This land in Takanawa you mentioned.
Does the owner
really want to put it up for sale?
Nah, that's none of my business anyway.
What do you say?
I will introduce you to a company
that Sekiyo might trust
and you can hire them out
to act as the middleman between you.
You can have them go approach Sekiyo
about the land. Okay?
Do you know anyone?
All I'll ask from you in return
is a referral fee.
Let me get back to you on that.
Oh. Please send Harrison my regards.
Ah, President Abiru.
I might have something
you might be interested in.
Before we conclude the meeting,
does anyone wish to speak?
Yes, Mr. Sunaga. Go ahead.
Mr. Aoyagi,
regarding the Oimachi project
that was aborted,
any news on the alternative land?
We're doing our best to find one.
Oh, are you? That's news.
We haven't received
any progress report whatsoever.
-I figured you've already given up on it.
-We're making every effort.
This concerns other divisions
besides yours.
This was a whole company project.
Do you understand that?
If you end up not finding anything,
we'll lose hundreds of millions of yen.
-You're aware?
-I realize that.
That's all from me.
This meeting is now closed.
Thank you.
How pathetic.
There's not much time left. Hang it up.
We might get a lead.
I'm not just talking about the land.
Give up on ever being promoted
from your position.
I'll do you a favor. When I'm promoted,
I'll keep you at your level.
-Yes, hello?
We rented a space in the parking lot
and have been collecting information
about this property.
All we're getting
is that the owner isn't selling the land.
We still haven't been able
to get a hold of her either.
-Is that all?
-Sorry, sir.
We've made no progress so far.
Keep at it. Do whatever it takes.
I see. Hayashi-san does have a point.
What do you wanna do?
Let's do his plan.
We'll have that company be the middleman,
forwarding Sekiyo the information.
We will appear to get more involved,
indirectly posing
as Kawai Natsumi's asset manager.
We'll make that company take all the blame
when it comes to the crunch?
No. The company will be
tricked into this without knowing it,
which makes them
a so-called "bona fide third party."
So, uh, what do you wanna do
about Hayashi's fee?
-He wants 30 million.
-I'll get it prepared.
Hey. Thanks for yesterday. Yeah.
About that offer,
I'll take you up on that.
You already got things moving?
What are they called?
"Abiru Holdings."
Right. Oh, that's awesome, yeah.
The advisor?
Real estate business,
resort development, apparel, IT
They have their hands in everything.
The day after tomorrow,
I'll go meet with this President Abiru.
Takumi-kun, you'll have
the documents ready?
But, Goto-san, are you sure
that this company is reliable?
Scroll down to the end. See the advisor?
Her name's different, but her husband is
a member of the Liberal Democratic Party.
That's useful.
Quite. Elites like the Sekiyo employees
would never question authority.
Next up, how's the imposter recruiting
coming along?
-Where's Reiko-chan?
-She's in Atami.
She ran out of her list
of stock candidates,
so she went there to recruit from scratch.
Oh. The angling recruiting method.
Let's hope she'll catch someone.
Goto-san, let's go over the plan
for your meeting with Abiru Holdings.
As a broker, we will sell the land
to Abiru for ten billion yen.
Following our sale,
they'll resell the property to Sekiyo
for about 11 billion yen.
As the negotiation makes progress,
I'm pretty sure
they'll request a meeting with Kawai.
We'll let them do that just one time.
At the final stage of negotiations.
When that time arrives,
you'll have the plan in place?
We'll make sure
Kawai is nowhere to be found.
Somewhere away from Tokyo
and away from the temple.
-Think we can make use of him?
We certainly can.
Uh, yes?
-Doing good?
-You know what?
-If you keep working hard
someday you might
Not a chance in hell with that face.
Kawai-sama coming in!
Welcome back!
Been a while.
It's only been a week.
Come on, one week is way too long.
-Hey, you look super cute.
It's been a really slow day.
Glad you came.
It has?
Well tell me what I can get for you.
We'll have Salon Magnum.
Believe it or not,
Kawai-sama just ordered Salon Magnum!
Thank you very much.
-Our number one host!
-Prince Kaede is her pick!
-The most gorgeous princess!
-The ultra premium champagne!
-Salon Magnum!
It's just been ordered
with a bang!
Thank you very much!
Every night at our club, all of us,
we're gonna show you
how we do a real champagne call!
-Champagne! Champagne!
-Champagne! Champagne!
Everybody grab a glass,
it's time for
-Champagne call!
-Champagne! Champagne!
Why is he here?
You told me it was going to be
just you and me tonight.
I ordered that champagne.
Yeah, it was gonna be you and me tonight,
but I wanted you to meet this guy.
-Who is he?
-He just joined us as a new hire.
His face has a gross burn. That's why
he's got no luck with the ladies.
When I told him about you,
he was like, "Can't it be me?"
You've gotta be kidding me.
At first I was like, "No way, man."
But after hearing his story,
I felt sorry for the guy.
I thought it'd be good.
I thought you'd be able
to fill up his hole.
The one inside his heart, you know?
-Th-That'd be great.
Since, uh,
this happened to my face,
I haven't even held hands with a woman
-Speak louder!
-Uh Sorry about that.
I love watching you
bang the young, horny guys from the club.
But I'd love to see another side.
Maybe with you and him, I'd see
something more tender and embracing.
Remember what I said?
When my feelings for you build up,
I'll make love to you
when my feelings can't build any higher.
Promise me we'll be alone next time, okay?
Of course, baby.
So show me.
-Oh, hello.
-Hello. I'll give you my card.
My name is Abiru, I'm from Abiru Holdings.
-I'm pleased to meet you.
The property includes a parking lot
next to a temple called Kouan-ji,
as well as the land
where the adjacent building is standing.
Both combined, it's 3,200 square meters.
I'm sure it'll reach ten billion yen.
-And how much would we profit?
-One billion.
Let's do this.
With pleasure.
Hey, Taniguchi-san,
you're wearing your headscarf too low.
How many times do I have to tell you?
I'm so sorry.
You've been helpful. Thanks.
Don't mention it. I simply made
the first introductions, that's all.
I had nothing else to do with this.
See ya.
You had the biggest boner
for someone who didn't wanna do her.
Well done. Here's your share.
Oh, no, no. I'm okay, really.
-Just take it.
-No, no, no, no. Uh
-Okay. Thank you very much.
-Head over to Kabukicho.
-You're going to stay out longer?
Watching a monster and an old bitch have
sex can't be the last image in my head.
I need something to replace that.
-I'm sorry.
-Yeah, hey.
You have three available?
We're right in front of the building now.
Yeah, almost there. Yeah.
You want fresh meat?
I've got one of those. You got it, yeah.
Yeah, see you soon.
It's in motion.
You may begin now. They went upstairs.
It has been
a while, Hayashi-san.
I put it together that you were the one
that was pulling the strings.
I'm personally calling you
to thank you for your help
introducing us to a wonderful partner.
You're, uh, really planning
on setting up Sekiyo?
That is the plan.
I'm sure you know where I stand,
but just in case,
I only introduced you guys
without knowing anything. Yeah?
Sure. I hope you rest well tonight.
Forget about everything.
Hey! Three girls just got here, right?
Hand me the room key.
-What's going on?
-Get the damn key!
Do it!
Please stop!
Or I'm gonna call the police!
Go ahead. Give 'em a call.
You've got so many minors
being prostituted at your seedy hotel.
Hey, look at me. Hey.
Hey, put your hand down.
Hey. I want you to look at me.
-It's gonna be a great night.
-What the hell?
-We're the Kabukicho patrol unit.
Oh, oh, this is a big no-no.
How old are you, young ladies?
I said, how old are you all?
-How old are you?
-Sixteen. Sixteen years old.
And you're out.
Wh-what the hell's going on?
You're Kaede-kun, the number one host
at Crazy Love, correct?
-Who the hell's that?
-Oh, really?
I know who you are.
Kaede-san, it's been a while.
-What the hell are you doing?
-Please don't worry.
We won't tell anyone about this.
In return,
I'm going to ask you a little favor.
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