Tomo-chan Is a Girl! (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

Best Bud's Secret/Let's Go on a Date!

Wait, you have the hots for Misuzu!?
Dream on.
You know how the two of us
went out back in middle school?
Why was I kept in the dark
Aren't we meant to be best buds?
"Tomo–chan Is a Girl!"
"My Best Friend's Secret"
Spill it, Misuzu.
What's this about you dating Jun!?
That guy finally let it slip
out of his big mouth.
How could you when you know
how I feel about him!?
I didn't then.
You only brought up your feelings for him
before we finished middle school.
S–Still, you could have told your
best friend that you started dating!?
We both wanted to put this behind us.
There wasn't any time
to talk to you about it anyway.
The two of us were together
for a grand total
of three days.
Fine, I'll spill the beans
since you found out.
It was the spring of
our second year of middle school.
One day that guy sprung a proposal.
Gundo, would you like to try dating me?
Sounds interesting.
Back then he was inexplicably
popular with the girls.
I thought he'd make
a good accessory to show off.
I–Is that a reason to date someone?
Call it a folly of youth.
By the next day I already had enough.
That soon!?
It was our first date.
He suggested that we went cycling
and I agreed expecting a leisurely pedal.
Hey, how far are we going?
Almost there!
That exchange went on
for two hours and 40 kilometers.
Is this a great view or what?
How stupid are you?
The following day that guy
dragged me off somewhere else.
I shed five kilos in two days.
So uhh
What's bad about that?
You muscleheads are insane.
My body and mind now a tattered wreck,
I wanted to tell him
we were finished at school.
That was when he
Sorry, Misuzu.
I know I was the one who asked you out
But being with you
just doesn't feel the same.
I don't think we should keep
seeing each other anymore.
He struck first!?
That joker was a black spot in my life.
I'll never forgive him.
I can see why it didn't work out.
So that means you
don't feel anything for Jun now?
Oh, I have feelings for him.
Feelings of hatred.
I–I see
B–By the way! When you were
dating did you two ever, well
K K–K Kiss and stuff!?
We never got to swapping spit
or anything else, thank god for that.
Don't call it swapping spit!
Let's see I supposed the most we did
was be on a first name basis
and go home holding hands.
But those were no big deal.
Happy now?
Yeah, well
There was nothing remotely romantic
about the stuff you told me.
You finally told Tomo about it.
Not that I didn't expect you to.
Yeah, sorry about that.
Doesn't bother me.
On that note.
I was so desperate to forget the ordeal
that I never made the connection.
If I recall, for the first year
or so of middle school,
you were avoiding Tomo.
I'll spare you from answering why.
But I will point out that
you returned to being besties
around the time we split up.
Everything that happened
back then was all my fault!
You can give me a punch
if you're still upset!
So something did happen.
Why stop at one?
So you really don't have
feelings for Misuzu anymore!?
For real!?
Dude, how many more times
must I repeat myself?
I was the only one out of the loop!
Seriously, I'm sorry.
So, like, is there
anyone you fancy now?
Huh? No such person.
Yes, really. Give me a break.
I see, I see. It's all good if you don't!
I don't!
R–Right, got it.
Morning, Aizawa–san!
Oh, Misaki–senpai. Mornin'!
That's a guy.
By the way, this is Jun!
Nice to meet you! I'm Kosuke Misaki,
a second year. Please to
The hell are you doing, man!
Soz, hand slipped.
As if!
Junichiro Kubota. Sorry about that.
N–No problem. It didn't bother me.
I heard you do karate?
Huh? Yeah
I'd love to have a spar someday.
I'll come at you hard, so break a leg.
–Tomo, that hurts.
–So sorry about this.
–Hey, Tomo.
–I'll teach him some manners.
–I'm dying here.
–L–Look, it's fine.
–Hey, Tomo?
–Please let him go.
Why're you chums
with the boys' karate club captain?
Aren't you with the girls?
Didn't I tell you?
Some stuff happened
and I moved to the boys' team.
How lamentable!
To think the heir to the Aizawa Dojo
is learning karate at school.
What about you, li'l Jun?
You're the only master for me, sir!
That's more like it!
W–What was that for?
Tomo, let's get going.
Sorry, I made plans
to have tea wih Misuzu and Carol.
Dude, no sulking!
I am not.
You so are.
Tomorrow, 'kay?
We'll go home together tomorrow!
Tomorrow, that's a promise!
They're not dating?
Can you believe those idiots?
J–Just my luck meeting him here
You've scared him silly
with your stupid threat!
You better be good to him next time!
Got it?
You live in the area?
Yeah. I usually take my bicycle,
but I sent it for repair.
So that's why you're taking the bus today.
Aren't you a little far?
Y–You're just imagining things!
J–Jun–kun, have you thought
about joining the karate team?
Over my dead body.
I see. S–Sorry for asking.
Plus, I don't see myself beating Tomo.
That's also why I'm not keen on it.
I don't want to lose.
Huh? Aizawa–san's always
saying that she can't beat you.
I'm talking about when
we're at her dad's dojo.
I stand no chance against her
when we have to stick to the rules.
If it's a plain old fight then I can win.
Fight? You mean that
you and her get into brawls?
That's not right!
Aizawa–san's a girl!
It's not like I want to hurt her.
But we're talking about Tomo.
Get on her bad side and
she'll come at you like a bull.
That does sound like a lethal situation
I can beat her with plain
brawns because I'm a guy.
Yet in sports where rules are in place,
there's still a long road ahead of me.
Is that so?
There's no denying how amazing she is.
She's on another level.
My goal is to reach that level,
but the way things are
I see, he admires her the same way I do.
I feel like I can relate
I seem to have been blabbing a load of crap.
If you ever let Tomo in on this
I–I wont! My lips are sealed!
He's freaking terrifying!
I heard you were with Jun after school.
Hope he didn't shake you up?
Nah, it was fine.
He seems alright once
I got to know him better.
Right? I know right?
You get it!
He started coming off all threatening
around the second year of middle school.
No one would be friends with him.
I tried introducing him to a few guys I knew.
He scared off every one of them.
But I just knew that you
would understand him.
–I can't tell her that he scares me too.
–You're not like those cowards!
Jun's a real great guy
but he never seems to think of me as a girl.
Would it kill him to not be so thick?
I think he does see you as one.
He did say
Wassup dude.
Sounds like you're having a fun chat.
Can I join in?
Forgive me.
They're already close pals!
"Let's Go on a Date!"
So like, what do you think about Tomo Aizawa?
N–Nothing much. She's, like, a girl too.
Got a skirt and all!
Right? She's manly and all
but the skirt's a mood killer.
It's Mifune and Ogawa!
Funny seeing you here!
You come here often?
She's got jeans on!
This isn't happening
That's so unfair
What happened?
They could've joined us for tea.
Why'd they bail?
Because of the way you're dressed.
Anyway, have you been with Junichiro lately?
I take that as a no.
Truth is, we haven't been hanging
much since high school started.
He asks me out sometimes
but I feel all awkward about it.
You're girlish in the oddest ways.
Keep this up and he may just choose
to spend his time with someone else.
I–I can't have that!
Then you should be the one
making the next move.
Don't think about going to your
usual bowling or batting centers.
W–What's wrong with those?
How about the two of you try
more standard student activities
like shopping for clothes
or enjoying some karaoke?
Me and Jun
That's so far off from how we're like.
Try asking him out this weekend.
You've kept him waiting long enough,
he'll be like a puppy
wanting to go for a walk.
He's no puppy.
Hey, Jun.
If you're free next weekend,
do you want to
go somewhere to hang out?
Man, it's been a while!
Where to? Where are we going?
–He's a dog. A big dog.
–C'mon Tomo, where are we going?
I hope you understand
that just having some fun isn't enough.
It has to be a date.
About that
Can I come along too?
Just kidding!
Let's get you some clothes after school.
Your entire wardrobe is for men.
What's the problem?
Hey, Tomo–chan.
Going on a date in men's
clothes is a joke, right?
Fine, let's do it.
What should we get?
Let's see I suppose we could
go with something boyish.
Not going for a girlier look?
Do that
and she will not only be
too distracted on their date,
but that guy will run off
the second he sees her.
Which is why making her
less mistakable for a boy
and more of a masculine girl
will be our course of action.
She's a pain in the ass.
What shoes do you have?
I only have sneakers. Red and white ones.
White's good!
How about wearing something sporty yet girly,
a simple boyish look?
Let's go with that.
Any thoughts?
Huh!? Well, yeah, that's fine.
How's this denim culotte?
A white pullover would go well with that.
I–I didn't think I'd be
this out of my element.
Thanks, you two!
I'll return the favour one day.
Don't mention it.
I've done all I could as your best friend.
We're friends, after all.
A thorough report about your date
from start to finish is all I need.
Looking forward to it!
This is a steep price to pay
Sorry, Jun! Did you wait long?
What's up?
Nah, we're good. Let's go.
"Batting Center"
Haven't swung a bat in a while.
Been a while since the two
of us dropped by too!
Damn. This won't be different from our usual.
Hey, isn't this the 160 km corner?
Yep. I bat balls at this speed now.
It was only 120 km the last time we did it.
160 km might be too fast for me.
Give it a go, Tomo!
Nice batting!
"Tanaka Bowling"
We haven't been here in a while too.
We're totally on our usual routine.
That's a 16 pound ball!
I've been bowling with this weight recently.
It used to be a lighter ball.
I doubt I'd be able to carry that.
Wanna try?
Something needs to change.
Hey, so, you wanna go for karaoke next?
Sure, why not?
Didn't think so.
But we should try
Wait, what?
So this is a karaoke room.
I thought it'd be livelier here.
It's kinda cramped and dark instead.
Go on, sit next to him.
Get real close.
What's wrong?
Aren't you gonna sing?
Sing!? What makes you think I'd sing!
Then why are we here?
W–Why did you even agree in the first place?
You never cared about this stuff.
Because that's what you wanted to do.
You were always up to some
wild things when we were small.
Honestly, I was kinda
dragged into it at first.
You had me worried sick.
But it turned out to be fun
like you said it'd be.
That's why being with you is the best.
That's right, he's here to hang out with me.
Yet all I could think of was
I can't let it end like this!
I must do something
–Oh, you're finally singing?
–or today'll be a bust!
"Acorn Goes Rolly Rolly"
Now's not the time to be ashamed!
An acorn goes rolly rolly. Plip–plop, splash!
Into a pond he goes. Oh, dear me!
Out comes a loach saying "How do you do?"
Little boy, let's play a game together!
You're up next
Don't laugh!
Sorry. Your idea of karaoke
was just so novel.
A nursery rhyme, seriously?
You really are the best!
S–Shut your face, dummy!
Since Junichiro wasn't that keen to sing,
you spent three hours
singing nursery rhymes and left.
I could've dropped dead
from the embarrassment.
The jerk even shot a video.
Sounds like you had a very good time.
Did it really?
I don't think they went
about it the right way.
Guess I'll delete this.
Show us the video!
You assholes!
Little boy, let's play a game together!
That day
Dude, who said you could film me!
She seemed kind of different
Traveling across the starry sky
These feelings go far
–They may never reach, but
–Damn, she's killing it.
–They may never reach, but
–Misuzu–chan can sing.
Bounce with me, Bounce with me
All the sanity is sin, sin, sin here
–Bounce with me, Bounce with me
–Her English is good!
–Move it down, up, down, up
–I forgot that she's British.
Keepin' it up boys Boom boom
It's your turn, Tomo.
Take the mic, Nursery Rhyme Queen.
S–Spare me
It scratched me, it scratched me
Kitty was so shocked that it scratched me
I stepped on a cat, I stepped on a cat
I stepped on a cat and it clawed at me
It scratched me, it scratched me
Kitty was so shocked that it scratched me
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