Tomodachi Game (2022) s01e03 Episode Script

There's No Way I'd Believe That

The following program contains depictions of
sexual assault or rape and may not be suitable for all audiences.
Viewer discretion is advised.
Bad-Mouth Box
This time there are three submissions!
Shibe Makoto took baths
with his mother until junior high.
how cute lmao
junior high!
ew srsly?
Shibe-kyun lol
Katagiri Yuichi once didn't
take a bath for a week.
bath again?
nasty lol
how dirty lol
crying poor tears
Actually, Sawaragi Shiho
has had plastic surgery.
Of course the plastic surgery
one's a lie, right Shiho?
So what if it is true?
If I'd had plastic surgery,
would you still have liked me?
Would we even have become friends?
Th-That's not
If you liked someone of the opposite
sex who had plastic surgery
Well, I doubt that would
destroy the friendship, too.
I don't think that's the case.
Friendship is even more
calculating than romance.
People make friends to have fun together,
to stop getting bullied, to get money
You don't want a friendship
that has no advantages!
While there is unconditional love,
there's no such thing as
an unconditional friendship.
Fifth Period
Oh? There's only one submission this time.
But this one's a real doozy.
Kokorogi Yutori engaged in
compensated dating in junior high.
parent and child crooks
Episode 3: There's No Way I'd Believe That
Episode 3: There's No Way I'd Believe That
Wow! As your teacher, I'm shocked!
Who would've guessed that Yutori-chan
went on compensated dates in junior high?
W-Why? Why did you do this, Shiho-chan?!
No! It wasn't me! I didn't write it!
Liar! Shiho-chan, you're
the only one who knew!
Yutori did compensated dating?
You mean, she sold her body to adult men?
For someone who isn't a virgin,
you sure seem innocent.
What the hell are you doing, Tenji?!
Shut the hell up. Don't say another word!
Yuichi, can you look after Kokorogi-san?
Y-Yeah, but
I don't know what I can do for her.
Don't be stupid. Just keep her company.
Yuichi, you really are a sinful man.
Let's give Kokorogi-san some
space until she calms down.
It looks like you're in the middle of
something, but here are the results!
Q: Who is the most "unforgivable"?
Shibe Makoto
Sawaragi Shiho
Katagiri Yuichi
Kokorogi Yutori
Mikasa Tenji
that's acceptable
How much do you charge?
I can help if you're
in trouble, little girl
I'll become your
savior, Yutori-chan
she did it lol
we need photo proof
I'd totally compensate Yutori-chan
she does look so innocent lol
I'm getting kinda excited
heavy breathing
serves you right
hilarious lol
you can call me daddy
more deets plz
Makes sense, given that Yutori-chan
was the only one bad-mouthed.
Oh? And the comments are all unspeakable!
5th place
Katagiri Yuichi
Move 1 space
1st place
Kokorogi Yutori
Move 5 spaces
5th place
Sawaragi Shiho
Move 1 space
5th place
Shibe Makoto
Move 1 space
5th place
Mikasa Tenji
Move 1 space
Period 05 Spaces Moved Debt Amount (game 2 only)
13 spaces - 1,800,000 yen
9 spaces - 1,000,000 yen
8 spaces - 1,200,000 yen
7 spaces - 1,200,000 yen
5 spaces - 700,000 yen
You're all spread out now,
so look here to see your positions.
Let's review the rules, too.
If anyone reaches the goal,
you all win the game,
+ 400,000 yen
and you each get a 400,000 yen prize.
+ 1,000,000 yen
Those who clear without reaching
the goal get an additional one million reward.
+ 1,400,000 yen
But remember what I said?
In Bad-Mouth Sugoroku, the first person
to reach the goal will suffer a massive loss.
All of the debt gained during the game
will be added to whoever reaches the goal first.
Whoever reaches the goal takes on all
of the debt everyone else got during the game.
All of the debt gained during the game
will be added to whoever reaches the goal first.
For example, if someone
reached the goal now,
four of you would get a
1.4 million yen reward.
+ 1,400,000 yen
Shiho-sama alone would
receive everyone else's debt,
and after subtracting the 400,000 reward,
would be left carrying 5.5 million in debt.
But for right now, it looks like you're more
worried about something besides debt.
Are you okay, Kokorogi?
I really, really needed the money.
The bullying now doesn't compare
to what happened in junior high.
Every day, they did horrible things to me,
but I didn't want to cause
any trouble for my mom,
so I just put up with it,
and kept going to school.
My friends abandoned me.
My teacher wouldn't help at all, either.
But I did find one way
to stop the bullying.
There was only one way
to stop the bullying
You're so cute.
We're friends, aren't we?
We're great friends.
I'm your friend, yeah?
I could give them money.
The people who always
did horrible things to me
would smile when I gave them money.
They'd treat me nicely.
Money's the only thing that protected me!
Kokorogi You
I really needed money,
but I didn't get enough allowance.
I tried to think of a way to earn money
And then, I realized
At first, he just wanted to talk,
but soon, he started taking me to dinner,
and then karaoke
and then cosplay, but that's something
I'd always liked, anyway
Then, he wanted to take pictures
of me in an outfit he liked.
But, I mean, taking pictures of
cosplay is totally normal, right?
And then Then, he said,
"I want to touch you."
I want to touch you
Just touching?
Yeah, just touching.
Have I ever lied to you?
I guess not.
So it's okay, right?
dark past
private photo session
costume play lol
she did it on camera lol
that clears it up
I want to touch you too
Daddy's here lol
And then, you
No, I was okay. I got scared
partway through and ran away.
Now, that's not believable
at all, Yutori-chan.
old content
give me back my purity!
how about for 5 big ones?
you were such an adult, Yutori-chan lol
what a bitch lol
that's dark
no way
was her testimony
un-virgin lol
you did it, right?
compensated dating sucks lol
I-It's the truth!
I did compensated dating,
but I never went that far with it!
I overestimated you, Yutori-chan
no point making excuses now
sigh, guess she was that kind of girl
Yuichi! Believe me, Yuichi!
I-I'm still a virgin! Yuichi!
If you abandon me, too,
I'll be all alone.
A girl's virginity
Do you think it's important, Senpai?
The only people who get upset about that
are stupid virgins themselves.
Well, I am half-joking
In general, for both men and women,
the more "immaculate" someone is,
the more they fixate on others' filth.
An immaculate human?
Put simply, humans who convince
themselves that they aren't dirty.
Shocking Accusation!
Prefectural Assembly Member
Caught On Compensated Date
Used an online dating site to
They live pure and righteous lives,
18m ago
Is it fun to be alive?^^
26m ago
Are you insane?
and see people who can't do
that as aberrations,
as filth, and as unforgivable.
give me my money!!
scam artist
you better GTFO!!
Humans who have never once
stepped out of line in their lives,
and who convince
themselves they never will,
can't forgive the smallest
mistake in others.
Ultimately, whether or not
he can forgive or believe her
will depend on how aware he is
of his own impurity.
Kokorogi, it isn't about
whether or not I believe you.
No matter what happened to you
in the past, I'll never leave you.
Because I
And so
don't show off
what's with the good vibes between those two?
huh? what? what the heck?
so popular
I give up
totally unforgivable!!
did they kiss?
Sorry for saying something so weird.
But maybe now you'll believe me
when I say I won't leave you.
Huh? What, what?!
Was that a love confession?
I couldn't hear it!
Given the context, it appeared so,
but it may have been
something entirely different.
Either way, one thing is totally clear now.
He wasn't fazed at all.
He forgave Kokorogi Yutori.
In other words, Katagiri Yuichi
is aware that he is impure.
There must be something in his past
Can you keep going, Kokorogi?
As long as you stay with me, Yuichi.
Okay, I will.
But right now, I want to stay
far away from Shiho-chan.
Wh-Why?! I told you, it wasn't me!
Maybe so. I want to believe that's true
But right now I just can't.
Sawaragi-san. It can't be helped.
But, still
Did you really know about all that?
Well, yeah.
Not everything, but I did know about it.
Shortly after we got into high school,
I saw Yutori surrounded by some
students from another school.
Obviously, I defended her.
But right when I tried
to take Yutori and run
one of them said
She ain't worth protecting.
A chick like that'll do anything for cash.
I was worried, so I asked,
and she told me she did
compensated dating in junior high.
I didn't want to dig any deeper,
and promised I wouldn't tell anyone.
I asked if she wanted to be friends.
I never break my promises to my friends!
I know. Even when you were little,
you were the same way.
You've always been
straightforward and honest,
and you always put your friends first.
I believe you.
Thank you for believing me, Tenji-san!
No problem!
We're childhood buddies.
I know you better than anyone!
Everything's getting messy
in so many ways!
It is.
And it turns out we do have one.
"One" what?
A human who's deliberately trying to destroy
the friendships in this group, of course.
Maybe that one didn't start the Tomodachi Game
to bury the others in debt.
The true goal might be to destroy
the friendships between the five of them.
In that case, do you think
Shibe's the most suspicious?
He was obviously jealous of the relationship
between Yuichi-kun and Shiho-chan,
and now he's off sulking all by himself.
He certainly does appear to be wealthy,
so he would probably prioritize love
and friendship over money.
And the next most suspicious
one is Tenji-kun.
It looks like he didn't know about
Yutori-chan's compensated dating,
but I bet he did know that
Shiho-chan likes Yuichi-kun,
and that she'd had plastic surgery before.
If you think about it from that perspective,
isn't there someone who's
even more suspicious?
Huh? Even more suspicious?
It's Shiho-chan!
She knew about the compensated dating,
her own time dating Tenji-kun,
and of course, her own
feelings for Yuichi-kun.
Yeah. It's possible to bad-mouth
yourself on a bad-mouth card.
In that case, Shiho-chan is
the most suspicious after all.
Conversely, if you think about
what happened in the first game,
we can't let Katagiri Yuichi
off the hook yet.
Either way, it seems like
Yutori-chan is the most unlikely,
especially after all that crying.
You'll break into pieces!
That's why I stole the two million yen.
Independent Study!
Hey, guys. You all turned in
your class trip fee, right?
Oh, really?
That's so crazy!
Hey, everyone!
It's independent study time, not free time!
Can't you be a little quieter?
Who cares?
You're the loudest one here, Sawaragi.
Huh? Quit nitpicking,
or I'll beat you up!
You already did.
I need to hurry over to the teachers' room.
Class Trip Funds Collection Envelope
Class 2-A, Sawaragi Shiho
Hey, Shiho.
Matsuda-sensei's calling for you.
You need to go to the third floor
multimedia room now.
Huh? That's totally
in the opposite direction.
Right now?
It sounds like it.
Class Trip Funds Collection Envelope
Class 2-A, Sawaragi Shiho
Class Trip Fund
Oh, well.
I won't be gone long.
Hey, man, would you let me
copy your math homework?
Huh? Ask Katagiri. You're friends, right?
Yuichi? No way.
He's been working his butt off. Look at him.
You wouldn't wanna wake him up, would you?
Fine, then. Here.
Oh! Thank you!
Hey, guys! I need to concentrate!
Don't talk to me!
No one was gonna, trust me.
Ow, ow, ow
Sorry, Kokorogi-san.
No, it was my fault.
Kokorogi-san, are you okay?
Y-Yeah, I'm fine! Don't worry about me!
Um, did you see?
You did, didn't you?
I've been drawing manga.
I don't have ambitions to
become a pro, or anything.
I just have a really active imagination,
and I wanted to try drawing
it out, since I love manga.
I was keeping it a secret, but now you know.
Oh, sorry! I talk too much.
Were you doing something?
It's okay. I'm already done.
Oh, you're bleeding near your eye!
I-I'm sorry! My fountain pen went flying
and must have cut you.
You'd better get it treated
or it might leave a scar.
It's okay. I don't think anyone will notice.
Oh, man. What a nasty
face you're making, Shibe!
When you found out the girl you like had
plastic surgery, did you lose interest?
Q: Who is the most "unforgivable"?
Shibe Makoto
Sawaragi Shiho
Katagiri Yuichi
Kokorogi Yutori
Mikasa Tenji
no kidding
is she that desperate to be popular?
say it isn't so, Shiho-sama lol
plastic surgery, of course
she would, wouldn't she?
she left them in the dust
that's just sad
Well, she did get plastic surgery,
but it wasn't cosmetic.
She had to do it to cover the
facial scar she got in junior high.
I'm the only one who knows the truth.
Actually, Sawaragi Shiho
has had plastic surgery.
Actually, Sawaragi Shiho
has had plastic surgery.
And the person who wrote that, of course,
is me.
It's not just that, either.
I know it all. Everything.
Did you see the TV drama?
Oh, I haven't seen it,
so don't spoil anything.
See you later.
Because I was always watching.
I know where you kept
your spare locker key
An anti-theft alarm?
Thanks! I'll keep it on my bag.
Because I was always listening.
That's why That's why I
I had to start compensated dating
Don't worry. I promise to keep it a secret.
Even private conversations
Oh, is that a cut?
You'd better treat it or it'll leave a scar.
Take those off and show me.
Yeah, that's definitely a cut.
My fountain pen went flying
and must have cut you.
You'd better get it treated.
It's okay. I don't think anyone will notice.
Yeah, maybe.
Break Break Break
Shiho-chan's relationships
will all break into pieces!
And when you're left alone, all by yourself,
I'll say sweet things to you.
And then, Shiho-chan, how will you react?
What will you say to me then?
Just imagining it makes me makes me so
NEXT: Seriously? That's So Cringe!
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