Too Hot to Handle: Brazil (2021) s01e03 Episode Script


[Bruna] Imagine you're in paradise
[romantic music playing]
and in amazing company.
Do you think you'd be okay
without being able to do
anything naughty?
I doubt it!
[upbeat music playing]
[Bruna] We found
the horniest people around
[Thuany] Let's agree on
everyone wearing condoms, please,
then everyone can have sex
with each other and we're all good.
[Bruna] and offered them
what sounded like
the best trip they could possibly imagine.
I hope the debauchery starts soon, man.
[Bruna] And then told them
that in this paradise,
almost everything is allowed, except for
having sex.
[Igor] It really throws
a wrench in the works.
[Brenda] This is literal cockblocking.
[Bruna] There's no
fooling around here, my darlings.
I feel like crying.
It makes you wanna cry.
[Matheus] Ach, my heart is racing, man.
I'm so horny, I'm shivering. For real.
[Bruna] Our guests will
have to stick it out,
unless they want to see
a prize of R$500,000
vanish into thin air.
As they tend to do after a date, right?
This stunning retreat
for the biggest players
is managed by an all-seeing
artificial intelligence.
Lana will be watching them
around the clock,
before announcing the dry spell.
Will they be able to stay sane
without their favorite pastime?
[Gabriela] Do not misalign my chakras!
You were a douchebag so many times.
Like, I'm saying it to your face.
[Bruna] Eh, I don't think so.
[Brenda] I'm pissed 'cause
I worried a lot about everyone else,
and nobody even cared about me.
I even worried about you.
Now look at us.
We look like a bunch of idiots.
You guys are too focused on me.
Because all I'm really feeling
is disappointment, you know?
[Lana] You have broken a rule
and have incurred the maximum penalty.
[Bruna] With sex off the table,
will they be able
to build stronger relationships?
- We're in this together.
- Yeah, we are.
[Matheus] I wasn't prepared to find
the love of my life in a few days.
What do you know about me?
Only what is on the surface.
[Bruna] Or will it just be
I need to get laid.
I can't take it anymore.
Be cool and help me, okay?
[Bruna] too hot to handle?
[Lana] Hi, people.
Hi, Lana!
- [Lana] How are you?
- [all] Good.
- Great after last night
- [Leandro] Couldn't be better.
[Lana] All of us need to have
a very serious chat.
- [all groan]
- [Leandro] Ouch.
[Lana] Oftentimes,
what you all consider fun
is just a way of sabotaging
your personal development process.
Your actions last night at the party
have cost you a combined total of
[Matheus] Fuck!
Help me, Lana. What's going on?
What's going on between you and me?
Talk to me, please,
because I'm not following you.
[Bruna] Instead of explaining it,
we'll just show it.
Because if a picture
is worth a thousand words,
several pictures say
You've lost a shit-ton of money!
[all singing] Shit will hit the fan ♪
Shit will hit the fan
Shit will hit the fan! ♪
[man yelling]
We lost a lot of money
because of this party.
And most of it was because of me.
[Bruna] Mmm-hmm.
So what do we show first?
DTR or down and dirty stuff?
Down and dirty stuff or DTR?
I don't know.
[Bruna] Okay, well,
Lana said it was serious
so let's try to keep the mood there
while it's still possible.
So, here we go
[exhales deeply]
I wanna know what you want.
Because I'm not willing
to stress over you,
going through a situation
like what we went through before.
Because that's not what I want,
neither here nor outside, you know?
I need you to give me
the opportunity to show you
that I love you.
[romantic music playing]
[Bruna] Uh, what?
Regardless of what my head
is telling me to do,
I'm gonna follow my heart
and give us a chance.
I like you, and we've been
strengthening our connection,
but I've been fighting against it.
But, if at any moment,
I feel like you're using me,
forget it.
I have my feet firmly on the ground.
So if he messes it up,
he won't have another chance.
[romantic music playing]
[Brenda sniffles]
[Matheus] You're an incredible woman.
You're truly amazing.
So don't lose me this time.
- No.
- Okay?
I won't lose you.
If she gave me another chance,
she wants me
to control my mind through my heart,
not the other way around, you know?
- [Brenda] But can I trust you?
- Yes.
[Bruna] What about Matheus?
Can he trust you, Brenda?
I like him, you know?
But I won't fight against my wishes
and my feelings.
[Bruna] Looks like Brenda is summoning
the namas-tension mode.
Nobody can stop her now.
[upbeat electro music playing]
[Bruna] I know how it feels, Matheus.
Instead of blowing the money with me,
she did it with Rita.
I wonder if she feels more attracted
to me than to Matheus.
That's the question.
[Bruna] The only thing I know for sure now
is that these two ladies
really need to cool their coochies down.
I can't ask too much of Brenda, right?
Thankfully, Matheus knows
that I'm a danger to everybody.
[Bruna] Specifically, a danger
to everyone's bank account.
Right, Brenda?
So, I always wanted
to jump naked into the pool.
Then Brenda brought it up too
and I was in.
[Bruna] Guys, you ought to
use the pool to cool yourselves down,
not heat yourselves up.
[Rita] I can't believe
you're going to do that.
[man laughing]
One person encouraged the next,
then the next
And then, everybody was out of control.
[Bruna] This retreat
was supposed to be a journey
of deep self-reflection and discovery.
- They didn't quite grasp the point.
- [women screaming]
I think that when we're naked,
we connect better with the universe.
[Bruna] Hi, I'm the universe.
Nice to meet you.
[indistinct chatter and laughter]
[Rita] Brenda and I kissed,
but they saw us.
We wouldn't have told them that we kissed.
But since Matheus and Leandro saw it,
we said, "Well, let's tell them." Right?
There's no way to hide.
Especially since they can also talk.
But it was only one kiss. Not a big deal.
My concern about the whole situation
that was happening there
was of course about the money,
but it was also about their attitude.
[Bruna] At Lana's school, Keth
comes early and sits in the front row.
Such a nerd.
[Matheus] We tried to kiss
under the water, you know.
But, uh, it didn't happen.
[all singing] Shit will hit the fan
Shit will hit the fan ♪
[all continue singing]
[man yelling]
- [Matheus] Look.
- [Brenda] No!
[Matheus] Lana's gonna punish us.
We connected in a different way.
You know, because there was no malice.
[Bruna] Malice? Of course not.
Who could ever imagine seeing malice
in a big group of naughty and naked people
rubbing each other in a swimming pool?
Maybe that's not exactly
the purpose of it all.
I think we returned to being
more superficial again.
Today was awesome!
- [Gabriela] When are we gonna drink again?
- [cheering]
We're much closer than before.
Money doesn't buy
what we experienced here.
[Matheus] One, two, three, go!
[men yelling]
[Bruna] Let's see if they'll
still feel that close to one another
when the bill arrives.
Close your eyes
Listen to my voice, boy ♪
I may tell lies ♪
But I'm the one who gives you joy ♪
- [Brenda] Guys?
- Yeah.
Rita and I have something to tell you.
[Thuany] Again?
[Brenda] We actually kissed once
before we made out last night.
[exhales deeply]
- [Davi] Yesterday?
- [Brenda] Yeah.
[Gabriela] Why didn't you tell us
in the morning, then?
Because we wanted to tell you now.
Brenda and I decided
to tell them about the kiss,
because we felt guilty.
Oh, the most important thing is to tell
because earlier you said
you didn't want to.
[Rita] But you only told us
after Lana ratted you out.
We're telling you now.
Lana hasn't said anything yet.
The problem is that Brenda
will spend everyone's money, you know?
Because everyone wants to
hook up with her, right? Thuany does.
Everyone wants Brenda. That's it.
Slow your roll, Brenda.
The other day, someone said,
kissing, just to do it for god's sake, no.
"Arranged kissing, no."
- Sorry, but we were really connecting.
- Yeah.
I don't judge, because I might be
the next one, you know?
[Matheus] That was the vibe.
It wasn't just one person,
but everyone changed their attitude.
Everybody went crazy.
Like, "A kiss is a kiss." Let's just kiss.
[Brenda] It's different if we did it now.
[Matheus] Why did you hide your kiss?
Because you wanted to.
- Oh, come on, guys.
- [Rita] It wasn't hidden.
It was in the middle of the room,
but no one saw it,
so we said we won't say anything.
Girl, nobody saw it.
Nobody saw it.
So, are we going to play dumb?
We won't tell anyone. Pinky promise.
- [Brenda] Are you sure?
- Yeah.
[Davi] So, it was what we discussed before
about getting naked
and having a connection, okay?
- It was just for fun. A waste of money.
- It was wrong.
It was wrong. Didn't you also make
a mistake and apologize? I'm sorry then.
But I would do it again. [chuckles]
Come on, people. It's all right.
[chuckling] "But I would
do it again." Fuck you.
[Rita] I want you to understand my problem
with you isn't due to what you did,
but because you didn't come clean.
That's already been resolved.
There's no reason to keep harping on it.
If you wanna talk, we'll talk,
but there's no reason
to discuss it anymore.
I don't wanna talk about it. I'm chill.
It's just because
you were trying to lie about it
saying that you kissed twice
on the same day.
[Kethellen] Girl, that's been resolved.
If you still have a problem with that,
we can talk and work it out.
I'm good, honey,
but he brought it up,
and I wanna talk about it.
There was no way for me
not to lose control and yell at her,
because she was wrong.
Whatever they charge us with,
they did something worse.
This wasn't supposed to
become an argument.
- If you wanna talk
- But you turned it into an argument.
We're all just trying to eat.
No. You turned it into an argument.
But if you actually wanna talk,
we can talk.
Davi's saying that I spent
more money than everyone else.
- You can avoid it.
- That's not the point.
[Kethellen] For God's sake.
If you don't wanna
care about the money, then don't.
[Kethellen] Rita should be
more humble and apologize,
but she transferred the anger she
was feeling towards Davi to me instead.
I feel like hooking up with Brenda,
it's a special connection to me.
If we think this way, that's what it is.
It's the same with Davi
feeling like hooking up with some girl.
I feel like hooking up
with Brenda. Kissing her.
[Brenda] Because we're women,
we can't have this connection?
[Igor] No one's saying that.
But you can't do that.
You're here for something else.
You can't do that.
Not for doing that,
and it's for you to get
to know yourself better
to understand what the fuck is happening,
and chill.
It's not for you to say,
"I wanna do this"
If I also did
what I wanted to do with Brenda,
I already would've
spent your prize myself.
[exhales deeply]
It's tough, you know?
I think we'll leave with nothing.
[Bruna] Yes, darling.
Something tells me that Lana will be
bringing you a very spicy bill in the end.
[Davi] With Lana,
we'll leave here owing money.
[Igor] The problem is not the kissing.
There's a chemistry between you two,
and it's nice.
- [Brenda] It really is.
- Sure.
[Davi] But it can't become a meaningful
connection, like with Matheus.
- Of course it can.
- [Brenda] It can happen, I'm bisexual.
She's bisexual, it can happen.
But you'd never be
in a relationship with a woman.
- [Brenda] Why not?
- I don't know. Would you?
[Brenda] Yes, I would.
I don't rule out the possibility
of getting emotionally involved
with a woman.
But with Rita,
it was just sexual, just for fun.
I didn't like
what you said before at the table.
What did I say?
Like, I didn't know you were bisexual.
Now you're telling me about creating
a deep connection with a woman,
that you're bisexual Come on.
If this had come out a while ago,
I would be saying, "What the fuck?"
But I went outside,
tried to process this, and it didn't work.
What became clear to me is this.
If you're with me, I'll have to put up
with you hooking up with a woman.
What if you create
a deep connection with her? Then what?
[Brenda] No. I think
you're mixing things up.
No. For me,
even fooling around has its limits.
It can't go beyond a certain point.
[Brenda] It may become
a problem. But for now
- Mmm-hmm?
- [kisses]
- [Brenda] It isn't.
- Yeah, I got it.
When he said it,
I found it to be a bit sexist.
But then, thinking about it carefully,
putting myself in his shoes, I got it.
Because, as he said,
"What if I was bisexual
and hooked up with a man?"
"Would you like it?"
[Matheus] So, I've told you what I think.
I hope you understand me.
It really made me realize
that I also have to
keep it in my pants, you know?
There's only Thuany left.
No. You hooked up with Thuany
before the restriction.
I didn't fool around with Thuany.
- Of course you did.
- I didn't hook up with her.
No. It was just a peck. She never
kissed a woman. I owed it to her.
- [both laughing]
- Oh, man.
[Bruna] It seems like he's constantly
afraid of someone cheating on him.
So, team, let's move on
to the next subject.
[Lana chimes]
[Lana continues chiming]
We gotta wake up or what?
[Lana] Davi and Kethellen.
The day is simply too beautiful
to stay inside.
What do you think about having a chat
at the kiosk on the beach?
- Amazing.
- Let's go.
Oddly enough, Lana surprised me
and gave me some good news.
She didn't punish me.
[Kethellen] Aw, it's so beautiful.
- [Davi] Look!
- We gotta have Lana with us, right?
Yes! [yelping]
Did you see that? Too much pressure.
Hit Lana and see what happens.
[Bruna] Hit Lana and she'll bring in
another guy for this date, Davi.
- A toast. To us.
- A toast to us.
[pleasant music playing]
How were you in your past relationships?
I've always had doubts,
because I've always been hurt
a lot in life, even by friends, you know?
I've had two long-term relationships.
Both of them ended when he cheated.
That's the reason for so much suspicion,
fear and so many emotional barriers.
I witnessed it in my own family,
and saw how bad it was.
How bad it hurts.
- How much it hurts to be betrayed.
- It's a lifelong trauma.
So I told myself,
I won't engage in a relationship
unless I'm positive that
she's the right person for me,
the woman I wanna be by my side,
regardless of anything, and I won't think
of another woman to the point of cheating.
I really feel like I can open up to Keth,
I can open up
and tell her all about my life.
I don't wanna live
with these traumas forever,
I wanna allow myself to feel things.
I hope I can be the person
who helps you get past these traumas
and that you're the person
who helps me get past mine.
It's a process, it takes time.
I was sure we would get closer
and I would have
something very strong with you.
That you would help me
become a better person.
[Lana chimes] I have noticed
that your connection with each other
is developing well.
- Yeah.
- A lot.
[Lana] I believe that the two of you
are ready to receive something
that will help you bond even more deeply.
There's a box next to you.
You can open it now.
Look, there's a box here.
- No way, what's this?
- What is this?
[Davi] What is that, Lana? A watch?
Okay, let's put them on.
- Let me put it on you.
- Oh. This one's mine.
This is good. I know it's good.
- It's a gift.
- It'll help us. It's a gift.
[Lana] When this watch
appears neutral as it does right now,
all my rules apply as normal.
But when two people share a moment
of genuine and profound connection,
it turns green
for a limited amount of time.
When this happens,
it will mean that the two of you
will also have an opportunity
to connect physically.
[both cheering]
We're taking it one step at a time.
I believe that this
will help us out a lot.
[Lana] I'll let you take it
for a test drive now.
[both laugh in excitement]
[sensual music playing]
[Brenda] Did they kiss?
No, way, man.
No, they didn't, I think.
[Thuany] 10,000 30,000
- [Brenda] The guys have courtside seats.
- Hey, are they kissing?
Sons of bitches.
They're blowing everybody's money again.
There'll be arguing.
Another European vacation gone.
[Bruna] Calm down, Igor.
Lana works in mysterious ways after all.
[captivating music playing]
We enjoyed it. We kissed, we connected.
It was really good, it went really well.
I already love you, Lana.
It was the most
incredible kiss I gave Keth.
[Lana] Now, go spread the word that
I'm a good virtual guide to my guests.
- [screams]
- That's right.
Lana, I love you already.
[Bruna] Ah, now you're grateful, huh?
[Kethellen] I'm so happy!
You have no idea how happy I am.
[Davi] Just know this Hold your horses.
[Rita] Hold your horses?
- [Thuany] You spent more money?
- We kissed. Lana will explain it to you.
Lana will explain it.
- Do you like our new watches?
- [Brenda] What's that?
Lana will explain it.
[Bruna] Brown-noser ♪
[upbeat song playing]
Won't you show me the money ♪
The money, money, money ♪
[all] One, two, three.
[Ronaldo] That's it, Lana.
- [laughing]
- We're ready.
[Bruna] I wouldn't be so sure about that.
[Lana chimes] Hello, people.
[all] Hi!
[Davi] I love her.
[Lana] Davi and Kethellen
have demonstrated that
they're evolving as a couple.
That's why they
have received a gift from me.
[all cheering]
They got new accessories,
right, those watches.
Okay. Let's figure it out.
[Lana] Would you like to see
how these watches work?
- Yeah!
- [Brenda] We can't wait.
- Everybody's looking forward to it.
- Please.
[Lana] Davi and Kethellen, heads up.
- You can enjoy it now.
- Look.
[Thuany shouts]
[all cheering]
I didn't imagine there was
a genuine connection going on,
but if our little boss Lana said so,
who am I to disagree?
[Lana] Would the rest of you
like to receive watches like these?
[all shout]
- [Thuany] Of course, Lana. Please!
- [Igor] Totally.
[Lana] Well, you won't.
- [Thuany] Ouch, Lana.
- [Brenda] Thanks, Lana.
Gosh, Lana. How come?
[Lana] Only after you
have really demonstrated
that you are looking
to deepen your personal connections.
Unlike what I witnessed at the party.
- [laughing]
- [Bruna] Oh, guys
Wow. I'm getting déjà vu.
This is where the episode started, right?
[Lana] All of us
need to have a very serious chat.
Yesterday, I detected
several rule violations.
- [Kethellen] Oh, boy.
- [Ronaldo] Don't mess with us.
[Thuany] Now, I wanna know.
The way things are going,
I can tell the money's
gonna be gone in a flash.
[Lana] For you to understand once
and for all how this retreat works,
you must know this,
fun and nudity are not infractions,
but small kisses
with one or multiple people,
or any kind of caress
or petting or naked bodies,
in addition to sexual demonstrations,
is breaking the rules.
- Fuck!
- Oh, shit!
In other words, 200,000 The lick counted.
The petting down below,
the grabbing counted.
No, I didn't touch him.
- Yes, you were cuddling.
- Girl, we hugged.
- He leaned up against you.
- We've lost everything.
My God, so we've lost all the money.
Guys, what happened?
Holy shit!
[Lana] Oftentimes, what you all
consider fun
is just a way of sabotaging
your personal development process.
A little kiss,
making out while hiding behind the chair,
and going underwater in the pool,
all these were added to the bill.
Your actions at the party last night
have cost you a combined total of
R54,000 off the final prize.
- [Davi] Damn it!
- [Gabriela] I guessed 50,000.
I guessed 50.
Dear Lord. And now?
[Lana] Your prize now totals
only R412,000.
In the end, Lana,
the only conclusion is that
we'll leave here owing you money.
- No
- [Ronaldo] No, I'm not.
If it continues like this?
[Lana] See ya! [chimes]
- [Ronaldo] Wow
- That's it, Lana? Just, "See ya"?
- Wow, thanks.
- Thanks, Lana.
[Davi] Let's get serious, people.
Meeting, right now. House meeting.
Now it's serious.
- We lost a lot of money already.
- Yeah.
Almost R100,000, dude.
I have everything in place
to really build a great connection,
but I end up messing it up
by being shameless.
We need to know if everyone agrees
to get back to what we originally said
about only doing something
when you feel like it's worthwhile.
But I didn't break
what we agreed to at any time, girl.
Except for last night's mess,
I've stuck to what we agreed.
To get the watch, that's the gain.
To get the watch and chill.
Sure, but we won't get it, will we?
- You gotta create a connection.
- When it happens. Only when it happens.
[Ronaldo] You have to open up, talk.
So we're screwed.
I thought I was
starting to understand Lana,
but after the party, after the crazy
things we did, she surprised me.
- So, that's it, guys.
- It's focusing, dude.
- Staying focused.
- And forget sex and all that.
[Bruna] It's probably easier
to forget breathing or blinking.
[upbeat music playing]
[Bruna] Lana invited
a certified sexologist
to prove to our team
that quantity does not equal quality.
Ana Canosa will test this gang
and show them
that size really only matters
when it comes to one's brain.
- [Davi] Cool!
- [Igor] We have a teacher.
- What's up?
- [cheering and applauding]
What are we doing now?
[Ana] Young people like our participants,
who have a lot of casual sex,
most of the time don't know
their own sexual preferences.
And this can create awkward meetings that
often won't benefit their own pleasure
nor their partners'.
I know that you are
very sexually active people.
- [laughter]
- Not that much lately.
But I wanna see how much you guys know
about this important information,
so that you can make better connections.
Oh. Talking about sex is easy for me.
This is part of my daily life. Or it was.
[Ana] According to a study
carried out in the United States,
what percentage of women
achieve orgasm with penetration alone?
- Twenty-five percent?
- Well done, 20%.
[Gabriela] High-five, girl!
- [Leandro] I was gonna say 15%.
- Girl, you're informed.
I know it well. I always say that talking
about sex is as important as doing it.
[Bruna] You better take
the opportunity to talk about it,
because doing it ain't gonna happen.
Leandro, according to a Brazilian survey,
what's the average erect penis length?
[Ana] Bull's-eye!
- Really?
- Who's never measured?
[Leandro] Who's never done it,
cast the first stone.
[Bruna] Anyone can measure it,
but do they know how to use it?
How do you deal with a man
with a small penis? Has this happened?
I don't mind if it's at least thick.
I don't think it matters.
It has to be thick,
at least. Thick, right?
[Ana] For you,
the diameter is more important.
It's super important.
Nobody wants no pencil dick.
It's not the size of the boat,
but the motion of the ocean.
- The motion of the ocean.
- That's unquestionable.
[Bruna] Oh, Ronaldo. You're a captain.
Davi, what is this object for?
[Ronaldo] Open it up and guess.
- [Rita] I don't know what that is.
- [Igor] Maybe it's for water?
[Leandro] No, it's a sex toy.
- [Ana] You can't open it, okay?
- [Rita] It's big.
I think it's like a vibrator
to stimulate the clitoris.
[Bruna] Not even close, Davi.
- Take off the lid, Davi.
- Now I feel it.
- I knew it.
- Look at that, dude.
- I still don't know what it is.
- It's for male masturbation.
- It's for male masturbation?
- [Ana] It's a male masturbator.
- Wow, that's nuts.
- [vibrating]
- Damn!
- Man, it made me shiver all over.
[Bruna] So much to learn, huh, Davi?
Brenda, what is the average size
of the vaginal canal for Brazilian women?
From the vaginal opening to the cervix.
- Twenty-seven centimeters?
- [man] What, Brenda?
- Twenty-six.
- [Bruna] Girl!
From eight to 11 centimeters.
[Rita] That's what she said.
It can enlarge.
I measured it by the size of a penis
penetrating a vagina.
That's what I was thinking.
If it were 20,
the vaginal canal would end here.
No, but there are huge penises
that come in.
If it were 27, girl,
it would end at the heart.
[Bruna] You've got a zero on the SexATs.
I found out that I don't know
enough to be a sexologist
because I didn't know
most of those things.
- [Ana] What is that for?
- Suction.
- It's not for the anus.
- Guys, look, it's multi-speed.
Oh, I know! I know! Can I? Huh?
- [screaming]
- Let me see it.
- [Ana] It's a nipple stimulator.
- Hold on, look!
I would never talk about sex
in a random conversation,
but since we were playing the game,
I could talk about it, no problem.
- Second part of the game.
- Let's do it.
You will choose partners,
so we are going to form pairs.
Whom do you choose?
- Rita, whom do you choose?
- Igor.
I could've picked Leandro,
but I felt like choosing Igor.
I just felt like doing it.
I have this thing with him.
[Bruna] It's tough, right, Leandro?
I wanted Rita to pick me,
because of what we're having,
which is evolving every day.
Gabriela, whom do you choose?
Whom do I choose? Matheus.
And Gabi goes
and picks Matheus? That bitch.
- Brenda, whom do you choose?
- Leandro.
[Bruna] I bet this partner swapping
will lead to trouble.
Man, I don't wanna know
what Leandro likes during sex.
I wanna know
what my partner likes during sex.
[Bruna] Of course, it's a way of
penetrating deeply into the relationship.
- Kethellen?
- [Kethellen] Davi. Davi.
So, I'm going to ask the question.
You'll answer it,
and you'll guess
what your partner has answered.
Okay. All right.
How many times
have you had sex in one day?
- Igor.
- [Gabriela] Gotta erase it.
- I wrote down eight times.
- Oh, come on, Igor.
- Oh, my God!
- [Igor] Jeez! Six?
Fuck! I had written six, but erased it.
[Ronaldo] What do you mean? Six?
But six with the same partner,
because I was almost "married" once.
[Bruna] Spoiler alert
There's not that much
rumpy-pumpy in married life.
Moving on, Matheus.
- Don't let me down.
- [Ana] Tell us.
Seven times. Gabi?
[cheering and clapping]
[Gabriela] Wow, Matheus.
- I'm nervous.
- [Ana] Are you tense?
I don't know. I guessed too little.
We didn't talk about it.
- [Davi] Because we didn't talk about it.
- [Kethellen] Ouch!
- [Ana] Three. Okay.
- Yeah, we didn't talk about it.
- [Ana] Kethellen.
- [Ronaldo exclaims]
Wow! I never imagined eight, you know?
[Thuany] Very tough pussy.
[Bruna] Good thing is you're
the youngest in the house, Davi.
[Davi] It surprised me a little bit.
It was more than everyone else.
But I think I liked it.
Do you like to scream
during an orgasm or not?
Does Brenda like it or not, Leandro?
It's obvious. I just don't
scream here because I can't.
[Bruna] It's not a scream ban.
It's a bang ban.
[Ana] Matheus, let's see
what you wrote down.
If I get it right, it's great,
but I don't think you'll like it.
- What happened to you?
- [Matheus] "I like it a lot!"
I feel like you're intense in some things
and more subdued in others.
[Gabriela] I got it.
In my opinion,
you're an all-or-nothing person, you know?
- Yeah. Gotcha.
- [Ana] Ronaldo?
- I think you like it.
- Oh, for sure.
[Ana] Guys, all these girls
like screaming.
Yeah. I'm the queen. I'm too expressive.
[Ana] Have you ever faked an orgasm?
- Me?
- [Ana] Yes, you.
Then you'll write down "yes" or "no."
Let me see, Rita. "No."
[Igor] A big yes.
- Dude! Have you?
- Yeah, of course.
I'm not a machine. Sometimes, I want to
be done. "Come on, babe."
- [Rita] Oh, I don't believe it.
- "Hurry it up." It happens.
[Ana] Davi.
[exclaiming and laughing]
What is it, Gabi? Let me see.
[Gabriela] "No."
[Ana] "Yes."
[Bruna] Looks like it's only fakers here.
You didn't fake it with me, did you?
[whimsical music playing]
No. We even talked about it.
[Bruna] Uh-oh
Dominating or being dominated.
Girls, what do you think? Rita.
- Being dominated.
- [Igor] Being dominated.
- You know everything.
- [Ana] Who would've guessed?
Magic is in the air!
You see, you're getting
to know each other, right?
- You're getting to know each other.
- You guys are so connected.
[Bruna] You want me
to kiss your boo-boo, Leandro?
I got a little upset, of course.
Let me see it, Gabi.
- [sputters]
- [Ana] Being dominated.
Obviously. Being dominated.
Girl, that's it.
He likes to dominate
but he also likes to be dominated.
Me too. It's perfect. We can take turns.
[Ana] Moving on, let me see.
Being dominated.
I even like to be spanked
every now and then.
- [laughing]
- [Kethellen] Good to know.
Knowing that he likes to be spanked?
I didn't know it, but I like it.
[Bruna] Looks like Davi's
gonna end up on all fours apparently.
The couple who got the most answers right
was Davi and Kethellen,
they got the most matches.
- True.
- [Kethellen] Nice.
I can tell that we're observing
each other, so that's a good thing.
But it's because we weren't together
with our real partners.
- I wasn't with my partner.
- I didn't think about it.
We should've picked our partners,
but they picked others.
I was a little upset actually.
[Matheus] Deep down,
I didn't like being paired with Gabi.
I got a little frustrated.
How do you feel after this exercise?
Nobody knows everything, you know?
I think that's the purpose.
We're here to get to know each other.
It was a very useful sexuality class
because it was light and fun.
[Ana] I wish you success.
- It was wonderful.
- [cheering and applauding]
And, folks, look,
you can't do anything in this house.
[Thuany] After this,
it will get even tougher.
- Just talking about sex.
- [woman] Thank you.
[Bruna] Since banging is banned,
all that's left to do is eat.
Chocolate truffles, guys, calm down.
[Brenda] I wanted to be partners
with you in the game.
When Gabi said, "Matheus,"
I was like, "What?"
It started with Thuany, "Ronaldo."
[Bruna] They're having chocolate truffles
and some giving-the-finger food.
Are you talking about me?
[Brenda] Then Rita said, "Igor."
Girl, it's because I thought
there was a different purpose.
I didn't think of it
as a thing for couples.
[Matheus] But she said form couples.
In the moment, I just thought
of choosing a random person.
But then, everything fell apart.
I thought of choosing Leandro,
who's the person
I know best sexually at the moment.
But it would ruin a pair there,
since I thought
that was gonna be Rita's choice.
But I let it go.
So you preferred to ruin all the couples
at once instead of ruining one couple.
I didn't do that. Maybe the one
who did it was Gabi by choosing you.
Anyway, everyone listened
to everyone's answers.
It was something for the couples
to get to know each other better.
But my goal was to
get to know Brenda better, and not Gabi.
And that's my fault?
No, I never said that.
You just said it
because you said that I could've ruined
just one couple and I ruined them all.
What she understood,
what she got from what I said,
that's up to her.
The best team there
was Davi and Kethellen again
because they had the opportunity to get to
know each other even better.
Is that why you're upset?
Because you weren't
the fucking best couple?
- No.
- Okay. That's it, enough.
Now I'm the one who's getting annoyed.
[Thuany] For God's sake,
I'm talking to him.
[Brenda] Thuany, please.
The idea was to increase knowledge.
You get to know Brenda better anyway.
She didn't necessarily
need to be with you.
But I think you missed
the point of the exercise.
Check the couple's
emotional compatibility.
Oh, Matheus, go take out your frustrations
on someone else.
He's a person who wants to take out
his frustrations on everyone.
[Brenda] I think you're overreacting.
I'm overreacting?
He turns to me and says I ruined
everyone's experience, including his.
But it's settled.
It's over. It's okay now.
Would you pass me
the condensed milk, please?
Thuany is dealing with a huge problem.
She's not with anyone
and that's really bothering her.
It really shook me, I was really upset.
- [Gabriela] Who was angry about the game?
- Matheus and Thuany.
If he wants to choose, go home.
What an annoying kid.
I'm stressing myself out.
No one was intending
to form specific pairs.
We intended to play, to have fun.
[Rita] Are you crying?
Oh, I'm just having a moment for myself.
- Do you want me to leave?
- Girl, I'm upset.
[Thuany] I've been trying to get along
with him, and he does that to me?
He should take out his frustrations
on someone else, on his chick.
Who stood up for him?
Against me again?
- [Gabriela] No. I'm stressed out already.
- I'm tired.
- [Gabriela] Girl, enough.
- I'm exhausted.
I don't understand why
he told Ana he loved it.
Does he get no one's at war here?
- I chose him, but he wanted Brenda.
- Look what's happening to me, girl.
[Gabriela] Do not misalign my chakras!
Because if they misalign,
they can't be realigned.
I have a strong personality.
So, I can't take this like,
"Oh, it's okay."
"Yeah, bless you.
Go in peace. Gandhi." Argh!
What an unbearable boy.
So annoying, damn it!
[Davi] Just relax, guys.
[Gabriela] No! Relax, my ass.
No, guys, really.
I can't be a hypocrite. Oh, God, help me.
I can't be phony
like these people. I can't do it.
I can't. It's done for me.
She said I'm jealous of Davi, bro.
[laughing in disbelief]
Are you kidding me, dude? Please.
She wanted to talk,
but she just wanted to hear herself.
She was talking nonsense.
I wasn't even listening
after a while, you know?
[Bruna] I only care about
one thing in the end.
What about this chocolate?
Oh, man, this is good.
- You like it?
- But I burned my tongue.
[Rita] I'll talk to him, guys.
Maybe you two can stay here in this bed
and I'll try to stay there.
[Rita] But we can sleep here,
the three of us.
I'm not ready to sleep together
with anyone yet.
So I'll always choose Gabi, who's my girl.
[indistinct chatter]
- [Rita] I'm going to sleep
- Yeah?
[both kissing]
[Leandro] You're gonna sleep right here.
[Rita] Ow!
I'm going to sleep on my bed.
- Are you not sleepy?
- [Leandro] No.
[Thuany] Hey, you sleep there, okay?
I'm going to sleep with Gabi.
- What?
- I'll sleep with Gabi.
- You sleep here.
- Oh, okay, girl.
I slept with Leandro
not because I wanted to,
but because Thuany
brought it up in the bedroom,
and I didn't want
to make him feel uncomfortable.
I ended up sleeping with him.
[Thuany] If they kiss,
I'll punch them in the face.
[Leandro] Gosh.
It upset me.
I wonder if I'm on the right track.
Are we really friends or You know?
I don't think I'll sleep tonight ♪
Knowing you're with someone new ♪
But it's still you in my dreams ♪
You that I'm seeing ♪
You that keeps me up ♪
You that drives me crazy ♪
You that I want, you ♪
It's so bright today.
[grunts] I can't.
It's tough.
[Gabriela] She woke up weird.
We've been getting along
since we got here.
Yesterday, we talked a lot
and then she slept with Leandro.
I think something happened.
She had breakfast,
got dressed, didn't speak to me.
I'm not a nosy person.
If she doesn't wanna talk,
then don't talk.
I didn't wanna talk, but I will.
I think something happened
last night between Leandro and Rita.
He must've said something to her.
I think that due to what happened
between Matheus, Thuany and me,
Leandro must have told her, "Stay away,"
because that's not
the energy of this reality show.
- She didn't even speak to us.
- [chuckles]
I was sitting by the pool,
then she was like,
"Oh, it's too bright today, I'm leaving."
Girl, that's between you and me, okay?
[Bruna] Leandro is going to lose it
when he finds out what exactly Igor
is up to with Rita right now.
Get lost with me, Leandro.
[Igor] I was waiting
for the right moment to talk to you.
I hadn't felt comfortable yet. Like,
"Whoa, I'm going to talk to Rita."
Because there's a thing going on
between you and Leo,
you've been talking
and getting to know each other better.
Igor and I, we still haven't really
been able to have a conversation
to clarify
all the things that are happening.
He thinks I'm running
away from him, but I'm not.
The first thing I want to say
is that we hooked up the other day.
Everything happened quickly.
Very quickly. We didn't talk
and I have this really affectionate
way of being with people.
That's what you said. Yeah.
Maybe it scared me a little bit.
That's what I was about to say.
Maybe you got scared and thought,
"Either he's super clingy,
or he just wants to nail me."
- You know?
- But I like you.
I think I like you even more
than I like Leandro.
[Bruna] Look at that smile.
That's all he wanted to hear.
Not just physical,
because I'm obviously attracted to you.
Wait I'm attracted to
Dude, where's the bee?
There's no bee, sweetie, it's a mosquito.
- There's, huh
- Wait a second.
What an asshole bee,
getting in our way like that.
[Bruna] Did Leandro
send that bee this way?
I've got a major physical
attraction to Leandro.
You know, it's that flirting thing.
But with you it's like
I like you, you make me laugh.
You're a person that makes me feel good
just by being around, you know?
Wow. Keep it coming. I love to hear that.
I was alone.
I didn't want to talk to anyone.
You somehow made me feel good.
I don't rule out the possibility,
but I also don't say
that I want to, but it may
happen again along the line.
I don't know, I can't say,
"I don't want it anymore."
It's a possibility.
It's cool, I got you.
And if you wanna talk
about anything, just holler.
I really like you.
And that's it. [kisses]
[indistinct chatter]
[Leandro] It made me uncomfortable.
I won't deny it.
Be my sunshine, girl ♪
Kinda lying on my world ♪
[Lana chimes] Hello, people.
The latest news is that none of you
have broken any rules
in the last 24 hours.
[cheering and whistling]
[Lana] And that indicates to me
that you are all finally ready
for me to give you a system update.
Davi, please pick up the box next to me
and distribute the watches to the group.
[all cheering]
[Davi] Everyone gets one.
[Bruna] Now nobody
will let the grass grow under their feet.
It's a new experience.
It's nice to have the watch.
[Lana] Please use the watches responsibly.
And remember, a slow watch
isn't worthy of your time.
[Bruna] And the surprises
don't stop there.
[upbeat song playing]
[Igor] Barbecue!
[all cheering]
[indistinct chatter]
[Ronaldo] To us, the new millionaires!
[all cheering]
[indistinct chatter]
Today is a fun day!
And there's a game here, too.
Each bottle contains a prize.
[Bruna] Let's see if they're
as good at ring toss
- as they are at losing money.
- [cheering]
A foot massage.
- [all cheering]
- [Gabriela] Your turn.
[Igor] Nice, Ronaldo.
- Give someone a good hug.
- [all cheering]
- I won't spend it, I'll keep it.
- [Gabriela] Hold on.
Let me keep my voucher here because,
you know what, if someone finds it
- [Brenda] You need proof.
- [Gabriela] It's like a check.
[Ronaldo] It's like money. Go on.
[upbeat music playing]
This is the one.
[all cheering]
[Rita] I'm worried about what I'll get.
[Bruna] Will this be Igor's lucky day?
[Igor] Let's see
- The suspense.
- [Rita] I'm afraid it was coming.
- [Davi] Read it aloud.
- Do an impression of Lana.
- [all laughing]
- Please do it now.
- [imitating Lana] "Hello, naughty people."
- [all laughing]
"Hello, sexed-up people."
[Bruna] Well, Igor,
it sure looks like the sexed-up part
isn't going to happen for you today.
[Matheus] Come on, baby,
win something for us.
[all cheering]
[indistinct chatter]
[Matheus] Oh, my God, what is it?
Body shot!
[all cheering]
- Here we go!
- It's happening today.
[Bruna] The producers
aren't helping Lana either, huh?
It gave me goosebumps.
My nipple got hard. It was cool.
I felt cold, hot.
Something I can't explain.
[Bruna] Okay, we got it, Matheus.
Ronaldo gets a good hug.
- Everyone already knows who.
- [all cheering]
I don't think we're connecting
because I'm open,
but I think she's not.
- [Gabriela] He smells good.
- [Brenda] Aw, I like it.
It happened because we were kidding,
but if it were like for us to kiss,
I don't think she would.
- [indistinct chatter]
- [cheering]
[Kethellen] It was great.
It was great. Really great.
- [Rita] There's nothing else?
- Nobody wins anything else?
[indistinct chatter]
So let's have some fun now, guys!
[all cheering]
[upbeat music playing]
[Leandro] Rita is a person
who affected me. Actually she still does.
I know it's her way, I get her,
but it was something
that I got carried away with
and maybe I fell flat on my face.
What's up?
On one hand, I really want Leandro,
but I don't want to lose Igor.
So I don't know, I'm really lost.
Let me tell you why
I woke up today kind of weird.
I'm very connected to you, obviously.
You know, I enjoyed hooking up with you,
we share this attraction.
There's something here.
But I'm confused. I'm the problem.
[breathes deeply]
Did I give myself the chance
to get to know Igor better
or if I skipped some steps,
discarded him and went
straight to Leandro?
I want to be with you,
but I feel something for Igor
that I can't even explain.
It would be the same thing if you
wanted to connect with someone else.
I won't be upset.
But that's the problem.
I got so carried away
and I really lived this
that I don't even want to anymore.
It seems like
what I was afraid of is happening.
My own issue of having emotional barriers,
of not showing my feelings.
And I ended up breaking these barriers
and I started to show something,
and it seems like I'm just fucking myself.
I need some time
to process what's going on,
but I also don't want you
to walk away from me.
I can't connect more deeply with you
if you're getting closer to Igor.
I'm not telling you that it will happen.
I'm not saying that I'm attracted to him.
I know that.
I'm saying that I have a thing for him
that I don't know what it is.
If I could mix Leandro's beauty
and Igor's personality,
I'd have what I want,
it would be the perfect match for me.
But you can't have everything.
I don't have
a physical attraction for him,
but I do have a thing for him.
- But you have feelings for him.
- Yes, I have feelings.
Exactly. Isn't that what
we're looking for here?
[upbeat music playing]
Oh, gosh.
[Bruna] This barbecue has turned
into Rita's work list.
After Leandro, it's time
for the DTR talk with Gabi.
I'm a person who just knows
when something's off.
We had breakfast, but you didn't
look at me. Do you know what I thought?
What I thought had happened?
I know Leandro is very calm,
but with all the arguing,
I said, "He must have talked to her."
Because you got out of bed
[imitating laughter]
Everybody was laughing.
But when I went there to talk to him,
it wasn't because I wanted
to sleep with him.
[Gabriela] Girl
I wanna do it on my own terms, you know?
Then it turned out that I slept
with him without wanting to.
It was uncomfortable.
I didn't sleep all night.
But when Thuany told me
to sleep with him, I had to stay.
I didn't want it to seem like
"Rita doesn't want to sleep with a man."
Fuck it, you should've told me.
Girl, it's because it's really awkward
to tell him to his face
that I don't want to sleep with him.
And I thought that you were like,
"I'm in heaven."
Girl, I swear to God
No, but he is not the problem.
He is not the problem.
It's because I'm a little confused.
I don't know what I want anymore.
Girl, I really need you here. Really.
No. I don't wanna cry.
[crying] If you don't
stand by me, I won't make it.
- [Gabriela] Stop crying.
- I'm serious, girl.
We shouldn't be talking about it here.
[Rita] For me, it's very important
to have a friend here.
I feel alone, you know?
And I'm also confused
about Igor and Leandro.
I don't know if I'm into Leandro or Igor.
Being in this dilemma hurts me,
because it looks like
I'm playing with both of them.
And having no one to share it with
makes me feel even worse.
Girl, I think what happened was
the signal got mixed.
[Rita] I love you, girl.
[Gabriela] It's magic.
You know it's going on.
[upbeat music playing]
[Bruna] And just as
we're starting to think
that nothing more
could happen at this party
Yeah, we were born ready ♪
Wide-eyed, hot-wired ♪
Locked and loaded ♪
Say the word ♪
'Cause you know
That I'm dying to go, come on ♪
Yeah, we were born ready ♪
Yeah, we were born wild ♪
Yeah, come on and get ready ♪
'Cause we're bringing the fight ♪
- Come on! ♪
- [knocking at door]
[Igor] There's someone
knocking at the door.
From now on, whoever commits
an infraction has no excuse.
Damn, bitches! Both of you, disgraceful.
- He won't yell at a woman in front of me.
- I'm really upset.
[upbeat music playing]
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