Too Hot to Handle: Germany (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

More Kissing, Less Money

Kevin is spoiled for choice.
Laura or Emely.
Where will his heart lead him?
I'm really torn.
I don't want to hurt anyone.
In the end,
I have to choose the one I like the most.
I didn't think someone
would catch my attention like that.
Is it Laura?
The physical attraction is different,
the conversations are different.
So, he chooses Laura, right?
No. Don't tell me it's not Laura.
She's getting jilted?
-Everything alright?
-Yeah, how about you?
Everything's great.
Someone is glowing!
How are you?
Good, now that you're here.
I noticed you feel a bit uncomfortable
with the situation.
A little bit.
I want you to feel comfortable,
so that we have a true chance
to get to know each other
without me playing tricks
moving back and forth
between you and Laura.
That's good.
I'm not sure whether you were scared of me
pulling back or something.
Well, speechless?
I think that deep in your heart you knew,
and that I gave you the feeling…
I hope that if I'm going to do this
with anyone and follow through,
it's going to be with you,
because no one else is like that for me.
That was cute.
He wants me, he wants Emely!
One man's joy is another man's…
Oh, my God.
Of course, it doesn't feel so good now.
It hurts.
Good girl.
But, yeah, what can I do?
I think we need that.
We really crave for that closeness.
That's why we really need to invest
in ourselves.
Please tell me that they don't kiss now.
-Are they kissing right now?
Oh, that's what he meant by investing.
Nah, "fuck" would be
a very expensive option.
I couldn't stop!
Can you see my smile?
Kevin could've definitely talked
to Laura beforehand
to prepare her a bit for the situation.
You've got to remember,
they've just spent €6,000.
Let's hope that's all for tonight.
Sure thing, they'll do something tonight!
-They'll do something.
-Oh no.
That's just what you want to hear
in this situation.
Thanks for the encouraging words, Onyi.
Laura has left them for now.
I'm a proud woman
and I stay true to myself.
He can do whatever he wants.
Well, that's what he's doing.
I think that was important for the date.
-For the conversation.
I needed that time
to know which way the wind was…
-Which way the wind was blowing.
-The wind was blowing.
Yeah, which way is the wind blowing?
-It's always blowing towards you.
-Let's go.
New couple alarm!
I baptize you "Kemely."
I didn't want to intentionally hurt Laura.
It was just for fun.
Just an awkward situation.
Oh, I'm sure it won't be that unpleasant.
After all, they are all adults…
Oh, two more!
Is there any champagne left?
Is it me or did the hot summer retreat
just turn frosty?
-Did this just pay off?
-What we just saw?
-What do you think?
-Yes? Seriously?
I think it was important.
-It wasn't just kissing.
-But to show each other our feelings.
-It wasn't horny.
She couldn't know if I was making a move.
I wanted to reassure her
that I'm for real.
-But that's all the money you've spent.
I forgive you.
-Me too?
-Yes, you too. I forgive you.
Woah, I'm relieved now.
With Kevin, no,
that's a thing of the past.
You shouldn't take problems
to bed with you anyway.
After all, different challenges
await you there.
What was that?
Hello, that's Lana and not a 3D-Printer.
This won't go well.
-Okay, good night.
Good night.
He won't answer. Kevin!
Say yes, Kevin!
Okay, Kevin, promise me
that you won't have sex tonight.
-All of you are looking fresh.
-I don't feel that fresh at all.
Good morning!
Good morning, Lana!
Did all of you have a good night's sleep?
-Thank you.
From my observations,
some of you have slept more than others.
Kemely look quite pleased.
I imagine Lana is a bit pissed off by us,
but if she has observed us closely,
she knows…
that it was the cherry on top.
Do you have oil left from earlier?
But how did you sleep?
How did you manage to sleep
with all that noise?
In the night, I definitely noticed
something going on next to me.
I thought about interrupting them
but they were really into it.
So I'm wondering…
-How much the fun costs?
I can't tell. Lana, you must show mercy!
-We have €163,000 left, right?
-We have €164,000, don't we?
-So, €164,000.
-I hope we still have it!
-I hope so, too!
-Yes, me too.
I don't think so.
-You don't think so?
I think we're broke.
I wish you an insightful day
of abstinence.
Thanks, Lana.
Did all of you behave?
Anna, what about you and Fabio?
Yes, how are things going?
Yes, Anna, how does it look there?
-How was your night? Was it difficult?
-Difficult, yeah.
It was difficult.
I can't really talk about it yet.
I'm still overwhelmed.
-Actually, we get along surprisingly well.
-Very cute.
I've never experienced
something like that.
Every touch felt like pure electricity.
I trust you both to have kept
your hands off of each other.
-Me too.
-I trust you the most too!
Me too.
Oh. I don't trust you.
I've got to admit that I truly enjoy
the connection between us.
-I still can't believe how fast it went.
The intensity is already fierce.
The girls think we haven't done anything.
They trust us.
They don't expect anything at all.
This is going to be exciting.
Okay, I have to see it!
Fabio goes all-in.
Oh! And he's left handed now.
There are so many intense moments here
that deeply connect us.
It can't be explained, it's just a…
I don't really feel guilty.
We held on for two days.
Fabio… No trace of remorse.
So, there's no chance
of further development
in Lana's retreat program.
The current events
require immediate intervention.
That's why I ask my guests, urgently,
to go to the palapa.
When Lana calls, it isn't good news.
I guess the couples
couldn't keep their hands off each other.
-I'm excited.
-Me too.
And I'm scared.
-Hi, Lana.
Two of you witnessed
a public violation of my rules yesterday.
Oh, yes.
We already know about it.
-I hope all of you understand why.
-As long as it ended there.
We've already forgiven you, it's all good.
However, my sensors detected more.
Did everyone behave?
Tobi, Stella, maybe.
I don't understand
why me and Tobi always get blamed.
No, we behaved.
-My thoughts are currently over there.
Great distraction, yeah?
If I were you, I would do the same.
In one of the beds last night,
I observed a special violation
categorized kissing plus.
-More than kissing?
-For real?
-Who was it?
Kissing plus sounds a bit like…
what me and Fabio maybe did.
Did you both kiss, Fabio?
You're always thinking
that I did stuff, why?
We should rather worry about you!
You okay?
I tend to blush rather quickly.
Maybe there was a little something.
-Oh, my God!
-Anna, Fabio!
I can't believe it.
Anna, right next to me
and I didn't notice?
Was it a good kiss?
It made me want to do more.
Was there more to it? Kissing plus?
And money… minus.
That wasn't the only rule violation.
We're going bankrupt.
Oh, guys.
I feel that Emely is hiding something.
It was so clear.
I knew it!
We might need a calculator soon.
Anything else to confess to?
If so, say it now.
No, I think that's all.
My hard drive has stored even more…
…in the same bed.
Oh, man!
Lana, shh!
This one was manual stimulation. Twice.
Oh, come on, guys! Are you crazy?
Are you serious?
Congratulations. We reached a new level.
Or is Emely buttering
a piece of toast there?
Oh, twice!
I thought you guys were sorry
and now this?
I'm not done yet.
Oh, no!
You guys are killing me!
This rule violation isn't about kissing,
nor petting,
or something that you do with your hands.
Oh, my God!
I can see it in their faces.
No, this can't be real. I'm dreaming.
Our talking motion sensor can read lips.
Even under the covers.
Dear Lana, I'm sorry
that I'm such a horny little bitch.
-Well, that sucked.
-Sure did.
One could say
you blew away a lot of money.
Did she really say that?
Anna and Fabio,
your kissing plus means
for you all together minus €10,000.
Yeah, it was definitely worth it.
Now let's move on to Kevin and Emely.
This is going to be expensive.
Your four rule violations
set back the group a total of…
-Wow. Guys.
-In one night.
-So much in just one night.
Guys, four rule violations! Why?
My condolences.
Honestly, I thought it'd be bundled
into one package.
It's crazy that each violation adds up.
We want to prove to you
that this won't happen again.
I mean, if it does, then…
-We're bankrupt.
-Yes, then we're broke.
You can't do that again.
Your current prize fund is €86,000.
-Come on guys!
After only a few days,
we've lost more than half
of our prize money.
I'm really pissed off.
It's absolutely insane.
So much money lost in just one night.
Please, for tonight,
all couples either stay apart
or get a hold of yourselves.
We can't go on like that.
Just sleep.
Yes, thank you, Kevin and Emely.
Great job!
If it continues like this,
they'll soon have to pay money
to the producers of the show.
You know, I'm speechless.
I wouldn't have expected this disrespect
by spending so much money in one night.
-It wasn't even once.
-You're right.
I understand Fabio and Anna's violation.
I would have done the same.
But Kevin and Emely… Ciao!
If you both ever break the rules again,
I will lie between them in bed.
Mark my words!
We have to do something about it.
We need to play the police
as Lana two and three.
We're good at that.
Yes, we definitely have to be.
I will accompany the couples
wherever they go, even to the toilet.
Agent 00Akka is on a mission.
I still crave sex. It's who I am.
If Tobi and I have another nice moment,
we will use it.
Hey. You stick to cuddling, alright?
-Wow, you too.
I'll stay awake until all of you
are sound asleep. I'm not joking.
I'm leaving this place with at least 10k.
Unless a girl I fancy comes on in,
then things change.
Until then, I'm a cop.
At least he's honest.
Good morning.
-Good morning, Lana.
Has everyone been nice?
I swear…
Tobi? Were you good?
Yes, he was good.
Short check.
Oh, is there a lull between the sheets?
Yeah, I'm torn back and forth right now,
but I believe that Stella wants me
a bit more than I do her.
Am I sensing some unromantic vibes?
Were you good?
Sometimes it was pretty close,
but I think it was all good.
Here's my fact of the day!
Studies have shown that frequent sex
strengthens the immune system.
Yeah, thanks a lot, Lana!
Frequent sex makes you happy as well.
Not me, though.
I wish you an insightful day
of abstinence.
-Thanks very much.
-Thanks, Lana!
I feel like Stella and I
are drifting apart.
I think she's really attractive
but at the same time
my body's trying to distance itself
from her.
In the beginning I liked cuddling,
but now I feel
like I want to stay true to myself.
If someone new were to come in right now…
You still want to know
what kind of person she is.
Well, in general, I would be open to go
on a date with a new person that I like.
I think it's the same with us.
I would say yes to a date, her as well,
if someone new comes in.
But I believe that if she talks
with Mr. New
and she finds out he isn't her type
that she wants to come back to Kevin,
it's perfect.
You find out as well,
once you're on a date,
whether you can quickly focus
on another girl.
Respect, Kevin! That is the way.
Then you'll see how things will work out.
A test for yourself
to get to know your feelings.
Tobi's unsure about himself.
Let's hope he can open himself up
and his feelings.
We've already talked
about future dates with others
and she said she would turn down a date,
if she was asked on one
because she has me already.
She's deeper into this whole thing
than you are.
I think so too.
She's two or three steps ahead of me.
It's already a statement
that she talks like that.
Sounds like emotional attachment.
That's what you're into, right?
I can't explain why Fabio and I
have such a strong attraction
to each other,
I've never felt like this before.
We have to think of a solution
for the nights.
I want to get closer to him,
but also want to follow the rules
a bit more.
If we hadn't spent so much…
-Or rather the others.
-The others!
Then I could have afforded a kiss now.
That would have been great.
-Yes. That would be so nice.
-But now…
Do you think they would be mad with us?
Please don't tell me you'll…
Screw it.
Which part of "no"
didn't you both understand?
Lana, girl,
there's still a lot of work to do.
That didn't help.
I have to hide something.
Oh! That looks
like a nasty swelling to me.
It's impossible
to keep your hands off Anna.
As long as nobody saw us,
we can act like we're well-behaved.
Too late.
The make-out radar has caught you.
Rule violation detected.
I'd better get going,
work out or something.
I could imagine this one is running here
for the same reason.
To be honest, I'm a bit overwhelmed.
I'm trying to find out
if there's more to it.
What do you like about my character?
You're pretty intelligent.
But surely that's not all, is it?
I see it in your eyes that you are
absolutely satisfied with your life.
Your charisma, how you're always smiling,
laughing, and sharing your positivity.
-I'm happy to hear that.
Phew, just in time.
Well, now I have to ask you,
what do you like about my character?
Actually nothing, I like the way you look.
Yes, okay.
Her eyes, her smile,
and the way she was sitting on top of me…
Absolutely hot.
Do you want to spend €6,000?
Oh, no.
I can't stop kissing you.
That's what I thought, too.
Three hours.
That woman does something to me.
I can't describe what exactly,
but there's something.
I think we can keep going on,
nobody's watching.
Not again! What are you doing?
It was definitely worth it.
So much desire and just a handful of rules
that no one follows.
We need help from the up above again.
This time it's not me.
I'm relaxed, everything is cool.
I'm tired of you throwing money
out the window, guys.
-Should I go?
Maybe Lana will surprise us
with positive news this time.
Yeah. Could be something good.
-I'd like a party this evening.
-It's definitely time for another one.
-A reward, as everyone was well-behaved?
I hope everyone was well-behaved.
Hello. There's a reason
for us meeting again so quickly.
Oh, my God.
We celebrated too soon!
Oh, I see!
Chill, okay? Nothing happened.
I'm glad that Fabio started laughing.
It distracted them all from us.
-What happened? You kissed?
-Yes, by the pool.
Yeah. I don't care.
Oh guys, you've learned nothing!
It's not about fun,
it's a little bit different.
Still, you don't think about us.
To be honest, I don't feel guilty,
because we hesitated for a long time
and didn't go overboard with our kiss.
Apparently, they don't care about us.
If Stella and Tobi and Emely and Kevin
can control themselves,
you should both be able to!
Wait a second.
I know that nervous laugh, okay?
My poker face is practically non-existent.
You can't be serious!
Stella did something.
Yeah, to be honest, we had a kiss.
-I absolutely knew it.
-Oh, my God!
What happened, happened.
There's another rule violation.
You can't be serious.
I will leave and then I'm gone.
-If that's what you want.
I'm freaking out!
By the same couple.
-Oh, guys.
-What happened?
What happened?
Probably, two kisses were counted.
Correct. Two kisses count as two kisses.
Two kisses?
And you don't even know
that there were two?
I mean, we tried not to stop
and kiss as long as possible.
You have to breathe sometimes.
Oh God, guys.
Two kisses at the same time?
This is so disrespectful.
Stella and Tobias,
these two violations
reduce the price money by €12,000.
Well done! Couldn't have done it better.
I'm really sorry.
12k gone.
Just because of one fucking kiss.
That's… No, sorry, but…
It's not a game anymore.
And that's something
that I've realized now,
and it seems the others still haven't.
With the violation by Anna and Fabio,
that results in €18,000 deducted.
The prize fund drops to €68,000.
-Well done, guys.
These rule violations have to stop.
But I have noted
positive developments recently.
This behavior will be rewarded.
It's time to initiate
the second stage of my retreat.
What does that mean?
Tonight, some of you will go on a date.
Lana, please send me and Tobi on a date.
Thanks, Lana!
But I don't know whether Lana
would be that nice.
Stage two means greater challenges.
You'll learn to build
deeper relationships.
Together with two new guests.
-Oh, my God!
They also have to learn how to build
deep emotional relationships.
And just like you, they don't know yet
that they are participants in the retreat.
They believe that they are
in the show Tropical Desire.
If they enter as horny as we were
on the first day,
it is going to be hard.
Bye, price money.
The name of my first new guest is…
Sophie is a beautiful name,
and it sounds blonde.
A Sophie could sleep in my bed.
Let's see who she is and how she looks.
The new participants
chose one of you as their date.
Sophie chose…
This is interesting.
Shit, it's a weird situation.
Sophie, I'd appreciate it
if you pick someone other than Kevin.
Who would have thought?
Actually, I feel a bit crappy.
I'm scared. Tobi likes to flirt.
If there's a 100% dream woman, then…
Tobi is happy right now.
Stella, watch out!
Sophie will definitely put to the test
my relationship with Stella.
Our second new guest is called…
Finally some dates!
Now it's my time to shine.
Fresh meat!
Girls, take care, Oli is coming.
Oliver will go on a date with…
You can't be sure.
Kevin looks a bit nervous next to me.
I never thought this would bother me,
but it's a little stab to my heart.
Tobias and Emely,
your dates are waiting for you.
Have fun, but not too much.
I'm excited for the date
and I'm always open.
Okay, ciao!
Oliver, you're allowed to take a look,
but she's my girl.
-Do you think something will happen?
-Sure thing.
Hey, always believe in the good, guys!
Tobi, you better behave.
I'll go for it. I'll see, you never know.
I don't have a type of women.
The past shows that I like many women.
I'm a well-balanced macho.
I'm very goal-oriented.
If I set my mind on something,
nobody can stop me.
If I like a woman, I try to catch her.
I'm a hunter.
If a woman gives me the cold shoulder,
I'm more interested.
Sex is like muscle building.
Variety is what makes good sex.
I don't just like it cuddly,
but wild as well.
Be ready. Oli's on the way.
Welcome to Tropical Desire,
the new hot dating show,
and so on, blah, blah, blah,
you know the lyrics.
He doesn't.
-Hey. Wow.
Take a seat.
-Emely, hi. How are you?
-Hi, I'm Oli. How are you?
-You're good-looking.
-Thanks, you look great as well.
You've got stunning eyes.
-You too. Green…
-Green, right?
Green with some blue.
His eyes…
My God, I'm looking into them
and see bad news.
I'm excited to see what he's like.
And I want to know what you are like.
After all, you have a Home Alone Kevin.
You're shaking a bit, are you nervous?
-Yes, aren't you?
-A bit.
You don't need to be nervous.
Beautiful face, beautiful full lips
and beautiful eyes.
I can imagine having sex with Emely.
Dream on.
Your Tropical Desire is almost over.
I thought I would've handled it better.
You know us men.
You don't know who's coming.
Whether he's her type, if they connect…
It was the same with me.
I ditched Laura for Emely
because the vibe was better.
It could be the same with them.
To be honest, I can't imagine
that your relationship will change.
Both of you are cute together,
I wouldn't worry at all.
I never thought
I could have these emotions
after a few days…
I mean, how long have we been here?
This miracle medicine
is called Lana forte,
and it works after just a few days
and €132,000.
You get to know each other so quickly.
-It's crazy, right!
It's crazy, insane.
Kevin's making progress.
Emely won't make progress with Oli.
Do you think you're a good kisser?
Yes, solid, that's a good answer.
If only everything was so solid,
minds, relationships…
I'm really nervous,
I don't know how I should act.
Best not like a rabbit
in the mating season.
I get what I want 99,9% of the time.
I'm Sophie. No one can resist my eyes.
My sexual energy is high
and I love to have sex.
I get along better with men,
women often see me as competition.
I fancy bad boys,
I guess that's because I'm a bad girl too.
A successful adventure for me
means not knowing where things will go.
Wow. Blond.
Great body…
-Tobi, hi.
-Hi. Sophie.
Nice to meet you.
She's absolutely my type.
-You've got incredible eyes.
-You too!
-Your eyes are prettier.
-I don't think so.
The first impression is amazing.
His face is absolutely beautiful.
He turns me on.
-You look fantastic.
-Thank you. You too.
Hey, when I saw you,
I was really speechless.
Thank you.
Could you imagine going further,
having sex and so on?
-I definitely want to have sex here.
-It's a priority. That's why I'm here.
-The thing is…
Tell me.
I have to admit
that it's fun to give him the news.
I feel a bit like Lana.
There are some house rules.
Meaning no kissing…
No petting.
-No sex.
-You're kidding.
No masturbating.
You are in Too Hot To Handle.
And a warm welcome from me too!
I don't know how to take this news.
No kissing, no sex…
All I expected to do here.
-Don't pull my leg. Really?
Oh, mamma mia.
Please tell me you're kidding, right?
They sent us to this paradise
to follow some rules?
I swear.
The shock on his face.
I know this from a few days ago.
There's a prize fund of €200,000,
and we have…
Say it loudly, so that everyone hears it.
What did you do?
-Have you lost everything?
-Already more than half.
You already lost more than half?
Sixty six percent, to be exact.
And we're just on the third episode.
If they lose money, I can too.
That's not how this show works.
Kiss me now.
No, don't do it.
-You're lying.
You want to test me,
whether I would kiss you.
I swear.
Then kiss me.
I've already been here a few days
and there's someone that I…
-With whom you're a bit intimate?
When I want something, I take it.
-We'll see where the journey leads to.
You have to be open-minded.
As I said,
I'm a pretty open-minded person…
What's your zodiac sign?
-I know lots of people don't like Scorpio.
But I'm Cancer, and Cancer and Scorpio
get along perfectly.
Visually, Sophie is totally my type.
For sure, she's even my type.
Oh, an audience!
That sounds like trouble.
She's blonde.
That's exactly Tobi's type.
Well, I would probably be worried as well.
Why did you choose me?
-Your aura.
-And do I still have it?
-Yes. It's even better.
Good to hear.
Do you think he'll do something?
I trust him completely,
but Tobi, well,
he's pretty flirty sometimes.
The way you look, you're totally my type.
I think Sophie is Tobi's type.
Sophia's arrival
definitely made me rethink.
She charmed me.
She might be blond,
but that doesn't mean they're vibing.
Yes, true.
I think we'll have a lot of fun.
Everyone's fearing that.
I have no doubts
that we will end up in bed some time.
I would really like that,
I could never ever say no to that.
What about you? What do you imagine?
I love to play, to seduce, to flirt,
and everything that comes after that.
Okay, it's getting even better.
Could you imagine
something more serious with him?
It might sound goofy,
but even though we've only known
each other for just a few days,
I think I've developed feelings for him.
This situation showed me
that I'm really thinking like this.
He is somehow mine.
I'm afraid it seems like Tobi
is seeing things very differently.
I have a confession to make.
-You're here to have fun.
-To enjoy it to the fullest.
Maybe things won't turn out
as you have imagined.
You're in Too Hot to Handle.
I've got mixed feelings
about being in Too Hot To Handle.
Why do you guys present me
with such a sexy, handsome guy
just to tell me
I'm not allowed to do anything?
This will be hard for me,
after giving me so many dirty thoughts,
not to break the rules.
I don't think I can or want
to restrain myself fully.
There's Lana…
-But rules are made to be broken.
-Oh, my God.
It's definitely hard, though.
Honestly, I would really like to have
a great time with her.
What do you do when there's no money left?
Yeah, good question.
I'm afraid that it won't be that long
before the money is gone.
Oh, my God. Have you lost money too?
-Yes, quite a bit.
Being celibate isn't as easy as it sounds.
I don't imagine it being easy either.
How are you?
I have to say I wasn't that amused.
I thought it would've been easier.
-Unfamiliar, isn't it?
-After only a few days…
-Yes. That's not how I know myself.
If she wants to get to know him,
it would be over for me.
-We've come too far.
Let's hope.
To our relationships! Kidding.
No sooner does Lana
put the couples to the test
than the first ones start to wonder.
Well done! That gets you
an extra battery after the show.
How do you feel about the new guy
choosing Emely as his date?
You know, I can't assess him.
We all came in here
checking out all the girls
and I think he's the same, but…
-Actually, I trust her.
But still I didn't think
it'd trigger me like that.
I'm a bit nervous too.
If they did something,
then Sophie is definitely a bitch.
Oh, my God, that wouldn't be a good start.
-Well, we'll hate her then.
Wait and see, girls.
Now let's welcome Oli and Emely,
fresh back from their date.
Screech alarm in three, two…
He's ripped.
I never thought I'd care.
You're looking fresh. Hi!
-I'll start here.
-Stella. Nice to meet you.
-Hi, Oli.
-Hi, Anna.
Oliver looks exactly like my type of guy.
Wow, look at this eight pack!
Emely looks like she's having fun.
-His body is insane.
-A great body. Yeah.
I wouldn't say I'm insecure,
but I'm tense.
He must spend day and night at the gym.
I trust Emely,
but Oliver is an alpha male.
I'm a bit worried.
You're all stunning, that's amazing.
I heard that all of you
went full throttle here.
-We don't have the full €200,000 anymore.
And I have just arrived.
Oh, he's straightforward!
There are many beautiful women.
Onyi caught my eye because of her aura.
Laura is beautiful too.
They're all over him.
I guess the same will happen
when Tobi comes with his date.
What a coincidence. Here they come!
She really is a hottie!
Holy shit.
Boys, may I introduce Sophie?
She's a true bombshell.
I fancy mostly Akka and Fabio.
It's simply their aura
that won me over straight away.
In Tobi's case, extreme sexual energy
arose from the date.
Did you behave on the date?
I wouldn't have declined.
Me neither, but his eyes were…
We all know those eyes.
They have already charmed many here.
Some could also speak of a curse.
The girls are checking me out.
I feel their eyes on me.
I need to know what happened on the date.
I hope that Sophie
hasn't turned Tobi's head.
Can I talk to you?
-She's marking her territory.
I would like to know how your date went.
Our date was nice.
We talked, got to know each other a bit.
Do you like her, is she your type?
I must say,
visually she is totally my type.
Having a rival
at this high level is difficult,
but I don't think that Sophie
can cut our bond that quickly.
I think Stella can trust me.
But I don't know if I can trust myself.
Do you want to spend time alone with her
to get to know her better?
That smells like trouble.
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