Too Hot to Handle: Latino (2021) s01e03 Episode Script

Zaira, Sword in Hand

[melodic chime]
[Itatí] On Mexico's Pacific coast
we've come upon these wild singles,
whose behavior is very strange.
[Itatí] Sometimes, the alpha male
dances to attract a mate.
Other times, the female dominates him
with handcuffs and whips.
Take it, bitch.
[Itatí] While others in the herd
practice abstinence.
Oh, my bed is cold, sad, and lonely.
[Itatí] Despite the chaperone
and $100,000 at stake,
some can't resist their nature.
A kiss doesn't count as sex, right?
What if someone masturbates?
Cattiness is very common in this species.
Still playing your games.
- She's got you on a short leash.
- No way.
[Itatí] Some just keep
hiding their hook-ups.
It was you!
[Itatí] And soon, we'll find out how
the herd handles a newcomer.
The new guy needs a kiss, right?
[Itatí] Let's see these specimens
in their native habitat.
[Itatí] Where were we?
Oh, right!
Another single needs Lana's help.
He's that guy
who brings a guitar to the party.
[Zaira] No way! It's a new guy!
No way!
New guy.
- Hey there!
- Hey!
I thought we had a full house.
Manuela, your boo is here.
- Hi, it's a pleasure.
- Hi, honey.
- What's your name?
- Locho.
- Locho!
- Make some room!
- [Lilian] Where are you from?
- Buenos Aires, Argentina.
He's like candy!
Tan everywhere like a Ken doll. [laughs]
[Itatí] Hmm, I want some candy!
And that Argentine too.
Nick wants to play me. Let's play.
My game just got here.
[Itatí] Go ahead!
Just don't tattoo his name.
My name is Locho. I'm 26.
I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
I'm exploring my passions.
I play guitar. I sing.
I love Ricardo Arjona. Big fan.
No, seriously. I'm a big fan.
I'm fun. I think I'm funny.
I'm positive. I tell jokes.
What does a condom say when it wakes up?
What dick should I wear today?
[Itatí] Some jokes are only funny
in Argentina.
I like sex. I don't like labels.
I like open relationships.
That's just my nature.
[Itatí] What do you mean your natur e?
My seduction method?
Don't know if I have one.
People always compliment my eyes.
Sex is a free-for-all.
Just get your hand in there.
[Itatí] This place is like a soccer game.
Using your hands will cost you.
When I make a move,
I'm 100% committed, always.
If I like someone, I go for it.
I don't waste time.
Music, music, music, music.
Sing us a song.
[guitar playing]
[singing in Spanish]
He's a singer, like me.
It's pretty obvious.
This guy came here just for me.
[Flor] Those eyes!
[gasps, moans]
I'm really sure of myself.
So, there's no competition.
Do you know any song on guitar, Nick?
I can play all day.
Uh-huh! What can you play with all day?
- [Israel] His guitar.
- The guitar.
Depends what time it is.
Depends on the time and the guitar.
There's a tiny problem here.
I don't know if you've heard.
[Itatí] Oh yeah! No one
has told Locho the rules.
- Okay, question, do you like sex?
- Yeah.
- How much?
- How much?
A lot, I think
it's really important to socialize.
How long can you go without it?
- Four days.
- [Flor] Okay.
Well, here in this house
No sex.
[Itatí] It's like someone told him
Arjona died.
No sex, no kissing, no masturbating.
I can't believe it.
I died!
If you do,
they deduct some money of our prize money,
which we've already whittled down
because you came late.
[Manuela] You're late.
You missed last night's party.
Why am I here?
We started with $100,000.
A car is $1,000.
How much does a kiss cost?
- You don't want to know.
- Between 1,000 and 4,000 dollars.
- One kiss?
- [Lilian] Yeah, we tried to figure it out.
The new guy needs a kiss, right?
If we kiss, I wouldn't know.
They'd deduct it.
- And I still don't know.
- Exactly.
[Itatí] That's exactly
what's been going on.
Don't worry, Locho. If you want
to break the rules, we can break them.
Do you care about money?
Depends how much.
I care about $100,000. Are you kidding?
If you don't care about $100,000, I mean
Florencia is easily my favorite.
The one from Córdoba and Zaira too.
Where do we sleep?
With me.
I appreciate the invite,
I'll bunk with you.
[cheering, laughing]
Oh, darn, I guess I'll sleep with him.
Nothing I can do.
[Itatí] Oh, Manuela!
I don't know about this.
I'll say a little prayer to Cupid.
- Should we see the house?
- Yes, let's go.
[vibrant music playing]
- Okay, which bed do you like?
- This is mine.
You can sleep here too.
Oh God!
I never had so many invitations
to share a bed.
I think he's gonna share a bed
with Manuela. I'm like, "Let's share him."
As long as no one's catching feelings,
we're not gonna fight over some guy.
Let the games begin!
People started to move
pieces around. Pay attention.
[Itatí] Remember
when Zaira was moping over Nick?
Neither does she.
And now that Nick knows
that flame is out,
he's up to see
if Lilian's is still burning.
What did you feel on that date?
Did you think it was real?
I'm actually glad
you brought that up to talk about.
We started drifting apart after the date.
We barely even talked again.
We came back from dinner, and you were
acting like nothing had happened.
- The idea is to get to know
- Did you kiss?
- No, no.
- Give him a break.
- Did you kiss?
- No.
So, I was like,
"I don't know if he's afraid."
"Or if he's always like this."
So honestly,
I didn't like that side of you.
He's out telling people one thing,
Zaira something else,
and to me something completely different.
Yeah, I did go back, but I thought
they wouldn't believe what happened,
that it was just a date.
Just, please, tell me what you want.
I'm getting tired of all the talking.
That's when I drifted a way a little.
- It wasn't because I wanted to.
- Me too.
I just had to fix that
and calm things down and
be able to, like, express myself.
[Itatí] Boy, I thought
I was a soap opera expert,
but this guy's got me beat.
I think if you're here
to get to know people
and make a connection,
you have to allow that to happen.
I came here to have fun.
Honestly, I don't know what you came for.
[uneasy music playing]
Ugh! You're starting to bore me.
[Itatí] Looks like Lilian
saw right through him.
[vibrant music playing]
[Itatí] I often ask myself,
"What are the lovers from Córdoba up to?"
And I'm never right.
- Poor thing. You didn't know, right?
- Me? No.
Our kissing chemistry is no joke.
Good things come to those who wait, right?
Every time we catch eyes,
we just wanna eat each other. For real.
Okay, that's it.
Come on.
You wanna stay there?
[Itatí] Get over here!
She's a great kisser.
[Itatí] Go ahead, I'll be your lookout
if I can stand it.
[Flor] It's not that I don't like money.
Of course I do!
But his kisses drive me crazy.
I just can't resist.
[Itatí] You're making me drool!
Not for kisses, for tacos.
Do you like spicy food?
No, nothing spicy. Never.
I hate spicy food. Hate it.
It makes me sick,
makes my head hurt, makes me explode.
[Manuela] Mexican.
Is it spicy?
- Look.
- For Mexico!
[Manuela] You did it. Ah!
A little more.
- [clears throat]
- [Manuela] That's not spicy. No!
A little more.
- [groans]
- Good thing I didn't eat it.
I love it hot, spicy, burning, all of it.
Check this out.
I can't breathe!
You just killed the new guy.
I love chili peppers! I love them.
And spicy ones too. [chuckles]
Who do you think has kissed already
or broken the rules?
Don't worry about me.
I'm following the rules.
Me too but not by choice.
Nick is just not interested.
Zaira has a weakness
for human chili. [chuckles]
But now, I'm free.
Whoever wants to sleep with me, bring it.
Not you.
- You're not free.
- No, I'm free.
You keep playing your games.
Sometimes I feel trapped.
So, I'm like, "Okay, I need some space."
You signed up for this. Now deal with it.
I'm on your side. Since I got here,
you've been so respectful.
You're by her side all day.
[Manuela] Ooh, ooh.
Yeah, otherwise,
I wouldn't stick with him. I hate that.
But she's so jealous,
and she's already creating drama.
If I were a woman,
I'd want you as my boyfriend.
- Congrats.
- Locho! Locho!
I don't know
what kind of chili Locho likes.
[Itatí] She's even jealous of Locho?
I guess too much chili can be a bad thing.
Don't think Lana hasn't been
paying attention these past few days.
It's time for the guys to learn
how much their shenanigans cost them.
Doesn't this make you guys nervous?
Don't you feel like
Like when you know
your mom is gonna scold you.
I'm excited to hear from Lana,
for us to meet,
to see what she's got in store for me.
I think we're in
for quite a loss today.
Let's just hope it's not too much.
[melodic chime]
- Hi, humans.
- Hey!
- The silence is awful.
- It wasn't me.
Some of you have broken the rules,
and prize money has been deducted.
Remember, the goal
of the retreat is to create connections,
not exchange bodily fluids.
But kisses don't count as sex, right?
Lovely Lana,
tell me how much did my kisses cost?
It was an innocent little kiss
to bring us closer together.
First, there was the party
and the five-way kiss.
[Flor] That doesn't count. Our foreheads
touched, and we couldn't kiss.
It was crazy.
Whatever, spend away. I love it.
Then the kiss between Flor and Manuela.
- [Nick] Manuela lost her virginity.
- We're just friends, Lana.
I should be rewarded.
- You don't look pure anymore, Manuela.
- You guys corrupted me.
I'm Team Lana, but I got carried away.
Sorry, Lana, we're sorry. [laughs]
[Itatí] This is Locho's
first Lana meeting,
and he's sweating like
when you crash without insurance.
And finally four people
who broke the rules on other occasions
[dramatic music playing]
Who was it?
We have deducted a total of
ten thousand dollars.
- Who?
- No, no, no.
- [Israel] No.
- [Lilian] Four people.
Everyone wants to know who.
Who the couples are? And we're like
There's now $83,800 left.
[Carolina] We have to behave now.
- Time to behave!
- That's it!
The problem is they spent all this money
kissing each other before I got here.
We need a new algorithm or something.
The best investments are the riskiest.
Risk wisely.
- Wow!
- Thank you.
I'm not making
any more stupid investments.
[Itatí] Inviting Locho into your bed
doesn't seem like a sound investment.
And welcome to the retreat, Locho.
[Itatí] Retreat or sex drive?
[upbeat music playing]
Would you guys rather know
how much each thing costs or who did it?
[Itatí] These Argentines know how to
keep up appearances. Keep acting innocent.
I'd rather know how much things cost
so we know what we can do.
No one said nothing about me.
What if someone masturbated?
Dadvian, how could you?
What? Hold on,
it could be a woman too.
Look, I don't have hairy palms.
I haven't betrayed anyone
or tried to satisfy
my urges or sexual desires.
If you're going to do something,
it should be worth it.
- That's worth it for the relationship.
- It shouldn't make you feel bad.
Look at it like an investment.
If you're going to invest,
what you put in should grow in the future.
- Not just the temptation.
- Exactly.
[Itatí] Like how the new guy
tempted Zaira.
Isn't that right, Nick?
Men like to hide behind
their alpha male armor.
In this workshop,
they'll have to shed that skin
and reveal their sensitivity.
[melodic chime]
I've prepared a masculinity workshop,
not to make them more macho,
but to help them become
more comfortable with their vulnerability.
My name is Francisco Fortuño.
I mentor and accompany men
on their journey
of personal transformation and evolution.
[Itatí] These guys need
an emotional mentor.
Fight to the death.
Get the machetes out.
Time for a sword fight.
[Itatí] What did I tell you?
They're so damaged
that when you leave them alone,
they just wanna measure their courage
in a fight.
To start, I'll stand in the middle,
say my name, and one of my best qualities.
Then each of you will come up
and do the same.
My name is Francisco,
and my quality is leadership.
Now you repeat, "Francisco."
- My name is Francisco Okay.
- No, I'm Francisco. You say your name.
My name is Nick. Joy.
My name is Nicolás,
and I think my quality is honesty.
My name is Israel,
and my quality is being honorable.
Joel, strength.
My name is Dadvian,
and my qual qual Sorry.
My name is Dadvian,
and my quality is loyalty.
We're going to start moving.
It's not a performance
just let the body move and be free
and dance like however it wants to, okay?
[Itatí] Not to be judgy,
but they dance like
those inflatable car lot guys.
It's not about looking good,
it's about having fun.
[tribal music playing]
[Itatí] You guys keep dancing.
Over here, the gossip
about Locho is getting juicy.
When he came in,
I turned, and I saw him.
I saw his eyes.
He has amazing eyes.
Listen, if I don't get him,
you have to, please. [laughs]
- I'll explore him for you.
- Please, he's so cute!
The cold hard truth is he's really cute.
I mean, his eyes are beautiful.
Here, you gotta grab
a cute guy right away.
I'm not wasting time any more.
[Itatí] He probably
won't be grabbing anything,
but maybe you can change his mind.
It looks like the guys
are finally ready to open their hearts
and put aside
their growling manly facades.
I look like I don't care,
but I do care, a lot.
I'm sensitive.
I cry all the time.
This is really hard for me.
At first,
you don't trust people enough to
to cry.
And then, it's just like
I've been bullied a lot.
Since I was little,
I've been fighting for my life.
It's my fear of rejection that makes me
a happy and fun person.
And I don't want
any more rejection in my life.
I think we're getting out
all the honest stuff we need
to express.
I have a frog in my throat.
My chest is tight.
because my dad died.
It's hard for me to open up,
to express my feelings.
I feel selfish.
[somber music playing]
Because I wasn't
there with him.
I'm being sincere
and opening my heart to them
so they can see who I am.
I hope they do the same.
[drums playing]
People think that men have to be strong,
that we have to wear armor,
but masculine vulnerability is sexy.
[Itatí] Of course it's sexy
seeing a man express his feelings,
especially if he's shirtless.
Ka mate! Ka mate!
Ka mate! Ka mate! Ka mate!
Ka ora! Ka ora!
The key is to get out everything bad
and breathe in new air, you know.
Remember the girls back at the house?
With all this testosterone,
I almost forgot.
- [melodic chime]
- [Carolina gasps]
What? What?
Hi, Zaira.
It's time for you to expand
your connections on this retreat.
Okay. [laughs]
To that end, you may choose to go
on a date with anyone from the house.
Okay, let me think Lucho.
- That was tough, huh?
- Locho.
Oh, Locho. [laughs]
[Itatí] It is not Lucho. Don't worry.
You'll learn his name on the date.
I love his eyes, his face, his smile.
A little bit of everything,
but I need to get to know him.
[Lana] Get ready for your date. Good luck.
We're going to spend
some money together. [laughs]
[Itatí] It's a good opportunity to apply
what you've learned on the retreat,
not to empty the house's bank account.
- How did you feel, man?
- What do you mean? It was awesome.
Cool, right?
- I really enjoyed it.
- Looking inside was really cool.
Being away from the commotion
Away from Because I like
Opening up to things I didn't know.
Since the chocolate workshop
and everything
I stopped trying to hook up with women.
[Itatí] Wow! This guy's memory
gets worse and worse.
[upbeat music playing]
I started looking inward.
I feel like
I'm more aware of what I can do.
All this stuff is great,
and we've never done any of it.
I'm gonna relax, focus on me,
just open myself up to new opportunities.
[Itatí] Not trying to be nosy,
but Zaira is finally
getting you out of her head
and her bed.
I like Locho. Why lie about it?
So, I have high expectations
for this date. [chuckles]
[Locho] You look so pretty!
I was looking at him like,
"No way. I mean, what do I say?"
I just froze.
And I was like,
"Locho, can you come over here?"
- Will you come with me?
- Sure. Should I follow you?
- Yeah.
- Okay, cool.
Why Locho and Zaira?
I feel underdressed.
You should've let me know
you're wearing that.
I just threw on a shirt.
[Itatí] You should've told Nick.
Look, he even brushed his teeth,
in case he gets some action.
But the action just left.
Do what feels right.
- Have fun!
- Please, don't spend any money!
[Joel] Locho! Hey, hey, hey!
I hope they don't kiss.
I hope the tide doesn't keep
turning like this because
I could wind up with nothing.
[Itatí] Oh, sure, now you're all jealous.
I remember you used to
not even want her anywhere near you.
Lana, play some sexy tunes.
[sexy music playing]
I didn't expect to go on a date yet,
especially with Zaira. I'm surprised.
- So, how are you?
- Good, I'm liking it.
- Oh, yeah? The people too?
- Yeah, having fun.
I want to hear you sing right away.
- I'm really shy.
- You write your own songs?
Yeah, I put one on YouTube.
I write music too.
I think that's what
I'm most passionate about, actually.
[Itatí] Speaking of music,
I love smooth jazz,
but can we listen
to something from this century?
I've studied it for five years.
I love people who sing.
Me too.
We talked.
One thing led to another, then to another.
- I wanna be a father.
- Oh, wow!
- I'd love that.
- Me too.
I even have names picked out.
You want kids?
- Yeah.
- How many?
Three, two boys and a girl.
I think.
I've always wanted two girls and a boy.
The other way around.
- Well, at least we agree on the number.
- Yeah, that's right.
[Itatí] Don't try to pretend
you wanna raise children.
We all know you'd both
rather be making them.
We have really good chemistry.
[Itatí] Locho is all set
to strum Nick's guitar,
one of them, anyway.
Yeah, we kissed at dinner.
It's one thing to go on a date
and hang out,
but it's a whole nother thing
to kiss someone.
You know?
Now I realize that I acted like an idiot.
If you don't want her,
don't lead her on.
That's the problem, don't lead her on.
And if you really wanna be with her,
you gotta win her love back.
Nick, what do you want?
Now with this new guy,
I gotta make her love me again,
make her seduce her,
do what I did before to earn her trust.
I get it, but if you screw it up again,
it's gonna be your last chance.
- No.
- So don't screw it up again.
- A question.
- Yeah.
Who do you wanna sleep with?
[Itatí] Zaira is ready
to conquer Argentina.
Who do you sleep with?
If you sleep with Nick,
then I'll have to find someone,
but I'd rather sleep with you.
[Itatí] It doesn't look like
Locho is putting up much of a fight.
Burn that money, guys.
Don't say that.
I want to break the rules with Locho.
- Have you heard of Buenos Aires?
- Yes.
What have you heard about it?
Look, my secret is that
I'm not that smart, so things like that
No, don't say that. Come on.
If you write songs, you're smart.
The problem is, people make you feel
stupid cause you don't know useless facts.
Maps are tricky for me.
But that's easy. You learn fast.
If you teach me.
This guy doesn't know how to take a hint.
Here is America.
What's above America?
You tell me.
The United States and
[Itatí] Really, Locho?
She didn't even know where Mexico was.
[Itatí] Some jokes should just stay dead.
And? [laughs]
I don't like where this is going.
I can't believe it. [laughs]
[Itatí] There's nothing sexier
than a man teaching
geography by candlelight.
After a while, everything started to make
sense with the whole "Argentina" thing.
I can't get over
the Argentina thing, sorry.
It's too good.
[Itatí] Let it go, Locho.
Like you're letting Zaira go.
[Zaira] I get it.
The Argentina thing is hilarious.
I played along, ha-ha,
because it's nice when people
laugh with you, but that wasn't funny.
How about this?
I wanna sleep with you. Let's do it.
[Itatí] Go ahead, Zaira. Maybe he'll
teach you differential equations in bed.
- I'm really honest, I swear. I swear.
- Okay.
Um, we can keep talking,
but let's keep it slow. When things
move too fast, I always regret that.
[Itatí] "I don't wanna move too fast."
Or as they say where I'm from,
"Tuck it in, smarty pants."
- Thanks for understanding.
- No problem.
Nobody is perfect, but it can't
God! You can't not know
where my country is.
Thanks again.
For such a nice date.
You look so lovely.
It was a pleasure.
- Thanks.
- I had a great time. [laughs]
- You're still on the Argentina thing!
- No, no, sorry.
[Itatí] What did we learn?
Never give an oral exam on the first date.
And where is Argentina?
Making the other person laugh
is the hardest and most important thing.
And she did it. Ten points.
[Itatí] So, you think it went well?
Your jokes get better and better.
Locho is more persistent
than an insurance salesman.
If it doesn't work with Zaira,
try Manuela.
I wanna see if I actually like this guy.
So this is the perfect opportunity.
There's something
about her I want to explore.
[Itatí] Looks like that hand
is doing plenty of exploring.
[vibrant music playing]
No, no, no, no, no!
Good morning!
[Itatí] I couldn't stay
to watch them sleep
because, well, I have a life!
Did I miss anything?
I got no sleep.
God! What a horrible night!
That guy is so annoying to sleep with!
Gossip! Gossip!
Nothing, no.
- No? Come on, don't lie.
- Not kidding.
Locho isn't turning out how I hoped.
[Itatí] It takes longer to fly
from Argentina to Spain
than it did for Locho
to drive two ladies away.
After last night's date,
Nick knows another guy
is swimming in his water,
so he grabbed on to Zaira
like a life preserver.
And he's jealous, really jealous.
Nick cast the first stone.
He kind of had this coming.
I don't like Nick for Zaira
because he's really fake.
Locho shows up, and suddenly
he wants to move to Spain with her.
It's total BS.
I like Nick, but he's so fake.
[Itatí] The one who really needs
a life preserver is Israel
because Caro's drowning him in her
The problem is
you're letting her control you.
- She's controlling.
- That's the problem.
- Yeah, man.
- She's got you like this.
Short leash, dude.
- No, this is shitty, man.
- You've got to be honest.
No, I'm gonna keep my my distance.
When you spend all your time
with the same person,
you can't see what's going on
until someone from the outside tells you.
Look, this is for her and for me, so
I don't feel so pressured,
so she learns not to be so clingy,
toxic with people.
With a partner with friends.
She has to stop
that because no one likes it.
[Joel] I feel this guy is a pushover.
Israel loves being spanked
told what to do.
I don't know what Manuela's like or Zaira.
They just see me as a friend
and keep their distance
because she's always lording over me.
It's my second day, and I can see
this poor guy is at the end of his rope.
It'd be nice to have
some more freedom, more space.
[horse neighs]
- [melodic chime]
- Oh-oh!
- Attention!
- Hi, baby.
[Lana] Hi, Israel.
As part of your development
in this process, you have a date.
Hell yeah!
It's going down!
I'm picturing Caro with the whip.
[Lana] But this time,
I'll choose your partner.
[men laughing]
[laughs] No way!
It's going down, bro!
It's going down tonight!
Oh, Lana, Lana.
You just wanna see the world burn.
What a date!
People are getting ready for battle.
Spit it out!
Who's the lucky gal?
If my date isn't with Caro,
I'd like it to be with Manuela.
- [melodic chime]
- Your date will be with
Now we know
who broke the rules last night.
I was I was floored. I was floored.
Lana, what a surprise.
[Lana] This date was chosen as part
of the learning process in the house.
Okay, dude,
if you wanna kiss, go ahead. I'll pay.
[Itatí] I'll pay to watch too.
Hmm. These two on a date?
What's Lana have up her sleeve?
You did this for me?
- All of it.
- No way, man!
You've earned a kiss on the forehead.
Come here, darling Dadvian.
What do you think of Caro?
[Carolina] I was hoping
I'd see him on his date.
I left, and he wasn't there.
I'm so pissed.
She's really possessive, isn't she?
Yeah, dude, super possessive.
You haven't gotten close to anyone else,
even just to talk.
They won't even look at me, man.
She's scared them off.
Yeah, man, she's robbing you of the chance
to get to know everyone else.
Everyone in the house
knows she is toxic.
I don't get why his date is with Dadvian.
I feel like someone new might join.
[Itatí] That's your women's intuition.
[melodic chime]
A new temptation is moving in.
It's time to see if the leash
can keep Israel and Carolina connected.
[Itatí] Oh, that's why
you set up this date, Lana.
No, you're not dreaming.
A new single is on the scene,
and that can only mean one thing:
More drama in the house.
[dramatic music playing]
[Itatí] I know a girl
who won't be too happy.
Her name starts with "Ca"
and ends with "rolina."
Hey! No way!
No way, dude! [laughs]
[Israel] What a surprise!
Hey, how are you?
- Nice to meet you!
- Nice to meet you! Good, you?
I'm Dahiana.
- Pleasure, Dahiana.
- Hi.
- Dadvian. How are you?
- Hi. Dahiana. Good.
I'm Colombian.
All fire and female strength.
To me, dancing is like sex.
Good dancing means good sex.
I don't prefer men or women.
I just like people.
[Itatí] There's a talking robot
in this house, if you're interested.
[Dahiana] My best romantic relationship
was with a woman.
It was great,
except for the times she cheated on me.
[Itatí] What were the bad ones like?
- Do you like sex?
- Of course, like you.
A lot? From one to ten?
Uh, 11. [laughs]
Run while you can. Run, run.
[Itatí] Once Carolina finds out
you've been flirting,
it'll be you that's running.
There's a queen bee in the house.
[Itatí] Carolina?
Oh no. They're talking about Lana.
Now they're going to explain the rules.
But we know them already.
Let's get to her reaction.
[uneasy music playing]
Wait, I need a drink.
Yeah, yeah.
Have a drink to soften the blow.
Have you blown it yet?
Oh, yeah.
Well, a three-way kiss shouldn't count.
- A three-way kiss?
- [Dahiana laughs]
What do you like in a man?
Like us?
You're definitely my type.
- We didn't ask if you like women.
- Both.
[Israel] Really?
Oh God.
Lana, great gift.
Now I really have to think about
who I kiss.
Got to be careful.
Don't think too much.
Right here, right now,
before anyone sees, huh? [laughs]
That was a nice welcome,
but let's see
what I find on the house menu.
Well, welcome, Dahiana.
- Thanks for a lovely welcome.
- You're awesome, beautiful.
- Let's have some fun.
- Let's have fun.
[Itatí] Nice to meet you and all,
but it's time to head back to the house.
And we know who's waiting,
[suspenseful music playing]
[Itatí] The time is near.
Caro is super jealous.
[Itatí] Little by little
This place will burn if she gets mad.
you have some competition. Watch out.
[Itatí] These singles are going for it.
Israel is chatting up Dahiana,
but Carolina won't loosen
the cuff so easily.
If they both kissed her, I don't care.
But if he kissed her, I'm done with him.
Things in the house are heating up.
You're a naughty girl with me.
It's my turn to be a naughty boy.
[Itatí] Some take it better than others.
Should we have a foursome? [laughing]
[Itatí] While the temptations rise,
the prize money goes down.
What was up with Caro?
[Itatí] Jealousy, spite,
and envy are here.
Hey, look, we match.
[Itatí] Lana doesn't beat around the bush.
[Lana] This retreat is over for you.
Say goodbye to the group.
[Itatí] Drama time! Poor things!
What looked like the best vacation ever,
is turning into
the most expensive one.
[melodic chime]
[upbeat music playing]
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