Tooth Pari: When Love Bites (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

Hey Zooni!
Where are you?
Blood is here from Upar again.
Did you all see?
For one night of euphoria,
Sreela staked all our freedom.
Those same signs!
The severed head, the garlic pods
and the witch's signature on the nose.
This is the Cutmundus' doing.
There is no doubt,
that Luna Luka and Biren Pal
are still thirsty for our blood.
I am not your ruler, but your savior.
So, I have decided,
the path to Upar through the man-hole
will be sealed from today.
AD and his boys can come down here,
but no one can go Upar from Neeche.
Remember that you all are very special.
Each one of you have been chosen
for this second life.
Spend it carefully.
Maybe that virgin dentist
is with the Cutmundus
No, Meera.
Roy can never do it.
He is very naive,
he thinks I am a normal girl.
Maybe it is an act, Rumi.
A pretense.
Maybe his chamber and clinic are fake.
He is just a bloody Cutmundu.
He figured by seeing your teeth
- What are you saying?
- who you are.
Roy can never do this.
If Mir Jafar can betray my Siraj
in the battle of Plassey,
then anything is possible.
That's how human nature is!
I know that. But he didn't do it.
How can you say that for sure?
Because that night he was with me.
I scooped him out of the chamber.
But why?
I don't know.
I felt Sreela wasn't ready.
She hadn't quite learnt
to suck and bite properly.
I feared she might kill him.
So, what if he had died?
He was just a human.
Not one of us.
Whatever happened
to Sreela could have
Should have.
Should have happened to me.
My head should have been severed,
not Sreela's.
- Rumi!
- No, Meera.
She was scared to even go Upar.
I forced her to join the Baaghinis.
It's all my fault.
We are equally to be blamed.
Sreela wasn't ready
and that night,
under the influence of blood
I am going to go Upar.
Find them and make them pay.
It's too dangerous.
Ora is right.
The climate Upar is not right yet.
Climates change, David.
And this time, I have to change it.
I owe this to Sreela.
Let her go, David.
We couldn't avenge our dear ones.
Don't stop Rumi.
But how do I go Upar now?
Ora has sealed the man-hole pathway.
There is another way
to go Upar.
What are you looking for in the drawer,
Mr. Kartik?
Some respect that's left of your Baba?
Just like that.
Just like that, you can do some work too.
A dead body without a head?
How is it possible?
- What nonsense early in the day!
- What is all this noise?
Just a hoax call from some drunk.
Nothing important, sir.
I know you'll be the OC someday,
but at present, it's me.
Let me decide if it's important or not.
Sir, there's a fire at Kumartuli.
Ask them to call the fire brigade then.
According to the eyewitness,
a headless woman's dead body
caught fire on its own.
- "On its own?"
- Yes.
Breaking news.
A burnt body has been found
at the idol making site.
According to sources,
it was placed in the night by someone.
The dead body found
in the middle of the road was caused
Were you really inside?
I swear on Maa Kali, I was inside.
My grandfather Mr. Pal
is an idol maker here.
I am a Pal as well, Kartik Pal.
We make idols of God Kartik as well.
There you go.
Such a small world.
So, Miss Pal,
think and tell me in detail,
what all you saw inside.
I smelt something burning,
so I ran inside.
Her body was there
but the head was missing.
Just like The Headless Goddess.
She was burning
as if her skin was inflammable.
Nobody set it on fire?
It burnt on its own?
Yes. On its own.
Sugar in your tea?
- Milk?
- Black.
How did you dispose the body?
You didn't use garlic?
Two drops please.
- Try.
- Thank you.
You didn't tell me,
where their current address is.
I did tell you
that I'll take you there
as soon as I come to know.
You sent her head to them,
yet you don't know their hideout.
And you want me to believe you?
Belief is a very relative thing.
For example,
I believe in God,
and you
Now who is to say who is correct?
Right now, it would be correct to say
this tea is really nice.
This Darjeeling tea is
from my tea garden in Mirik.
But I thought you were into
healthcare, Mr. Adi Deb.
I am into all kinds of care.
So, what happens now?
Should I sit at home and wait
when the next member of their clan
will surface, like that girl?
After what you have done to the girl,
I don't think anybody would
come out real soon.
It was necessary to do what I did.
So, if I could just
get to know their address
What is the matter?
Why are you so angry with them?
we all have our reasons, don't we?
Like I haven't yet fathomed what
you gained by getting her decapitated.
Mr. Deb,
why do I have this niggling feeling,
that you used me?
I know your address.
The Darjeeling tea will reach you.
Sir, I have already given
my reports to the police.
They must be from
Shyampukur Police Station.
I'm here from Lalbazar,
for another statement.
This case is quite weird,
the results don't make sense.
How and why the body got burnt
Will you please wipe your mouth?
And how are you eating
in the middle of this?
So, you think the body burnt on its own?
When did I say that?
But it is possible.
Because of photosensitive skin?
Anyway, what else does your report say?
There weren't any food remains
in the intestine,
only blood.
Many different types of blood.
As if she has drunk
many people's blood.
How old was she?
- I guess
- Guess?
There is no head,
her body is almost fully burnt,
only very little of her is left.
So, I can only guess.
- What's the name?
- Mine?
I can't ask her now, right?
Bishwabijoy Chowdhary.
So, Mr. Chowdhary,
send the remains of the body
to the Genomics Institute in Kalyani.
Why is that, sir?
For genome sequencing.
I'll send a request from the headquarters,
you send the body.
- But
- Look, Mr. Chowdhary
Get going,
or else your set-up here will go viral
at the Lalbazar headquarters.
So late?
I work inside.
In case you didn't know.
Don't get mad.
This is for you.
What's this?
This won't die.
Fold the umbrella, it's stopped raining.
Doc Roy.
What are you doing here?
What do you think I'm doing here?
I think you are
Trying to replace your receptionist.
I have seen her only once.
She is never here.
Yeah, actually she left for the day.
- I was just
- Cooking?
Yes, marinating some mutton
for tomorrow's episode.
I am sorry for disturbing you.
No, no, don't worry.
It's just that the lock
on the main door is still broken.
So, I came outside when I heard a noise.
How did the lock break?
The lock?
Actually, some folks might have
come inside the other night,
the night we went to the theatre.
Break in?
Yes, but nothing major.
Everything is fine.
Doc Roy,
you can tell me what happened.
But it's no big deal,
just a few dents in the chamber.
- Dent?
- Yeah.
Is anything missing?
No nothing, just a pen.
Actually, not just a pen.
It's the family pen.
My grandfather's pen.
And I think I could have misplaced it.
Doc Roy,
I think you should go to the police
and file a report for theft.
Report to the police?
Rumi, I think you are overreacting.
- I am overreacting?
- Yes.
Fine, wait for them to put a dent
in your head next time.
You're being serious?
Why would there be a next time?
What's here for someone to come back?
You're here.
You are very precious, Doc Roy.
Let the police find out
who had come and for what.
I don't think, that's necessary.
It's necessary.
Okay, I'll handle it.
Now that you are here, can we go out?
Let's go.
Yes, just a dash of lemon juice
That's it give now.
That's it.
Terrific! Keep serving.
Have one phuchka at least.
Tempting, but no.
Oh, I am sure you are into panipuri.
Actually, my gum is still hurting.
Yeah, I completely forgot
about your tooth.
You could have mentioned,
when we were headed here,
we could've eaten something else.
I didn't know, of all the places,
you would bring me here.
Why? What's with this place?
Nikhil would always bring me here.
Nikhil? Your husband?
So, you think I am married?
I don't know I'm guessing.
Nikhil was my boyfriend in college.
We used to come here every evening
and have a phuchka competition,
and then, he used to drop me home.
Home! So, your home is close by?
Then, should we?
Only if
Can we?
This is your house?
First, that life crumbled,
and now the house,
seems right.
But it's clearly written here,
trespassing is not allowed.
I haven't come back here
in all these years.
Rumi, I don't think we should be here.
That's what he said.
Get out of the house right now!
What have you done, Rumi?
Educate her, send her to college.
I didn't think he'd dump me
after learning about the pregnancy.
He did right. Who will keep you?
Get out from here. Out!
Where will she go in this condition?
She should have thought about it before.
Baba, I am sorry.
I made a mistake.
You don't bear babies by mistake!
We'll have to get
her abortion done right,
at a proper clinic.
Why didn't you kill yourself
before telling us?
I would have regretted less.
Why have kids when you can't love them?
Procreation is a basic instinct.
Give birth just because
it's a basic instinct?
And dictate the kids all your life,
where to go, whom to meet,
whom to have sex with,
parents get to decide everything?
That's fair!
From the parents' point of view,
that is fair.
So, are you going to force your kids
to be dentists as well?
My kids?
They can't become dentists
even if they want to!
Because by then,
I would have ruined my family's name.
Dental Association will bar the Roys.
Come on, Doc, you are not that bad.
Come on, Rumi.
You have seen me naked, so
Naked, as in figuratively speaking.
Ian said it, so I just
He is my best friend.
You should definitely meet him.
It's getting late. I should go.
Or I'll miss the last Metro
headed for Dakshineshwar.
Okay, so
even today I have to imagine
where you stay,
with whom you have your phuchkas
It's fun, isn't it?
I have a car. I can drop you.
Maybe next time.
What we see in the dark
Do we take it to be the truth?
Whatever happens by mistake
Do we go with it?
I never imagined
I would live to see this day.
This calls for another biscuit.
If not the clan,
at least be afraid of diabetes.
I am way past that age.
Are we expecting anyone else?
Of the phone numbers I had,
five of them have passed away,
and two have changed houses,
and the other two numbers are out of use.
Okay then, let's not delay.
Our first triumph in years.
Oh boy, it was a good hunt.
But this time, we have to expose them,
the world needs to know they are real.
Don't be silly, Phalguni.
If we try to expose them,
we will meet the same fate as Biren.
By the way, where is Biren?
Must be in his old house.
Lost in his world.
But a few days ago,
his son had come to our library,
searching for the anatomy book.
And he is a policeman, too.
Will he help us?
I mean frankly,
we need some young blood in this group.
Can't say about young blood,
but we need a doctor for sure.
For Jamal Bhai's cataract,
Phalguni's arthritis.
Hear, hear.
For Colonel's hypertension,
Haru's asthma.
If the clan members
get hold of our medical reports
Well, they may suck blood like mosquitoes,
but they will shoo us away like flies.
We aren't youngsters anymore,
to fight the war again.
I agree with you, Utpal.
We need fresh and young
recruits in Cutmundus,
and I will surely get them.
But before that,
will you do a job for me?
Leave now.
Stay right there!
Not wearing my silver shawl.
Why would I do anything to you, Mr. Adi?
You are my ticket to stardom.
So, tell me,
did everyone Neeche like the gift?
You have managed the impossible.
Woken up Ora.
It was about time.
Ora has invited me
for Sreela's last rites.
Whose last rites? Her head's?
Tell me, did Ora say anything?
Scared the wits out of everyone.
Nobody will ever dare to come Upar again.
Head is precious to everyone.
I don't believe you, Amar.
You said that after Abdul Hakim as well,
but the roaches keep
coming up one after the other.
Who isn't scared of losing their head?
Number 30.
Calls herself a rebel.
She instigates everyone.
She gave the dentist's address to Sreela,
which I passed on to you.
I can't do anything without any proof.
I'll get the proof.
Rumi loves to fly high,
it will be fun to clip her wings.
Unload the blood.
Why don't you let me die?
It's better to die than
live in such a condition.
What would you do
if I were in your shoes?
Would you let me go?
What's so special about you anyway?
Once I die
all this pain will be over.
you and your Hema Malini
have kept me alive
to die every day.
When you were first diagnosed
with Sickle cell disease,
the doctors gave you
a couple of years to live.
It has been 18 years.
What more can I say?
Maybe a day will come soon
when we don't have to pump in
this Hemalin blood every week.
You will recover completely.
Either you are a dreamer
or you've gone completely crazy.
Both. I am both.
To sustain the world
between life and death,
one must be a little crazy.
I can hear. Speak.
The genome size is just like humans,
but she had a higher number
of "jumping genes."
So, her diet wasn't like human beings.
You mean she only drank blood?
First hear me out.
Here it is
Because of gene mutation,
the skin becomes susceptible to sun rays.
So they're allergic to sunlight.
Anything about their life cycle?
Just a moment.
Their cells seem to divide continually,
so they can't be destroyed,
because of the special gene, FOXO
Ever since the attack,
I have not had any food,
sleep or exercise in the last few days.
And my skin,
it's like someone poured hot oil on it.
Did you consult a doctor?
I did. He couldn't tell me much about
what's happening in my body.
Hello, Badshah,
Sub-inspector Kartik Pal here
from Lake Police Station.
Yes, sir?
Can we meet in the evening?
Didn't really get to know Sreela.
You have been sleeping for so long, Ora,
you are not up to speed about your clan.
Keeping an eye on them
has also become my responsibility.
It isn't my job to keep an eye on them,
rather to safeguard them
from the evil eye.
And you plan to do that while sleeping?
You are well aware
that I need to hibernate.
What if the blood supply gets halted
like during the Emergency of the 1970s?
So, will you send your members Upar
to procure fresh blood?
Control your clan, Ora.
I get so worried about you all.
Worried about us?
You are just thirsty for our blood.
At times I wonder what's
the difference between you and me?
Ora, the difference is,
I make sure that
your stock is always full,
but in return, I don't always get
the blood that I want.
And I am not running
a charity here, you see.
Don't you forget, Ora,
how and when all this started.
I was right here when it started.
You were not.
Kundu, hope you aren't harassing madam.
No, sir.
She is just here to file a complaint.
Madam, complain as much as you want.
We are here at your service.
Tell me what can we do for you?
What are you doing here?
I didn't expect to see you here.
You know her?
Do you have any update on the party?
No, I'm here for some other reason.
Kartik, Kundu is handling madam's case.
You tell him, madam.
Go ahead.
Start with your name.
What's the incident?
Actually, there has been a theft
in my boyfriend's clinic.
We saw the intruders
in the CCTV footage,
but we have no idea who they are.
I was hoping someone would come along,
watch the footage,
maybe take fingerprints
and help identify them.
What's the address?
Close by,
two houses from Ahindra Mancha.
Don't worry, madam.
- I'll be there tomorrow morning.
- Mornings are not possible.
I was hoping if someone
could come along now.
You know my boyfriend is really worried.
Worried, is he?
Kundu, go for a few minutes.
But today is my nephew's
rice eating ceremony.
You will also be going.
That's right.
- Okay, Kartik you go.
- What?
- You go.
- Why him?
No, I mean he must be busy.
Madam, so even
you have figured he's useless.
Dear Kartik, get a grip on yourself now.
Don't worry, he'll handle it.
No, all good. Thank you.
Take the police car.
Treat madam to some tea.
Not your kind of tea.
So, Madam Rumi.
You keep a fast for your boyfriend,
turn up here to file a report for him.
Do you even pack his tiffin?
Is this jealousy or judgement?
You tell me,
is this love or your prison?
Being a modern and
independent woman doesn't mean
that I can't do things in a relationship.
I meant control
Before bracketing women
into these stereotypes,
why don't you look at yourself
in the mirror?
What kind of a man
is peeping from within?
Get a grip on yourself now,
dear Kartik.
Hey, you were joking?
So scary!
Actually, all my childhood,
I've seen my mother serving my father,
and he didn't give a damn about her.
He was always lost in his own world.
Poor woman, she took her own life one day.
So, these couples, who go out of the way
to do things for each other,
I don't like them.
I detest such relationships.
That's what's visible in my mirror.
Then I have to appreciate your outlook.
Your girlfriends must feel very lucky.
Girlfriends? Why can't I be married?
I don't see any vermillion
along the hair parting!
Good point.
But girlfriends? More than one?
It's your vibe.
I mean
Rugged, unshaven look,
leather jacket, drowned in dark rum.
Seems like you have a girlfriend
in every corner of Kolkata.
There you go not happy
with the guys you know,
and judge the ones
you don't know. Isn't it?
I want justice, My Lord!
You mean, "My Lady"?
Your boyfriend is a dentist?
You never mentioned.
I did say he is a doctor.
Doctors are not
the replacement for toothpaste.
Shall we, My Lady?
He is here for the break in.
- But the doctor hasn't filed any report
- Where is he?
I'll go get him.
I'll take a look at the CCTV footage.
Yes, it's in this computer.
Doc Roy.
What's happening here?
He is Inspector Kartik.
- Sub-Inspector.
- From Lake Police Station.
And you?
Her dentist boyfriend.
He is here to investigate the theft.
Rumi, can we quickly
have a word in private?
Excuse me.
Please shut the door.
What are you doing, Rumi?
What am I doing?
If Baba finds out that the cops were here
Why does Baba need to know?
The receptionist
gives hourly reports to Baba.
Ask her not to include this in her report.
But, Rumi, why did you call the police?
I told you it wasn't needed
Hope I am not disturbing.
Not at all.
Please come in.
I've transferred all the
CCTV footage to my pen drive,
- I'll check it by tomorrow.
- Okay.
But CCTV footage? Why?
Since there aren't any cameras here,
please tell me
what exactly transpired here.
What? What do I say? What are you
Your receptionist mentioned
that some things are missing.
Missing? No, nothing is missing.
If that is the case,
then this isn't a case of theft,
just trespassing.
Sub-Inspector, everything is fine
A pen is missing from here.
Seems to be a well-educated thief then.
Hey. Careful.
Mr. Dentist.
Do you only pluck tooth
or can you fix something too?
Excuse me.
I have cut my foot,
and it just won't heal.
Can you help or is your expertise
limited to the jaws?
Show me Come on!
That's my desk.
Here it is.
It's quite a deep cut.
How did you manage this?
It's quite a strange story.
Remember the Chinatown party?
You were there, too.
How do you know I was there?
She told me.
- How does she know?
- What happened there?
The man who was attacked
This is the result of
the attacker's long tooth,
pierced the shoe
and went right into my foot.
A tooth can't make such a cut.
This isn't a normal tooth.
If I had it with me right now,
I would have shown it to you.
And the poor fellow who was attacked
I really need to go and meet him.
Hello, Badshah.
How are you now?
I'm admitted to Chittaranjan Hospital.
Okay, very good.
Do one thing.
Give me your room number.
Room 302.
You relax.
I'll be there in an hour
after checking on Baba. Okay?
- Okay.
- All right.
That was the victim I was talking about.
He is in such a bad state, that he has
admitted himself to Chittaranjan Hospital.
Sounds scary.
Yes, it's very scary.
I've prescribed
an ointment and an antibiotic.
Take it, or else you can
consult a real doctor.
Thank you.
Rumi, I'll check the CCTV footage
and get back tomorrow morning. Okay?
Badshah Hey, dude!
Did you do this to him
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