Tracker (2024) s01e03 Episode Script



Hey, Teddi.
There you are.
Velma was starting to worry.
- Ah, reception's been spotty.
- [WHISPERS]: It's Colter.
- Too spotty to return our texts?
- Did you tell him about the Cobra?
Here you go.
Sent you a job. Stolen car.
Looks pretty straightforward
and a big payout.
Cascade, Idaho. Vintage Shelby Cobra.
$20,000 cash reward.
Oh, so you do get our texts,
you just choose not to answer
them. Good to know.
We need to be aware if
you're taking on a reward
so we can pull background for you,
put together the research.
VELMA: Hey, uh, Colter.
Word on the street is,
Billie is circling the job.
Thought you might need
a little motivation.
COLTER: Motivated.
I'm gonna grab a quick bite.
- I should be in Cascade by 2:30.
Can I get you anything else, hon?
Uh, just the check. Sort of in a hurry.
- Oh. Work or fun?
- Work.
You know what they say about that.
MAN: What the hell is she doing?
Kira's still handing out them flyers.
Some people just don't
get the damn memo.
- Something wrong?
Hope not.
I wouldn't get involved.
Kira, get over here.
Too late.
You need to quit with these.
You're upsetting people with
this garbage. She's gone.
There a problem?
Mind your own business, friend.
Look, it's okay.
I-I don't want any trouble.
Hey, hey! Where are you going?
Don't turn your back on me.
COLTER: Hey, man,
no need to throw things.
Told you to leave it.
Odds are, if you were gonna pull
that, you would've done it already.
That yours?
You shouldn't have done that.
Me and the boys will help
you put the spare on.
Make sure you leave and don't come back.
Put the knife away.
Sure thing.
- KIRA: No, stop.
Please stop.
Oh, God.
Enough. Enough.
DOCTOR: Just about ready.
Something wrong?
You've got quite an interesting
collection of scars.
Oh, yeah. It's, uh
You know, me and my brother,
dumb kid stuff, you know.
- Kid stuff? Okay.
- Yeah.
I plead the Fifth.
Got it.
Messed-up childhood.
Been there, done that,
do not like to talk about it.
Any other past medical issues, Mr. Shaw?
It's Colter, and, uh, no.
No. Healthy as a horse.
Well, it's gonna be seven stitches,
a little bit deeper than I expected.
Last chance to take me
up on local anesthetic.
No. No, I'm good. Thanks.
And you're one of those
"pain is good" types.
No. Not at all. It's just,
when it comes to recovery,
there's a five percent gain of
function on superficial wounds
that are treated without
local anesthetic.
Or you just like pain.
- Little jab.
- Mm-hmm.
- What do you do?
- I'm a rewardist.
What is that?
Well, when, uh, rewards are posted
for missing people or
objects, I go get 'em.
Oh, well, that sounds made-up.
It is not.
And you're here on a job?
I wasn't, but I'm starting
to think I might be.
Hold still, last one.
- Yeah?
- Yep.
You know, speaking of which, uh
What do you know about her?
Um, just what everybody knows.
- Hmm.
- A bit of a nomad.
Traveling from town to
town, living in her van.
A little bit like you,
from the sounds of it.
Our little lake town is popular
with these van life folks.
So Mia was here and
then she moved along.
Except her sister thinks that
something happened to her.
So Kira posts these flyers around town,
but some folks don't like that either,
because it gives the impression
that something bad
might have happened here.
That's not exactly the image
that you want to give
to tourists and second-home buyers.
What do you think?
I think she
I think I would be
careful if I were you.
People don't like strangers
asking a lot of questions.
Good to know. Okay.
- thank you.
- You're welcome.
Hey. Hey. Kira.
Colter Shaw.
Are you all right?
I feel terrible that you
got hurt because of me.
No, I'm fine. That guy needed a lesson.
Not the first time.
So, it has to do with this?
My sister?
- I'm pretty sure it does.
- Mr. Shaw.
- Yeah.
You seeing a need for this
dispute to go any further?
No. No, I think we both
got our message across.
- No, no reason for charges.
- Good, good.
Less paperwork for me.
And so you don't get
the wrong impression
of our little town,
I had your tire repaired.
Thank you.
Hope this didn't delay
your travels too much.
Where'd you say you were on your way to?
I didn't.
Listen, Kira. It's,
it's been three months.
There's nothing to suggest
your sister stayed in town.
She simply moved on,
like she tended to do,
like she did a dozen times before.
I know that's not what you want
to hear, but it's the truth.
I'll keep that in mind, Sheriff.
Maybe it's best you moved on, too.
Safe travels, Mr. Shaw.
Have a wonderful day, Sheriff.
[QUIETLY]: Jackass.
Make you a cup of coffee?

Be careful with that, it's hot.
Was there on a job once.
- Missing hydrologist.
- Did you find him?
The hydrologist?
I did.
Tell me about your sister.
She was a drifter.
Going from town to town.
Backcountry skiing, rock climbing.
Living out of a gross old van.
I kept telling her to stop running.
What was she running from?
Our childhood was
how shall I say uh
A mess.
We both dealt with it differently.
Know something about that.
Go on.
She ran off and became
an adrenaline junkie,
and I went to law school.
Why are you so sure she didn't just
"move on" like the sheriff said?
Well, the last time we spoke,
she said she was going to Moab.
I checked, she wasn't there,
and there was no sign of
her in between, nothing.
This is the last place anyone saw her.
You check her socials? Bank cards?
It's hard for someone to just
up and disappear these days.
Yeah. Nothing.
What do you think happened to her?
Maybe she went somewhere
she shouldn't have.
Shot her mouth off to the wrong guy.
I don't know.
Like my new friend back at the diner?
Tom Tozer.
He seemed pretty upset about the flyers.
Yeah. I think he knows something
about Mia's disappearance.
He and his buddies, they
work for the Winslow family.
Tell me about them.
They're trying to turn the
place into a resort town.
lakefront developments, vacation condos.
Can you help me?
It is what I do.
The reward is $5,000.
- It's not much.
- I collect only in success.
I'll do everything I can to find
out what happened to your sister.
But I need you to know,
in cases like this,
because she hasn't made
contact in so long,
the odds of what I would
call a good outcome
they're not favorable.
You mean dead.
I've made peace with that.
If I can't have Mia back,
at least I'll have the truth.
Do you know where she
was last living in her van?
Yeah, uh, this piece of land
that the Winslows own.

Bobby Exley, after hours.
Friday after 6:00. Surge rates apply.
Like Uber.
I'm a growing business, Colter.
Beep. Means you're surging.
Mia Stine, Springland, Idaho.
22. Sister says she's
been living out of a van.
Disappeared three months ago.
Oof. No, I don't like vans,
let alone live in one.
I got a Sleep Number,
blackout shades, and an ionizer.
Sleep like a king.
Looking for an '84 passenger van.
Hmm, I see the flyer here
with the license plate number.
I just sent you a photo of
an IMEI number off the back
of a game camera. Take a look, will you?
Something's up. I'll call you back.
TOZER: You gonna make me
come in there and get you?
You ain't too smart, are you?
You should've left town already.
I'd be gone if you hadn't stabbed me.
Well, could do a hell
of a lot worse now.
You're trespassing on private land.
Stand Your Ground law applies.
So, the Winslows put you in charge
of threatening anybody who trespasses?
- Like Mia Stine?
- I don't know what Kira told you,
but her sister's trouble.
If you go poking around,
folks aren't going to
like that very much.
Yeah. Yeah, I got that already.
Look, man, I just came out here
to try to get some answers for Kira.
Okay? Now, I'm not
sure that's an offense
that merits you shooting me. [CHUCKLES]
What are you, some kind of PI?
No, no, no. I collect reward money.
Kira's offered a reward for
information about her sister.
She's been missing a few months.
You really think you can find her?
I don't know.
What do you have against
this missing girl, anyway?
It's not just her, it's all
these van life dopes.
They park their vans, throw a party,
make a mess on company land.
My job is to move 'em off.
- What'd you do?
- Nothing.
Well, maybe we exchanged
a few words. But that's all.
So, then-then why get so worked up
over Kira posting flyers
about her sister?
Look, I got a wife and kids.
How do you think it makes them feel,
Kira's asking folks in town
if I had something to do
with her sister disappearing?
I get that.
You know, crazy thing is,
Mia made such a big deal about her van.
Half the time she wasn't even in it.
What do you mean?
Well, I came down here a few
times to try and negotiate.
It turns out she wasn't sleeping there.
Where was she sleeping?
Hell if I know.
TEDDI: Hey, Colter.
Where are you?
Still in Springland.
I bet Velma you'd still be there.
Even though you should be in Cascade
looking for a stolen car
with a $20,000 reward.
I need you to look into someone for me.
It's a missing woman by
the name of Mia Stine.
Part of a van life group.
All right. Hey.
I might have something.
Hmm. Rock climbing.
Oh, there's some cute
photos on this website.
I'll send them.
There is a guy with her.
He's labeled
- "Gecko."
It's not "labeling."
When it's online,
they call it "tagging."
Hey, Velma, where was this photo taken?

Going for a double figure eight knot.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Oh, here you go.
- Thanks.
- Sure.
Hey, you know a, a climber up here,
goes by the name of Gecko?
Yeah, I know Gecko.
Right up there.
What's up?
I need to talk to you about Mia Stine.
What about?
Well, uh was hoping you'd come down.
Nah, man, you come up.
I know, eating alone. Don't judge.
I do it more often than not myself.
How did you find me?
Trade secret.
I need a favor.
Okay, as long as it doesn't involve
taking out your stitches early.
You, uh
you know who that is?
That's Matt Winslow.
Winslow? As in Winslow Resorts?
You think Matt Winslow had something
to do with Mia's disappearance?
I know they were together.
In what capacity, I don't know.
Well, I know he had some
troubles over the years.
Um, fights and shoplifting, I think.
Um, I remember my old boss saying
that his mom was always worried
about something or another,
and his father telling him
that he had to toughen up.
I shouldn't even be
telling you that much.
Okay, sorry.
I can get the rest from
his criminal history.
Nope, there won't be much.
His dad employs half the town,
so charges usually get dropped.
Nobody from around here wants
to go after the Winslows,
least of all the sheriff.
Well, it's a good thing
I'm not from around here.
Where are you from?
Place you never heard of.
Echo Ridge, Sierra National Forest.
Oh, sounds, uh, remote.
You could say that, yeah. Yeah.
Well, thanks for the info, Doc.
It's Beth.
And Colter from Echo Ridge
in the Sierra National Forest
you owe me a drink.
I'll see what I can do.

MAN: Yeah?
My name's Colter Shaw.
I'm looking for a Matt
Winslow, aka Gecko.
Come on, Matt, you're going to
have to talk to me at some point.
Might as well be now.
No, we're not doing this again.
The disappearing?
What do you want?
Mia's sister Kira,
she's got a few questions about
what happened to her sister.
And I wish I knew.
Well, if you don't know, why'd
you bail on me at the rock wall?
Nobody in this town
seems to want to talk about
what happened to Mia.
And I really don't know
what to tell you.
Well, the truth would be nice.
Is she important to you?
- You in a relationship?
- We were.
Look, man, I really don't
want to talk about this.
No one does.
If you ever really cared
about her, Matt,
look, all I'm trying to do is
find out what happened to her.
She left.
Okay? One minute we're talking
about hitting the road together.
Next she tells me she
wants to go it alone.
You ask her why?
She didn't give me the chance.
Just left a note and then,
poof, ghosted me.
- How'd she feel about this town?
- I don't know.
I guess she kind of just
saw it for what it was.
Plus, she had a lot of opinions,
wasn't afraid to share 'em.
It was actually It was one
of the things I dug about her.
Though it didn't make her
too popular with some folks.
So she was tired of being hassled
and she skipped. I get it.
You still have that note?
- I told you, man. That's it.
Such a Mia move.
She liked drama.
Big gestures, fighting
for what she believed in.
Did she have a temper?
Yeah, that's one way of putting it.
Ah, parents.
Hey, Matt.
- What's going on?
- Hey, Dad.
- Who's this?
- Name's Colter Shaw.
Ah. I heard about you, Mr. Shaw.
I was just asking your son here
a few questions about Mia Stine.
The girl who went missing?
Why would you be asking
our son about her?
It's not a big deal, Mom.
Hung out a bit.
Hit Deaver's wall a few times.
Just casual.
Mr. Shaw, I'd advise you
to speak to Sheriff Gale.
We've met.
Hmm. Then you know what
sort of crowd she ran with.
I just wanted to see
if Matt knew anything
about her disappearance.
He obviously doesn't.
Look, a-as I'm sure
Sheriff Gale told you,
her sister's just trying
to cause trouble.
Thanks for the info, Matt.
Anything we can give
Colter on Matt Winslow?
Actually, I had my friend Lou
run a background check.
Lou from the pet shelter?
Uh, he does background
checks for adoptions.
Is Matt Winslow a worthy
pet foster candidate?
That I can't say.
He's had a few minor arrests.
However, I checked the
local court dockets.
Winslow Resorts has been
involved in a lot of lawsuits.
What kind of suits?
That I can't tell.
The complaints aren't online.
But I do know a legal genius
that we could send to
the county courthouse.
Assuming she's in the area, that is.
Reenie Greene.
You read my mind.
But Colter
Can swallow his pride and trust me.
COLTER: Matt Winslow's been holding
onto that letter for months.
She ever mention anything about him?
- No.
- No?
This is a page from her
climbing journal, but
that is not her handwriting.
Take a look.
No, it's not.
[MUTTERS]: Excuse me.
Bobby. Good news?
Think I found Mia's van.
Now you're speaking my language. Where?
Turns out the I.D. on that
game camera you snagged,
not the only one.
Winslows have them networked
all over their properties.
Yup. Got a decent look at the perimeter,
but I think I got her van going to
one of the Winslows' properties
right around the time
of her disappearance.
Funny thing is, never came back out.
Sending you the location
- now.
- Nice work.
BOBBY: You know,
it was actually kind of fun.
The cams use what we
call IoT connectivity tech.
Uh, you tap into the matrix,
which not everybody can handle,
let alone navigate.
You know, one of these days,
I'm-a lay the observer effect on you.
Can't wait.
We're living in a simulation, C.
- Better get used to it now.
- So, I-I, uh, got to go,
got to go, Bobby.
Mia's van was found on
Winslow family land.
Let's get you home.
No, I'm coming.
I can tell you immediately
if it's her van
or her body.
There's no talking you
out of this, is there?
All right, the van entered
from here, which means
- What is it?
- Camera. Stay close. They got cameras.
That's it.
Can you do this?
Yeah. I'm good.
Looks like it's been here a while.
That's definitely her van.
- Get down! Get down.
- Just breathe.
Need to look at me. Just breathe.
Oh, my God.
We're gonna run for it.
What? Are you crazy?
Odds are, if they wanted to kill us,
- we'd be dead already.
- How do you know that?
Just trust me.
- See that shed?
- KIRA: Yeah.
Great. That's where we're going.
- On three.
- Okay.
Ready. One. Two.
Three. Let's go. Run, run, come on.
- Run. Run, run, run.
- Hey, come on.
- Ow, my arm.
I got you, come on.
Ah yeah.
You okay?
- Is it bad?
- Here.
- Here we go, come on.
- Okay, okay.
We're good. We weren't followed.
Who the hell was shooting at us?
Someone doesn't want us looking
into your sister's disappearance.
Loosen that for me, will you?
Let me see the cut.
The van.
Hold that for me.
All right, you can move that.
When I saw the van
part of me was still holding on to hope.
I loved my sister,
but I never told her.
All I did was tell her that
she was wasting her life.
Shouldn't run from her problems.
I know that kind of regret.
Does it ever go away?
but you learn to keep it with you
as a reminder of what
that person meant to you.
Good, bad, it it doesn't matter.
They helped make you.
I like that.
All right, uh
I'm gonna take the
sheriff out to the van,
see if we can salvage any evidence.
While I do that, you're gonna see
a doctor about that cut, okay?
GALE: I don't know, around here,
landowners are within their
rights to shoot at trespassers.
COLTER: Right over here.
What the hell?
Don't know what kind of game
you're playing at, Mr. Shaw.
Somebody moved it.
Maybe Bigfoot moved it.
Somebody shot at us to scare us off.
Like I said, seeing as
how you were trespassing,
you're lucky the Winslows
don't press charges.
Now, you're gonna get
back in your truck,
and you're gonna leave this town.
You did your best for that girl,
but her sister's long gone,
and I expect you to be long gone, too.
it's the middle of the night.
You think I work all the damn time?
Oh, I'm sorry. You sleeping?
I'm at work.
Are you still hooked up to that
network of game cameras?
- Ones that found the van for us?
- I can be.
Good. I need you to
find out who moved it.
Bobby, I got to go.
Really, Colter?
- Put that thing away.
- Reenie, what the hell?
A man dumb enough to hide a key
in the same place for three years
shouldn't even be allowed
to carry one of those.
You know, it takes most people days
to get this much information.
So you're lucky that I was close by.
I trust that Teddi explained to you
that I was already in the area
taking a deposition on another case.
You know, the kind that
pays me what I'm worth.
- I appreciate you, Reenie.
- Aw.
Appreciate and admire?
What is all this?
All right, this is about
two dozen lawsuits.
Some settled, some active.
Someone told you how everyone's
scared of the Winslows, right?
- Yeah.
- The Winslows sue people
for trespassing, for property damage,
breach of contract, you name it.
Okay, so?
So, this one's different.
For once, it's the
Winslows getting sued.
A case brought by Nathaniel Orcutt.
They wanted to buy his
lakefront parcel, he said no.
Then, crazy coincidence,
his barn burns down.
The county declined to bring charges,
so Mr. Orcutt sued the Winslow
family for civil harassment
- and property damages.
- He win?
Didn't get the chance.
Three weeks after filing suit,
- Mr. Orcutt died.
- Huh.
No cause of death.
No, there is not. And look here.
Orcutt's lawyer was required to disclose
the witnesses he intended to call.
Anything look familiar?
Mia Stine was gonna testify
against the Winslows?
- It's what we call circumstantial evidence.
We're gonna need more.
Something from Bobby.
Will this work?
Yeah? Okay.
All right.
Wait, where are you going?
Think I'll have another conversation
with Matt Winslow.
[SCOFFS] Not without your lawyer.
You again.
- And who the hell is this?
- I'm a lawyer.
People usually pay me for counsel,
but I'll give you this one for free
You're screwed.
Dude, I told you everything I know,
- so why don't we just ?
- No, I don't think that you did.
Mia Stine never left this town.
- That's not true.
- We found her van.
On Winslow property.
You didn't know, did you?
Mia was preparing to testify
against your father's company.
- I can't talk about this.
- Why not? Hmm?
Matt, I'm gonna really need
you to concentrate here.
It's over.
If you ever cared about Mia,
you tell the truth now.
Do right by her.
I told her I
You told her, told her what?
You told her what your father was up to?
Intimidating landowners,
burning down buildings,
snatching up land for
his lakefront empire?
Yeah, and I couldn't stand it anymore.
I wanted her to see
that I wasn't like him.
And why is that?
You were helping your family
do these things, right?
Mia found out, asked you to
say something, take a stand?
She just wouldn't drop it.
It's my fault, isn't it?
I shouldn't have said anything.
I should've just lied to her.
You burned down
Nathaniel Orcutt's place?
- No, I didn't.
- No?
But I was there when it happened,
and I knew it was wrong.
Who did it?
Come on, dude. Matt.
Give me a name.
Works for my parents driver,
does other things.
You told Mia this?
I loved her.
I told her that we could
get out of here together,
just hit the road, just be
done with all of this crap.
Oh, but let me guess.
She went and told Mr. Orcutt instead?
She promised to him
that she would testify
to everything that she knew, and
she wanted me to do the same.
Me, I was too scared of my dad.
Mia wasn't scared, though.
She was never scared of anything.
That's it? That's what happened?
She just, all of the sudden, out
of the blue broke up with you?
- You believe that?
- It's what happened.
I think she was disgusted that
I wouldn't stand up to them,
- so she bailed.
- Oh, come on, man.
You're smarter than that.
Somebody else wrote the note.
- No.
- No?
No. No, my dad wouldn't do that.
My dad wouldn't have gotten her killed.
No? All right, well
take a look at that.
Who does that look like, huh?
'Cause, to me, that looks
like Tony in the woods
moving Mia's van.
Why is he doing that?
There you go, run away.
Hide behind your parents, like
you have your whole entire life.
That's great.
'Course, the only problem
with that, Matt,
is that sick feeling in
your gut right now,
that's not going anywhere.
Not until the truth comes out.
Thought Sheriff Gale
told you to leave town.
Yeah, he did, but I couldn't
leave without finishing the job.
Not sure what you're
trying to pull here, Shaw.
- What is this, Matt?
- I'll take care of it, Charlotte.
Tony, if you wouldn't mind escorting
these folks off our property
- while I call the sheriff.
- Oh, I already called him.
Matt, get over here now.
- Let him go.
- Tony, right?
You should've killed
me at the van, Tony.
What was the plan?
Scare us off, get rid of the van,
have the sheriff chase us out of town?
I have no idea what
you're talking about.
The van, Tony.
The one you just removed
from the property.
- Did you kill Mia, huh? Why?
- Easy, easy, easy.
That's enough.
Get out of here.
What did you tell him to do?
No one killed Mia.
All we did was firmly request
that she move along.
Yeah, but she never
moved along, did she?
That's enough, Shaw.
You had Mia killed because she found out
what your boys did to Mr. Orcutt.
That's after they burned down his barn.
REENIE: She was a witness.
She could have brought
down your whole situation,
- so you couldn't let her live.
- Is this some kind of joke?
All we did was get her to leave town.
- Right, honey?
- Yes.
But, again, she didn't leave, did she?
I have no idea what she did.
So, her van just magically
appeared on your property?
You're lying, both of you.
He's not.
What did you do?
You owe your son the truth.
You couldn't have him
running off with Mia,
not after she found out
what your family does
to people that get in the way.
So, what, you just got rid of her?
And then you lied to your son.
I was only trying to tell him, warn him
what she was going to
do if she kept talking.
So you got Tony to make
sure she couldn't talk?
Don't say anything.
This girl wouldn't stop.
- She wouldn't leave.
I tried and tried to make
her see, but she wouldn't.
So you killed her?
COLTER: Hey, Teddi.
The hell is that sound?
A pottery wheel, which I'm trying
so Velma will leave me alone
and we can return it.
What's next?
Well, we're looking into a few things.
Up in Bozeman, there's
a teenage runaway.
- Hey, Teddi, give the man a rest.
COLTER: Oh, that's, uh, Reenie.
- I should probably say goodbye.
- Yeah, you should.
You had my attention ♪
By the way, I'll be filing a civil suit
on behalf of Nathaniel
Orcutt's next of kin,
so you can help me out with that.
Sure. Sure.
Good job on this.
Mia's body was recovered
on one of the Winslows'
other properties.
I owe you one.
I'll add it to your very long tab.
Oh, almost forgot, I got a weird call
some guy Russell says he knows you.
I have no idea why he'd call me
or how he even got my number, but
Block the number.
You can't just tell me to do that
'cause you forget I have skills.
I'm nosy, so better you
tell me now who this is,
and don't say a telemarketer.
I can feel the weight,
I can feel the weight ♪
Russell's my brother.
We haven't spoken in 20 years.
I can feel the weight ♪
I can feel the weight ♪
He killed our father and
then he disappeared.
Wow. Okay.
Not sure what I'm
supposed to do with that.
- Nothing.
- Nothing? He's calling me.
Reenie, block the number.
If you need my help, just ask.
Eyes like mirrors ♪
No, it's something I
got to do on my own.
Where do you go when
it's time to be alone? ♪
Got to go.
Eyes like mirrors
capture a willing soul ♪
What is that darkness in you? ♪
Oh, it's in me, too ♪
Stay with me now ♪
I'll hold, I'll hold you ♪
Walking in and out ♪
Thank you.
Thank you.
What are you gonna do with Mia's van?
I don't know yet.
I think you should fix it up.
Maybe I will.
I can see it coming ♪
I can feel the weight,
I can feel the weight ♪
Thank you for helping me find her.
I can see the signs ♪
I can see it coming ♪
There's a million things
I wish I could say to her.
There always is.
I can see it coming ♪
I can feel the weight,
I can feel the weight ♪
I can feel the weight ♪
I can see the signs ♪
I can see it coming ♪
I can feel the weight,
I can feel the weight ♪
I can feel the weight. ♪
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