Trackers (2019) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

I've got a tap
on Osman's home landline,
and we've got watchers
in the apartment opposite.
What do we think
they're bringing in?
-I'd say--
-Dirty bomb.
Osman moves, we move.
Why did Janina mention
Never speak of it again.
We need to keep our focus
on the package.
Where are the diamonds?
There has been an accident.
No diamonds, no money.
I may have something.
Get in.
I need you to find
address for me.
Can you find
this woman for me?
Do you need me to get
someone to pick her up?
Just get that address for me.
Get out. Get out.
My name is Lucas Becker.
You stole my money
and I want it back.
Your boys carjacked me.
Car's a rental.
You can keep it.
But the money
and the Marine Corps kit bag,
I need them back.
Hey, where you get this
phone numbers from?
-Enoch Mangope.
-I don't know him.
Yeah, you do.
Fucked-up eye, carjacker,
currently in some discomfort.
Look, let's just
keep this simple.
The money,
it's not yours, but,
and here's the problem,
it's not mine either.
I need you to work
with me so I can get it
to the right people,
or things are gonna get
unpleasant for both of us.
You listen to me.
Go fuck yourself, okay?
That attitude is only
gonna cause trouble.
Wh-who do you think you are?
My name is Lucas Becker.
-We let her threaten us?
-We'll get the diamonds.
Just one day before
we need them?
-No. We'll find her before then.
-And what if we don't?
What if we have to go
through with the exchange?
Hassan, brother,
forget about the courier.
We never had the money
to pay the courier!
That's why we sent that
tsotsi to intercept--
We can't keep this
from Daoud any longer.
Set up a meeting.
Yes, Uncle.
And Baboo's right.
I've given the name of
the courier to Nkunzi.
If her finds her in
the next three days,
he knows we'll raise his share.
And what if
he doesn't?
Then we will meet with
the courier in three days' time,
and then we will take
care of it ourselves.
Amen to that.
just disappeared
into thin air.
Did you get anything
more from the beach?
Nkunzi's tracking Flea.
We track Nkunzi.
Gather everything
you can find on Nkunzi
-and put it in the board room for me.
It's time to get to work.
You two look like angels!
Leave Uncle Baboo alone!
Suleiman says tomorrow, Uncle.
-Thank you.
-Thank you, sir.
I'm here to see
My name is Lucas Becker.
You stole my money,
and I want it back.
Your boys carjacked me.
Car's a rental.
You can keep it.
But the money
and the Marine Corps kit bag,
I need it back.
Nkunzi runs a tight herd.
Someone will talk.
There's a reason why he's
on top of the food chain.
He keeps his circle
to friends and nephews,
childhood friends.
With everyone else,
well, there's a high turnover.
What eyes and ears
can we get on him?
I don't know. I mean,
his club's a no-go area.
It's like Jess said.
These guys are tight.
And he's got some serious
security at his house, so
It's Clifton, who doesn't?
Look, why don't
we share what we've got
with the CIA station
at the consulate?
Bruno may already
have intel on Nkunzi
-and the woman.
Janina, we have a duty
to inform the Americans
-when their nationals are threatened.
-No, we don't.
-Not yet.
-So, what? We've got
nothing on the courier,
and Nkunzi's untouchable?
Nobody's untouchable.
Where's Ehrlichmann?
Be patient.
Shumba will be here.
No, you must not
phone here again!
Forget this number!
Don't phone me!
Maybe he can find
something for you.
Then what the fuck
do you want here?
You have
a beautiful home.
Thank you.
The neighbors
must be impressed.
I take it you'd like to keep
all of this, Mr. Shabangu.
We know about your meeting
on the beach yesterday.
And about the two bodies
you left up in the Kruger.
The Kruger?
The animal park?
One of those dead boys
belonged to you.
But the other one?
The white one?
He was executed.
We search this house,
we find the gun
that matches
the bullet in his head,
we will put you
away for life.
Now, you listen here,
you fuckin' bitch.
If I can talk,
whereby I say
and you're dead.
So, fuck off. Take your ass,
put it in the car,
and fuck off ya!
And take that
doggy dog with you.
Here's the deal.
We know you agreed to hijack
a consignment of diamonds
for a man called
Shaheed Latif Osman.
Mr. Osman is
a terrorist,
or he'd like to be.
The name of
the courier is Flea.
You track the diamonds
or the woman,
you come to us.
Terrorism is not your
business, Mr. Shabangu.
No amount of bribery is
going to get you out of
that kind of mess.
We want the diamonds
and/or the woman.
We don't get either,
we come for you.
Think about it.
Just don't take too long.
What do you think?
Speechless. No words.
Absolutely no words.
-Still got it.
I'm sorry to have
kept you waiting.
It was unavoidable.
Let's walk.
This way.
Look, I'm a reasonable
man, okay.
I just want my money.
Now, I'm staying at the
Round Table in Woodstock.
- If you want--
- I don't believe you, isiwula!
Stop fucking calling me
or I'll come to your
hotel and kill you!
Who's that?
Some guy named
Lucas Becker.
He's been calling
Nkunzi repeatedly.
He says Nkunzi's men
carjacked him.
He wants his money back.
Then he's a dead
man walking.
I don't know. It seems like
he knows what he's doing.
He does?
He doesn't stay
too far from you.
-Maybe you should look him up.
What? I'm just saying.
You know how it is.
Men who know what they're
doing are hard to find.
You're welcome
to worship here,
but I do not want to hear of you
spreading your poison amongst
any more of our young men.
You haven't been
around here recently.
Give my best to your mother.
You have news, Shaheed?
The delivery of the diamonds
has been delayed,
but everything
is in hand.
Still within schedule,
as we discussed.
If you needed financial help,
you should've asked.
Look, this isn't
an issue, brother.
As we discussed,
in a couple of days, all will be well.
I will not ask why
the delay then.
Two days.
Diederik told me what happened
to the boy on the road.
I'm sorry about that but,
I know nothing
about any diamonds.
Those rhinos were dehorned
when they left me.
Jeez, you planning a war?
We collect them
off poachers,
then redistribute them.
Your size?
Suits you.
Take it.
Flea isn't exactly a vet.
But when Diederik needed
someone to oversee
the movement
of the rhino,
she was my first,
my only choice.
I knew her father
back in Botswana.
He was a master tracker.
Flea knows more about
transporting big game
than most guys
three times her age.
She really
hid the stones
in fake horns?
You really had
nothing to do with it?
I have my various
Smuggling blood diamonds
isn't one of them.
You don't know where
she got the stones?
Who she was working for,
taking them to?
I think we both know
who controls
the illegal export of diamonds
from Zimbabwe.
But, no.
Those decisions
she made herself.
You saw her scars?
When Flea was a child,
baboons attacked her
and her dog.
Those scars
are bite marks.
Dog didn't make it,
she did.
I'd be very reluctant
to cross her.
Well, unfortunately, she has
now seen fit to cross me.
What will it be?
Just a glass
of your h-house white.
What will you do
when you find her?
I don't care about
the diamonds.
She took my gun.
Tsotsi used it
to kill the boy,
and it's
registered to me.
As long as she has it,
she can put me in Pollsmoor forever.
She gives it back
Her address is on the back.
What animal's this?
Brown hyena.
What's so special
about the brown hyena?
Unlike their
stripy cousins,
brown hyena walk alone.
Your pilot is picking
you up tomorrow.
Good luck, Lemmer.
I think you'll need it.
Excuse me, buddy?
-I asked for a glass of red.
-I'm sorry, sir.
Let me change that for you.
Unless you'd like it.
Didn't mean to interrupt.
Here you are, sir,
and apologies again.
-No problem, buddy. Thanks.
-And for the lady?
- A glass of white?
- No, no thank you.
It's just sitting there.
Thank you.
Actually, do you
mind if I join you?
I've been stood up
this evening.
Just for the one
glass of wine.
I always wanted
to be a journalist.
That was my dream
when I was growing up.
An investigative journalist.
Like Woodward and Bernstein?
So, is that what you do?
- Journalist?
- Only for
a local paper.
But, it's what I do.
What about you?
What do you do?
You know,
I haven't eaten.
Would you like to join me?
I'm sorry. I didn't
mean to step on any toes.
No. No, no, no.
It's not that.
It's just
I'm late. It-it's late.
No, of course.
I understand. Um
Listen, I'm,
I'm gonna be
in, in town
for a while, so
if you would like
to meet up again,
this is my
Thank you for the wine.
You're welcome.
Goodbye, Lucas.
Goodbye, Milla.
Osman's office landline,
What the fuck is that?
Call must be going through
a geo-scrambler or something.
Come on. Is there any way
we can pinpoint this thing?
Coordinates are
jumping all over the place.
Maybe Mauritius,
the Indian Ocean
- or Somalia?
- Come on.
What? W-what?
Is that it?
If the call
had been longer.
I'm gonna get working
on the decryption.
You make it your
priority to find out
-where that call came from, okay?
Are you busy
with something?
-Just checking the person of interest list.
-You got a lead?
Could you check
those files for me?
Okay, here we go.
This is the key bit.
So, the guy calling
in is saying,
"We'll arrive in
Cape Town on schedule."
And then Osman says,
"Our target is clear,
and God is on our side."
The weapon's
coming in by ship.
It's a short walk from
the docks to the stadium.
Makes sense.
Are we any closer to pinpointing
the location of that call?
Okay, until we know,
we need to look at every
ship set to dock in the Cape
-between now and the match.
-Okay, well we can
get a list of arrivals
from the port authority,
but that's gonna
take a few days.
We don't have a few days.
And we need to look at the boats
coming in under the radar.
Leave that with me.
Hey. Hope you don't
mind me calling.
Um, I can't really
talk now. I'm at work.
I just wanted to say
I really enjoyed
meeting you last night.
-So did I.
you're basically the only person
I know within 1,000 miles,
so I was wondering,
do you wanna meet up tonight?
Yeah, if you're free.
Um, okay.
Where would you like to meet?
Lemme text you when
I know where I'm at.
Thanks for the call.
All right, I'll see you later.
Julian, remember me?
Shit. Long time no see.
I need to know all the drop
points around the main harbor,
and I need a list
of any unusual ships
that have come in
under the radar.
-I can't do that for you.
Julian! Hey.
I don't give a fuck
about the Mandrax that
you and your chommies
are smuggling
in and out of this place, okay?
And if they find out
I gave it up to you,
what happens to me?
You would be doing a 20-year
stretch if it wasn't for me.
I need a favor
in return.
This is me asking
you very politely.
Thank you.
We have the port
authority list
on every ship coming into
Cape Town in the next four days.
Yeah, and I have a line
on anything unofficial
that's coming in,
so we're good.
Yeah, but even if
we cross-ref all of that
with the transponder
info on every ship,
we still don't have the
manpower to search them all.
Okay, Raj, so what you're
saying is that in order to stop
this device from coming
into South African shores,
we need to make sure
that we identify
-the exact boat that is--
we don't have
the tech to do that.
Yeah, but we all know who does.
Look, I think
it's time we call
our American friends
for some help.
I said no.
I mean, they do have the tech
and the satellites to pinpoint
that call to
a single device, so
Yeah, and we both
know he's right.
But you are not here
to make those decisions--
Yeah, but there are lives
at stake here, Janina--
You think I don't
know that, Quinn?
-Let's carry on.
All right.
I haven't been up here in
20 years.
You're kidding.
All those people,
going about their lives.
No idea that someone's
up here watching them.
So, how long are you
staying in Cape Town?
I don't know yet.
As long as it takes, I guess.
As long as what takes?
On my first day here,
I was carjacked.
You were carjacked?
Guys got away with
something I need,
and I've been trying
to track them down.
I only got a few
dents and bruises.
It's mostly my pride
that was hurt.
So sorry.
it happens.
Did you file
a police report?
Nah, I doubt they're
gonna be much help.
Well, I hope you get whatever
it is they took from you.
Not as much as I do.
Your sister.
My sister is younger.
- Where to?
- Nowhere yet.
- Meter's running?
- That's all right.
Keep it running.
Follow that car.
Let's go. Go, go, go.
Quinn, you're right.
Set up a meeting
with the CIA.
Take a left.
Little further.
That's good, that's good.
You didn't need to walk me.
Here I am, home safe.
Mission accomplished.
Good night, Milla.
Good night.
There's fucking water
restrictions. Turn off the tap.
You know you're a dead man.
Okay, you come after me,
and these go public,
and every rival and accomplice
you've ever had will see
just how easy it is
to catch the bull naked
in his own kraal.
It's not a flattering angle.
What the fuck.
No one who does
this to Nkunzi lives.
Do you understand?
You will not survive!
If you cooperate with me,
then maybe I won't
fuck your reputation.
You didn't come for
revenge on the boy?
-Just cover yourself. Let's chat.
So, what the fuck do you want?
The diamonds
were on the truck.
-That's bullshit!
-The woman that the boy and I were with,
Flea van Jaarsveld,
I don't know where she is.
So, you don't want the diamonds,
and you don't want to
take revenge for the boy--
I don't give a fuck about
the fuckin' diamonds!
-I want the woman.
-All right.
What makes you think
I know where she is?
Because you searched
her apartment.
But she wasn't there. Neither
were the diamonds, were they?
Why don't you start by telling
me who hired Flea van Jaarsveld.
Tell me who hired you.
Maybe I should've just killed
you instead of the boy.
I think you
probably should have.
Close the door.
Someone is
targeting our witnesses.
I think we found something.
We have a possible I.D.
The American, Lucas Becker.
Find him.
Get in the fucking car.
Lucas Becker is now
our main priority.
Who is that with Becker?
You're making the exchange
with the courier tomorrow.
Not good enough, brother.
Did you set up the meeting
with the CIA?
We will share our intel.
I don't think that's going
to cut it.
We have a mole feeding
We've only got three days left.
What the fuck are we doing?
We will all fulfill our parts.
Of this I'm sure.
We first see Lucas
he's trying to retrieve
this money from Inkunzi,
things kind of very quickly
ramp up.
My name is Lucas Becker.
You stole my money.
And I want it back.
Who's that?
Some guy named
Lucas Becker.
Milla really wants to do well
at the PVI, so when she bumps
into Lucas,
she decides to follow him.
As far as he's concerned,
it's just pure coincidence.
Lucas is ignorant of what
Milla does for a job,
and what she was doing in
the restaurant
where they met
in the first place.
So, he's in a bind.
There's an immediate connection,
and that's why she,
pursues it. Knowing that what
she's doing is so wrong.
The shoot I see,
one-- one of my favorite,
production found
a beautiful house in Camp Spade,
glass walls, a great view.
Just shooting there was amazing.
We established that there was
a party going on.
So we have Inkunzi and his gang
with the guys and girls.
And on the other hand,
we follow Lemmer sneaking in
through the back doors.
There's a lot of security
at his house,
so for Lemmer to get in
is the biggest surprise
that happens for Inkunzi.
In that scene, he's at home
having a shower,
and there he is naked.
'Kay, you come after me,
and these go public.
You don't get more vulnerable
than that right?
Maybe I should have just killed
you instead of the boy.
I think you probably
should have.
As soon as Inkunzi fires
the first shot
all bets are off.
Shooting at glasses,
the big mirror falls down.
We had to find a way that
Inkunzi would handle his gun,
very different to Lemmer.
He shoots like a trained solider
but Inkunzi's very gangster,
so he just hold it, in any
freakin' way.
That was a very fun, cathartic
experience for Lemmer.
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