Transformers: Earthspark (2022) s01e03 Episode Script

Moo-ving In

[engine roaring]
[tires screeching]
[engine revving]
[train whistle blaring]
[tires screeching]
[engine revving]
[brakes squealing]
[engine revving]
[engine roaring]
[train whistle blaring]
[engine roaring]
[brakes squealing]
- [laughs]
[beeping] New speed record.
Still got it.
Ugh, enough with the
target practice already.
- Hi, Bumblebee.
What do you of your new room?
- Thrash called top bunk,
but you and I are down here.
Mo says the horsey
smell is a feature.
- Best mission ever.
[camera shutter clicks]
- Best mission ever!
- [sighs] To-do list.
"Come out of hiding." Check.
"Train recruits."
Soon to be check. [chuckles]
"Rejoin the Autobots."
Oh, dear Primus, I
can't wait to say check.
- [humming]
- Oh, hey, uh, Dr. Malto.
Just, um, working on
my Terran lesson plan.
- The best part of
being a teacher, right?
And the teaching,
and the grading.
- I know it's a tight fit
in the barn with three bots,
so if you wanna add
walls or anything else
to get comfortable,
be our guest.
- I appreciate that,
Lieutenant Malto,
but training new recruits
is a pretty standard
in-and-out mission.
I'll be gone before you know it.
- Give it up, Thrash!
We have way more
apples than you two.
- [laughs]
- Uhh, no you don't.
- [laughs] Oh, yeah?
[gasps] [cow munching]
- Ohh, whoa!
- Hey! Those are
[munching] Aww.
[moos] [cowbell dinging]
- All for you.
[munching, moos]
Why is this cow so adorably
smaller than the rest of them?
- 'Cause she was just born.
- Like us!
- And that's what
she changes into?
- Uh-huh. But for now,
she's so cute and tiny.
Look at her soft fur
and her fluffy ears.
[cowbell dinging]
- Aww.
[lights humming]
all: Aww!
[engine revving]
[brakes screeching]
- Tires to the tarmac, Terrans.
It's time to train.
[revving engine] [cow mooing]
- Stop, Bee.
You're scaring her.
- Besides, what's
there to learn?
Twitch and I already know how
to change modes and stuff.
- Changing isn't the lesson.
It's what you do
to start training.
- [yawns]
[cowbell dinging]
[imitating transforming sound]
[all snickering]
- Ugh. You're up, whirlybird.
- [laughs] No problem.
I go drone all the time.
[light whirring]
Ah, ah! I don't understand.
I just transformed right
before you got here.
- Uh-huh.
- She did, Bee.
- When she wasn't
under so much pressure.
- Okay. We clearly
have a lot to work on.
Transforming is easy.
It's literally our name.
So, today, we're gonna
work on actually
- Actually, our
schedule's all booked up.
- Fluffy Ears here needs
us to feed her apples.
- And give her scratches!
- [laughs]
- Feed her another apple.
- [sighs] Fine.
We'll train after hours.
- Oof. Tonight's
the one time a week
the Maltos never miss
Family game night.
- I have no idea what that
is, but I already love it!
- You should come, Bee.
You're part of the
Malto family now, too.
- Yeah, thanks, but no.
I'm here on a deadly
serious mission.
Optimus Prime tasked me with
immersing the new generation
in sacred Cybertron
culture, and
[all laughing]
- Oh, it's so cute.
[cowbell dinging]
- [squeal, screams]
- [sighs] I can't believe this.
They're ignoring me, Bumblebee!
Battle scout, deliverer of
life and death information.
- Great timing.
I was just moving my
Bumblebee collection.
It's got everything.
Except your autograph.
Hint, hint.
[laser squealing]
On all of them?
- Wait.
Is this supposed to be me?
- Yeah. Aren't they fun?
- My eyebrows do
not look like that.
Give me strength.
You know what?
Leave the box.
I'll get it back to
you when I'm done.
My face is not a toy!
[cracking] Ow!
[grunts] This mission
was supposed to be easy.
[sighs] I'm never
getting outta here.
- Optimus Prime's channel.
Report. [explosions booming]
- Oh, Megatron.
Uh, I had a question
for Optimus.
I I can call back later.
- Perhaps I may be of help.
- Um, sure.
So hypothetically,
if your troops
weren't listening to
you, what would you do?
- When I commanded
legions of Decepticons,
my strategy was
always intimidation.
A little brute force.
Make a show of my weaponry,
that sort of thing.
[explosion booms]
My signature move was the
turbo twister, where I'd
[explosion booms]
- Ahh! Mother of Solus!
[cracking neck]
- Training module complete.
[footsteps approaching]
- Heads up, newbies,
school's in session.
[sighs] I don't
even wanna be here.
- Ah!
Ugh! Why can't I change forms?
Ah! It's supposed to
be part of who I am.
I bet nobody had to teach
you how to eat apples.
Okay, I'll try again.
- She's training.
- Come on!
I don't need that big
bumbling know-it-all's help.
- Know-it-all?
[all munching]
You guys are everywhere.
- Optimus Prime's
channel, Elita-1 speaking.
- Elita?
Is Optimus trying to avoid me?
- Bee.
I've been his second in
command for mega cycles.
What do you need, Bumblebee?
- Well, hypothetically speaking,
if your fellow soldiers
weren't paying attention
- Trouble with the Terrans, huh?
- They don't listen to me.
- Give 'em a reason to.
What kind of things
make 'em excited?
- Umm
- Well, there's your problem.
You can't lead if you
don't know your team.
They'll be way more
willing to listen
if you show 'em
you care about 'em.
- I'm not here to make friends.
I just wanna finish
my assignment
and go back to being a hero.
- Right.
Well, good luck with that, hero.
[whirring in distance]
- Oh, okay.
I'm getting a feeling,
but it's warm, and it
makes me want to giggle.
- Was this on your
"busy" schedule?
- We're testing our emotional
connection to Robby and Mo.
- Well, guess these
presents I brought you
will have to wait.
- Presents?
- You have my attention.
- These are your
new comm devices.
We'll use 'em to keep in
touch during our missions.
- Aw, they're made of you.
- Yeah, but the
brows are all wrong.
[all laughing]
- Stop laughing at my face!
- [gasps]
- Rude.
[cowbell dinging]
- Wait!
Come on, think.
Know your team.
Show you care.
Tell me about this
family game night.
- Really?
- You're gonna love it, Bee.
- Welcome to the First Ever
Malto Family Game Night,
Cybertronian Expansion
Pack Edition!
- Ah!
- This new table's kinda wobbly.
- This'll fix it.
- All right, time to pick teams.
- Permission to request
Twitch and Thrash,
Lieutenant Malto.
- Sorry, Bee.
We already called dibs.
- When was that?
- Through these. We
just kinda felt it.
You can be with Mom and Dad.
- Pinch me! I'm
on the Bee team.
- [sighs]
[timer ticking]
- Whoo-hoo!
[electricity buzzing]
[timer ticking]
- Remember, a good scout
considers every possibility
before acting.
- Every single one?
- Yes! Thanks for
the assist, Bee.
Oh, yeah!
- [sighs]
Not that possibility.
So, what's the next game?
- Charades!
Mo and Thrash, you're up.
[timer ticking]
- Okay. Mo's an
injured Decepticon.
How do you set up
a containment trap?
- Uh, injured Decepticon?
- Ehh! Wrong.
Mo is obviously a chicken.
- Robby!
- Ohh, yeah.
I see chicken now.
- [imitating forcefield]
Invisible forcefield.
Mo, do you hear someone talking?
Because I don't.
- It's me. I'm talking
and teaching you how to
think under pressure.
You're welcome.
- Mo, honey, pick another word.
[timer dings]
- No fair!
We didn't even start yet.
- Bee interrupted our turn.
- Then Robby and I
should get a do-over
from the last three games.
- Now you're
straight up cheating.
- You need to respect
your fellow scouts.
We're all on the same team here.
- We're literally not!
That's the whole point!
- Why won't you let us
focus on playing games
instead of training?
- I'm trying to help you.
I wouldn't have to do this
during your precious game night
if you had just trained
with me instead of
wasting time with a cow!
- [screams]
- Her name is Fluffy Ears!
- Oh, come on!
I was a calamari, see?
- Who does Bumblebee
think he is?
Turning family
time into training?
Whoa, what wait!
I changed form!
Ah! I changed form!
Fluffy Ears, I did
it. I finally did it.
Oh, no, no, don't be scared.
Oh, here, I'll change back.
Ohh! Uh!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
- This is Optimus Prime.
- Optimus, finally!
I've been calling you
all day, 'cause, well
'cause I'm having
trouble with the Terrans.
They don't respect me.
They don't listen to me.
They're not interested
in my training.
How could I fail such
a simple assignment?
Maybe be all that time in hiding
made me less of a hero or
- Got ya!
Anyway, I'm probably
off on a mission.
- Mailbox full.
- [sighs]
[sighs] Please, no more
autographs or compliments.
I can't handle hearing
how amazing you think I am
when I'm in the middle
of failing everything.
- Oof. I think I
owe you an apology.
We're here to help
if you need it.
- I just wish I knew how to get
these Terrans to listen to me.
- [laughs] If you
figure that out,
could you let me know?
Kids can be a mystery.
Listen, this is a big
adjustment for everybody.
We're all trying
to find our way.
Those Terrans need
to learn things
even their mom can't teach,
but I know in my heart you can.
- Thanks, Lieutenant Malto.
- You can call me Dot.
- And all my friends
call me Alex.
Not saying we're friends.
I mean, we could
be if you wanted.
- I'm proud, too, Alex.
- Ohh, pinch me!
I'm friends with Bee.
- Twitch, what happened?
- I didn't mean to do it, but
I I was trying to change back
into bot mode, and I
couldn't, and I just
broke the fence and the cows
got out, including Fluffy Ears.
And now I don't know what to do!
- Bumblebee, you
there? Bumblebee?
Using the walkie, like you
said, talking into your head.
Pick up, please!
- Thrash, this is Bee. Copy.
- Oh, good. Uh, I hope you're
not mad about the whole
us destroying the barn thing,
because we need your
help with the pasture,
like, right now. [mooing]
[train horn blaring]
[engine roaring]
[brakes screeching]
- What's the situation?
- Bad.
- Bumblebee! The cows escaped
through the hole in the fence.
- What do we do? This
is our first rodeo!
- We need a strategy.
Twitch, take my walkie.
Fly up, and tell
us what you see.
- The cows are still heading
toward the railroad tracks.
We need to move the herd
without scaring them.
- That's good. Thrash,
change into a vehicle.
That'll make it easier
to herd the herd.
[grunting] Ah!
- How do you switch modes, Bee?
- I just want in my spark.
What's it like for you?
- When Thrash and Twitch change,
they feel safe, happy.
- Ohh, I can see how
maybe my teaching style
didn't help with that.
Can you show me how it works?
- Sometimes it helps
if we hold hands.
- Yes! Maltobots, let's
go wrangle us some cows.
- Yee-haw!
- Whoo!
- Whoo-hoo!
- Yee-haw!
[tires screeching]
- [laughs] Now they're mooving.
- Wait.
I still don't see
Fluffy Ears. [beeping]
- Go find her. We'll keep
driving these dogies home.
- Yee-haw!
- Yah!
- Good job, team.
- Got 'em!
[mooing desperately]
[cowbell dinging]
[track bells clanging]
- I got you, baby.
[bells clanging faster]
[moos] [squeals, giggles]
You're right. Let's go home.
[metal clattering] [gasps]
Transform! Transform!
[train horn blaring]
Bumblebee! I
saved Fluffy Ears,
but now I'm stuck
in the train tracks
and I can't transform!
- I'll be right there.
- I'm coming, too!
- No. I can buy Twitch time,
but she needs you to stay calm
and send focus now.
- We can help her, Robby.
[engine roaring]
[tires screeching]
[metal screeching]
- Twitch, you can do this.
I've seen it.
- I don't know how to
be a Transformer, Bee.
I'm not like you.
I I don't know how it works.
- You're thinking too hard.
This is just something
you have to feel.
[train horn blaring]
A literal ghost train.
I don't even wanna know
what this thing's hauling.
[brakes screeching]
[engine revving]
[struggling efforts]
[engine roaring]
[brakes screeching]
- [grunting]
What are you doing?
It'll crush both of us.
- I'm not leaving
until you're safe.
That's what being a
team, a family means.
Feel that.
- Come on, Twitch. Come on!
[train horn blaring]
[track bells clanging]
[train horn blaring]
- So that's why it's
called training.
- Twitch!
- Twitch, you're okay!
[cowbell dinging] [moos]
- Thanks, Bee.
- I should be
thanking all of you.
This was the first
time in forever
that I felt like part of a team.
- You mean part of a family?
- We all heard you say
it over the walkie.
No takebacks.
- Okay, see?
Now it looks like you.
- Welcome to Malto Family
Game Night Take Two:
Repaired Barn Edition.
- Come on, Bee, roll
the dice already.
- Okay, okay, okay.
- Bumblebee, this
is Optimus Prime.
Sorry I missed your
calls yesterday.
Are you free to talk now?
- I'm actually in the middle
of something right now.
Call you back. [beep]
- Whoa.
- Did you just diss a Prime?
- Hmm, I'm busy
hanging with my family.
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