Transformers: War for Cybertron Trilogy (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

[wind whistling]
[drones whirring]
[Megatron] It is my unfortunate duty
to report to you that the Autobots,
led by Optimus Prime,
have callously murdered
one of our finest soldiers
a Decepticon patriot, Impactor.
Autobots, for the good of Cybertron,
immediately find
the nearest Surrender Station.
We have made it easy [voice fades out]
[coughing and gasping]
[Impactor gasping]
If you're here to kill me
you're too late.
[Prowl] Looking for next steps, Elita-1.
Do we prep for more of the fight
or get everyone ready to run?
There will soon be nowhere else to run.
If Megatron finds the Allspark,
he'll control the entire planet.
Nowhere would be safe on Cybertron.
[gasps softly] Optimus?
What if the Allspark
was no longer on Cybertron?
[Elita] What do you mean?
We find the Allspark
and we will take it off Cybertron.
What happens to Cybertron
without the Allspark?
If you believe the old religions,
remove the Allspark and Cybertron dies.
We will not let that happen.
[Starscream scoffs] I hear that Megatron
wants to reformat the Autobots.
I find his plan disgusting.
You're treading dangerous ground.
[Starscream] If you ask me,
that would dilute our race as Decepticons,
ruining our honorable warrior heritage.
Can you imagine one of them as one of us?
They wouldn't be true Decepticons.
It's a mistake
and evidence
of Megatron's weakness of heart.
[Decepticons murmuring in agreement]
-[Jetfire] I'm willing to wager
-[Decepticons gasp]
it won't be Megatron's plan
that leads to your doom.
Your false sense of superiority
will take care of that.
And your blind loyalty
will be the death of you!
[both growling]
Anyone who has a problem
with my vision for Cybertron
will not have a place in it.
Yes. Of course, Lord Megatron. We--
Should be on patrol!
Uh, yes. Of course.
Seekers, to the sky!
[engines blasting]
Starscream has his uses,
but never forget, he's just a weapon.
If you ask me, he's more like a tool.
And tools are easily replaced.
[Elita] Optimus, you're so caught up
on what if and not--
[sighs] Elita, we all know
what will happen if Megatron--
If we find the Allspark,
how in the name of Primus
do we get it off Cybertron?
Even if we had enough energon
to launch the Ark,
the Decepticons
would shoot us out of the sky!
Unless we don't give them the chance.
What are you talking about, Wheeljack?
I, uh
was trying to tell you when I was out
with that scavenger Bumblebee.
We discovered
the remains of a Spacebridge.
I think it can be repaired.
A Spacebridge? You've gotta be kidding.
I'd say that kind of tech is beyond me,
but I know an expert who's great
at putting things back together.
[Prime] Excellent, Wheeljack.
If we can repair the Spacebridge,
that will be our way off the planet.
-Wheeljack, let us go
-[Prowl sighs] This is madness.
[Elita] No, worse. It's desperation.
[Shockwave] No luck
finding the Autobots as of yet, sir.
I have not been able
to extract anything of use.
A simple request
easily within your abilities.
You impose too many safeguards
on my methods--
[weapon cocks]
Do not lecture me, Shockwave.
[weapon firing up]
[gasps] Megatron!
[weapon firing down]
You are now free to use
whatever methods you see fit.
But find the location of the Autobots!
[Decepticon laughing]
Hail, Decepticons.
[Spinister] Hail, Decepticon.
What are you doing here?
[Skytread] This is our sector.
I've been tracking a lead
on a possible Autobot encampment.
Good. We'll join your hunting party.
Always looking to add to our kill count.
[Mirage gasps]
[Decepticons sniggering]
What was that?
His disguise isn't gonna hold.
Nothing. A malfunction.
[Spinister] Wait, he's
An Autobot spy!
-[Skytread grunts]
-[Spinister grunts]
Autobots, forward!
[Spinister grunting]
-[Prime grunts]
-[Spinister groans]
[Decepticon growling]
[weapon cocks]
[Mirage grunts]
[he laughs and grunts]
[Elita grunts]
[Prime grunts]
-[Spinister groans]
-[Prime grunts]
[Spinister screams]
[electricity crackling]
[Mirage gasps]
[Decepticon grunting]
[Decepticon screams and groans]
[Decepticon groaning]
[Decepticons grunting]
We need to move now!
[Chromia sighs]
We should go.
This was a theater?
It's hard to remember a Cybertron
that celebrated arts and music.
That is the Cybertron we fight for.
[Bot] Is it, Prime?
That Cybertron is long gone
because of you.
hiya, Ratchet.
And I told you never to bring anyone here.
I asked Wheeljack to bring us here.
It is my hope to end this war.
I'm sure it is.
What do you want?
[Wheeljack] We need help.
I need help fixing something big
really big.
I don't do that anymore.
You were an engineer.
Your inventions, your manufacturing,
your weapons are the stuff of legend.
We even knew of you on Caminus.
Yeah, well, I don't do that anymore.
If someone is in need of healing,
fixing or repair, you're welcome to stay.
Otherwise leave.
This is admirable, Ratchet.
I don't need your praise.
Weapons of war turned into
I'm way past irony.
I realized my former solutions
were making things worse.
I respect your decision to heal
instead of harm, Ratchet,
but the fate of everyone
on Cybertron is upon us.
I gave up my old trade.
Don't ask me to go back to that life.
It's not what you think.
-[weapon cocks]
-Leave! Now!
[grunts] We don't have time for this!
[Impactor] No!
[Mirage grunting]
-[Elita grunting]
-[Impactor grunting]
[grunting continues]
You treat Decepticons?
I treat anyone in need of care.
[sighs] Do you have any idea
what they're doing to us out there?
Autobot elitist scum!
[Elita and Mirage grunt]
Do you have any idea
what you did to us for a millennia?
[growls] Of course you don't.
Too busy sipping energon
behind your gilded walls,
you spoiled little--
You have no idea what I'm about!
I was predetermined
to slave away in the mines,
pulling energon from the core
until death or deactivation,
so you could just race through life.
-[growls] Enough!
-You don't command me, Prime!
You weren't down there in the muck
like Megatron and me.
[Ratchet] Prime is right.
I didn't patch you up
just so you could blow a valve here.
You and your team
are upsetting my patients.
I suggest you leave.
[Prime] I apologize.
Autobots, we're leaving.
can you just listen
to what he has to say before we leave?
[Ultra Magnus groaning in agony]
[Shockwave] Once again,
where is the location of Autobot Command?
Help me end this war
before it destroys us all.
[breathing heavily]
[breathless] You started this war.
will finish it.
[mechanism clanks]
-[Ultra Magnus groaning]
-[electricity crackling]
I will have to use
more unorthodox methods.
Do it.
With me.
[Ultra Magnus breathing heavily]
[weapon cocks]
[Megatron] At ease, Jetfire.
Turn around!
[breathing heavily]
Turn around and face me, Megatron!
Pull the trigger.
You have too much honor
to shoot someone in the back
even me.
[Jetfire grunts]
[footsteps approaching]
you should have taken the shot.
You could have ended the war.
[Ultra Magnus grunts]
Let that be a lesson to us both.
Always take the shot.
[Ratchet] I'm dealing with life and death
every astro-second,
and you want me to go fix a Spacebridge?
The answer is no.
What? Are you planning
on spreading the war to more planets?
Megatron is looking for the Allspark.
He plans to weaponize it.
That can't be.
The Allspark is a vessel of life.
[groans] In the hands of Megatron
There's no telling
what he might do with it.
[Ratchet sighs]
I'll do it,
but not for you and your war
I'm doing it to keep everyone here safe.
I understand.
Thank you, Ratchet.
-[Impactor] Here.
-[Autobot] Mm.
What's the matter?
Never seen a Decepticon help an Autobot?
Actually I haven't.
One of my rules
everyone I help has to help everyone else.
I need you
and the stronger bots to keep watch
while I help Prime fix a Spacebridge.
-What do you mean "help Prime"?
-[scoffs] Here we go.
Listen here, you Decepti--
[Ratchet] Quiet!
Megatron has crossed a line
that threatens everyone in this camp.
I don't like it,
but helping Prime
may be the only way to save them.
Ratchet, you helped me,
now I'm gonna help you.
I'm coming along
to make sure you get back in one piece.
-[Mirage] No way!
-Absolutely not!
Optimus, he's a Decepticon!
We can't trust him!
[Impactor] You're right.
I am a Decepticon,
but long ago, way before that,
I swore an oath
to protect the people of Cybertron.
I didn't swear it to Megatron
or the Autobots.
I swore it
to myself.
[Prime] Ratchet?
Fine by me
if these two can get along.
Keep your optics on him.
Autobots, let's move.
-[electricity crackling]
-[Ultra Magnus groaning]
I ask again,
where is the location of Autobot Command?
[continues groaning]
[groaning] Don't
make Cybertron suffer.
Don't become like those we rose against.
[groaning continues]
[Ultra Magnus screaming]
No. All right.
All right!
[murmurs] I will tell you.
I will tell you where they are.
Okay, this is as far as we go.
[Wheeljack] It is?
We don't go any further
until Impactor's comm is deactivated.
Wait just a nanocycle!
Our intentions here were very clear!
It's okay, Doc.
Meant what I said.
No more factions,
no more Autobots, no Decepticons.
Of all the blasted,
suffering, miserable things
taking out someone's comm.
Impossible. Did you pick that up, too?
[Skywarp] Wait Impactor?
[Jetfire grunts] Come on!
We found them
all of them!
Autobot Command
We'll slaughter every single one of them!
we should report to Megatron immediately.
[Jetfire grumbles]
Yes we should make certain.
[Skywarp growls]
Megatron will reward us greatly.
We'll annihilate them!
Annihilation of an entire race
shouldn't be the price of peace.
We should give them
the option to surrender.
No, we kill all of them
while they cower in their hole!
[sighs] I'll report to Megatron myself.
I can't let you murder!
[Skywarp grunts]
[snarls] Starscream was right about you!
[Jetfire] No!
-[Skywarp grunts]
[Skywarp growls]
[Megatron] My fellow Cybertronians
we have uncovered evidence
that the Autobots now seek
to defile the holiest of relics.
[Decepticons growling]
Optimus Prime
seeks to destroy the Allspark itself
the very heart of our beloved planet!
[Decepticons gasp and grumble]
[Megatron] I enlist all Decepticons
in the search for the Allspark.
We must keep it out of the hands
of Optimus Prime and his Autobots!
-[Starscream] Skywarp! What has?
-[Megatron] Once we have
[Skywarp spluttering]
[groans] Jetfire
use it to reformat the Autobots.
[Decepticons cheering]
We will overwrite their faulty programming
and put an end to their war!
We will finally be one!
[Decepticons continue cheering]
Till all are one!
[Decepticons chanting] Hail, Megatron!
Hail, Megatron!
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