Tribes of Europa (2021) s01e03 Episode Script

Chapter 3

Were you there when the old-world ended?
The Black December.
Of course, I was there.
Was it a cyberwar
between the old super powers?
Or a military virus?
You're pretty well informed
for a boy from the woods.
My mother
was interested
in what caused the catastrophe.
She collected things, news articles, etc.
So, coming back to your question.
In December 2029, the technological world
suddenly went bonkers.
And on the 31st of December, bam!
The global blackout.
All of the traffic on water,
land, in the air, gone.
Internet, mobile phones, bam!
Tablets, computers…
Lights off and darkness.
And that was it. Middle Ages.
But someone
has to be responsible for this.
Oh yes, and I've got my own theory.
If you ask me,
it was those damn Atlantians.
Why has their technology
survived the blackout?
Shall I tell you?
Because they were prepared.
They knew what was going to happen.
Look at this Cube.
If anyone's capable
of such a piece of dirt, it's them.
They're light years ahead of everyone.
Wherever they come from.
We don't know where they're from?
that's the biggest secret of them all.
Everyone wants to know where it is
and find…
the Ark.
The Ark?
It's not a good idea
to be out here on your own.
I've spent my whole life in the woods.
I know what I'm doing.
Until a few days ago,
we had no knowledge of you.
We occasionally traded with Little Praha.
We had an agreement with them.
They didn't tell anyone about us.
My mother founded our tribe
ten years before I was born.
Not even 12 people back then.
Until a few days ago,
there were nearly 50 of us.
I have no idea how many are left now.
We will get your family out of there.
I promise.
Thank you.
And you'll get the information
from the prisoner?
I'm your foreman. This is your place.
You're lucky that you're in packaging
and not in production.
Be glad.
That's due to the wolk vapors.
Did you see? Not right in the head.
The vapors are damaging their brains.
After a few weeks,
most can't speak anymore.
They die early.
And we…
we might be here for years.
She can't be fooled.
I have to offer her
a credible escape possibility.
She'll get suspicious
if she knows it's not happening.
What if it does?
I'll get her out.
You and your squad follow us.
When I have the info, you'll snatch her.
Forget it. She's our first Crow prisoner,
and you want me to set her free?
It's too risky!
Words won't suffice to gain her trust.
Words will be enough.
You'll start as a prison guard,
bring her food everyday,
and slowly gain her trust.
That's what we said,
and it's how we'll do it.
Hey, tip of the day. Don't look at them
or they'll get suspicious.
-Of what?
-Of you stealing wolk.
They sell it all over the continent.
And you'll end up on the wire.
What's that?
You don't want to know.
Now your turn.
Is there a way out?
Sure. Through the tunnel there,
then through the left door…
I'm serious!
You must never talk about that!
Come on.
Where are you from?
Flemish Union.
You won't know it.
It doesn't exist anymore.
Since they chopped off our monarch's head.
After that, we moved around.
Me and my family. Traders.
Basque Country, the Southern Empire,
and down to the Red Legions.
And you? Your tribe?
Never heard.
What happened?
There is a way, and you know it.
I don't want to rot here.
I want to get out as soon as possible.
There is a way.
A Boj.
A fight for freedom.
Slave versus slave.
The winner will be a free Crow.
The loser, not so much.
How do you get a Boj, huh?
She decides. Our mistress.
Lord Varvara.
Come! Come on now!
It's hard to believe,
but that's how food used to be packaged.
It says, "Good until 2031."
It says, "Best before."
"Best before 2031."
The best before date
was an invention of the food industry.
I want to try this, so give it to me.
Can is open.
Tandoo wishes you bon appetite.
Not so nice anymore?
We'll see.
Not quite so nice anymore.
Not bad, kiddo.
What are you going to do
once we've sold the Cube?
No idea.
Maybe I can give you a few ideas.
Crimson Schnapps, the best you can get.
Listen, kiddo.
The Northern Alliance,
they have the wildest gambling halls,
the best casinos, the coolest bars,
clubs, theaters, concert halls.
They have brothels, kiddo.
Straight out of your wildest
and wettest dreams.
Or you could buy a bicycle.
Or a truck, like me.
Once we've sold the Cube,
we'll never run out of gas money.
You don't get excited easily.
Sounds good.
Can I ask you a question?
What is a kid like you
doing alone in the wilderness?
With nothing.
Nothing but a broken Atlantian Cube.
I'm hoping that it will get me answers.
The Cube?
It's down to you.
We need to go to Brahtok now.
Get her to talk.
She knows how to get past the barricades?
She won't talk unless she's out.
We don't have time.
Go in, get her to talk.
I don't know. But she's talking to you.
You have to find a way.
Crows hate nothing more than lies.
Your cover's blown.
What about the mission?
No information, no mission.
As long as we haven't found
another way into the city.
Another way without me?
That was the deal.
Then I'm done here.
Wait, Liv.
Maybe there is another way.
Join us.
Become a Crimson.
Sooner or later, soldiers of the Republic
will attack Brahtok.
We will free Berlin.
I'll be right there fighting
for the rebirth of the continent.
And so can you.
We can free Brahtok.
The slaves. Your family.
Maybe not tomorrow
or the next few months, but we will.
The great war will come.
Under the current Father
or under the next.
Someday my family might be dead.
-She lives here?
How did you meet?
I bring her electronics and she--
-She shoots at you?
-It's always been complicated.
Back to Milly, okay?
Yes, my car. On three, okay? One, two--
Moses, you coward! Come out!
Amena, hello!
Beautiful as ever!
The only reason
I won't kill you is the boy.
You can lower your hands.
Allow me to introduce Elja.
This is Amena, Europa's best mechanic.
Did you shit your pants?
Isn't this a bit much?
"Give me two days, baby."
"I'm just going for a little drive, baby.
Then I'll stay with you forever."
-I don't think it's that funny.
-How long ago was that?
Two years, three months, and four days.
Sound about right?
Give me one reason to not shoot you.
I believe that's your cue now.
Does it work?
That's why we're here, baby.
You live by yourself?
No tribe?
I grew up in the Southern Empire.
Our king was a bit
well, complicated.
Tribal life has never been my thing.
How many tribes are there?
Dozens, hundreds, probably more.
There was a time when the countries
of Europa could be counted on two hands.
Germany, France, Spain,
the big old nations.
Millions of people living in peace
until everything fell apart.
Now the tribes
rule the continent Europa.
Bathing in blood to gain supremacy
as if we hadn't learned from history.
You've become pessimistic, baby.
So, can you fix this thing or not?
But I want something.
Ten percent of the profits.
Are you okay with ten percent less?
All right, then.
Show me the precious thing then.
I want some Crimson Schnapps.
Is there a special occasion?
I've changed my mind. I'm in.
-You sure?
-I wouldn't be here otherwise.
Once a Crimson, always a Crimson.
We need people like you.
Brave. Determined. Independent.
I have one condition.
I want to talk to her again
before she's taken away.
-One last time together with you.
I know how to regain her trust.
How do you want to do it?
Listen, if you help me,
we might both get out of here.
You're a Svobodnik.
You speak to the guards.
-Even to Lord Varvara herself?
-What? No!
Only to the supervisor.
But why do you want to know that?
There are two Volniks
who are smuggling wolk.
That's impossible.
No, I saw it.
And guess who they're giving it to.
The head of security?
-No way!
I must talk to Varvara.
Can you arrange that?
Why should I?
If we expose that her own people
are cheating her, we might get a Boj.
What kind of crappy idea is that?
I don't want any Boj.
Look at me. I'd lose against a fly.
Linus, I saved your ass yesterday, okay?
Help me. Please help me!
All right.
But don't say I didn't warn you, okay?
Liv, you are making a big mistake.
-Shut up! I am sorry, Voss!
But "someday"
has never been an option for me.
It looks good!
It works, right?
I don't know.
-Are you looking for the power button?
-You try your luck then.
I don't want to turn it on.
I want to sell it.
It glows. That means it's working. Good.
Not curious at all?
Oh, it smells burnt.
That means this thing doesn't work.
He can't give you ten percent for that.
Five is okay.
-Are you kidding me?
-You were fiddling with it!
May I?
Holy Moses!
I believe you owe us an explanation.
Origine, she wants to see you.
What did she say?
That she wants to see you.
Linus, what is this? What's here?
I told you to leave it.
For a goddamn Boj?
Which you'd never get.
What's going on?
I got the information.
Come on, pour one!
That was risky, but very courageous.
To plans that work out.
To plans that work out.
Bad idea.
I know.
I spared your life,
yet you are anything but grateful.
What gives you the right
to destroy what's mine?
Answer, Volnik!
I saw a security guard smuggling.
In the group cell.
The Volnik wanted to kill me.
I just defended myself.
What exactly did you see?
I saw him swallowing bags and passing them
through the cell door at night.
To whom?
Who is it?
Subtitle translation by Julia Göllnitz
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