Trickster (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

Arson and insurance fraud
to settle a drug debt?
We're splitting it 50/50.
Richie is staying
with us for a while.
It's my third
foster home this year,
Figure I'll be on to the
next by thanksgiving.
I gotta go.
This is my buddy, wade.
Funny, but you
got my eyes.
Came to see my son.
I killed you.
I won't let you worm your
way out this time, weeg'it.
You stay the fuck
away from me and jared,
Or I'll kill you for good.
Whatcha think?
That you're overcompensating.
Where's your mom already?
I don't know and
I don't care.
Hey, show some respect.
That's your mom
you're dissin'.
She's probably
looking for someone
Who doesn't
smell like ass.
I'll tell you what,
While your
mom is m.I.A,
You are gonna fuck off
And stay someplace else.
Man, that's not even sharp.
If you laid a finger on
me my mom would end you.
Still needs his mommy to
fight his battles for him.
Some sweet.
What the hell?
You fuck with the bull,
you get the horns.
I'm gonna shower.
My god, no.
What an asshole.
Forget your combo?
You look like shit.
Because I
slept like shit.
I saw something
weird last night.
Some hairless animal thing
Eating rotten meat out
of sarah's trash can.
Well, it's either you're
hitting the sauce too hard,
Or your dream's a metaphor.
For what?
Think about it.
A naked animal gorging
through sarah's trash can.
Dude, it's clearly about your
insatiable lust for sarah.
Whatever, man.
Yeah it's a serious boner
dream for sure, dude.
Speakin' of sperm,
how's your dad?
Phil or wade?
Wade-ster, man.
Forget about that guy.
Why, what happened?
Nothing, literally.
Like, we were supposed
to chill and hang out,
But then he just-
Just dipped on
me last minute.
- 'cause I said so and I
- know what's what here.
You can chill.
Wade, got somethin' for ya.
Yeah I know, okay?
I know, I heard you.
Shut up.
Shut up!
Shut the fuck up!
Goddammit he was here.
I know he was.
Asshole. Say it to my face!
All right kids, step up.
Let's go.
I think you should
try, fabric glue.
Like you could
do any better.
Let me show you up.
Where'd you learn
to sew like that?
Sewing moccasins.
The one useful thing
I learned from my mom.
Culture vulture,
Never would'a guessed.
Not sure sewing while
drunk constitutes culture.
Beats growing up
around white people
And their tiny
spoon collections.
Did you see anything
weird last night?
Well, watching a kid
unboxing crickets on youtube,
Does that count?
No, no, I mean like outside.
What are the-
What are the homemade
circles for?
They're protection headbands
For the student
die-in tomorrow.
To protest fossil fuels, dude.
Just because I'm
not an activist
Doesn't mean I don't care.
Do you care?
Of course I care,
yeah, I care.
About what?
Be specific.
You know, there's just so
much to care about it's-it's-
My god.
Check out the creeper.
Do you know that guy?
Not really, he's
just my dad I think.
I'll be back in a sec.
Chip off the old block?
What's her name?
What the hell
happened to you?
I came to apologize
for ditchin' you.
Not cool.
It's no big deal.
I was even gonna teach
you how to drive my hog.
But not now,
'cause I totaled it.
Shit, are you okay?
Nothin' a little
r&r won't fix.
No, I'm good.
You talk to your mom?
No, I haven't seen her yet.
She ran me off the road.
No, no she didn't.
I don't think she was
tryin' to kill me,
More like aggravated assault,
Which is more
your mom's style.
If my mom did that,
She probably had
a good reason.
Or, or a reason.
Yeah, it's called passion.
After all these years,
Your ma and I still
got it for each other.
Love makes you do
stupid things.
So don't pull me
into your guys' drama.
But I'll sleep better
knowin' she's okay,
Not spinnin' out.
Will ya help me find her?
She's on a bender.
When she runs outta
money she'll-
She'll come back,
she always does.
I gotta get to class.
You gonna shoot,
or shit your pants?
Hi, mom.
There's a new character!
I've never seen her before,
have you seen her before?
I'm sorry, man, I'm just
a bit sketched out today.
I'd be sketched out too
If my dad suddenly wanted
to be my best buddy.
I just don't know
what he wants.
Don't go afk.
Go back.
And there he is.
I killed you.
We're not gonna
last much longer.
If the boy is true,
We'll find him
before weeg'it.
What the hell?
What the hell, man?
What are you doing?
Yeah, you're out until
your mom gets home, got it?
You were serious, man?
Look at this pretty face,
I'm always serious.
You can pass along the message
to that wade-asshole too.
He better leave
your mom alone.
They better not be fucking.
Naw, don't worry about him.
He's lucky I'm on parole,
I would'a cut him.
Hey man, where am
I supposed to go?
- I don't know and I
- don't fuckin' care.
Got anything to drink?
Some labrador tea
over here.
Anything stronger?
There's dish soap
under the sink.
Ha ha.
Got a bottle in my truck.
Where it stays.
There's tobacco and papers
in the can over here.
this tobacco's
as old as you.
How's jared?
You mean the grandson you
haven't seen in 10 years?
pain-in-the-ass teenager.
How normal?
Don't start.
You're lookin'
good for your age.
No more three-day
parties or what?
Wish I could say
the same for you,
On both accounts.
I didn't bushwhack my way
here to get grief from you.
So why have you
come then?
Do I need a reason?
I'm sober, maggie,
I'm not stupid.
You want and you take,
You never give.
Got something for
you right here.
Jared, last delivery
of the evening.
You can drop it off
on your way home.
Yeah, sure.
Hey, great hustle today.
But, watch your back.
Me and the rest of these
yahoos here look like idiots.
Deep fried deliciousness.
That's, forty-two fifty,
Why so formal?
Because I'm working.
I-I don't have
enough change for this.
Keep it.
All right.
Whoa, where you goin'?
Get your ass upstairs
and partake with us.
No, I'm good.
You'll be better with a
belly full of beer and thighs.
Come on.
Just gotta charge
my scooter anyway.
Who's that girl
you're doggin'?
No I'm not.
Her name's sarah.
You have a girlfriend.
Can we just-can we just
change the subject please?
My advice?
Just play it cool.
Let her come to you.
No way.
Women like men who are
assertive and decisive.
Play hard to get.
That's how I got destiny.
And now look at us,
We're gonna be parents.
You gotta pretend to
like what she does.
Take an interest.
Ask questions.
Hey, don't listen
to this guy.
Do you even see a
woman on his arm?
Where's destiny tonight?
She is at her sister's.
We, we had a fight.
For shame.
Let's get you to bed,
big guy.
I love you, man.
I love you too, buddy.
I love you, son.
Yeah, come on, dad.
- I don't know what I
- ever did to deserve you.
No, I'm-I'm wiped.
Well have one more.
It's my specialty.
That's the bitters.
You know, phil wasn't
always like this.
I know.
It's hard for a
man not to be able
To take care
of his family.
You're gonna tell him
the truth, right?
Not my place.
So I have to break
him the news
That he's not
really my dad?
Hell no.
Your mom tangled
the ball,
She can unravel it.
You know, it-
No, it's been 17 years
That she's been lying
to me and phil.
She turn up yet?
Nope, not yet.
When maggie gives her,
she really gives her.
To mom.
You need a break.
Yeah, that's what
this is for.
Hey, I'm not one to judge-
Good, then don't.
But you're your own person.
Jared, your life belongs
to no one but you.
Listen, are we having a
father and son moment right now?
'cause I'm not
really feelin' it.
You okay?
Yeah, I'm just-
I'm just a little buzzed.
Fighting it only
makes it worse.
I'm right here.
You okay in there?
Yeah, I'm good.
Jared, let me in.
I said I'm good.
Jared, unlock the door.
Y sainte-marie)
Guess you didn't need
that last one after all.
Silver dollar pancakes.
How'd you know these
are my favourite?
Phil mentioned it.
I remember being your age.
Shit sure was
different back then.
What, you had to walk five
miles to school every day?
Yeah, blindfolded.
My dad wasn't
around either.
He died.
When I was about your age.
I'm sorry.
Long time ago.
But I think what happened
to you is way worse.
Wait, what do you mean?
At least I got
to know my dad.
You never got
to know yours.
I'm gonna be
late for school.
I gotta get going.
Yeah, I'd like to
report a crime.
What's with those?
Survey stakes.
They wanna put a fuckin'
pipeline right through my land.
Soon as they put 'em in I
pull 'em out and burn 'em.
That won't stop
the pipeline.
No, it won't.
Just my subtle way of
lettin' 'em know that
I ain't gonna make
it easy for 'em.
Jared's biological
dad is back.
Phil's not his dad?
Does jared know?
His name's wade.
He's a bastard.
What is it?
I killed him.
He keeps coming back.
He's got magic.
Well he's back
from the dead.
He's definitely not
one of us then.
No, he's something
else entirely.
So you're jared's
real dad.
He told you?
And you must be sarah.
I guess he told you too.
You know what's
going on here?
I don't think jared
and his mom's boyfriend
Are gettin' along.
Well he didn't tell me
anything about that.
Maybe if you weren't
such a stranger.
Direct, appreciate that.
Where you headed,
my dear?
Would you like a ride?
My name's georgina.
Sure, thanks.
I saw you once before.
I remember now,
You were on the
motorcycle with wade.
Hey, you know wade?
Wade and I go way back.
So what kind of parent
abandons their own kid?
Serious question.
I'm not trying
to guilt you.
Long story,
No short answer.
Why'd you come back?
Make up for lost time.
But I'm kinda new to
this father thing.
And I guess it's
not going so well.
I don't know.
I don't know if
I should ease off.
You've got a heavy foot.
It's the only way to
feel young at my age.
How do you know
wade again?
He's my dad's friend.
Is that what he
told you, jared?
Wait, how do you
know my name?
Whoa, stop the car!
You see me?
So how do we know
wade's a threat?
You mean the voices.
What are they sayin'?
You really wanna know?
He must die.
Kill him.
We don't know where those
voices are comin' from.
They've been with me ever
since I can remember.
Wish you would've
told me that sooner.
When you were passed out
on the kitchen floor?
Or when you were livin'
on the streets in banff?
Or when you were doin' two
years in fraser valley?
I've got a lot
to make up for.
You can start by helping
me get rid of wade.
Well if I do help,
We gotta start by finding out
what it is we're dealing with.
10 minutes then
pencils down.
What's up with you?
Hey man, stress and pressure
can make you see shit, right?
I guess.
I'm good.
I've been worried
about my mom.
Or I think I have.
You know, it could be wade.
Could be wade or richie.
Dude, you're not
making any sense.
Well stress is a
trigger, right?
That's how people lose it?
Hey, what's happening?
Protest walkout.
C'mon, let's get some air.
I gotta get outta here.
Dude, breathe,
seriously you're good.
Hey jared.
Wait, what are
you doing here?
I figured it was a
good day to die.
What, did you invite him?
I was just tryin' to help.
Well maybe you can help by
just minding your own business.
You know what,
Come find me when
you get over yourself.
I can see why you
two like each other.
On my cue-
- why are you here?
We are going to die.
I got all your stuff.
That richie threw out?
It's in my truck.
Come stay with
me for a while.
Yeah, no thanks.
That was whack?
When everybody pretended
to die and shit?
Are you gonna be this granola
on me when you go to bed?
No, no way.
Whoa, wait, that's her.
That's somebody's auntie.
What are you talking about?
Hey, what do you want?
You saw me,
That can only
mean one thing.
You're wade's son.
Yeah well, so what?
so that's everything.
Are you okay?
Jared, hear me out.
You're not welcome here.
Did you get the memo?
Yeah, help yourself
to richie's beer.
All right.
What's goin' on?
What are you doin'?
What's-what's goin' on?
What's this all about?
Spit it out.
Have you ever seen
fucked up shit?
You know like,
Shit that's not
supposed to be real?
But-but it is?
You messin' with me?
You okay?
I mean-
You can stay here for tonight
if you need to, you know.
It's fine.
Richard dilkey?
It's the fucking pigs,
what did you do?
Richard dilkey?
What did you do?
Richard dilkey,
you're under arrest.
For what?
You snitch.
We've got a biter.
Big guy, you're done.
You're done!
- So fucking done.
- What happened?
Whatcha reading, mom?
What are you reading?
My notes.
Spent the last 10 years
talkin' to elders,
Hearin' their stories
'til they passed
And took their
knowledge with them.
You should look at this.
What's it got
to do with me?
I know what wade is.
Had a feeling
you were here.
What are you?
I was gonna tell you
when the time was right.
A trickster.
Like from the old stories?
Yeah, pretty much.
You're the one that's
been fucking with me
This whole time.
I was getting
to know you,
In my own way.
Does my mom know?
Maggie's got her own
closet of skeletons.
Please don't tell me
she's a trickster too.
Of course not.
She's your mom.
And she's also a witch.
A trickster?
Are you sure?
Sure as rain.
A goddamn shapeshifter.
What's he want then?
Guess you better find out.
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