Triptych (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

Olimpia Men's Club

When I was a little girl,
I used to fantasize
about having two sisters.
I'd dream about them, talk to them,
imagine them playing with me.
I never thought my childhood dream
could come true,
but it has as a nightmare.
A wave of confusion
and unanswered questions.
Who is Aleida?
And how did she know who I am?
What cruel hand of destiny
separated us so long ago
only to bring us back together
in tragedy 33 years later?
Who the fuck are you?
I'm Rebecca Fuentes.
Or just Becca.
And who's Aleida?
My sister.
And yours as well.
I don't drink.
Well, good for you.
Tell me how you met Aleida.
I only met her once.
It was unreal.
I was rehearsing
my latest performance piece,
and she showed up looking for me.
It was like looking in a fucking mirror.
I almost lost my shit.
I'm Aleida Trujano.
But my theater friend popped up
to rehearse the act, and
we went to get baked.
"Get baked"?
And Aleida?
When I got back, she was gone.
I don't get it.
A woman who could be your twin sister
shows up out of the blue
wanting to talk to you,
but stripping is more important?
And getting high?
I'm not a stripper.
I'm a performance artist.
She was your sister.
Police were poking around, okay?
Tamara Sánchez!
They were looking for me
'cause they thought I was someone else.
What happened?
I don't live there anymore.
That was the last I heard
from Aleida Trujano.
Until my birthday.
9th March.
How'd you know?
I'm dumb.
So what happened?
I was hanging with the band, and
and my phone rang.
I don't know how the hell
she got my number, but she phoned me.
How many victims are there?
She was acting all crazy.
Like someone on blow or something.
What'd she say?
She wanted me to meet her
at some building in Polanco.
It was a matter of life or death.
So I went.
But it was a fucked up situation
with ambulances and cops.
When they wheeled her out
on the stretcher,
she was still alive.
But I didn't hang around.
I booked it before the cops noticed me.
- Fuentes, what are you doing?
- I'm going with her.
- No! Hey, hey, hey!
- Get off! Let me go!
No, no.
Cut it out. Stop now.
Hey, hey.
So you were there too?
What do you mean "too"?
I was there.
I was called
because she was reported dead,
but when I got there, she was alive.
Um, hang on a sec.
You said that she was still alive.
So how do you know she died in hospital?
Will you put the bottle down for a second?
Go! Run!
What the fuck?
Where the fuck is she?
You know what you mean to me.
I'm addicted to you.
Why are you still here?
Shouldn't you be at home
with your beautiful wife and three kids?
Please go, or I might ask you to stay.
That was the last time
I heard from Aleida Trujano.
Until my birthday.
9th March.
So what happened?
My phone rang.
I don't know how the hell
she got my number, but she phoned me.
Who is this?
What is it?
Good morning to you.
So how are you doing?
I brought coffee.
Can we talk?
I have an AA meeting, remember?
You have one minute.
No, don't take it off.
You have 40 seconds.
I know you won't stop
investigating this thing.
And I don't have any superpower
that can stop you, so
let me help you.
How will you help me?
Like last night?
No, last night was last night.
I want to work with you
strictly professionally.
One detective to another.
Oh, really?
So suddenly you don't care
about your career?
Some things are more important.
Hmm. Like what things?
I mean, this is too big
for you to do alone.
You're gonna need someone with you
who will have your back.
Uh, someone you can trust no matter what.
I get it. You're saying you don't think
I'm big enough to take care of myself.
Why are you so interested
in helping me all of a sudden?
Because I love you.
I realized it last night.
That was a mistake.
No, Becca.
I'm trying to get over this.
I don't want to be in love with you.
- And I don't want to be an idiot.
- Becca.
And I don't want to drink.
- I can't drink again.
- I know.
Let's just calm down and talk. Relax.
I swear, next time,
I will burn more than your truck.
I'll burn your house down
with you in it, you understand?
Get out.
I have to take this call.
- Who is it?
- Leave.
- We're not done with this conversation.
- Get the fuck out of my house! Go!
I had a call from this number.
Who is this?
Psst! Hi.
No, I'm not Tamara.
But I need your help finding her.
What the hell?
I didn't see you.
Why are you late?
You know I don't have any goddamn money.
I'm out of medicine.
What medicine?
You're kidding?
What are you on?
And where are your dreads?
You're not her.
Not who?
Hello, Brenda.
Good morning, sir.
I need to talk to head of IT security.
Of course. I'll call her right away.
I'll be in Mrs. Aleida's office.
Yes, sir.
I took some of Aleida's DNA
and had a lab compare it to mine.
Do you know what DNA is?
Deoxyribonucleic acid of genetic code.
So I've been investigating all of this,
and it seems you've been looking
into it too, right?
Really? What would make you think that?
Because you knew Aleida had died.
And the family has kept that information
under wraps for reasons I don't get.
I don't get anything right now.
Ever since I found out about all this,
I haven't had a moment's peace.
But I'm rethinking my whole life.
The feelings I had as a child
that I couldn't understand.
All my feelings of loneliness.
Like I wasn't a whole person.
Like somewhere inside of me was
a void.
That's why I need to know all about you,
about me, about Aleida, about all of us,
about our history,
about what the hell happened.
Why were we separated so young?
Who would do that?
Look, Bety.
I don't know what the fuck
you were expecting.
I'm not Bety.
I'm Rebecca.
Whatever. I don't give a fuck.
I've gotten along just fine
without a sister for 33 years,
and I don't need one now.
Please come in.
- Hello.
- Good morning.
Get all the info
on those two cell numbers.
Name and address of the owners.
And anything else you can find.
Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.
Do you know if you were adopted?
And there's nobody to ask.
Your parents?
Can't you get in touch with them?
Never had a dad.
And my mom is gonna
be pretty hard to reach
unless you happen to be
a medium or something.
My mom
My adoptive mother
told me that
our biological mother was a a teen
who got pregnant,
but couldn't keep us 'cause, you know.
Look, Bety.
Sorry to be a bitch.
You care about this shit, and I don't.
My name is not Bety.
And you're lying.
I'm really not interested.
- Unless
- What?
It's no secret Aleida Trujano
was filthy rich, right?
what if there was
an inheritance or something?
How do you know Aleida was rich?
Oh, come on.
Don't pretend you didn't know.
Are you seriously telling me
that all of the drama
about finding your long-lost sister
is just a sentimental quest?
Look, Bety
My name's Becca. Don't call me that again.
Take it easy.
But who the fuck's called Becca?
Give me that shit.
What do you do for a living?
Other than stripping,
are you a drug dealer, or what?
When I came in, there was a kid downstairs
who thought I was you.
He said that he was out of his medicine.
You sell drugs to a kid?
Is that it?
What's up?
My sister wants to leave.
Show her out.
- Brother, how's it going?
- Hey, what's up?
- I'm good, you?
- Yes, great, thanks.
is there any news from Aleida?
She's still in Bangkok.
She's been scouting around,
and she's met some possible investors.
Look, Eugenio, enough.
I'll be very direct with you.
I'm not gonna lie.
Things are about to explode here.
And your wife hasn't responded
to a single email or phone call.
How can I cover for you?
I don't know if you're aware,
but the Global Group has been making
some changes to their holdings
coordinated with two
of our majority shareholders.
- I'm sure you know what that means, right?
- They're planning a hostile takeover.
And if Aleida
doesn't appear here on Monday
to shut those assholes down
at the board meeting,
you'll lose control of Áurea.
No need to worry.
Aleida will be in the chair.
I hope so, brother.
Anyway, if you do speak to her,
tell her I send my love.
Okay, I will.
I'll see you soon.
Take it easy.
What's up?
Ever heard of knocking?
Sorry, it's just, a while ago,
a lady that looked like you was here.
She could be your twin.
She's a relative of mine, but she's gone.
She's a cop, isn't she?
Yeah, she is.
What else?
Ah, my medicine.
Let's go.
Here you go, little dude.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, not so fast, buddy.
The doctor said you should only use it
if you have an attack or something.
Yeah, I know.
Just checking if this piece of shit works.
Okay, but don't waste it, kiddo.
Or you'll need to find
another old lady dealer, hmm?
That shit's expensive.
Thanks, Tamara.
No worries, okay?
Get the hell out of here.
Whatchu got?
Good news, sir. I found her.
Excuse me, miss.
Room number and patient?
- Uh, room 307. Patient Julia Bátiz.
- Mm-hmm.
I'm afraid Julia Bátiz
was discharged this morning.
Uh, turn that up, if you don't mind.
Becca, what's up?
Do you really want to help me?
What do you need?
There's someone I have to find.
All right. Meet at your place in an hour.
I'll find a spot for her in my room, Mila.
Sure, doctor.
Oh, my little girls.
-Who is it?
- Doctor?
This is Rebecca Fuentes
from the forensics office.
We spoke earlier.
Oh, yes. Come up, please.
Julia, open up! I know the truth!
Give it up for Tamara.
That's right
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Don't change yet.
Tonight's your night.
You've got a private in number three.
He paid for premium service.
Go, girl.
This is unbelievable.
Why didn't I think of this?
Of what?
Look, Rebecca, I
You realize I can't say anything
about Aleida.
- After all, she was my patient and--
- And my sister.
You don't know what I've been through
these last few days.
My mind is
I I have so many unanswered questions.
Things that don't make any sense.
I don't even know where to start.
And if you tell me that you can't help me
because of confidentiality or something
I'm gonna lose it.
Hey, daddy.
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