TrollsTopia (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

Bring It In - Branch Out of Water

You could do it solo ♪
But then you'd be
All by yourself ♪
Yo! So it'd be more fun
To share this one ♪
With someone else! Yeah! ♪
Together we will soar
Across the sky and beyond ♪
So turn up your voice! ♪
Stand up and sing along! ♪
All different voices ♪
Everybody now! ♪
Our melody's ringing ♪
We're living in harmony ♪
We're living in harmony ♪
Our song is much stronger ♪
With every Troll singing ♪
We're living in harmony! ♪
Trollstopians, I have good news!
At long last,
all our Hugwatches
have been synchronized
to the local Hug Time zone.
- Snuggle Standard Time!
- Aww
- Now that's just cute!
- Now, if you'd all just form an orderly line,
you can pick up your watches
and get ready
for our first Official Hug Time!
- Which is in 12 seconds
- 12 seconds?
Forget the orderly line!
Form a chaotic mob!
It's Hug Time, y'all!
Yee-haw! Yoo-hoo!
Hug Time, baby!
- Hmm!
- Uh, Poppy?
Something's wrong
with the Classical Trolls!
No hugs? Uh, we better
go see what's wrong.
- Can we keep hugging?
- Of course!
Uh, hey, Dante!
Why aren't you hugging?
Is everything okay?
Perfectly fine!
Classical trolls simply
Don't hug.
Um, let's go talk in private.
Dante, if you don't hug,
how do Classical Trolls
show love and affection?
We find a dignified bow
sufficient. Hm!
Oh, like at the end of a play!
A long, formal,
emotionally guarded play.
But what about those special times
when you're bursting with emotion
and you just have to
Oh! Ha-ha!
We have those.
It's a baby girl.
But we certainly
don't want to be left out
of a Trollstopian custom!
Very well, Poppy.
May I have a hug?
I found that
What? That can't be a reaction
to your first hug!
Here! Let me try again. Huh?
- Mundane.
- What? Huh?
- Humdrum.
- Ugh! Hmm!
- Hmm! Huh?
- Lackluster!
Okay. Don't worry.
We're gonna go up
to Classical Crest
and I am not leaving until you
understand the magic of hugs!
- Oh! Pedestrian!
- Ooh!
To appreciate hugs, I think all
you need is a little practice.
Let's start nice and slow, by hugging this!
Who wants to try?
Oh, oh!
Minuet Sonata. I'm a fast study.
They say it takes 10,000 hours
to master a craft.
I learned the violin in four.
Well! You're a real go-getter,
aren't you?
In what language would you like
me to answer that? I speak seven
Actually, no, I got carried away there.
It's 17.
Alright! We might have
ourselves a winner here, Trolls!
- Now, arms up!
- Like this?
- No, that's too high.
- Is this right?
- Okay, now they're too low.
- Okay, hang on.
Raise your right arm.
Raise your right arm.
Raise your right arm.
You right arm,
not your leg. Uh
Is it right?
No, no, it's not.
Maybe it would help you guys
to see a few more examples
of the real thing.
Surprise hug party!
Now you try! Just do what
comes naturally to you.
What comes naturally?
Well, I suppose we could keep
our backs straight, like so.
- That's it!
- Yes! Yes!
And. and maybe,
if we extend our arms like this!
That does seem promising!
- Eh!
- Then, one arm in.
- Wait.
- And perhaps if we lean into the hug
Uh, guys?
We're doing it! We're hugging!
- Thank you! Well done!
- Oh my! Good show!
Okay, let's try again!
Guys, wha-what's wrong?
Oh, let's face it Poppy!
We will never hug successfully!
We're inadequate.
It seems Hug Time
is just going to be an aspect
of Trollstopia
that we won't be a part of.
No! Don't quit now! Trust
me, when you finally get it,
a hug will make you feel better
than you've ever felt before!
Like, like
Can you give me a high C,
That I can do!
Bring it in ♪
I know that hugging's
kinda new to you ♪
Listen ♪
When you're feelin'
Something good ♪
Wanna share it ♪
With the neighborhood ♪
Yeah, you wanna ♪
Spread the love ♪
Just do it with a hug!
Do it with a hug! ♪
If you're low, feeling down
I can bring you around ♪
With some love and energy ♪
So, bring it in ♪
I know that hugging's
kinda new to you ♪
Just, bring it in ♪
I'm feeling the love
I know you feel it too ♪
So bring it in! ♪
That was
Thank you, Poppy! Thank you
for opening our eyes to hugs!
Let us not delay,
Classical Trolls!
Perhaps we can sneak in a few
more before Hug Time is over!
- Are they gone?
- They're gone!
What in the hair was that?
I think they were hugs,
but they felt so wrong!
- So lifeless.
- So limp!
Limp? Mine was so tight, I've
lost all the feeling in my arms!
I know!
But thank you for not telling
them that their hugs
Were painful? Uncomfortable?
Third adjective?
I was gonna say "need
improvement," but don't worry,
the Classical Trolls
will get better with practice!
They have to. Right?
- Hug Time!
- Oh, no.
It feels
nice? Oh!
Hug Time!
Oh! This is one
of those long ones, huh?
- Hug Time!
- Ah!
They are not getting better!
It's true! Look what the
hugs did to Mr. Dinkles!
It'll be okay, guys. It's
only one awkward hug an hour!
What was that?
Surprise Hug Party!
Surprise Hug Party?
Now that we've mastered
the Art of the Hug,
we thought
we'd make up for lost time!
Heh-heh! Great!
Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug!
It's been an honor serving
with you.
Oh, my guh!
Augh! Tell my story!
- Hug!
- Hug!
- To the high ground, Mr. Dinkles!
- Hug Time!
It's the Hugpocalypse! Stop!
We haven't been totally
upfront with you, Trolls.
The thing is your hugs are
Painful? Uncomfortable?
Third adjective?
Wait, are you saying our hugs
are inadequate?
- Well, I mean
- Poppy?
I see. Well, now that
I know the truth
I feel so relieved!
now I'm the one that's confused.
Poppy, we weren't
enjoying the hugs either!
We were just doing it
because it meant so much to you.
But why?
Guys, we should be free
to be honest with each other.
Even if it's hard.
Which I realize
now I haven't been doing either,
so I should probably check myself
and just say I'm sorry. Sorry.
I just wanted you to know
what it's like to share
genuine Troll love
and affection!
Well, we do, Poppy!
- We experience it whenever we do this
- Hmm!
So, from now on,
for anyone that wants to,
we still have Hug Time.
But for anyone that would like to
try something a little different,
there's also Bow Time!
- Hmm.
- Whoa! Oh-oh-oh!
- This is fantastic!
- A whole new way to show our love!
Thank you, Poppy.
Sharing our tradition with all of you
has made bowing feel even more sublime!
Thanks, Dante!
Now, I'm gonna sneak a few more
before Bow Time is over!
Should we tell the other
Trolls their bows are just
Huh, I guess I can't do that.
- Poppy!
- Branch?
Things have gotten way out of hand, Poppy!
We need to talk right now.
Of course, Branch,
you can always talk to me.
But you are covered head to toe
in glitter, so first
Okay. I'm listening.
It all started four days ago.
I was going
for my daily 4:00 a. m. swim
at Hidingplace Hot Springs,
but when I got there, I found
the Techno Trolls having a rave.
At 4:00 in the morning? Why?
It's the most refreshing hour
of the day, Poppy!
Flashback Branch is right.
It's the most refreshing hour
of the day, Poppy!
And without my morning swim,
my entire day gets thrown-off
in a million horrifying ways!
I get tired.
Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!
I put on mismatched socks!
I don't even wear socks!
And I was so out of it
at the Flavorberry patch
that I wandered straight
into a pit of Quickglitter!
I don't even eat Flavorberries!
I almost drowned. In glitter!
I feel as though I must ask,
did you try talking
to the Techno Trolls about it?
Eh, you know
I'm not much of a talker,
I'm more of a lock-myself
Well, I think you should build a
friendship with the Techno Trolls!
Maybe as friends,
you could figure this out?
I can do this all day.
We'll try your thing.
Bottom floor, Techno Lagoon!
So, how is this supposed to?
There. That's Synth.
Make friends with him
- and I'm sure he'll help you with the Hot Springs.
- Okay.
Hi! Synth? Can I
can I, can I talk
to you for a second?
Can't do it bro!
The music's calling the shots!
And the music says: We rave.
Yes! Yes, I see that.
I see that the music says that.
Could the music make
an exception, or?
I like you!
What's your rave name?
- I'm sorry, my what?
- Oh! How 'bout Dubstep?
Absolutely not!
- His name is Dubstep!
- Dubstep!
Note: the male Pop Troll appears
to resent our festivities.
- Oh! Okay, and you are?
- Yo, Dubstep!
Meet Laguna Tidepool,
our anthropologist.
Oh, a scientist!
Finally someone I can have
a sensible conversation with!
I'm afraid the beat just hooked
me, and it refuses to let go!
- Hey!
- Okay, let's cut to the chase.
I'd really like it if I could have
the Hidingplace Hot Springs back
for my 4:00 a. m. morning swims.
Uff! Sorry, bro! That spot is
perfect for our wakeup rave!
It makes every day so
Yes, I know! Without it,
my life is a disaster. Uh!
Branch, remember what we
talked about. Be their friend!
Woo-yeah, alright!
Uh! Tell you what, Synth,
we can discuss this later.
For now,
why don't I spend the day here
doing things you all like to do?
You know, become friends?
Well, Dubstep,
I know we're the Tech-no Trolls.
But to that we say:
One thing we Techno Trolls love
to do while making new friends
is whirlpool surfing!
That's a killer water vortex!
I know.
Totally killer! Whoo!
Yo! In treadingtation,
you can only float
when you turn down
the volume on the world
and turn up the volume of you!
Can you hear "you," Dubstep?
Bro, I swear, nothing gets your head
right like sea urchin acupuncture!
Just lean into it!
No! No, no!
Oh! Huh?
- Branch? Are you okay?
- I'm done, Poppy.
We will never resolve
the Hot Springs issue
because the Techno Trolls and I
will never be friends!
Okay, then I guess
you'll just have to go on
having the rest of your life thrown
off in a million horrifying ways.
Fine. I'll go back and try harder.
But I'm gonna groan about it!
Look, we got off to a rough start,
but I wanna work through it.
What do you say?
get this friendship started!
Came to win ♪
Win a new friend
and I'm all in ♪
And I'm not leaving 'til it happens
And we're friends until the end ♪
So let's get
this party going! ♪
I try and I try
And I'm not giving up ♪
And I do it for you,
My friend ♪
It don't matter
Where we go ♪
Or what you and I
Don't know ♪
'Cause when all
this comes to an end ♪
Yes, it's gonna
be me and you ♪
That we've been through ♪
And we'll have become
Best of friends! ♪
Yes, we'll have become
Best of friends! ♪
Wow, this has been great, Synth!
I feel like we made a genuine connection!
Yeah, Dubstep!
We make a great mashup!
In fact, we've been
thinking, we're
- gonna give you those Hot Springs!
- Oh!
- Looks like someone's in a good mood!
- You were right, Poppy.
I became Synth's friend,
got my morning swim back
and now everything's
coming up Branch.
- Ow, ow, ow.
- Oh! I see what's going on.
They missed their morning rave
and now their day is thrown-off.
Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow.
No, you're wrong!
They can't all be like this.
Laguna! Oh, thank goodness!
You seem okay.
Of course!
Hmm! I don't even wear socks.
This is devastating.
Uh! It really is happening!
Your lives are being thrown off in, in
- In a million horrifying ways, yes.
- Ah!
I should really
inform Synth about this.
Do you know the whereabouts
of the Flavorberry patch?
The Flavorberry patch?
Synth went there to pick berries.
But that's where the Quickglitter is!
I gotta help him!
Synth? Synth!
Oh, no, Synth! Ugh!
- Uh!
- Ugh! I can't reach!
This is it for me, Dubstep.
The final beat-drop!
But if I'm going out,
I'm going out raving!
Uh, uh! Hmm!
- Dubstep! What are you doing?
- I'm helping my friend.
You can float out
of this if you treaditate!
Just turn down the volume on the
world and turn up the volume of you!
Like you taught me!
Can you hear you?
What? Bro!
That's a pretty high stakes move given
that I barely remember saying that!
Look at me!
Now turn up the volume on you.
Turn up the volume on you.
Turn up the volume on you!
Dubstep, you saved me!
Yeah, well, it's the least I could do
for a friend.
- Bro.
- In fact, Synth,
I want the Techno Trolls
to have the Hot Springs.
You guys need it more than I do.
Dubstep, this is so sick of you!
Would you join us for a morning rave?
A rave?
At 4:00 a. m.?
- Uh
- Uh?
- Woohoo!
- Woohoo!
This is ten times as refreshing
as my morning swim!
The water?
The beat? It's
If you're low, feeling down
I can bring you around ♪
With some love and energy ♪
So, bring it in ♪
I know that hugging's
kinda new to you ♪
Just bring it in ♪
I'm feeling the love
I know you feel it too ♪
So bring it in! ♪
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