Troppo (2022) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

Lars, there's a fucking croc!
Who was Lars Hansen to you?
A friend when no one else was.
[woman] Is this all you have?
We believe a crocodile was involved.
Where's the rest of him?
Best not to think about that.
My husband has taken his own life.
Now my daughter and I
have to live with his decision.
And if you think that we are going to
take our eyes off a sexual predator
What you did dishonours all cops.
Two men end up in the belly of a croc
less than a month apart?
That feel right to you?
I killed someone when I was 16.
What, manslaughter?
Murder. Stone cold.
Yeah, she's here.
[Damford] Her complaint.
You set one foot near her again
and I will arrest you.
The victim Lauren Freeman,
stabbed to death
in a backseat of a rusted car.
[distant birds screeching]
[tropical birdsong]
[grunts, sobs]
[opening theme plays]
[knocking on door]
- [knocking continues]
- Wait!
You're the tattooist, right?
I'm on sabbatical.
Just something small, simple, please?
Tiny. And it's gonna fuckin' cost you.
Come in.
[tattoo gun buzzes]
- Is it almost done? My
- Don't talk.
[tattoo gun buzzes]
- Don't move.
- It's just
What'd I say about talking?
[tattoo gun buzzes]
Is it all right?
She's magnificent.
Gonna give you some antibiotic cream.
Keep it on for 48 hours.
Uh, can you just
Can you sign it first?
I mean, the guys at the bar
won't believe me without a signature.
Just Amanda,
or your initials if that's easier.
Get out.
Maybe just a picture, then.
Get the fuck out!
Two hundred you said, right?
Get the fuck out!
What's going on?
We good here?
You good?
Yeah, I'm good, I'm good.
[tools rattle]
About three months' rent here.
It's all yours, boo.
Lock up for me.
Yeah, sure.
My word.
Did you know her?
No, I didn't.
I'm new to town and
well, I heard about
what happened.
And, uh, just
thought maybe I should come and
Just hover over her grave?
Take some pics?
No, it's not my intention.
Soccer ball's a nice touch.
People keep swiping the sunnies.
I just keep replacing them.
What position did she play?
Backbone, right?
Yeah, she was.
Any idea why it happened?
No, I'm not gonna talk about Pharrell.
I'm sure there's been
enough talk, right?
I just want her to be remembered
for who she was.
Not for how she died.
Who was Lauren?
[players chanting]
Lauren! Lauren! Lauren! Lauren!
Get in here, boo!
[laughter and cheering]
What did we say we're gonna do?
[all] Kill 'em!
- [Lauren] What did we do?
- [all] We killed 'em!
[indistinct shout]
[boisterous shouting]
Seems impossible
anybody'd want to hurt that girl.
No, she wasn't hurt.
She was slaughtered.
That must be hard to live with.
No. What's hard is not knowing why.
They couldn't find a motive?
Pharrell's never said.
All this time, never said a word.
How fuckin' cruel was that?
Thanks. Thanks, Brooke.
[plane engine drones]
[no audible dialogue]
[audibly strains]
Miss you, Lars.
[distant plane engines drone]
[bicycle bell rings]
Looking for something?
- That's my bike.
- It's a good make.
It's hot up here,
it would rust for certain.
Not sure about
the whole electric thing, though.
Get the fuck off my bike!
[chuckling] Oh!
You lock it up
in a workshop full of tools,
you're asking for trouble.
You're not trying to hijack a plane.
You're not looking for somewhere to sleep,
you're not a junkie scrounging for cash.
I got a thing for airports.
And enclosed spaces.
Did you find anything
interesting in that plane?
I just wanted to sit in there
for old times' sake.
I knew Lars.
Odd choice for a claustrophobe.
Yeah, that's me. Odd.
Knew him how?
From when I was a kid.
Hell of a way to cash in your chips.
You see it coming?
'Cause I didn't.
If you're a pilot, you crash into the side
of a mountain or into the ocean,
you don't play
a game of chicken with a croc.
Someone put him up to it, you reckon?
It'd be quite the trick.
What's it to you, bike thief?
I'll tell you what.
If you pull on that thread
and if you unravel something
in that nasty little direction
I'd like to know about it.
You got a name, bike thief?
I do.
[boot clatters]
You work it out.
[speaking Korean]
You must be tired.
Ah Rah, show them to their room.
[speaking Korean] It is hard
to imagine Jong Min in this house--
in this place.
He was happy here.
[speaking Korean]
That would seem unlikely.
The police still
don't know what happened.
Ah Rah, help them.
[speaking Korean] Grandmother,
Grandfather, it's this way.
[speaking Korean]
Is everything all right?
[soft sob]
[speaking Korean]
He was always so beautifully dressed.
I want to go to the river
where he was found.
[speaking Korean] I'm sorry.
I have to prepare for the funeral.
Then Ah Rah can show us.
Grandfather can drive us.
Where is your car?
[birds chirping]
[Hye Jin gasps, sobs]
[speaking Korean]
[Ah Rah speaks Korean]
[Jin Ho shouts in Korean]
[Ah Rah shouts in Korean]
[low, distorted audio]
[Ah Rah gasping softly]
[distant thunder rumbles]
[thunder rumbles]
Hench, right?
Still in town, then?
I decided to take your partner's advice.
That right?
Tried to look into
Amanda Pharrel's case.
Turns out she's a ghost online.
I'm guessin'
that's 'cause she was
a juvenile at the time, right?
Judge issued a gag order.
Why the sudden interest
in your new employer?
Well, maybe I just want to
make sure I live through the week.
Is there any history
between Amanda and Lauren?
Anything that might've
provoked her in any way?
What about the psych report?
There's nothing to see here.
She was of sound mind.
She pleaded guilty.
She had a court-appointed lawyer
who she refused to cooperate with.
Nobody else was in her corner?
Nobody stood up for her?
What about her family?
They were as fucked up as she was,
they didn't want any part of it.
Everybody just gave up
on a 16-year-old kid?
She was given a sentence
that reflected the brutality of her crime.
And she was sent to a place
where it was hoped
she would be rehabilitated.
I'm yet to see any evidence of that.
I got to get to the Parks Service.
[indistinct chatter]
[Ah Rah]
How are your grandparents?
Losing their minds.
You okay?
All right.
[cell phone rings]
I'm busy.
Yeah, so am I.
I'm at a funeral, where you should be.
Yeah, they're not really my thing.
I'm deep-diving into high flying.
It's all about numbers:
You gotta calculate
the weight of the plane, the distance,
contingencies for holding patterns.
What the hell are you on about?
What I'm doing, Ted, is called work.
What I'm doing is called respect.
Can't you just respect for the both of us?
All right.
If basic human decency
doesn't float your boat,
how 'bout this:
Every single person associated
with Park Jong Min
is right here, right now,
in a stressful environment.
And I bet none of them
really want to be here either.
Which is why we need to be.
[line beeping]
[soft music plays]
Are you a bouncer now?
You do not need to be in there.
I've come to commune with God.
Got bored with my usual Satanic rituals.
Okay, you've had your fun.
He's not missing anymore.
Just let these people grieve in peace.
Matt, I'm here for
the same reasons you are.
I doubt that.
And if I walked away,
who would solve your case for you?
Because before I came along,
you had no idea what you were doing.
God, you are just so desperate
for attention, aren't you?
That's why you have to rub it
in everyone's faces.
Coming back to a town
where everyone knows your name.
Knows what you did.
All that talk, does it make you
feel special? Important?
Take that away, what's left?
He could've had a quiet life
somewhere else, anywhere else.
But the fact that you chose
to come back
well, it just tells me
you're here to provoke.
You've been saving
all this for a while, haven't you?
Lugging it around.
That must've been heavy.
Feel better now?
You step one foot out of line in there,
and I'll haul you out.
You go.
I'll catch up with you guys later.
You want me to stay?
No, no.
[indistinct chatter]
[speaking Korean]
Joui-- from those of us
who worked closely with Jong Min.
I hope this is acceptable.
[speaking English]
I'm so sorry.
[speaking English]
Sorry for what?
For fucking my father?
Yeah. I saw you with him.
It isn't true.
[speaking Korean] Do not speak
disrespectfully of your father.
[speaking Korean]
How is this my fault?
Please stop this!
Excuse me.
[speaking Korean]
What was all that?
Let's get you home.
- Where did Ah Rah go?
- She can make her own way.
Who is that lady?
Why did you scold Ah Rah?
An affair.
Who would've thought it?
Actually, one of us did,
while the other rolled his eyes.
It was fifty, wasn't it?
Yeah, it was.
That's why I don't get married,
it's too risky.
Not every marriage ends like that.
No, but most do
end, don't they?
Since we're lobbing truth bombs,
you wanna tell me why
you didn't show up this afternoon?
The real reason?
Didn't you hear?
I'm the Antichrist.
If I step one foot in there,
I go up in flames.
[birds chirping]
- You okay?
- I don't want to talk to you.
Funerals are shit. I hate 'em.
I know what it's like
to lose someone like that.
Have everyone tell you
it was quick and painless.
But you know that they're lying
and they're just saying that
to make you feel better,
but you don't feel better.
All you can think about is the teeth
and the pain and the thrashing
Can you please just stop?
Yeah. Sorry.
I thought you'd want to know about Olivia.
You want to talk about it?
No, I
I don't want to talk about it,
I don't want to see her,
I don't want to
think about her ever again.
I just want my dad back, all right?
That's what I want.
Yeah, I get it.
Nobody gets it.
[chuckles] Yeah, you're right.
Nobody does.
And here's a freebie for you:
Nobody will.
Which is both a blessing
and a terrible thing.
If you ever just want to talk
about everything, or nothing
I'm not hard to find, okay?
Just take it easy.
[speaking Korean]
We should wait for Ah Rah to join us.
[speaking Korean]
She'll be late.
She should be with her family
at this time.
I'm happy not to see her right now.
Don't you care that you've
lost control of your daughter?
I know what I'm doing.
Coming to Australia was supposed
to keep this family together.
[speaking Korean] It would have
been better for you to stay in Seoul.
Then we would still have our son.
You and Ah Rah
will come home with us tomorrow.
I can't. The police asked me
not to leave the country
until they've finished
their investigation.
Don't you find it scary here?
If you cannot come home, then Ah Rah
should travel ahead without you.
Ah Rah should be with her family
where it's safe.
I am her family.
What would Jong Min wish for?
How should I know?
[door closes]
[ragged breath]
[birds chirping]
[knocking on door]
Car trouble?
Some of us have to eat.
Okay, so what now?
It all comes down to motive, doesn't it?
Okay. You ready?
Olivia gave Park
an ultimatum to leave his wife.
He wouldn't, so she killed him,
dumped the car.
Knew how to write "I'm sorry"
because she's been working
with a Korean for a year.
- Hard evidence.
- Okay. Or
Or Yoon Sun found out about the affair
same deal, pulls a double bluff,
hires us so that she looks
squeaky clean.
Still no evidence.
Okay, wild card.
Ah Rah kills him
for cheating on her mum.
Yoon Sun hires us
to cover it up, triple bluff!
Hm. That simple, huh?
You wanted motive.
I just gave you three.
Well, I'm not ruling any of it out.
But, uh
sometimes it just not so obvious
why a person does what they do.
Is it?
Sometimes people get so lost
in the heat of a thing,
they couldn't tell you
the why of it if they tried.
Sometimes they know.
But they take it to the grave.
So what's your theory?
The affair's the reason he offed himself
over a broken heart
or a guilty conscience?
Mm. Could be.
Park couldn't swim, right?
So what's he doing in the water?
Waiting for a croc?
Ugh, suicide by croc.
That's about the last way
you'd want to go out.
Too unreliable.
And you were right about Lars, too.
Fuckin' finally.
Take a look at this.
- Pilot log book?
- Yeah.
The maths on Lars's fuel,
it doesn't add up.
He was buying way more than he needed
for the flights he was making.
Okay, so he took the wife and kids
island-hopping on the weekends
and he ran the expenses
through the business.
Nah, Ingrid hates flying.
There's also this.
Belongs to Lars's dog.
- Okay.
- Just look at the clip.
Thought it could be
his plane rego, it's not.
- Hmm.
- Maybe a car rego?
Well, maybe
You wanna call in a favour
and find out for me?
And put a cop's job on the line?
For this?
Cops must do favours
for each other all the time.
Not the decent ones.
Yeah, but you can't be
the only indecent one, can you?
I know this means nothing to you.
But one of the last things
Lars did before he died
was scratch those numbers down.
- I think it's important.
- It could be.
Maybe not.
Phone a friend.
[cell phone rings]
[Ted] Hey, Frankie!
What the hell. Ted?
[Ted] Yeah. I-I know.
I've been trying to
contact you for months.
I you mean after
I disappeared and ran off
without a word?
Are you all right?
I uh
That's a complicated question.
Shit, you know, I just needed
to get the hell out of there
for a little while.
You took your phone with you, right?
You got my missed calls
and my voicemails?
[Ted chuckles] Yeah
Truth is I just
I didn't know
what the hell to say, you know?
I mean, that's a shady excuse.
So what's changed?
Well, um
[Frankie] Now you need something.
Fuck, Ted.
Uh I just, uh
I thought it would be a good reason
to reconnect.
- It's all it is.
- [soft scoff]
What do you need?
I don't have all day.
Shit, it's just a registra
rego check, you know.
It's a
Ah, it's a big ask. But, uh
I got nine-one-alpha-
Jesus Christ.
- Well, it's not for me, it's
- I've gotta go.
- [line beeping]
- Ah, fuck.
Give me a whiskey.
You're not her boyfriend, clearly.
I don't see a tat.
So what's your deal?
My deal is I'd like a whiskey.
Make it a double.
And you'll get it
when you tell me why
you're hangin' around Amanda.
It's a good question.
Make it neat.
Play nice.
I get it.
You're the gatekeeper.
How fucked is church?
All those images of torture.
Why would anyone want to pray to that?
Or is it supposed to make you feel better
'cause whatever shit you've got going on,
at least you're not dying on a cross?
- [scoffs] Yeah.
- Is that it?
- Yeah, church is totally fucked, bruh.
- Totally.
Took half my dad's family away.
Full of dirty old men, too.
You know, the coffin
was bigger than I thought.
- JayJay, come on!
- Shut it!
So we should've bought a kid's
coffin instead, save a few bucks?
- No, I was just
- Just shut your mouth, okay?
- I'm just saying
- Why don't you say nothing.
All right. Damn!
He's still out there
in that river somewhere.
Anyone want some toast?
- You are such an idiot.
- [laughs]
I know what crocs do, they
they take a chunk of you and then they
stuff the rest of you under a log
so they can just come back for more.
Don't talk like that, okay?
Don't tell me how to talk.
My dad shot that croc, Rah.
It'll never touch him again.
Way! Now we're talking.
- Wait.
- [aerosol spraying]
Bro, there's still heaps left in it.
Is that us? Let's go.
We just need to find a good wall and
Jay, mate,
this is like watching paint dry.
All right, pink head, relax.
Hold this.
You guys really wanna fuck some shit up?
Let's go.
Where the hell are we going?
The old salt place, right, G?
- Yes!
- What's that?
- Shh. Secret.
- A secret secret.
- An asshole lives here.
- A major asshole.
Oi, oi. Wait, this is it.
All right. This is the house.
[spray can rattles]
[distant dog barking]
- [barking grows louder]
- [goose honking]
Oi. Jay! Jay!
Get out of there. Now!
Come on, come on, come on.
Run! Run!
[goose honks, dog barks]
Shit. Run, run, run, run!
[goose honks, dog barks]
[brakes squeak]
[cell phone ringing]
You okay?
[Frankie] The number you gave me's
not a car rego.
You ran it. Thanks.
I mean that.
I-- I picked up some work as a P.I.,
so, uh, I just needed to eliminate
Don't tell me what you need it for,
okay? I don't want to know.
I've already put my ass on the line.
I know.
I'm not talking about now.
Neither am I.
They put me on desk duties for six months
because I put my head up
over the parapet for you.
[Ted] I know you did.
I'm sorry for
[Frankie] You knew?
Still didn't return my calls.
I hope it all works out for you, Ted.
I really do.
Whatever the hell it is
you're doing with your life.
But don't call me again.
[line beeping]
[door opens]
[speaking Korean]
[door closes]
[Ah Rah speaks Korean
in happy tone]
[Jong Min protests in Korean]
[Ah Rah speaks Korean
in happy tone]
[Jong Min protests in Korean]
[complaint in Korean]
[Ah Rah giggles]
[water splashes]
[Ah Rah chatters in Korean]
[Ah Rah]
Appa! Appa! Appa!
[dismayed tone]
[Jong Min chuckles,
Ah Rah complains]
[playful groans]
[Ah Rah speaks Korean]
[Jong Min speaks Korean]
[Ah Rah]
Yeah, I love you, too, Dad.
[Ah Rah complains in Korean]
[playful groans]
[Ah Rah speaks Korean]
[Ah Rah]
Yeah, I love you, too, Dad.
[video chatter continuing]
Love you, Dad.
[Ah Rah laughs in video]
[distant music and barroom chatter]
She was so mucked, but
Yeah, maybe she's enjoying this,
making me bleed.
She didn't want to take my money,
so she must've been getting
something out of it.
Maybe it turns her on.
- [chuckles]
- And check this out.
- Monster, right?
- Fuckin' wild!
[man] Total monster!
- Oh, my God.
- send me.
- Hey! What the hell are you doing?
- Hands are wet. Slippery.
- [scoffs]
- Your bar mates are paying my tab?
Doesn't look good.
- Bar's closed.
- Come on!
Bar's closed to you
and your scaly mates.
- [man] Why?
- Now and forever.
That's bullshit.
- [man] No way.
- [woman sighs]
This place is a dump anyway.
[man] Let's get out of here.
Screw this!
[bar music continues]
[cell phone rings]
Conkaffey, you night owl.
I got a new rule.
Number two.
You never ask me to call in
a favour from a cop again.
Not a rego. Gotcha.
[goose honks]
Not now.
[end theme music plays]
The guy's dangerous.
So am I.
[Ted cries out]
[Ted] You found something
that indicates homicide.
[speaking Korean]
It's what we do in this family.
We hurt each other,
and then we never talk about it.
What do you want?
Number of times, positions?
My money's on Yoon Sun.
You didn't break his bloody heart,
send him on a midnight swim,
and jeopardize this company.
You found something on your own.
Get her out of here!
Things have changed.
If you want me out of town,
you grow a pair and do something about it.
[end theme music plays]
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