Trust Me (2009) s01e03 Episode Script

But Wait, There's More

Trust me s01e03 -
but wait there's more
come on!
Hey. You ready?
I'm getting there. Come on in.
You want a beer? -No.
The thing starts in 20 minutes.
We got to go. - Mason,
award shows never start on time.
Plus, we have to finish
the victory ritual!
How is this a victory
ritual? You --
what?! -How is --
how is this a victory ritual?
You did it last year,
and Stu Hoffman still
won everything.
Mason, Stu Hoffman -
moment of silence
Is no longer with us.
So, come on, Mason!
Fire up!
This is your triumphant awards
show debut as creative director,
and you and I are finalists in not one,
but two categories!
This is our year! So feel good.
I do. I do feel good.
You know what you look like?
What? -You look like a winner.
Get out of here.
Wait. You're wearing a tie? -Yeah.
Come on, let's go.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
We can't both go tie.
Huh? -No, I got to change. Why didn't
you tell me you were wearing a tie?
You never wear ties.
Is everyone wearing a tie?
Is cochran wearing a tie? -Oh,
I forgot he was gonna be there.
He's not gonna sit at our table,
is he? -He better not be.
The agency's got more than one table.
If he wins anything tonight,
you know we're never
gonna hear the end of it.
I need to change. -I need a beer.
"Watch your back."
That's the advice I'd
give anyone starting out
in the shallow, cynical,
egotistical world of advertising.
Unless they work for rothman,
Greene & Moore.
Hey, I know how important these
awards are to our careers,
so I'd just like to say thank you
from the very bottom of my shallow,
cynical, egotistical heart.
I'm just so happy
for Simon cochran.
How can you not be?
He's honest. He's so sincere.
The sweetest guy that ever tried
to steal an account from us.
Tried and failed, thanks to you.
Next, we have the award
for consumer electronics.
Shut up, shut up.
This is my category.
I can't believe he's got
a brick and we don't.
But only one -Hey, chin up.
Come on, we did okay.
Do you not know what
"shut up" means?
It means "be quiet.
" -"Lumberjack."
Oh, my God! That's my spot!
That's my spot! -Congratulations.
Shh! Now our group has a brick.
For work she did at her old agency.
It's not the same.
Art director, Trent brown.
Here's my name. -How do I look?
Great. -Copywriter, Josh burkett.
What? No. No. I'm the copywriter.
I wrote that. I thought of it all -
all by myself -- just me.
And the award for humility goes to
This isn't happening.
Wait. What are you doing?
Sit down.
I'm going to get my award.
That's not a good idea.
It was not a good idea for him
to take credit for my idea.
Sit down! What is wrong with you?
Wow. Uh, this is great.
Uh, I'd like to dedicate this brick to
My balls. -Damn it.
But not just my balls.. I'd also like
to dedicate it to the 16 balls --
that's 8 pairs -
over there at table 12.
And, of course, I can't forget
I can't watch this anymore. Okay.
Where you going?
Anywhere but here.
Conner --For understanding
that it takes stop it.
A lot of balls to make great
advertising. Thanks, guys.
You did not write that spot!
I know. My God.
Listen, you should take your seat
before you embarrass yourself even more.
And now non-alcoholicBeverages.
Sarah, get down here!
Oh, my. Hey. Um, I'll have a --
cranberry juice,
two cherries, and a Twist.
Oh, man.
Conner. Hey, there.
How ya been? Whoa! Whoa!
Fertile, certainly.
Ha. Yeah. Long time.
Long time. Believe me,
I did the math. -Even whales
don't take three years.
Three -- three years?
It's been three years?
Wow. So
You married that guy. -I did.
Good for you.
I'm happy for you. -Are you?
Yep. Maybe feeling a little
sorry for myself. -Stop it.
No, really,
you were -"The one."
One of the ones.
One of the dozens.
"Dozens" -- please! Carrie.
Single digits, at best. -Top 10.
Hardly the basis for a
successful relationship.
Well, IGuess we'll never know.
We know.
UmI should get back.
Yeah. It is so good to see you.
It's great to see you.
You look beautiful.
We all know there's a wealth
of talent in this room tonight.
I don't think any-- -I
Don't need validation.
I was completely justified,
and I'm fine.
Never guess who I just saw.
Huge hint --
the one who got away. - Tracy?
Yeah. What? No. - Sophia.
No. - Constance.
No. - Heidi.
Carrie Taylor. -Oh, no, no, no.
That's all I need.
What? -Are you kidding me?
Carrie Taylor turned you into the lead singer
from one of those mopey emo bands.Ah, great.
Look at this smug british bastard.
Hey, Simon! Hey.
Congratulations. -Oh, this?
Yeah, right, great.
Thanks. Yeah. -Well done.
The award that just screams,
"I'm not a Cannes gold lion."
Hey, Sarah, congrats on the award.
Thank you. -We're not,
uh, talking about that.
Well, this is fun.
Yeah, okay.
I've got a house to build.
And finally,
the brick for best in show
at the Chicago creative
club awards goes to
Stu Hoffman from rgm.
Did they neglect to tell
the emcee that Stu is dead?
It would seem so.
Someone's got to go up there.
Uh, that would be you.
Huh? Stu, you out there?
Go on up there, say a few words
before this guy makes it any worse.
Stu, are you out there?
I can't think of anything nice to say!
Stu hated me! -Mm,
I wouldn't lead with that.
Stu? Thanks.
Stu Hoffman, everybody.
This should be good.
Um I'm
I'm not actually, uh, Stu Hoffman.
You can say that again.
Tough room. -Stu, um
Sort of -- he -- he
Uh, recently passed on,
as many of you know,
though, apparently,
not all of you.
Um I'm Mason Mcguire,
also from rothman, Greene & Moore.
Stu Hoffman was
Oh, God. He's freezing up.
He's froze up.
I can't watch it. I thought it
was bad when you were up there.
This is unbearable. -He was
The quintessential ad man.
No. Yeah.
I can't believe I had to
accept a dead man's award.
I made a total ass of myself,
didn't I?
No, no. You -- you were great.
You were great. People were moved.
I think they treated the whole thing
like a respectful moment of
Awkward silence.
Oh, look at that.
It's casting a shadow.
I'm literally living
under stu's shadow.
All right, fine. Look. Okay?
No shadow.
Now you can display it with pride.
I didn't earn it.
You did earn -- you did earn it.
We earned it.
The only reason Stu won awards
like this was because stu
always sold stu's work
instead of our work.
Let this brick be a testament
to all of our great ads that
never saw the light of day.
True, but, I mean,
if I display it any where,
people are gonna think that I'm
taking credit for stu's work.
Not if you say what
I just said. Okay.
Hello, Tony.
Denise. What aRare pleasure.
You require so little supervision.
Congratulations on your
group's showing last night.
Well, it's always good
to be recognized. -Sure.
So, uh, what do I owe
the pleasure to, Denise?
Well, with poor Stu gone,
I wanted to discuss
how you intend to keep up the level
of your group's creative product.
If you don't mind, uh
I'd like to bring in Mason.
Who's Mason?
Uh, he's stu's replacement.
Uh, very good.
Um, I just -- I'll be -
I'm gonna be right back.
You -- help me move this shelf.
It's too st
Should I text her? -Who?
Carrie. I was thinking maybe
Reconnect. 1, 2, 3, lift.
I thought you said she was pregnant.
I didn't say, "should I marry her?"
Just, "should I text her?" -No.
I already did. -Mason! Mason.
Uh, can you join Denise
and me in my office?
Deni-- Denise? What's
Denise doing on our floor?
Well, at the moment,
she's waiting on Mason.
Let's go. Oh, phew. Thank God.
Close one. Good luck.
What's this about?
She wants to meet you.
We've met. -Again.
Denise! Mason Mcguire, my new cd.
Oh, please. I know Mason.
I want to congratulate
you on the new position.
Thank you.
Tony tells me you have
many exciting ideas
for keeping up the mink
group's winning streak.
Oh, yeah? Yeah, sure.
I mean, you know,
a lot of hard work and focus.
Mason did pretty well last night.
Oh. Conner and I, we were -
we were two-time finalists.
Look, Mason, I know Tony
doesn't agree with me on this,
but awards matter -- real awards.
That's how people in this business
keep score. -Uh-huh, sure.
And if we don't bring
in the hardware,
then our clients start ping
after the agencies who do.
And Stu understood that.
Obviously, losing Stu is a blow.
Which is exactly why we brought
in Sarah Krajicek-Hunter.
Who? -Uh, Sarah Krajicek-Hunter.
She's done some of the
best work in Chicago.
Uh, won a brick last night.
How long has she been here?
Ironically, uh,
her first day was stu's last.
Yeah. And which of
you brought her in?
Uh, she was actually
brought in by -- by st
Another thing to
thank poor Stu for.
Um actually, you know
Sarah and I go back, you know, some time.
In fact, we've partnered
on a couple of things.
Okay. So, there's a relationship there.
Well, that's great for the future.
But more immediately, clio
submission deadlines are coming up.
So I look forward to seeing
what you all come up with.
Sarah Krajicek-Hunter.
All right.
Oh, hi, Sarah. - Simon.
Everyone on 25's talking about
your big win last night.
Not my making a complete
idiot out of myself?
Well, some of that.
People are dicks. -Yeah. I know.
So, what's Tony got
you working on?
Oh, Tony doesn't really
deal with the day-to-day,
but Mason's got me
working on shampoo.
Wow, really? -Mm-hmm.
That's quite a shift.
How's it going?
It's great. I love it.
Yeah? -It's fantastic.
I'm really good at it.
Glad you're, uh,
you're enjoying yourself.
Yeah. Does seem like a bit of a
waste of your talent, though.
You know what? That is the first
nice thing anyone has said to me
since I started working here.
Thank you.
Well, then let me have
the second and third.
Sarah, I love those earrings.
And I'd love you to come
and work for my group.
You and I should
grab lunch sometime.
So, what do you think?
I- I think I might pass out.
I need to sit down. -No, no.
You know you can't be in here.
It's fine, it's fine.
I can -- I can be in here.
I just need to sit down, really.
Ohh. See? There.
I feel better already.
Damn it.
Oh, no. Hipbones.
See, now my day's officially shot.
So is mine.
Wait, wait, wait.
How 'bout this one? -Get it.
And get the other one.
Get 'em both. Love it.
Just -You gonna
help me out of this?
I can do that.
Are you listening to me?
I'm listening.
So, what do you think?
About what?
Are any of these worth submitting
for this year's award shows?
Sure. -Are you texting
Carrie Taylor again?
No. What exactly do you
think is gonna come of this?
She's married and pregnant.
Okay, whose side are you on?
I want to stay connected to someone
who once meant a lot to me.
Why should I have to let that friendship
die simply because she's married
Pregnant? -Carrie
once brought me joy.
Followed by a beard
and weight gain.
Conner, Denise just put me on the spot
about stu's award-winning reputation.
This is not the time to abandon
me for some misguided romance.
It's not romance. Not romance.
It's friendship. Friends.
"Hey, buddy." Friends.
Turning it off.
Turning the phone off.
Putting it down.
We can work. Let's work.
Working! Working!
Hi. Mason, do you
have a minute? -Sure.
Look, I found a partner -- Jamie Rawlston.
He's at Leo Burnett.
Rawlston? -He wasn't
on the list I gave you.
And he's a fortune. -Burnett
pays better than anyone in town.
Why don't we work at Burnett? -Look,
he won two bricks
last night. He does all that
Nintendo stuff. He's worth it,
and he's who I want.
So, let's call him.
-Call him? Sarah, I can't afford him.
-Well, not with that attitude.
Just go ask Tony for some more money.
It doesn't work that way.
How does it not work that way? You say,
"Tony, I want to hire
"this award-winning art director for Sarah.
He costs a little more"
than some kid 10 minutes out of
design school, but, gee, I don't know,
"he just might could
be kind of worth it."
I thought you said you
were gonna turn that off.
I did. -Put it away! -I will.
Sarah, Rawlston won't move unless
we back up a truck. I don't have a truck.
I don't have a yugo.
It's not gonna happen. And aren't you supposed
to be in a hair-care consumer-insight meeting?
She wants to have lunch.
-I think consumer-insight meetings
are kind of a waste of my talent.
Oh, really?
Well, clearly, I don't,
since I asked you to attend.
Well, you're the creative director.
Why don't you go?
I'm not going because
I have an arc meeting,
an f'ing effen meeting,
and I'm supposed to figure out how to win
more awards than stu,
and because I told you to go.
Yes, sir, mussolini.
Is there some rule that
talented writers have to be
self-absorbed pains in the ass?
Sorry. What?
I'm always fighting my hair.
It gets dried out pretty easy.
I wish I could just comb
it and get out the door.
But when my hair looks good,
it gives me one less thing
to worry about, so---
I can obsess about other things
I don't like about myself.
You know those commercials
where they're running
bare foot and their hair
is blowing in the breeze?
I mean, they're kind of silly.
I -- I just want my
hair to look good.
Beauty realists.
That's who's at the
top of our pyramid.
And the key to beautiful hair
for them is controlling damage,
protecting and repairing.
Those are our two hair pillars.
Got it.
Let's take a peek at some more.
The first thing I think about
when I buy conditioner is price.
My God, Sarah.
Can you believe you have
to listen to more of this?
Cochran was right.
This is a waste of your talent.
I know -- you like
Mason and conner,
but you have every right to think
about jumping to cochran's group.
Don't worry about people thinking
you have no sense of loyalty.
Stu hired you.
You don't owe Mason anything.
He won't even hire
that Jamie Rawlston.
Cheap men -- nothing worse.
And, you know, the longer
you don't have a partner,
the more people are gonna say,
"she's hard to get along with."
So, I guess the question is,
should you call cochran?
So, what do you think, Sarah?
Hmm? Um stimulating.
Inspiring, even.
Okay. We were wondering
about your lunch order.
Conner. Look at this.
Look at what?
Clio submission requirements.
It says any work
That ran for the first time
between September of last year
and September of this
year is eligible.
Oh, my God!
Why do I care about that?
Because it means we can submit
the effen print you and I did
and last year's arc
mobile campaign.
Arc mobile?
Um, that was stu's campaign.
So how does that help us?
Denise is concerned about
the group winning awards.
Technically, stu's work
was done in the group.
He just didn't have a
chance to submit it.
So you want to take credit for --
you want to take
credit for stu's work?
That's very Stu of you.
No, his name will still be on it.
And so will Tony's.
Come on. There's nothing
unethical about this.
You said yourself the only
reason we didn't win more awards
is 'cause Stu hogged all
the glory. He owes us.
You said those words,
conner. What?
MasonWe need to
switch shirts. -Do we?
Yes. We have to switch shirts.
I'm having lunch with Carrie,
and I just realized how much more
awesome I would look in that shirt.
Switch shirts.
We're not switching shirts..
We got to switch shirts.
The old switcheroo.
Yours is burgundy.
I look great in burgundy.
It's more restaurant-y.
Switch shirts.
Hey, Mason. Hey, we're in the middle
of something. -Switch shirts. Please.
Just give me your shirt
for four seconds!
Sarah, what can I do for you?
Can you give me a hint?
Come on in!
Voil. -Oh, I'm sorry.
Is my music too loud?
I can lower this.
UhhhWho are you? -Hey,
I'm Jonah quarles.
Mason Mcguire. Did you happen
to notice somebody else's stuff
in here? -My stuff. -Yeah,
I packed it up. Um, could I give
you guys a hand moving it, maybe?
No. -Here's the thing -
you're in the wrong office.
Um says here my
office is 26011.
I think this is it.
You're half right.
This is 26011,
but it's her office.
It used to be mine. Now it's hers.
You -- you need to leave.
I know what happened.
They didn't call you.
See, there's no more room on the
retail marketing floor, so
We're expanding. H.R. Is trying to
find us closets wherever they can.
But I -- wow -- lucked out.
Look at this view. It's sick!
You did clear giving me
this space with h.R., right?
I may have forgotten to
fill out the paperwork.
But you -- you need to keep your
anger focused on -- on Jonah.
This sucks.
Hello, Simon?
That lunch you talked about -
how's today?
Great. I'll meet you
downstairs in five minutes.
Well, hi, there. I have a lunch
reservation today under "conner" --
c- o-double-n-e-r.
That's the guy.
Now, here's the thing.
I'm not gonna be on time. I --
no, quite the opposite.
I am gonna be early.
See, I'm meeting someone
important, okay?
Now, I don't want to be standing around.
I want to make sure
I can get seated, okay?
At a very nice table.
I'm gonna call you back.
Yeah? -Question --
does Sarah know cochran?
-She's met him.
They're not friends?
Cochran doesn't have any friends.
Right, right. I forgot.
Could they be dating?
Isn't cochran gay?
No, he's not gay -- just English.
Why are we talking about this?
I'll tell you why, Mason.
They're having lunch together.
Cochran is trying to
steal Sarah. -What?
Conner saw them
having lunch together!
Okay. She asked me to
hire Jamie Rawlston --
Jamie Rawlston? We cannot afford Jamie
Rawlston. -Which is what I told her.
Of course, she got upset.
So she goes running to cochran.
Or he's pursuingher.
Either way, we have to do something.
No, we don't. -I don't understand.
Let her go.
What? -Let her go.
I mean, she's been complaining since she
got here. She doesn't like her office,
she doesn't like the accounts she's
working on. -She wins awards.
Well, they're overrated.
Not by Denise,
who sat in that chair and made it
plain she expects us to win awards.
Well, big surprise. I mean,
the day after an awards show,
Denise becomes obsessed
about winning awards.
It's like sunspot activity, Mason.
Denise flares up,
it interferes with tv reception,
but it'll pass.
Look, I-I don't know
Denise as well as you do,
but the woman sounded
pretty serious.
Mason, look around you.
Do you see any awards?
Hmm? Hmm? Do you see one?
Do you? Do you?
No, you don't.
And that is because I
keep them right here.
Oh, look -- a mobius.
You want one?
You know, awards are fine,
but they're all about the ego.
They distract you from the work.
Now, my job -- our job --
is to create advertising that
moves product for our clients.
I get that, Tony,
but I promised Denise
that Sarah would be writing
award-winning spots for this group.
I wouldn't have said that.
Oh, I hear she made a fool
of herself last night.
No, she a little,
but she's a great writer.
Maybe, but if you came
here looking for money
so that you could woo some
big-ticket art director
to keep blondie from defecting,
the answer is no.
I've had my eye on Rawlston. The two
of you would be brilliant together.
I know, right? -Well, just say the word.
I'll bring him over.
I heard he was too
expensive for rgm.
No, he's too expensive
for Tony mink.
See, people like Stu Hoffman -
God rest his soul -- and me,
we -- we make Denise's life easier.
We win a lot of prizes.
We get our faces on the
cover of creativity.
Denise loosens the fendi purse
strings for people she likes.
She likes me.
Tony -- mm, not so much.
What about Mason?
I have no idea how she
feels about Mason.
All I know is his group has arc mobile
and dove, but for the most part,
they work on little regional brands
with little regional budgets.
Whereas I just spent a week
on a shoot with Tiger Woods.
Did you get to play golf with him?
Equal parts thrilling
and humiliating.
Listen, Sarah. Lovely lunch,
blah, blah, blah.
I think you're a rock star.
We have more work than we can handle.
I'd love to hire Jamie Rawlston
and have the two of you
join my group next week.
Wow. Um
Okay. Uh -You don't need to answer
me now, but do give it some thought.
Okay. -I made Sarah the center
piece of my answer to Denise.
You know? I mean,
losing somebody I- is bad enough,
but to lose someone of her
creative rep to cochran?!
I'm either gonna look like a
liar or a -A dope. A loser.
The Captain of thetitanic.
Thank you for your support.
I bailed on lunch with the future
mother of someone else's kid
to support you, so
You have my support. What do we do?
First of all, try to get
Jonah out of her office.
Yeah, get him out.
That's a good start. What else?
She doesn't have a partner. Would you
-- would you work with her today?
I'm not an art director.
I know, but you're a warm body.
She hasn't had anybody to bounce
ideas off since she got here.
Just concept with her,
come up with some dove ideas.
Yeah. You know, I see what
you're doing. That's good.
That's a good start, right? Yeah.
Keep her company,
impress her with my wit.
That's a good start.
It's not enough.
I never thought I'd
hear you say that.
Mason, cochran has thrown down
the gauntlet. He's wooing her.
We have to out-woo him. Out-woo?
Out-woo. He did lunch,
we do dinner.
He does restaurant, we do
Boat -- you should have bought that boat.
Well, so we go all out.
Charlie trotters or --
or how about this?
The personal touch.
Right. We show her -- just a group? No,
no. We're a family.
And we serve her up
some home cooking.
You're gonna cook? -Me? No.
What are you doing? -Erin.
Hey. How you doing?
No, it's conner, actually.
You're gonna ask my wife
to cook for Sarah? -Look,
Mason and I have this huge favor to ask.
You can't do that. -Mason doesn't
want to ask, so here I go.
This is a bad idea.
We really want to impress
this new writer. You're a delight.
I'm uncomfortable with this!
Is there any chance you
Could throw together
A little something
For four people tonight?
There's something I never told you.
There's a whole thing that I well, that -- that's great.
That's awesome. Thank you.
You're a doll.
Dinner for four at the
Mcguire home in winnetka.
Your wife is -- fsshh! -- Amazing.
Okay, first of all, don't
mention my wife and go "fsshh!"
And second of all, how do you
even know that Sarah's available?
Right. Hmm.
I'll wait here.
I am not going back to that cube.
At least now I have
my window office.
With a view. We should celebrate.
What are you doing tonight?
Nothing. Why?
Then you shall dine with us.
Mcguire home, 8:00.
Here's the address.
Sarah's in.
What if this doesn't work?
But what if it does?
What if it doesn't?
But what if it does?
Does he ever do this for you?
No comment. -He does?
I just said that so that you
would not say -- -I knew it.
Why do you want to marry him?
You know why.
I'm gonna miss this.
It's gonna be okay, you know?
We can still be friends.
And as the guy finishes
shampooing the girl's hair,
the announcer comes on and says,
"dove. Rinse. Repeat."
Something like that.
Okay, am I the only woman in America
who doesn't share this bizarre fantasy
of having a man wash my hair?
It's very romantic.
It's stupid.
What are you, made of ice?
You've obviously never had a
straight man shampoo your hair.
There we go. -Don't.
Shh. Relax. Settle into it.
It's better with the warm water and
the suds. Just relax and try and think
of a brilliant tag line. -Stop!
Not a very brilliant tag line.
"Life. Styled" -- two words.
"Life. Styled." -Look at you.
Great. Two more spots, we got a campaign.
We sell our campaign,
we're shooting at the four
seasons for four weeks.
Minibar, pool, free robes.
You want one?
Why are you here? Seriously.
Just trying to
You need a partner.
I need an art director.
You're a copywriter.
I know I'm a copywriter.
Thank you.
Look, I'm just
I'm just trying to help,
that's all.
I know how hard it is to do
this kind of stuff alone.
You need a warm body
to bounce ideas off.
I get it. I do.
Really, it's getting
A lot harder to pin
Mason down these days.
You know, he's got all the
extra responsibilities,
client responsibilities, blah,
blah, blah. You shampoo me now.
I'm really looking forward to tonight.
Are you looking forward to tonight?
I know I am. Mason is. We all are.
I guess. It's just kind of weird.
Ooh. Hmm. Can I ask your advice? -Ugh.
I want to say no.
I have this ex that I
haven't seen in three years.
Mason doesn't think I should meet her.
What do you think?
Who broke up with who?
I -- I don't -- why is -
I don't know.
Okay, so she ended it. -No.
It's not like that. Okay? It's
It was tricky,
but we parted on good terms.
Well, then I think it's fine
if you're both cool with it.
I mean, I'm still on good terms
with my ex-husband. We hang out.
We don't sleep together. If that's
what you're angling for, then I --
so you don't think that two people
of the opposite sex can be friends?
I don't think you'd be
asking everybody for advice
if you just wanted to be friends.
It's complicated.
She has a boyfriend.
She's married?! -What?
Oh, conner, no. See, I'm not down
with that. I believe in loyalty.
Oh, really? -Absolutely.
I'm sorry. I was in the elevator.
Is this better?
Okay. I took Stu Hoffman's office.
I gave Sarah Krajicek-Hunter my old o--
I know. I should have come
to you guys. I realize that.
But I've got to get that space back
for Sarah. Can you hold on a minute?
What? -Oh, that's warm.
Sorry. I'm on with the
guy from human resources.
A no, I'm not. He just hung up.
So, who's this new writer,
and why are we entertaing him?
Uh, her, actually. -Oh.
You didn't mention you had
a new woman in your group.
I have a new woman in my group.
Is she pretty? -What?
I don't know.
That pretty, huh? -You can
decide for yourself tonight.
As much as I would love
to cook for this pretty
new writer that you've
never mentioned before,
I've spent the entire day cleaning the
house, and now I've run out of time.
I mean, does this have
to happen tonight?
Yeah, I'm sorry.
It's got to be tonight.
Tomorrow, she might be gone,
you know?
And then I'm the creative director
that can't hang on to talent.
Well, then you're gonna have to pick
up food after work or something.
Maybe Mia francesca. -I will.
Does this writer have a name?
Uh, Sarah. Sarah Krajicek-Hunter.
Oh. So she's married. -Yeah.
Uh, divorced, actually.
Better and better.
What train are you on?
I'm leaving now, okay?
Love you.
Denise. Oh, I thought I'd drop down,
see if you were free.
Of course.
I see you decided to display
stu's "best in show" brick.
Oh, yeah.
A little reminder of what
to shoot for yourself.
Though I might place
it in your eye line
For you to see,
rather than guests.
Sometimes I sit over there.
Your family. -Yeah.
Lovely. -Thanks.
I'm keeping you from them. -No.
It's not easy,
juggling career and family.
Tony's spending more
time with his new one
This go-'round. -Mm-hmm.
You know, I worked for a
creative director at Grey,
back when there was
a Grey in Chicago,
and he passed on a
great piece of advice.
Always hire people
better than you.
At the end of the day, your name
ends up on all their work, anyway.
Mason, Tony elevating
you to creative director
means he sees something.
But I know so little about you.
So tell me about yourself.
Leave out nothing.
Terrific talking with you, Mason.
I look forward to
great things from you.
Thank you, Denise.
Good night.
Go. You almost there?
Just got here.
I was just about to leave,
and I got way laid by Denise.
Look, I need you
to explain to Erin
and be entertaing and
charming till I get there.
What's that noise? -What? Oh.
Uh, I'm at a restaurant.
Did Erin decide
she'd rather go out?
Uh, no. I'm waiting for Carrie.
We're having dinner together.
You're what? -Yeah. Yeah,
she texted me back.
You said you were at my place!
No, I said I just go
there to the restaurant.
Okay, I'll be at your house soon.
Well, I'll be at your house later.
Leave the pregnant married woman and
get your skinny ass over to my house!
Look, don't get mad at me.
You're the one who's late.
Hi. Hi. -I'm -You must be Sarah.
That's right.That's right.
Hi. Hi. -UmI don't even know
your name. - Oh. Erin. Erin.
Please, come in.
Thanks. With an "e"?
Yes. -Okay.
Wow. This is great.
It's funny -- Mason never
mentioned my name at work?
Yeah, no, if there weren't
photos in the office,
you wouldn't even
know he was married.
Oh. I meant, when he's at work,
he's just all about the business.
SoThat's why.
Oh. Can I -Man,
if I had known that walk from the
train station was such a hike,
I'd have worn more
sensible shoes, you know?
Kind of like yours.
So, where's Mason?
Good question.
Hi. Can I help you?
It is conner, right?
Yeah. I- I'm sorry. Actually,
I'm waiting for someone.
Yeah. Yeah, it's my wife.
I intercepted your text message.
Then I took her phone.
Carrie thinks she just lost it.
She --
so none of those text
messages were from her?
No, they were from me.
They were from you.
Well, then I guess I owe you an apology
for canceling our lunch earlier.
You know we're just
friends, right?
And a cranberry juice with
two cherries and a Twist.
"Just friends" -
that's what Carrie told me.
Right. Three years ago.
I didn't believe her then,
and I don't believe you now.
It's true, Dan. It's true.
And I should believe the man
who slept with my fiancée why?
She told you that?
We almost split up over it.
But I told her I could deal as
long as she never saw you again,
as long as I never heard
the name "conner" again.
Why'd you text me back?
You shouldn't have texted me back.
I need to know what's
going on. -Nothing.
Nothing is what's going on.
And if you'd let Carrie see those texts,
I'm sure she would tell
you the exact same thing.
Well, maybe we should
call her and ask her.
Let's not call her and -
what do you want?
Do you want to kick my ass? Do you want to
kick my ass in front of all these people?
Go right ahead.Punch me in the nose.
Throw a drink on me. Go right ahead.
No, no, no. Let's call her.
Let's see if she wants
to go out on a date.
Come on!
She's at home by herself, and you've already
got her favorite drink waiting for her.
Dan, you're making yourself crazy over
something that ended a long time ago,
and that's no way to live. Believe
me, Carrie didn't do anything wrong.
She just said hello.
Okay? So you can stop.
You can stop wondering.
Stop texting
Check, please.
I'm home! Hey.
Finally. In here!
Hi. Where's the food?
The food. Right. -You forgot?
I was so frantic to get here.
I'm sorry.
Perfect. And what about
the other guest that
I spent the entire day
cleaning the house for?
Any sign of good old
reliable conner?
She's had a few
Uh, apparently,
he had a personalCrisis.
Of course he did.
Well, I'm gonna go.
You two seem like you're about to
have a big argument or something.
Oh, no. No! No, you know what we'll
do? We -- we can order something.
Chinese is fast. Do you like chinese?
Kind of like a moo shu, dumplings?
Honey, just let her go.
All right, well, at least let
me drive you to the station.
Oh, thank you,
that would be great.
I don't think I could
make that walk again.
Thank you.
She lacks the right
sensible shoes.
I'm sorry. I just
Go. Bring me back some moo shu?
Mm. Well thanks.
Well, wait, wait, wait.
Your train doesn't leave for
another 10 minutes, so
I know you've been
talking to cochran.
Yeah, I didn't exactly
think it was a coincidence
that I have this
last-minute dinner invite
right after my lunch with Simon.
Simon's good. He is.
He's talented. He's smart.
His group does some nice work.
There's a "but" coming.
Mm-hmm. Can you think of the name
of one other member of his team?
I don't know. Is there aDave?
You can't.
Because there's only one
star in cochran's group,
and that's the guy
you had lunch with.
Remind you of anyone?
You're gonna say
my old boss, Josh.
And our dear departed st
You should ask yourself
why you're drawn
to bosses who take
credit for your work.
I'm never gonna operate like that.
And I will never go on a stage
and accept an award
for work you did.
Unless, of course, you're dead.
Well, cochran said he'd hire
Jamie Rawlston to be my partner.
I called Rawlston this afternoon.
He's just taken a job with
Crispin & Porter in Miami.
Look, I need you.
This group needs you.
We need your talent.
We need you a hell of a lot
more than cochran does.
I know you all need me. I just haven't
felt like any of you guys want me.
The other guys are a
little threatened.
That's all. 'Cause they
know how good you are.
In fact, just this morning,
I told Denise
that, uh, my entire plan
for improving this group's
creative is pinned on you.
I think you're that good.
You're just saying
that to keep me. -No.
I don't do that.
I just -- I didn't
know if maybe
Working together might
Might be a little awkward for you.
Oh. No.
Not for me
I meanAs long as
it isn't for you.
Hey. How'd you guys know
I was on that train?
We didn't.
Oh. Did I miss dinner?
I'm starving.
There's no dinner. -No dinner?
I thought you were gonna
have dinner with Carrie.
Yeah. So did I.
You came up for nothing.
I'm not moving to cochran's group.
Oh. Okay. I'm still hungry.
Hey. Thanks for the lift.
Thanks for staying.
See ya.
Really? No dinner?
No dinner.
These are for Erin.
Tell her they're from you. Sarah!
So, you've been trying to
steal Sarah Krajicek-Hunter.
You can stop now.
Hello, Mason. How are you?
Sarah's staying with us.
End of story.
Wow. Look at you. Where was
this sense of honor and drama
when you ambushed me in
that arc mobile meeting?
Oh, you mean when you were
trying to steal my account?
Anyone detect a pattern here?
I'm sorry. Why are you
here instead of Tony?
You know, gcd to gcd.
All I'm saying is,
Tony better watch his back.
Oh, don't threaten Tony.
Oh, I'm not.
I think Tony's great.
He's a bit old-school, but great.
No, I'm talking about you, mason.
Tony should worry about you.
Thanks for your time.
Door open, please.
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