Truth Seekers (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

The Girl with All the Ghosts

Well, what did you think?
Tis quite the first edition.
Uh, some wine, Christoph.
Your appearance is that
of a man at death's door.
The consequence of writing
a volume in one's own blood.
I assumed from the smell.
And, uh the pages are
made from your own skin?
Mine and others.
Willing vessels
tasked with bringing this most
powerful book into being.
Besides, what use will skin and
blood be in the next world?
Quite. So how many copies
do you anticipate
There can be no copies.
You wish only
to sell one book?
There can be only one
"Praecepta Mortuorum."
It's value is equal
to a thousand ditties
by that twat Milton.
Whosoever possess the book
shall wield such magicks
Can I just stop you there?
It may please you
to know I've identified
an interested party.
Pleased, yes.
Surprised? Hardly.
We shall see.
In here, High Inquisitor.
No, you didn't.
Have you read it?
All of it?
- I skimmed it.
I'm a publisher.
- No, Antoine.
You were a publisher.
Sadly for you, dear scribe,
the end shall not be so tidy.
I only pray that you have
skin on your bones
enough to peel.
Take him.
- No, no!
No, please!
Can you help me?
The sensation that
you're being haunted
or Casper syndrome as
it's also known,
can often be triggered
as a response to some
intense psychological trauma.
Have you had any
traumatic events recently?
Well, my house burnt down,
and I saw my mum on fire.
Then I was taken
to a hospital,
but instead of doctors,
it was full of, like,
groaning shadows
that chased me.
And then I saw
my mum again,
only this time she was
a smoldering ghost.
Yes, well, you know
You're certainly in the
right ballpark.
Yeah, that could do it.
That'll do it.
We'll share a breath.
I'm gonna get a bit
technical here, so forgive me.
I'm gonna need you to tune out
the front bit of your brain
so I can talk to the back bit.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
What's your favorite TV show?
- "Friends".
- Oh, I like "Friends".
Shh, shh, shh.
Okay, my darling.
Let's just close your eyes.
Not you.
What are you doing?
Imagine you're watching
an episode of "Friends".
There's Chandler,
doing a joke.
Why's Monica so neurotic?
There's Gunther,
the capuchin monkey.
Gunther, the capuchin monkey.
The next voice I talk to
will be that of
Astrid's subconscious.
Hello, Astrid's subconscious.
Hello, Gus.
When did you first start
to encounter these ghosts?
At the hospital.
Do you remember where
the hospital is?
Near where you first saw me.
By the road.
I'm inside there now.
It's dark.
They're here.
Um Is that a good sign
or a bad sign?
Dad, what are you doing?
Jesus, you scared me.
I just want to get
on the internet
to send a video message.
Why not use the internet
on the phone I bought you?
- This?
- Yes.
It's also a computer.
Huh, I knew that.
Yeah, just put
the kettle on, will you?
Hey, we got to get to work.
And you're more than welcome to
tag along until lunchtime.
Why, what's happening
at lunchtime?
We are going to see
Janey Feathers.
It should be good.
Who might you be?
Oh, this is Astrid.
- Hello.
- Hello, Astrid.
How do you know these
two reprobates?
- She is my niece.
- She's my girlfriend.
But you only
met Gus this week.
But I went to his for supper
the other day and she
was there, too, so
we were just like, oh!
And then I just thought
I'd ask her
if she wanted to
go out with me,
and obviously she was like,
I'm shadowing them
for work experience.
Which is what we'll
go with for now.
Gus Roberts,
didn't want one partner,
now he's got two.
I wouldn't call them partners.
Astrid, you're in
for such a treat.
Your uncle here is only
the greatest installer
we've ever had.
He managed to get our
coverage up to 100%,
and with the rollout of 6g,
we're really going to be
ramping up our installation.
So you have picked
a very fun time
to be part of the Smyle gang.
- Thank you, boss.
Let's get cracking.
- Absolutely.
- Here we go.
- Excellent.
- Have a good 'un.
Dave speaking, how can I put
a smile on your face today?
Hello? Hello?
For Pete's sake.
Bjorn, it's happened again.
No one on that.
Fifth time today.
Oh, Gus!
Hey, Janey.
- Hello, how are you?
You look well.
Thank you.
- Mwah!
- Thank you.
Is this the subject?
Ah, no this is Elton,
who I work with.
Very peculiar aura.
This is who I was
telling you about, Astrid.
No offense, but
I'll need to do a cleanse
before can I let you
across the threshold.
Give me a sec.
This way.
- How have you been, anyway?
- You've had the carpets done.
I have, do you like it?
It's been a long time.
She's ready for you.
Come on.
What you looking at?
So, you're the girl
with all the ghosts.
Yeah, well, either that
or I'm going mad.
There's nothing mad about
what goes on in here, dear.
I presume Gus has told you
about the time we tried
to contact Emily.
Who's Emily?
We're here to talk about
the things that are
bothering Astrid, not me, so
Should we just crack on?
Well, you know the rules,
cash up front.
What's the going rate
for a séance these days?
50, normally, but I'll do
it for 40, seeing as it's you.
- All right.
- Gus, I don't have
I've got you, it's fine.
Oh, come on.
Come on, spirits compel it.
Right, I'm just going to
light a few candles
and smudge the kitchen
up with sage.
The "Praecepta Mortuorum."
Written on human skin
and inked in the blood
of Satanist zealots.
Got it in a car boot
in Gloucester.
Got him down to a fiver because
the back page was missing.
Do you think it's
the original one?
I tried using it once
and the curtains caught on fire.
Emily wrote a paper
on this book.
I know she did, who'd you
think she borrowed it off?
Hey, uh do you think
I could
Not on your nellie.
I'd never have
lent it to Emily
if I'd know what it could do.
What was in it.
Somebody tell me
who Emily is.
Gus's wife.
Dead wife.
Right, enough of that, now.
Let's see if we can
talk to these ghosts.
With the lighting of
this spirit candle,
we make transparent
the barriers between dimensions.
See us, talk to us.
All are welcome.
If the things that are haunting
me do appear, what will you do?
They can't actually
cross over.
You'd need some potent magicks
to create a door.
It's just I've seen
"The Exorcist".
Oh, this isn't
an exorcism, dear.
And if your head starts spinning
and you try to stick a crucifix
up your what's-it,
I'll blow the candle out, okay?
That severs the connection.
Can we do this?
The light that illuminates
the ethereal membrane
compels your communion.
Windy, idn't it?
Is that them?
It's windy.
Something doesn't feel right.
Oh my God!
Oh, no!
They're here!
I can see them!
What the fuck did you
just bring into my home?
These aren't just
restless spirits
of the loved ones
who've past.
These are malevolent entities.
And somehow, we've just
rolled out the welcome mat.
I'm sorry, sweetheart,
but I can't help you.
Not sure anyone can, eh?
Hey, don't say that.
Right, come on, out.
I've got a hot stone massage
and a chakra cleanse this arvo.
I'll need to tidy this place up,
it's a bloody bum site.
Come on.
- Oh, and Gus?
- Yeah?
My offer still stands,
you know.
If you want your
stones massaged,
you know where I am.
It's time you moved on,
isn't it?
Yeah, I am moving on.
- Just stay.
- What?
Really? I just get really
horny when spirits come out.
Yeah, I know you do.
Let's see if this works.
That's good. That's okay.
Hello, HellsBellsTells.
It is me.
Well, I just wanted to say
how much I enjoyed your videos
and how much they
resonated with
What the fuck is that?
What the fuck is that?
Oh, come on.
What? Oh, no.
What the
Oh, what?
Uploading? No, no, no, no!
How do you delete this?
What if the demons
are still here?
Relax. I've got holy water
in the screen wash.
I've got you.
Should we drop you home?
- Oh, thank you, but
it burnt down.
You could stay at mine.
- Really?
- Yeah.
I'm sure Helen won't mind.
No way!
Oh, come on, Helly, it'll only
be for about three days.
It'll be fine.
You know that this is
a bad time for me.
CovCo CosCon is only
days away!
Plus I'm in agony
with my RSI.
- Oh, hello.
- Ow!
I'm so sorry, I thought
she was trying to say hello.
Yeah, I wouldn't touch her.
What's CovCo CosCon?
Coventry Collectibles
and Cosplay Convention.
Well, thank you.
- Elton?
- Hmm?
I'm getting one of my
tension headaches.
Okay, um, can you just
give me a minute?
Yeah, I just all right?
Have you heard of
CovCo CosCon?
Seems like the kind of event
people go to when they've got
nothing better to do than
dress up like Japanese anime
or space men.
No, you wouldn't catch me
going to something like that.
Oh my God.
Dr. Peter Toynbee
is giving a talk!
I have to go to this.
Who's Dr. Peter Toynbee?
Dr. Peter Toynbee?
He's a conspiracy theorist.
A recluse.
He's the man who did extensive
research on the theory
behind interdimensional
Oh. What are
you talking about?
I'm talking about
ghosts, baby.
- So?
- Hey.
Great news.
Helen would love
for you to stay!
- Hey, Gus.
- Get your coats on.
I'm coming to pick you up.
What, now?
Yeah, right now.
Is this it?
Yeah. We're close.
Now, I've spent quite a
lot of time researching your case.
And I think the key to
solving your problem
lies here, the place
where it all began.
How are you so sure?
It's, well
You stole that from
Janey Feathers.
I didn't steal it.
She said it burned
her curtains.
Look, it's fine, all right?
You just got to know
what you're doing.
Now, fortunately for us
my late wife Emily
She spent many months
translating passages
in this book.
I'm pretty sure I found
the correct one
that will help us solve
your ghost problem.
How sure?
Oh, you want an
actual figure?
- Mm.
- Let's go.
Dr. Toynbee's very
clear on this.
The victim of the haunting
must return to the place
whence it began in order
to be rid of it.
Here we go.
Keep a lookout.
It's this way.
Do you hear that?
It's just the wind.
Sounds like whispering.
It's free to whisper.
Yeah, I think this is it.
You sure?
Okay, well, Elton
and I will set up
here at the nurse's station
and maybe you could
try and relax,
just pop up on the bed
and have a chill pill.
- You're going to leave me here?
How am I supposed
to have a chill pill?
I'm sorry, but the book says
the subject must be alone.
We can't leave her here alone.
If anything happens
we'll be able to
Able to what?
Uh, good luck, I guess.
- Gus?
- Yeah?
After today
Maybe we can just go back
to being a couple of
regular broadband
installation guys.
Why? I mean
We're on the cusp of
something, here.
I don't want on to be on
the cusp of anything.
Not again.
What happened to you?
- Nothing.
Nothing happened to me.
Come on, she's all
alone in there.
Right, uh
Read this oh dear.
Um it says the caster
of the incantation, me,
should take not more than
one sip of tepid
ur yeah, urine,
before the ritual begins.
Don't look at me, I went
back at the services.
That is a shame.
Yeah, all right, well, I will
Just drink my own.
Yep, okay. Good.
The decision has been made.
Uh, do you want me
to go and wait
Nah, do what you have
to do, that's fine.
There we go. Right.
Uh, Gus.
No, no, one second.
Gus, it says brine.
Does it?
Yeah, it says brine,
not urine.
- Let's see that.
Where does it say that?
It says brine.
Yes, it does.
Astrid, are you ready?
Good, let's go.
"Exorcisimus te omnis"
"immundus spiritus omnis
satanica potestas."
"Omnis incursio
infernalis adversarii.
"Omnis legio,
omnis congregatio
et secta diabolica."
Something's in there with her.
- Gus!
- Emily?
Where you going?
Okay. Okay.
Uh okay.
"Numquam draco sit"
"mihi dux vade retro satana."
Uh uh
"Nunquam suade mihi
vana sunt mala quae libis."
You have one new message.
Gus Roberts, if
you so much as crease
one page of that book,
I will stuff my biggest amethyst
where the sun don't shine.
Sorry about that.
So, did we win?
Woo! Yeah!
What happened at the hospital?
Why did you stop
the incantation?
Thought I saw someone I know.
I thought that meant
it didn't work.
It worked.
- Hey, Astrid.
You okay?
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
I think yeah.
The ghosts
They've gone.
- Ghost free, baby.
Ghost free.
What the fuck is that?
Oh, no! What?
Thanks, Dad.
Hey, thank you.
For, um helping me.
It's all right.
We are Truth Seekers.
That's what we do.
How do you feel?
Oh, I feel
Yeah. I do.
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