Tschugger (2021) s01e03 Episode Script


Patrick, is everything all right?
And you don't want to have children later?
Yes, one day, I think so.
My sister has a boy, I am his godfather.
What a mess in the diapers!
I don't know if I'm ready
for this story.
Yes, what about you? Do you want to have children one day?
Are you serious? I sent you a card!
My wife is pregnant.
What's up?
From you?
If there's one thing I've always been good at,
it's chatting.
You really are a fool, aren't you.
I think it has something to do with the fact
that I'm very interested in people,
and that I always know when it's time
to change the subject.
Damn, my socks are already soaked.
Only one thing to do: soak.
Put a speaker on?
It's a kind of spray
to treat the shoes,
to make them less permeable.
No kidding?
Yes, impregnation spray.
But it looks highly illegal.
But it's not,
everybody does it.
Hey, what are you doing here?
What does it look like?
For our safety.
For our safety,
it's better if you leave it in place.
No hard feelings,
but Pirmin and the shot,
it's like my godson and shit.
Dude, did you just shoot my target?
Uh No.
Everything is next door.
Your fucking bullet landed
in my target.
One bullet wound is enough.
- Hey, fuck you, Bax.
- Come on, Pirmin, you have other qualities!
Oh great, I have to go already from Raron.
They are driving again with
summer tires again, these "Grüezini".
Try it in second gear!
Pirmin has always taken it a bit too literally
literally, the "friend and savior" concept.
As we learned at the police academy.
Anyway, I follow my instincts much more
my instinct.
What are you doing?
I'm calling for backup.
No, we have to clear this up first!
Otherwise it will come back to us!
You mean on you?
We can't just
leave him in that hole.
Yes, hi, I have a sad statement to make.
We found Patrick.
Pirmin! - Smetterling!
Signore Your coffee.
Good evening and welcome
for the Valais news on Canal9.
On the front page today:
Put the phone away. Damn it.
Shocking images.
The traumatized victim, a primary school student from Visp,
tells about his violent attack
by the cantonal police officer Johannes Schmidhalter.
Known for the arrest of the hemp farmer
Mike, can you tell us what happened?
I just did a little bit of filming, and then the policeman
came up to me and slapped me.
Now I can hardly move my hand.
The mother of the 8 year old schoolboy
is going to sue
against the former hero of Valais.
We will keep you informed
about this dramatic case.
For Canal9, Carolina Leiggener.
Hey, ciao Pinotti, how is my friend?
Look what I have here:
How much can you give me?
Just arrived from Bella Italia.
Just a moment.
Tastes great.
It's really a great product.
Come on, have another spoon.
Mmmh Scarpetta.
How many do you have?
A whole truckload.
One hundred for the whole thing.
How many do you want? About how many?
We can't negotiate with him.
Let's go to Castello's.
Wait a minute!
Hey! What are you doing here?
Hello! Hello!
How about going jogging together?
Do you like it here?
Yes. I'm more of a city girl.
Yes, the city is different.
There's always something going on.
My favorite cities are Los Angeles and Miami.
Of course, I've never been there,
but from the movies, all that.
And the men! Ryan Gossling.
They are still gentlemen!
I like this "American Way of Life".
And here in Valais, everything is always
so complicated and difficult.
And as a woman, you don't have much to say anyway.
you don't have much to say anyway.
Yes, but in the city they don't do you any
to you either.
Yes, but I guess it's
quite different
working at Fedpol,
in a city where there's always something going on.
Yes, but it's not
as you imagine it.
It's at most 5 percent intervention.
And we haven't seen Ryan Gossling yet.
seen Ryan Gossling yet.
Yes, why are you in Valais, because of an
intervention, or what is the other 95 percent?
Ah, OK.
What, on the Simplon?
Yes, I'm coming right away.
Hey, there he is, all fixed up.
Take him to the third floor immediately.
Hey, think of it positively.
This is the best thing
that could happen.
Say, is everything all right with you?
We have a clear advantage.
Look at them,
they know nothing!
We're going to follow the official route,
not Beverly Hills cop mode.
We have to interview witnesses first.
- maybe someone saw something -
- Frängi, damn it!
You're covering all the tracks!
Do you know what I mean?
You're totally out of control.
Guys, what did you do?
- Ciao.
- Ciao.
- So, can you say something already?
- Yes, we have to clean the little guy first.
Apparently he lost a lot of blood.
Will you call me as soon as there's news?
You, call Mom,
The Internet is down again.
Yes. I know.
Great, Diego, it's good that you're already here
I've already talked to the anthropometry team,
they can't say much yet.
But I already have heavy suspicions.
I'm going to do my assessment, okay?
Yes, sure.
Protocol D87: at 15:16 Pirmin and I
are going to scout,
find the car of the brand Fiat Panda
of the suspects.
No evidence of foul play.
At 15:27 we find Patrick
in the toilet tank
and find isolated blood traces in the snow.
I've heard enough.
Everyone over here!
Diego, it's those junkies,
they are behind everything!
I just haven't completely
collected the evidence.
We don't know yet,
but a pickup truck from Zurich also left the scene of the
the scene of the crime.
Frängi and Gerda: you take care of it
from here.
I want to know what happened and when.
Chantal from the anthropometric service and
Dr. Schmidhalter will be your contact persons.
I would like to have a first overview of the situation
by this evening by e-mail,
all the responsible people at the CC.
And now you make me here
an effective barrier.
Bax and Pirmin, you go wash the cars.
What, washing cars?
We found Smetterling,
we probably saved his life,
that's our business!
Now I have to agree with Bax.
Bax, does that sound like
"keeping the ball in play"?
I just had a phone call for over an hour
with the Attorney General
about these mothers.
Have you lost your mind
to hit a child?
In the association of women and mothers,
they are real pure and hard.
They've even gone to federal court
because of two dots in a logo.
Fricker just thought he was doing the right thing
by sponsoring the junior team.
You can't hit an eight-year-old
during traffic safety training.
I certainly didn't hit the child!
- Pirmin, say something.
- This does not concern me.
Uh, excuse me, where is the body?
Damn it, nobody died!
And I put the winter tires on for this
Hey, Kevin, this is from Scandinavia,
extra strong, apricot flavor.
You don't have to chew,
just put it under your lips and suck!
Isn't it dangerous?
Nothing but natural ingredients.
even Greta Thunberg sucks on it.
Great earring.
Want to buy some snuff?
Mike! Is everything okay?
500 francs or I tell everyone
that you're a little pedo.
It's all right, Mrs. Lötscher, he's my uncle!
Why do you want to know exactly
who was driving the truck?
It's better if Gerda and Frängi
conduct this investigation now.
You are too emotional.
And I just want you
you to go wash the cars now.
They are disgusting and I hope
that at least you'll be able to do that.
RRO, Nouvelliste, Walliserbote,
even the parish paper wants a statement.
Ah, damn it!
They were the only ones missing!
Damn it.
Patty Schnyder.
I found a weapon!
It's always the little sisters
who create problems.
Tell me, please,
that you are not stupid enough
to have given him a gun too.
But I didn't want to reveal it at that time
for tactical investigative reasons.
Uh, no.
Special edition:
Rüedi Martig's farm is hit in turn.
Last night, a Hérens cow was stolen from his farm.
It was my most precious cow.
She won everything in Aproz.
Three crowns, eight bells, in the year 2017.
This cow was stolen one hundred percent.
Thank you Rüedi Martig, we hope
that the Hérens cow will be found quickly.
If Rüedi would touch my udders
every day,
I would have broken too, long ago.
Bax, can you polish it for me?
I can polish your mom too if you want.
I tried to avoid that, honestly.
An asshole all the way.
He drove on purpose
in the horse shit.
Hey, guys, we need your help.
Of course we do. How can I be of service?
You can't be serious.
Standard procedure,
so we can exclude your DNA.
Hey, Pirmin, did you know about this?
I won't participate any longer
in this mess.
I already knew at that moment
that it wouldn't go well.
Bax. For the horse shit.
It's pretty damn stubborn.
Thank you.
Hey, Pirmin, you have to help me.
We have to find the junkies.
Biffiger took the case away from us.
Why can't you follow orders.
But you did say that a good cop
has to go beyond his limits sometimes too.
Yes, but it's a question of attitude,
it doesn't mean that you can go above and beyond
the rules and the law.
OK, and washing cars makes you
a good cop?
Hey, your trainee almost died,
he almost died!
And now Frängi has the advantage?
As far as I'm concerned, you can continue to scrape
the horse shit from the rims,
but I'll take care of the business.
At Pablo Escobar's house, initially the CIA only had
found a hippopotamus and some cannabis.
My instinct was
that there was something bigger around.
And that I would just go ahead
if I thought like a junkie.
You probably never had
a sugo like this before
Really great tomatoes
This is sensational.
What are you going to do with it?
How are you, Diego?
Dad, Pirmin can take you home.
Ah, for a few glasses of wine
It's not the first time.
At least he turned on his headlights.
I'm going to do the dishes.
How do you do it?
OK. Thank you, sir. Good night.
Is there anything new?
He's been shot.
They operated on him for over seven hours
and removed two bullets.
Thank you. Who does that kind of thing?
You know, honey, that's probably
the best thing ever.
that I'm not involved in this.
I think your father meant well for us
when he took me off the case.
That's why I don't understand
why you had to push him so hard to do it.
Yeah, but I know Dad,
you have to show him that you want to be
the new leader.
Yes, but I can speak for myself.
I do it my way.
I make a nice video,
I cook a delicious meal.
You didn't know either
that he doesn't like mango chutney.
Maybe he's right,
I'm not cut out to be a chef.
Hey, where's my little tiger?
Not today, please.
How was school?
Is Mike better?
You know, I think this whole thing
it's a little bit of an act.
Today, a strange man came to see him.
He said it was his uncle.
But there is only Bianca, Marylou and Catherine.
He doesn't have an uncle.
But maybe he was a distant relative.
He arrived in a pickup truck
with a Zurich license plate.
Hi Gerda, how are you?
How are you?
What are you doing?
Guggserball is coming
Sorry about yesterday. I had a little too much to drink.
Gerda, I'd like to talk about this again.
No, I can't tell you anything, I really can't.
We have to go through everything first
to ballistics.
Yes, and how long will that take?
Yes, you know what it is.
Right now, it's really hell here
with the Danis thing.
That's the priority.
Can you hear me?
- Hello - Can you hear me?
- Hello. Oh sorry, yes.
How long will it take?
Maybe we can look in a week,
no idea, really it's yes, I'm coming.
I'm sorry, I have to go.
Something has just happened again,
I'm sorry.
- But Erasmo, it's really -
- Ciao Bella, ciao.
Tonight, great pizza
with a new sauce, bella Napoli.
Thank you.
Buon appetito, good appetite.
And what are you doing now?
If you're going to talk such nonsense,
I'm going home.
Could I have the hot oil?
You're already hot enough.
Stop it! Stay a little decent!
Of course, Madam.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
I can pay a compliment
to a beautiful woman,
what's wrong with you?
If you slap me again,
I'll slap you right in the face, I'll tell you that.
Now I'll tell you one thing:
you can treat your wife any way you want,
but here, in the restaurant, we respect women.
What's going on?
I hope you didn't talk nonsense?
She's from Fedpol, guys.
What is Fedpol doing here in Valais?
I hope my friends
did not bother you?
I've met worse guys than that,
believe me.
Worse than Ludi?
Since Ludi played the red ball at Beni,
he has been concentrating only on his hobbies:
bowling, shooting and pinot noir.
He talks so much about himself
that he keeps saying "me, me, me".
he still has a red wine stain here
on his shirt.
You won't see me anymore
move back one meter
because of someone,
Are these your friends?
Yes, we bowl together
from time to time.
Bowling! Yes.
Wow, what I had smoked
wasn't CBD though.
I can't believe it.
But the king of chatter
didn't let on, of course.
This is Ludi in Vétroz, in 1994. He won everything.
One after the other.
This is our track.
Hmm From the outside,
bowling looks very easy,
but there's a very sophisticated technique behind it.
It's really a coordination
hand-finger-body coordination
of the highest level, and without mental concentration
nothing goes.
Unfortunately, I can't show you now,
because my hand is Yes.
But in a few weeks it should be good
for the Edelweiss team.
For the Edelweiss team.
Is this your bowling group?
No. You don't know the Edeweiss team?
Suddenly I didn't know
if it was me who had smoked or her.
No. Should we know her?
Yes - the special unit in Valais,
like the Scorpions in Zurich.
Aren't they recruited by Fedpol?
Well not by me, no.
It was only then that I realized
that she wasn't there at all for the recruitment.
By the way, what makes you a person with
with special needs?
You have a good memory.
So What happened?
I completely misjudged it.
With barbecue tongs. That was stupid.
She's not here because of
an Edelweiss team.
I think she wants to clean up the post.
During the radar party?
And when someone cleans up that bad
on the first throw,
you just don't want to have him as an opponent.
So in reality, I had only
to save the job.
Shall we go to your room?
Work on the technique a bit?
I don't mean at the sexual level.
More like bowling technique, or
Look, it was worth a try.
The position is very close to my heart.
- I'll keep track of your score.
- Do that, yes.
If you want to know
why Pirmin is wearing such strange pants,
and what is Smetterling's health condition,
why my brother suddenly becomes nervous,
how junkies want to cover their tracks
and why I have to jump off a
a moving bulldozer,
don't miss the next episode of TSCHUGGER.
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