Turner & Hooch (2021) s01e03 Episode Script

Diamonds Are Furever

[Scott] Hooch, let's tell them
what happened last week.
Okay, we've got a big case.
Let's split up into two teams.
A-team goes to city hall,
where the action is.
The A-team is T-Squad,
group in the corner.
B-team, Baxter, X, dog man,
stays back at the hotel.
- Why are we B-team?
- [machine gun fire]
You are now under our control.
The US Marshals are at city hall,
where they think an attack is coming.
Honestly, Chief, I'm glad I left Turner
and the dog back at the hotel.
You know, I'm still not exactly sure
how to train him.
- Maybe you have to play more.
- Play, like how?
What do you like to do for fun?
- I jog.
- We could jog.
- Yeah. How about Thursday?
- Yes!
Hey, I was wondering if you found out
any more information on Dad's files.
This is Valley Road, where they
found Dad after the heart attack.
Dad's old watch.
[Laura] Hooch is getting bad vibes.
You're getting them too.
[Scott] Yeah.
- [Scott] So cool you're into running too.
- [Erica panting] Yeah, it's the best.
Do you always start at 5:00 a.m.?
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, it gets you up, kick-starts the day.
- Yeah.
- Everyone's in bed.
[panting, laughing]
All those dummies still in beds.
- [Scott] Quiet really helps me think.
- Mmm.
- [Scott] You're doing great.
- Thank you. Yeah, you too. Super great.
Hey, maybe we should stop.
Hooch is winded.
Oh. Okay.
[both breathing heavily]
Hey, um, I've been thinking about
asking you something.
- It's about Hooch.
- Of course.
- Yeah.
- Yeah. Sure. What is it?
You've gotten to know him a little bit,
and, uh, you keep saying he has potential.
Oh, tons.
- Yeah, he's smart, passionate.
- [dogs whining]
He's playful. Tons of potential.
Potential for what?
'Cause with Jessica going on office duty,
I kinda gotta make an impression at work.
I don't know, right now it seems like
Hooch's big skill is embarrassing me.
Well, he's got a great nose.
He already did some tracking
with that witness who went missing,
so I say we start there, build on that.
Hear that, buddy?
Use your nose for something other than
finding food you're not supposed to eat.
[exhales deeply]
Maybe we should take an Uber back.
- Okay.
- I think he has a side cramp.
- Oh, really?
- Yeah.
I think there's a pickup point
like a mile from here.
- Oh, great.
- Yeah, awesome.
[Erica] Another mile. Fun.
[Mendez] One last piece of business.
His desk is getting a bit cluttered,
but I've got some hardware
for one of our deputies.
The Northern District of California
recognizes Trent Havelock
for sustained investigative excellence.
Get on up here, Trent.
- T! T!
- [Trent grunts]
Trent again?
- Congratulations.
- Thanks, Chief.
When are you getting a plaque
for totaling the most service vehicles?
- [marshals laughing]
- Whoa.
[Trent] Jealousy's a bad look, Baxter.
Hooch, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
No. No, no!
[marshals laughing]
[Scott] Hooch, no. What are you doing?
I got this. I got this.
Maybe this is a good place to stop.
Trent, grab your team, meet in my office.
I got some intel from the ATF.
[Hooch panting]
Please, don't encourage him. Please.
- This one looks safe.
- [Hooch whines]
- I swear, if I could marry a food
- You're talking about doughnuts right now?
You know,
Trent just got an award for a case we did.
Trent got a piece of plastic
for being teacher's pet. Who cares?
You're the one who keeps telling me
I need to find a new partner
for when the chief puts you on desk duty.
I mean, Trent's obviously crushing it.
Wait, wait, wait, no.
I was not talking about Trent.
I was thinking, like, Andy's nice or Jenna
or Xavier.
I'm not even sure he's from this planet.
I don't know if you noticed,
but Trent and the T-Squad,
they're in tight with the chief,
get all the good cases, and I'm stuck on
- Let me tell you something, and trust me
- [Hooch groans]
Hooch is twice the deputy
Trent will ever be.
Hooch has your back,
he's not worried about taking credit,
and he has really, really,
really good taste in doughnuts.
Hey, Matthew,
help me clean up a little bit, please.
Um, Uncle Scott's gonna be here
any minute.
He's coming here again?
I think he might need
some help with Hooch.
- You think you can handle that?
- Yeah. Sure.
- [knocks]
- Okay.
Hey, guys.
- Hey.
- You're here!
- [Scott] Hi.
- [Matthew] Hooch!
- [Hooch whines]
- I am also here, your human uncle.
Can I take Hooch to my bedroom?
Yes, take him forever. Go.
Okay, let's play US Marshals.
You be you, and I'll be Uncle Scott,
and I'll help you chase a bad guy.
Or a bad girl.
Women can be criminals too, okay?
- Hi.
- Hi.
Um, so,
sorry to put you to work right away,
but can you help me build a volcano
for Matthew's science class?
Dad used to help with that kind of thing,
and I'm completely hopeless.
- Sure, why not?
- Thanks.
Maybe we should color the cotton gray
for the pyroclastic flow.
I think we're okay. [laughs]
Matthew's at the, you know,
fire-comes-from-the-ground stage
of volcano science.
You okay?
Rough day.
And it's not getting better anytime soon.
You know Jessica's going on desk duty
for the baby,
so I'm losing my human partner.
And the chief is the one
who gives out assignments,
and if you're not one of his favorites,
you're me.
Hey, you're gonna be fine.
You have been training for this
your entire life, okay?
I think we're done.
What do you think, bud?
[Matthew] I think it's good.
- I'll go get the stuff to make lava.
- [Laura] Great idea.
- Lava!
- [chuckles]
Let's hear it, Matt.
Lava, lava! [chuckles]
Aw, how you doing?
Why do I always I always do that.
- Oh, here.
- Thank you.
By the way, I did a little more digging
into the criminals from Dad's files
in the system at work.
You did? That's great.
I'll show you, but don't get too excited.
I didn't find much.
I ran 'em all through the database.
Some bad folks here.
Gang leader from Modesto,
drug trafficker from SoCal.
But But none of them are connected
to each other.
Most of them don't even have a connection
to Cypress Beach.
So, Dad arrested this guy once.
Uh, small-time local troublemaker,
Wyatt Tolliver.
Hmm. Interesting.
Maybe he's our way into the case.
Not a case at the moment, right?
Just files, random files.
- This isn't random.
- Not connected.
Dad put them all together.
There's binder clips.
You know what? I know it's weird,
but we have to remember, right, like,
big cases weren't exactly Dad's thing.
- Right?
- What are you talking about?
Dad solved the biggest case
in our town's history.
Yeah, and he spent the rest of his life
on the smallest ones.
[Matthew] Yeah! Whoo-hoo!
Hooch attacked the volcano!
- What are you doing? What are you
- That was so epic.
- [Scott] Wow.
- Hooch was like a giant volcano monster.
- [Hooch growling]
- [Scott] Oh, my Hooch! [grunts]
- [Hooch barks]
- Hooch, come here!
[Scott] What's going on over there?
It's that case the chief
pulled Trent in on yesterday.
A fugitive jewel thief. Krista something.
Krista St. Jean? Was it Krista St. Jean?
I That sounds right.
Are you serious right now?
She's in the Bay Area?
Oh, Jess, we should go talk to Trent.
- Uh-uh. No. No way.
- [Hooch whines]
My clock is ticking here.
You think I'm gonna spend
my last few days on the street with Trent?
The marshals have been after
Krista St. Jean forever.
I had her wanted poster on my vision board
since before I was sworn in.
What else is on your vision board?
Just my goals and dreams.
If I can get on a case like this,
I'd be set.
Correction, Trent will be set.
That's how he rolls.
A case like Krista St. Jean,
it doesn't come around twice.
I help nab her,
I got a new partner for sure.
I'm gonna do it. Gonna talk to him.
Should I talk to him?
- No.
- I'm gonna talk to him.
You're not listening.
It's the opposite of what I said, but
[Scott] What?
I warned you.
[Mendez] There she is.
Krista St. Jean.
Don't let her good looks fool you.
She's deadly.
Rolls with a takedown crew
of ex-army guys.
Hit a dozen jewelry stores back East.
Hit 'em hard.
ATF wants her on weapons charges.
Now, we caught a break,
tracked her to the Axiom Hotel downtown.
This is from the hotel lobby
when she checked out, 45 minutes ago.
Axiom's down the street
from the Golden State Gem and Trade Show,
largest jewelry trade show
on the West Coast.
Opens in two days.
We believe she's casing that
for her next heist.
This is big.
She's slipped through
the Service's fingers before,
but this time,
T-Squad's gonna take her down.
- [T-Squad applauds]
- Yeah.
- We're heading downtown. Let's do this.
- Stay frosty.
Hey, uh, uh, Trent,
I think I might be able to help.
I've studied the St. Jean case.
Yeah, thanks for the offer, rook,
but I've already got a kick-ass team.
Of course.
But, um, you don't have a K-9 unit.
If you had anything with Krista's scent,
Hooch might be able to track her.
Turner's got a point. Dog came through
with that FBI witness thing.
Exactly what I was thinking too, Chief.
Dog it is.
Okay, you R-2-R-O?
Ready to roll
- Over?
- Why would I roll over?
- I don't know.
- That makes no sense.
It doesn't. You're right.
- Just come with me.
- Okay.
Just be cool with the T-Squad, you know?
They're just deputies like us.
Or me, 'cause you're a dog.
You get the point.
Today's our chance to impress 'em.
This could be big.
[bell clangs]
So is there like a T-Squad group chat
I should get on or
[Trent] Okay, here's the deal.
The manager said this pillowcase
was in Krista's room.
It should still have her scent.
Our bandit was standing in this spot
only an hour ago.
- Can that thing track her?
- As long as she's still in the area.
Okay, let's see.
All right. All right, bud.
Got it. Ready?
It's just gotta marinate for a second.
There we go.
That's the way to the trade show.
Okay, follow the dog!
Looking good, boy. Do your thing.
Is it drunk or something?
Why's it weaving around?
This is part of it.
I think he's onto something.
[Trent] Trade show's in this area.
Looks like you were right about Krista
casing the place.
We're the T-Squad, baby.
We're always ahead of the game.
Dog's doing good, bro.
We need to get you
a call sign or something.
Like Dawg, only spelled the cool way.
Or Animal, because it's an animal.
- Boom. Animal. Anointed.
- Boom.
[Scott] Looking good, Hooch.
- Hey, hey, bud.
- [Trent] What's going on here, Animal?
- Normal. Totally normal.
- It's not normal.
He probably needs the scent.
So I'm gonna give that again.
Okay, Hooch. Tracking, remember? Tracking.
- Turner, you know how to use this or not?
- One sec.
- [Hooch whines]
- Bad time for a belly rub, Hooch.
Don't do this to me, Hooch.
Come on. You can find her.
Hurry. Chase, Hooch. Chase.
Come on.
Come on.
Guys, we're back on it. Let's go.
Good job, Hooch. You got it.
[man on radio]
Special Operations Group, incoming.
[Trent] We passed the trade show
a block ago. Why would she be here?
I don't know, but he's speeding up.
Maybe she's with her crew.
We can nail 'em all.
[Hooch barking]
- Come on!
- Move, move!
- In here! In here!
- [tires screech]
- [Trent] She's in there?
- [woman] What is this place?
[Trent] Marcus, cover the back entrance.
- A pet store?
- Um, maybe Krista stopped in here.
You think Krista St. Jean,
the country's biggest jewel thief,
went into a pet store?
[dog toy squeaking]
Twelve deputies, four SUVs,
a Special Ops Group,
and we just caught a squeaky toy.
Nice one, rookie.
Dead end. Let's move out.
You gonna pay for that?
- Oh, um
- You squeak it, you buy it.
Twenty-eight bucks.
Twenty-eight dollars.
[Trent] Krista St. Jean
passed through the intersection
one block from where you stopped
to give your dog a freakin' belly rub.
[Scott sighs] We were so close.
Close doesn't cut it.
Ah, it's my fault.
I shouldn't have brought you on.
You've barely been on the street.
I pushed Hooch pretty hard.
Don't pass the buck, bro.
If I miss a shot, I don't blame the gun.
- Yeah.
- Look, man.
If you wanna roll with the T-Squad,
you gotta be 100% accountable.
Did you screw up? Yes.
Is everybody laughing at you?
- Probably not Yes.
- Yes. A lot of people are.
- Of course.
- But from failure comes a bridge to
- Terabithia?
- What?
I'm sorry.
Yeah. I gotta build a bridge, to success.
- Exactly.
- Yeah.
- That's exactly right.
- Copy.
That's what it takes to be on the team.
At the end of the day,
if you're not on the team,
then who the hell are you?
Some weird loner like Xavier.
Does he get dressed in the dark?
You'll learn, rook.
- Thanks.
- Yeah.
Go away.
- We're done here. This is over. Okay.
- Okay.
Hey, Turner.
- Can I get a belly rub?
- [chuckles]
That's funny. Sick burn.
- [man] Belly rub!
- [dog toy squeaking]
So how's your plan
to impress the cool kids going?
They let you sit at their lunch table yet?
Jess, we were one block away from Krista.
Well, at least Hooch got a new toy.
Wait, what is that? Like, a herring?
[dog toy squeaking rapidly]
Please cut it out, okay?
I'm trying to study.
We cannot blow this
if we get a second chance.
Okay, that's it.
No more squeaking. No!
I'm taking it. I'm taking it.
- You've left me no ch Wow.
- [Hooch growls, barks]
[squeaking continues]
Oh, will you please shut up?
Will you please just stop?
I am begging you
from the bottom of my heart.
- Just please.
- [squeaking continues]
I'll trade you.
What do you want?
You want this pillow?
You already made your mark.
Okay. All right.
I'm coming in from uptown.
You want Mr. Horsey?
This is cool, right? Okay.
Argyle socks. Yeah!
Twenty-two dollars! Cool, right?
You want this?
- No trade.
- [Hooch barks]
I don't care! Bark away!
[cell phone rings]
Hi, Mrs. Mandelbaum.
Yeah, uh,
I'm very sorry about the barking.
Yeah, I-I know it's very late.
Sorry. Bye.
[dog toy squeaking]
[squeaking continues]
It seemed liked Hooch was on it. You know?
Just so focused.
Turns out he was just shopping.
And somehow Trent thinks I screwed up.
Well, kind of. You did. Twice.
Like when he went straight?
That's just not how dogs track.
But it seemed like Hooch
knew where he was going.
I mean, that's the thing.
A tracking dog doesn't know
where it's going,
it's finding where it's going.
[sighs] Well, what was I supposed to do?
You know, I gave him belly rubs.
I was encouraging him, like, really hard.
Yeah, that. Also a mistake.
It's 'cause dogs,
they look at us for their cues.
So you wanted a chase,
and Hooch gave you a chase.
I mean, he was trying to make you happy.
Oh, I'm not happy.
No, this was a big opportunity
to partner up with Trent,
and all Hooch cares about
is that squeaky toy.
Squeak, squeak, squeak,
squeak, squeak, squeak.
All the time. It's all the time.
It's driving me insane.
I have an idea.
Can you come help me for a sec?
Do you mean like an actual second?
'Cause I gotta feed the dogs
in seven minutes or they get anxious.
We will be done by then. Promise.
I want you to meet Scott.
He's a deputy marshal.
And that's Hooch.
And Scott, this is Curtis, my brother.
- He helps with training here.
- That's awesome.
Nice meeting you.
Curtis is autistic.
And you're neurotypical.
- I can tell. That's okay.
- Thanks. [chuckles]
Can I borrow your hat?
We're gonna play hide-and-go-seek.
Oh, okay.
Hey. Good luck, Hooch.
[Erica giggles]
- Did he just give you the fish?
- Yeah.
- Okay, Hooch. Go get him. Go find Curtis.
- [Scott grunts]
[Erica] Where is he hiding, Hooch?
- See him weaving?
- [Hooch whines]
That's him following
the cone of scent in the air.
Dogs have enough smell receptors to smell
a single hot dog on Fisherman's Wharf,
so Hooch's nose is not the problem.
The trick is knowing
what it's telling him.
[Scott] Okay.
So, it looks like he lost the scent.
Exactly. That's gonna happen.
Now you need to just gently help him
find it again. You know?
Don't push him in any kind of direction
or rush him.
[Scott] Okay.
All right, Hooch. It's all good, bro.
You do what you wanna do.
Take your time, bud.
- [gasps] See?
- Whoa!
- Wow.
- [Curtis] You found me.
[Erica] That's it. Just supporting him.
[Curtis] Nice job, Hooch.
Okay. One minute and 17 seconds!
- See, he's great at this.
- Wow.
And his owner's not so bad either.
[laughs] Well, thank you.
Good boy.
Hey, Trent. Wait up. It's, uh, me, Animal.
Yeah, we're gonna need to rethink
that call sign.
I'm thinking "Squeaker."
- [dog toy squeaking]
- Oh, okay.
Anyway, I took your advice and I talked to
a K-9 expert about what we did wrong.
Next time Krista pops up,
we're gonna be ready.
If there's a next time.
No, Krista's not gonna leave town
until she makes her play.
In Boston,
she watched a Sotheby's for months.
Made four attempts
before she got what she came for.
Nice. What are you, Wikipedia?
That's not all.
There's something I wanna show you.
- All right.
- Krista St. Jean's never been caught.
But an undercover ATF agent
got close six months ago.
Fat Eddie said you can get me some Semtex.
Think you can get me a kilo?
[agent] Yeah, a kilo. I got that.
M4 and plastic explosives.
Heavy stuff for a pretty girl like you.
What you planning?
You think I'm pretty? That's nice.
I think you ask too many questions.
[agent choking]
- Oh! Oh, yeah.
- Yeah.
[Scott] She bugged out.
They lost her, but here's the thing:
She was probably shopping for this heist.
- Explosives, automatic weapons.
- Hard core.
- Nice work.
- [cell phone rings]
Go for Trent.
Booyah. Lock and load, boys.
St. Jean's on the move.
We roll in five!
We roll in five!
Come on, Hooch.
[Jessica] Nah, I'm good.
Seriously, you should come with us.
[Jessica] Mm-mmm. Sorry, bud.
Gotta figure out
what the baby wants me to eat for lunch.
Sweet? Savory? Both? Smart kid.
Krista St. Jean is downtown right now.
- I've been working with Hooch and think
- I'm not doubting you and Hooch.
Believe it or not, back in the day,
I wanted to be part of the T-Squad.
But X took me aside
and told me something I never forgot:
You can't see the bandits
if you're looking in the mirror.
- Well
- [Trent] Turner.
Planning your next book club meeting?
Let's go.
Yeah, let's go. "Let's go" is right.
- Come on.
- Go.
Should we start a book club?
I'm not against it.
[Trent] Okay, so the SFPD got a hit
on Krista right here only an hour ago.
The trade show is three blocks away.
[Scott] It's weird she would just walk out
here. She's gotta know we're stalking her.
Well, you said it yourself.
She's not leaving until she makes a play.
All right, Hooch.
Have a sniff of this, buddy.
Go get Krista, bud. Go get her.
We gonna raid another pet store?
No, no, no, no. Rookie's got it this time.
- Don't ya, rook?
- 100%.
- There it is.
- Uno percento.
Give it a second.
Stand by.
Couple more seconds.
- [Hooch barks]
- Bam. We're on the move.
[Trent] Yeah, let's move.
[hard rock music playing]
Good job, bud.
Pull this off,
we'll get you some shades too.
He's, uh, following the cone of scent.
Air currents affect the distribution of
Not looking for a TED Talk,
just looking for Krista St. Jean.
For sure.
[chuckling] TED Talks are the worst.
Some TED Talks are sick.
Yeah, for sure. Super informative.
[Trent] What? We're back where we started.
What's going on here?
We just went in a circle.
Is this part of the whole
snow cone thingy?
Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I just got to, um
Hey, Hooch. You remember this?
You're supported.
Come on. Come on.
- Just give it a minute.
- Weak sauce, Turner.
Time for you and the dog
to head back to the office.
Okay. All right, listen up.
We know what she looks like.
Let's get out there and find her.
Let's go.
You heard the T-Man.
You gotta earn these.
I-I-I bought them.
Then I'll give 'em back.
But just know that I'm not happy about it.
Thanks a lot.
- Whew, you're fast.
- Hey.
Uh, yeah, I got a favor to ask.
- Mm-hmm?
- It's Turner.
- He's having a rough week. Trent problems.
- Mmm.
But I'm not sure what to do.
Got any ideas?
You know, when I was in Iraq,
I used to take guys in my platoon who were
having trouble out on easy missions.
Just, you know, go secure
a sand dune or something, you know?
Build up their confidence.
Hmm. I like it.
So just, like, give him a ground ball.
Ground ball. How you mean?
You know, like, in baseball. Ground ball?
- Never mind. I like your
- Shh.
Are you available to, uh, go after
an escaped prisoner with me?
I could use the help.
You, uh You need help with
a 70-year-old check-forger
who walked off a federal prison camp?
I appreciate what you're trying to do,
but I think you'll be fine.
You gotta wax your own board.
I get it.
- Yo. Yeah, what's up? Baxter here.
- [dog toy squeaking]
There's no one on that phone.
I know what you're up to.
Can I just process my failure
for a minute?
Just, like, stew in my misery?
I'll let you stew away.
I was just trying to help.
Thank you.
- [sighs]
- [squeaking continues]
You're making it very hard to process.
So, fugitive tracking didn't go so well.
I did everything right, you know,
and he just
He went around in a big circle
and then sat down
right on the curb where we started.
Maybe that's where her scent
was the strongest.
Doesn't matter.
I'm off the St. Jean case.
I actually came about the toy.
- He's a monster.
- [squeaking continues]
He's squeaking it day and night.
It's like he's trying to drive me crazy.
Don't take it personally.
It's just a dog thing, really.
And the squeak, it reminds them of prey.
You You're saying that he delights
in the squeaky cries of his victims
and he's not a monster?
[laughs] Just Okay.
Maybe Hooch is a tiny bit of a monster,
but you can't change his instincts.
You can, however, replace his toy
with something
that has a less annoying squeak.
Try subbing it in while he's
eating dinner and not focusing on it.
[squeaks quietly]
That's so much less offensive.
- [squeaks]
- Listen to that.
Oh, good? It's a good
- This is like
- Okay.
It's like Mozart.
Just like that concerto.
Yeah. Thank you.
- Ah, what would I do without you?
- I don't know. You'd probably die.
Just kidding.
You You wouldn't die. You'd be fine.
Try the new toy. Let me know how it goes.
[dog toy squeaking loudly]
Squeak. Squeak. [giggles]
This squeaky toy's hilarious.
Make sure Hooch enjoys it while it lasts
'cause it's going away very soon.
Guys, I think we finished another volcano.
- Yeah.
- You wanna see?
I think Grandpa
would have been very proud.
Looks great.
I'll add Lego villagers
to run screaming from the lava.
Good. Hooch already started
picking out the lucky villagers.
- And we'll clean up, okay?
- [giggles] Okay.
Is that, uh, for your vet tech exam?
How's that going?
Oh. [scoffs] It's It's not.
I have no time to study
between Matthew and work
and watching this dancing pig on TikTok.
Laura, it's been a year. Come on.
Yeah, a crazy year.
It's not like I have to be a vet tech
to help Mom at the clinic.
No. You just need a degree
to actually treat animals
like you've wanted to do forever.
So, um, did you look into Dad's case more?
Not a case. Um, but yeah, sort of.
I, uh, looked into Wyatt Tolliver.
He's registered
at the Tall Oaks Trailer Park.
Doesn't say which trailer, but
Great. That's just outside of town.
We could drive over and talk to him.
Hold on. I don't think you
Scotty, this is our case.
Please don't shut me out of this.
- [crashing]
- [Hooch barking]
I was just sacrificing villagers
to the volcano, and Hooch went nuts.
It only took him seconds this time!
You destroyed another one?
- [barks]
- This is not something to celebrate.
[snorts, snickers]
[Hooch whines]
A whole can of fancy food.
Eat up, buddy.
[chuckling] Yeah.
That's so exciting, right, boy?
Oh, my dear. Look at this!
It's cool, right?
I heard it was from Angel.
[squeaking quietly]
Aw, come on. You didn't even try it!
[rock music playing]
[whispering] Please.
It's huge.
[Hooch barks]
- [squeaks quietly]
- [laughs]
Hey, bud.
Look what I got.
Look, it's your toy.
- [whining]
- Want that? Yeah?
- [squeaks quietly]
- [barking, growling]
Fine, you win.
I'll fix it.
[dog toy squeaking loudly]
- That the, um, check-forger?
- [man] Let's go.
Yeah. It turns out he was hiding
at this arsonist's place.
And this guy was on
the FBI's most wanted list.
Chased him through a train yard
as the sun was rising.
It was magical.
How's it looking with Trent?
You guys gonna partner up?
[Scott] It's not looking good.
- [loud squeaking continues]
- [Scott sighs]
Stay. Please stay.
Hooch is breaking me.
- I'm broken.
- Oh, I can relate to that.
This bump was kickboxing
my kidneys all night.
Well, whatever that briefing is,
I guess I'm not invited.
Hooch won't be happy
until I am a sleepless zombie
assigned to washing cars
in the parking garage.
Don't even worry about it.
You're definitely not missing much.
[imitating Trent] "Hey, Chief.
Me and the T-Squad
are gonna get matching haircuts."
[imitating Mendez] "Oh, great idea, Trent.
Loop me in on the after-action report."
[imitating Trent] "On it, Chief.
Hey, your boots are dirty.
Want a spit shine from the T-Man?"
[both chuckle]
You're good at that.
Think that sums it up.
Go for Trent.
Here it is. We're locked and loaded.
Krista St. Jean
was just spotted again downtown.
We are closing the net.
We need every available deputy
- Hey.
- [man] You, let's go.
- Move on it. Let's go.
- [puffs air] Um
- Time to roll.
- [man 2] Move.
Sorry, brah.
Maybe you and the dog should
I-I can't. You know what? Thank you.
I have so much paperwork.
- It'd be weird if I came.
- Good. Have fun with that.
- Let's move! Go, go, go.
- All right.
[Scott] Go, go, go.
Are you happy?
I know it doesn't feel like it,
but I think Hooch did you a favor.
At least now you know
how to steer clear of the T-Squad.
Hey, are those stitches?
What happened to Hooch's fishy?
Oh, I, um I tried to replace the squeaker
without him noticing.
- He noticed.
- Come on, man.
You know Hooch isn't gonna fall for
an impostor.
[laughs] He's way too smart for that.
Yoo-hoo. Hello.
You freeze?
Should I reboot you?
I was just thinking about
what you just said.
About Hooch not being fooled
by an impostor.
- Come over here for a second?
- Okay.
Something's been bugging me. Um
Look at this footage of Krista
checking out of the hotel.
- You can see her perfectly, right?
- Yeah.
But on the other security cameras,
the ones on the street,
same cap, same jacket,
but we never see her face.
So? She's avoiding the cameras.
She's been doing this for a decade.
But then why show her face at the hotel?
I'm gonna check something.
[cell phone rings]
Hi, Scott. Hey, what's up?
I have a quick, important question
if you have a second.
Oh, yeah. All the secs seconds.
If someone else
was wearing the fugitive's clothes,
could that be why Hooch lost the trail?
I've never heard of anything like that.
But sure, yeah.
That would definitely explain
why the scent faded.
[finger snaps]
And that second time,
if Krista swapped clothes with someone
and then drove away
Hooch woulda tracked her
until she got into the car.
- Yes!
- Oh, that's amazing. Thank you.
- Yeah, anytime.
- Thank you.
Krista's got every deputy in town
looking around the trade show.
Yeah. Why?
- I got an idea. Gonna make a couple calls.
- [Scott] Me too.
[cell phone rings]
- Go for Trent.
- [on phone] It's Scott. I need to talk.
I'm in the middle of something.
[Scott] Just listen. Jessica and I
have been doing some digging.
We think we know
where Krista's gonna strike.
I don't have time for belly rubs.
Trade show's about to start.
I know, but the jewels aren't there yet.
They arrive at
the Hayward Executive Airport today.
Bro, Krista's in San Francisco.
We've seen footage
from cameras in the area. She's here.
You don't understand.
I talked to Erica at the training center
I don't have time for this.
Wanna take your dog to the airport,
sniff around. Fine. Do it.
T-Man out.
Let's hope we're right.
[dog toy squeaking]
Hey, can I help you folks?
US Marshals.
We're here about
the Golden State Trade Show shipment.
Whoa, marshals.
I don't see a lot of those.
Had some DEA guys once and an ATF fella.
That was interesting. [laughs]
We're kind of in a rush.
Any idea when the shipment's flying in?
Already landed. That's them there.
My cousin Dave is a marshal.
Do you know him? Supercool guy.
Um, think he may be retired now.
- If the shipment's already here
- Maybe he's even a postman.
- [sniffs]
- Thought about joining the Marshals.
It's Krista. Hooch smells her.
She's close.
- Go, Hooch. Seek.
- [Hooch barking]
Call the police. Tell them we've got
an armed and dangerous fugitive here.
We need backup immediately.
O-O-Okay. I-I-I-I'm on it.
What'd I just say about calling?
Trent, you don't understand.
Hooch tracked Krista's scent. She's here.
Negative, Turner. I'm about to
grab her now. Stop calling me.
Go, go, go, go.
- US Marshals! On the ground!
- Get on the ground now!
[bystanders screaming]
Krista St. Jean, you're under arrest.
[woman] Who's Krista St. Jean?
This is a mistake.
What? Who Who are you?
What are you doing here?
Some lady paid me $300
to walk around in her clothes.
She said it was some kind of joke.
- No. No, no, no. There's no way.
- I swear.
She said some guys would meet me.
She gave me this.
Easy. Slow, slow.
Look, you should hang back.
If she's really here
Then you're gonna need
all the help you can get.
[man] Grab the diamonds!
We doing this?
Let's do it.
[together] US Marshals! Freeze!
[siren wailing in distance]
[tires squeal]
Grab the rest! Let's go!
- She's running!
- [Jessica] Go after her.
[Hooch barking]
Where is she, Hooch? Where is she?
In there? Is she in there, boy?
[whispering] Quiet, boy.
This is bad, Hooch. She's got us pinned.
Should have stayed with your friends
across the bay.
Now you're gonna die.
In Hayward.
Hey, hey.
You like your fishy?
I need you to squeak for our lives.
All right?
[dog toy squeaking]
Don't move.
Don't move.
[Scott] Good job, Hooch.
I stayed ahead of the marshals
for ten years
Nine years, 11 months. But who's counting?
- [siren wailing in distance]
- [grunts]
What's your name?
- I wanna know who finally caught me.
- [helicopter approaching]
You got it. You just got caught by
[on speaker]
This is Trent Havelock of the US Marshals.
Put your weapons down
and come out with your hands up.
It's so weird.
Hooch lost interest in his toy
right after we arrested Krista.
Oh, this day was full of surprises.
- [chuckles]
- Oh, I, uh, talked to the chief.
He wants us
at the press conference tomorrow.
Is this some kind of "I told you so"
about working with Trent?
- No.
- [Hooch whining]
Maybe a little.
- [Hooch whining, barking]
- Yeah.
What is it, boy?
- [Angel whining]
- Oh, my goodness. I heard what happened.
- [grunts]
- Hey.
[dogs whining]
- Sorry.
- Hey.
I was turning in my expenses,
and so we were here.
- And then I heard that you were here.
- No problem.
Angel was really worried about Hooch.
She heard there was a shoot-out.
Don't worry.
We're fine, Erica. Both of us.
Yes! I'm happy you're okay too.
- Oh.
- That's why I'm hugging both of you.
I don't know.
I feel like Scott got most of my hug.
But thanks.
I will see you upstairs, Scott.
- Yeah. All right.
- [Jessica] Okay.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Hey, I, uh I just wanted to say
thank you for everything.
We never woulda caught Krista
without your help.
Oh, no problem.
I mean, it's my job. [laughs]
Yeah, but I don't know.
Something tells me
you're going above and beyond.
Maybe a little bit.
it's hard not to get personally involved
When it comes to work stuff.
So you up for another run tomorrow?
- Totally.
- Okay.
Maybe a little less running
and more of a walk would be good?
Yeah, okay.
I'm really looking forward to it.
We are. Angel and I, I mean.
Right, Angel? [giggles]
Great. Us too.
[cell phone rings]
Laura, if you're calling for help
with a third volcano, you're trippin'.
Relax, you're off the hook volcano-wise.
Matthew has a new science project.
How fast dog saliva
can dissolve papier-mâché.
- Oh, okay.
- [Laura] So, you know that Wyatt guy?
The criminal from Dad's file.
I found his trailer.
Now at first,
I didn't know which trailer was his.
Then I remembered there's a biker dude
who brings his cockapoo
to the animal hospital,
and he knew where Wyatt lives.
So, here I am.
Wait, what? You're there?
No. Laura, you're gonna
talk to him yourself?
That's a bad idea.
Relax, I'm a people person.
[Scott] You're a veterinary assistant.
What you gonna do if someone attacks you?
Put a cone on his neck?
No, I'll be fine. Besides, you're busy.
[Scott] I will make time. Just
I'll I'll come tomorrow. Okay?
Tomorrow? You promise?
Yes, I promise.
Just please do not try to contact
this criminal
or any other criminal without me.
Okay, fine. I promise.
I'll see you tomorrow.
This guy is going down.
What's wrong? This is our big moment.
So, I just talked to the chief.
I'm officially on desk duty.
Something about being this pregnant and
getting into three gunfights in a month.
- Sucks.
- Yeah.
Anyway, while I ride a desk,
I wanted you to have this.
Saint Michael.
Patron saint of law enforcement.
Kept me safe since I was a rookie.
You know,
now that I can't be there to protect you.
But as soon as you're off desk duty,
I'm giving it back.
- [clears throat]
- [feedback shrieks]
I want to thank everybody
for coming out here today.
I am Deputy Marshal Trent Havelock.
And, as you know, it was my team
that took down Krista St. Jean.
But today's not just about me. No.
First of all, I want to thank the chief
for putting me in a position to succeed,
and as always,
I gotta thank my boys for having my back.
- T-Squad! Get up here.
- [crowd applauding]
[man] Come on, guys.
And I also want to thank
the Special Ops Group.
The Hayward PD. Come on up here.
Share this with me.
And logistical support.
Get up here, guys.
Come on. We got lots of room.
You guys did it.
Well done. You earned this.
Oh, before I forget. There is one person
I really want to thank.
Now, this person came up big
when we needed him most.
The CHP chopper pilot
who flew me across the bay.
Luke! Get up here, bro.
What a guy. Thanks, bro.
I think that wraps Oh, yeah. Right.
Also want to shout-out Deputy Baxter,
- the dog and the rookie.
- [Hooch whines]
Wherever you are. I can't see them.
Anyways, it takes a special deputy
to screw up as bad as you did
and get back on that horse.
- Way to go. Nice work.
- [crowd applauds]
So, still wanna join the T-Squad?
- [Trent] Who's got questions for me?
- [woman] Trent! Trent!
Yeah, that was me in the helicopter.
I just knew the only way across the bay
that fast was a chopper, so
Hey. Don't be so down.
Something like this happens to everybody.
Takes a bit to find your place
as a deputy.
Scott? Scott Turner.
Wow. I thought that was you.
Brooke! What are you doing here?
Saw you up there onstage behind the flag.
Very impressive, Mr. Marshal.
Thanks. [laughs] I
I thought you were in DC.
I just transferred
to the US Attorney's office here.
- Now we work in the same building.
- Great.
Scott and I went out a few times.
More than a few. We kinda
[Jessica] I work with Scott.
I'm sorry.
- Yes, this is Jessica. She's a deputy too.
- Mm-hmm.
We work together.
- [Brooke] Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.
And this is Hooch.
Oh, you are such a handsome boy, Hooch.
Well, I gotta run,
but maybe I'll see you around.
[Jessica] So that's her, huh?
The ex you've been hung up on
for the past five years?
I wouldn't say hung up.
[Jessica] Not hung up? Look at you.
Your eyes are coming out of your head.
Are you even listening? Scott.
[pop ballad playing]
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