TVF Pitchers (2015) s01e03 Episode Script

The Jury Room

Can I be part of your start-up?
Why. as in?
You all are engineers
You need an MBA
Yogi and Naveen have quit their jobs and
are planning a start up.
Anyhow, you have to speak
to dad regarding this
I really want to be part of this
Unless you don't solve
one of their problems,
they don't need you
I know a coder, he is in 3rd year
Let's get him onboard. Trust me.
He'll rock!
I looked into your idea
It's quite interesting actually
But, I haven't mailed you anything yet
Privacy on mail is a myth, my friend.
I think we need Jeetu
You think we need jeetu?
We need Jeetu.
I'll not be able to join. Sorry!
Why are you so scared of your Dad?
I can solve your problem,
I can give you something which you need.
I can give you Jeetu.
Untill you find an investment
I'll pay for Jeetu's salary
and then "There were Four".
Ok. Cheers!
Cheers! Cheers!
Your idea is very good.
I am going to U.S
As soon as I am back from U.S
We will start the investment process
So, zeeshan!
When do you return?
I am back in november 2016
November 2016..?
Yeah.. got some work
But you guys don't worry
A soon as I am back, we'll complete
the funding and start the work
and mark my words
By quarter 3, 2030!
You will be number 1 in your verticle
Yes.. 2030!
You have to understand and
get into the mind of the VC
they are all very rich guys
you have to suit up a little bit,
You have to look a little professional
Boss! I think all that is bullshit!
Next time wear a t-shirt
and slippers to meeting
Keep your feet on the table and tell him
write a cheque, or else I
am leaving mothrfker
Confidence is the key!
We might even go mobile only.
Just like Flat-Chat!
So, What do you think?
yes. One sec
Guys, you all are from 2011 batch. Right?
Do you guys know Shaina Oberoi?
Shaina Oberoi?
Do you guys have her number?
How much funding do you need?
You have set it up well
in two and a half years.
Investors were very excited about the
idea of delivering Indian food to homes
and its very affordable
The meal that you are
eating now costs Rs. 435
Rs.435 for 3 plates.
Its Rs.435!
Be confident, place your foot on the table
I'll give you the funding.
like Now!
Be professional
That's more like it.
What are you doing?
You will not get my money and
I will make sure no body
funds you in Hiranandaani.
You don't keep your foot up.
He will. How will he not?
I lived in the silicon valley for 17 years
But India,
The fragrance of soil has dragged
me to this country.
You know, I want do something Indian
we will make India's Uber
We call it "Induber".
You getting what Iam saying!
you see..
Why don't you have any
females in your team?
You think woman are not on par with men
I started Zorpolo from scratch
and today, it's worth 50 fking million
Why don't you have any female co-founders?
Come on join me..
come on.. what's wrong?
come on.. come on..
Getting a funding is equal to
fighting the battle of Mahabharatha
Pandavas were 5 of them, though.
Now to win this war, what do you guys need?
and Dedication
Ask what is needed?
What is needed Sir?
We need Shree Krishna!
Tell me, who is Arjun among you guys?
should be Jeetu?
I can be Yudistir.
No Iam Yudistir, I never lie
You are Bheem?
No.. Dibs on Bheem.
You are Sehdev
You are Bheem?
Naveen.. ya Naveen
Ya..I think it's me.
Iam Arjun.
Hello Arjun
In 1972,
my gradfather started a small bhujiya
shop on the streets of Bikaner
and today
Weather its breakfast with
tea or snacks with beer,
it's only our brand, that people use
It's been 25 years, we are
leading the market
Despite of all this,
Do you know what people
call us behind our back?
What do they say?
So that's why you want to
expand to different sectors?
I am putting my money on new ventures
Your product is very exciting,
Perfect for our diversification.
I want to invest in you guys
That's great Gary,
we actually wanted to dilute
15 to 20% of our equity
for around 1.2 to 1.6
You guys decide the number,
I' ll decide the equity
I want atleast 51%
But sir 51% practically makes
you the owner of the company
You mean.. four of you?
Amount that you're asking
for in the market,
My contacts,
Plus new office space
Its not a bad deal at all
I am not selling vegetables, you Ashle
Ah! Gary, but this is a
very difficult decision
we will think over it and let you know
like 51% is a lot
nothing much.
Will talk about it on Sunday
Sorry! Sorry! Sorry Sorry.
No no.. Please.
Go on..
I don't want to hold you back.
Do you realise we,
meet like once a week now.
You'll be busy when I come to your place
Can't you talk to me for 5 minutes properly?
I'm sorry. sorry!
Don't you think you have been
saying sorry too often these days?
Iam sor.
Yeah maybe I am screwing
up a lot these days
I am really sorry
Naveen, Its not gonna work like this.
We need to talk..
I am sorry..
I am sorry..
Aww Baby..
You got scared?
Arey. It's not funny.
Yogi was saying,
Ashish brokeup the same way
He got busy with the startup,
he couldn't give time to his girlfriend
What nonsense!
such a cliche.
But cliches exists for a reason
Let us do some clihe?
Let's go to Goa.
What about your Bangalore trip?
I'll skip it
and moreover we dont even know when
we get time after this weekend.
Don't be foolish and
ignore the job.
Your job stays with you for the
next 30 years, even if I don't
just go to Bangalore
Lets go to Goa!
It's just a small project, anyway
Don't cheat your work!
Will go to Goa someother time.
Ok. What defines you better?
Business Consultant at Mckenzie
or Naveen Bansal's girlfirend?
Tell me.
Ok fine.
I will go to Bangalore
Very unromantic ashole
What un-romantic ashole
We can have fun here as well.
wanna drink something?
Ya.. One hazelnut cappucino and
one Chicken tikka sandwich
One tea and two idlis please.
and dessert?
and what cigerrates do you have?
Goldflake. Sir
Yogi is looking for loan
and don't know how much
to depend on Mandal!
and about Gary's proposal,
at times feel it's a necessity
and some times I feel its greed!
But you don't have to
necessarily settle for Gary
Tomorrow, you have an event
won't there be potential investors?
there will be.. But..
may be for one last time.
We are running out of time, Shreya
If none of the investors show any
interest in our tommorow's presentation
we might have to go with Gary
Did you try your Jury room approach?
No.. not yet.
What do your 3 stooges say?
Nothing as yet
They are banking on me to
take the right decision.
That's getting me more scared
I could hug you right now
and say that you will be great
you will make the right decision
I could be less dramatic and tell you
I believe in you Naveen Bansal
Just like the 3 boys
waiting for you at home.
Oh Shit!
What happened?
wait.. wait.. can I get a parcel..?
6 idli's, 2 chai
Sir. Food got over.
He said he will return in 15
minutes, its been 2 hours now.
asked me to wait just for a tea.
I need to go home and sleep
Yogi, call him now.
He left his phone here,
we would have made tea here itself
If this ashole wouldn't have used
all the milk to set the curd
Tomorrow is an important day
How do we get lucky if
we don't eat curd and sugar?
Shut up! You piece of crap
For the last 6 hours you are only
changing the font of Thank You.
Aey.. Aey.. Its very important to
make a lasting impression. Ok!
I had been to print visiting
cards, you motherfckr
What do you do when you meet
investors and they ask for contacts?
Guys, what's happening here?
Naveen, this is harrasement at work place,
I can't work like this.
I can't tolerate this.
What you can't tolerate?
You 'll take my laptop to the room and
jerk off watching Wolf of Wallstreet
No, I was preparing for the pitch.
I''ll kill you batd
You know what I saw on touchpad?
Yogi, what are you saying man?
We had to use sanitizer,
Jeetu tell him.
Stop it.. Stop it Yogi.
Yogi, Behave your age.
You are bullying us since 10th standard.
Stop it now.
Madal, he's right. there's was
something on the touchpad that day!
Jeetu! You are doubting me?
I swear, it was just curd.
Jeetu relax,
we have an event tomorrow,
don't be stressed.
You be quiet.
Do you even know what stress is?
Soumya is asking for
watermelon from past 3 days
and I am not able to do it because
from past 2 days I am
getting a compilation error
I am lying here since 2 days and
I am exhausted doing this
I thought of having a good sleep today
to be ready for tomorrow's event
But now you ruined it by
coming two hours late
Now, the market at Borivali opens at 6am,
I have to buy it from there.
Soumya will also ask
me to get fresh fish also,
So I need to carry watermelon in
one hand and fish in the other
and travel in local train from Borivilli,
because my bike is punctured and
no time to repair it because I
am lying here since the last two days
Stress it seems.
Hold this!
Is breakfast ready?
Set it up quickly, please!
Did you read my message?
I don't have time now
I am already runing late by half an hour
I have to get fresh and leave.
Where are you going on Sunday morning, son?
Arey No.. my nephew was saying,
Vishwanathan Anand doesn't
like fried idli at all
Ya seriously
Too much crowd..
These 24-25 years kids try to start the
company as soon as they get out of college.
Half of them might not even know
the spelling of entreprenuer
All virgin ases!
That qeue looks smaller.
Is this the line for Registration?
We are standing to pick up the ration
Do you know him?
That guy. Wanna be Zukerburg, Amit Awasti.
completed his B-Tech from NIT Hamirpur
but wears Harward T-shit to show-off
He is the founder of Litigator
Its the social network for Lawyers.
They had issues with co-founder
regarding equity last March
They used his own app to
file a lawsuit against him
Do you recognise him?
who? John Snow?
who Snow?
That guy in black suit?
Oh..the guy in black suit?
He is the founder of, Ritwik mukherjee.
Milkman. I've heard about it.
Its like the Uber of dairy products
Dairy products my ass !
Its just an online stable.
Now they have relaunched
it with a new name.
By the way, I'm Saurabh Mandal.
This is Naveen Bansal
Hello sir.
Do you have a VC ?
Visiting card ?
Yes, I do. Freshly baked .
Then give it.
Actually you meet a lot
of frauds in such events.
Last time some asshole clicked a
selfie saying "I am Rahul Yadav".
Give it using two hands
With one hand is cnsidered unluncky!
Take it.
and about those seven before this?
They were shut down.
But this one will take me
to the list of Fortune 500
Wait and Watch!
Thing is.. Hello..
So the thing is,
The soul of entreprenuer
is always restless.
It will roaming around untill
you come up with a masterpiece.
So only 3 of you guys?
No sir..
No.. no. Its good.
The lesser number of co-founders,
higher will be the equity value.
No sir, we are four of us.
Jeetu is on his way
Yogi, call him and ask where did he reach?
Oho.. that's like 8% loss.
No problem, carry on!
Leave it Dad.
It's in the warranty,
company guy will come and fix it for free.
haan. You studied computer
science instead of mechanical
you might get tired to do all these stuffs
give me a bigger screw driver?
are you looking for app for it?
No.. no. Its about work
Watchen was saying..
You didn't come home for 2 days.
Actually Dad.
the company guys are making him work a lot
beacuse of the project
they call him daily, even on sundays
You get fresh,
get ready
Dad, would you want to eat watermelon?
What kind of project do
you have on Sunday's?
Call your boss and tell,
your dad has come from
Bikaner, so can't come today.
give the phone, let me speak to him
Dad, It doesn't work that way.
have just come for a day
If not for Pandyaji's daughter wedding,
I wouldn't have come.
Can't you have lunch
with your dad for a day
your company won't shut down without you.
Yu have grown up now right!
nothing like that Dad.
Hey! I am talking to you!
Send TTYL to your boss
Hello Yogi.
Yogi i can't come
All of a sudden dad showed up!
What nonsense?!
yes! He is not allowing me to leave.
Not allowing to leave?
Are you a 4th grader?
Arey Yogi.
Yes dad i am coming.
I am talking something important,
and you are peeing?!
Just wait Yogi.
The seminar is about end,
post lunch is our main event.
Leave quickly!
Yogi I will talk to you later
yes dad!
What is this?
looks like a boxer
it was stuck behind the tank
You don't even have time to
keep your clothes in check.
and what were you doimg in the bathroom?
nothing.. phone
you will wash your hands after that or
anyone from the company will come to do it.
I am sorry sir. We have to
follow certain guidelines.
See, listen
Apoorva, our friend
is on his way.
Isn't it possible to first
give us our three passes.
Like, you can hold on
to our friend's pass.
He will collect it from
you, when he is here.
Let me check.
Actually I,
just found out that
this is not a movie theatre
and we cannot hold
on to your passes.
But we have paid the
registration fee.
Sir, you're holding the que,
could you please step aside.
You can't do this to us
I want to speak to
the management.
How can she talk
to us like this ?
I'll get you fired.
Mark my words.
The battle has just begun.
Mangal and Pandey
wont let her be.
Stop it.
What rubbish !
How can she talk
to us like this.
Let's figure out something.
We won't get entry without jitu
I told you, let's have sugar
and curd before leaving.
Dont' answer.
Hi Gary..
Gary, I am little busy, can
I call you after sometime ?
There's still time for the
presentation to start, Parth..
You're already busy ?
No Gary.
We just came here
to see a friend.
One doesn't meet friends
in such events
You either meet your
competition or investors!
Don't think of me as an idiot.
And Listen..
Then you won't have to
play Dumb charades.
I'm not upset
If I was in your place I
would have done the same.
You should get a good value
for a good product..
and there is no better place then such
events to realize your product's value.
In a hurry ? I know..
have to discuss
you're future plans
I know..
But before that, you dont want
to listen to my new offer ?
New offer ?
I thought a lot..
Then I realised that this deal
is little unfair for you..
So the amount which you
guys had proposed?
Suffix a zero to the number.
That's a lot of money!
You wanted a lot of money
and I am giving you
a lot of money X 10
But ofcourse
Equity will be the same 51%.
That is non-negotiable.
I'm on my way to my
lonavala farmhouse
For a meeting.
Give me your answer
before I get there
Or the offer stands cancelled.
And ya
If you get an investor
before that then..
All the best.
But Gary how will
I reply so fast
Naveen you're beer
And I am snakcs!
If we both get together,
we'll have a party!
I'll be waiting for your call
Did he just offer us
Jitu always goes missing
in such crucial times.
Mandal just text him once.
I need a jury room.
Smells nice!
Have you added ajwaine?
Yes papa.
Salt water fish have a
very unique taste..
They're very soft soft.
We don't get it
over at our place!
I'll be back in two minutes.
Where are you going
at lunch time ?
Just closeby to get some milk
Rgiht below the building!
The milkman has already
come in the morning!
Dad. I though I'll prepare some
'Rabdi' for you in the evening!
There was less milk
so I asked him to.
Ya she asked me to.
But why do you need to
go in this heat???
I will have it next time.
No Dad. It's no trouble. I insist.
Saumya makes nice 'rabdi'.
I'll go get it in 2.
Wait a minute Jitu.
Sit over here.
Beta (daughter) listen.
Make me this concoction.
Papa, can I make
it after lunch ?
Take your time and boil it for long!
There's no hurry.
Yes, Papa.
Tell me honestly.
Where were you going.
Papa, to buy milk, whatelse.
You were going to
smoke a ciggarette.
Don't lie.
I've found a few in your office bag!
How much should I lie for you ?
Before marriage
Before marriage I had to lie to Parimal
that you dont drink or smoke..
And you had promised your mom
That you would quit smoking!
Did you quit?
Okay, Sorry papa.
If you get desperate to smoke
than have a chewing gum .
Hardiyal quit
it the same way.
Okay Papa then I will go, get
some mint from downstairs!
Have it.
If you make one more sound
I will put castrol in your
mouth and make you gargle it.
What are we waiting for ?
We are getting soo much money now!
If we take more time then
even this plan will get ruined.
Naveen has the first right
to take a decision.
Then we will decide.
What is this jury room ?
I've been sseing it since
our college time.
Whenever Naveen faces a dilema
He locks himself in a
room for 15 minutes.
And he comes out with
the right decision.
And thats why we
call it a jury room.
But in such a busy event, how
did he find a empty room ?
This is the height of sexism.
What, were they not expecting
female entreprenuers at all ?
Gents washroom is open but the
female washroom is locked!
You will get a lot of
mcps in such events.
You know what..
Even in my visiting card I
have given my brothers number.
And how did you ?
If one Gandhiji can convice
lacks of britishers
You guys are still here ?
Didn't go home?
Where is that CEO of your's ?
Actually that's who we are waiting
If you're wasting time
Then follow me on twitter!
Ya ya..
I have 198 followers.
If you both follow me, then
it'll become a double century.
Shit !
I have only 116
312 ?
Shit !
Just wait for my app
to get launched..
Then watch how I overtake you.
Why can't you go there
and do your networking ?
I forgot my keys.
Even the other 7 are out.
So he is coming to
give me the keys.
You'll are 9 people
staying together?
4 BHK ?
No No..
It's a 2 BHK
But spacious enough.
800 sqft.
Since I got a divorced in 2008
I've to live in a shared apartment!
It helps you build..
You had a divorce ?
Why you're saying sorry ?
Why you're saying sorry ?
When she is not saying sorry..
Why you're saying sorry ?
Everyone is not that lucky to
have a Sudhamurthi in their life.
Once my company gets funded
But in so many years you
didn't get funded even once ?
I did..
In 2003 I did..
There was an investor who
was ready to invest..
But was asking for 50% equity.
And our founder and CEO
Was sort of a buddha type..
Said no to it .
Since then till
today I swear to god
The only time I have slept peacefully is
while travelling in a train's sleeper class.
Come inside.
What !
They aren't letting you?
Why do you always come in boxers???
What happened ?
Tell me what happened ?
Yogi ?
Okay, I have decided.
What ?
I want to tell you'll with Jeetu.
Let's go to his place .
What are you doing ?
Yogi'd texted me.
I am going down.
They are waiting for me in
the parking lot.
What will I answer
dad if he gets up ?
Please handle it for 2mins..
Okay, you go
I will handle it.
Third floor or fourth floor ?
Terrace !
Don't stand -Hey jitu, hie..
Don't stand over here, the
watchman out here is my dad's spy.
Hmm, so what did you decide?
Mandal, lower the volume.
So what did you decide, we are
taking money from Gary, right ?
No, we aren't taking
money from Gary.
Infact I already texted
him saying "No".
Naveen, what is the
logic behind this ?
What logic, It's our
idea our hardwork,
We are working on it
from such a long time
Now randomly we would give away
half the stakes to somebody, why ?
He is giving us money, that's
why, don't you get it..
How it helps our compnay's valuation!
I guarantee you, in one year we
will create more value than this .
Are you serious !
We couldn't even go
for today's event
Forget about raising funds
Investors aren't calling
us for even a second meeting.
You think Sikoya and
Nexus will join hands
and beg you to take
their investments ? !
We'lll have to
compromise a little, Naveen .
Aren't you all realising
that thios guy is a 'Bhujiyawaala'.
He doesn't even have a
technical background..
How will he understand
our product ?
That's the advantage.
If he doesn't have any
technical knowledge,
he won't interfere .
-what if he interferes ?
Then we're fucked.
We'll think about it later..
And how can you take
such an important decision by yourself?
Just because you've C.E.O.
on your visiting card
doesn't mean
you are the boss.
We are a team..
And there is no I in team.
Guys it isn't that..
You know, whenever I've taken a decision
in the jury room, it's always been right
And what exactly do you
do in the jury room ?
I am asking you!
How do you take your
decision in the jury room?
He must be listing down
the pros and cons..
Does a SWAT analysis of it and
determines the probablity.
Even I have done that in the
third semester of my high school
SWAT analysis ?..
Probablity ?..
He fucking tosses a
coin and decides.
What !
Tosses and decides ?
Naveen look here..
I had decided to marry
saumya after asking you!
I didn't need to toss
a coin for that.
You fucking decided four
peoples carrer,ambition
and their future on the
basis of tossing a coin !
And what if it was the
other side of the coin ?
Naveen I can follow you till hell
but I can't follow a 1 Rupee coin.
Naveen, everyone has
left their job
This startup was
your idea, right ?
We are working 16 hrs
continously at your home.
And this CEO tosses
a coin and decides.
Was that asking for too much from you?
What was it Naveen? Head or tail ?
- Guys I don't know what it was!
Decision was taken on the basis of tossing
the coin, not on the result of it.
What do you mean ?
Like this coin even life
gives us 2 choices
No matter how many lists of pros and cons
you make both sides would always be equal
That time all you can do
is listen to your heart.
That's why if you toss the coin once,
you will come to know which side won.
But you didn't even see if
it was a head or a tail ?
I didnt see it but I heard it.
A voice answers from the
bottom of your heart
Which says..
Please let it be
heads, please heads!
That's when you realize no
matter what the result is
Your heart wants it to be heads.
And I have realised that our first investment
can't be set on the basis of greed.
Where gary is in greed
of equity and we..
of money.
Our first investment should be
only on the basis of our
Idea and skill.
Just for more funding I can't let
anyone control my ambitions.
I am really sorry
I could'nt do it.
Now you guys decide what to do.
Where are we going ?
Back to the event.
The same thing what we always do ..
Let's go.
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