Twilight of the Gods (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

You Will Gladden His Ravens

[dramatic opening theme music plays]
[theme music ends]
[melancholy music plays]
[music darkens ominously]
[thunder rumbling]
[dramatic music plays]
[Jormungandr bellows]
[music fading]
- Now, son, push.
- [grunting]
Feel your power.
What sees good Baldr grace us?
Our father did dispatch me.
He demands you remain
at your hearth and home
until he orders otherwise.
And did he give, in his wisdom,
the whys and wherefores?
A woman there is who bears you ill will.
A maid?
Odin sent his heralds
for the heathen woman.
The wedding we sacked,
you're certain none survived?
You killed Jötnar old and young.
Farewell, Thor.
- Mind thy feet.
- [both grunt]
[boy groans]
[intriguing music plays]
[music fades]
[Loki] Hail, Freya.
Fair as always.
Hail, Loki Laufeyson.
[ominous music plays]
Why is that, I wonder?
Why do you wear your mother's name?
My father struck me.
Laufey did not.
You'd have us speak here,
so close to your husband?
He is my jailer, not my husband.
Ay, you were Odin's spoils of war.
But it's your war-spoiled country
which concerns me.
Good tidings, I trust?
The Vanir will receive your Sigrid
if she but shows her worth.
But if she fails
If she fails, we'll find another.
Already our blades are
in the guards' bellies.
They'll be bled before they notice.
Is this milk thine own?
Covenants and compacts are best writ
with mother's milk.
A toast, then, to bosom friends.
[horses approaching]
[wistful music plays]
[Egill] So came the band
to the very edge of Vanaheim.
And there were they brought low,
ever tired in their boots,
sadly sober as they died.
I always think it will be
The armor holds when it needs to.
- You do not need armor with me.
- I know.
No one has seen Vanaheim's border
in centuries.
You did not think it would just
unfurl before us, did you?
No, but I did not expect us
to roam in circles like fools.
I thought Loki would
He came at a word when last I needed him.
And now? Nothing.
There must be a riddle,
or a hidden door, or
We were told to make haste.
Every time I feel a drop of rain,
I think Thor has finally come for us.
[Hervor] A wasteland.
The Vanir and Aesir fought here?
They did and others with them.
Like my kinsmen yonder.
- [Hervor] Those were dwarves?
- [Andvari] We turn to stone when we die.
All this was a battlefield. Long time ago.
When the worlds were newly formed,
there were Vanir gods and Aesir gods.
They were much alike.
But the Vanir could see the future.
This made Odin jealous.
He had given his eye
trying to see his fate,
and now he wanted the Vanir's Seidr magic.
When they would not give it,
war came into the world.
Vanaheim's losses were great.
When Asgard proffered peace,
the Vanir had no choice but to accept
old one-eyed Odin's one-sided truce.
Odin took the Vanir's soothsaying
and the apples
which gave them life eternal.
And for added insult,
he took their queen, Freya, for his wife.
Gods all spat in a well,
and the war was over.
And Vanaheim sealed itself off.
[horse snorts]
[Ulfr] Something hunts us.
A score of riders.
Swift. Day behind us.
Saddle up. Now.
There were ravens in the sky.
Odin's huntsmen.
- [cawing]
- [dramatic music playing]
[music intensifies]
[horse neighing]
[bolverkr] Sigrid.
[eerie music playing]
[blood squelches]
[music fades]
The roots of the world tree twist here.
I can feel it.
Oh, she can feel the world tree,
and yet she cannot show us the way.
Find quiet, or feel the back of my hand.
He's right.
We cannot outrun them.
If we don't find that border,
we will have to fight.
I think it's time you tried again.
- Loki hear me.
- [somber music plays]
I do not know the reason for your silence,
but I need you now.
If this is a test,
tell me what's required.
Please speak.
- [metal clanks]
- [Andvari] Never trust the trickster.
You knew?
That you were working with Loki?
From the start.
And still you came.
I had to see this for myself.
For now, Loki is useful to
He's no different than Thor!
Or the Vanir with whom you'd bargain.
Gods are gods are gods.
They are all of them schemers.
You want to challenge the order of things?
Then we must do so on our own.
We must set them all against each other.
Even Loki.
That is their game.
And you are in it!
Why do you think
Loki does not appear to you now?
For a god of Asgard
to cross Vanaheim's border
would be an act of war.
Magic has rules. Use them.
Pawn or player, Sigrid the Weeping.
You must choose which one you'll be.
[horn bellows]
- [thrilling music plays]
- [horses neighing]
- [Egill yells]
- [thuds]
[horse neighs]
[Egill gasps]
- [magic whooshes]
- [exhaling]
I take back everything I said
about your magic.
[thrilling music continues]
- [grunts]
- [bolverkr groans]
[Leif grunting]
[Hervor] Ulfr!
Is he trying to kill us?
[rock crumbling]
[music fading]
- [solemn music plays]
- [grunts]
[music fades]
My art could heal those wounds.
[scoffs] For this? A little pain is good.
If it's pain you want,
try pushing a child out.
Like squatting on a fire.
You have children?
Three sons.
Where are they?
[somber music plays]
When you kill Thor,
what will happen?
You mean, how will I feel?
No, not that.
I mean will the rain stop?
- I don't know.
- [gentle music plays]
When we were young, we always said
we'd die battle slain, holy,
and be greeted by Thor in Valhalla.
But if we slay Thor,
where will we go when we die?
I wanted to see my sons again.
[Seid-Kona] Here.
[suspenseful music plays]
[chimes tinkling softly]
- [jingling]
- [ominous music plays]
Is anyone there?
[door thudding softly]
[door creaks]
[blade clangs]
[boy grunts]
[groans, gasps]
- We have not come to harm you.
- Frode! Leave them.
[Frode whimpering]
Hail, warriors.
I am called Hrafnkel.
Come, come. We have food.
When the riders came,
we hid ourselves away.
You did what you had to.
For your family.
I put up the chimes
so we'd hear them coming.
You ride beneath no banners. No sigils.
Know ye what the riders want?
[ominous music plays]
Eat. Go when you're able.
And you?
Those chimes will not save you.
What will you do?
We will pray.
Scout the valley.
[Thor] Baldr brought me
your word of warning.
[exhales] You hide me, Father,
like a feckless coward.
- Caged in here, confined.
- [thunder rumbling]
- This maid is after me alone.
- [thunder crashes]
I demand the kill be mine!
- [dramatic music plays]
- You have your spies and host of huntsmen.
But I have eyes of my own!
[shouting] The clouds in heaven!
The clattering rain!
[thunder crashes]
- [thunder rumbling]
- [cawing]
[music fading]
One eye, all of them.
[eerie music plays]
The riders are ahead and behind.
They would not have missed those farmers
if they came this close.
Unless the farmers made a deal.
The chimes, they weren't alarms.
They were bait.
We're being herded.
We have to get back.
- Now!
- [horse neighs]
[horse snorts]
[Leif] Huh.
What are you hiding?
[Leif grunts]
- [man] Stop!
- [grunts loudly]
- [man] You cannot go in there!
- [Sigrid] Leif!
[man] You can't! She's ours.
- [grunts]
- What is this madness?
We found her in the burned city
and took her.
Took her for what?
For Odin.
Don't you see?
She was left to us
that we might prove our faith.
- You would sacrifice her?
- Yes!
If the gods demand it.
Sigrid, they've laid a trap. They've
[man] Inge, now!
[Seid-Kona gasps]
- Where is your son?
- [Inge pants]
He is close enough.
He went to bring them.
Your bodies will gladden his ravens,
and Odin will spare us.
[speaking incantation softly]
- [clanks, scrapes]
- [magic hums]
- [sizzling]
- [screams]
[Seid-Kona seethes, grunts]
- [dramatic music plays]
- [Inge groans softly]
[man] Inge!
- [blood squelches]
- [grunts]
[eerie music plays, fades]
Are you all right?
- So you can be of use.
- [ravens cawing]
[dramatic music plays]
[bolverkrs screeching]
[Sigrid] Run! Now!
Come on!
- [Leif] I won't leave her.
- Leif!
There's no time. Leave her!
[Leif] Can you stand?
- [horse neighs]
- Leif!
Come on.
[exciting music playing]
Mother, Father, I brought them!
Mother? Father?
- [gasps softly]
- [music intensifies]
[thunder crashing]
[lightning crackling]
The maid is mine!
[magic hums, whooshes]
[magic thrums]
[ethereal music plays]
Leif! Vanaheim!
[lightning crackling]
[ominous music plays]
- [dramatic music plays]
- [lightning crackling]
- [lightning crackling]
- [thunder rumbling]
[both grunt]
- [horse neighs]
- [woman yelps]
- [neighs]
- [Sigrid yelps]
[Hervor] Sigrid? Sigrid, where are you?
- [groans]
- [spear clatters]
[lightning crackles]
[ethereal music plays]
- [rock whooshes]
- [groans]
[spear clatters]
The maid I'm meant to fear.
What name has my huntress?
[gasps] You don't know who I am?
I've made many a widow
and wagonloads of orphans.
What shall I call you, shield-maid?
[rock crashes, crumbles]
[inhales shakily]
I am The Weeping.
- [Sigrid groans, grunts]
- [dramatic music plays]
[lightning crackles]
[Sigrid grunting]
[eerie music plays]
[Sigrid groans]
[groaning weakly]
[music fades]
[Thor] Your dog-headed errand
must end today.
- [ethereal music plays]
- But I see your spear and spirit.
See reason, and you'll have recompense.
[Sigrid grunts]
[Thor] Whatever you want, I'll bestow.
Storms they harm,
but heal as well.
Let me make you a miracle.
I can bring life to barren fields.
Or is it you who'd fain be fertile?
[growls, grunts]
You think me some keening fishwife,
yearning for a child?
You have nothing to offer me
but your head!
[thunder crashes]
[yells, grunts]
[ominous music plays]
[lightning crackling]
- [magic chimes]
- [grunts]
[ethereal music plays]
[Sigrid] This is Vanaheim's border.
You've broken treaty.
To attack me now would be an act of war.
[groaning uncertainly]
When next we meet, you'll kneel before me
and beg my hammer's mercy.
- [dramatic music plays]
- [lightning crackling]
[ethereal music plays]
[inhales sharply, shudders]
[woman] I'm sorry for my deception.
[magic whooshes, thrums]
[dramatic music plays]
None may enter Vanaheim.
None but the worthy.
[music intensifies]
[music ends]
[haunting choral music plays]
[music fades to silence]
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