Twinkling Watermelon (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

Seoul 1995

[Production Sponsors: Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, & Korea Creative Content Agency]
[This is a work of fiction. Characters, places, agencies, incidents, organizations, and jobs have no connections to real life. Child actors were safely filmed with a guardian present.]
[Episode 3]
Pythagorean theorem. 1 to 2 to
square root five. That's right.
It's four to eight to four and square root five.
That's right. Two square root 10.
This is two square root 10.
This is two square root 10.
We got everything, then. What do we need now?
Ptolemy's theorem. It just needs the Ptolemy's theorem.
It's done.
Gosh, that Ptolemy
If you want to waste your life,
get out.
Sir, when was your glorious moment?
Was it when you passed the teacher certification exam?
Was it when you married your wife?
Or was it when you had your son?
I have no children, and I'm divorced.
What nonsense are you spewing?
To me
it's right now.
Get out. Get out right now.
Get out right now, you bastard.
I didn't know you got divorced.
Get out right now. Get out.
You little Seriously.
That psycho.
My name is Ha Yi Chan.
I'm currently 19 years old.
I'm sparkling the best I can.
Faster, faster.
Let's go!
The spring of 1995. Unarguably the best years of our youth.
In that spring, when I was able to shine spontaneously,
I met other youths who shook my life to the core.
Well done.
Sir, did you get a new Slam Dunk?
Yes, check the bookshelf over there.
How about Dragon Ball Z?
Here, here. On the staircase.
The first person who shook my life to the core is
"Left hand only supports."
Kang Baek Ho.
(Korean name for Sakuragi Hanamichi in Slam Dunk)
A pure positive energy.
He's my forever fictional hero. And
Choi Se Kyeong.
My goddess. My muse and
Then you need to be in a band.
A band man can be worshipped.
What? Why are you showing up here?
It's not him. So just skip.
Hey, hold on. Why are you skipping my part?
What are you doing? You bastard. Come here. You punk. Hey!
I'll give you a really good deal.
It was originally 23,000 won.
I'll give it to you for 20,000.
What's with that face? Okay.
I like your face.
If so
I'll be reasonable and make it 12,000 won.
Thank you.
I'm giving you a good deal because my friend's girlfriend's brother went to Baegwang High.
Kurt Cobain.
A man of a legendary band who was idolized by ladies.
Kurt Cobain.
I learned the truth through his short but impactful life.
Just like the sparkling in distance ♪
Why isn't he here?
I'll give it all for this song that won't grow tired ♪
The only way a poor, powerless man to win over a beautiful woman
Se Kyeong, you like rock bands, too?
You should have told me.
I also
am in a band!
Choi Se Kyeong.
Want to come to my band's concert later?
My school is having a festival in a month.
I'll prepare a performance just for you. Make sure to come.
Do you even have a band?
- I'll start one now.
- What?
I got the T-shirt,
I got the guitar pick,
and my heart for you has been ready.
I just need to get started now.
You'll come, right?
Why would I go?
I'm creating this band for you
it'd be a performance for you,
and there'll be a seat just for you, too.
Answer him. Answer him.
Answer him.
Se Kyeong, you're more forward than you look-
Fine? Did you say, "Fine" just now?
- under one condition.
- Tell me.
What's the condition? Say anything. Go ahead.
Promise me beforehand.
Promise you'll never show up in front of me if you don't keep your promise.
Sounds good.
Instead, promise me one thing, too.
If I keep the promise,
you'd give me a chance to be your boyfriend.
The odds are basically 0%.
Probability can be an unbelievable thing.
Tell me what the condition is.
One. It has to be a newly created band.
Don't even try to join an already successful band.
Two. You must know how to play an instrument.
Having a solo part is obviously mandatory.
Three. I get to pick the song.
Give up now if you were going to get by with an easy song.
What do you think?
Will you still do it?
Of course.
- Which song?
- Which song?
- Which song?
- Which song?
Nirvana's "Come As You Are."
Can you do it?
Will you be okay?
What do you mean?
The bet.
What if he succeeds?
There's no way he will.
How are you so certain?
I can tell by looking at his hands.
Those hands never touched an instrument.
Why did you accept the bet, then?
You're making the innocent boy's heart flutter.
You can't start a band on your own, and that Nirvana song isn't easy.
He won't show up for a while, busy starting a band and practicing.
And if he fails the mission, he can't show up out of embarrassment.
But you don't seem to know this.
A boy in love
sometimes gain supernatural powers.
I'll bet 10,000 won that he'd succeed.
Ahjussi, whose side are you on right now?
Start what?
A band.
Y-You're not talking about a bandaid, right?
It's a joke, right? You're crazy, right?
You think you can start a band overnight?
You can overnight.
- How?
- Baegwang Band.
You mean our school's Baegwang Band?
A party of attention hogs.
A band of psychos.
They always go crazy trying to stand out from others.
And the guitarist, the only sane person, transferred to another school
and they were forced to be disbanded.
That Baegwang Band?
Yes. I said I'd set them up with college girls, and they showed up immediately.
Are you crazy? You're doing what with them?
Hey, hey. Listen, buddy.
The name Baegwang Band is already long forgotten
They're long forgotten now. But now
[Fake First Love Memory-Makers]
I'll be every girl's first love from now on.
Especially Se Kyeong will basically have a memory loss.
And you'll be our band manager. Congratulations.
What? Gosh.
Gosh, no. I-I
Buddy, welcome to the scammers' club.
You definitely said they'll be dancers.
I'll kill you if you set us up with martial arts girls.
Geez, were you always lied to?
I'm sure you've heard of them.
Snail Boarding House, which is more difficult to enter than a college.
I'm the grandson of the owner.
Isn't that just for men?
I heard they don't accept female college students.
I guess you didn't know all the tenants go to elite schools.
All their girlfriends are flight attendants,
ballerinas, designers and-
How much time do we have to practice?
The festival is a month and 10 days away. We have enough time.
Should we see how skilled the frontman is, then?
Of course.
It's time to be honest with each other.
One, two, three, four.
What? Why did you stop?
Are you nervous?
I only know up to that part.
Hey, should he be so upbeat about it?
Am I the only one who wants to beat him up?
Hey, hey. I'm the vocalist.
I just need to play the intro and look cool.
I'll just play solo up to the prelude,
and you can play the rest while I'm singing-
You think we're a lounge band or something?
Do karaoke on your own if that's what you want to do, you asshole.
Calm down, calm down, calm down.
Just give up, Yi Chan.
We can't have a band without a guitarist.
You heard that, right?
I'm sorry we met.
Let's never see each other again.
Let's go.
Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on!
Hold on, hold on.
Hold on.
Okay. I fully understand your position.
Let's just get one, then. Let's do it.
I'll find someone really good at playing the guitar.
Are you an idiot?
When will you find one and get to practice?
Unless it's the legendary Yoon Dong Jin.
Yoon Dong Jin? Who's that?
I'll bring Dong Jin, then.
Do you even know who Yoon Dong Jin is?
Dong Jin?
I know him well.
I knew you would.
See? What did I tell you?
I said Bal San might know because he's from Chuncheon.
Who cares if he knows him? He has to be friends with him.
I know who Yoon Dong Jin is, too, man.
Yoon Dong Jin.
The genius guitarist who's a sophomore at Chuncheon University.
He even gave a song he wrote at age 13 to an artist.
He's a musician who's gifted in songwriting, too.
I know I taught him, but he's amazing.
You taught him? Yoon Dong Jin?
Aigoo, my gosh.
I should've said something I shouldn't have said.
I actually taught him how to play the guitar.
Hyung, have this. It cooked so well. It's Chuncheon dakgalbi.
Shall I?
It smells like Chuncheon.
Well, Hyung.
Could you give Dong Jin hyung a call?
Yi Chan, it's burning. Flip it.
Hold on, it's burning! You bastard.
Hey, why do you want me to call him?
The thing is, he started a band,
but he needs to find a guitarist before the festival starts.
You think Dong Jin would join a high school band?
That's why I'm asking you to put in a call to him.
If you don't want to, just give me his phone number.
I'm really good at begging people.
You bastard.
Just wait right there.
Dong Jin is a night owl.
I probably can't reach him right now.
I'll try calling his oldest brother instead.
- Yes, hello?
- Hello?
I'm Bal San, who used to live in Chuncheon.
Who's this?
I think you called the wrong number.
Gosh, I know.
By the way, what's Dong Jin up to these days?
What? He went recluse?
He went to Mt. Odae to write songs three days ago?
You can't reach him at all?
Mt. Odae, my foot. You son of a bitch.
- Got it, Hyungnim. Goodbye.
- What the hell in the broad daylight, you fucking idiot.
I'm so sleepy right now. Fuck!
That's what he said.
Could you give us his phone number, then?
I'm sorry I can't be helpful.
All right. I have to meet someone.
This is a bulletin board of an online club for musicians.
People put up help-wanted ads for bands.
Who knows? Yoon Dong Jin might frequent this site, too.
- Let's just put up a post for now.
- Sounds good.
[To Yoon Dong Jin, the genius guitarist of Chuncheon]
Hold on.
The bait is too weak. We can't catch Yoon Dong Jin with that.
What will we catch him with, then? An earthworm?
Say we provide lodging and food.
Huh? Are you crazy? Your grandma didn't even approve-
As long as you can join our band,
we'll provide you with
warm food three times a day and a comfortable room free of charge.
Hello, I'm Ha Yi Chan, the frontman of a band
Fake First Love Memory-Makers from Baegwang High School.
This may be a lot, but would you like to leave the beautiful lakeside city, Chuncheon,
and come to Seoul, the epicenter of culture?
I'm hoping to have you as a special guest member
for the school festival concert that's happening in a month.
As long as you can join our band,
we'll provide you with warm food
three times a day and a comfortable room free of charge.
We promise you have a comfortable stay in Seoul in the future.
Who's calling this late at night?
Hello? This is Snail-
Hey, he posted.
Yoon Dong Jin posted on the bulletin board!
H-Hang up for now.
Dong Jin!
Hello, this is Yoon Dong Jin.
I was looking for a place to stay in Seoul since I was planning to move there.
Free food and lodging at Snail Boarding House?
I'd consider myself fortunate and an honor.
I'd be happy to join your band as a guest member for the festival.
Welcome. Are you looking for anything specific?
Rock Rock Do you have any rock albums, sir?
Rock? Hold on a second.
He said he'd be holding the school newspaper?
Yes. I said we'd be wearing the school uniform.
I'm sure he'd recognize us right away.
By the way, I did some research on Yoon Dong Jin.
I guess he's kind of unique. He's kind of odd and a bit crazy.
Ma Ju, he's a musician. Who cares? He's a genius.
Anyway, make sure to please him.
Don't say the wrong thing and make him change his mind.
Don't worry.
Today's Fortune said I'd be really lucky.
What did it say?
"Just like a butterfly's flapping of wings can affect the weather,
a small event will bring an unexpected and tremendous outcome."
[Used Books: That Day]
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Wait, excuse me.
[Chuncheon University of Education Journal / April 1995]
What happened?
Year 1995?
Yoon Dong Jin?
It's you.
Ma Ju! Oh Ma Ju!
- Oh Ma Ju?
- Here! He's here!
Gosh, you're early.
[Oh Ma Ju]
How can someone be in a band and not know Oh Ma Ju?
You know Yoon Dong Jin, right?
Of course, he's the godfather of Korean rock.
Oh Ma Ju is the person who raised Yoon Dong Jin to be the best artist that he is.
No way. That Oh Ma Ju and Yoon Dong Jin?
Who are you?
I am the frontman of the band "Fake First Love Memory-Makers," Ha Yi Chan.
Ha Yi Chan?
Ha Yi Chan?
It's Dad.
is talking.
- Is it really you, Dad?
- Probably not.
Born in 1978, the year of the horse. The name is Ha Yi Chan, correct?
Probably, unless there's a secret about my birth.
You lived with your grandma, who runs a boarding house until you were in high school
and her name is Go Yang Hee.
The boarding house is called Snail, correct?
Excuse me, Mr. Yoon. Let's go somewhere else first-
Am I right? Am I? Answer me right now.
You're right!
But how are you able to speak?
I have a mouth. I might as well use it, no?
How come you haven't told me all this time?
I thought you were born that way, no?
And what band, Dad?
Where's Mom? Where's she right now?
It's a UFO.
Dad, you can't just leave me here.
I still have so many questions!
Hey, are you sure he's an oddball?
He's totally on another level.
I warned you.
I said it'd be difficult to approach him.
Wow, he's crazy. He called me "Dad."
What if Se Kyeong heard that?
So, should we back out now?
Should we give up on the band?
But are you sure he's Yoon Dong Jin?
It's true. I'm Yoon Dong Jin.
Gosh, I don't think so.
What would make you believe me?
What school do you currently attend?
Chuncheon University. Mathematics Ed. major. Entering class of 1994.
- What instruments can you play?
- Guitar. My go-to is bass guitar.
Above average on the keyboard and pretty good on drums.
- When did you first start the guitar?
- Elementary-
In the fourth grade.
- When is your birthday?
- March 22nd, 1975.
My nickname was Bambi. Not the rain, but the deer.
Oh? You know all that?
Of course, he's the godfather of Korean rock.
You can learn everything if you read his interviews-
Wow, he called himself the godfather of rock.
He's really delusional, isn't he?
How did we first meet?
Through a bulletin board of an internet club.
Why do you keep calling me "Dad"?
Because you're like the father of music.
How was your first impression of me?
I was surprised you were much more handsome than I thought.
Welcome to Fake First Love Memory-Makers.
I guess this is your first time in Seoul.
Not at all. I've lived in Seoul since I was born.
I'm kidding.
I'm a Chuncheon native, and it is my first time in Seoul.
I mean, Seoul in the year 1995.
Anyway, his worldview is so unique.
Right, Ma Ju?
Aigoo, here comes the bus.
E-Excuse me.
- Yes?
- I lost my wallet. I have no money.
What do we do? I only have a commuter ticket.
Commuter ticket
Well, since you look so young
I'll give you two more commuter tickets as a bonus.
This is a dream.
I definitely had a fight with Dad right before I left.
But now, I'm with him who's the same age as me.
And he's talking.
He's in a band?
There's no way this isn't a dream.
- Hey.
- Huh?
I don't know what to do.
I think he'll cook me with his eyes.
By the way, when did you leave Mt. Odae?
Mt. Odae?
I heard you were writing songs.
Oh, right!
To write songs I did go to Mt. Odae to write songs.
I left pretty recently.
Yesterday, I think?
I see.
Since we'll be living together, I can just call you "Hyung," right?
I know Confucian philosophy is irrelevant these days, but-
I suppose you don't want me to.
I do. Sounds good.
Feel free to call me "Hyung."
You should start talking to me casually, then.
How could I-
Just call me "Yi Chan" like I'm your younger brother.
Say "Yi Chan." Come on.
- Chan.
- Yes, Hyung.
Did you call me?
We need to get off at this stop, Hyung.
Let's go.
By the way, where are we going right now?
So, who's this supposed to be?
Chuncheon's son. Genius guitarist Yoon Dong Jin.
I said I'll bring him here.
It was around last fall
when we went to Chuncheon University of Education's festival.
And he finally came up on the stage.
Along with the bright halo.
Oh, my gosh.
He didn't need a band.
He could've covered the drums, bass, and melody with just a guitar.
Hyeon Yul, your greeting is too long. Why don't we start practicing-
Since I was so excited to see him, I
even went to the bathhouse last night.
Without knowing I'd get pooped on like this.
What are you talking about? Just say it directly-
How could I say it more directly, you asshole?
This bastard. This bastard isn't Yoon Dong Jin.
What are you talking about? He's not Yoon Dong Jin?
Why are you so happy? Is your brain made out of udon noodles?
Hyung, speak for yourself.
Oh, me?
You were definitely standing at the meeting spot with the school newspaper
and you knew very well about our boarding house, me, and yourself-
A little too well
Way too well
Do you get it?
They call this "scamming" in the industry, you bastard.
You're all dead.
You're dead if I see you again.
Don't stick out from now on.
Damn, I should've known better when you wanted to start a band because of Choi Se Kyeong.
Damn it!
[Fake First Love Memory-Makers]
So you're not Yoon Dong Jin?
So, you started a band because of a woman?
- Shit! Who are you?
- Who's Choi Se Kyeong?
Are you crazy?
How dare you scam me, trying to ruin my life?
Are you crazy, Dad?
Delinquent at age 18?
What am I, Handel?
Why do you keep calling me "Dad"?
Handel is the mother of music. Bach is the father.
You're supposed to like Yoon Cheong Ah.
Who's Yoon Cheong Ah?
[Thanks for the shirt]
It's Frida Kahlo.
I love this painting, too.
You're always wearing the headphones.
Yes, those.
Why are you always wearing them? You can't hear.
I didn't mean it like that at all.
I'm sorry.
You listen to the beat.
Are you into rock bands?
Are you into rock bands?
I see. That's so neat.
Do you like that boy?
That boy?
You saw it.
Do I like him?
No. Not at all.
But I find him funny.
It's like reading a comic book.
He makes me curious about what'd happen next.
Hey, Yoon Cheong Ah.
Right, you can't hear.
Gosh, how annoying.
[Homeroom teacher wants to see you. Go to the teacher's office.]
Lee Mi Ra.
Is this really your painting?
The art teacher brought it over.
He said you keep copying Choeng Ah's paintings.
Why don't you tell me yourself?
Whose is original, and whose is a copy?
This is unfair, sir.
What is?
Why do you only ask me, but not her?
You already think I copied hers.
You'd better stop crying. You don't have the right to cry.
Good thing we found out before entering the contest. How embarrassing for the school.
Anyway, you can't enter the contest. Just know that.
No, sir.
Please let me enter.
I need more awards to go to college.
No, we can't submit controversial works to contests.
That's the rule.
What are you doing? Take it with you.
See? What did I tell you?
I said you can't fool the homeroom teacher.
Shut your mouth.
What a bitch.
She shouldn't ruin my future if she won't even enter the competition.
I'm sure she told the chairman about me.
Yoon Cheong Ah isn't submitting her work?
Why not?
She says she's not satisfied with her work.
She thinks she's an artist or something.
I guess her stepmom is the chairman of the school.
She can't be scared of teachers or worried about going to college.
She got into our school through a special admission, too.
Special admission for the disabled.
You scared me. What's with her?
- My gosh. Seriously.
- What's she doing?
Go ahead and freak out.
My gosh!
Let go! Stop!
Mom was his first love?
She was the only woman for him?
Yet he started a band because of another woman?
I'm disappointed.
So disappointed.
I'll wake up if it's a dream. I'll go back to the real world right now.
But how do I go back?
[Used Books: That Day]
How strange.
It's definitely this place.
[We need a place to rest somewhere. We want this to be that kind of a place for you.]
Hello. Looking for something?
How long have you been running the used books store here?
It's been about 10 years.
Why do you ask?
Don't you know an instrument shop called La Vida Music, then?
La Vida?
I don't know. I've never heard that name.
If it's not here, I'm sure it's around here.
Please think about it one more time.
I've been here for a long time. I've never heard of an instrument shop with that name.
Is that so?
Sorry to bother you, then.
No, not at all.
Okay. Bye.
Could that door be the portal for time travel?
If that door is the passage that connects past and present,
the moment I go out this door,
I might go back to the year 2023.
Why is it the same?
Why is it still 1995?
Maybe this isn't right. Maybe it only opens at night.
What if
I can no longer go back home?
I'm sure there's a way.
Let's find the way. Let's find
Don't lose this.
Then you'll be in trouble.
[La Vida Music]
Oh, she's done already?
I'm sorry. The Wi-Fi isn't working.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
The number you dialed does not exist.
Please check and dial again.
The number you dialed does not exist
Please check and dial
I'm hungry.
The rest, later.
Yes, come again.
I'll have three servings of tteokbokki and one of each fried veggie.
Just one second.
You take 50,000 won bills, right?
I don't accept gift cards.
It's not a gift card. It's cash
They're big.
They're big.
They're bigger than the bills I have. No way
Korea Minting and Security Printing Corporation didn't start printing 50,000 won bills yet?
What the hell are you talking about?
So, do you want it or not?
Master, you
You're dead if I see you again.
You're dead if I see you again.
What are the odds that I ran into a scammer like that?
I'm home, Grandma.
Hey, you're home.
Why are you coming alone?
Where's the customer?
- The customer?
- Yes.
What customer?
The one from Chuncheon University of Education or whatever
Anyway, you said you'd get free lessons from him for providing food and lodging.
I decided not to take lessons from him.
- Why not?
- Grandma
I met him, and he's obviously a scammer.
Why? Did he look mean?
Yes. He looked so
nice. He's definitely considered handsome.
But what is it, then?
What? Did he look dumb?
Yes, he was so
I was surprised that you were much more handsome than I thought.
I don't know who his parents are, but he's very smart-looking.
Why didn't you bring him here, then?
Aigoo. You just don't want to study!
It's not like that.
You don't even know anything.
Gosh, seriously.
Aigoo, I thought he made a good decision for once.
So you parted ways immediately?
What else, then? Have a shoot-out or something?
You should've called me sooner, then.
I did grocery shopping and cooked all day, thinking you were bringing a tutor.
What's so great about him that you'd feed him, too?
Grandma is talking to you. How dare you talk back like that?
You said he was coming all the way from Chuncheon.
I was going to treat him properly since he showed effort.
Is this how I raised you?
No. I'm sorry.
Take a shower and come out to eat.
He must've been tired from taking a train here. It would've been nice to feed him.
You're such a rude bastard.
He's not a kid. You think he'd be starving?
E-Excuse me.
- Yes?
- I lost my wallet. I have no money.
I wonder if he ate.
He looked kind of tired.
I mean
Who cares if he starves or not?
He's a lowdown scammer
and complete strangers who don't share a drop of blood.
One, two
Okay. Nice.
1992. Nice.
Gosh, I feel alive.
Dad kicked me out.
I'm tired.
I want to eat your soybean stew.
Yes, Mom.
Why didn't I think of looking for her?
Mom and Dad are the same age.
As long as I find her school
How come you don't have a yearbook, Mom?
They all disappeared after it flooded a long time ago.
How about photos of Grandma and Grandpa?
Don't you have any other family members?
I'm basically an orphan.
The rest of it is a secret.
I'll tell you when you grow up a bit more.
I know
[It's easy to keep it clean if you consider this your own bathroom]
I know a lot less about my parents than I thought.
I thought I already knew.
So I didn't try to find out more.
I stopped being curious at some point.
Cover yourself with it.
You'll freeze to death.
I was always concerned about myself more.
I always cared about my issues the most.
That's why I didn't know
that Dad became deaf and mute after birth
and the reason why Mom said she's basically an orphan.
And the fact that Mom and Dad used to be called something other than "Mom and Dad."
- Hello?
- Hi. Hello, hello.
Are you enjoying your trip?
What are you, exactly?
Why are you doing this to me, anyway?
Gosh, I guess you're not enjoying your trip so much.
What's the reason you sent me here, anyway?
Well? You probably should find that out yourself.
- Ahjussi!
- What?
H-How do I go back, then?
How can I go back?
I don't know. You should figure that out yourself, too.
Just give me a hint or something, then.
Tell me the theme of this world, the rules, or the missions.
The boys of the 21st century are into that kind of stuff.
Just enjoy for now, sir.
Trips are supposed to be fun.
Viva la vida.
I'll call you again when it's time.
Adios, then.
Hello? Hello?
Don't hang up.
Don't hang up. Don't hang up!
I'm supposed to find out the reason
I came here and
how to go back, too?
That means
I can't go back for a while.
[Baegwang High School]
[Light up your youthful passion!]
[Light up your youthful passion!]
It's all over.
It's all over? What do you mean?
Yoon Dong Jin just published a post that says we're scammers.
Hey, that wasn't a scam. It was a misunderstanding.
That's what you think.
Hey, let's go to him immediately.
Let's apologize properly, explain everything,
- and recruit him officially-
- It's too late.
An indie band from Hongik University recruited him immediately.
It's game over.
Let's post a public apology and post another ad for a member-
He even warned people not to get scammed if we post another ad.
Wow, it's as eloquent as the Appeal to Subjugate Huang Chao.
(Eloquent letter written during the Silla dynasty)
People are going crazy for it.
band is already done.
Let's give up, Yi Chan.
It's a beautiful thing to know when it's time to leave.
You think Se Kyeong knows, too?
- Know what?
- That our band is done for.
Gosh, I'm sure she does.
People bet on whether the band will be a success or not. Why wouldn't she?
Where are you going?
I need to tell her the truth.
I'm sure she'll understand, too.
Will a week be enough?
To heal your broken heart?
No. To recruit a new member.
I'll tell Se Kyeong that we'll start again
so she shouldn't worry about the rumors and wait.
Continue to print the flyer for a new member.
Fighting! Ha Yi Chan, Fighting!
I can't stand him. Seriously.
Oh, my God!
so sorry about yesterday.
Wait, could I join instead?
I wonder what you're talking about.
I meant the band. I'm a pretty good guitarist, actually.
You provide free food and lodging, right?
Could I stay at the boarding house instead of Yoon Dong Jin, by chance?
My gosh, your skin must be made out of steel.
I can't stay for long, either.
- Until I figure out how to go back-
- Geez.
Do you know what I went through because of you?
Excuse me, could you-
Other bands think we're scammers
and I've lost credit with Se Kyeong.
If only you didn't scam us that day,
if only you didn't follow me, none of this crap would've happened.
You know that?
- Well, I'll make sure to-
- Shit.
You'd better hide from now on.
If I see even your hair, you're dead.
- Don't be like that. Please-
- Don't follow me.
Don't follow me, I said.
have no place to go.
H-Hold on a moment. Please.
Hold on, hold on! Seriously
Se Kyeong.
Did you hear the rumor?
The rumor? What rumor?
The boy who made a bet with you.
Ha Yi Chan, the psycho from Baegwang High.
What about him?
He's been causing trouble trying to start a band,
and he totally got destroyed this time.
I'm glad it ended sooner than I thought.
I know.
What's this? A love letter?
What? This is a ticket for Ji Hwan oppa's band's show.
Is this for me?
I'm sorry, but
it's not for you.
Where's mine, then?
Who will you give that to?
I'm kind of disappointed about the new story.
I was hoping for a twist. It's disappointing.
The bastard's like a wet leaf.
I can't seem to get him off me.
[No visitors, solicitors, or male students from different schools. Do not approach the gate.]
Ha Yi Chan?
Wow, Yong Joon Gi.
Hey, damn!
Do you go to this school?
Yes. By the way, what happened? Is your
Is your band really over?
I made a bet. I'm about to lose all of it-
Ha Yi Chan!
What's going on?
I love you, Joon Gi.
No, our relationship isn't like that, Yi Chan.
No, Yi Chan. Hold on.
Thank you for your hard work.
Yes, okay.
Hey, hold on.
- Hold on.
- Yi Chan.
- Come on. Come on.
- Ha Yi Chan!
- Talk to me for a second.
- About what?
[Seowon Arts High School. Club Rooms, Music Studios, Art Studios, Cafeteria]
Hey, could you pass the ball?
The left hand
- only supports-
- He's Baegwang High's Ha Yi Chan.
Who's that? Is he a basketball player?
I feel like I've heard of that name-
Damn it.
Come here! Stop right there!
Why are you so fast?
Geez, where did that bastard go?
Gosh, did he go that way?
Is he in here?
Where's that coming from?
I definitely heard something here.
Geez, why won't he come out?
Please stay like this.
I'll make sure to return the favor before I die.
It's a new beginning, I breathe out ♪
Gosh, it's really Ahjumma.
I never would've thought I'd meet you here. Really.
Don't look back, you won't have any regrets ♪
No need to hesitate ♪
This chance won't come again, so let's begin ♪
The days that shone so bright ♪
All our full dreams (shining, shining) just like now ♪
Don't stop here like this, right now ♪
Run without looking back ♪
So you can dream again, higher, higher, fly higher ♪
I hope this moment lasts forever ♪
People are talking ♪
[Twinkling Watermelon]
I thought life was supposed to twinkle like that.
She was the reason you wanted to start a band?
At least before I met this jerk.
I was immature for wanting to start a band because I was in love.
I leave to study abroad next week. Keep it a secret for now.
Why? Because of Ha Yi Chan of Baegwang High?
What happened to Dad when he was 18, anyway?
Do you even want to start a band?
You just want to get girls' attention.
I told you. He goes to Chuncheon University.
I-I am a tutor.
Ripped and resynced by YoungJedi
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