Two Worlds (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

You can stay with me if you’ve nowhere to go.
Are you sure.
Until you can find your way back to your world,
I’ll just do what i can to help.
I want to buy a piece of land on Moon Shadow valley.
I heard it’s not simple to reach Lady Lhu.
I think I can help you with that…
only if you let me work here.
What are you doing?
Where's Lady Lhu?
She's on her way here.
I thought she was already waiting here.
Give me 5 minutes to explain.
Here’s what I’m trying to do.
We don’t have time, Mr.Phupha.
What are you saying?
You’re in danger.
Let go of me.
Time’s running out, Mr.Phupha.
Hey! Hey!!!
How’s it going?
He wouldn’t say a thing.
Who sent you here!!
Tell me who sent you here!!!!
I’ve told you before. I only want to save Phupha
Save Phupha??
Are you fucking kidding me?
Wanna try me?
He passed out.
You take care of this.
Call me when you have something.
Yes, sir
Now guys, don’t say a thing about what happened at Moon Shadow fall.
What do you think?
Wait until we know the whole truth?
Take care of this.
Wake up asshole!
Can you tell me now?
Tell me!!
You wanna try me?
Tell me!!
I don’t think he’ll tell you anything.
You have a better idea?
Ouch! Ouch!
You have to torture him little by little.
Make every second as painful as you can.
Can I try it my way?
Bill is trying to show off.
He can't.
Nopporn wouldn't say a thing. I don't think he'll get anywhere
God he's good. I think he'll nail it.
Eh.. But you just said he’s no good.
Hey… I’m not hearing anything in there. Let’s go in! Quick!!
Where is he?
Don’t move!!
Are you ok?
I knew something was off….Tai
I knew it. You’re Tai, son of Por of Big Slum gang
Por wants me killed so he sent you here right?
We’ve parted ways long long time ago.
I don’t believe it. Why have you come in disguise then?
Believe it or not, I’m on your side.
Don’t move. Hand over your gun….
I said hand over your gun!!!
You’d better watch yourself. Someone’s coming after you.
How could you not tell me!!
You promised you’d tell me everything.
About Kram, who would believe it.
Yeah…you’re right.
He looks exactly like Kram.
Those things only exist in sci-fi movies.
Don’t tell anyone about this.
You can go now.
Take your meds and go to rest.
Don’t worry about it. Take a good rest
You’re the only one I trust.
Don’t say that. You’ll come back to me. Promise me.
Promise me?
I promise.
What do you think you’re doing?
I’m just enjoying the view.
Is there a problem?
I thought you were….
Forget it.
There were times I’ve thought of doing it.
My plans didn’t work out
and I felt so useless.
I feel sorry for having wasted your time.
I don’t think I can save Phupha.
And I don’t think
I can live with that fact.
There’s a place I want to take you to.
Are we expecting to see anyone in particular?
I didn’t know you’re still alive.
Your father died.
But your mum’s still alive. But I felt sorry for you.
You were injured and lost your sight.
Who did it?
The only one I hate the most….my father.
Tai…is that you?
Come….come inside. I’ve prepared food for you.
My friend’s here for a visit.
Come here..come come. Let’s eat. We’ve got plenty of food.
Have some drink first.
Thank you.
Why are you looking away? Say thank you.
Thank you aunty.
Is that Kram? Kram…is that you?
It isn’t Kram.
I’m sorry.
But your voice, your face… really look like Kram.
But…what’s your name?
My name is…. My name is Nopporn.
Take it easy!!
I don’t need to be nice!!!
She said she’d return it by month end.
Don’t you get it.
You’ve said month end for so many times now.
When you borrow and don’t give back. That’s called cheating!
You scumbag!
You bitch!
I hope I won’t see you around next time.
You got it.
Off you go now!
Thanks Tai.
You scared me!
Happy to see me?
Of course.
Who’s that?
My colleague. Looks familiar?
Don’t think I’ve seen him before.
Maybe a neighbor?
Or a family friend?
I’ve only had girl friends in my neighborhood.
I only moved here when grandma passed away.
Maybe not in this world.
Is he really your colleague?
You’ve never brought anyone home before.
Easy, Dueandao.
Well, you’re trending.
You know when cute guys are together. What do they call it?
Y couple? Something like that.
You got carried away.
Let’s eat. Now that you’re here.
It’s ok. I just wanted to say hi.
We’ve got more than enough. Come on in. Let’s eat.
Come on, Tai. She’s not letting you now, right aunty?
Let’s go. Let’s eat.
Sit down, sit down. I’ll take care of everything.
Everything’s so delicious. Didn’t know you’re such a great cook.
Enjoy. Eat up!
Why don’t you eat this.
Nop will help.
Take this.
Thanks dear.
Why don’t you eat this.
Nop will finish last.
You take care of the dishes, ok?
It’s alright. I’ll take care of them.
I would have offered if Dueandao didn’t ask.
I’ll do the dishes today.
Sure sure. Let’s eat for now. Thanks anyway
Are you ok Kram?
Why are you here by yourself?
My rabbit drowned.
I wanted to help but the water ran wild.
I couldn’t help it. I’m sorry, mum.
It’s alright, dear. It’s not your fault.
How about I do my magic trick?
Abracadabra….may all your worries and pain go away.
Feeling better?
It’s alright, honey. It’s not your fault at all. Let me give you a big hug.
Are you alright, dear?
I’m ok.
Just thinking of my mum.
She passed away for years now.
Oh…. I’m so sorry to hear that.
It might sound like a coincidence.
But you resemble my mum a lot.
Everytime I see you, I can’t stop thinking about her.
She’d comfort me everytime that I feel down and I’d feel better.
But she’s not here anymore..
Whatever you’d been through…it’s ok. It’s going to be ok
Abracadabra….may all your worries and pain go away.
Are you ok?
It’s about what Tai said the other day.
I’m starting to see it clearer now. It’s weird…in my dreams.
How weird?
It feels like I’ve been betrayed.
Maybe you’re worrying too much.
Are you alright, Phupha?
I’m alright. I want to know who he is.
No one can come close to Khumfah’s safehouse.
But how did they find out about this place?
Someone close really wants me dead.
What are you going to do now?
Can you find out where Tai and Nopporn are?
I want to talk to them.
Yes, sir.
Are you sure you can make it?
Take it easy.
Sorry I kept on talking all night.
Come visit again, Nop?
I should excuse myself now.
See you again soon.
Goodnight, aunty.
Bye, Dueandao.
Bye, Tai.
See you all again soon.
Are you doing anything later, Tai?
Not really. Why?
Can you come with me? There’s a place I want to take you to.
Why do I have to keep my eyes closed?
We’re almost there.
Follow me. Be careful.
Open your eyes now.
I like taking a walk around here. Beautiful, huh?
Why are we here?
It’s my way of saying thank you…for taking good care of me.
You took me to see mum…though she’s not my mum in my world.
But to be able to give her a hug again…It made me feel whole lot better.
You pay her a visit because you’re close to Kram in this world.
So when Kram passes away, you take care of his mum for Kram.
I do the best I can….no matter who it’s for.
I’m grateful for everything you’ve done.
You’re one of the nicest people I know.
Look at your cheeks. They glow in the dark. So cute!
Stop it.
It’s getting late now. Let’s go home.
Wait up.
Hello Phupha..
I’m at Tai’s house now. It must be his.
Sure. I’ll check to make sure again.
Hey! What the hell are you doing here?
I’m here to see Tai.
Who sent you here? You’re looking suspicious.
Tell me who sent you here.
Do you hear me? Hmm?
Sorry if I’m a bit rough.
You want trouble, huh?
Wanna fight?
Stop, Jao. Stop.
He almost tried to kill you.
That’s Wayu.
What? Wayu?
Hang on. Who is he?
I’m Jao.
Jao. The whining Jao?
There’s only one person who call me this.
You…the bragging Wayu!!
You’re the whining one.
You’re the bragging one.
You’re the whining one.
You’re the bragging one.
You! The whining Jao
You! The bragging Wayu.
Stop it you two. Stop it!
So you two know each other?
Sorry I was harsh on you.
It’s alright. I’m ok now.
You two lived close to each other?
Destiny brings you back to meet again.
As if I want to see this bragging shit again.
Unlike you the whining asshole.
Wanna fight?
So you know who’s really the whining one.
Calm down you two.
Fight me.
Stop it.
So what are you here for, Wayu?
Phupha was hit by someone from Khumfah.
And it seems Tai and you might know something about it. Phupha wants to speak to you
You have an idea who it might be?
Not really. Can’t say for sure.
Why me?
Not sure about that either.
WTF. Do you have an idea about anything?
What about you? What do you know?
I wouldn’t ask if I had a clue.
Bloody hell
I’m sorry.
All I can say is…after Phupha’s father got married to Janda,
There’ll be lots of complications.
Nobody knows about my father getting remarried. How did you know about it?
It’s not difficult for me to find out.
Is there anyone I can trust around here?
If we really wanted to take you down, you would’ve been dead.
I was so close to you at the company. I had the opportunities to.
And would you still be here? Is that enough proof?
I’ll try to trust you people.
What are you going to do now?
You don’t need to do a thing. Just do your business as usual.
They’ll slowly reveal themselves….
Tai and I will take them down when it’s time
This is getting too carried away.
I think…. I will delay Phupha’s succession plan for now
Should we send him abroad to keep him safe. Good idea, Phupha?
I think I’ll stay. I will fight them no matter who they are.
What’s up Run?
I dropped by to see dad. He said he missed you.
Wanna join us for dinner?
Someone wants to kill Phupha!!
Are you alright?
Keep it right, dad.
Why wouldn’t he stop bleeding??
He has Hemophilia!!!
Promise me you’ll keep your Hemophilia a secret.
One day you’ll become the president of Khumfah.
No one can know about this, ok?
Right. I won’t tell anyone. I promise.
Yes. I am your biological father.
I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to keep it from you.
But your mother begged me to.
How could this be? What happened back then?
I used to date your mother.
But we had to part ways.
Then Rojana got together with Adisak.
So mum didn’t know at first I was your son?
Yes. until she found out you had Hemophilia.
Then she took a DNA test.
That’s how I found out about you
I’m truly sorry.
I should have told you sooner.
I am so so sorry.
To me, you’re like a father.
I never once regret it.
Sorry you had to make an escape this way.
Watch out, Phupha!
It’s you again??
Where are you going?
You both stay in the car.
What are you doing. Stop Phupha. Stop.
Run away, Run!! Quick!!!
Stay with me Phupha.
Stay with me!!
Phupha. Stay with you.
You’re gonna be ok. You’re going to be.
Kram…Kram Kram
Phupha. Stay with me. Kram
Phupha….Phupha. Stay with me.
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