Ultraman (2019) s01e03 Episode Script

Being Ultraman Isn't Bad

Mr. Ide.
I have something important to tell you.
Now then, allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Edo.
I am a survivor of the Zetton Alien race
that once tried to invade Earth
and killed Ultraman.
A Zetton Alien
In our eyes,
the Zetton Aliens were our worst enemy.
As part of the SSSP,
I can understand your surprise.
I know you won't easily accept this,
but there's a story
that I'd like to tell you.
After Ultraman left,
several decades passed
during which Earth was not invaded.
why do you think
Earth wasn't invaded by aliens
for so long?
How should I know?
It's because
planets that have a civilization
besides Earth
entered into a peace agreement.
Is that right?
But why are you here?
Earth entered a time of peace.
However, 12 years ago,
just after we in
the Universal Alliance Council
contacted Earth,
it appeared.
-You mean
-That's right.
The being you fought.
It goes by the name of Bemular.
Bemular alone would be a huge problem,
but other aliens have begun to
make their moves
as if lured by what Bemular did.
Other aliens?
Hey! Who do you think
I didn't mean anything! I'm sorry.
I'll never drink again.
do you mean there are
other aliens on Earth right now?
That's right.
You must be kidding.
I have
a favor I want to ask you.
I want you
to be Ultraman for us.
Right now,
Earth needs a deterrence force.
How can you ask me such a thing?
Until now,
the SSSP has been kept a secret,
but that can't last any longer.
-What's up?
What's with you guys?
That was totally uncool.
Don't act dumb. The other day,
you guys ran off without me.
Sorry. We were, you know
Oh, that's right. We have to get going.
Oh, yes. That's right.
-See you.
What's with them?
What's wrong with you, man?
Leave me alone!
I didn't mean to hurt you.
I really am sorry.
He's still unconscious,
but I think he'll be waking up soon.
He'll be all right, won't he?
His injuries are deep,
but his important organs are unharmed.
Thank goodness.
Okay, Shinjiro.
Let's get going, shall we?
Connection established
in transfer lanes one through eight.
Primary limiter functioning properly.
Secondary limiter functioning properly.
Activation sequence all checks out.
Okay, let's do this.
Are you ready, Shinjiro?
Actually, Mr. Ide,
I haven't decided if I'll be Ultraman yet.
I know.
I also think you need to know
what you're getting into before you do.
He ignored me.
Okay, let's begin.
Transfer complete. It worked.
It works perfectly.
Step back, please.
-That's really bad.
-It's dangerous.
That guy is in trouble!
The driver is still inside that truck.
There's someone inside!
The training is canceled?
Is that right?
If that's the case, it can't be helped.
We'll be there right away.
It's canceled? Did something happen?
There's been a huge accident
on the Bayshore Route.
We'll be heading there now.
An accident?
Am I supposed to take care of that?
So it seems.
-This is bad!
-We have to save that driver!
-Step back!
-Go help that guy, man!
It's dangerous. Please, step back.
What is that?
Hey, you!
Dammit! I won't make it in time!
Don't, Shinjiro!
That's too powerful.
Use the Ultra Slash.
What's that?
Focus the flow of Specium
between your hands.
Why are you telling me this now?
Picture it in your mind.
I know you can do this.
What the heck happened?
-Are you all right?
-Are you hurt?
-Take care of him.
Hey! You!
Thank you.
Thank you so very much.
Who the heck are you?
Hey, wait!
You know
I think I can do this.
It was an unexpected incident,
but it turned out to be a good thing.
Good. That's fantastic.
I see.
Since the boy doesn't know
how to use the power he's been given,
you start by putting him in the spotlight?
Is there something you want to say?
He can't even understand
the importance of his own existence
without being tricked.
I doubt I'll get along with him.
The culprit has taken a woman hostage
and has holed himself up in a condo.
Quit screwing around! Hurry it up!
Three hours have passed since it began,
but he won't talk
to police negotiators and
Look at that! It's Ultraman!
Follow him! Hurry!
Get back!
Take off that stupid costume and get
He's all yours.
Look at that!
Just now, this man who looks like Ultraman
came out carrying the culprit.
Just who is this man?
The local residents
are shouting "Ultraman."
The man who appears to be Ultraman
is waving back to them.
Who in the world is this man?
What on Earth is going on?
He flew! Ultraman flew!
The police then arrested the suspect
and questioned him about the motive
These are the presents we're giving away
to the viewers.
-Can you sign them?
-Sure. No problem.
Oh, the wannabe Ultraman is back?
People say he's a wannabe,
but this guy is definitely not
some cosplayer.
I'll admit,
his strength and moves are superhuman.
Well, since you're known to be
a big Ultraman fan,
you sure can't ignore news like this.
That's right!
My dad is totally into Ultraman
and he knows everything about him.
That's why I'm so interested in him too.
Is that right?
Take care of that for me. Bye.
Will do.
And destroy the city.
Then, Ultraman would come
and fight the monster.
He was 50 meters tall.
-He was gigantic!
-This guy?
That's not Ultraman.
It's just some cosplayer.
But look at this.
If he was just a cosplayer,
he couldn't do things like that.
I mean, look at that weapon on his arm.
That's not normal, man.
You guys talking about that Ultraman guy
who's in the news lately?
He was in the news yesterday again,
the little Ultraman.
Is that right?
You know, our little hero,
you should take a lesson
from this Ultraman guy.
That's right.
He doesn't go breaking people's bones
for no reason.
Oh, that?
Hey, wait a minute!
Why the heck were you guys ignoring me?
Because you thought I did that?
That was him.
Hey, man. I apologize.
Let's forget about what happened
and go for some karaoke today, okay?
-All right!
Sorry, but I've got plans today.
I see.
Hello, Shinjiro.
You seem more enthusiastic than usual.
You think so. I feel the same as always.
-You here for training again today?
I want to get used to
the Ultrasuit as soon as I can.
-That must mean
you've made up your mind to be Ultraman,
doesn't it?
Well I guess so.
Moboroshi here.
What is it?
We've just detected a target
that requires elimination.
Awaiting orders.
you remain there.
I'll dispatch Ultraman
to eliminate that target.
I'm here.
So, what am I supposed to do?
"What am I supposed to do?"
Isn't it obvious?
Eliminate the scumbag alien.
You mean, kill it?
What else would I mean?
I can't think of anything else.
I don't care why you're here,
but as long as you are,
you better be prepared.
whatever happens,
no complaints.
If you get the picture,
then get out there and kill it.
Moroboshi here.
Just now, our Ultraman is on his way
to the site.
What a jerk. Who does he think he is?
He acts like it's a piece of cake
to kill an alien.
Subtitle translation by Brian Athey
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