Uncle Samsik (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

Samsik, aged 16
Hey, Kang Ilsik.
Kang Ilsik
Kang Seongmin's father
Did you contact Osaka directly?
And who said that?
What are you doing?
You like red bean buns, right?
If you…
do me a favor,
you can have as many as you want.
Uncle Samsik
Uncle Samsik
Win Over
Capital Defense Unit, Secret Bunker
San, is that you?
You're here too?
San, you gotta tell them.
We didn't plan any of this!
This was all Samsik, not us!
San! Tell them, please!
Tell them it was all Samsik!
Tell them, San!
Captain Lee.
Been a while, Hanmin.
Jeong Hanmin, Lieutenant Colonel
of the Capital Defense Unit
The 55th Howitzer Regiment.
So I guess you're…
with the Second Operations
Commander now, hm?
We ask the questions here.
Lee Sooil
Captain of the 55th Howitzer Regiment
It seems there's been a misunderstanding.
I need to call General Jang Doosik.
Questions, requests…
They're off the table here.
Samsik is here, isn't he?
Where is Samsik?
Tell him to get in here!
Where is he?
Jeong Hanmin.
All you gotta do is answer.
Did Samsik plan this on his own?
How many times I gotta tell you, huh?
If you don't fess up soon, Hanmin,
you're gonna die in here.
When did you first meet Samsik?
Hey, all this food in here is cold.
Get us something hot to eat and hurry.
Come on, come on!
November 30, 1959
- Waterfowl ♪
- Waterfowl ♪
- Why are you crying? ♪
- Why are you crying? ♪
- Do not resent the time ♪
- Do not resent the time ♪
- That flies by ♪
- That flies by ♪
I'd been passed over
for a promotion that day,
and I was feeling like shit.
So I had quite a lot to drink.
General Jang talked to me
about the Logistics Command.
So, does that mean
he'll fix you up with a job there, huh?
I've had it
with the miserable fucking military.
Here, drink up.
Here. Here, here, here, here.
Come on, fill those glasses up.
The incompetent idiots
are snagging all the star rankings.
And the factions fight
whenever they want, don't they?
Bow down to the government
like we're their fucking slaves.
you call this the military?
What the fuck's the matter?
Are you insane?
Are you scared, huh?
You pathetic fucks.
It's time for some changes here, huh?
Our country's a total mess
and the soldiers have nothing better
to do than drink all day long!
Waterfowl ♪
So, our captain here seems
to have a fire burning in his soul, huh?
Who's gonna tame all that fiery energy?
What is this, huh?
I guess it's a little unfair.
You're an Albright graduate,
second in your class,
and you didn't get promoted, did you?
And who are you?
You want me to get you a star ranking?
A star…
You must be crazy.
General Jang Doosik left the military.
I wonder how he got his star.
So that was how
Samsik first approached me.
We'd just met,
and he said all sorts of things.
Some are from the Japanese military,
others from the Manchurian.
The factions fight, it's all corrupt.
Why is the military like this?
Because it's been poisoned?
Yes, that's right.
Who poisoned it, though?
That's what poisoned the military.
Don't you see it?
The government turned
the military into its puppet.
We need to reform politics
to cleanse the military.
- And if not…
- And if not?
Then the military has to cleanse politics.
You'd just met?
Out of the blue?
Out of the blue.
Even the Minister of National Defense
gets his orders from Minister Choi Minkyu.
Every key unit in the military
is packed with Choi Minkyu's guys.
Don't you think that seems a little off?
Yeah, b-but what can we do about it?
You know the head of the CIC,
Hong Youngki?
If we use him,
then we can sever the poisoned parts
of the military.
Hong Youngki is
the most poisoned one of all.
Let's use Youngki for everything we can
and then throw him away in the end.
So this is what Hanmin is saying?
That's the statement he just gave.
Uncle Samsik first met Hong Youngki
on that same day.
How do you know it was the same day?
I heard it later on.
So Hong Youngki wasn't in on it
until after?
Yes, that's right.
What do you mean "heard it later on"?
I heard about the military
supplies business.
Selling off old US Military supplies?
Yes, that's right.
Jeong Hanmin, Kim Kwangmin…
they were also tied up in it,
weren't they?
The younger officers were resorting
to skipping meals.
Well, you must've been aware
of it, Captain Lee.
Everyone was about to explode.
Who suggested
the US Military supplies business?
It was Samsik, of course.
Kim San says Samsik met Youngki
for the first time that day.
Someone who barely knew
Hong Youngki existed…
…came up with this plan?
He planned it the second they met?
Samsik has always been
that kind of person.
Hong Youngki can be talked into taking
control of key units around the capital.
We'll get you promoted soon
and I'll make you Deputy Commander
of the Capital Defense Unit.
Is this really possible?
How many soldiers
have you stripped of their titles?
When Rhee Seungmin's administration
comes to an end,
you think those soldiers
would just leave you alone?
Hong Youngki's easy to get to.
Do you know
what his main weakness is, Hanmin?
I don't.
It's that he has too many enemies.
And the fear that that gives Hong Youngki
is his greatest weakness.
Why did you lock up those petty thieves?
The US Military Command
goes on and on about exploitation.
And it's all nonsense.
They think I captured all those people
and then framed them as communists.
Those fuckers don't know
the first thing about commies.
Anyway, I locked those thieves up
because I had to do something.
To satisfy them.
You should let them go.
Why would I?
We're in business with some
of the US Military Supply officers.
If you grant a few of our requests,
30% of the profits will be yours.
And I'll even provide you
with a few sturdy men for your protection.
And that's how we won over
Commander Hong Youngki.
Yeah, in the end,
the Seodaemun thugs
were released immediately.
- Yeah!
- All right.
That's the way this man called
Uncle Samsik generally likes to operate.
Uncle Samsik never does anything
with just one objective in mind.
The US Military supply business?
Though I didn't know it at the time,
it wasn't just about money.
Korean people have always had
incredibly robust stomachs.
They can eat canned food
that's two years expired,
- and they'll be completely fine.
- Yeah. Expired food?
- I'd eat that.
- And Koreans are great drivers.
You know that? The best drivers, huh?
We can drive incredibly safely
even with tires that US troops
have been using for 10 years.
Yeah, driving around on worn out tires?
That's okay. We'll drive on 'em.
Without accidents.
Expired products from US Military bases
like used tires…
They're still okay to use, right?
…and worn out vehicles
were sold for 10 times their price
on the black market.
Scrap tires that were 10 years old?
We sold a hundred every day.
Expired canned goods
would get fresh new labels.
And were sold by the hundreds, really.
- Every day, more cash flowed in.
- Thank you, sir.
We packaged our products
in Sail Bakery bread boxes,
and then ship them
everywhere as bribes.
We sent them to the police,
the press, the military.
And 30% of the profits
went to Hong Youngki.
Even so, they still made us a fortune.
He's not as crazy as he might seem.
he isn't like the rest of us.
That's what I thought.
Receipts for army supplies
Were you involved in this
from the very beginning?
I got into it without knowing
the finer details.
Was the Capital Defense Unit
your target from the start?
Not when I first started out.
Who recruited Capital Defense Officers
Pak Wonil and Kim Inho?
I did, sir.
Here are Captains Kim Inho
and Pak Wonil.
- Mm.
Nice to meet you.
I heard you were both Albright scholars.
Jeong Hanmin, Kim Kwangmin,
these men are…
also Albright scholars like you?
Yes, that's right.
But you knew they were involved
in the US Military supplies business?
I wasn't sure.
Hey, Kim San!
What brings you here?
Let's chat for a moment.
Kim Kwangmin
CEO of Sanae Corporation
- I should get to work.
- It won't take long. Just a moment.
What is it?
I have a favor to ask you.
All right, tell me what it is.
Oh, San.
We're trying to build
a caustic soda factory.
- A lye factory?
- Yes.
We already have a grant
for five-ton pilot plant.
But apparently, Daemyeon Construction
submitted an identical application.
So they're trying to intercept it.
Well, I've already filed for an appeal.
Is there any way you can help?
I'll look into it.
Thanks, I know you're busy.
So you're saying it was all
Samsik's ploy to win Kim San over?
And the military supply business was bait?
And Kim Kwangmin, Sanae Produce's owner?
He was recommended by Yoo Yeonchul
from Daemyeon Construction.
Did you go and tell them,
the Cheongwoo Federation?
Yes, I did.
I already told them.
Do they know Director Kim Kwangmin
at the Cheongwoo Federation?
Yeah, they did. I told them all about it.
We need to speak with them again today.
Oh, you're here.
This is Kim Kwangmin from Sanae Produce.
- Yes, I've heard good things about you.
- Thank you.
Have a seat.
Hi there. Yoo Yeonchul
from Daemyeon Construction.
I'm Kim Kwangmin.
I heard you were withdrawing
your application for the lye factory.
Well, that all depends on you.
You were an Albright scholar, weren't you?
Yeah. You really look like it.
I'm prepared
to make you a lucrative offer.
All I need is for you
to withdraw the factory application.
As long as you're not trying to impact
our business--
Hey, kid.
Look, have you heard
of the Cheongwoo Federation?
Isn't that a group of businessmen
from the northwest?
Its members are all top businessmen.
That's right.
If you'd like, we could help you
become a part of it.
Well, how would you…
Well, Yoo Yeonchul is just a laborer
and he's in the Cheongwoo Federation now.
Don't let this opportunity pass you by.
Why did Daemyeon
Construction apply to build a lye factory?
Withdrawal of application
for caustic soda factory establishment
They were never really
interested in the factory, were they?
No. I don't think they were.
It was just bait to lure me in.
Oh, hey, Kwangmin. It's San.
Daemyeon Construction
withdrew its business plan.
That's good to hear.
You already knew?
No, I didn't know.
I should buy you dinner
as a thanks for looking into it.
Don't worry about it.
They had Jeong Hanmin
with the military supply business
and Kim Kwangmin with the lye factory.
And that's how they got to your friends?
That's right.
This coffee is cold now.
He needs his friends beside him.
They should be there
supporting him during these hard times.
Ministry of Home Affairs
Comprehensive economic policy for
the 5-year National Reconstruction Plan
I couldn't let go
of the National Reconstruction Proposal
even at the Audit Bureau.
I was afraid that my dreams would…
Well, never be realized.
- Yeah, sure, yes. Thank you.
- Please enjoy.
- Great. Have a good day.
- Thank you.
- Oh.
- Hi. How are you?
- What can I get you?
- How much are they?
It's 300 hwan for one bag.
- I'll come back.
- All right. Thank you.
No matter how hard I tried,
it was hopeless.
Hey, when did you get here?
Hey, San.
Jeong Hanmin.
Oh, oh, oh. Okay, you're pretty drunk.
You're making me wanna stop drinking.
Okay. Okay.
Hey, let me introduce you.
These are Captains Kim Inho and Pak Wonil.
Nice to meet you.
I heard you were both Albright scholars.
Long time ago.
Long time…
Get up.
You've had a lot to drink.
I'm not in the military.
Jina, your uncle's home.
- Uncle.
- Jina.
Come here. Look.
I got you a little treat.
Have some.
Uncle, were you out drinking?
It's cold.
Go back inside.
- Hi, I'm back.
- Are you all right?
- Yes, I'm fine. I'm fine.
- Oh, my.
You should come in and lie down.
- Okay.
- That's it.
Ooh. Goodness, you're quite drunk.
- Come on.
- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Come in and rest.
What are you thinking, huh?
Is there something you wanna say?
Even if there is, you can't say it anyway.
You don't have the energy to say anything.
When the US Military
was bombing us nonstop,
you made my brother go out
and beg for scraps to eat.
He left his pregnant wife at home.
You made him go during that…
during that air raid.
And my brother died.
Do you know how hard that was on his wife?
It shouldn't have been him.
It should've been you that day.
Not him.
It should've been you instead.
Yeah, he just passed by here.
Hmm, he was very well-dressed.
Uh, he's just handsome, is all.
Yeah, bye now.
- Thank you again.
- Of course. Bye now.
Innovation Party
Are you sure he's coming?
Have the guys call up
Uncle Samsik, all right?
CEO Pak Doochill
Just wait there.
He'll eventually make his way over.
Just stay on standby and be ready.
He's coming, he's coming.
Kim San, he's on his way.
Let's get ready.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
Quick, quick, quick!
He's here, he's here.
He's going in.
Oh, fuck, he's leaving.
Just go in.
Go on.
Go inside. That's it.
He's in. He's in.
Can I come in?
Why did you leave like that?
I remembered I had something to do
so I took care of it.
Is Mr. Choo not here?
My father's out at dinner.
Could you just wait a little?
Choo Intae just left.
I think I'll have to come in tomorrow.
Even though it's a Sunday.
Someone has to go through all of this.
So many people wanna be party members.
But we're still short-staffed.
Oh. I'm sorry.
Go and lie down.
Lie down.
I'll just take a short break.
And I'll take one with you.
I could be taking a long break soon.
Is it true you left
the Ministry of Home Affairs?
Do you think…
there might be a position for me
in the Innovation Party?
So you want to get into politics?
I think the Innovation Party
isn't ready yet.
I have great respect for Mr. Choo Intae.
And I believe…
- What is this? What is this?
- Fire! Fire!
- Get out of here! Get out!
- Yeojin!
Get out!
Are you okay?
Somebody help! Where is everyone?
Mr. Choo. Mr. Choo!
Mr. Choo!
Choo Intae's fleeing!
Hey, Choo Intae!
Look! He's getting away!
Hey, Choo Intae is fleeing!
Hey, Choo Intae!
Inspired by the encouragement
and strong support of the people,
I hereby announce a decision
I've made out of love for the nation.
I am…
revoking the withdrawal
of my presidential candidacy.
Ministry of Home Affairs
In order to save South Korea
from its current state of crisis.
Democratic Party
I am officially…
Liberal Party
…presenting myself as a candidate
in the upcoming presidential election.
Rhee Seungmin! Rhee Seungmin!
- Rhee Seungmin!
- Rhee Seungmin!
- Rhee Seungmin!
- Rhee Seungmin!
It was the day that the president
announced his candidacy.
All his supporters
were out in the streets.
During the war when our country
was taken from us,
we were defenseless.
An incompetent head of the household.
A coward of a man.
That had always been my idea of a father.
Mr. Choo Intae had been
another father figure to me.
But in the end…
he was no different than my own father.
But I guess I'd always thought that…
fatherhood looked that way.
You finally picked up.
No matter how hard I try…
there's nothing that I can do.
Effort is meaningless in this world.
Why not flip it upside down?
And what if it's wrong?
Then spit it out.
You'll know if it's poison
the minute it touches your lips.
And my proposal?
Can we save it?
Save it, or kill it, we can do anything.
I'm asking if we can make it
happen naturally.
Letting it happen on its own
will also cost you.
Does the Earth's rotation and revolution
just happen?
Is it a coincidence that the Sun
lights up the Earth?
I want more power. Tell me how to get it.
I will give it to you.
I'm the one who can give it to you.
I'll wait to hear from you.
Mr. Hong, my name is Samsik.
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