Undead Unluck (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

How to Use My Unluck

[gears clicking]
[dramatic piano music]
ROOM 1859
[QUEEN BEE's "01" playing]
[singing in Japanese]
What do ya think?
This yacht handles like
a freakin' dream, right?
She's pretty souped up, too.
We're gonna reach Vladivostok
in no time, just you wai huh?
The heck are you doing?
[Fuko Izumo] Didn't you hear
a word of what that guy said?
Of course, there will be people
hunting you along the way.
Here's hoping you both
arrive there in one piece.
[Fuko] About how they'll be
hunting us the entire way there?
So what? Big whoop!
You're on my awesome boat!
Come on out and enjoy the ride!
No, I'm scared!
We could be attacked at any moment!
Let go of me!
You buzzkill. Until that happens,
a little partying on deck
ain't gonna kill ya.
- Huh?
- [both shouting]
See? I told you so!
Heh, didn't even get one drink in, huh?
Man, they're such lousy shots!
They keep this up,
it'll be smooth sailing!
Are you kidding me?
This boat's gonna get blasted to pieces!
If that happens we can blow out
of here with your unluck.
My unluck doesn't work like that!
It's unpredictable!
It's all how you use it.
[rapid gunfire]
My undead ability,
it's not just about death prevention.
If I cut a part of my body nearly off
and make it grow back in place,
it becomes a weapon!
Parts Bullet Fist!
Y You did it.
Does this mean we're in the Union?
[Andy] What? No!
Weren't you listenin'
to what that brat was sayin'?
We've gotta go find and kill
the person with
the emblem on 'em.
Oh, the emblem.
[Andy] Those two goons from the other day
had gold marks on 'em.
If I had to guess what their
member emblem looked like,
it'd be that,
and I've got a hunch who some
of the other members might be.
Three people off the top of my head.
First is the maker
of this indestructible sword
I swiped. They call him Unbreakable.
Second would be
the engineer type guy who did
all those experiments on me 50 years ago.
And third was the person who
actually nabbed me back then.
A lady with the ability
to create invisible barriers.
Invisible barriers?
[Andy] Yeah, she actually packed
my head into one of them.
I'm talkin' real sturdy walls.
I was in a tight spot, literally.
I may be undead, but I'm not unbeatable.
It's gonna be a bad match up
if we're up against that lady.
[Fuko] I see.
So even Zombie
has people he's weak against.
If we end up facing that woman then
But I don't give a crap about any of that!
No matter who gets in our way,
we're gonna get ourselves
to that lake and kill that mark.
Ain't nothin' in the world's
gonna keep us from our goal.
Besides, if we get in a pinch,
we'll be able to make do with your unluck!
What? I told you!
Don't count on my unluck!
That makes it even better!
[engines screeching]
Guess I'll have to take the time
to get a feel for your rules
before things get hairy.
Get a feel? There's no freaking way!
You're gonna get all pervy on me!
- Sure will.
- So honest!
I'm telling you now,
do that and your likability
won't change the slightest bit!
Nah, it will. You pushover.
It will not!
[Gena Chamber giggles]
You just don't change, do you?
I mean, after all,
you're the only man in this world
that I could have ever loved.
[both] Huh?
You'll be just fine.
It's all part of how you never change.
You'll make your way back to me soon.
[Andy] That was insane.
What in the hell attacked us?
That's an unusually long trail
of air bubbles.
Huh, little brat's out cold, huh?
If she's asphyxiating
or in cardiac arrest,
each minute docks her survival
rate by about ten percent.
Gotta book it.
Her legs are caught under
the wreckage, huh?
In that case
I'll wedge my arm stumps in here
and grow 'em back all at once.
All right, now to get topside and
[Andy] Good, cough out as much as you can.
[Fuko coughing]
[Andy] Relax. Take deep breaths.
[Fuko breathing heavily]
Hold on.
I remember being pinned under the boat.
I'll explain it all later.
We're about to get caught.
Stand up and put
your hands above your head.
[Fuko] Huh?
Uh, an enemy?
[man] Undead, is it
your intention to surrender?
[Andy] You betcha!
Huh? Seriously?
No, dummy. I'm just buying time.
For my experiment.
This little test will help us
figure out whether
or not there's a way to control
that crazy unluck of yours.
Uh, huh?
Of course it can't be controlled!
That's why I have issues
in the first place!
You can't control it at will,
but I've got a little theory going.
- Huh?
- [Andy] All your previous strokes
of unluck were phenomena
that utilized things around you
but what about the lightning bolt
from the haircut
or the meteorite from the kiss?
Uh, they used things from far away?
Yes! In both cases,
you forcibly pulled in things
from far away!
And why did those two things happen,
you may ask? It's because of the value
- of the haircut and the kiss.
- [stammers]
Those two actions hold great
personal value
and materials needed for strokes
of unluck proportionate
to those values weren't available nearby!
[Fuko groans]
How embarrassing.
It's like he's breaking down
my views on romance.
[Andy] So, you see, for this one,
I found a source that'll produce
a stroke of unluck proportionate
to the value.
And if my hunch is right on this,
it's gonna be one hell of a repercussion.
Hmm? What do you mean, "This one?"
But you haven't done any Wait.
Wha why is my bra
all pushed up like that?
I gave you CPR.
Those pushed-up chest melons
of yours were in the way,
so I kinda moved them off to the side.
[Fuko squeals]
He saw and touched them?
But that's all you did, right?
Huh? All? Heck no.
You still weren't coming to so I did it.
- Huh?
- [rumbling]
I gave ya mouth-to-mouth.
[Fuko screams]
And bingo!
Now it's time for my special move!
Repair Boost!
Crimson Crescent Moon!
It's a quick draw slash that's boosted
by my arm's repair powers.
Learned it from a Japanese sword master.
I made sure not to damage the cockpit.
This puppy is ours.
Oh, wow, your arm! Doesn't that
I use it as a sheath.
- Now quit your nitpickin'.
- [groans]
Open your mind.
- [shouting]
- [laughs]
How was that?
Seems like we find a seed
of unluck and get a grasp
of the contact level suitable
for triggering it!
After that your unluck won't
be just accidents.
It'll be your high-powered trump card
to turn things around!
[Fuko whimpers]
Now we've got a new way to move about.
Nice going, kid.
Uh, hold on!
I'm sure this is just another fluke!
Seriously, don't count on me!
Enough already.
Everything went fine,
so just roll with it.
[Fuko groans]
All right!
Let's book it to Baikal!
Vodka, here I come!
[Fuko] You changed the
whole point of the trip!
[jet engine roaring]
[computer] Self destructing in
ten, nine, eight
- [squeals]
- Uh-oh, bad news.
- [computer] Six, five, four, three
- [squeaks]
[Fuko screaming]
[squeals] Why'd the plane explode?
[Andy] They figured out
we swiped their ride!
[Fuko] This is no time to smile!
We're falling!
It's no big deal.
Got a little trick from my mercenary days.
We'll stick a five-point landing!
Five-point landing?
- First, balls of the feet.
- [bones cracking]
- Next, sides of your calves.
- [bones cracking]
- Then, butt!
- [bones cracking]
- Back!
- [bones cracking]
[Fuko] So many gross sounds!
Suck it!
[breathing heavily] All right, success.
I could have sworn you said,
"suck it," at the end.
[Andy] I said, "success!"
- Anyway, we've landed now.
- Huh?
Be sure to keep your head down.
Our mark could be around here anywhere.
[clears throat]
[Andy] Welcome to Lake Baikal,
the world's deepest, clearest,
and oldest freshwater lake.
The organization's gonna
be here investigating a UMA.
Seems like a likely spot
for a UMA to hide out,
truth be told.
It's so huge and wide and pretty!
Guess there really is a lot more
to the world than Japan.
What? Your first time overseas?
Uh-huh! I've always been a shut-in!
In that case, you should go do
some sightseein'.
- What? But
- Don't worry about the Union.
There's too many tourists around here.
Out in the open's not their style.
They're stealthy.
I'm gonna go track down my old war buds.
They'll back us up when we need it.
We'll each be flyin' solo for a bit.
[Fuko] Um, wait a second.
Huh? What do ya need?
When it comes to us joining the ten
Who do you think we'll have
to take on this time?
Like, what if they're completely rational
and reasonable?
[Andy] They're dead meat.
Courtesy of Yours Truly
so I can get in, too.
Plan stays the same.
Oh, by the way,
are there any foods you're not keen on?
- Uh, wasabi!
- All right, then, no problem!
- It's all settled!
- [Fuko] Hmm?
Listen, the buddy I'm about to bring over,
they run a killer restaurant!
You've gotta get a taste of their borscht
or this trip's a wash!
I'll make us a reservation, okay?
We're gonna party!
- [shouts]
- You're on your own until then.
[Fuko groans]
[Andy] You made it all the way to Russia!
Don't waste it by being
your usual, timid self!
Have a good time!
[Fuko] It's only been four days
since I met Zombie,
and now I'm in Russia?
- Easier said than done.
- [man speaking Russian] What's this?
Are you alone?
Maybe you can have tea with us?
[Fuko] This is insane!
He's so inconsiderate!
I can't have fun around people
with this cursed body!
Then again,
if I hadn't crossed paths with him,
I'd be dead by now.
[Gena groaning]
[Fuko] Hmm?
[Gena exhales]
- Oh.
- Hey, there.
Ah, busted!
Wow, a Japanese girl!
I mean, you're from Japan, aren't you?
- I'm Japanese, yeah.
- Wow, the real deal!
Check out my outfit!
School girlish, right?
I just absolutely adore Japanese
school girl uniforms!
Uh, I'm sorry,
but I never went to high school
so I wouldn't know.
Oh, but it seems so fun and exciting!
- Ugh, such a waste!
- [giggles nervously]
Wow, it's so pretty.
Are these watercolors?
[Gena] Oh, how did you know?
Do you paint, too?
[Fuko] Well, you see,
I don't get out often,
if at all,
so I've dabbled in art here and there.
Not that I'm all that great at it, though.
Hmm! [giggles]
Whoa, where'd that come from?
- Why don't we paint together?
- Huh?
Well, I, um-I'm waiting for someone.
Huh? Who? Your boyfriend? Nice!
Why not surprise him
with a painting, then?
- How cute!
- Have a good time!
[gentle guitar music]
So, hey, L'il Lucky.
Which do you like more:
stuff that changes,
or stays the same?
Wait, did you call me, "L'il Lucky?"
Well, yeah, you've got
"Good luck" written on your cap,
so you're L'il Lucky.
Personally, I like stuff
that doesn't change.
Things that are consistent
and not swayed by anyone.
Isn't it amazing for something
to stay exactly the same?
[Fuko gasps]
That's the reason why I love art.
Because you can capture
the ever-changing world
as a never-changing drawing
just like we're doing now.
So, L'il Lucky, which one?
[Fuko] Uh, that's a
tough question. I guess I
Can I have some time to think about it?
Sure, you can take as long as you like.
[Fuko giggles]
I'm done!
- You are? Lemme see, lemme see!
- Huh?
Oh, um, you won't laugh, will you?
I added a lot of stuff to it.
Oh, that's fine. Art is all about freedom.
[Fuko grunts]
Uh, hey, um, I wouldn't get
too close to me if I were you.
Art has no right or wrong an
So, uh
What are those sparkles around the moon?
[Fuko] Huh? Oh, well, they're, uh
So, there's nothing up
in space except for the moon
and the sun, right?
I learned that back in school.
Yeah, that's right.
Nothing at all.
[Fuko] Well, the moon looked
awfully lonely up there
so I gave it some friends!
That's sweet, L'il Lucky. How thoughtful.
The night sky gets pretty lonely.
[Fuko] Yes, it sure does.
Oh, by the way, about your question,
if I like change?
I've got an answer.
For a while, I couldn't change,
and it was hard on me.
So hard that I wanted to die.
But four days ago,
I met this really odd guy.
And it's been crazy ever since!
He groped me all over and locked me up on
the day we met,
there've been explosions left and right.
Next thing I know, I'm here in Russia!
And he never once took
my ten years as a shut-in
into consideration!
Then again, through all of that,
he helped me change quite a bit.
I think that's why I was able
to draw with you today,
and I had the most amazing time.
I appreciate this time of change,
and having someone who changes me.
My, such lovely words.
So very young.
So green.
And utterly naive.
Despite all those things
[Fuko gasps]
Despite all those things,
your words resonate with me.
[Fuko gasping]
Perhaps my age has finally caught up.
[Fuko gasps]
The lake.
It's floating!
Oh, Andy!
What is that?
The lake just suddenly rose up!
Crimson Crescent Moon!
You never change, Deady Dearest.
Looks like you're going overboard
with the makeup now, Gena!
Though I can still see them crow's feet!
[Gena grunting]
[Andy grunts]
Oh, wow! Look at that!
Another perfect five-point landing!
This is no time to gloat!
Wait a second.
Can she be the most troublesome
Yep, that's the chick who
nabbed my ass 50 years ago.
Send my beret.
I'll play with them till the scan is done.
[digital beeping]
[Gena] The boss brought me up to speed.
Your big plan's to kill me
and join the organization, right?
Well, it looks like you'll have
to change me first,
Deady Dearest.
[Andy chuckles]
- [Gena] And L'il Lucky.
- [Fuko gasps]
[Gena giggles]
[Kairi Yagi's "know me" playing]
[singing in Japanese]
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