Unlocked: A Jail Experiment (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

The Ogs Take Control

[thunder rumbling]
[Wutzke] It's happening.
[Wutzke] In my cell.
-Pill call?
-Pill Pill call is coming.
[narrator] It's nearing the end
of the experiment's first 24 hours.
-[inmate] Pill call.
-[inmate 2] Pill call here.
[narrator] Randy and the older inmates
feel that Miller has been threatening
the order in the unit
and have lured him into a cell
away from the view
of the surveillance cameras.
[tense music building]
[inmate 3] Why you making me
look like a dumbass?
What's your punk-ass tryin' to do, bitch?
What's up? You going to fight back?
You making me look like a dumbass?
Get the fuck out of my cell
before I fuck you up, old man.
I said get the fuck outta my cell,
didn't I?
[indistinct chatter]
[inmate 4] In the hood, I said,
"Did I see a big biggity big?"
He didn't fight back!
[inmate 4] He don't stop?
[inmate 3] He didn't fight back!
He just got biggity biggity!
Hopefully he'll get the understanding
you can't do those things no more.
[Miller] I get it.
I know who it was.
I read the subtleties
and how certain people act,
what they do,
and how they interact with certain people.
[Randy] I don't know nothin'.
It's not the first time
that this particular person in this pod
has done this.
Not just to me, but other people too.
And that's Randall.
He constantly causing problems.
[inmates laughing]
He looked back.
He was like, "Who the fuck?"
Anybody that doesn't agree
with what he wants and bow down,
he does this to.
Like today, the dude up there,
I had a problem. This is the second time.
So people come to me.
Everybody keeps coming
to talk to me about him.
So he left me no other choice.
I'll go all the way to extreme.
'Cause if anybody mess this up for us,
they gots to go.
I'm gonna make sure these doors open.
No exception.
True story.
[Ty] Hell no.
Where'd he go? Oh, he outside.
He's pissed. He pissed.
[Mayham laughs]
You got knocked the fuck out!
When he's mad, he paces. Look at him.
He's out there pacing
and kicking this shit.
He's mad.
People coming to you asking what happened.
There ain't nobody got no answer.
I don't do shit, speak no shit.
[Wutzke] Okay, all right.
That's what I want to hear, man.
[Miller] What we do between us
stays between us.
Okay, good. That's good.
[pensive music playing]
I don't know why
it escalated to the point it got,
but I know this right here,
that somebody went to him
and hyped his head up on lies to do that.
Yeah, that won't happen again.
[theme music playing]
[siren wailing]
[pensive music playing]
[inmate] Hey, man.
[narrator] It's the morning after
the Miller incident,
and a surprise visit
from Lieutenants Atwood and Freeman
has Randy and accomplices on edge.
[Dennis] Hey, fellas.
Y'all come down and sit in a chair.
[Randy] Uh-oh!
Everybody come down and sit in a chair.
Miss Atwood here!
[Randy] Uh-oh!
-Miss Atwood!
We wanted to go in there
just to let them know that,
you know, we are paying attention
to what they're what they're doing.
It was a nice ride.
[indistinct chatter]
[inmate 2] I don't wanna get in trouble.
-We got it good in this barrack.
-Yeah, we do. It is nice in here.
We are here just to make sure
that everything goes accordingly
as a group, y'all know
what the rules and regs are.
So how do y'all think y'all went so far?
[tense music playing]
We are monitoring you guys.
I was thinking this thing
is already over with.
[Atwood] We won't tolerate
not following the rules,
and we're not gonna tolerate
no kind of BS.
So and y'all know what the BS is.
We are watching the cameras.
We do see what goes on.
So just take that
into accountability for yourselves
and just do what's right
and follow the rules.
Everybody knows the rules
being locked up, incarcerated.
You know what I'm sayin'?
You don't tell the police shit.
Motherfucker beating your ass in here,
ain't nobody finna say shit.
You know what I'm saying? You just don't.
You know? We handle that shit.
We keep that shit amongst us.
Mr. Randy Randall.
18 to 21 year olds, raise your hand.
Y'all getting fed? Y'all getting fed?
[inmates] Yeah.
[Atwood] Randall. Kudos for feeding.
Thank you.
We ain't got in trouble,
but that don't mean
we ain't doing shit wrong.
So that just goes to show they really
ain't watching the cameras like they say,
but, I mean, I get them telling that to us
'cause that's to fear us from fucking up.
Right now, y'all are on the right path,
so y'all just keep it up.
When folks see you doing good,
they reward you doing good.
That's an impact.
The sheriff, we really convinced him
that we can do it.
-[Freeman] Well, that's pretty much it.
-[Atwood] We're done.
Y'all go back to what y'all were doing.
[indistinct chatter]
[Higgins] The next few days are critical.
This program is gonna go in stages.
The first phase was to open the doors.
As time goes on,
more privileges will be introduced
based on behavior.
I know there's risk involved,
but this program is about risk.
[bluesy music playing]
[narrator] Having gotten away with
the incident last night,
Randy wants to clear the air with Miller
and let him know
that a fresh start is possible.
[Randy] Hey. Come on.
I want to talk to you.
[Miller] I said this right here.
I'm for whatever helps
the majority succeed.
Because the majority succeeds,
we all succeed.
Bottom line,
when you have this many people
around each other this much,
there's gonna be points
where it gets irritating.
So I'm hoping going forward
that it gets better, you know?
We need to work together.
-We're already doing that.
-Exactly. That's what I want.
Don't worry about us.
We need to worry about these youngsters
'cause they're gonna be the problem.
[indistinct chatter, exclaiming]
[inmate] What!
Ain't no more joking up in here,
'cause we never know.
We gotta keep pushing, man.
There's some mindsets that say,
"Well, the older guys run a whole unit,"
but it's not working like that.
The younger guys don't want
the older folks telling them what to do.
We're hoping that
they're gonna work together.
and ideally see eye-to-eye
on how they work the unit
and get things done,
or do they just wanna create problems?
And so these next couple days are critical
to see which direction will they go.
They've made some progress,
and we want to try
to continue that progress.
[narrator] The inmates have maintained
the routine within the pod.
So the sheriff is ready for the next step.
Opening commissary,
which is a privilege
that happens every Wednesday,
if the unit has earned it.
If there's problems in the unit,
we won't deliver the commissary.
[Wutzke] Lockdown, y'all!
-We're getting locked down!
-[inmate] Lockdown!
-Yes, sir!
[Wutzke] Lockdown!
[Higgins] Commissary is the extra things,
extra food or items
that a detainee can purchase
or family members can send to them.
But what can happen in a jail setting
is that someone has
more resources than the other.
And so that commissary
can start being utilized as money
in the facility, and so you can buy
or buy favors or control someone
through the use of commissary.
Hungry, man.
[woman] Six, seven.
[inmate] My favorite commissary items.
Candy, soup, Kool-Aid,
cupcakes, honey buns, and shit.
[inmate 2] Commissary's important to us
simply because that's
the closest to free-world food
we're gonna get, you know what I'm saying?
I know noodles might not be
that much important to some people
but in here, it's like filet mignon, man.
Best on the market, know what I mean?
Chili lime shrimp soup.
Ain't nothing topping this.
[narrator] In jail, inmates are given
an internal account
where they can receive money
from family members
used to purchase items from commissary.
[woman] Six, seven.
My sister just constantly
keep money on my books,
and my brother do too.
Like, my boxes stay full of food.
I won't have no issues.
If you don't have people
or family here, man,
you going to be starving some nights.
You gonna be mad when you wake up.
Your stomach gonna be touching your back.
Where's my soup at? Where's my soup at?
[narrator] Inmates use commissary to pay
other inmates for things like haircuts,
tattoos, gambling debts,
or are traded for other items.
[Randy] It's just something that I do.
-I got a peanut butter coming for you.
I'm always gonna find
some type of way to make money.
I don't care if it's washing clothes
or whatever.
[Barley] What about my T-shirt?
-Uh Noon.
-[Barley] All right, I got ya.
All right, throw it over here.
-I got your soup right here.
-[Randy] Okay.
-Where do you want me to put it? On top?
-[Randy] Yeah.
Ramen noodles, chips,
candy, there's money in here.
You just gotta be creative.
I owe you four soups, right?
-You owe me four soups
-And two chips.
All right.
[Jarrod] If you can't pay your debt,
it comes with consequences.
The door's open now.
I'm gonna come in your room.
You're gonna have to fight me
for your stuff 'cause I'm gonna take it
'cause it's mine to me.
[Big Mel] Hey, you need a Kool-Aid, man?
Need a Kool-Aid?
[Barley] A lot of people
don't have commissary.
Trading's a big deal here.
[Higgins] There's a lot of conflict.
You make a deal and don't get your item,
there's a greater chance of creating
the environment where you have conflicts.
-I'd rather just not not eat.
-[inmate] Me too.
Because I don't want to be in debt,
number one.
And number two,
I don't like owing people nothing.
We're gonna tear your cell up tonight
if you don't give me my shit.
Y'all heard that there? That's a threat.
-That's a threat.
-He always does that.
[indistinct chatter]
[Parkinson] All right, hey!
It's all right 'cause he owe one soup,
now he can owe the whole box.
-We don't play.
-[inmate 2] He owes me a soup.
We gonna jump the shit out of the dude.
[Parkinson] The main concern for me
is you're leaving the doors open,
which is tempting motherfuckers
to go from room to room,
stealing out of somebody's commissary box.
Then they mess it up for everybody.
[Higgins] With the doors open,
everybody's out,
they're not restricted.
It creates one more thing
that could create obstacle
from them working together as a community.
But if we're gonna move forward,
these are things we have to deal with.
[peppy music playing]
[narrator] After the arrival
of commissary,
some inmates get creative
in the cells with their food.
[Mayham] What I got right here
in this little special meal.
Chili, refried beans,
motherfucking Hot Cheetos and Fritos.
Three things of soups.
This shit nasty. What the fuck?
Know what I'm saying?
[indistinct chatter and laughing]
[narrator] And others who are aware that
they are out of view
from the surveillance cameras
make homemade alcohol.
Y'all wanna sample?
[inmate] Wait, not on camera, man.
Everybody's making hooch now
all of a sudden.
[Ty] This that quality house wine, y'all.
Fruit, sugar, uh,
crust of bread, and water.
We're gonna be drunk.
We're gonna get drunk as hell.
Yeah, we're getting drunk.
If you're in a privileged unit
like this one,
then you don't wanna, like, get caught.
If you get caught, you go into lockdown,
you know what I mean?
So, it's up to your discretion.
[inmate] Look, we gotta be honest
with you. We like to go low.
But if you ain't got nothing,
you know what I'm saying, to do,
all that stress will build up.
Gets their mind off that stuff,
you know what I'm saying?
Some of them take their mind off of it
a little bit more than others.
[inmate 2] Get outta here.
Ain't get no more.
[indistinct chatter]
[inmate 3] He wanna get drunk.
We've been having the trap jumpin'.
We've had the rap sessions all day.
A lot of shit, crazy shit.
[hip-hop music playing]
[inmate 4] You play too much.
[inmate 5] Fuck it,
I'm laying on the ground!
I'm on my Jamaican bobsled right now.
-[Big Mel] Don't give a fuck.
[Big Mel] You can't beat for fuck.
I'm gonna go a cappella
Fuck the yella ♪
I said gimme bread
I got six shots I put to your head ♪
I still want my bread
But instead ♪
I take your blues off
And get you a red ♪
[Rosco] Oh!
[Big Mel] I don't take grass, nigga
Not having a deputy in the unit
removes a lot of information
that we would normally have.
To be honest with you,
it's a lot better than I expected.
-[Squirrel] This is good.
-[inmate 5] There ya go, yeah.
[Higgins] And everything's
going pretty well.
I've actually been surprised,
uh, that things are going
a whole lot better than I anticipated.
I don't see everything.
[inmate 5] He knows
what he's doing with that shit.
[Randy] I don't know
what's going on with Squirrel.
I don't know if there's a problem with it,
but it's one of the rules and regulation.
You know, he's just stuck
in his little ways.
There's nothing that's going to change it,
but sometimes you take it overboard
and get in trouble for it.
That's on you.
I ain't gonna sit here
and fuck it up for this man right here.
So what you do and what you see,
the cameras don't see,
and I'm always doing wrong.
You see what I'm saying?
I'm in here always cooking, brewing,
and thinking up some way to pass my time.
You look at it
like I'm doing something bad, but I ain't.
The camera can't never say
I'm doing nothing bad.
In the rooms, it's the police's job.
Outside of the rooms, it's our job.
So whatever is going on in my room,
we're not gonna punish
the whole unit no more for that.
Hey, want a sip?
[indistinct chatter]
[ambient music playing]
[insects chirping]
[narrator] As the first week of
the program comes to an end,
the younger inmates continue
to push the boundaries.
But now they're taking more visible risks.
I know how I'm going to do it
so he don't know it's me.
[inmate] What's in that cup? Water?
Hold on. Hold on. Hold on.
[inmate 2] Look at that nigga.
[inmates laughing]
I'm dumb as hell.
I'mma still test the water.
I'mma tip my toe in there
and be like, "Yep."
I'm gonna step in the water real quick.
[Mayham] He laying down?
I'm finna check his room.
[indistinct chatter]
Lookin' at me.
[Mayham] His door is closed?
Y'all got to go quiet, though.
[Miller] What the fuck?
[inmate 3] What happened, Dave?
-My blanket and the whole bed is wet.
-[inmate 3] No!
We got him! [laughs]
Dude can't defend himself like we can.
I hope he get out of here
'cause he ain't built for this shit.
[inmate 3] You all right?
[Miller] No, I'm not all right.
My whole bed is wet! And my blanket too!
[Miller] Call the security.
Run like a little bitch.
I ain't do shit.
[inmate 3] What happened?
[Wutzke] They threw ice water on him
while he was in bed, and Miller,
he come out and he was dirty red hot.
Whoever threw ice on my blanket and bed,
just know I'm going to get you.
Now my bed and my blanket are wet.
So y'all's life is fucked up.
I'll make sure your life is fucked up.
-He really kind of got out of bed quick.
-[Mayham] It splashed his face.
[indistinct chatter]
The fuck is y'all doing
opening up this man door
doing some bullshit
with some fucking water on this man for?
[Miller] It's all over the place, bro.
These young kids be getting out of control
and don't know what's gonna happen.
Dave, just go to bed.
No, my fucking shit is wet, bro.
My blanket and my bed's all wet.
[Randy] The young guys,
they just play too many games.
I mean, come on now.
We already talked about this.
They don't listen. They just don't care.
[inmate 3] Dave, come to bed.
[Miller] I don't give a fuck
about none of you.
Everybody keep fucking with me.
I'll get all y'all.
[inmates speaking indistinctly]
[Miller] They got to sleep sometime!
All you motherfuckers.
[Tiny] Is he done flipping out?
[Miller] The fuck wrong with you?
I got you, homie.
I'll fuck a bitch-ass motherfucker
all over this bitch.
Don't give a fuck right now.
[inmate 3] Dave.
Leave them alone.
[Miller] Leave them alone?
They fucked with me.
[Eastside] It's Miller.
He's like, "You motherfuckers
wanna throw water on me?"
That don't even count.
Who hasn't cracked Miller?
[inmate 3] Just clownin'. Kids are kids.
They don't know when to stop.
[Don Don] We got some youngsters in here.
The things they're doing in here
might shut this bitch down.
[Randy] We finna have a meeting.
They need to be talked to
because I don't wanna see
that stuff no more.
[Mayham] Go to sleep,
you old bald-headed bitch!
[Miller] Hey!
[Wutzke] Listen to me.
You gotta stop. You hear me?
Or we're gonna have to regulate your ass.
You're doing too fucking much.
I'm here laying down,
I'm trying to get my fucking blanket
I'm not threatening you.
I'm fucking promising you, bro. Stop it.
They won't stop fucking with me
and fucking with me and fucking with me.
It's like they're trying
to make a person snap.
It's all about how you allow it
to affect you mentally,
but at a certain point, you get tired.
You'd be surprised
of what you're capable of doing.
He's scared now.
Whoo ♪
Look at my diamonds
Look at my chains ♪
And I'll be iced up, you feel ♪
Look at them blinded
Look at them rings, yeah ♪
I got the drip and they know it ♪
I'm talkin' 'bout ♪
[narrator] As the second week begins,
the pod feels more secure
that what goes on in their cells
cannot be monitored
by the guards or the sheriff.
So Eastside has decided
to ramp up his business.
[Eastside] I'm just making a wick.
It'll catch on fire when I light it.
It works just like a candle.
And all that black smoke
that comes off of this,
it'll stick up here on this metal,
and all that I can just scrape off
onto, like, a magazine page.
That's just tattoo ink.
I just want to take advantage of it,
how it is here.
The doors are opening.
So you sharpen two staples
and you put them in a pen.
You make it to where it's, like, thick.
You go like this, make the hard lines.
Then when you wanna shade, you just go
Hustle, hustle ♪
[indistinct chatter]
I'm a certified hustler ♪
Lately I've been goin' around watchin' ♪
Hustle, hustle, hustle ♪
[Eastside] I do tattoos in here
for, like, five bucks a name.
For something big, turning, like 15 or 20,
depends on what it is.
[inmate laughs]
There'll be a lot of motherfuckers
with tattoos from Eastside, boy.
A lot of motherfuckers.
It gives me a little hustle,
and it's something I enjoy doing.
Man, I'd give up all my muscles
not to feel the pain.
I'm gonna go fast from now, okay?
I'll be like, "That shit hurts."
Then he goes even harder
and does this weird fucking face.
[Eastside laughs]
It's like a fucking Captain Hook face,
it's weird as fuck.
It's weird as fuck.
I'm gonna tell my mama on you.
"I'm gonna tell my mama." Man.
All right. Everybody, come down here.
[pensive music playing]
Get down, gather.
Come down here for me, homeboy.
What the fuck is going on?
[Randy] Everybody, come down.
I'm not even going.
Get down and gather.
[Eastside] Nobody announced
that there's a meeting,
so I didn't know it was going on
or what was going on.
When stuff like that goes on,
like a whole bunch of people
start talking at once,
I just quit listening, you know.
'Cause it's like
you're not gonna get nowhere.
They don't want to be here.
They don't care. They want
to be here, but don't give a shit.
Talking about babysitting
the motherfuckers.
Babysitting grown-ass men.
Some of the juveniles, they play too much.
It's starting to get bad.
They're grown men.
I don't understand. I don't understand.
I don't wanna go on lockdown. True story.
We worked so hard
to get where we at and get what?
Now we're finna make it disappear.
No more playing.
I don't wanna see that shit no more.
Y'all don't wanna go back
behind that 23 and 1 shit.
There was a lot of folks
doing that shit last night.
A lot of bullshit and talking
about they don't care about that.
All you motherfuckers care.
That's the only freedom we get.
We all here are responsible for shit.
No more games, man.
Randy's like he's way too extra.
He's like, "No, don't do that.
Don't do that."
Fuck, it's jail.
Gotta make it fun somehow,
you know what I mean?
The police is only in here
to do the count,
to make sure that we lockdown
for what we supposed to lockdown for.
You know what I'm saying?
And that's chow call, pill call,
and count time.
Yes, it's simple to follow
these simple rules. It's simple, man.
[Tiny] You do some bullshit,
you do some crazy-ass shit,
gonna get your ass up out of here.
Point-blank, period.
You ain't gonna fuck this shit up for me
or for people that want to be in here.
Y'all trying to fuck it up for y'all self.
Y'all stupid as fuck, man.
Tiny went off. I was like, "Damn."
If y'all wanna fuck us all,
then get your ass up outta here.
We get on each other's asses.
We're trying to keep the doors open.
When the time comes to do certain shit,
follow the fucking rules, you know?
That way we can keep
a few privileges in this motherfucker.
For the rules,
we supposed to enforce them.
-Simple. Thank you.
-Not the police.
They don't enforce our rules upon us.
The rules and regulations,
that's our business.
Go ahead.
We're not supposed to enforce them.
We're supposed to abide by them.
-Day-to-day, we take care
-We supposed to abide by the rules.
We're all grown in here.
At least that's what we say.
[indistinct chatter]
[Randy] We're all grown.
You know what I'm saying, but see
Like, this nigga right here.
Squirrel breaking the rules,
doing the hooch and shit.
He be the main one talking shit.
We gotta hold each other accountable
for our actions.
So I'mma start holding
y'all accountable for your actions.
No more hooch.
Don't tell me about drinking,
about making no motherfucking hooch.
Don't come talk to me
about a whole-ass thing
about what the fuck I'm doing,
when you outside your room
at any forgiving fucking time.
So you can fuck yourself and go to hell.
You know what I'm saying?
So don't tell me about nothing I'm doing.
[tense music playing]
A lot of older people in here,
they're trying to police shit too much.
They're taking this shit way too far,
like way over their head.
Squirrel be motherfucking,
he ain't fallen too far from the tree.
I know what he and Mel was talking about.
Come on now. You got him holding
the meeting, and he's the problem!
[Randy] He's just a sponsor.
-I hold the meeting.
-He don't fall too far from the tree.
[Ten] He act like this.
So that goes for him too.
If he fuck up, I'll vote him out too.
But he feel like he don't fuck up.
Yeah, exactly.
He feel like he don't fuck up.
Y'all letting him just talk
like he's the leader.
He ain't nothing.
[Randy] I just worry about everybody here.
That's what I think.
I don't wanna go back
to like we was before.
I don't wanna see that shit. I know.
I know you know.
[inmate] They're coming
for your head, boy.
I can't have another nigga talking about
how he how we doing shit wrong.
They need to work on theyself
before they start trying to preach to us.
[Ten] Squirrel ain't no leader.
He gonna try to be a leader this day
and then be on some bullshit the next day.
You can't look up to no nigga like that.
Squirrel be acting like us too damn much.
He's trying to be
a young nigga so bad, man.
If he ain't watching TV,
he's throwing dice.
If he ain't throwing dice,
he's making hooch. I can't take advice
from somebody that's a hypocrite.
Not everybody has control over everybody,
so you can't blame everybody
for other folks' mistake.
They want us to do the right thing
for the program.
Man, come on. It's a pod full of felons.
We're not kindergarteners. We in jail.
[ambient music playing
[Finch] Come on this way.
-[Miller] The fuck?
-[Finch] He said, "The fuck?"
Where you going, Chester?
There's a couple people
who are constantly going around
starting nonsense.
-[Ty] Looks like the Nutty Professor.
-[inmate] He look like a fat monkey.
[indistinct chatter]
[Miller] But I know in that situation,
people gotta have
a certain line they don't cross.
[indistinct chatter]
-You still doing it?
-Yeah, what am I supposed to do?
It's much better to at least try
to defend yourself than not do nothing.
I don't seek vengeance on people.
God does that.
[scraping on metal]
At the same time,
that don't mean I'm dealing
with the nonsense that goes on.
You could use the tip to open a package.
Just slap it here, open it sideways.
Cut. Cut smoothly.
[Don Don] Some people don't like Miller.
He different.
But it don't matter
how you feel about Miller.
We gonna be here together, man.
[Miller] Feel it.
Look how smooth I got it right there.
How did you do that?
The door.
[Don Don] So don't push him to the edge
'cause you don't know
what type of mind frame he got.
You could trigger something
and he might just go the fuck off.
Why should I run and hide
when something goes on?
There's no reason for me to.
This place can be dangerous at times,
but I don't have fear,
and I'll continue to do
the same thing I've been doing.
[narrator] Working on a shank
in the dayroom,
Miller's in plain sight for any deputy
who happens to have eyes on the cameras.
[indistinct chatter]
[inmate] Yeah, man!
[door opens]
[tense music playing]
[Freeman] Hello, fellas.
-How's everything going?
-[Mayham] All right.
[Randy] We're good, sir. What's up, doc?
Whole bunch of Robocops just walking in.
I'm just looking, like, "What the hell?"
Man, it's over with.
Deputy outside got the information
that there is an individual in the unit
with a shank, so we will go
and hit that room up immediately.
Step outside for me.
[Poston] Who? Me?
-[Miller] Yeah.
-Grab all your stuff.
-[Miller] Huh?
Grab all your stuff. You're moving out.
-[Miller] Why am I moving out?
-[Hendricks] You know why.
-[Miller] Can you tell me where I'm going?
-We'll let you know when you get there.
That's crazy.
[Owens] A lot of the times
when these guys make the shanks,
it's because they don't feel safe.
But all these inmates are unpredictable,
and if someone has a shank,
that's a weapon.
That's when the deputies' presence
becomes really important
'cause if we're involved
and we're doing our job,
we could prevent
an incident from happening.
[Miller] I'm gonna be honest.
What's going on here,
I'm gonna file a report.
Because it's wrong.
I'm here being harassed.
David Miller. You can't
not blame nobody for your mess up.
What he leaving for?
[Barley] He caused it, man.
You drawing attention to yourself
for the whole unit to get you down.
You only care about your damn self.
[Poston] Where you going?
The stake is out of one through ten,
definitely at a nine or ten
because now, the sheriff, whoever,
they gotta make their fucking decision.
[Cox] You talking about Miller?
This could possibly be the end
of the actual program.
So it's pretty much
left up to the sheriff at this point.
[tense music intensifies]
[music ends]
["Light 'em Up" by Robin Loxley playing]
Light 'em up, light 'em up ♪
Molotov music
Let's all lose it ♪
Burn 'em up, burn 'em up ♪
Set a fire to it for my amusement ♪
And I don't give a fuck ♪
Everything I was taught
Imma break through it ♪
I gotta do what I gotta do ♪
Mask on my face
Black in my veins ♪
I gotta do what I gotta do ♪
I prayed to God
He never came ♪
Imma do me, imma do me ♪
That's in my blood
I'll never change ♪
That's in my blood
I'll never change ♪
That's in my blood
I'll never change ♪
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