Uspjeh (2019) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

Get away!
-Jesus, you killed him, what the fuck?!
-Should I call the cops?
We were never here. We
know nothing, we saw nothing.
He's still having trouble breathing.
You should take him to the ER.
I'm okay, you're okay, the pot's okay.
Everything's normal.
-What's that?!
-A dead rat.
What gives you the right to
rummage through my things?!
You know why they
beat me up, don't you?
Ms Čorić, I'll be right with you.
Viktor was trouble, he knew his daddy
wouldn't let anything happen to him.
Find Viktor's car and find the girl.
-Blanka! What happened to Viktor?
-I don't know!
I know when a little bitch's lying.
First they fisted me, then
he choked and threatened me.
-Finally, he beat up my old man.
-I'll take care of it.
Consider it done.
The third step to success
You have to know what you want.
A better job More money
To sleep peacefully
Figure out what you
want and stick to it.
-Good evening.
-Good evening.
-Flixotide and Ventolin. Anything else?
-That's it, thanks.
-Should I call the police?
-They're just standing there.
I'm scared, I have to do another shift.
-I'll call them.
-Here you go, it's 27 kuna.
Your PIN, please.
-Could you try it again, please?
Your PIN.
-Got some change?
-Come on, guys.
-Give us some change and go.
-You'll rob me?
-Just collecting donations.
-In front of a pharmacy?
From people in dire need?
Cut the crap, man!
Give us some change and get lost!
You shaved your heads and now you
are Nazis? Go on, release the mutt.
I'm 7 kuna short of buying
medicine for my suffocating kid.
I'm not giving you
a penny! Is that clear?!
-Do you want to give me a kicking?!
-Garo! Garo, come back!
What's it like when your
mutt's smarter than you?
Oh, say hello to the cops.
-Good evening.
-Good evening.
Good evening.
Are this guys giving you
any trouble, sir?
No, no. I'm just taking a stroll
to clear my head.
-We're just walking the dog.
-A bit of recreation, eh?
That's great. But
where's the dog?
It's run off.
Get going then. Find
the dog and go home.
Garo, I'll kick your ass
when I find you!
It's not the dog's fault.
Hey, man.
How much are you
short for the medicine?
-Just a minute, guys.
I've got the address, I'll get there.
But I have to take the tram
-What did I say about touching?
-The idiot in the SUV is here.
-Maybe they're there, too.
-Stay here until they leave.
-And if they don't, I'll retire here?
-Do you have cash for a taxi or Uber?
See, you're not completely useless.
Come on.
Taxi, call a taxi.
Let's see.
Wait Oh, you have a guy.
-Look, my son-in-law.
-Mom, I don't have a boyfriend.
You don't like boys? Huh?
Look, there's his beard.
No, it's not a beard, it's a mask.
Whoa, good for you.
A mysterious guy with a mask.
Now you'll make a wish.
Choose a finger.
The thumb's for money, the index
finger's for health, the middle's for
The ring finger's for
family, love and so on.
And the pinky's for the
people around you.
Choose any finger
except the middle. Okay?
Think of a wish and stick
your finger into the grounds.
Okay? Alright.
Now lick it. Otherwise
the magic won't work.
-What do you see?
-Nothing, there's nothing.
Scissors. I can really
see a pair of scissors.
What do the scissors mean?
I love you.
Hey, who's this
mystery guy? Huh?
Good morning.
They found three different DNAs
in the skin under the victim's nails.
And a strand of
hair in the left palm.
The hair and a skin sample
are from the same female.
The other two skin
samples belong to males.
-Anyone related to the victim?
-No, the female's the Antić girl.
So, Blanka was there.
Her hair was in his hand. What are
the chances it was from earlier?
-Plus the tissue under the nails.
-The car key?
Here it is, a 2014 Audi A5.
The only prints on the
key belong to the victim.
How's it going?
Kalić, come with me.
We've got the girl's DNA
on the victim's palms.
It's useless in court.
-She was his girlfriend.
-She doesn't know that.
This is Kalić. These
are Bruno and Ozren.
Kalić's working the Batur junior
murder. These two are narcs.
They've been building a case
against Danilo for a year. Kalić, sit.
Associates, links, contacts, rivals.
The kid's bought it
because of his father.
A mob hit, that's your theory?
A mobster's son is dead.
It's not a theory, it's a fact.
Either a rival or someone
close to him wants him gone.
-Whoever killed him
-They knew his weak spot.
-The Audi?
-It's Danilo's, but the kid drives it.
Turkey, Kosovo, Bosnia
The heroin route into Austria.
These guy don't use knives,
they shoot you in the head.
-I don't think it's about drugs.
-What then?
We know Viktor got
into a fight, right?
Two men were there
and so was the girl.
Now, who does the rat
belong to? Viktor?
Kalić, Kalić Wait a minute.
Fuck the rat.
You have the girl, the mobster
father, the car used in deals
Find the car!
Blanka, where are you going?
I hope I haven't kept you waiting.
-Who's the pretty boy?
-A taxi cab loser.
I'll write a warning notice
before filing a harassment suit.
Does Batur have reason to suspect
you were involved in his son's death?
Alright. You'll deliver
this notice to Mr. Batur,
so he knows he'll be dealing with
me if he keeps harassing you.
A letter? That's
your brilliant plan?
-What planet are you from?
-It's my problem from now on.
That's why you hired me.
Adam, no paperwork for this.
Wait, how much does this cost?
-Give that money to me, you're nuts!
-Come back, don't be a child.
Hi, you have any expensive
whisky for clients?
Come back, you have to sign it.
The magic letter that lifts all curses
won't work without my signature!
This is stupid. Like some
lawyer could scare him.
Just keep the letter on you.
If he turns up, hand it to him.
When he sees the lawyer's
name, he'll think again.
I should wait for him to turn up?
Don't worry,
I'll take care of it myself.
Are you sure?
I'm sure.
Fikret's going around saying
Viktor owed him money.
Fikret? The weed dealer?
From Pantovčak?
He's big league now,
so he's grown balls.
He's been saying shit about Viktor.
Let the roach crawl.
Boss, when a roach crawls
out, you stomp on it.
Don't let him shoot his mouth off
Viktor owes him for 2 kilos of weed.
He's walking around saying shit.
Making it up.
We can't let people spew
whatever shit they want.
-I'll go find him.
-Never mind, I'll find him.
You have to find the car.
And this thing
about Viktor Is it
I don't know.
I don't know.
I'll go buy some smokes.
Oh, look who's here.
For another half hour.
You haven't called in sick
for five days, I'm surprised.
What's with the leaflets, Jana? Your
man's got a new job, so he forgot?
-I'll tell him to hurry up.
-Take care of it already.
-Hey, honey.
My boss wants the flyers,
you should've done them 10 days ago.
If it's so urgent, he can pay.
We're doing it to compensate
him for my sick days.
-You're legally entitled to them.
-He can fire me whenever he wants.
Can we sit down and talk,
find a solution?
Call Fran about the
pizza delivery job.
You weren't happy when I had
a job, you're not happy now.
Whatever I do, you just worry.
I had to steal detergent
to save 30 kuna.
You stole it because of me?
You said you'd finish the
flyers, but you haven't.
You said you'd save the
apartment, but you haven't!
You said you'd get a job,
but you haven't! Kristijan!
Will you take the notice or
should I hand it to your wife?
Your signature, sir.
How can you work for those
home-stealing reptiles?
I have a mortgage, too.
I swear I had nothing to do
with Viktor's murder. I swear.
I'm sorry about everything.
Danilo's after me now.
I'm innocent, I don't want trouble.
-Please, if you tell him, he'll listen.
-What is this?
I can hear him at night.
The drums
That music of his.
I wake up and it's blasting
from out of his room.
I enter the room and
realize it's blasting in here.
I'll never see him again.
A lawsuit? Who are you to
threaten me, you stinking whore?!
-Come here!
-What the fuck is she doing here?!
Who killed my son?! I'll stuff this
letter down your fucking throat!
-Stop it!
-Let go of me!
Come here! Sit down!
-What happened?
-This is what happened!
Where did she get the money
for a lawyer?
I don't give a fuck!
She'll sue us!
The man I married would make
the little bitch confess in a minute!
The woman I married wouldn't
be popping pills all day!
You cry it all out!
I'm still waiting for tears!
The tears are in vain, Danilo!
You're right. I'll mourn later.
We have work to
do now. Come on.
I really did nothing wrong.
Do you miss him?
I won't touch you, I swear.
But tell me the truth.
I can't go on like this.
You've got to help me.
-I wasn't there. I swear!
-Don't, don't!
-Who killed him?
-Who killed him?!
-I don't know!
-Where's the car?
Where's the car?!
Did you really kill him
for two kilos of weed?!
I want to kill the world,
I can start with you!
-I'll find it!
I'll find the car! I'll find the Audi.
I want to help! Please!
You said you won't hurt
me if I helped you. Please!
-How will you find it?
-I don't want to die.
Please. I don't want to die.
You've got until midnight.
And then it's judgment day.
Starting with you.
What do you want?
-Who drove you?
-Fuck off.
You're driving around
with Viktor's dad.
And you're still telling me you
know nothing? Come on, let's go.
-I want my lawyer.
-Cut the crap.
-I want my lawyer.
-Since when do you have a lawyer?
Adam Kaplan.
I'm sorry about your son.
Viktor was a good kid.
He owed you money?
-It's nothing urgent.
-How much do I owe you?
There are no debts, Danilo.
I just want my stuff back.
Fuck it, two kilos
is no small change.
What? You wanted the money
or the stuff, he didn't have it
No, no. I had nothing to
do with it, I swear.
I came here to show
respect to the dead.
Is this how you usually
show respect to the dead?
Listen, he came to me. He wanted
a sideline and I helped him out.
Fuck it, I thought you knew.
That's why I wouldn't let
him get into such shit.
-Do you know where his car is?
-No, I swear.
I'll find out what happened.
If you're lying, you'll need better
muscle than these two cousins of yours.
But you have a bunch
of cousins, don't you?
At least for the time being.
I want to know about Viktor's car.
We've studied Ms Antić's statement
and we have nothing to add.
It's in accordance with
her earlier testimony.
Blanka, where's the car?
I told you, I've no idea.
Right, you weren't there when Viktor
died. Who are you protecting?
-My client
-Whose client?
Who's really paying
you? Danilo Batur?
This guy's not here to help
you, but protect his boss.
I can protect you
better than Danilo.
-Danilo's protecting me?
-Ms Antić
He thinks I'm guilty.
You're safe only
as long as he needs you.
You got the statement.
-For anything else, please contact me.
-Just a moment.
Blanka, tell me just one more thing.
Why's your skin under Viktor's
fingernails if you weren't there?
Viktor Batur was violent towards
Ms Antić. It's there in your files.
That's why her DNA's
under his fingernails.
It's worth less than the dirt under your
fingernails in court. Let's go, Blanka.
-Is Batur paying her lawyer?
-I don't know.
Now she has a lawyer, you have to
find a new way of interrogating her.
-What about a car?
-Febo's leading the search.
Boss, we're not seeing something.
Batur was looking for the girl,
now he's protecting her. Why?
I don't get it. Something's off.
You always start bitching
when you hit a wall.
Find the car.
Fuck the big picture.
Look for the pieces you
know are missing. Okay?
That letter was shit, but
you were good in there.
-Can I give you a piece of advice?
She knows you're lying,
your story's full of holes.
This is not a joke,
it's time you grew up.
If I grow up, I'll miss
these great guys,
who want to help me just to
shove their hand down my pants.
It's me. We've gotta meet. Now.
Kaplan is my lawyer,
surely the best in town.
-Do we trust him?
-I can't listen to your shit anymore!
If they have Blanka's DNA,
maybe they've got yours, too.
That's a certainty now.
-Fuck the DNA.
I've got to find Viktor's car
by midnight.
-Danilo wants it.
Who gives a fuck
what that maniac wants?
-He's gonna kill me!
I told him I'd find the
car if he let me go.
-How do you intend to find it?
-I don't know.
-Why's the car so important to him?
-The cops are looking for it.
Danilo mentioned 2 kg of weed.
He said: "By midnight or
it's judgment day".
Great. We must find the car
before him and the cops?
Hadn't I told him that, he'd have
beaten your names out of me!
-Calm down.
-You think I wanted this?!
-All this shit!
-I'm sorry, Blanka.
Do you know anything
that could help us?
-What car are we looking for?
-A black Audi, all souped up.
It's the Audi in his photos?
-Do you have the card?
-Give it to me.
-You still have it?!
Unlike your old job, you can't
just follow the money here.
What are we doing?
-The options are
-Makes no sense.
Either the girl or
his father's rivals offed him.
And the car's full of drugs,
smuggled in rats' asses!
It's not drug-related, you'll see.
If we find the car.
Maybe it's in a garage.
Besides, we're looking for a car,
not a cell phone.
The cell. We have it!
-We checked it. Nothing but tits and
-It's got GPS!
We need to see Viktor's
final movements.
-Did I just solve this?
-You were rambling, I remembered.
-I said the word phone.
-Fine, Fabijan, fine.
-That's his car.
-Blanka, does this look familiar?
A garage?
-This is not at Viktor's place.
-What are you looking for?
He had a hideout. If we find where
this was shot, we'll find the car.
-What's that?
The camera saves the location
in the photo file itself.
-You have the car's location now?
-No, but I know where this was shot.
I know where that is.
No luck, no location services.
But it tracks location.
We just need the coordinates.
The kid would switch it off.
The GPS antenna was ripped out.
He really didn't want
anyone to find him.
You think we should worry
about the investigation?
I hope not. They only
have Blanka and I trust her.
Do you?
I do, but The DNA, the evidence,
we don't know what they have.
Let's take care of this first.
What if we don't find the car?
I've no idea. I don't know.
You know what? We should
hide her somewhere.
At least until we're
sure this is over.
I have a perfect place,
but you should be with her.
Of course.
You modeled for ads? Shut up, Kiki!
-Yes, it was my body. And his face.
-Are we going?
We'll find the garage,
you go with Vinka.
To a safe place.
But you'll have to behave.
-Good luck with that!
-Come on.
How can I get a signal
this deep under ground?
-Answer you wife.
-And tell her what?
"Hi, hon, I got the eviction notice.
When shall we divorce?"
Just talk to her.
One can get through a lot.
If you fuck up your marriage,
that's it.
Get through? I've no job,
no money, no future.
Any more advice, Mr. Millionaire?
With the right woman, all you
need is a flower, a bottle of wine,
-a kiss and the truth.
-Yeah, right.
Wine and flowers and
baloney for breakfast.
What now? I should call her
and tell her everything?
Yes. She's your wife.
What's this?
We could've gone to a hotel.
Come on.
There's no Wi-Fi.
What's wrong with a hotel?
We're not in a spa, we're
hiding. You always complain.
I'm not a lady like you.
I don't care!
You don't have to provoke everyone!
I don't keep quiet and eat shit
because my life is great!
-And I do?
-Never mind.
-Say it, I keep quiet and eat shit!
-And then you snap and kill someone!
Never mind, it's great here.
You're blaming me for Viktor?
You think I should turn
myself in. Is that it?
No, that's not what I meant.
You don't have to be such
a little woman all the time.
Yes, if only it were that simple.
-There's nothing here.
-He shot those photos here.
It's got to be
somewhere around here.
Hey, honey. How's Ivor?
I know. I know.
Come on, don't
Listen, I'll be home as soon as
I have to go.
Sorry, my kid's sick.
Take the key. You'll
get there quicker.
And this is for the flowers and
wine. You pay for the baloney.
-Go on. Go. Go.
Get a divorce. Kick him
out of the apartment.
I will. When all this is over.
What, it was a perfect marriage
and suddenly you realized it's shit?
It hasn't been perfect for years.
So before, you'd be, like, your little
daughter, little husband, little life.
I'd say to myself,
this lady's dead inside.
And now you're raising hell,
solving problems.
You're cool inside, but it doesn't
shine through to the outside.
I mean, you're not as cool as me.
If you had a
shorter skirt, stilettos
You think it's cool
when your butt's hanging out?
Fuck, you're not cool.
I'm hungry and we're out of smokes.
I'll go home to see my kid and
I'll get us some food and smokes.
-But you have to stay here.
I'm serious.
You must promise me,
I promised Haris.
A shorter skirt, higher heels and he
won't mind if you break the odd promise.
I knew it, I knew it.
I've got to go. I'll call you later.
Weren't they supposed
to take your cast off today?
-How was school?
-It sucked.
I have to go back out.
-This is not a cafeteria.
-Ivo, I've neither the time nor nerves.
Who were you with?
Where were you?
Where are you going?
Tea, please go to
your room for a bit.
You want to settle this now?
I want you to move out.
-Me move out?
No, my love. If you want a divorce,
there's the door. Go right ahead.
This is my home. I'd like to
see you make it on your own.
I'll get the suitcase for you.
Just tell me which one.
-Which suitcase do you want, Vinka?
-I've said my piece.
Goddamn it.
I'm off.
How stupid must you be to write
"Rats and pigs" on a police van?
Hello. Good evening,
do you sell rats?
What kind? I don't know,
they're all gross to me.
Alright. When do you close?
This is Inspector Kalić.
Don't close up, I'll be right there.
-You really found it?
-Kiki's thing worked.
Okay, let's finish this.
Come on.
-Where's your fancy car?
-What's wrong with my car?
Nothing, it goes
perfectly with your skirt.
Yes, that's a fancy
rat. We sell them.
-It's fancy?
-That's the breed.
When did you last sell one?
A few days ago.
-What can you tell me about the buyer?
-He paid in cash.
You still have the tape?
I'd like to take a look.
-I'll have to call my boss.
-Please do.
This is it.
Give him the address
and tell him you're done.
Are you scared?
The last couple of times I was
there, they locked me up
-Can you get his phone number?
-We're already here.
I'll go.
Go back and turn the car around.
Who is it?
-Stay here.
-Who was it?
-Who are you?
-A friend of Blanka's.
I'm here to make sure
you keep your promise.
-Where's the car?
-I want your word first.
I'll tell you where the car is
and you leave Blanka alone.
No problem.
We'll just forget anything happened.
You had nothing to
do with Viktor's death.
You just stumbled upon his car, right?
If we can't make a deal,
I'll tell the cops where it is.
You think they'll protect you from me?
-This thing with Blanka has got to end.
-It will.
It will end.
It will end when I find the killer.
And when I see the
light go out in his eyes.
Where's the car?
The car wash on Holjevac Avenue.
There's a new garage behind it.
-What did he say?
Just drive.
-What happened?
-Kiki, we have a serious problem.
-Get to the Audi and slash its tires.
Danilo's coming to the garage,
he mustn't take the car.
Go there and do it. Put on
some gloves, touch nothing.
Just slash the tires and get out.
-Will you be able to do it?
-Yes, I will.
-What is it?
You're sure the cops
are looking for the car?
-I hope they get there in time.
-What going on?!
-He won't stop. He won't see reason.
-Perhaps a letter would help.
Shut the fuck up!
Stop this racket.
You'll wake the kid.
I have to do something,
I'll be right back.
We need to talk.
-You're not going anywhere.
-I have to, I'm handling the bank
-I don't care!
Look at yourself! Is this normal to you?
-What's with the knife?
-When I get back, we'll talk.
Are you listening? I can't
take this anymore. I can't.
I'll call my mom, I'll go there.
I said you'd never have to
live with them again.
You said a lot of things.
It was a long time ago.
Let go of me. Let go.
-Is it done?
Get out of there
before he sees you. Now!
Now what?
Now pray the
institutions do their job.
-Have you found the car?
No. But you went out
to investigate the rat?
-I can't ignore evidence.
-Of course you can't.
A kid talks his father
into buying him a rat.
The kid plays with the rat for
a month and then bores of it.
So the father wrings the rat's neck
and throws is out of the window.
That's your evidence?
-The rat wasn't killed by
-Sit down! Sit!
Listen to me, Danilo Batur
He needs no warrant, he needs
no signed witness statement.
If Batur finds the killer before us,
we'll have a new body within 24 hours.
The bosses will bend me over.
And you'll feel guilty
for wasting time!
We have the car!
Let's go.
The "boh".
-They got him.
-He's under arrest.
-No fucking way!
I'm gonna get so
hammered! Let' go, huh?
-I can't drive you, I don't have my car.
-Fuck the car!
He's gone, I can
breathe, I can walk!
-You sure you're not up for a drink?
-You should go home.
Yeah, I'm gonna go do my homework.
-Need a ride?
You own this?
I'm doing some work for
a friend. He wants more light.
Aren't you some big shot architect?
You still need gigs like this?
Sometimes I like to get my
hands dirty the right way.
I sure got them dirty
in all the wrong ones.
Scissors. Whichever
way I turn, scissors.
What does it mean?
The end, a cut, what?
Want me to read your coffee grounds?
-You better not.
-Why not?
There's nothing in
my past I'm proud of.
And I'm afraid nothing in
my future will change that.
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