Uyanis: Buyuk Selcuklu (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3
I heard what you were talking about.
Why didn't he see me?
Why didn't he see me?
We were also in the
same situation years ago.
When I decided that day, I
decided despite all my pain.
I held on to my state I held on tight.
I soothed the pain
of my son's absence.
And today, I need to do
what I'm supposed to do, too.
The day the secret is revealed
surely will come one day.
That day, when both of us are sure
no power can stand against it.
The power and experience
cannot be separated.
And the thing suits you is
protecting what I entrust you.
Just like you protected my son.
Have no worries in your heart.
Your father did the right thing.
You're right.
That he wanted to see me after all these
years, healed my wound on my heart slightly.
My father did the right thing.
And before the state reaches safety, it's
impossible for me to come together with him
Now it's time for duty.
your blessing.
won't leave you alone.
The sword is useless with the pen.
We need a man of knowledge surmounting
over Batinis in the field of wisdom.
I'll go Yusuf Emedani for this.
Batinis increased their precautions.
This time you'll have a hard
time to infiltrate. Don't forget.
We face a great danger.
The men I sent to examine the ones
ambushed you, didn't come back, too.
We have some information about Batinis.
You need to know so you can
infiltrate by using this information.
Where is it?
If I see him around my daughter, especially
in Selemzar, I'll execute my own order!
I see your concern.
Because it is Emir llteber's lands, it will
be hard to act without being seeing by him.
This is the most appropriate way.
Because it is where the
Batinis are densely populated.
Emir llteber has no importance
for me besides such a duty.
There should be no signs that it is
you. Leave your horse at the tribe.
You will go there with a new horse.
When you get there you
will attract their attention.
In this way, they will
let you in among them.
How will this happen?
We found out the tribe
where Alexius' murderer lives.
We can slaughter all of
them with one raid, Yorgos.
We have to be sure the murderer is there.
Therefore we'll join the
and find that murderer first
Then, I'll kill him slowly
by looking him in the eye.
Is this the man you suspect, blacksmith?
But first, well take care
of the ghosts chasing us.
Perhaps they have important
mission until today, brave men.
It's such a mission that
it's up to us to prevent our
brothers' death and protect
the state from collapsing.
These men are different
from any other enemy.
In this mission our minds must
be sharp as well as our swords.
Arslantas and I will '!
infiltrate among them.
You will support us from the outside.
You will stay in the tribe
for precaution, Balaban.
This issue is a burden on our shoulders.
Welcome, Korkut Ata.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
If our brave men gather
around the fire and take
out their swords, it
means we'll have a war.
But this is a harder war than
the wars we go with an army.
Our enemy uses the devil's tricks.
We have such a castle
in front of us that either
we will take it or it
will destroy us all.
Hayber Castle was a
strong castle like that,
but the faith that caused to
take it was much stronger.
What do you mean, Korkut Atar .
Hayber Castle was on the way to
Makkah, Medina and Damascus.
The Muslim army surrounded it.
There were over two thousand martyrs.
But the castle didn't fall anyway.
Prophet Muhammad PBUH said on this
(On the day of the battle of Khayber)
"Tomorrow I will give the flag to
somebody who will be given victory
(by Allah) and who loves Allah
and His Apostle and is loved by Allah
Allah will make this
conquest possible by his hand.
Then he called Hadhrat Ali RA.
Our Prophet Muhammed PBUH gave
the J flag of Islam to Hadhrat Ali RA.
He tied Zulfiqar around his waist himself.
And he said, "Fight until Allah grants
you this conquest and don't ever give up."
Hadhrat Ali RA got on his
horse and went to Khayber.
The faithless ones in the castle were
surprised to see that he was coming alone.
"With what kind of
courage can you come in
front of Khayber alone
like this?" they asked.
And Hadrath Ali said this
"I'm the shah of the brave
ones, strongest in fights,
son of Abu Taalib, Ali"
I'm here to take this castle from you."
"This sword I'm carrying
is named Zulfikar and
this sword has been
the doom of all infidels."
"And my bravery comes only from my faith."
Infidels were afraid of
Hadhrat Ali's courage.
Merhap came forward amongst
them, the strongest of them.
Hadhrat Ali defeated the strongest of
the infidels in a duel, with his Zulfikar.
p When the army of Islam
saw it, they were encouraged.
His bravery and courage
gave strength to everyone.
The army of Islam attacked.
It was such a battle that,
Hadhrat Ali opened the gates of
Khayber alone, which was said
that it could never be broken down.
With Allah's help, the
castle was conquered.
In short, the strongest weapon brave ones
have against the enemy, is their faith.
When you are covered with it,
there is no one you cannot defeat.
Every brave one who fights
for the name of Allah, is an Ali,
and every sword they strike
the enemy with is a Zulfikar.
So fight with your bravery,
which you take from your faith.
And do not turn back.
Terken Hatun scares me.
If only we could escape
from this palace quickly
Do not let fear in your heart.
That's the most powerful thing they have.
We won't make mistakes after showing
weakness to their empty threats.
We will find the way to save
my , brother and leave this castle.
Will we be able to do it ।
without losing our lives?
If necessary, we will die fighting.
I'm in this palace for one reason, and
that is to save my brother Kilicarslan.
Until I learn where he is, I won't
let Terken hatun wear me out.
Here is Kuvel, my Sultan.
We took our precautions
secretly, but still
..I wish you didn't risk yourself.
This castle belonged to us
recently and hyenas hold it now.
In order to get rid of all of them,
we need to know them better.
If there wasn't a trade agreement
between Seljuk and Byzantine
I wouldn't let a single
muslim merchant here.
They all have their permissions, right?
Yes, sir.
Let's inspect them a little.
Wheat look big and fresh,
where do you bring it from?
It's the produce of here,
we don't buy from outside.
We harvest a lot every year.
Nice work.
Why did you ask about the wheat, my Sultan?
Since they harvest
wheat every year like this
there is a water source that
comes here, which we don't know of.
If the wheat is plenty every year
there must be a source we do not know.
We have to cut it
off during the siege.
The nephew of Emperor
Romanos. He wants the revenge of
his father being captured
by my father in Manzikert.
But if he insists, he will live the
same fate as his uncle and get in jail.
Let's visit the blacksmith. Find out what
kind of iron they use for their weapons.
I've never seen you before.
Who are you?
In Selemzar, you will be disguised as traders
and act as though the enemy of the state.
There are men everywhere.
You will get their attention.
And I will set the necessary “
arrangements in the bazaar. O
You've visited every seller in the
bazaar but you don't look like a buyer.
Are you a trader or
are you inspecting here?
You should've realized I was a trader
when I only visited the stands
and didn't buy anything, commander.
Because us eastern traders don't
buy before looking and haggling.
Show me your permission paper.
"Trader Abdusselam"
The stamp and the ink is
fresh Like a few days old.
But these permissions are annual.
You've created your own
document to inspect the place.
This paper is durable.
However, you'll see that it
eroded on a small impact.
The paper is soft because we've
come from sun-scorched roads.
In short, because it is
softened, it looks like it is fresh.
You are a smart man, Abdusselam.
No other response would've convinced me.
Do not just bring the products
of Kuvel Castle to where you go
also bring Commander Andreas' genius.
Especially to Isfahan.
The meaning of my name is "the
servant of Allah, Who is to be praised"
I will work out what a smart
man you are in Isfahan.
And in my next visit, I will
bring Isfahan's regards to you.
Sable coat worthy of Sultans.
We brought these for
noble people like you.
How much dinar you want for it?
It is worth 3 dinars, but 2 dinars is okay.
Take this 1 dinar, and work nicely.
Is 1 dinar enough?
Say something.
Use it on good days.
Work nicely.
The rules of the state are known.
It costs 5 dinar to trade in this bazaar.
What are you doing, sir? Don't you
know how hard it is to earn 5 dinars? \
This is just cruelty, it has no
place in our religion, or our tradition!
These taxes are found
suitable for tradition with
Seljuk firmans and with
judge rulings for religion.
You have no place to question it!
Is this Allah's will, or benefit
I of the Allah's servants?
Look, I don't want disorder
here, you either pay your taxes,
or get the hell out of here.
Use it well.
Only our life left, which you didn't take.
You will be our Azrail
too, if it contiunes!
This cruelty will end one day, too!
Have a nice day.
"I fell into the trap of
love when I was young."
"I fell into the trap of
love when I was young."
"I fell into the trap of
love when I was young."
The fur of the fox that wanders in
the bazaar should not touch my lover
It's not a state, but a bunch of bandits.
We came from all that way,
and they took our money.
Can I sit down, brave ones?
Sit down.
We heard about the
unfairness you experienced.
We are having the same problem.
Your goal is right, but you cannot I
fight against Seljuk Empire like this.
Go away, you are their
man too, don't try to trick us.
Don't get mad immediately,
if you knew opportunity
that came to you, you
wouldn't act like this.
What opportunity are
you talking about, Efendi?
Look, brave ones
The issue of the
oppressed people is that they
don't have an united voice
against their oppressors.
No one from my tribe in Herat
will come here, that's for sure.
What is your problem.
I want us to be united, we should
speak against them together.
So that our voice should
shake the oppressors.
We are good like this, you can go away.
Wait a moment.
Tell us, what's it about?
We started a cause with people
that are oppressed like you.
Both the sharia and the
tradition's truth lies in that cause.
What cause is this?
You cannot convey the beauty
of a flower with words, son.
You need to smell its essence.
You have some skill, what I want
is to bring you to that essence.
How can we know that essence
will be the solution to our problems?
Don't you want to get back what is yours?
What is there that you
can lose in this path?
We have nothing to lose.
But this road has thorns
on it, it might cut your feet.
It cannot be worse than their
cruelty that cuts our hearts.
Then don't waste your time here anymore.
Come on. Come with me.
Commander Andreas.
As you command, I asked the traders.
That two men were so
interested in iron and wheat.
The most important things a spy would want
to know in a castle is equipment and food.
We can catch them before
they leave the bazaar.
We have an agreement
with Muslims, don't forget that.
Emperor doesn't want to
break the agreement with Turks.
I can't get his rage upon me.
After they leave the
bazaar, send men after them.
Let them catch them.
Make sure they learn who
they are and what they want.
- Then let them kill them.
- As you command, sir.
Stay where you are.
Dismount your horses.
What is it? Why have you crossed our way?
We have questions to ask.
Now we have something to catch up.
Keep your questions for our next visit.
You either answer our questions or
you can't go one step ahead of here.
Obviously, Andreas won't stop
until he clears his doubts about us.
Send words to our force
unit around the castle.
There might be an ambush.
For your commander wonders who we are
make sure he looks
at your corpse carefully.
Because the last thing
remains on your fearful faces
will be the figure of Sultan Meliksah.
Why did we stop?
You played it good, brave ones.
But it's over now.
Now it's our turn.
My lonely falcons.
My strong warriors, you have
been on duty far from your home.
You have slept on rocks, as if it was
“your bed and the sky as your blanket.
Don't worry, when the time
comes, we will conquer Kuvel Castle.
And you are the pioneers of this goal
When we volunteered for this hard
task, we made an oath saying that
"We accept even to be buried without
tombstones, we just want our state to prosper
and our Sultan to live long."
Yalman, my brave one.
We gave this name to you when you
took your sword in your hand for your duty.
It means the sharp edge of a sword.
You didn't embarrass us, you have
always been the sharp edge of our state.
Don't worry now, your family is my
family, your children are my children.
May Allah protect you, my brave ones.
What playing are you talking about?
A play of pigeons.
Some hunters send trickster pigeons
amongst the pigeons they want to capture.
And those tricksters lure the
pigeons to the trap of the hunter.
In this game, the hunters
are the oppressors.
We are the pigeons that
the l hunters cannot capture.
And you are the Seljuk
tricksters to lure us to a trap.
You are the one that invited us.
If you think we are Seljuk
spies, why did you invite us?
So the cruel hunters can see that
we cannot be tricked and trapped
and to make an example out of you.
ends here.
If you have a doubt, come.
While there are oppressors,
I won't clash swords with you.
If you have no doubts,
ga get out of our way.
We can fight against the
oppressors without you, too.
If you are this determined.
Come with me then.

Now, we will learn who you are.
Let's see if you are really from Herat.
This fuse is determined ; by my questions.
Jh t . 14 ;
fnf IJ If you hesitate, you I'lr W'H be late to answer.

Then this fuse will burn the ground
you sit on, and you will be impaled.
This man has the duty of questioning the merchants that come to the castle,
But I am the one who understands the merchants are actually spies, not him.
Look at this, look at this well.
Put it in your minds what will happen
to the ones who don't do their duty well.
Aren't these the soldiers
I sent after the spies?
We ran into them while patrolling around the castle, sir.
They were all dead.

How could these two spies kill many
of JJ our soldiers all by themselves, sir?
It's not easy to be able to kill many soldiers for ordinary spies.

Turks did this right under our noses!
I'll respond to this on their own lands and it will be a harsh one!
There are many steel stratums around Herat.
But your sword is made of Indian steel
Why would a man from Herat uses a sword made of
Indian steel when there is steel in his homeland?
You're right. It's Indian steel.
In our lands, Herat steel is mined not to forge but for sale.
For this reason, the tribesman in Herat
make their swords from Indian steel.
From which mountain does
the river in Herat come out?
Which crops does it water? Tell me.
That river does not water any
crops. Because it's water is salty.
The rivers' water are never salty.

What kind of river is this? It's
water is salty, my eyes are burning.
Not all rivers have freshwater.
You should know that.
To understand this, you have to
look at the tributaries of the river.
If it passes through salty soils,
the water would also be salty.
Why should I know this?
In this world no knowledge
is learned for vain.
A piece of knowledge that you think is not
a useful one may save you from death one day.
You're wrong.
Not all rivers have freshwater.
If it passes through salty soils,
the water would also be salty.
Since this river passes through salty
soils, no crops can be watered with it.
I believe that you are from Herat.

We test everyone because the Seljuks
are trying to infiltrate spies amongst us.
You passed the test.
It is time to take you ,'v
where you deserve to be.

Get the doctors to take care
| of the injured immediately.
Gumustekin, Uner, Mecidulmuk, Taculmulk

and then you are next Nizamulmulk.
Sultan Meliksah is back
in the castle, messenger.
He is in disguise and one of
the soldiers with him is injured.
He was gone for two days, he
must've gone somewhere far.
Go to that soldier and find out what
happened and how he got injured.
This road goes to Selemzar.
Are we going there again?
Selemzar is a desert of cruelty.
I am taking you to the oasis in
the desert: To the Batini zone.
It is a heaven.
You called for me, Hatun Ana.
I saw your discussion with Elcin Hatun.
You've been a Sultan
Hatun for many years. Don't
you know how to treat
a guest in the palace?
Especially a guest from
a member of the dynasty.
You've disappointed me, Terken Hatun.
Our Sultan has forgiven Elcin Hatun.
You don't agree with the
decision of our Sultan?
How could I dare? I only want
greatness for our Sultan and our state.
However, as you said, I've
been Sultan Hatun for many years.
In these years, I've seen many ill-willed
people who wanted to hurt our state.
I've found out that an
enemy who rebels once .
never bends the knee again.
They want to infiltrate us in
many ways and poison us.
 | We keep people by our side
to win them, Terken Hatun1,
It is not your duty to be
concerned about state affairs.
If you have a concern, every hatun in
the palace comes to me. You talk to me.
You only have a duty: make sure
the baby in your belly is healthy.
I've warned you about Elcin Hatun before.
If you keep this up, I'll
have to take precautions.
We have prepared the gifts
you ordered, Seferiye Hatun.
Take them to Elcin Hatun's room.
This is our area.
The Seljuks like to pretend as though they
are leaving us alone and not oppressing us.
In reality, they want to keep
us in somewhere specific.
We want to live a peaceful life with
victims like you escaping from oppression.
Our way of trade works here.
Good luck.
How does a trade work without money?
The evil money of this fake
world cannot divide the brothers.
The purpose of traded
here is not to profit
but help brothers
to get what they need.
We cannot let the
blood i money divide us.
Why are those people waiting?
This is a brotherhood. The poor can get
food whenever and however much they like.
Nobody can ask who they are.
There is no "you" or "me" here.
There is "us" fighting against oppression.
A place of happiness.
Please, come with me.
Show us the way, oh great faith this dark place
This is the place where soiled souls purge.
This is the place shattered
hearts come for shelter.
These people are knowledgeable.
This family asks for
help from the great faith.
Let us taste this. Let us
drink from this fountain.
It will be trouble for you if you
drink it before your time comes.
You have to know about the manners.
You have to go through
a lot to reach that level.
And how do you reach that level?
With patience and loyalty.
The seeing eyes are blind to
everything except for the Allah's voice.
The ears have to be deaf so
that voice can influence the hearts.
Here, every level requires a sacrifice.
You've tasted this joy just
by walking through the door.
Do you see that door?
There are many doors
behind it and they are narrower.
Behind every door, you will feel a
thousand times more joy than you feel here.
You've seen many beauties here.
We have been honored by your beauty.
But now it's time to leave.
Can't we stay here?
Patience is a gate.
First, you need to open that gate.
You know us, you learned our ways.
Our door is open to everyone
that waits patiently in front of it.
Peace be with you, Dervish.
Peace be upon you, too, Hace Hadhrat.
May you have good luck, and may
your purpose be our state's well being.
May your coming bring peace,
and your destination be blessed.
I wanted to speak with Hemedani Hadrath.
Is he available?
He has a private guest inside, please
sit down, let us serve you something.
Since I need to wait, then it
means it's an important guest.
It's Imam Cuveyni's successor.
Cuveyni called him
"a sea without a shore".
"A sea without a shore"
One question burns me, it bleeds
my heart for years, like a dagger.
It wavers my heart like a hidden sin.
What can it be that you
couldn't find the answer
on the desks you studied,
in the books you read?
while I was going back from Gurgan
bandits attacked our caravan.
One bandit took all the notes
and books I had from Gurgan.
When I begged him to
give my books back,
he said something, it
stabbed my heart like a dagger.
"So when I take away your books, nothing
is left from all the things you have read."
"So it's knowledge that a
bandit can steal from you?"
I went home and learned everything
I had for the last 3 years by heart.
I thought I was protecting the
knowledge against all the plunders.
Such a mistake.
I read from our master Cuveyni.
Our master has passed away.
While everyone was
sad for his passing away.
I'm being sad that I
couldn't take over his place.
All that knowledge could not stop
me from my desires and delusions.
After that bandit, my desires
now stole the knowledge from me.
Tell me, master, is there a way to the truth,
that is truly mine, which cannot steal from me.
Come, son.
Let's take a walk in the garden.
Welcome, Hace Hadrath.
I was chatting with Abu Hamid
Gazali, Cuveyni's successors.
We wanted to go to the garden
so our hearts could be opened.
The stage is left to the Batinis
and fake scholars that tell lies.
The backbone of scholarship,
Cuveyni has passed away.
Now, they are confusing the
mind of the folks even more.
And I came here to speak
with you regarding this matter.
We have a well, of which
water cools us down.
Come, let us offer you
that and drink together.
Can you pull the water from the well, son?
If the bucket has been in the
water as much as water has
been in the bucket, it would
keep us all cooled down.
Now, it left itself, i
and us without water.
Our wisdom and religion
are just like this bucket.
We are in Islam.
But is Islam in us?
The thief is guilty, but is
the homeowner innocent?
If the doors are closed, and then locked
When the doors are closed
and our hearts are filled with faith.
Let me ask you. Who can steal it?
The death of the wise is
like the death of the realm.
However, the realm is
not unprotected, Hace.
You're looking for a pen
to keep religion alive
and Gazali is looking
for his life source.
That source is healing to
the heart that beats with faith,
power to a pen that writes with
faith and a sword that rises with
Are you crazy, Yorgos?
I can't prepare a fake merchant document
on your behalf and send you to Kinik.
I'll be in trouble.
Why? Aren't you the
Christian merchant manager?
You are both in
charge of the Christian
merchants and the
ambassador of our empire here.
We will get in that 'tribe as a merchant.
Do what you need to do.
I can't. If they learn, the
Seljuk won't keep me alive.
Yorgos. Don't.
won't let the Seljuks do it.
But if you won't do
what I told you
you'll see your wife's and children's
dead bodies when you get home.
Do you understand?
So he injured in the combat?
Since he was in
disguise, he didn't fight at
the Seljuks lands.
Otherwise we would know it.
They went to Kuver Castle.
What does that mean?
If there was a combat
there, he would have guessed
that the commander of the
castle would respond to this.
Therefore, before the
commander does anything,
he'll send a messenger
to the castle to stop them.
I should be that messenger.
Everything was just as we wanted.
I entered their terrains, I
approached to the door.
Once a door closes, the other opens.
We don't have time to try every door, Hace.
How are the preparations for war?
Taculmulk gave the instructions
for manufacturing the swords.
Soldiers started to prepare.
How are you so calm then, Hace?
We need to infiltrate among them before
the war starts and reveal everything.
They used a technique to endear
themselves and gain your loyalty before.
We will do what they want.
We will start a new game.
There will be a fair in Salemzar tomorrow.
Batinis will definitely be
there to express themselves.
It is a great opportunity
for us to get among them.
That snake Elcin Hatun's venom
has paralized everyone already.
Seferiya Hatun is threatening me with
her words and the gifts she sends to her.
Shouldn't we take care
of her before it's too late?
It would be a mistake to
do that before it's time for it.
Seferiya Hatun is a cautious about us.
Sending Elcin Hatun is impossible
when she is under her protection.
And I want to stop that
woman for the safety
of our Sultan and
state too, not just for me.
What are you thinking?
We'll cover up our tracks.
Well start by drawing the
people around her to our side.
Be friends with Elcin Hatun's
maid and gain her trust.
We'll have her in our
pocket when it's time.
Do you think they would believe this?
We don't have another choice.
Bozkus will provoke the people
against the Batinis when he gets my sign.
We'll save the Batinis from them then.
You go that way
Okay, okay. The show will
start when you take your seats.
May Allah always make our children laugh.
They are the joy of our lives.
Welcome, healer.
Thank you.
It's nice to see you here.
Have some candy.
Here you go, take some.
Don't be shy.
Are these the children
that you wanted to heal?
Yes. Allah bless you.
They are fine thanks to your science.
I wanted to visit you. What you said
z to me that day still makes me think.
You told me that Allah
gave life to many herbs.
That you need to understand them,
feel their breath, look them in the eye.
And I want to understand them,
feel their breath, look them in the eye.
Turna Hatun, intent is
the key to everything.
Your heart is in the right place. Science
will try to find a way to flow into you.
I Come to me whenever you want. I
would like to answer your questions
help you speak the language of nature.
However much I can, of course.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Easy, Bozyele. We have a
long way to get to Sirdagi.
And these roads are very dangerous.
Passages that wait us are very narrow."
"You naughty boy. I won't let
you take these dangerous roads.
I am very tired, get off my
back. Or I'll drop you myself."
"I thought you were a brave
horse but you are just a chicken.
The mighty Bozyele is
scared of a mere mouse."
Really? I'll show you now."
"Why did you drop me?"
"You shouldn't have called
me a coward, you naughty boy.
"You can be more cautious
when the danger is all around us.
Only the madmen go to certain death."
Come to the Kuyu Street Tuma."
Why are you here? What
are you doing in Salemzar?
I'm here for the bazaar like
everyone else What is wrong with it?
Why are you so mad?
My father did not threaten them,
he threatened you specifically.
He told you not to come
to Salemzar ever again.
sorry, Turna Hatun
I'm not one to listen to threats.
- Is your life worth nothing?
- Is it not my life?
Why are you so worried?
- Of course it is your life.
I care not. I just don't
want to see blood spilled.
Nobody would endanger their
lives to come to the bazaar.
Tell me the truth, why did you come?
And why are you dressed like this?
Should I have worn my usual
clothes and let Emir llteber see me?
Oh no.
Go now or you'll lose your life.
The Great Seljuk Palace
We will hit the road
before the winter when the
necessary preperations for
the war are done, my Sultan.
This is how we mapped
the roads for campaign.
What news are there from
our spies in the area?
The last winter was harsh, my Sultan.
This winter is supposed to be harsher.
So if we take these roads
before the winter ends
our army perishes.
We raid in the most ideal time, not
the earliest time possible, Taculmulk.
If the snow drops, our
catapults, our animals
and our equipments
will perish, my Sultan.
See? What do we have now?
Are we facing defeat
before we reach our target?
Raids are not done with soldiers alone.
You need to communicate with scholars
who know about the weather conditions
with guides who know about the terrain.
Organize the campaign from scratch.
We have to solve Anatolia
problem as soon as possible
so that we can reroute
our forces to Kuvel first
Constantinople next.
Prepare for hunting lessons, Tapar.
As you order, my Sultan.
We need to be sure before Andreas
tries to do something in our lands.
Bring an suited ambassador that
we will send to Kuvel Castle.
As your order, my Sultan.
O my brothers.
Madams' (teachers) and scribes
just make us read the Quran.
But we need not only to
read, but also to know it.
And to know it, we need to
dwell more into it and learn it.
Only then we can save
our world and our afterlife.
You unwary man!
How can a poor man like you represent
the words of Allah better than scribes?
Who do you think you are that
you are trying to guide these people?
O Muslims, 0 Muslims! This
charlatan wants to damage our religion.
Let's not allow him to do so!
What kind of words you utter and
create a commotion among my people?
I'm trying to save the
faith of these people.
Where did he come from?
I'm inviting them to learn the truth.
We gave you a place here.
Live your faith in your own place.
Do not try to confuse the minds
of my people with your heresy.
I won't allow it!
The real heresy is to
deny the truth we are telling.
I advise you to listen
to it as well, Emir llteber!
The path you follow,
is not Allah's path!
You damn dog! The real path is
to cut the heads of heretics like you!
Enough with your cruelty and murders!
Catch those bastards!
Who threw these? Catch them!
Work nicely, ambassadors.
We are going to send an
ambassador to Kuvel castle.
You went before to
the lands of Byzantine.
What information do you have on Kuvel?
Since it's on the border, they have many
soldiers and many merchants go there.
We can make preparations
and depart in 3 days.
That will be a door for
us to go into Anatolia.
But Byzantine sees it as a lock.
There are people amongst the
ones here that won't die before
witnessing the strong
evidence of the existence of God.
From Gospel of Mark, a sentence that
talks about the foreseeing of the Messiah.
On every Sunday of the Holy Cross,
Kuvel's people gather and read this
and start their sacred day
called "Sunday of the Holy Cross"
What does that mean?
On Sunday of the Holy Cross, Kuvel's people
do whatever that gives them happines and joy.
On days like that, it is easier to inspect
that place, and get information from the people.
And this sacred day just began, we need to
depart immediately without waiting 3 days.
Come with me Hasan.
You saved us from those
evil ones with your bravery.
Show us your face, so I
can know who you are.
You risked your life for us,
now they will track you down.
You are the carriers of the banners
in the battle against the oppressors.
Our lives are not important.
Live long, brave one.
But one of our men is
captured by that cruel llteber.
They also have my brother,
we need to do something.
We won't be seen until things calm down.
Go to Huri cliff and wait for me there.
We will find a solution.
Cruel llteber’s men,
they are after us.
You go into the woods, I
will make them follow me.
See you at the cliff.
Come to me!
We will show our strength
bends your weapons!
We have been following
you since Selemzar.
We made it on time before we
lost your track, thanks to Allah.
What did you speak with Behran,
did they accept you amongst them?
Not yet.
First, he will decide what to do
with Arslantas and other captives.
He told me to wait near the cliff.
Don't go alone, we
should come with you, too.
We will protect you secretly.
Don't worry about me, if they understand you
are following us, everything will be ruined.
Aydogdu, tell everything to Hace.
We need to meet with him.
Wait for me in the forest.
I will come after I meet him.
Come on
My Sultan.
So you are suited for the task of
being an ambassador, Hasan Sabbah.
You showed up in the most crucial moment.
If you command my Sultan
I would command only
with intelligence and wisdom.
Tell me the news about the Kuver Castle.
Over five-thousand soldiers protect it.
Their needs like supplying and
swords come from Constantinople.
The ships bring them to the coast of Black
Sea and then they carry them to Kuver.
This transportation path
r is very crucial to them.
You didn't have anything to do with Kuver
until today. How do you know these so well?
No, I personally didn't.
But my state did.
I know that the Kuver Castle is
the main target for our great cause.
The messengers should always
have information about crucial matters.
Tell me then. Do we always need to frighten
the Kuver commander about us to stop him?
Not always, my Sultan.
Just when we need to.
The strongest trump we have is to
provoke him against his own state.
His uncle, the Emperor Romanos,
made a peace agreement
with our deceased Sultan
Alparslan after Malazgirt.
They promised each other.
However, the Byzantines killed Romanos.
As we remind the castle
commander what happened
to his uncle, we increase
his hatred of the empire.
This can be our advantage
Our messengers should have
knowledge of politics just like you.
It's your duty Hasan Sabbah.
Go to the Kuver Castle and
show them our state's power.
How should I do it, my Sultan
Who took Behram from me?
How can we know that. If you
don't know, we can't know it, either.
Are you still not going to talk?
But I know how to make you talk.
I will go to heaven.
I'll cut you in peaces in Salemzar
square for it to be a lesson.
They killed a valiant partner of our cause.
For his head, for our cause, I
swear to take revenge on them.
The time will come when we
take revenge on that cruel llteber.
But first we need to save
the life of our friend Rustem.
He is the most reliable one among our men.
Also, he is the one who
knows our most crucial secrets.
Even if our friend Rustem
dies, he won't tell our secrets.
However, it's not clear which
method llteber will use to make him talk.
He will try everything to make him talk.
I went to llteber's
mansion once in the past.
It's protected like a castle.
The surrounding walls are strengthened.
The inside is like a labyrinth,
it's full of tunnels with no exit.
The person that goes there
should be brave and smart.
There was a brave man who rescued me from
llteber, he came here to support our cause,
but I sent him away to
test his patience and loyalty.
His friend is captured
with our friend Rustem.
His talents are enough for this duty.
If he gets caught, they'll think he's there
for his friend. So, we wouldn't be in danger.
Give him this duty.
Going to the Kuver Castle as a
messenger as Meliksah ordered
is a good opportunity for
you to have a higher position.
Become a bridge between the devil
Seljuk and the fatihless Byzantium.
In this way, we can direct them both.
Increase the Seljuk hatred
Commander Andreas has in his heart.
So, he will have to oblige to us.
When you talk about the issue with that brave
man, wait first. He should seek the duty himself.
If he hesitates to
fulfill the duty, kill him.
Nobody should know that
we will enter the mansion.
Basulu Ana.
You've just healed Basulu Ana
You should rest, I'll take care of this.
I'm healthy now, thank you.
Those who come to purchase are
important merchants. Be nice to them.
Have a good day.
Thank you. Welcome.
Basulu Hatun.
Have a good day.
Thank you, Korkut Bey.
Who is this important merchant?
He didn't come before. But, Dukas, who is
responsible for Christian merchants, sent news.
They're wealthy
merchants, obviously.
Inshallah the sale will be good so
that you can get through this winter.
I will talk about the summer and
winter issues with the Oguz Beys, son.
You'll take care of them
Don't worry, my Bey. I'll earn
a lot of money for our tribe.
Inshallah, son.
They're coming.
Good luck.
- Welcome.
- Thank you.
I am the bey of this tribe, Korkut.
We work with Anatolia
and Constantinapolis.
We could not find the
goods in the quality we seek.
When they recommended
you, we wanted to see your tribe.
Good, I'm glad.
Our furs are derived from
weasle, our leather from buffalo.
Our rugs are made with
original Turkmen process
It will be a very lucrative trade when we
find what we are looking for, Korkut Bey.
-Inshallah. No doubt
But it would be very good if you
can provide us with a blacksmith.
What is it?
My horse's shoe is
broken. I need a new one.
For a horseshoe, I cannot find a
better place than a Turkish tribe.
That's true. Then, my son
Togan will accompany you.
You can visit the blacksmith
and look at our stands.
Come with me
You know
we have to hear the sound of an ant.
No need to apologize.
You are admirable.
Here you go. A small prize for your favor.
Don't get into more trouble.
Give this to the poor.
I don't seek gold, I only
seek to help the cause.
What will happen to
our jailed brothers in
- Are we leaving them to the cruel?
- I will try to save them myself.
What can you do?
Peace be upon you, brave soldier.
I will save them.
We need you for the cause.
I threw myself into fire once. Either
I get out of it with my brethren
Or I die in that fire.
If you get out the fire
alive by dawn tomorrow
you will have our utmost
respect, you brave man.
- My Hace.
- My Meliksah.
You are always beautiful.
But today, you have
a different light on you.
The midwives say if
will most likely be a boy.
We will have a son.
Inshallah, our son will wear this
cap I made with my own hands.
My Terken, you have
given me such good news
my heart is about to leave my body.
May you live a happy life.
May I live by your side
May all my lives be yours.
I heard you are going hunting. Don't worry.
May your arrow find its
target like a shooting star.
Thank you, Terken.
If I have a son
I will make his crib with the
pelt of a wolf I hunted down.
Have a good journey.
I've sent the news to Is she coming here?
If we need to meet in Salemzar
we can meet in the forest first.
Whistled arrow.
What is happening? Arslantas
is in jail and this is not good.
They arrested Arslantas
when I was saving Behram.
Emir llteber's soldiers are chasing me.
I told Behram I would
be saving the prisoners.
- He gave me time till morning.
- Why did you take on this responsibility?
It was the only way to earn their trust.
Their offer was a test. If I didn't
accept, they would've killed me.
Good. Good thinking.
But going there means
endangering your life.
I will talk to llteber and take the
prisoners. Wait to hear from me.
If you take them, how will
Sencer take the Batinis?
He will save them from my soldiers.
It is harder to save them from
Nizamulmulk's soldiers than llteber's palace.
This will put Sencer in a
better place for Batinis. |
We make our own food,
own drink, own clothes.
We even mine the iron ores
from the black mountains.
I've never seen such strong arrows.
Does the hole tribe hunt with these?
They are not for sale, trader.
The arrows are for our own
soldiers. They are not for everybody.
The shoe is ready.
It looks like it was broken
by a hammer and not a rock.
I've never seen such horseshoe before.
You steppes are hard places.
My horse's shoes are weak for this area.
What are you doing, Balaban?
Why are you asking him such questions?
Don't you want us to make any money?
Then, let him look at
what he wants to buy.
And you show him
what you want to sell.
This tribe has special
places and secret information.
Can we stop keeping
an eye on the strangers?
I accompany the trader.
He's under my responsibility.
You don't involve the
things bigger than yourself.
Are you going to only hunt animals
on the ground, Melik Hadrath?
We'll hunt birds, too, of course.
I thought it because
all the arrows are long.
As you know, short arrows are
much more suitable for bird hunts.
And only talented hunters are capable
of hunting birds with short arrows.
Obviously, you are a
skillful hunter, Elcin Hatun.
I went hunting on the hunting
grounds among our mountains.
I shot so many animals both flying on the
blue skies or running on the black earth.
I've been longing to hunt for a long time.
I couldn't hold myself when I saw
the hunting equipment. Excuse me.
Our hunts are not for hunting.
But to check our hunters.
It will be a more enjoyable hunt for
me with skillful hunters around me.
Bring one more horse,
Kamac. Take short arrows, too.
I don't know how the hunting
grounds in Anatolia are.
The mountains are harsh in these lands
And hunting grounds are like traps.
It's better to be careful, Elcin Hatun.
So, you won't be a
prey instead of hunter.
Don't worry, my Sultan.
My arrow knows its target.
What does it mean?
This Hatun has gone too far.
Too far
She crossed the line by
even going hunting with Sultan.
It must be handled as soon as
possible. As soon as possible
Hace Nizamulmulk Hadhrat.
Welcome, Hace Nizamulmulk.
To what do we owe this honor?
Rage is the biggest enemy
of your position, Emir llteber.
Especially, a man in your position
should be much more careful.
What does it mean taking a man's
head in the middle of the square?
He was not an ordinary man.
He was one of the deviant Batinis.
He disrespected and got what he deserved.
You haven't been thinking about
the rules of the state these days.
You know Batinis have privileges.
You can't take heads
like a performing a show.
I want to make you remember the
words you said in that tribe, Hace Hadrath.
l have the authority in Selemzar.
Our state allowed them
to live in a separate region.
Yeti, their deviancy
has I spread in my lands.
The state's balance has been
| quite sensitive these days.
And we don't want to disturb it.
And you are obliged to obey this balance.
Now, to bring the balance back, I want you
to give me the two prisoners you captured.
They disrespected me in my own lands.
As you know, our state doesn't involve
in the internal affairs in Selemzar.
It's beyond your internal affairs.
It affects all the Seljuk lands.
We don't want to break the peace
And the thing increases
the crime is your execution.
Give them two prisoners
so we close this case.
Did the Great Hace Nizamulmulk
come here just for |
two ordinary Batinis?
Is the peace of our state, which
doesn't hesitate to take heads
going to be broken because
of these two ordinary Batini?
What is the reason of your
insistence, Hace Hadrath.
When the subject is
the peace of the state
Nazamulmulk goes anywhere.
Set aside two Batini,
even for a little ant
he can go anywhere in the world
The matter is obvious.
They are my prisoners.
Moreover, the matter has
been devolved to the the judge.
I'll judge the ones, who rebelled
against me in my lands, before the law.
This is under my authority.
This rises the waters so much.
And you will be the first one, who
will drown on those waters, Emir llteber.
I don't want to only
save them but also you.
Act reasonable by controlling your rage.
I've said what I need to say, Hace Hadrath.
I'll hang that man,
who raised his hand to
me, to send a message
in the square of Selemzar
You want to respond to the
disrespect, which was done to you.
Know this well
I The state also responds to the
disrespect, which was done to it
without hesitation one day.
I warned her.
Yet, she always did whatever she wanted.
It will work out.
You'll pour this liquid into the lamp.
After a while the lamp is lit, it takes
the ones around it under its effect.
And slowly make them lose their minds.
And no one wants to be with someone crazy.
But don't worry. After
she leaves the palace
she'll be healthy again.
She left me no other option.
Go quickly and detain
the girl called Burcak.
Detain her so that.
I can enter her room.
Your combativeness amazed me.
Tell me. To whom you are
aspire that you fight this well?
I aspire to one of
our old beys of our
tribe, Atsiz Bey.
I want to be just like him.
And who is the bravest one in your
tribe now? Don't you aspire to him?
The bravest one in our tribe is
Sancar brother. I aspire to him.
There is no one, who can
use sword and bow like him.
Even his horse is the best of the horses.
Which one? The one on the right?
Turkish horses are famous all around
the world. I want to take a closer look.
For kids praised him this much,
Sancar must be an important person.
He's just a wanderer and his only
quality is bringing trouble to our tribe.
I see.
Especially, its nails is strong.
So, it runs so fast
even in harshest lands.
This is where Akeksios died.
Why did you want to see here?
I'll start to track my revenge from here.
It's the horse tracks of his killer.
What's is the situation, Erbatur?
Was that man, who raised
his hand to my father, found?
Not yet, Turna Hatun. But our
soldiers are after him, don't worry.
And what won't return without catching him.
Who are you Sencer?
Emir's daughter
Now I will also have to
make an explanation to you.
Everyone will learn the truth.
I'll show her true face.
Even if I die, they
shouldn't give up on
their goal of saving
my brother Kilicarslan.
Whoever stands in front
of this goal, is our enemy.
They should not refrain themselves
from getting rid of these enemies.
I knew it
I knew it!
I knew you were a treachorus snake!
I'm going to kill you with your own venom!
On the Sunday of the
Holy Cross, only taking
revenge from our enemies
can make us happy.
We will make Seljuk pay
for the death of our soldiers!
You are my death angels
that carry blood in their palms.
Infiltrate their lands like ghosts,
haunt them like nightmares.
I Kill their soldiers without any
trace, and put fear in their hearts.
Put out this fire of vengeance
that burns us, with blood!
Seljuk ambassador is here
Call them in.
With regards of Sultan Meliksah
I'm here to talk with
you, as his representative.
Commander of the castle, Andreas.
So Sultan Meliksah remembered us.
Sultan Meliksah never
forgets his neighbours.
And I was wondering why
your famous bazaar is closed.
So you invited all the
soldiers and merchants
here to celebrate the
Sunday of the Holy Cross.
We live pain and the sacred days together.
Like how we share our happiness and rage.
Let's get inside.
We already cornered the
game, Sultan Meliksah.
I told you that you couldn't find it there.
I must have cornered it here!
We almost cornered it.
It was impossible for it to reach
your side, how can that happen?
The skill is not about
running after it and catching it.
It is managing to lure it to your trap.:
I moved in a manner that
your moves made it come to me.
And you didn't check your surroundings
when you were after it, Elcin Hatun.
You were also trapped, too.
There are a lot of wild animals here.
Before they get the smell of blood and come
around, let's go back to the hunting tent.
The soldiers will bring the deer.
You didn't leave the poison there, my lady.
It was not necessary Fridevs.
I found something that, Elcin
Hatun won't be able to stay here long.
When our Sultan reads
this will, he will believe me.
He will see that I was
right to suspect her.
The seal on it.
It's the seal of that woman's execution.
Head Hatun Seferi Sultan.
Hatun Ana..
I heard that you were prepared
to go to the hunting grounds.
What made you take
this immediate decision?
I think the air of the mountains
will be healthy for me.
There is no other reason.
You thought well, but
it's better for yourself to
search for health by resting,
instead of mountain air.
I have not been outside
of the castle for a while.
Being at the hunting grounds with
my Sultan, will be good for me, too.
We all think about you
and your child's healt.
But the road is long.
It won't be good for your pregnancy.
The death of your child
before, has made us all sad.
You wouldn't want the
same thing to happen, right?
I wouldn't, Hatun Ana.
Pick up these things.
Sherbet was made, Fridevs,
go tell them to bring some.
It will be good for Terken Hatun.
I'm so hungry.
There is nothing to hunt around
It's not the time to think about food.
If we build a fire, our
location will be known.
Hace is coming.
Did you manage to save them?
He is being so stubborn.
He didn't give them to me.
He said that these are
lands his rule is final.
And he brought the matter
to the judge and he is right.
He is angry that we were
against him in the tribe.
I will solve it in a different manner.
We have no other choice, Hace.
They gave us time until morning,
it's our last chance to infiltrate them.
If you go save him, it
means you will risk your life.
llteber's took great precautions.
If necessary, we will try
another way to infiltrate them.
We cannot, Hace,
there is no other way left.
Didn't you say he is being stubborn?
Ilteber will execute Arslantas, too.
I have no other choice but to save them.
I need to infiltrate them in order
to stop the campaign to Anatolia.
Okay, but go alone.
You cannot go all together.
Aydogdu, ayaz and Bozkus should
accompany you and take precautious outside.
I will do what's necessary.
The reason of our visit is written here.
Our Sultan is glad that you are
honoring the trade agreement.
And we will continue to
protect the Byzantine merchants,
bankers, folks and everything
that belongs to Byzantine.
He wanted you to know
that we all know where
they are, what they
do with all the details.
We are grateful to your Sultan.
If our relationship continues like this, we
won't even need the Empire for agreements.
Your uncle emperor Romanos made an agreement with our deceased Sultan Alparslan.
But it is obvious what our Sultan did in
Malazgirt, when he did not keep his promise.
If you are done talking,
my soldier will take you out.
Boil the grudge Commander
Andreas has in his heart against Seljuk.
Do it, so that he will be in need of us.
What I'm going to say is that, choose
who you want to be a wolf against
and who you want to be a
sheep against, Commander Andreas.
We speak, with regards of our past.
Do not forget the past.
Meliksah's words, what do they mean?
He knows the death of our soldiers, too.
If we do anything against them, he will pay
us back with the Byzantine people in his lands.
That's why, he sent an
ambassador to scare us.
What are we going to do, sir?
Keep the special task force on
hold that was preparing to attack.
We are going to do
everything through Yorgos.
The things this ambassador said made
my grudge against them even greater.
We need to be on good terms with Batinis.
We will need them.
Enemy of our enemy is our friend.
Let's rest here a little.
As your order, ambassador Hadrath.
I will feed my horse, f so you can rest.
What is it, ambassador?
When we look at the arrow marks
on the trees, the fight happened here.
When we look at the arrow marks
on the trees, the fight happened here.
But, it's obvious they were not 5
people, they had reinforcement.
There is a secret reinforcement
force stationed around Kuvel Castle.
If we can can manage to find them, the
opportunity to damage Seljuk will come to us.
A mound near the forrest, and a well here.
The rope is wet.
So it means that someone
drinks regularly from here.
Peace be with you.
Don’t look at the well too much,
traveler, you might fall into it. Ms
And peace be upon you, too
Thanks to Allah, I saw the
bottom of the well, I won't fall into it.
What about you?
Aren't you afraid of being
a shepherd in borderlands?
We are safe here with the sheep.
We only have some sheep and
our lives, who would harm us?
And looking at your clothes, you must be
' state officials, what are you doing here?
We had a task in Kuvel.
We are here to feed our U,
horses and drink some water.
Thanks to Allah, nature
has given us what we wanted.
Then have safe travels.
That mound is where Meliksah's men sleep,
this well is where they drink from
and that guy is one of them.
That's the blind spot.
I will go in from there.
At down, the guards eat.
I will go to the kitchen
and get into a disguise.
I will put some herbs in
their food to make them sleep.
Did you bring what I want?
This is the herb.
And this will make your
work easier in there?
Be ready, if a commotion
occurs, you can enter.
You, come here.
Who? Me?
Yes, why are you playing Kopuz at night?
I just wanted to have some
fun, come, have some fun, too.
I will show you fun, stay in the
dungeons for one night and
Are you sure that he is the killer?
The marks on the
horseshoes of his horse and the
tracks near my brother's
dead body are the same.
His coming and leaving the tribe are
not regular, he is a troublesome guy.
That guy Sencer must be a special warrior.
I found Sencer's tent.
He lives with his mother,
but he is not here yet.
What are we going to do?
We managed to stay for
tonight, but we need
to leave in the morning.
If he is not here, then
we will make him come.
Then we will make him come to our feet.
- Who are you?
- I'm new here. Is this for the guards?
I don't know anything about this.
Now you do.
Where have you been? We are starving.
We have never seen you
before. Where is Yasir?
He was taken ill. I'm the new help. Enjoy.
This will mean rebelling against the state.
We have to let Hatun J Ana know about this.
Elcin has tricked Seferiye Hatun's mind.
She would not beleive
us if she sees this will.
We will take care of this.
We will catch up before
our Sultan goes to hunt.
Emir Taci sent news. Everything
is in order, Terken Hatun.
Today, we have hunted together.
But I wish that one day, we will
fight against our enemies together
and be victorious. When
Anatolia meets with peace
you will be the most important
link in this union, inshallah.
You are very kind, my Sultan.
That is my whole goal.
May Allah show us those blessed days.
My Sultan, there is news from Isfahan.
Ebul Kasim, who was
the proxy for Anatolia
is near Isfahan. He
wants to come before you.
Tell Ebul Kasim to not wait
in Isfahan and come here.
As you order, my Sultan.
If we keep devious people
like Ebul Kasim among us will be hard to keep
us as one, my Sultan.
Think your words
carefully, Elcin Hatun
because it leads to wrong places.
That man has plotted against
Kutalmis' son so many times.
We know he was always after his place.
Anatolian reign is for those
who are blessed sons
not for those who are devious.
How dare you vent to us?
You and Ebul Kasim
both answer to our Sultan.
If there is injustice, our
Sultan will provide the justice.
You are supposed to be
k content with your share.
We sat down wishing
union, health and fortune.
Should you try to question our
power, spill out words of hate
..then you will not like what
you get from our justice system
Elcin Hatun.
It's almost morning, sleep already.
It's morning. The road
gets longer and longer.
We're almost there.
Don't worry, we'll get there.
Faster, Cartwright. Faster.
My Sultan!
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