Vampires (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

Your Old Life Is Gone Now

[Ladislas] Shh.
It feels good, right?
Do you recognize me?
[breathing heavily]
Turn around.
[laughing] Don't move!
- Don't move!
- Don't!
Where is my brother?
He left you with me. He went for a walk.
- You know him?
- Yeah.
I even like him.
He left something to drink.
Good shit.
I wish I could relive my first time.
Everything is new.
And why? You've changed so fast.
I didn't understand.
Stop it.
[phone buzzing]
Don't move.
- Hey! You're talking to me.
- It's my mom.
Are you fucking crazy? Give me my phone.
You don't listen to me, little girl.
Your previous life is over.
It's a new world.
Listen to yourself. Don't be afraid.
- What do you want?
- Let me go.
You want to leave?
I'll take the emergency exit.
You should follow me.
Because I'm not the worst of the family.
You have three seconds.
Too bad.
[shrieks] Let me go!
Leave him alone!
With the heat, he's going to go bad.
[Dom] Not if he's alive.
We can perk him up.
We can give him something to drink.
[Kobe] Who cares?
There's fresh blood everywhere.
[phone buzzing]
We eat him up and we take off.
Then leave me some.
[blues music playing over speakers]
[Irina] You mean like this?
[man over computer]
Yes, I like to touch you.
Go on.
You're close?
About 20 minutes.
You can come at my house.
You're ready?
- Fuck, Mom!
- What are you doing?
[man] Hey!
I was ordering food online.
Are you nuts?
I can't go on.
I'm hungry.
No blood left.
Some people like it.
What is it?
It's Doina.
Something happened to her. I can feel it.
She's alone outside. What did you expect?
I talked to her yesterday.
She was with Andrea.
- Where?
- I don't know. He's not answering anymore.
Call him back.
[rock music playing over speakers]
- [Martha] Andrea.
- [Andrea] I
- Andrea!
- [Andrea groaning]
Do you hear me?
The train station.
[Martha] What did he say?
Dumb fuck.
I know where he is.
- Fuck. It's the old train station.
- Huh?
I don't understand. Where is it?
These guys are brutes.
They're going to kill him.
I get it.
Wait for me, Mom!
I'm too weak. I need blood.
Get some rest, sweetie.
I'll bring you something to drink.
Let me go!
Let me go!
[door opens]
What do you want?
[Csilla in English] It's incredible.
[in French] You look just like your mother
at the same age.
I want to go.
I wish.
You haven't been raised
according to your true nature.
It's dangerous for you.
And for us.
How did you hide for such a long time?
While being just like us.
I'm not like you.
All right.
You're like your brother, then.
Hmm. I remember.
I saw him when he was a baby.
Drinking his milk in a glass.
It was like an ad.
You're normal, right?
You don't have our mutation.
Let's settle this once and for all.
Come on, drink.
If you can drink milk like your brother,
you're free to go.
But if you're like us,
you'll have to live like us.
I'm not like you. I don't burn!
I'm not a vampire.
[Gabor] Let's see
if you don't burn.
[Csilla] Gabor, no!
[Ladislas yelling]
[in English] Fucking Radescus!
I'll kill all of you.
[classical music playing on piano]
[Irina] I'm hungry.
Andrea. It's Mom.
My darling. Come on.
We'll die because of her.
If you're hungry, go to the zoo.
I fucked up last time.
They put in cameras.
How do you hold up?
I don't know.
I must be a camel or something like it.
Damn, Irina.
Come on.
We always get by. Come on.
[water splashing]
[Csilla] My husband is unforgivable.
He doesn't control himself.
I'm going to talk to him.
You don't have to worry. I promise.
- Take care of your skin.
- Mm.
Feeling better?
[Doina] I'm okay.
Thank you for your help.
How are you going to treat that?
One thing would work immediately.
- Your blood.
- Ha. Very funny.
Human blood, it's just for fun.
Our blood is regenerative.
Yours is probably the best.
Don't touch me.
Don't worry. My mother wouldn't approve.
Here. Help me.
- [knock on door]
- Ay!
I'm sorry.
- It's going smoothly.
- [knocking continues]
- Ay!
- I'm sorry. I'll answer the door.
I'll be right back.
[Martha panting]
What the fuck is happening?
Help me. Quick. He's my son.
Help me.
I got a pulse. It's weak.
What is it?
- You have to take him to the hospital.
- No!
Ma'am, you have to go. I'm sorry.
I'll give you some compresses.
[woman] What's going on?
[Elise speaking indistinctly nearby]
[Andrea] Ladislas.
What is it?
Ladislas? He did that?
It's Ladislas.
I don't understand. Tell me.
- Doina.
- Doina?
He's got her.
I'll do my best.
But you have to go if it's too serious.
- What's his blood type?
- AB negative.
I'm sorry.
I Don't
Don't be afraid.
It's our food. We can't eat anything else.
I'm going to get Doina. I'll be back.
[dog barking nearby]
Hi there.
Don't move, big boy.
[dog whimpering]
[Csilla] Come in.
We'll get you something to wear.
No, thank you.
Doina, come in.
I'm not a torturer.
I'm on good terms with your family.
- Really?
- Except your mother.
Irina is honest, reliable
and Rad is crazy, but I like him.
And I should believe you?
Yes. Because it's the truth.
You have a lot of things to learn
about the truth.
About yourself.
What about myself?
You're unique. You're a miracle of nature.
You have our strengths
without our weaknesses.
You could be very important
for the Community.
The one that makes us live like tramps?
It's wrong.
Your life
It's your mother's choice.
She has cut ties with us.
She assaulted me.
You're lying.
She didn't tell you?
One day,
just before your birth,
your mother stormed in here.
[Martha] Where is Redouane?
[Csilla] Your father, Redouane,
had disappeared.
I wasn't guilty of anything.
She couldn't believe it.
- [Martha] Where is he?
- I don't know!
[Csilla] Since your father
spent time with us,
I was already guilty in her eyes.
I never did anything to your father.
Your mother was my friend.
For over 100 years.
To remove the smell of white spirit.
It belonged to Elsa.
I kept it for sentimental reasons.
You see?
It's useful.
Come sit down.
I miss her.
I'm so sad to be at odds with her.
But I respect her choice.
The most important thing
is to make your own choices.
I've made my choice.
I want to go back to school.
What do you know about our life?
Let me show you what it's like.
The night. The party.
People like you.
the Community will rally behind our Elder.
[banging on door]
Where is my daughter?
My daughter!
- [in English] It's fine.
- Let me go!
I was worried about you.
I want my daughter.
I understand why you hid her.
Your miraculous daughter.
I'm warning you. If you've done
anything to her, I'll kill you.
You have to learn to let your kids go.
It's important in a mother's life.
Great. You'll learn to let your son go.
He hangs out with the brutes.
He drank my son's blood.
It's not true. You're lying.
The Community will be the judge of that.
[Csilla] The Community?
I am the Community.
She's free, you know.
I'm not keeping her.
What did she say?
Did she threaten you?
You can tell me.
Why did she give you that? Unbelievable.
Was she your best friend?
What did she say? Huh?
Tell me.
You'll tell me things?
Our life sucks because of you.
Right. What do you want to know?
The truth would be a start.
We'll go home and we'll talk.
- No.
- Where are you going?
I've been called in.
By the shrink.
What do you mean?
At school, I've been called in.
I'm going with you.
Why am I tied up?
Safety measure.
Where is my mother?
- Where is she?
- She left.
You belong to the Community?
Which Community?
There are many like you?
I'm not like them.
Look at me, they've fed on me.
Please. Untie my arm. It hurts.
I'm not like them. I'm like you.
I'm normal. My father was normal.
I know.
You know my father?
What are you doing?
- [Moji] Doina?
- [Martha] Hi.
- What are you doing?
- [Martha] Is that a friend?
They're making fun of me.
- [Martha] Where is the principal?
- Walk straight ahead.
[Bibadeau] Sit down.
[Martha] Thank you.
Her life is quite different
from other students.
You're probably wise enough
to understand that.
I know that
she has missed classes.
She has been disrespectful.
Me, too.
It was disrespectful to refuse to see you.
Well, you're here today.
It's a start. A good start.
Here's how it goes.
We have launched
a disciplinary procedure
Put a hold on it.
Put a hold on it. Doina can do better.
I'd like to, but it's too late.
I want her to get her diploma.
She needs an ID.
It's the first time we've met.
I want her to tell me.
She doesn't trust me. She doesn't talk.
I'm hot. I just need to
I'm sorry.
It's so hot in here.
It's hot.
Let me.
- Thank you.
- Careful.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Here's what we can do.
Your counseling appointment
Your friend Nacer is here. You can go.
That's good. Go.
- Come with me.
- Go.
- Here.
- Go.
Like couples' therapy. Right?
- [woman] Come in.
- All right.
Good luck. Chin up.
- So
- Thank you.
I'm happy to see you.
I have a lot of questions.
The first one. You live in Belleville?
Yes. That's right.
What's your address?
You know, that's complicated.
[woman] So, what's going on with you two?
The vice-principal has mentioned
very strange things in chemistry class.
Tell me.
My friend has a problem.
I don't have any problem.
[Nacer] So, what's the matter?
[Doina] You can't understand.
Tell me.
Sometimes, when you look at me,
you scare me.
You say you're normal
but you have episodes.
You've bitten me twice.
Is that normal?
I can't talk about certain things.
[Nacer] You know what?
Fuck it. I'm leaving.
- Thank you, ma'am.
- Calm down, Nacer. Sit down.
No, thank you. I'll be fine.
[woman] Nacer!
Nacer, wait! I didn't say you could leave!
Thank you.
Iron and glucose.
It's to regenerate your red blood cells.
Your father used to say,
"Doctors fight against nature."
If we can extend the life of sick people,
let's extend healthy people's lives, too.
- That's your research? Extended life?
- I was working on cellular oxidation.
To make cells live longer.
And he burst in with his great ideas.
He involved me.
It wasn't legal?
No, but he was a good liar.
And his great ideas weren't just ideas.
What were they?
They were clinical observations.
At home.
Was he doing that on my mother? On us?
You were within reach.
He was able to take samples, to analyze.
And he was doing it without telling me.
Do you smoke?
I don't understand.
He was taking my mother's blood?
But why?
To find the secret of eternal youth.
And reproduce it in a lab.
Thanks to me. He couldn't do it alone.
To sell it at a good price.
Without me, of course.
That's why they killed him and not you.
[dog whimpering]
What's going on?
[Doina breathing heavily]
- Who was it?
- What?
He's not dead. I've been careful.
What did you do? I'm going to kill you.
Why did you do it?
You only think about yourself!
Why did you do it?
- [Martha] What's going on?
- Why did you do it?
What are you doing?
I'll kill her!
- Let me go!
- Enough!
Enough. Stop it!
She ate the dog!
[Martha] Let's calm down.
I found your brother.
[Irina] Where is he?
He's safe.
[Rad] He's safe? Where?
With someone I trust.
[chuckles] Stop it.
You're making me nervous.
- The brutes at the train station.
- What about them?
Ladislas Nemeth.
They drank his blood.
What? What did you say?
What did he do?
[Martha] They drank his blood.
Son of a bitch.
- Fucking dying breed.
- That's not true.
- Ladislas was with me.
- Why are you taking his side?
What's the deal with him?
He helped me.
The Nemeths help, then they eat us.
What the fuck?
And I'm the one who's going to fix this.
[Irina] What are you doing? Rad!
I'm going to kill these brutes.
[Irina] Shit. It's a war.
- It was already a war.
- [Irina] No, we were fine.
Until you asked for a fake ID.
[Irina] It's my fault now?
I can't believe it!
You've been ruining our lives for 20 years
with your fucking crusade
against the Community.
- And it's my fault?
- You don't know what you're talking about.
Doina, what are you doing? Stay here.
Hey! I'm talking to you!
Don't go past that door!
Come back here!
- Fucking family!
- [Martha] Doina!
[man] Sir!
[Rad] Fuck off.
Nobody messes with my family.
Subtitle translation by Jessica Mechouar
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