Veneno (2020) s01e03 Episode Script


- Thanks, handyboy.
- Here, Mrs. Romero.
I've told you a million times
to call me pepa, haven't I?
"Mrs." is for old coots.
Have you already fed all the animals?
- Not yet.
- Go on, then.
Catch. Here.
Hey, where have you been?
In the orchard.
You ask so many questions.
This kid needs to know everything.
Come on! Hurry up!
Tomas is here.
Hello. Did you miss me?
How are you?
He's pretty hot, right?
He's maribel's boyfriend.
I bought it this morning
from that strong lad
with the hairy chest at the shop.
He spilled some on himself,
and do you know what I said to him?
Kid, enough!
- He's gonna say it!
- Come on! Bring it!
- Come on! Tell us! Tell us!
- And then? Say it!
"I wish I were that wine
so I could run
down your sexy body, baby."
Not at the dinner table.
Come on.
Listen to your mother, huh?
And how long have you been here?
I mean, well, all of you,
how long have you been here?
Well, the whole summer.
Yeah, adela, tere, and Alfonso
are lifelong friends.
When we fled the village,
they let us spend the night here.
And look at us. We haven't left.
That's about right.
The shed was empty and not being used,
so I'd rather have it filled with youth
than have it collecting dust.
Don't you think?
Joselito, adela, and mari tere
are very helpful.
They're really good kids.
And we're very thankful
to Mr. and Mrs. Romero
for sharing their home with us.
You know, as a big happy family.
Well, cheers to this welcoming family.
- Yes.
- Of course.
- To the romeros!
- To the romeros!
- To the romeros!
- To the romeros!
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
For dancers, the mirrors
are a very important tool.
Same for the queen in snow white
and Alice in wonderland,
the girl who visited a magical place.
Often in these kinds of tales,
they go through the mirror
People are so desperate
getting in line just to appear on TV.
Not my thing.
I would do it.
So I could meet new people.
I'm telling you, these shows are only
for people desperate to fuck
or to be on TV.
We're gonna go for a walk, okay?
- Sure, my darling.
- Take a walk?
- Let's go.
- Yeah, right.
Let's take a look at this mirror.
- Beautiful, right?
- Plus?
That's right.
Hey. Maribel asked me
to give you this, so
Um, thanks.
You've got, uh
Let me.
Is it hard work here?
No, my favorite thing in the world
is taking care of animals.
I like them better than humans.
So can I have some?
- You want it?
- No, no.
- You sure? It's hot out.
- I'm good.
Well, take it easy.
Baby, you're so hot.
Stop. They're gonna hear us.
What's the matter?
Nobody's here.
I want to fuck you so bad.
Have you experienced any pain
or discomfort in the area?
No. All good.
All right. Then we're done here.
They look really nice,
but you take a look,
and let me know what you think.
Turn to your side.
You'll get a better look.
Aren't they too big?
Mom, please.
No, ma'am. They're just
the right size for her.
Looks good for her silhouette.
And perhaps now would be a good time
to talk about scheduling
your next surgery.
What next surgery?
Well, you know.
That one.
Yes. You know
The vaginoplasty.
I think the second week of next month
would be a good time to book it for.
The sooner we're done,
the better it will be.
Are you okay?
Are you happy?
Of course I am,
it's just that this woman
and her scheduling
That and
Oh, honey, but that's normal,
because she's a specialist,
and to her, these things are just
"These things"?
I meant to say these kind of procedures.
It's her procedure, mom.
She assumed that I want it.
No one gets to tell you
what you need to do.
You follow your own intuition.
Take all the time you need
to make your decision.
- Valeria.
- Hey, hi.
Hi, blanca.
My god, you are beautiful.
Oh, thanks.
I've read everything you sent me so far.
I love the part in marbella.
It's great.
And I don't want you to worry,
because we're definitely
going to meet the deadline.
Great! I'll still
go to paca's as much as I can.
Only thing is the story about Tomas.
It's captivating, but this
isn't a romantic comedy
I know, I know. Don't worry.
There's something there, I swear.
All right. Go on. Do it.
I want to read more stories.
Send them over the weekend, all right?
I've got to get to class.
So beautiful. Bye!
Thanks so much.
What a gorgeous pussy, girl!
- My god, beautiful!
- Nice job!
Ooh! It's modern pussy, right?
- Look!
- You are one lucky girl!
Very well designed and crafted.
- That's amazing!
- Wonderful!
I'd love to get a top-notch pussy
just like yours. Its too much.
You like it?
But it scares the shit out of me.
- And why is that?
- I'm afraid, because they say
you can't ever come and that
big, hard dicks may hurt you.
I don't know. It freaks me out.
I never went for it.
I'm a pioneer on pussy surgery!
Oi! A double meat burger!
With two chicken wings and
a nugget in the middle there.
It might look like a burger,
but at least I've got one.
You don't.
'Cause I didn't want to.
You may have one,
but you can't feel at all.
But, I mean, that orgasm thing,
so you really can't feel anything?
Of course you have orgasms.
- Don't listen to these old hags.
- What?
- Baby, let me tell you a story.
On my first night out
trying to have fun with my new pussy,
I was terribly nervous, all right?
But then I was approached by this hottie.
- Ooh.
- Well, I forgot
all about the nerves,
because four hours after that,
I was riding it like a proper bitch.
All of the sudden, we made eye contact,
and there were fireworks.
My god, like crazy.
The best orgasm of my life
without a doubt.
A nice cock must have been the
secret of your prince, my love.
Princess, baby. She was a woman.
She had one of those dildos.
- This huge!
- I knew it.
I always knew
you were a lesbian, my dear!
Trans and lesbian.
Variety is the spice of life.
- No lie!
- Of course.
That's normal. To be honest,
if I had a good piece of pussy
when I was dealing with tricks,
I know I would have felt
way more confident.
Listen, my love. It's like
a buffet at a restaurant.
All the options are there,
and you choose
which is the best one for you.
You have to ask yourself,
what is it that you truly want,
because a pussy doesn't make the woman.
Valeria, so do you want to get one,
- or do you not want to get one?
- Well
When I think about getting naked
- Then get rid of it, sweetie.
- Or not!
The most important thing is,
you'll never know
whether or not you like it
if you don't try it first.
Oh, god, no.
Valeria, honey,
dinner is ready. How much
longer are you going to be?
- What is that? Is that a chat?
- Mom, don't!
Don't what? I think its great.
This is what everyone's
doing nowadays. I know that.
- Mama, stop, okay?
- But it's it's natural.
There's there's
nothing wrong with a chat.
Well, take your time, okay?
No problem.
I can wait while you finish up
with your conversations
I'll just be in the kitchen keeping busy.
You want it open or closed?
All right, we left off with
Tomas and maribel having sex.
- Remember?
- Yeah, I do.
I-I have lots of memories from back then.
But you and Tomas saw each other again?
Yes, of course!
I spent years in the village
working as a hairdresser.
When it comes to styling,
I'm the best, hon.
Yes, of course.
I remember it clearly.
I was fabulous.
And my god, the jealousy, terrible!
When I grew up
both women and gay guys were all over me.
Oh, my! Baby, you're so hot!
I'd eat you raw, hon.
Truth is, I became a very hot guy.
Ah, jeez.
I hope he fucks me soon.
Come on! Hurry!
You're driving me nuts.
I really felt that I
finally found my place.
He was like my older brother.
Any gossip, my love?
- Conchi walked in today.
- Oh!
She said, "hey, joselito,
can you please tell me
if I'm going bald?"
And I said, "listen, conchi",
"here's what you gotta do, baby.
"Take a peek at your pubes.
"You count them one by one.
"If it's hairy down below,
then it's hairy up above, okay?"
She burst into laughter, that old bitch.
- You're a brute, joselito.
- No lie!
I love my conchi.
She's so funny and sweet.
Tomas and maribel are coming for dinner.
Well, that's nice.
- What?
- Ah, nothing.
- It's all good.
- Stop staring.
God, you are so weird.
I'll help you clear the table,
and then I'm going to head to bed, okay?
I'm exhausted.
Pepe, we're going to Carmen's, okay?
Well, all right, but not too late.
It's not safe at night, hmm?
You want me to give you a ride?
- Sure!
- Yeah, I'd rather not drive.
- Great. Let's head out.
- Let's go.
Joselito, wait.
I'm gonna grab a smoke.
Are you in?
It's a nice car, the one you've got, eh?
Yeah, well, the shutter business
does all right.
I've noticed, yeah.
Everyone needs to have solid shutters
to get a good nap.
Can I have some of that?
Have you seen your parents at all?
They came to see me in the spring,
- but haven't come back.
- Hmm.
And now? What's next?
You staying?
I don't know. I can't seem
to leave the nest like the rest of 'em.
And mari tere?
Such a lazy cow.
If she leaves before I do
I'd die.
It good?
Hey. You might not want to
Do hey.
Give me
Here. Here. Slow it down.
You're getting high?
Mm. The buzz is nice.
You're fun. You know that?
'Cause you got me high, asshole.
Yeah, must be that.
And very beautiful.
Well, if you visited me more often,
you wouldn't be so dazzled.
So what should I do about that?
Visit here more.
- Yeah?
- Mm-hmm.
Are you okay?
You sure?
I've never been better in my life.
- Good morning.
- Morning.
What's with that face, Alfonso?
Tell me who died.
So what did you do last night?
Nothing. I just went to sleep.
Don't mess with that.
I'm begging you, okay?
Don't give me that look.
Maribel is family,
and my parents
have treated you with love.
I know. I didn't do anything.
Look, joselito, you and me are faggots.
Tomas, he may be gay, and mari tere, too,
but that's not maribel's fault.
If you want sex,
I'll drive you to torremolinos
until you get tired of fucking,
but keep your business
out of our house, okay.
Write this down, vale.
It was my first appearance
at torremolinos.
Sa, sa, sa.
Leave them astonished and dazed.
I'll make my comeback in Madrid with this
- once I get fit.
- Fit, she says,
that crazy bitch.
You better rehearse.
You forgot the lyrics, you slut.
Baby, let me give you a tip.
When you say, "por favor,"
you turn around like this,
turn around bitch style,
moaning like, "ahh,"
and then flip your hair
like I showed you.
Valeria, put in the book
I taught her that.
- No lie!
- Holy dark pussy, girl!
When I'm all set, I'm going to Madrid
on ¿dónde estás corazón?
And leave you all
with your jaws on the floor.
There's no way
you're leaving to go to Madrid.
You're not leaving here
until you get better, my love.
What do you mean, "get better"?
Can't get any better than this!
Are you out of your mind?
Truth is, you have always been jealous.
Me jealous of you?
Jealous of your pubes, maybe.
Again with that bullshit.
Nobody is jealous of you.
Not in valencia,
but in Madrid, they all are!
It'll be even worse when the book's out,
- I'm telling you.
- You're bat-shit crazy.
Here's my answer.
Best regards.
You're so vulgar!
I'm gonna go take a shit now.
Gonna bake the same cake
as the one I threw
at that man at your house
in the eyes. See you later.
- You are so nasty and filthy.
- I'll be a while.
- How rude!
- That's no joke.
One of my clients came to my house,
and he had a crystal eye,
and she covered his face
with a huge turd.
Now just one thing.
You better not encourage
her idea of going back to Madrid.
She was very relaxed here with me
until this hurricane got her all excited.
- It's your fault!
- You're suffocating her.
- Give her some space.
- Sure! Easy for you to say
that I'm gonna let her go
with you crazy cunts, huh?
And then who pays for the funeral?
It's me, cutie.
- But, paca, when was
- Huh?
The last time you saw her this excited?
Paca, paca, I can't stop thinking.
Three hours cleaning up the shit
from those tiles.
It was everywhere.
I threw too much shit at that man's face.
That's gotta be in the book,
too, right, paca?
That was too heavy!
Really, you can't even imagine.
- It was so funny!
- I know.
Don't be so annoying.
Okay, but call me afterward.
Okay. I'll call you
right afterwards.
Girl, he's a total stranger.
I told you a million times.
We've been chatting
for two weeks. He's wonderful.
Let me judge if he's wonderful or not.
You're crazy. You know that?
Not crazy, just realistic.
Listen, I gotta go.
I just arrived.
Okay. Have fun.
- Fine. I'll talk to you later.
- Bye.
- I love you.
- I love you, too.
- Hi.
- Hi.
How are you?
I thought we were meeting at the bar.
Oh. Mm, I'm sorry.
I guess I misunderstood.
It's not that I
don't want to go to the bar.
It's okay.
We can go down there if you want to,
to the the bar.
Or we can hang out here.
There's a-a table here.
Want to come in?
She's crazy.
If there's a couple
hooking up at the club,
she steals their drinks
so we all get to drink
for free all night.
Want another one?
No. I'm good for now, thanks.
Little by little, okay?
I'm a little bit nervous.
I've never done this before.
Did I do something to upset you?
- I'm sorry if I did.
- No, no.
It's just that I'm not sure I want this.
Are you leaving?
I'm really sorry.
We could go get another drink at the bar
or just have another one here.
Back then,
I wasn't sure of what I wanted.
To find out,
you gotta try it all, Valeria.
And that's why, back in my day,
I burnt torremolinos down.
I want you to meet someone.
Here. This is the Italian guy
I met last week.
A wonderful person.
Oh, and this is la flamenca.
You should see the show that she puts on.
And you
No idea who you are.
My father yells, "what you
gonna do with your life?"
You know what?
I'm having that treat.
Eat him raw.
But no matter what I tried,
there was something missing
until she showed up.
Good evening, dear audience.
Tonight, like every Thursday,
we have the pleasure
to have a great diva.
- Who is she?
- I don't know.
paca the piranha!
Seems to me you're quite
interested in that fishy queen.
Paca, you were amazing tonight.
Hey, you!
Come here.
I want to tell you something.
You want an autograph?
You did it just like rocío, eh?
Well, you should give it a try,
you cute little Doe rabbit.
Sorry, this rabbit is not into that.
We're not like that, my love.
Why don't you mind
your own business, my love?
I recognize potential when I see it.
If you want to perform,
you know where I am,
Doe rabbit.
Look at that cocky little fish.
Unh. Stop staring.
Let's blow this joint.
It was summer, 1992.
That night, Tomas and maribel
paid us a visit.
But things were different.
My sister was acting weird.
Mr. Romero had passed away.
And Tomas
Well, he was different.
Mari tere
Are you trying to drown yourself
in that bottle?
Is it adela?
I have to tell you.
I'm auditioning
for viva El amor in Madrid.
Really? That's
the dating program, right?
Exactly. The prize
is a trip to Thailand, all expenses paid.
- Seriously?
- TV's not for you, mari.
You're as insipid as a saltless egg.
Shut up!
Well, I have some
We have something special
to share, right?
Why not?
This is quite an amusing dinner
we're having tonight, isn't it?
- Now?
- We got engaged!
- Oh, maribel!
- Congratulations!
Congratulations. Yay!
A toast for the enfianced, right?
Well, I have some news to share.
I'm going to audition with mari tere.
And what do you intend to do there?
Well, I'm gonna get myself a woman.
Oh, fucking hell.
Salmorejo was delicious, mom, fabulous.
Joselito, wait. Wait.
I wanted to tell you
before we announced it,
to hear it from me,
but I couldn't find the right moment.
I'm not offended or anything,
because I don't give a shit about it.
I locked myself in my room
and cried the whole night.
I've never cried like that in my life.
Poor thing.
After that, was it over with Tomas?
No way! Oof!
Trust me, this is
a never-ending love story.
So then he didn't marry maribel?
Yes, he did marry maribel,
but the whole time,
Tomas' one and only true love
was Cristina.
Are you sure he loved you,
or was he experimenting?
Was it just curiosity?
The truth is that, yes, some men
do use you to experiment.
I know that, but I never really cared.
You can't care.
Honestly, let me tell you,
I always got what I wanted.
I had all the guys
waiting in line for me,
and I tried absolutely
everything until I found myself,
and you should follow my example.
- Of course.
- If you want to fuck,
then you fuck whoever and
however you want, anything goes.
It's all just a matter of attitude.
You know, I even slept
with some women in my time.
- Oh!
- The girl from viva El amor.
- Now you're lying!
- Shut up, paca!
You're ruining my story!
On air in 5, 4
Thank you. Thank you so much.
Hello. How are you?
Welcome back.
Let's get to know
tonight's first candidate.
My name is charo.
I'm from Madrid,
and I'm here
because I'm very adventurous.
Well, now let's get to know the suitors
that are hoping
to find a love match tonight.
My name is José Antonio.
I'm from marbella,
and I'm a runway model.
How do you picture
the woman of your dreams?
I picture my match like olive in popeye.
I'm kidding.
I'm fine with a pretty body.
What would you do or say
if you discovered
you were dating a woman
who was inexperienced in love?
I'd take her to dinner
and have a really great meal,
and then I'd take her to the beach
and maybe have a little
So, charo, tell us
Who's the one?
So I choose
José Antonio.
José Antonio!
You're one lucky man!
Thank you so much for joining us tonight
and helping us find this match.
Let's wish our couple
a great trip to Thailand,
and we'll see you again next week.
Pleasure to have you.
Have a great journey, okay?
Goodbye, guys!
Thank you. Thank you.
Good night!
And we're out!
If you open up to life,
it'll show you things
you never could have imagined.
Thailand changed me forever.
Do you like it?
First let's turn the lights off, okay?
Turn them off?
Of course.
Darling, we're not having sex.
- Really?
- No, of course not.
But why not?
Not that I want to, but I thought
that everyone who went on that show
was either desperate to fuck
or to be on television.
You're so funny.
You crack me up.
It's why I chose you.
To be honest, I was sick
of Madrid and my stupid ex.
The TV show was my ticket out.
Get a trip to Thailand and let the city
and everyone in it fuck off for a while.
And I picked you,
because I know you're gay.
Huh. Such an astute girl.
And you?
Why did you go on the show?
It was pretty much out of spite.
Yeah. Fuck them all,
José Antonio. And lose the vest,
'cause we're hitting the town
and gonna party.
Tonight, Bangkok is ours.
Let's go.
- Wanna get a table?
- Yeah.
Welcome! Welcome, everyone!
We are glad to have all of you tonight.
You are now going to enjoy
one of the best shows here in Bangkok.
This is our favorite trans performer.
You are all gonna love her.
There she is, Kenya nonpoy!
Have you ever seen a woman like her?
- Never.
- I have.
Madrid is full of 'em.
I was so obsessed with Tomas.
I was unable to see beyond that.
I never thought I'd need to go that far
to find something inside of me.
But you'll see. Such is life.
By following my instincts,
I forgot about him and found myself,
and that is the best thing
that ever happened to me.
Oh, that was so good!
You are very, very talented, paca!
Thank you very much!
And now, straight
from the very heart of adra,
the new sensation of torremolinos.
Give it up for the Doe rabbit!
It's your turn, my love!
- You're so pretty, dear!
- Goddess!
Scene stealer! Hey, come on!
Do your thing, girl!
No one does it like you!
- Hot body!
- Beautiful!
Bravo! Hey, bravo!
- What a body!
- Oh, come on!
I'm in charge.
Follow my lead, and keep your hands off.
Tell me what to do.
Fuck me.
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