Veronika (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

The Man in the Dream

The remains belong to a woman,
The body's been buried
for at least four years.
What happened today
is just an escalation
of incidents involving Simon.
We want to suggest an evaluation.
The children need it.
If something doesn't happen,
I don't know
When I heard you found
some girl buried,
I thought it might be her.
She was scared.
-Of what?
What was the date when she left?
October 15, 2017.
-Do you know where Liv is?
Yeah, she's outside,
talking to some guy.
Oh, who?
I don't know.
You know you're driving Simon
tomorrow, right?
There's a pupil-free day.
They're both home from school
and Simon has that party.
That's right. Yes, I know.
You had forgotten.
-I'll make it work.
-No, I'll deal with it.
Hey, Veronika
we got an answer back from
the National Forensic Centre.
Well, we got a hit.
Mm. Love was right, it's Hanna
Hagman you found in the forest.
I don't understand how that family
could have missed
that their daughter
Yeah, we have to talk to them.
Go to them first,
then Alexander Östberg,
find out if he had a relationship
with Hanna, as Love claims.
Nassir, you go right away and notify
them. You can't go by yourself.
You need a partner
during the investigation.
I can't, Rasmus and I are going to
the Larssons,
-about the break in, I have to go.
-That's right
-Veronika, you don't have a lot on.
Um, yeah, or
You'll work with Nassir
on this case.
I have a fair bit to
Good, that's settled.
Hi. Is your mum or dad home?
My name is Nassir,
this is my colleague, Veronika.
We're from the police.
Could we come inside and talk?
We can talk here. What's this about?
It's about Hanna.
Hanna? Oh, what about her?
I'm really sorry, but unfortunately
Hanna has been found dead.
What? hang on She's dead?
Yes, we
We think she died
about 5 years ago.
What? Five years ago?
Can I ask
You never reported her missing,
why is that?
She wrote a letter that hang on.
Here, she
She wrote this.
She writes that she wants to leave,
that we should let her be and not
Not contact her.
And you did like she said.
Yes. She left her phone,
what were we supposed to do?
What happened to her?
Huh? Was she murdered?
It's probably best if we
get into details another time.
Do you still have her phone?
Hanna lived our here in the barn,
she often wanted to be alone.
This is her phone and some stuff.
Thank you.
We will examine
the contents of the box
and let you
know when we know more.
-What are you doing?
-The door locked.
There's no lock on that door.
We'll be in touch.
-Are you okay?
-What are you thinking about?
-What about her?
-I feel sorry for her.
Because she found
a dead body in the woods.
Yeah, I get that.
But listen, Mum is trained.
She's a police officer.
They're here.
You're going to a party. Hi.
Hi, Simon. Are you ready?
Thanks for giving Simon a lift.
Yes, of course.
I'll come get you
when the party is over.
-Great, have fun.
You can get in the car.
Hey, um
I heard it was Hanna Hagman
that Veronika found in the woods.
Wasn't she your student?
I don't think they've
confirmed the identity yet.
Right, that's just what I heard.
-See you.
Hi, Alexander Östberg?
-Um, yes.
-Hello, we're from the police,
my name is Nassir Hakim,
this is my colleague, Veronika Gren.
We need to ask you a few questions.
Okay, we're in a bit of a hurry,
we're going to my Mum,
she can't wait
to see little junior here.
Did you know Hanna Hagman?
Um, no, I didn't know her.
Because we've received testimony
that you did.
I wonder why they think you and her
had some kind of relationship,
about five years ago.
No idea.
You know how it is,
people know about me,
sometimes they pretend they know me.
It can be pretty unpleasant,
But do you know who she is?
I meet so many people through
the ice hockey, I don't keep track.
Mm. Okay.
I think I know who she is.
Isn't her mum the one
with that dilapidated farm?
Like, they have no money but they
still have like a hundred kids.
I think I know
what farm you're talking about.
But no more than that.
So you've never had
any kind of relationship
or contact with Hanna Hagman?
No. We need to go, but
-are we done here?
-Yes, thank you for your time.
-Thank you, have a nice day.
-You too.
Maybe I should
talk to Hanna's friends.
-I'll do that.
-Are you sure?
I'll send the phone away right now,
will you write the report?
Hi. Can I help you?
Yes, I'll have the daily lunch
special, please.
Yes, of course.
They said at the station that
you can get takeaway here.
-Of course.
-Hey there.
New in town?
-Yes, that's right.
-Yes, that's right.
Yes, that's right.
We'll see how long he stays.
What's your name?
The others at the station
usually keep a tab
and pay at the end of the month.
I'll pay now, thanks.
Maybe not very long.
I reckon.
-Hello, this is Tomas.
-Hi Tomas, it's Malin.
I think it's best
if you come get Simon.
There's been a bit of a fight
and I don't really know
Yeah, no worries. I'll come get him.
-Well, then
-I'll see you soon.
-Okay. Yes, bye.
You know something.
You know something about Oskar,
don't you?
He's appeared to you.
I can feel it.
-Yes, I have to contact him.
You don't understand, I have to
I have to see him.
If you could just
Come, let's go sit down.
I'm sorry if she
You know,
she can't move on.
This thing with Oskar,
she's stuck there.
I understand.
If you want to understand yourself
If you want to
change patterns or behaviour
that may not be sustainable,
or productive
That will need some work.
It will be hard.
But you being here today
is a big step.
When we face challenges
in our marriage,
we usually find
the answer within ourselves.
I believe there's a key
in these dreams.
And maybe even
in your earlier episodes.
What are you thinking?
Does anything happen within you
when you hear that?
It's as if you're carrying something
that's happened,
that you don't feel
fully finished with.
My dad died when I was six.
It was a workplace accident.
I was there.
Do you want to tell me more?
I don't remember much.
I don't even remember
what he looked like.
Do you remember what
kind of support you were offered?
I mean, what resources were used.
Do you remember
seeing a child psychiatrist?
You know, I'd like to try something
with you, if it feels okay?
Do you know what hypnosis is?
I understand
it sounds a bit strange.
But listen,
what you experienced as a child,
has affected you as an adult.
Who you are today.
If we can go back to an event,
which very likely
has shaped you significantly,
I think we can find the key there.
To be able to move on and work with
the blocks you experience today.
In your life, in your relationships.
I don't think that's for me.
The most important thing is that
you feel comfortable and safe
with everything we do here.
-Ann-Charlotte speaking.
-Hi, it's me.
Veronika? Hi.
Listen, I need to ask you something.
Mm, okay.
Did I see a psychologist
when I was little?
-Why are you bringing that up?
-Did I?
Is it that therapist you go to,
who's making you drag this up?
Can you answer the question?
Veronika, please, you have to
Never mind.
Jack, head.
That's good, Jack.
You have to keep the stream,
all the way.
Good, Liv, come on!
All the way, hold that stroke, Liv.
Well done, everyone.
Good job, in the end, Liv.
But I'm still unsure about
whether you're focused enough.
You know, this weekend, I need to be
sure everyone is 100% there for it.
You'll have to skip this one.
Like I said, you look really strong,
I mean the turns
could be a bit faster, but
Otherwise you just need to
keep working. Okay?
Hey, Pelle.
Listen, it's totally fine. Okay?
Hi, Liv. How was practice?
Are you okay?
What are you doing?
Can't I be alone for one second?
You can be alone all you want,
but don't slam the doors. Okay?
Can you pick up your towel?
Mum and I are not your servants.
Oh my god, I know that!
There, are you happy now?
Not that Mum ever cleans here,
she doesn't do anything at home.
And she's getting weird again,
am I the only one who sees that?
Simon, could you get me the
photographs? Thank you.
Are you packing again, Ninni?
Yeah, I'm going for a trip soon.
Maybe it's a good idea to leave some
things, until it's time.
Did I see someone to talk to,
when I was little?
Who would that have been?
Well, a psychologist
or therapist or something.
What would you have talked about?
About dad's accident.
-He hasn't been in an accident.
-Ninni, when he passed away.
Bengt wasn't in an accident.
I would know if he had.
Simon, I think Dad is done soon.
-I'll come by tomorrow, Ninni. Bye.
Mind the tempo.
Okay, good work today,
see you next week.
Mind the tempo, and look over the
lyrics of the last verse.
-Okay, yeah, thanks.
-Good work today.
Are you done?
How'd it go with Susanne?
Um, good.
I have to go past the station
to drop off my gun.
Will you get Simon? He's at Ninni's.
Yes, of course. I'll see you later.
-Hey, um
Something's up with Liv.
I know she's a teenager and all,
but it's like she's not herself.
And maybe we should just be a little
nicer to her.
to each other.
And also
You were right, I think we should
get Simon an evaluation.
-See you later.
So all three of you were friends?
You and Hanna?
Like, we weren't exactly friends,
but yes, we knew her.
Okay. Do you know if Hanna was in a
relationship before she disappeared?
What, do you mean Love?
If you ask me,
Hanna was a bit of a hoe.
She took what she could get.
When you say relationship,
I assume you mean
if she was with together with
someone and no, she wasn't.
Okay, no Alexander Östberg?
Funny. Yeah, you're funny.
If I were you, I'd look into Love.
Alex would never even have looked
at a girl like like Hanna.
But Love, you know
Well, he's a creep.
Show him what he sent you.
No, like, he's crazy.
And there are pictures too.
That's me.
You get it? He's crazy.
But we have to go.
My advice is to look into Love.
Thank you.
Is there anybody here?
DATE OF DEATH, 2019-03-06
Hey there.
I've spoken to Lollo and Gabriella.
They don't anything about Hanna
and Alexander having a relationship.
And they showed me pictures.
Pictures you took of Gabriella.
Love, that will have to wait,
I want you to answer the question.
I loved Hanna.
Since she disappeared,
I have no one.
No one who understands me,
no one who cares.
I'm not stupid, I get that they
were just messing with me.
But they sent nice messages and
You want to believe it so badly
that you don't care
that you make a fool of yourself.
I'm stuck here.
Like some fucking joke.
Where everybody sees me
as an outsider.
According to Alexander,
he's never met Hanna.
He's lying.
Mm. One of you is.
I'll be in touch.
Good morning.
I'd like to see my medical records.
No worries. What's your address?
Okay, do you have ID?
Can you look up October 15, 2017,
and March 6, 2019?
Okay. October 15
Patient arrives with suspected
panic attack.
Psychiatric observation.
March 6, 2019,
was I admitted then too?
-Can you check?
Cold, confused, hallucinations.
Thank you.
Have you had more dreams?
Do you want to tell me?
I'd like to just do it,
if that's okay.
Then we'll get started.
Start by just getting comfortable
in your chair.
And take some deep breaths.
When you feel ready,
close your eyes.
Breath in, breath out.
And let go.
All you have to do
is listen to my voice.
I will guide you, step by step.
If it's difficult
to close your eyes,
try looking at a point
on the floor in front of you.
Just focus on that point
and keep breathing
until it feels safe
to close your eyes again.
Relax your shoulders,
your jaw.
Breath into your belly.
And let go.
Breath in, breath out.
You can let your thoughts
wander where they want.
And direct your focus
on your breathing.
All you have to do
is to listen to my voice.
And when you hear my voice,
you know that you're safe.
When you hear my voice,
you know that you can relax.
We will soon travel back in memory.
When you hear me count to three
I want you to
go back to your childhood.
To a memory from your childhood.
Notice what you see
and what you hear.
Is it a place you recognise?
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