Vindication (2019) s01e03 Episode Script

Without a Trace

(soft chattering)
-So then Kate tells
Presely it was my fault,
and it made me so mad.
It was so dumb.
-It kind of was your fault.
-And how would you know?
-Because you always say things like that.
-Okay stop, you guys are annoying.
-He's butting into my business.
There is a stain on my pillow
and whoever did this is dead.
Hey we got that packet from the
(phone dial tone buzzing)
(mysterious music)
-What happened?
Where's dad?
-What are you working on?
-Missing persons report.
Man in his 40's.
His wife felt it was necessary
to print all the emails
that he has ever received.
And Bill decided that I
needed to read them all.
So here I am.
-What exactly are you trying to find?
-I do not know.
She hasn't heard from him in 48 hours.
There room was a mess, she's panicked.
And right now I guarantee
you that guys is out
with his side chick while I
am sitting here at midnight
reading his emails.
-His side chick?
-Yeah, yeah.
-Do you have one of those?
-No, I do not.
-Here, give me some to look through.
-Are you serious?
-Yeah, come on.
-Okay, have at it.
-What do you want me to find?
-Anything that would
explain why a father of two
would disappear without his car.
I mean, easy as that.
-Have you heard anything
from Katie lately?
-She asked if she could come home
and stay for a little while
and I said it would be fine.
She wanted to know if
you would be okay with it
and I said of course.
You know what?
This is boring.
-Hi, I'm Detective Travis.
I told your mom I'd stop by.
To be completely honest, it is very rare
for cognitive adults to simply disappear.
Unless they're wanting to disappear.
-Okay, well all I want
him to do is text or call.
He's never done this before.
And when I call it goes
straight to voicemail
and I'm just, I'm really worried
and I'm scared and I don't understand it.
-What about friends or family?
Has anybody heard from him?
-Well I called everybody
and I never even call, I text.
And I seriously called everyone.
-Did you call Uncle Bobby?
-Yeah, I called Aunt Rochelle and she said
she hasn't heard from him.
-Well what if he tried texting you?
Sometimes I text you
and you don't get them.
-For three days?
Other people have been texting me.
-What about the business
partners you mentioned?
-Well I emailed all the ones
I could find on his computer.
And he'll probably be upset with me.
I just, I'm so,
I really don't even know
what I am right now.
-That's fine, I know
how tough this can be.
Why don't you just tell me a
little bit about his business.
(slow music)
-Hey do we have anything next Tuesday?
-Next Tuesday, do we have
anything planned that night?
-Uh, I don't know.
I'm a little busy right now.
I'd have to check.
-Can you check?
I got a conference call that night.
I want everyone out of the house
so there's no distractions.
-Okay, well just do it during
the day when we're gone.
-I can't, company's in
a different time zone,
so it's gotta be at night.
-Okay, well were would
you like for us to go?
-Oh, I don't care.
You can go wherever you want.
Just don't spend any money.
-Ah, that sounds like fun.
What do you want the kids and I just to
drive around in circles
so you can have your call?
-This is an important call.
Do you not want me to take it?
-Oh, no no, I want you to have your call.
I hope your meeting goes
great, you know why?
Because I'm tired of sacrificing everything
that I want for your
little business fantasies.
-You're not the only one sacrificing here.
I'm trying, you know that.
-You know what, Jeff?
You know where I'd be right now.
I normally go to the gym on Tuesday nights
but I don't go anymore
because we can't afford it.
And when was the last time I
hung out with my girlfriends?
Huh, when was that?
-Just have them come over here.
-And do what?
Sit it our green hot tub?
Yeah, that's real appealing.
-Okay, take money out of savings.
Have it cleaned, it's fine with me.
-[Woman] Oh my goodness.
-Ladies, so Steven
finally finished putting in
that full sized basketball court.
So I told him it is my turn
to get some upgrades next.
Now I get to share all the neat things
he gets to do for me.
-We just finished the guest house.
I'm taking a break for a while.
It's so stressful.
-With Jason's soccer this summer,
I won't have time to do any projects.
His first two tournaments
are in Paris and Madrid.
So I have to spend half
the summer in Europe.
-Wow, Jeff and I we haven't really decided
what we're gonna do this summer.
Talked about somewhere
small in the Caribbean,
but it's really hard now with his company
and his schedule.
We just never know what it's gonna be, so.
-How's it going with his business?
-It's going really good.
Yeah, we got a call last week
and if they license the software
he'll be somewhere in the millions.
-Oh, that is fabulous.
-Yeah, but just between us.
-No, that's a blessing, you deserve it.
-Then it'll be your turn
to get some upgrades girl.
-Mommy makeover upgrades.
Brad loves it.
I'll get you Dr. Webster's info.
-Okay, well I'm sure Jeff
would go for that right now.
Emma, hey baby why don't
you get on your swimsuit
and come get in the water with us?
-Oh, honey at your age there is no way
that I'd be sitting at
home on a Saturday night.
Girl please.
-Is it true what you
said about dad's company?
-Well, could be.
-You said millions, but dad
said the deal fell through.
-Okay, don't come in
here calling me a liar
about something you know nothing about.
Got that?
-So is it true?
-You know what, I have an idea.
How about you not listen
to my conversations.
Go to bed.
(slow music)
We only had a couple months left in savings
and Jeff's meetings weren't going very well
and it was a really
tough time on all of us.
-Any of your friends, they call or come by
after Jeff went missing?
-I hate to ask this,
but have there been any fidelity
issues in your marriage?
-You know I'm your blessing.
-No, no not that I'm aware of.
Jeff would never do that to us.
I've never seen anything.
I've never worried about anything.
-It's a tough thing to consider
but nine times out of 10
in situations like this
-Sir no, if you knew Jeff
that's just not his character.
He wouldn't do that.
-They get on social media.
Old flings, they start talking.
One thing leads to another
-That's not why he's missing.
-Okay, I had to ask.
-Mom what about that time dad called
when we were coming home from cheer camp?
-I don't remember.
It was about business.
It was one of his deals.
-You remember what he said?
-I'm sorry, I got busy,
lost track of time.
-I didn't feel like I
learned anything new really.
And there was so much drama
in the bunks every night
that you know, I just focused
on being a light to them.
Tried to ignore all the stupid stuff.
-A light?
-Yeah, like a Christian light.
Matthew 5:16, let your light shine.
-Well that's good,
that's what you should do.
-It's not Christian to call people stupid.
-I didn't say anybody was stupid.
(phone ringing)
-[Jeff] Hey, where are you?
-I just picked up Emma.
We're on our way back now.
-[Jeff] All right, just got off the phone
with FinCo International.
-Is that the one in China?
-[Jeff] No, South America.
They're out, they said they're gonna
build it themselves internally.
-Well that's stupid.
-The thing is, with the access
we gave them to review it,
I think they may have copied it.
So now basically they're ripping us off
so they don't have to pay me.
-Well is there anything
you can do legally?
You know I told you this was
a bad idea to work with them
and you wouldn't listen to me.
-Well I can't end negotiations
based on your gut feelings.
But the good news is the beta
key we gave them will expire.
Without it most of the layers won't work.
It'll cost them a ton to
reverse engineer that piece.
-Well maybe next time you'll listen to me.
-[Jeff] I can tell you more
about it when you get home.
-No, I'm finished talking about.
Til you have some good news,
I don't wanna hear about
your software anymore.
-[Jeff] I thought you would wanna know.
-No, not unless it's good, bye.
-That wasn't very nice.
-Well if you had to hear about it all day
like I do, you'd do the same thing.
-I do hear about it all the time.
-Well I'm sick of hearing about stuff
that never leads anywhere.
That was probably your dad's last option.
-I told you I didn't have to do cheer
if we were low on money.
-No, my kids are not
gonna miss out on things
because their dad's a failure.
-What'd you say the name
of the company was again?
-FinCo, right?
-Yeah, that sounds right.
-Did he ever resolve that dispute?
That sounded like it could be serious.
-I didn't ask, we never
talked about it again.
(Spanish speaking)
-You need to tell me where is, now!
-Look guy, I told you.
I was not being a good wife.
I should have asked more questions
and I should have listened.
But if he comes home I promise you
I'm gonna listen to him for hours, promise.
-I'm sure he'll be back.
I'm sure it will be fine.
Look, I tell you want I'd like to do.
With your permission I'd
like to go into his office,
take his computer back to our lab
and have some basic forensics run on it.
-Sure his laptop's not here.
It's missing but I sent you all the emails
from our family computer.
-And I appreciate that.
Um, have a couple of our best guys
working on that right now.
-This is fascinating.
-Yes, it's like a
treasure hunt, I love it.
Amy's emails are in here too.
Look at this.
Two weeks ago an insurance
policy on Jeff was tripled.
But the confirmation message
was sent to Amy's address.
Jeff wasn't even copied on it.
Do you know what else was sent to her?
Bank notices.
That their account was overdrawn.
So people who don't have any money
decide to triple an insurance policy
on someone who just happens to go missing
a short time thereafter.
-Coincidence, maybe.
I was with her all morning,
and she told me nothing of the sort.
-Well then, maybe I
should give her a call.
-You're wanting me to deputize you?
Tell you what, I'm meeting
with her again tomorrow.
I'll ask her then, good work.
-Thank you.
(slow music)
-I don't know what I'm supposed to say.
What you want me to do right now.
And I will do anything that means
that my dad will come home.
I can't possibly say it any other way,
but I'm listening right now.
You just tell me what I'm supposed to do.
'Cause I need him.
I will never ask for anything again.
-Mom, what are you doing?
-Oh, your dad just had me renew
this silly life insurance policy.
Just thought I'd take a look at it.
-Why are all these clothes out?
-I just thought that I
would sell some of them
help your dad with his business.
I hadn't even worn half of these.
-Can we pray together?
-Your dad is fine.
Don't worry, we're all gonna
laugh about this one day.
-But what if he's not?
-Well we'll pray that he is.
-Um, mom said I could
come if I needed a place
so, I'm here.
-Yeah, yeah, we talked about that.
It's okay.
Can I take your bag?
-No, it's fine, I'm fine.
-Can I get you something to eat?
-No thank you.
-[Girl] I'm fine.
-I'm, I'm just gonna go
set my stuff in my room.
(phone buzzing)
I'm sitting.
(slow music)
-Mom, what's this?
(phone ringing)
-Hello, this is she.
-Mom, what is it?
-You okay?
-Oh yeah, thought you'd
like to know they found him.
-Oh, where was he?
-Beijing, China, got stuck in customs.
-He's alive?
-Oh yeah, oh yes he is.
-What's he doing there?
-Some big company wants
to license his software.
-I can make it to the airport, trust me.
Yep, no, I'm leaving now.
Okay, okay, so just go on, I'll be there.
-So he's in a rush to get on the plane.
He forgets to call his wife.
Supposedly leaves her a note.
She doesn't find it.
-Like now, who's gonna
upload the latest code base?
-And then he loses his
cell phone in route.
-There's four and five need to be
updated by tomorrow morning.
That if we can get the product piece locked
by the time I land.
-And all the while I'm here like a hamster
on a treadmill.
-Dad's coming home?
-He sure is.
-[Daughter] What was
wrong with his passport?
-I don't know but they said that
he's gonna be okay and he's
gonna call in a minute.
-I'm glad we prayed.
-Don't you ever do that to me.
I will kill you.
-What go overseas and
become a millionaire?
I don't think you have to
worry about that honey.
Too busy wasting my days
chasing after nothing.
-I don't think it was a waste.
What did his wife say?
-Come here.
-We were so worried.
-Just thinks it was a miracle.
-[Amy] I'm so glad you're home.
-Well, I'm sure for them it was.
Maybe in more ways than one.
(slow theme music)
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