Vividred Operation (2013) s01e03 Episode Script

True Strength

I'm late!
Gotta hurry! Gotta hurry! Gotta hurry!
Time for a shortcut!
What's wrong, Puppy?
I-In that case
I hope Onee-chan's all right.
Why couldn't she commute with us?
In the aftermath of the attack,
the newspapers are arriving on the island late.
She has to start her rounds later than usual.
It's our first day at our new school too.
I just hope she won't be late.
She transformed!
"Episode 3 - True Strength"
Sh-She's strong!
Keep this up, and we'll have our second
consecutive National Championship in the bag.
We're counting on you, Saegusa.
Of course.
I swear by the name of the
Tengen Rishin style school.
Regardless of who I face, I will not lose!
What is that?
Thank goodness.
I think I'm going to make it!
I got distracted
She dodged the Tengen Rishin One-Cut Strike.
What's the big idea?
You're no ordinary scoundrel, are you?
But this will be the final blow.
Tengen Rishin style hidden technique!
Mountain Splitting Blade!
Um It's nothing personal!
I lost.
I didn't even land one hit.
That scared me.
What are you doing, Isshiki-san?!
I suppose a complete media blackout would have been impossible.
"Giant UFO Attacks Blue Island"
Well, at least the public doesn't know about Akane and the young lady.
Thanks to that, all the credit went to the valor of the UN defense forces.
Valor won't defeat the Alone.
About these Alone
Based on our analysis, we've confirmed that they are running on energy drawn from the Incarnate Engine.
We're also certain the last one
was headed directly for the Engine.
Are they just trying to leech energy,
or do they want to destroy the Engine?
Either way, we can't afford to disable the Engine when it supplies 95% of the world's energy.
Professor, just what are the Alone?
If they come into contact with the Engine, what will happen?
Nobody knows the answer to that.
What I can say is that the incident seven years ago will pale in comparison.
How in the world did you end up in that body?
I don't believe you!
If this were the army, you'd be in
the detention barracks right now!
I'm sorry.
"Abide by one's principles"
Your existence is highly classified military information!
We must be sure that nobody finds out!
You are hereby forbidden from
commuting to school in your Palette Suit!
Um, I think someone saw me already.
Wh-Who saw you?
A-A really strong girl in kendo clothes.
That must have been Saegusa Wakaba-kun.
"Hard Work"
She's the representative for class 2-A—your new class.
Of all people
She's the captain of the girls' kendo team
and led them to victory in the previous Nationals, despite being a first-year at the time.
She's at the top of her class academically as well.
That girl is our school's pride and joy.
She was a fearsome opponent.
I have yet to meet anyone at
this school with that skill level.
Ah, she's here!
Our new teacher is here!
"Amagi Mizuha"
As you may be aware, I've been called in to be your new homeroom teacher.
My name is Amagi Mizuha.
I hope we'll have a good semester together.
Do you think it's because of the giant monster incident?
I've disgraced the name of the Tengen Rishin style.
Someday, I must
Also, we have two transfer students from Ōshima joining us today.
"Amagi Mizuha"
Come on in.
My name's Isshiki Akane.
"Amagi Mizuha"
I'm Futaba Aoi.
It's very nice to meet you all.
It's her!
The scoundrel from this morning!
All right. You two can take the open seats over there.
I-It's Saegusa-san
It has to be her.
She's staring daggers at me
"Amagi Mizuha"
She's still staring
What's this?
It's Himawari-chan.
Don't mind her.
N-Nice to meet you, Himawari-chan.
She looks just like that girl.
I'm glad we ended up in a fun class.
But Saegusa-san wouldn't stop looking at me. It made me feel uncomfortable.
That's quite the calorie intake.
You're no ordinary girl, that's for sure.
I don't believe I've introduced myself.
My name is Saegusa Wakaba.
I'm the heir to the Tengen Rishin style school.
N-Nice to meet you, Saegusa-san.
Isshiki Akane-san!
You were the scoundrel in red
from this morning, weren't you?
What might you be talking about?
Don't play dumb!
You caught me off guard this morning, that's all!
I didn't lose, you hear?
In the name of the Tengen Rishin style,
I challenge you!
No thank you!
She's chasing me!
The way she moves
There's no doubt!
Not too shabby, Isshiki Akane!
You two!
No running in the halls!
Ah, blast
Sensei, are you all right?
Let us help you.
You were a big help. Thank you.
Time to settle this!
What are you doing?
Perfect timing!
Distract Saegusa-san for me!
Hang on. Onee-chan!
I-I'm so sorry! Are you okay?
Oh no!
U-Um, I'm honestly fine
No you're not!
We need to put disinfectant on it!
So there you are.
It's terrible! Momo's
been kidnapped!
Are you okay? Does it hurt anywhere else?
No, I'm fine.
I'm really, really sorry!
When I get focused, I lose sight of my surroundings.
It's okay, really.
Are you from the elementary school?
I haven't seen you around.
I just transferred from Ōshima today.
Your school was destroyed, wasn't it?
That must have been tough.
It was.
But everyone here is so nice. I feel at home already!
If you ever need help, just ask me.
I'll be there for you!
You're just like Onee-chan.
It's nothing.
Your strap Is that popular in Ōshima?
This was a gift, from my sister.
What's your name?
Isshiki Momo.
Then you're Isshiki Akane-san's
y-younger sister.
Please! Pass this on to your sister this for me!
Tell her that I want to have a match with her!
It's imperative that I do!
Why do you want to have a match with her so badly?
The name of the Tengen Rishin style rests on my shoulders.
I cannot let this end in defeat!
Saegusa-san was serious.
I know.
She's a good person, too.
I know.
But if we fight, she'll find out about my transformation.
I guess we can't let that happen.
Onee-chan, don't squeeze!
"Tengen Rishin Style Saegusa Dojo"
You looked more serious than usual today.
I'm still nothing compared to what you're like, Dad.
That's not all.
Today, I was reminded that
I've still got a long way to go.
Dad, how can I become stronger?
First, you must learn what true strength is.
True strength?
Wakaba, you're very strong.
But winning all the time is not true strength.
A truly strong person is one who knows when and how to use their strength.
"Dauntless and Decisive"
Once you understand that,
you'll become stronger than ever.
What's wrong?
You think Saegusa-san's gonna chase me again today?
What's this?
Akane-chan! It's a love letter!
Nice going, Onee-chan!
Let's celebrate with hamburger steak tonight!
What a beautiful envelope!
It's so cute?
"Letter of Challenge"
What's this?
A-A letter of challenge?
Isshiki Akane-dono.
I challenge you to a showdown after school today, on the beach behind campus.
I will wait until you come.
Saegusa Wakaba of the Tengen Rishin style.
So you came.
Put those on.
No need.
You won't be wearing them either, will you?
Don't complain if you get hurt.
I know.
Disarming strike!
Oh no!
It's over!
That's not gonna work this time!
T-Two-sword style?
She's fast!
An aerial strike technique?
This girl is crazy.
Impressive, Isshiki Akane!
What is this feeling?
That's right. When I'd just started kendo as a child
this was how I felt.
I had forgotten.
I'm not done yet!
Fine by me!
What do we do?
This is getting dangerous. We should stop them.
Wait, Momo-chan.
Akane-chan is smiling.
This is fun, Wakaba-chan!
No matter who wins this match,
will you fight me again?
Of course! The two of us are—
Wh-What's happening?
Wh-What is that?
An Alone!
I'm sorry, Wakaba-chan.
We'll have to put our match on hold.
Hurry up and run!
What are you saying? You have to run too!
I have to go.
Go? Where?
I can't afford to lose, either.
You can't afford
Saegusa-san, take care of Momo!
Isshiki-san! You too, Futaba-san?
Let's go, Aoi-chan!
She can't afford to lose?
But there's no way they can beat that!
They will.
For everyone's sake, they'll win!
For everyone
A truly strong person is one who knows when and how to use their strength.
I see.
This is
true strength!
That's right!
If they have the power of friendship on their side, those girls can't lose!
Please excuse him. He's our grandfather.
Naked Impact!
I-I'm fine!
Momo! Saegusa-san!
Are you hurt?
Are you two all right?
Yeesh, that was too close.
What are you doing here?
Let me fight with you!
I want to protect everyone too!
May I?
Of course!
That's your key!
My key?
Here we go! Operation start!
Texture on!
I'm flying!
Wakaba-chan, let's go!
It transformed?!
If that's the way it's gonna be
Time to dock!
Okay, Akane-chan!
Operation Vividgreen!
Vividgreen Operation!
Vivid Blade, safety off!
Actuator activated!
Output: 140%!
Engine critical! 200%!
Vivid Blade!
Final Operation!
Thank goodness.
I guess you're our newest teammate, Wakaba-chan.
I know my sister can be a handful, but please take care of her.
S-So cute.
No, it's nothing!
Aw shucks, you'll make me blush.
She wasn't talking about you, Grandpa.
She wasn't?
You're cute too.
Aoi-chan, you're so sweet!
"To be continued"
Shinomiya Himawari.
Doesn't matter if you forget it though.
I don't go to school anyway.
But those girls
"Episode 4 - Promise"
Next episode:
You said you'd come back, liar
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