Wakefield (2021) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

You alright?
hum this tune forever, oh ♪
Whoa! Did you see that?
See there's water, running water.
Polar molecules.
H2O for the uneducated.
You want to have a go?
A rock. A rock.
Superman lives on a rock.
Yeah. That's right. Krypton.
Kryptonite in flight. He's probably
got schizophrenia himself.
Right on the edge of consciousness.
Now, uh OK.
You want one that's smooth and flat.
Well, that rock's got a tree on it,
like a rock man, like the rock man,
like he's swinging
from the branches.
I'm not Colin.
Not Colin.
Sorry. Mr Invisible.
You have a turn.
Turn? Tony's turn
on the third of the third, '33.
Your brother's not coming today,
Riddles and rhymes
fuck with their minds. (LAUGHS)
I've even got a pet possum
in my suitcase.
It sucks, I know,
but we're down here now
and we're gonna hang out.
See how many skips you can get.
Now, low and long.
Low in the flow, on with the show.
OK. Well, that happens.
It takes a bit of practice.
But you'll get the hang of it.
Been here a few times
because of karma.
Watch this.
Here we go.
Five skips!
You're my witness.
What have you got there?
(GASPS) Oh, it's gorgeous!
Oh, I love all the glittery bits.
Tony. (LAUGHS)
Alright. Not you again, eh?
You arc up again and I swear
Righto. Be a rude prick, then.
COLLETTE: It's like he's a new man.
What did you do?
Got him to take his mind
off his brother, Tony.
I wish Tony wouldn't
make promises he can't keep.
Anyway, thank you.
'Cause, you know, this week,
he's been a little bit of a handful.
So it's
Um got something
I want to show you.
Yep? What?
Oh, shit! You missed it.
Missed what?
I got five skips in a row.
Oh, I'm happy for you.
Seriously, it was a thing of beauty.
Yeah, I'm sure it was.
It's not the seven I got
on that Colo River trip,
but if it's
YOUR personal best, then
Hey, well
..any time you want to meet me
down at the creek,
you want to sort it out
once and for all.
I'm fine.
Oh, yeah?
Was there anything else
that you needed or
Uh no.
Well right.
She really has crashed.
I reckon someone needs
to ride the lightning.
Oh, isn't your critical incident
review about to begin in a minute?
You should get going.
Waste of time.
Do you think it would help
to try and see it as an opportunity?
Well, no, 'cause it's not!
It could be a good chance
to give feedback to management.
Mmm. Could also be a chance
for Linda to stick the knife in.
I just I really don't think that's
what it's about. It's a process!
It's a shit fight.
Don't listen to him. You'll be fine.
Oh, but take this.
For strength and stability.
Feeling confident, then? (LAUGHS)
No, I am. It's just, with the
with the trunk up, it's good luck.
I'm sure we all agree
that the care of our clients
is central to our mission here.
NIK: Yep.
Now, we've interviewed the client
witnesses, and your colleagues,
just to try and get a clear and
accurate picture of what happened.
Um, so this incident did result
in a significant injury, um,
and a visit
to the emergency department,
uh, and treatment
for a displaced humerus
and distended
glenohumeral ligaments.
Otherwise known
as a dislocated shoulder.
She's pinballed right off him,
like, right into the walls,
like a pyew!
TREVOR: He fuckin' smashed her!
Nah, she had it coming, but.
So good! (LAUGHS)
MAN: Our job now, Nik,
is to understand and review
the events that led to the incident.
I think I covered everything
pretty well in my statement.
Well, the point is
to identify the problem
SONG: Come on, Eileen ♪
..and contributing factors
..so that similar incidents
don't happen again.
Let's break the incident down
into stages.
There weren't really stages.
It it all happened in 30 seconds.
Got full-on pretty quick.
I I mean,
I tried to calm shit down, but
COLLETTE: Tessa's physically
..imposing and prone to
..externalising her anger.
There's adaptive
and maladaptive anger, and, um
..I'm afraid that Tessa's
is quite maladaptive.
OK - well, there were concerns
that, um, hospital protocol
wasn't being followed.
Nik's an excellent nurse.
Best frontline staff member,
I have to be honest.
..protocol's not his strong suit.
I'm good with protocol
when it's helping the patients.
You were off ward
at the time of the incident.
Did you sign out?
SONG: Come on, Eileen ♪
I told two of my colleagues
and I wasn't gone that long.
I could see a situation brewing.
I thought I had the staff in place
to deal with it,
then I discovered he wasn't there.
Oh, Eileen ♪
On your return, are you confident
that your assessment
of the situation, uh, was accurate?
I'm confident Tessa wanted
to rip Linda's head off.
Yeah. Yeah, yeah, I am.
Are you comfortable with
the amount of force that was used?
I didn't use force.
The client's dislocated shoulder
might indicate otherwise.
I didn't use force.
I put myself between a heavy patient
in motion and my boss.
I'm not here to criticise
Nik's actions. He defended me.
If anyone's to blame,
it's probably me.
SONG: Oh, Eileen ♪
LINDA: Nik's impulse
is to jump in boots and all.
Call it a hero complex.
Call it what you like.
I'm the nursing unit manager.
And I should have seen this coming.
We have information that your
approach is somewhat unorthodox.
I do what my patients need me to do.
WOMAN: There is a fine line between
instinctive and irresponsible.
I am not irresponsible.
I did my job.
That's it.
OK. Well, I think
that's enough information to go on.
Thank you.
Um, in the meantime, uh, your nurse
unit manager, uh, Linda Crowley,
uh, has suggested
that all Ward C staff
should, uh, do a retraining course
in control and restraint.
Which we think would be
an excellent idea.
Yes, a good team-building exercise.
Too-ra-loo-ra, too-ra-loo-rye, aye
And we can sing
just like our fathers ♪
Yeah, are you lot
trying to screw me over or what?
I'm supposed to be getting
out of here. I've heard nothing!
You only just got the OK to go.
Yeah, that tribunal was days ago.
And I'm still waitin'!
It is in train, mate. I'm sorry.
Never mind about bloody trains.
I've gotta get outta here.
I got gigs to do.
Am I speaking English here?
There's a hungry public
waiting for my music
while you try
and get your act together!
I'll chase it up for ya.
Yeah, how long's it take
to shuffle a few bits of paper?
You know.
It's all you lot do around here.
You should be good at it!
TREVOR: Seamen.
Fuck, man!
I never noticed it before.
OK, good on ya.
OK, just move along.
I've got work to do.
But people must invite you
to heaps of shit.
You know, just so they can ask
if you're gonna come.
Come. OK.
You know, most people can spell,
so when they read the A in Seamen,
they think that's a guy on the ship.
Yeah, but it sounds the same, man.
And if they can't spell,
they figure it out
usually from this, don't they?
Oh, you must have copped
heaps of shit at school.
No, I didn't, thank you very much.
What? An anchor?
Yes, an anchor, 'cause I come
from a line of seamen. Seafarers.
Come on.
You're late for your session.
No, I'm not.
Anxiety management. Off you go.
MAN: It's a rotten place.
The staff are terrible. (LAUGHS)
How'd you go?
She's definitely coming for me.
Linda? Coming for you?
I know she's not
the easiest person to work with,
but she's not out to get you,
is she?
..all the patients here love you.
WE love you.
Yeah, tell me you're not gonna
pull the pin on going for a job.
You know, the system's set up
to work against us.
Yeah, but, Nik, if you get the job,
then you can change that.
I want to help people. I just
shouldn't have to fight to do it.
Tony. Tony. Tony.
Fuckin' joke! Get out of the way!
Bags not.
Oh, he lost his rock.
You're not made of glass, you moron!
Tony! Tony!
TREVOR: Oh, just go on. Piss off.
Tony! Tony.
Just give him the big jab,
why don't ya?
Step aside, mate.
No-one can see the TV.
Tony. Tony, Tony, stone. Stone.
Yes. Um um
Do you think you and Pete
could cover me?
Yeah. I mean, apart from him,
it's been pretty quiet all day.
Great. Thanks.
Stone flying, dying.
He's got him on his knees
and crying.
Calm down for me, OK?
I'll get you another one.
Oh, and I can report that Tessa
..Tessa hasn't
left her room yet today.
Right. Wow.
Well, but that means that she
didn't attend her mindfulness class.
Where are you off to
in such a hurry?
Um, I'm on a break.
Oh, yes. And Seffa
finally had a bowel movement.
Which means that we should see
easing to his agitation,
uh, this afternoon.
Thanks, Cath.
Looks like you had quite a break.
I know it's not the same.
But it's got the blue there
like the other one.
And it glitters in the light.
Too too-ra
..loo-rye, aye ♪
You get the feeling
we've been here before?
If they pair me up with Troy again,
I swear I'm gonna neck myself.
Took me a week to get the BO stench
out of my shirt.
He stinks! He reeks!
It's not right.
Here they are. Alright.
Let's get this roll marked off
so we can get stuck into it, eh?
BOTH: Fuck.
Alright. So, how do nonviolent
crisis intervention techniques work?
By engaging with the client before
the situation gets out of hand.
Now, sometimes that's
Where's Linda?
..easier said than done.
Where's Collette?
But it's on us to
..to keep our cool
and maintain level heads.
Now, if things do escalate
..it's important that we can
secure the distressed person
without imposing any pain or injury.
Hm. Don't know why I haven't
thought of that before.
"I don't know. What do we do?"
Key take-out of this being
that even if we do have to
put our hands on a client,
we're always calm and in control.
You know what I'm saying, Nik?
I think you're saying
that dislocating a patient's shoulder
is a less-than-desirable outcome.
And I think that you think that
this is all a waste of your time.
Relearning what I already know?
Yeah, you could say
it's a waste of my time.
Mmm. Management think otherwise.
Maybe they're more concerned
that getting sued
is a less-than-desirable outcome.
Oh, not a fan of the system, eh?
Yeah. Oh, OK.
If you don't like it, change it.
There's the door.
Be the change.
Right. Yeah. Go on.
Go on, then, fight for it.
Get your hands off me.
Fight. Come on. Ah!
Come on.
Fuck off!
See? Lot easier to piss and moan
than to have a crack, isn't it?
Who's next? Troy, Pete?
Shirts off. Hit the mats.
See you were too busy
to come yesterday.
Good morning to you too.
I thought the retraining session
was supposed to be for everyone.
If you ever find yourself
in a leadership role,
you'll learn that events have a habit
of overtaking the best-laid plans.
Still not quite sure
what the problem was.
Let's just say you're
going to get a call later today
confirming the CIR's
been resolved in your favour.
MAN: Oh, I love nurses.
Yeah, my mum was a nurse.
Hard workers.
Actually, I'm a nursing unit manager.
Ah. Which hospital?
What, the nuthouse
up in the mountains?
Ha! Oh, I'm allowed to say that
because I've been in one.
Yeah. I mean, all behind me now,
though. Yeah. (LAUGHS)
Not much difference between the
staff and patients in those places.
Oh, except where you're concerned,
of course.
Thought that's what you meant.
Saved myself there, didn't I?
Only just.
MAN: Can't believe you grew up
in Mildura. (POURS WINE)
I lived there for 10 years.
And you actually like board games?
I'm an addict.
Yeah, we got a lot in common so far.
Yeah, and not just things we like.
Things we hate.
Sport. Cats.
Eugh! Disgusting things.
..what's a nice guy like you
doing still on his own?
Oh, look, it's just
the way things worked out.
I was engaged once.
Uh, but my mum was diagnosed
with motor neurone disease
and, uh, I wasn't gonna have her in
some institution, so I moved home.
Is that right?
Yeah. (SIGHS)
But my fiancee
Well, you're not gonna believe th
Sorry. (LAUGHS)
Yeah, go on. Yep.
I was just gonna say, my fiancee
wasn't really cut out for it.
Yeah. Not exactly the caring type.
She left?
Yeah. Fair enough.
I mean, she wanted to marry me,
not my invalid mother.
Anyway, Mum held on for 15 years.
Yeah, she only passed away
earlier this year.
So, my days
of being a bloody saint
..are officially over. (LAUGHS)
God, I dreamt about that for years.
You know, what I'd do once she
I always thought I'd go
and live somewhere exotic, you know?
Like Paris. Have you been to Paris?
I haven't.
Oh, incredible place.
Just ama
Sorry. Here's me jabbering on.
Um, you were gonna say?
I've, um
Poof! (LAUGHS)
Completely gone out of my head.
Shall we?
Uh, yeah.
MAN: She has so much pain.
Sofija, my wife. This is her name.
Oh. It's beautiful, isn't it?
She's stopped e-eating now.
Ice-cream is the only thing.
She loves the ice-cream.
So I I go I go to the market,
and when I come out, that's
the first time I see see it.
My windscreen is completely smashed.
Glass everywhere,
on the bonnet, on the seat.
Then the police, and they tell me
someone was thinking that I'm trying
to take someone else's parking spot.
But I didn't see anyone.
I did honk, and I was waiting there
in plain sight
..with my blinker on.
Linda, I'm going to stop you there.
I'm sorry, but he just walked away.
Well, I I didn't hear you.
I think you're forgetting that the
purpose of this part of the process
is that
Petrov express his feelings
about the attack on his car.
There are feelings on both sides.
I am sure, and we will get to that.
But right now,
we're focusing on Petrov.
How about you tell us
what you've heard from him so far?
From what I can make out,
he was shopping
You can address Petrov directly.
He's right here.
..your wife, was it?
And there was something
about her being a pain.
I didn't say Sofija's a pain.
I-I-I said she is IN pain.
Linda, I would counsel you
to be very mindful
about what brought us
all here today.
LINDA: I really can't afford this.
And I certainly can't afford it
to go to court.
It's going to court.
You can expect
a good behaviour bond and a fine.
I'm in the middle
of applying for my own job,
job I've been doing very well, and
..going to court
wouldn't help my cause.
Is there nothing else we can do?
Because, I mean
..without that extra money,
it's not just me who'd be affected.
Well, we could apply
for a section 10,
which would allow the court
to find you guilty
with no conviction recorded.
We'd have to demonstrate the
financial hardship that may result.
It will result.
And, uh, request
a restorative justice conciliation,
uh, where you look to negotiate
some kind of payment plan.
But the mediator and the victim
have to be satisfied
that you understand
the impact of what you've done
and be convinced
of the depth of your remorse.
If you want to go this way, we'll
need some character references
That's fine.
..and a support person
to accompany you.
Oh, I can manage, thanks.
I don't need a support person.
It's a prerequisite -
um, someone who knows you
who can speak
to your good character.
COLLETTE: A friend put me on to it.
Talk about life-saving.
I don't know what I did
before kombucha.
You can really feel the
just hunting down
the free radicals, you know?
You're right. This tea is amazing.
Thought you'd like it.
Now, as for the probiotics,
well, I've never been more regular.
The colour of my stools,
their consistency.
Sounds like a must-try. But look.
There's something else
I wanted to have a quiet word about.
A personal favour I'd like to ask.
A tyre iron?
Of course,
it's completely out of character.
Just a moment of madness.
Every day is hard.
It must be so difficult.
And now now, Sofija,
they say
they can't do anything anymore.
So the doctors,
they just don't care!
You poor things.
I-I try to help her.
I-I try to make her life
as comfortable, uh, uh, as possible.
So so I I go out and
you know, that's what I I see.
The car, smashed glass everywhere.
Yes. You've said that.
WOMAN: Please.
Petrov, go on.
But I I think to myself, uh,
"Is it an accident?
"A a a crash?"
No, someone must do this.
Who who would do
something like this?
Some kind of animal!
Getting personal
isn't gonna help anyone.
It is personal. My wife is dying.
I've never met your wife.
I'm sure she's lovely, though.
WOMAN: Linda.
You've stopped me from helping her.
I-I I had to go back
and she didn't know where I was.
And her ice-cream is is melt.
COLLETTE: Oh, Petrov.
Here you go.
(SOBS) Thank you.
Right now would be a good time
for a little break.
LINDA: Yeah.
It's it's it's melt.
Poor old Petrov.
He's such an old sweetie.
That was a nasty little dig he made
about the medical profession.
I'm not sure he meant it that way.
He's just just having
a bit of a hard time.
He's certainly Maria's favourite.
She's not playing favourites,
is she?
Probably right.
It's just me.
I don't
..find it easy to trust people.
That's a big one for all of us.
Wish more people were like you.
Don't say things like that.
You'll make me cry.
You've got a kindness
most people can't touch, Collette.
Well, tell my kids that.
Sometimes it seems like
I'm the enemy.
Us single mums
got to stick together, huh?
Just have to hope this
..Maria signs off on this
or I'll have to go to court,
and if that happens
..I really don't know what I'll do.
Don't listen to me.
I shouldn't have said that.
We'll muddle through.
I think you should say something.
Petrov's got a sick wife.
Why don't you mention Beth?
Because it's not relevant.
Well, I actually think
it IS relevant.
I disagree.
You are under a lot of pressure.
No. No.
I won't.
The first thing I should say is
..thank you for agreeing to this.
I'm sorry about your wife.
I don't know if you know this, but
..Collette and I are nurses.
It's a job I care very deeply about.
She really does.
I'm telling you this
because on the day of the
I was under quite a lot of pressure,
partly because I'm currently being
forced to reapply for my own job.
But wait. Wait. Wait a minute.
You you were shopping.
What has it got to do with your job?
I was at the supermarket
because it was a colleague's birthday
and no-one had thought
to organise a cake for her.
I didn't really have the time,
so when you took
the spot I was waiting for
He said he didn't see you.
Or hear the horn.
I understand.
I was in my head too. (SIGHS)
I didn't get much sleep
the night before.
That happens a lot, actually.
..when you accidentally
took my disabled spot, I saw red,
But I should never have behaved
like that. There's no excuse.
It's not strictly true.
But you you you're not disabled.
Why why do you
why do you need the spot?
She has a disabled daughter
..who has severe spina bifida.
You need to tell them.
Beth is a part of this.
No, she's not.
You are under so much strain
all of the time.
You're taking care of her
by yourself.
She's my daughter.
She's not an excuse.
I lashed out.
Beth's not part of this.
You OK?
Thank you.
Did she like it?
Excuse me?
The cake. The girl at work.
Did did she like it?
You know,
it was a very nice thing to do,
giving her the the birthday.
I didn't mean
to make things worse for you.
Looks to me like
we've all come quite a ways today.
Thank you, Petrov.
Well, it's been
a bit of a funny way to meet,
but it has been so nice.
You take care of yourself, yeah?
And Sofija.
Well, we can't have anyone left out.
Oh, oh, oh, I almost forgot.
One last thing.
..the payment plan for Petrov's car.
See? If you let people in,
good things can happen.
Was good of you to be here.
Oh, don't be silly.
I knew I'd be safe coming to you
..I know you won't
breathe a word of this to anyone.
God, no, of course not.
If we get a move on, we can
still make the retraining session.
I was thinking
we could grab a coffee.
..I'd love that.
I'll take an extra-hot latte
with one.
Oh, we're not gonna be too late!
We should get in there.
Be right in.
Nikhil! No running in the kitchen!
WOMAN: Come on, Eileen
Come on, Eileen
Oh, I swear
At this moment
You mean everything ♪
I'm out the back.
How was the critical incident thing?
I see Dad's been in your ear.
Oh, he's excited.
Thinking maybe his son's
not a loser after all.
I mean, I tried
to manage his expectations, but
..he insists on believing
you're capable of more.
Do you think it's gonna
screw up your promotion?
I haven't got the job yet.
So how'd you go? Did you find it?
I'm on it, OK?
I know it's in a wooden box.
I find the box, find the ring.
Shit, Nik. This is
supposed to be my wedding ring.
I said, I'm looking for it.
Could be cursed, though, you know.
Don't say that.
I think it'll be good luck.
And it's the only thing
we've got left from India.
..not the only thing.
I found this.
Do you think our family
will ever feel right again?
You know, uh, whole?
WOMAN: Help! Get me out of here!
Tried bloody Linda. Not answering.
Only rosters two of us on
for this whole joint.
Got three patients
under special obs
RAFF: G-Gen. Please. Gen. Gen.
GENEVIEVE: I don't want to be here!
Gen, stop hitting your head.
Gen, stop. Stop.
Shut the fuck up!
Hey, hey. Tessa, ease up, OK?
Hey, I'll sort it.
Get them out of here.
If I was a dog, you would shoot me!
Babe, your head, OK? Just let the
Get away!
NIK: Genevieve.
You have to give me something!
You gotta make this stop!
We'll get you something to help
when you let us look at that cut
and that bloody nose.
What brought this on?
She just started remembering all
the stuff that she's that she did.
Why didn't you stop me?!
I tried, Gen.
Hey. Hey. You've got to cut yourself
some slack. You weren't well.
But everybody knows what I did,
all of them out there.
Who cares?
No, I do!
I care!
Why do you stay with me?
'Cause I love ya.
What is wrong with you?
You are pathetic!
Pathetic! Get away!
Hey, hey, hey! Hey! No!
Don't do that.
I can't stand this anymore.
I know. I know.
And we're gonna help you.
She's never been this bad.
She yeah.
She says things, does things.
She doesn't mean them.
She's suffering, I know.
But that doesn't mean
she gets to treat you that way.
JESHNA: Get him to stop!
FATHER: Leave the boy alone, Jeshna.
He's just practising.
JESHNA: Stop it! Stop it!
Stop that noise!
Stop it! Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop! Stop! Jeshna! Stop!
No! Stop! Please!
Don't do that. Please.
RAFF: Shock therapy?
KAREENA: It's not uncommon.
Oh, God.
It's OK. Babe.
I can't believe
you're even suggesting
This part of Genevieve's cycle
is treatment-resistant.
RAFF: Well, increase the drugs.
Try a different one.
This is what I'm saying -
I've increased her meds
as much as she can tolerate.
ECT is the best treatment we have.
It's barbaric.
No, mate. It's not.
It's safe, it's painless
and it's incredibly effective.
RAFF: She's not having it.
NIK: We're not talking about
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest here.
The treatment's moved
way beyond that.
RAFF: She said no.
No, I didn't.
I just don't know
..what it is or what it does.
NIK: We can take you through it all.
Gen, I know that you're scared,
but this is the fastest way I know
to make you feel better.
Please let me help you.
Still here?
..I didn't have a chance
to have dinner.
I'm starving.
There's something I want to ask you,
and there's no easy way to do it,
so I-I'm just going to ask.
Is there any chance
you've still got my mum's ring?
I just thought it could have
ended up in your stuff when we, uh
I didn't think so.
Uh but Reni wants it
as her wedding ring.
I can't find it. So
Well, I don't I don't have it.
If you could have a look?
Yeah. Of course.
I can do that. Yeah.
It's fine.
Wasn't ALL bad, was it?
No, it wasn't.
'Night. Goodnight.
Pages turning
Lights are burning
See what you could not see
It's plain as the day
The night makes you pay
For what was hidden underneath
Longing to leave
but begging to feel
That something will make you stay
Gotta believe that this all leads
To somewhere we've never been
We won't run
We can fight
All that keeps us up at night
There is far to go now
Let's not waste a minute more
In denial ♪
Don't worry. I'll stay with her.
NIK: Hey.
Went well.
I'm outta here.
Alright. Well good luck, hey?
I don't need any luck.
I just need the jokers out there
to get off my back!
Uh, Zelco?
You need a hand, Zelco?
Yeah, I I need youse guys to mark
the exits on this joint properly.
'Cause what are you gonna do
if there's a fire?
You're right.
Um I'll get some more signs.
Um, in the meantime, your exit,
down the hall, turn right.
Troy'll let you out.
Wake up to yourselves!
Thanks for the feedback.
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